Chapter 10 Health Promotion of The Infant and Family

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- Growth is rapid appears and may be
Weight: a protective response
- Doubles at 6 months to fall
- Triples at 1 year Visual preference
- 1.5 lb weight gain per month - At 6 months infants
- Infants who are breastfeed responds to facial
beyond 4-6 months gain less expressions →
weight than those who are separation anxiety
formula fed begins to occur
Height: Auditory Acuity
- At 1 year there should be a - Tear gland functions
50% increased at 4 weeks
- 1st six months there should
be a 1 inch or 2.5 cm MATURATION OF SYSTEMS
increase 1. Respiratory
- Increase should occur on the - Abdominal breathers
trunk Factors that predispose the
Head: infants to respiratory problems:
- 0.75 inch (2cm) increase per ● Close proximity of the
month trachea to bronchi
- Sagigital & lambdoidal ● Small airways
sutures meet (6-8 weeks) ● Inability to produce IgA
- Coronal, frontal & sagittal ● Volume of dead space is
suture meet (12-18 months) large → infants breaths twice
Nervous System: as fast as adults
- Primitive reflexes replaced by 2. Cardiovascular
voluntary and purposeful - Sinus Arrhythmia
movements - Systolic pressure ↑ during
Chest: first 2 months
- End of 1st year chest - Diastolic pressure ↓ during
circumference should equal first 3 months
the head circumference - Fetal Hemoglobin causes
Sensory Movement: shortened survival of RBC –
- Binocular fixation/binocularity Physiologic Anemia &
well established at 4 months; depresses production of
lack of binocular vision → erythropoietin
strabismus → permanent - Maternal Iron Store is
blindness necessary for formation of
Depth Perception/Stereopsis: Hgb
- Begin to developed
by age 7-9 months
3. Digestive ❖ Locomotion
- Immature at birth - Involve acquiring ability to
- Prone to dehydration, fluid bear weight, propel forward
and electrolyte imbalance, & on all four extremities, stand
malabsorption upright with support, and
- Drooling is common because walk alone
of the in coordinated - 11 months: Cruise, walking
swallowing reflex while holding onto furniture
- Ptyalin/Amylase in small with both hands
- Lipase is also limited PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Trust
- Gastric Digestion consist vs Mistrust
primarily of the action of HCI - Food intake is the most important
and Rennin social activity at first 3 months
- Digestion takes place in the - Delayed gratification → mistrust
duodenum - Tactile stimulation is very important
- Stomach is more enlarged in the process of acquiring trust
- At birth the size of a marble - Biting occurs to bring relief from
after 10 days about the size teething discomfort
of a pingpong - Pacifiers has negative effects on the
- Esophageal Valve: is baby
4. Immunologic System Preoperational (Sensorimotor)
- Immunoglobulins are - Reflex behaviors → simple repetitive
insufficient acts → imitative activity
- Have high proportion of ECF - Three Crucial Activities: Separation,
- Has a maternal supply of Object Permanence, and Symbol or
immunoglobulin G Mental Representation


- Includes the use of hands and - Factors that can influence social
fingers in the prehension of objects development:
- Grasping occurs as a reflex at 2-3 1. Reflex Behavior
months and occurs voluntary at 5 2. Attachment
months - Reactive Attachment Disorder is a
- Plamar → Pincer → Crude Pincer → psychologic and developmental
Neat Pincer problem that stems from
- At 6 months can hold bottle maladaptive or absent attachment
- 7 months can able transfer form one between infant and parent
hand to another - Separation Anxiety (4-8 months)
- 10 months: Pincer Grasp - Stranger Anxiety (6-8 months)


- Includes development maturation in - Crying is the first language
posture, head balance, sitting, - 5-6 weeks: small throaty sounds
creeping, standing, and walking - 8 months: able to imitate sounds
- First to develop is head control - 9 months: can comprehend meaning
- Crawl → Creep of NO and obeys simple commands
- Includes the child’s personal - Should wean after second 6
responses to the months of life
- Area most influenced by 5. Teething
external stimuli - Lower Central Incisors are
- Social smile: 6-8 weeks the first to erupt (6-8
- Interest in environment is months)
more evident in 3 months Interventions for pain that
- Second half of infancy can is due to Inflammation:
understand simple discipline ➢ Frozen teething ring
- Play is solitary ➢ Baby Ora-Jel
- Media is not encouraged for ➢ Acetaminophen,
18 months and younger Ibuprofen
- Temperament is a behavior ➢ Aspirin is
style. May have a biologic CONTRAINDICATED
influence, but mostly ➢ Do NOT give hard
environmental candy


1. Separation and Stranger Anxiety 1. Nutrition
- Encourage parents to have - Breastmilk: most desirable
close friends or relatives visit - Biggest threat to successful
often breastfeeding is Maternal
- Infants need opportunities to Fatigue
safely experience strangers - Iron supplement for infants
4-6 months due to decreased
2. Limit Setting and Discipline maternal iron
- Begin with a negative voice - Vitamin D and Vitamin B12
and stern eye contact (Cobalamin): if mother’s
- Time Out intake of these vitamins is
- Shaken Baby Syndrome, a inadequate
fussy or irritable infant is a - Cobalamin is important for
potential victim of this maintaining nerve cells & it
traumatic brain injury helps in the production of
- Spoiled Child Syndrome, DNA & RNA
excessive self-centered and - Tap water may cause LEAD
immature behavior POISONING
- Cow’s Whole Milk is not
3. Thumbsucking recommended because it
- If it persist for 4-6 years it has high renal solute load
may developed - Amount of formula per day
malocclusion, which is a should not exceed 960mL or
condition in which the upper 32 ounces
and lower teeth are - Excessive intake of water in
abnormally related infants → WATER
Selection and introduction of SAFETY PROMOTION AND INJURY
➔ New foods should be 1. Falls
introduced once at a time - Leading cause of neonatal
with 4-7 days interval injuries
➔ Infant Cereal is the first to be - Commonly associated with
introduced furnitures
➔ Fruit juices should not be
given in large amounts 2. Motor Vehicle Accident
Weaning - Major factor is lack of proper
➔ Giving up one method of child restraint
feeding to another - Rear-facing car seat
➔ Breast → Bottle → Cup minimizes stress on the neck
➔ Leading cause of death HEALTH PROBLEMS OF INFANTS

Cereals → Vegetables → Fruits → Egg NUTRITIONAL DISTURBANCES

(yolk - white) → Meats (chicken should be 1. Vitamin D Deficiency
last) → Fruits (rich in Vitamin C) - Rickets, defective
mineralization or calcification
2. Sleep and Activity of bones before epiphyseal
- 15 hrs of sleep closure

3. Dental Health 2. Folic Acid Deficiency

- Initially wipe teeth and gums - Neural tube defects
with damp cloth
- Fluoride should not be given 3. Hypervitaminosis
in excess because it can - Too large amounts of
cause fluorosis vitamins A & D
- Do not coat pacifiers with
- Coating pacifiers with honey (PEM)
can cause Botulism, a rare 1. Kwashiorkor
but potentially fatal illness - Deficient CHON
caused by a toxin, produced - thin , wasted extremity,
by the bacteria Clostridium prominent abdomen
Botulinum 2. Marasmus
Infant Botulism - CHON & Calorie Deficiency
- also known as Floppy Baby - Child appears old
Syndrome 3. Food Sensitivity
- Characterized by - Due to allergens
constipation, lethargy, - Onset: 5-30 minutes after
difficulty feeding ingestion
- Avoid foods with - May be mistaken as an
concentrated sugar (sucrose) asthma attack
- Do NOT allow Candy Pacifier - Medication: Epinephrine
because it can be aspirated
4. Cow’s Milk Allergy - Sign of developmental
- Onset: 45 mins to several immaturity and it subsides as
days after ingestion the baby grows older
- Casein Hydrolysate Milk 3. Autism
Formula & Neocate (Amino - Mental condition,
Acid Base Formula) may be characterized by difficulty in
given communicating and forming
5. Lactose Intolerance relationships
- Due to absence of the
enzyme lactase Infants with Autism may:
➔ Does not smile often
FEEDING DIFFICULTIES ➔ Rarely imitate expression
1. Regurgitation & Spitting Up ➔ Delayed babbling
- d/t GERD ➔ Does not respond to his/her
- Complications include name
excoriation of the corners of ➔ Poor eye contact
the mouth, chin, and neck ➔ Unusual body movements
2. Colic (Paroxysmal Abdominal
Pain) Children or Adults with Autism
- Cramping Spectrum Disorder (ASD):
- Potential Causes: too rapid ➔ Not point at objects to show
feeding, overeating, improper interest
feeding technique, & parental ➔ Not point at object when
smoking another person points at
3. Failure to Thrive them
- Sign of inadequate growth d/t ➔ Have trouble relating to
inability to obtain and/use others
calories required for growth ➔ Have trouble understanding
- A weight that falls below the other people
fifth percentile for child’s age ➔ Don't play “pretend” games
➔ Repetitive behaviors
DISORDERS OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN ➔ Have a trouble adapting
1. SIDS when a routine changes
- Sudden Infant Death ➔ Have unusual reactions to
Syndrome the way things smell, look,
- Unexplained death, usually taste, feel, or sound
during sleep
- Sometimes known as crib
- Although the cause is
unknown, it appears that it
may be associated with
abnormalities in the portion
of an infant’s brain
2. Apnea of Infancy
- Unexplained episode of
cessation of breathing for 20
seconds or longer or shorter

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