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KD 3.1 & 4.1

Satuan Pendidikan : SMPS Katolik Wolowaru

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII/I
Materi/Pokok Bahasan : Asking for and giving Attention, Checking for understanding, Showing
Appreciation, and Asking for and giving opinion

Task 1
Answer this question based on the dialogue below!
Fayyadh : Hi Fatimah, How are you
Fatimah : Hello, Fayyadh, I’m fine. And you?
Fayyadh : I’m okay, thank you. Where are going Fatimah?
Fatimah : I’m going to pick up my mother.
Fayyadh : Is that your new bicycle, Fatimah? What a nice
bicycle it is!
Fatimah : Yes, it is. Thanks Fayyadh.
Fayyadh : You’re welcome.

1. How many persons are there in the dialogue? Who are they?
2. Where will Fatimah go?
3. How does she go?
4. What is the expression used to give appreciation/compliment in the dialogue?
5. What is the response use to respond the appreciation/compliment?

Task 2
Make a short dialogue with your friends about asking for ang giving opinion or checking for understanding!
KD 3.2 & 4.2

Sub Materi Can dan Can’t (Capability/Ability)

I. Complete the blanks with can or can’t!

1. The old lady is weak. She walk fast

2. The boy swim very well.

3. Birds fly in the air

4. Shidqi stand on the floor by himself

5. The black car overtake the white one. It’s


6. The baby reach the frying pan

7. The girl draw nice pictures

8. The girrafe reach the tree’s leaf

9. The deer escape from the tiger

10. The boy the guitar very well.

KD 3.3 & 4.3

A. Fillin the blanks with “should” or “must”!

1. Ita is sick now. She take a rest at home.
2. Anto will go to Batang by his motorcycle. He wears a helmet.
3. It’s Monday. The students put on their complete uniforms to have a flag
4. Dodi is getting a diarrhea. He not eat hot of sweet food.
5. We go to dentist if we have toothache?
6. The students not smoke at school.
7. We pray 5 prayers on time as a muslim.
8. You bring umbrella because the sky is cloudy.
9. we have a driving lisence when driving a car.
10. We give money to beggars.

B. Make a suggestion or obligation based on the situation given!

11. Arina is having a stomachache.
12 Berto is going to ride a motorcycle on the road.
13. Some students don’t put on their caps when having a flag ceremony.
14. People catch the thief at night.
15. The deadline of the school assignment is today at 8 a.m.

C. Read the dialogue and answer the questions!

Tono : What’s going on with you, Tini?
Tini : I get a toothache. It really hurts me.
Tono : You should check it to the nearby dentist.
Tini : No, I’m afraid the dentist will pull out my tooth.
Tono : Trust me, everything will be okay. It hurts for a while. If you don’t pull
out your tooth, it will hurt you for longer time.
Tini : You’re right. I’ll try to see the dentist. Thanks for your suggestion, Tono.
Tono : You’re welcome.

16. Who gets a toothache?

17. What does Tono suggest to Tini?
18. Does Tini agree with Tono’s suggestion at first?
19. Is tini afraid to see the nearby dentist?
20. Why should Tini go to dentist soon?
KD 3.5 & 4.5

Exercise 1. Pay attention to the following greeting cards, read it carefully and do the excercise 2

Picture 1



Your Children

Picture 2

Dear Patty,
You are growing old each day, but today is special. This is your 15th birthday! I wish
you a merry life. Please accept my gift. I knew you want it since last year. Love you
so much.
With love, John

Picture 3
Congratulation on your success in winning the badminton competition this year, Roni. It was
a tough competition. We are so proud of you. We knew you would make it. We wish you the
best always.

Picture 4

Picture 5.

Dear Martha,
I’m writing to express my condolence for your grandma’s passing by. Hopefully, she will get
the peaceful place and may you have your patience & better, in your life in the near future.

Yours, Frany

Exercise 2. Match the pictures above with the words provided on the right side in the provided table.

Cocokan gambar di atas dengan kata-kata yang ada di sebelah kanan pada tabel yang tersedia berikut

Picture 1 To show condolence

Picture 2 To wish happy new year

Picture 3 To congratulate someone

Picture 4 To say happy birthday

Picture 5 say happy valentine’s day

Please aswer it to the table below!

Picture 1 .................................................................................

Picture 2 .................................................................................

Picture 3 .................................................................................

Picture 4 .................................................................................

Picture 5 .................................................................................
Excercise 3. Now, fill the blank table below based on the greeting cards in picture above.
Isilah tabel yang kosong berikut ini berdasarkan teks greeting cards pada gambar di atas

Types of greeting Expression used Special quotes Prayer Sender Receiver

cards /wish

Picture ........................... ................... ......................... ............. .......... .............

2 ........................... .................. ........................... ............. .......... ..........
........................... .................... ........................... ............. .......... ..........
........................... ........................... ............. .......... ..........
Picture ........................... ................... ....................... ............. ........... .............
3 ........................... .................. ........................... ............. .......... ..........
........................... .................... ........................... ............. .......... ..........
........................... ........................... ........................... ............. .......... ..........
Picture ........................... ................... ....................... ............. .......... .............
4 ........................... .................. ........................... ............. .......... ..........
........................... ........................... ........................... ............. .......... ..........
........................... .......................... ........................... ............. .......... ..........
Picture ........................... ................... ....................... ............. ......... ............
5 ........................... .................. ........................... ............. .......... ..........
........................... .................... ........................... ............. .......... ..........
........................... ........................... ........................... ............. .......... ..........
........................... ........................... ........................... ............. .......... ..........
KD 3.4 & 4.4
(Invitation, Instruction, Permission)

A. Match the incomplete dialogue with the expressions provided!

Harjo : You look so (1) , Dik? What’s happening?
Dika : Yeah, I have no idea of how to (2) this idle time. Do you have
any idea?
Harjo : (3) . He has a (4) .
We can kill the time by fishing over there.
Dika : Ahaa.. (5) . Let’s go there now! Harjo
: Okay. Don’t worry I’ll ride you there with my bicycle.
a. Why don’t we go to Irfan’s house d. spend
b. Bored e. That’s be a good idea
c. fish pond

B. Give instruction(imperative sentence) or prohibition based on the situation given!

6. The classroom is very dirty.
7. This room is hot.
8. The baby is still sleeping
9. Nobody is allowed to smoke in this AC room.
10. You look so tired after working all day.
C. Read the following dialogue and answer the questions!
Didik : Are you okay, Farah? Farah
: Yeah, I’m fine.
Didik : You look so nervous. What’s going on?
Farah : I forget to bring my dictionary, Dik.
May I borrow yours?

Didik : Of course. I bring two dictionaries. So I can lend you one.

Farah : It’s very kind of you, Dik.
Didik : Don’t mention it!

11. Why does Farah look nervous?

12. How many dictionaries does Didik have?
13. Mention the expression of permission used in the dialogue above!
14. Mention the response of permission used in the dialogue!
15. What is the character of Didik based on the dialogue?
KD 3.6 & 4.6

Simple Present/Habits

I. Fill in the blanks with correct form of simple present tense!

Hello, my name (1) (be) Fayyadh Shidqi. I (2) (live) in Wonosegoro Village. My father (3)
(be) a teacher, Mr. Mustofa. He (4) (teach) English at MTs Walisongo Tulis. My mother, Mrs. Trumiasih is a
housewife. She

(5) (manage) the house jobs. She (6) (be) a diligent woman. On holidays, We usually (7) (go) to nice
places to have sightseeing together. We (8) (not have) a car so we go by our motorcycles. It (9) (not
take) a long time to arrive the destination. We (10) (be) happy to do it. What a happy family!

II. Pay attention to the dialogue below and answer the questions!

Shidi : What time do you usually go to school, Zahra?

Zahra : Well, I usually go to school at half past six. I’m afraid to be late. Shidqi : Good! How do you go to school?

Zahra : I go to school on foot.

Shidqi : Really? You will be tired then.

Zahra : No, it makes me healthy. The school is near my house. Shidqi : I ride my bicycle to school. Will you go
with me?

Zahra : Thanks, Shidqi, but I prefer walking.

1. What does Zahra do?

2. Who is Shidqi?

3. When does she go to school?

4. Why does she go to school early?

5. How does she go to school?

6. Is the school far from her house?

7. I’m afraid to be late. The underlined word is synonymous with...

8. It makes me healthy. The underlined word refers to ...

9. Does Zahra accept Shidqi’s offer to go to school together?

10. I ride my bicycle to school. The underlined word can be replaced with ...
KD 3.11 & 4.11

Bacalah teks monolog di bawah ini lalu Jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaannya.

Winning a Drawing Competition

Last month was the unforgettable experience I’ve ever got. I was the first winner of a
drawing competition.
I have loved drawing since I was 3 years old. I practiced so hard before the competition. My
parents were really nice and supportive. They prepared healthy food for me. They also gave
me the motivation to believe in myself. Besides, they also helped me to practice and gave
positive comments.
I love drawing and I want to be a great artist one day.

1. What is the writer’s unforgettable experience?

2. When did the writer start to love drawing?

3. Mention the supports given from the writer’s parents!


4. Now the writer is 14 years old. How long has the writer loved drawing?

5. Why did the writer tell us this story?

KD 3.7 & 4.7

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