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PETHE SARANG S. 10189157 MADAN LAL 10189167 VIPIN Y. 10189121 KRATI S. 10189171 ABHILASH N. 10189036

The bottled water industry in India is currently valued at more than $ 1.5 billion. The bottled water industry is growing at rate of 18% CAGR and has attracted many players including Pepsi and Coca Cola. The pioneer of the industry Parle Bisleri has grown over the years and maintained its top position. The bottled water industry consists of organized and unorganized players. There are about 2000 unorganized players which operate locally. The industry is dynamic and the companies operates in hypercompetitive environment. The strategic analysis of company like Parle Bisleri becomes very important in this situation. In the present report we have done strategic analysis of Parle Bisleri. We have used different models for analysis purpose. We tried to analyze the different strategies adopted over the years, the strategy development and have evaluated those strategies considering the external environment and core competencies. We have found that the company has gained sustainable competitive advantage through its brand, logistics and marketing. The company however faces threat from its competitors as it is single product company. The company has adopted expansion strategy to increase the reach and achieve operational efficiencies. We have made certain recommendation based on this analysis. We recommend that the company should strengthen its distribution network, form alliances and joint venture, acquire small players and adopt related diversification.

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 4 PESTLE Analysis .................................................................................................................... 4 Porters model .......................................................................................................................... 5 Core Competency .................................................................................................................... 6 MARKET SIZE & SHARE ..................................................................................................... 6 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 7 STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS ...................................................................................................... 8 EXTENDED VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS................................................................................ 9 Primary activities: ................................................................................................................. 10 Supporting activities: ............................................................................................................. 12 CORPORATE LEVEL STRATEGY ........................................................................................ 13 CURRENT BUSINESS STRATEGY ....................................................................................... 15 Year 1969 to 2000: ................................................................................................................ 16 Year 2001 to 2010: ................................................................................................................ 16 STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT AT BISLERI ......................................................................... 18 FUNCTIONAL STRATEGIES................................................................................................. 20 Organizational structure ........................................................................................................ 20 Marketing strategy................................................................................................................. 21 Funding strategy .................................................................................................................... 22 EVALUATION OF STRATEGY ADOPTED .......................................................................... 23 Suitability .............................................................................................................................. 23 Feasibility ............................................................................................................................. 24 RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................................ 25 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 26 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 27 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................. 29

The global bottled water industry consists of selling of flavored as well as unflavored water. With regards to Indian context there is sale of only unflavored water. The bottled water segment is rapidly growing which has a total market size of more than $ 1.5 billion. The market is mainly controlled by the organized sector with over 500 brands existing in the market. A growth in the sector has been viewed mainly because of the health conscious people, improper water supply and the unpredictable municipal water supply. With a high growth rate and low entry barriers has attracted many players in this segment. The market operates in lower margins, the price increases when the cost of packaging and transportation increases the major players in the market are trying to establish themselves in bulk water business through brand equity, whereas the unorganized players are resisting them by using differentiation strategy. Parle acquired Bisleri from an Italian entrepreneur Mr. Felice Bisleri in 1967. The company established its first plant in Mumbai in the same year. The company was the first player in the bottled water industry and so it has gained first mover advantage. The company has undergone changes over the years. There was a strategic shift in the direction of the company over the years. We have selected Parle Bisleri for the analysis purpose mainly because, it is important to study how a company with a single product brand has maintained its market position? We have gained insights about the strategic decisions taken by the company over the years, which have enabled it to gain sustainable competitive advantage.

PESTLE Analysis
There are various factors affecting the Indian bottled water industry, the government policies regarding the quality of packaged water are very stringent and all the companies have to adhere to the BIS standards. The low cost in set up and the availability of cheap players has exerted a pull of many small and big players in the market. There is a constant pressure on the bottled water companies on the quality of product and the packaging. The technological advances in purification processes help in enhancing and maintaining quality of water. There is no industrial licensing policy present currently which attracts many players to enter in this industry. The low entry barrier in this segment affects the major players of the market. There has been a price ceiling imposed by the government in this market segment due to which price war is not possible in this industry. The scarcity of safe drinking water in many areas creates opportunity for the

players to cater to this growing demand. There have been instances of protest against the bottled water companies against the pricing strategy and over the depletion of scarce resources. The industry has considerable growth prospect in newer areas and the macro environmental factors present attract new players.

Porters model
The bottled water industry is a part of beverage industry which comes under the fast moving consumer goods. When taking about the porters five forces model with respect to the bottled industry in India. Threat of Entry: since the entry barrier is low, making it easy to enter the bottled water market. As per the product differentiation the threat of new entrants is high. But in a broader prospective it is moderate. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: the bargaining power is low here as the municipal water system, bottles and plastic cap, label printer filtration and deionization equipment, plastic grains and etc. The large availability of suppliers leads to less bargaining power. Bargaining power of Buyer: the bottled water industry is categorized as an oligopoly. The number of producers is less due to which the bargaining power of the buyer becomes less. The bargaining power depends on the price, availability and the product. Substitute products: since bottled water is categorized under the beverage industry hence, the degree of substitutability is medium as the coffee, tea, juice and soft drinks acts as a substitute to water. The availability of substitute affects the price and the market. The availability of substitute provides the option to customer and hence he can switch from one product to other. Rivalry: the degree of rivalry affects the price, quality, profit and revenue in an industry. The market is almost on saturation state, and the industry refers the oligopoly competition so there is a high competition to increase the market share. The intensity of rivalry is low as there is limited player and the product is not price sensitive.

Core Competency
The brand of Bisleri itself is the core competency for Bisleri. The seal of Bisleri bottles help the consumers clear their doubts on the purity of water. The company maintains the physical and financial resources very efficiently and effectively. These resources when combined helps in maintain and retaining customers expectations to achieve the targets of the company. The intellectual capital of the brand plays a major role as the bottle seal of Bisleri is patented. Bisleri has a very strong distribution network, which makes it reach out to almost all the region in the country, company has about 350000 outlets across the country. The company worked on its dualdistribution strategy to gain competitive advantage.


The bottled water industry is expected to grow at 18% CAGR in the year 2010. The sale of bottled water industry is expected to reach at 6466.8 million liters translating to market worth of more than $ 1.5 billion. The off trade value of the sales has increased by 25% in 2009. There were no significant products launched during last year. The average price per unit has increased by 4% in the off-trade business in 2009 ("Bottled water- India," 2009). The market consists of organized as well as unorganized players. The organized players consist of brands like Bisleri, Kinley, Aquafina, Oxyrich, Himalaya, etc. Parle Bisleri has continued to be the market leader with a market share of 38.5%. The bottled water industry in India still consists of still bottled water. The carbonated and flavored water has very niche segment and there were negligible sales in 2009. There are large numbers of unorganized players and most of them are involved in selling by means of tampering with seals of organized players product. The market share of different companies in bottled water industry is shown in appendix

The parameters are taken to differentiate Bisleri from its competitors. Bisleri acquires 38.5% of market share whereas Kinley has a market share of 21% only and Aquafina covers only 14% of the total market share of the bottling water. Kinley has a cost price of manufacturing a bottle up to Rs 12.25 and it sells the bottles for Rs. 14/15 which gives it a profit margin of Rs 1.75/2.75. Whereas, Bisleri has a profit margin of Rs 2 as its cost price is Rs 10 and the selling price is Rs 12. Aquafina on the other hand earns a profit margin of Rs 2 with cost price as Rs 8 and selling price as Rs 10. Bisleri focuses a lot on the advertisement of its brand and keeps on differentiating itself by making variances in the brand or packaging of the bottles. As it uses green color packaging whereas the other bottling companies use blue color to pack their bottles ("Parle Bisleri Ltd- Soft drinks- India," 2009). The advertisement commits that it provides safe and pure drinking water whereas Kinley is going to launch its advertisement as Vishwaas Karo. Aquafina does not concentrate on advertising; it has a very low advertising in selected places like cinema halls. The distribution network of all the three companies varies. The distribution network helps in making the product available to its customers whenever they need it. The distribution network of Bisleri is such that from the manufacturing plant the bottles reach company warehouse from their through the trucks it reach to its retailers or through distributors it reach to the retailers and then from retailers finally to the customers. Through distributors it also goes to the institutional buyers or orders over internet. Aquafinas distribution system is different. From the companys manufacturing unit the bottles reach to distributors and from there to institutional buyers or retailers and then finally to customers. Kinley has different distribution network it does not include a big network. From the manufacturing unit the bottles are sent to the sales and distribution department from there the bottles are sent to the distributors and outlets directly and the bottles from distributors are also sent to the outlets. A very small network is there. This makes the product less available in the market.

We have used Ansoff matrix to find out the strategic options which are available with Parle Bisleri, in terms of its product and market.

Figure 1: Ansoff Matrix From the analysis we have found that the company can use market penetration and product development strategy. The company has used the penetration strategy by making available products in different sizes. The company uses innovative concepts like 1.2 liter bottle which helps to offer consumers more content at lower price. The company is also penetrating the market by shifting its focus from retail market to the bulk water segment. The company uses its own distribution network to cater the bulk water segment. The company thus penetrates the market bypassing the competition present in the retail segment. We can also observe that the company is using product development strategy. The company is planning to introduce new products like fruit juices under the brand name Alfa. We propose that the company should focus more on market development and introduce new products thus increasing its product portfolio (Bureau, 2005). This will not only decrease the risk of operating with single product but also enables to make use of its competences to develop new products.


When we see the value chain analysis of Bisleri we can easily analysis that the Bisleri is good enough in logistic system to operate the business smoothly. The value that the customer perceived in Bisleri is its operation its cap or packaging. The Bisleri add a lot of value at its each operation. Bisleri also have the first mover advantage over its competitor. Its brand image or brand name is helps to attract a pool of customer. Let us see how Bisleri add the value at each steps of value chain and how Bisleri gain the competitive advantages through various operation and activities.

Porter Value chain

We can divide the Bisleris activities in two parts on the basis of value chain model 1. Primary activities 2. Supportive activities

Primary activities: Bisleri is a leading organization in packaged bottled water. Bisleris primary activities are Inbound logistics: The raw material for Bisleri drinking water is water, plastic grain for bottle, packaging equipment, minerals, bottle cap and labels. Bisleri has good inventory system and transportation system. Its inbound logistic is good enough to supply the Bisleri water regular. This helps to available the product at everywhere. The product availability adds the value to the customer. BISLERI manages all the semi finished, finished goods and raw material in stores department. In store department they all keep the stock of rejected bottles or cap to reuse it. Every day 5o tones of stock dispatch from the store house. So this increases the availability of product to consumer. The models are made from polymers like HDPE, LLDPE, PET grains. Operation: Bisleri manages its seven department of different operation where hygiene and safety concern is primary focused. Different departments are: 1. Filter department 2. Caps department. 3. Water treatment plant 4. Water blowing department 5. Water testing laboratory 6. HORAI department(grinding plant) 7. Stores department. Filter department is responsible for the filling and packaging of bottles under the rigid control of the hygiene and safety. In the caps department the PET material is used to make the cap and

plastic bottles by using 6 Ekou injection modeling machine of 180 and 330 as per the requirement of market. Caps are made from a mixture of HDPE and LLDPE using 4 Cincinnati Milacron and 2 Windsor injection-moulding machines. Water treatment plant where the water is make pure and safe. Water laboratory taste checks the quality before and after packaging. The scraps or used bottle again send to HORAI department for the recycle of bottles. Stores department manages the all raw material and scraps. Bisleri add value at each steps of its operation. Customer perceived Bisleri as pure and safe water with cap security. Outbound logistics: The outbound logistic of Bisleri is very strong. To increase the capacity and to cover the maximum market Bisleri increased its transportation by increasing the number of trucks from 1000 to 2000 trucks. Bisleri uses the route mapping method, in this method the route of transportation and operation is designed in such a way that it takes minimum time to transport the stuffs. Bisleri makes route sheet along with the scheduled to make sure the things happen in an effective manner. Current Bisleri manages 16 plants at 14 locations in different part of India to increase the availability of product. Bisleri plan to open the 25 new plants till 2010 to increase the growth of 40%. So it will decrease the supply time and make the product easily available. Bisleri decide to increase its distribution network by 30%. Marketing and sales: Bisleri uses competitor price strategy to get the market. As Bisleri has the first mover advantage and the market is full of competition so they decide to increase the advertising expenses for ad campaign. Bisleri itself is known as mineral and pure water. The branding and segmentation of Bisleri is very strong as it cover household to big hotels. To target the customer Bisleri launched different product line with different prices and different size of bottles. The Bisleri uses three level of distribution channel as it consists of wholesalers, dealers and retail shop. Services: Bisleri has a vast distribution channel so the service and delivery quality of Bisleri distinct it from others.

Supporting activities:
Firm infrastructure: Bisleri manage its network by establishing it unit near by the resources where the availability of water is enough to run the business. Bisleri has the vast and strong distribution channel. Technology and development: As the competition in the market is increasing Bisleris main focus in on to develop new brands and new technology to increase the customer satisfaction. Bisleris unique bottling packaging and temper seal cap technique distinct itself from others. There unique and safe production process also helps to attract the large pool of customer. Bisleri has a good inventory management that helps Bisleri in continuous supply of water. VRHN analysis The company has a motive always to beat its competitors and gain competitive advantage. VRHN analysis will help in assessing all that a company gives which differentiates it from its competitors. y Valuable- The purification process of Bisleri is a valuable resource for it. Ozonization and micron filtration is included in its process to purify the water. The transport facility of Bisleri is regarded as a valuable resource. It has large fleet of trucks to supply the bottles and make the product available. More than 75 vans are there in Mumbai to carry the bottles from the manufacturing plant to its distributor. y Rare- Bisleri is launching water in fruity flavor which is rare. The peach and green apple flavor water will be available to its customers. This rare combination makes it unique. Natural mountain water which is also launched by Bisleri is rare. The green packaging of Bisleri is also rare. The distribution network of Bisleri is also rare as its bottles are available in all its stores. y Hard to imitate- The bottle of Bisleri have a seal which has a patent, which is hard to imitate. y Non substitutable- There are substitutes for water but water is the sole agent for thirst quenching. So we can say that for the company the product itself is non substitutable.


Parle Bisleri which had initially a varied product portfolio constrained itself to the bottled water sector. The corporate level strategy adopted by the company is expansion and related diversification. The expansion strategy is indicated by the decision to increase the capacity of present plants and establish 25 new plants ("Bisleri plans 25 plants in 2010 to retain market leadership,"). The company is using related diversification to introduce new products like the mineral water and has also planned to enter the fruit juice segment. The directional policy matrix is generally used for companies which have strategic business units. However we have applied the matrix to this company. The matrix is drawn below,

Figure 2: Directional policy matrix If we apply the above matrix for bottled water industry, we can see that the industry attractiveness is high and also the business strength is high. So the company should adopt investment and growth strategy. We have found that the company is using this strategy. This is evident from the companys plan to strengthen its distribution network, establish new plants,

extension of product length and product line extension. The present strategy adopted by the company will help it to stay ahead of the competitors and hedge the business risk. The company is currently eying the bulk water segment and investing to penetrate that segment. The emergence of many competitors in the organized sector has increased the pressure. The strategy adopted by the company will help the company to sustain its growth in terms of profitability, as it is targeting the segment which does not have presence of organized players.


The next part in our analysis is to find out the present business strategy adopted by Bisleri and the way in which it has implemented. We will then evaluate the strategy adopted, considering the external environment and its core competences. The Porters generic strategy states that the organization can achieve competitive advantage through three ways, y y y Overall cost leadership. Differentiation and Focus.

We have however used Bowmans strategic clock for analysis of present and past strategies adopted by Parle Bisleri. We have divided our analysis in two parts, one from the year 1969 to 2000 and other from 2001 to 2010. The strategic clock is drawn below,

Figure 2: Bowmans Strategic Clock

Year 1969 to 2000: In 1969, Parle acquired Bisleri with an aim to increase its product
portfolio. Parle introduced Bisleri soda in carbonated and non carbonated types to get a hold in soda market. The product was initially packed in glass bottles. Initially the perceived value of the product was low as well as the price was low. The product was basic and thus we can say that company used No-frills strategy. As the company saw potential in bottled water segment, the company used differentiation in the form of packaging. In 1980, the company changed the packaging from glass bottles to PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) to PET (Polyethylene terephthalate). There was a shift in paradigm for Bisleri when it sold its soft drinks brand to Coca Cola in 1993. The company removed soda water from market and now focused its attention to packaged drinking water. The initial consumers of packaged water were foreigners and NRIs (Non-resident Indians). There were no competitors in the market, so Bisleri adopted low price strategy. The aim of using this strategy was to penetrate the market and establish a significant market share. The price of the product was as low as Rs 5 for 500ml bottle. The company achieved low price by reducing its operational costs. The company had initially 15 plants and the product was sold through over 50000 outlets. So we can see that in period 1969 to 2000 the company used no frills and low cost strategy. The company shifted the position from point 1 to point 2. Now let us analyze the strategies adopted by Parle Bisleri from 2001 to 2010 (Anonymous, 2007).

Year 2001 to 2010: In August 2000, Coca Cola saw potential in bottled water industry and
entered this market by introducing its brand Kinley. The market saw entry of big players like Pepsi through its brand Aquafina and Nestle through its brand Pure Life. The other players in the market include the Tatas through its brand Himalaya, Manikchand through brand Oxyrich and Parle Agro through its brand Bailey. The organized bottled water segment which was initially dominated by Parle Bisleri saw entry of many players. Currently there are about 8-10 players in the organized sector. In the response to the growing competition Bisleri started using hybrid strategy. According to this strategy differentiation was based on quality; however with number of competitors the differentiation based on quality became difficult. Bisleri has now used differentiation in the form of packaging, price and distribution. The company differentiates through distribution by targeting new channels like chemists and stationery shops which were not used earlier. The company has used its own fleet of about 2000 trucks to manage the distribution network (Iyer, 2010). The company differentiated in the terms of packaging by

making available the products in different shapes and size. The company has used tamper proof seal to assure good quality. The company has patented the tamper proof seal technology and has created barriers for its competitors. The packaged water industry has bifurcated in two segments, retail and bulk water segment. The company has in response to entry of new players have used refocusing strategy. The present strategy of Bisleri involves targeting the bulk water segment, pricing competitively, strengthen distribution, innovate on packaging and product line extension. The company by passes the competition and reduces operational cost by targeting the bulk bottled water segment. The company has shown innovation in packaging by changing the shape and color of pack from blue to aqua green. The company operates in hypercompetitive environment, so it is necessary that company changes its strategies according to the dynamic environment. We have found that the company can be located on position 3 on the strategic clock. However, the company can switch between hybrid and differentiation strategy in accordance with changing environment. The company however presently uses hybrid strategy wherein it has differentiated its offering from its competitive and at the same time making it available at cost lower than its competitors.


Parle Bisleri Pvt Ltd has owned one of the top-three packaged brands in the country, has formulated plans for a diversification into the fruit juice business. The company has already established a fruit juice concentrate plant in Chittor, Andhra Pradesh. Plans are going on to identify a place for the companys offered second plant that is likely to be established in the eastern or northern part of India. Company has decided to make an investment of Rs 100 crores in the fruit juice projects in the next three years. This amount will be generated through internal accumulation and institutional loans. The company is going to begin with mango and guava juice to begin with will be marketed under the Alfa umbrella brand. Company has realized that fruit juices have come out as a fancy drink after water. It is a logical business series for the bottled water producing company to adapt to the fruit juice segment. Bisleri has to establish its market in the region through a restore marketing strategy and a focus on enhanced and innovative packaging. The idea is to be raised by hundred percent in the next one year and 250 percent in the next three years. The company is planning to increase its presence in the eastern part of India. It has assigned Orient Beverages Ltd as its only franchisee in West Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa. Company has firmed up expansion plans for Sikkim. The company has also prepared to explore for business opportunities in adjacent countries like Nepal and Bhutan in the future. Bisleri is facing severe challenges from both family and outside competitors. There is a big threat to the leadership of Bisleri in the mineral-water market. The company is in the process of developing a market strategy for its next innovation that is enhanced water. The company is planning to launch mineral and protein-added, packaged water in various essences. There are three major brands in the bottled water market Aquafina, Bisleri and Kinley. Dual market penetration strategy Bisleri has announced to establish twenty-five bottling plants across country to fulfill the customer requirements. The company has formulated strategies for market penetration,

expansion and growth for this fiscal. Bisleri had achieved the growth of 36 percent growth and high customer loyalty in the year 2008-2009. Now Bisleri is aiming to achieve 40 percent growth by this year and sketched a powerful penetration strategy that consist of a dual distribution planentering newer markets including towns and rural areas which includes smaller and interiors markets and curiously looking forward to enter newer territories and augmenting shelf existence

in the metros and present markets. The company is also establishing dedicated channels for its 20 Liters jars to certify that every corporate and household receives service at their door step. Market strategy development and implementation Market strategy includes the analysis, strategy development and implementation. First, company has developed a vision about the market of interest to the company and then selected market target strategies, establishing objectives and developing and implementing the strategies. It includes managing and marketing program positioning strategies formulated to fulfill the value needs of the customers in every market target. Strategic marketing is a process of market-driven strategy development, taking into consideration a consistent varying business environment and the requirement to bring excellent customer value. Bisleri has developed strategic marketing to concentrate on organizational performance instead of focusing on increasing sales. The marketing strategy of Bisleri tries to bring excellent customer value by integrating the customerinfluencing strategies of the business into an organized set of market- driven activities. The company has connected its strategic marketing with the organizational environment and views marketing as a liability of the whole business instead of a specialized purpose. There is marketings boundary orientation between the organization and its customers, competition and channel members. The marketing processes are centralized to business strategy planning process. Strategic marketing supplies the knowledge for environmental screening, for choosing what customer group to serve, for directing product specifications and for selecting competitors for position against. Bisleri has successfully integrated cross-functional strategies which are decisive for offering excellent customer value.

Organizational structure
In this part we are going to discuss about the organization structure and marketing strategies of Parle Bisleri. We have taken Mintzbergs organizational configuration as reference. Mintzberg suggests that there can be six organizational structures depending upon the environment. We can observe that the company operates in a dynamic environment and has simple processes. So the company is more suited to have a CEO controlled structure. The company follows the CEO controlled structure. The Chairman and founder of the company Mr. Ramesh Chauhan controls and directs all the organizational processes. The company follows a centralized decision making and all strategic decisions are taken by the Chairman. The company has grown over the year under the leadership and vision of Mr. Ramesh Chauhan. The present organization structure is suitable as the company has single product and the centralized decision making enables flexibility to changing conditions which is necessary for the success of the organization.

Configurati on

Environment Internal

Typical Structure

Key processes
Direct supervision

Typical relationships

Simple/Dynam Small/ ic Young/ Simple Task

CEO control

Machine Bureaucracy

Simple/ Static

Old/ Large/ Functional Regulated tasks

Planning systems

Centralized strategic planning

Professional Bureaucracy

Complex/ static

Simple systems/ Professional control


Cultural processes/ Self control



Simple/static diversity


very Multidivision al

Performanc e/


large/divisib le tasks

target/ ial or strategic control Devolved/ network and

markets Projects Cultural processes/


Complex/ dynamic

Complex tasks/

Expert control Missionary Simple/static Middle age/ Teams Ideological control

Self control


Cultural processes


Figure 3: Mintzbergs organizational configuration

Marketing strategy
The strategic situation analysis considers competitor and market analysis, market segmentation and incessant erudition of markets. Formulating marketing strategy checks customer targeting and positioning strategies, market relationship strategies and planning for latest products. Marketing program development includes product, price, distribution and promotion strategies formulated and applied to fulfill the value needs of target buyers. Strategy execution and management considers marketing strategy implementation, control and organizational design. The marketing strategy adopted by the company has also changed over the years. In the initial years when it was the sole player in the bottled water market it positioned itself as luxury item. The punch line was Veri very extraordinari. The entry of players like Pepsi and Coca Cola made it to change the strategy. Now the company positioned itself as quality product to gain the trust of the consumers. The catch line now said Pure and safe. In the recent years there were cases where insecticide contents were found in bottled waters of some major players including Bisleri. This strongly affected the sales of Bisleri which decreases about 15%. The company carried out a rebranding exercise to recover from the dent created by this incident. The company has changed its packaging and the color has been changed from blue to aqua green. The company is now positioning itself as best product. The present catch line says Play safe. The company uses medium such as television, hoardings, magazines and company trucks for advertising purpose.

Funding strategy
The financial strategies will change according to the phase in which the business is operating. We can find that Parle Bisleri is in maturity phase. The business risk is medium to high. So if we use growth/share matrix, we can find that the company can use debt and equity for funding purpose. The company currently uses only debts as source of finance. However, we would like to propose that the company should use a mix of debt as well as equity. The company should come up with an Initial Public Offering (IPO). The money raised through the IPO can be used to finance its expansion plans and developing new products. The use of equity as source of finance will reduce the financial risk for the company.

Figure 4: Growth/ share matrix


The strategic evaluation can be based on quantitative and qualitative criteria. The quantitative analysis requires use of financial ratios like return on investment, profit margin, earnings per share, return on equity, etc. Parle Bisleri is a Private Limited company, so the financial data is not readily available. So, to evaluate the strategy we adopt the following procedure, y y y Compare the performance of the firm over the different time line. Compare the companys performance with the competitors. Compare performance of the company with the industry averages.

The company has maintained its position over the years and still remains a market leader with a market share of 38.5%. The company industry is growing at rate of 17% whereas the company is growing at rate of 36%. The company is targeting a growth rate of 40% in the year 2010. Thus the companys growth rate is well above the industry growth rate. The company has plans to increase the number of plants. With the establishment of new plants, the company will have total 55 plants, with its competitors Kinley having 16 plants and Aquafina with 11 plants. While evaluating the strategies adopted by the company we have considered suitability, acceptability and feasibility.

The company has adopted market penetration strategy. From the PESTLE analysis we can find that the external environment is favorable for the growth of industry. There has been growth in IT and other allied industries in tier 1 and tier 2 cities. So there is increase bulk water consumption. The bulk water consumption is untapped by the organized players. The strategy adopted by Bisleri is suitable in this context. The company has its own fleet of 2000 trucks also company has enabled online ordering of bulk water. This facilitates the penetration in this segment. Also the core competencies of Bisleri include its Brand name and distribution channel. The company can use these competencies to introduce more products in the market and thus product development strategy is also suitable them. The company uses its capabilities like control over distribution network and tamper proof to reinforce the quality perception in the minds of the consumer. The company plans to adopt expansion by increasing the capacity of current plants and establish new plants thus facilitating the penetration. The company uses

Hybrid strategy. This strategy is suitable for the company because the company is the market leader. The company has been present since 1969 and hence has achieved learning curve. This enables the company to provide differentiated product at lower price.

The feasibility of the strategy adopted by company depends upon the resources and competencies. We do not have financial data of the company however we can infer from company analysis that the company has sufficient financial resources to support the expansion strategies. The company also has internal resources and sufficient reach to support the expansion strategies. From the value chain analysis, we can infer that the strength lies in its human resource, logistics and marketing. These capabilities will help the company to set up new plants, increase the number of distributors and cater to demand of the market. The expansion plans will help to reduce the per crate cost. Presently the company spends Rs. 35 per crate. The expansion will help to bring this cost to Rs. 5 per crate. The company can use the savings in promotional activities and to increase the logistics. This will also help to reduce the cost of production and thus the company will be able to supply the product at lower prices as compared to the competitors. Thus, we can conclude that the expansion and hybrid strategies adopted by the company are feasible. These strategies are well supported by the financial capabilities and the resources of the organization.

On the basis of the analysis done, we would like to suggest following recommendations, y The brand recall of Bisleri is stronger as compared to its competitors. However, problem arises when the brand is not available and customer ends up buying the brand of competitor. The company should therefore invest heavily on logistics. The company can acquire smaller unorganized players to extend the reach or can tie up with major local players. y In Indian villages, even today there is shortage of safe drinking water sources and there is spread of water borne diseases due to contaminated water. The company should therefore focus on rural market penetration. y The company is a single product portfolio company. The company should try to introduce more product more beverage products in the market. The company will require funds for the expansion and other projects. The company should fund these projects and plans by coming up with an IPO. Introducing equity in the capital structure will reduce the interest burden on the company. y The company should form a joint venture with some companies who have greater rural distribution network to introduce products catering to rural market.

The analysis of Parle Bisleri has helped us to understand the different strategies adopted by it to sustain and grow in the hypercompetitive market. From the analysis we have found that the strength lies in its brand, packaging, logistics and marketing. However, the company is subjected to higher risk, as it is a single product company. The bottled water industry which is dominated by Bisleri is facing problems due to arrival of bigger players like Pepsi and Coca Cola. The company has bypassed the competition by shifting the focus towards bulk water segment. However we feel that the company needs to strengthen its present business and diversify in related business. The company can typically form alliances and joint ventures. We feel that tough time for Bisleri is about to come and the company will be severely affected if it does take proper strategic decisions in the present scenario.

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Appendix 1

Appendix 2 Parameters Market Share Selling Price Profit margin Marketing Bisleri 60% Rs 12 Rs 2 Mass advertisements, hoardings, etc Kinley 20-25% Rs 14/15 Rs 1.75/2.75 media With Aquafina 10% Rs 10 Rs 2

aggressive Minimal advertising, restricted point to only

promotional are campaign,

of cinema halls and few television

used for promotional purchase

promotion local

campaign. Change in and encasing on the without any hoarding packaging to brand value of other or bill board. Not

reposition its brand. power brands of CCI, much reinvention in Already credence having Kinley is creating a packaging too over attributed PULL in the market. the years. Only the price is kept lower than their national and international competitors. Hence no PULL creation in the market.

and positioned itself as safe in the minds of consumers. Has

become generic brand for mineral water and creating entirely. PULL

Appendix 3: Distribution network of Bisleri

Manufacturing Unit

Company warehouse



Institutional Buyers/ Seasonal Party Orders



Appendix 4: Distribution network of Kinley

Manufacturing Plant

Sales and distribution operations




Appendix 5: Distribution network of Aquafina



Institutional Buyers Retailer (hotels, corporates, offices of varios companies)



Appendix 6


YEAR SALES % GROWTH 2004 1354.5 2005 1652.2 22 2006 1983 20 2007 2350 18.5 2008 2820 20 2009 3440 22

Appendix 7


YEAR BOTTLED WATER 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 35628.1 43555.4 52083.5 61310.7 70977.5 80508.3

Appendix 8

90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 BOTTLED WATER

Appendix 9


BRAND Bisleri Kinley Aquafina Oxyrich Bailey 2006 31 22 14.5 9.5 2 2007 37 20.5 14.5 9.5 1.5 2008 38 20 14.5 9.5 1.4 2009 38.5 21 14.5 9.5 1.4

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