Continuing Professional Development Record

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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Learning Plan

Student name


Course and unit code


Due date

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Learning Plan

Source or
Activity Number Identified learning need Action plan Anticipated learning goals

To research on why Urinary I looked at one case NPS medicines

tract infections are common study on the urinary To be able to offer evidenced wise
Evidence based Practice:
with the old and resistance to tract infections in based practice on the
Short course
most antibiotics. residential aged-care management of UTIs in aged-
facilities. care facility residents.

2 To research on why there is I learnt through a To be able to provide evidenced NPS medicines
Evidence based Practice: antibiotic resistance when case study of patient based practice on the UTI wise
Case study treating the UTI. who had some antibiotic factors and attributing
resistance of factors of UTI in hospitalised
antibiotics. patient.
Recognize the variety of I took part in courses In the field of nursing, to be able End of life
methods in which individuals on end-of-life care to gain the skills essential to essentials
pass away, as well as the planning and carry out end-of-life care and
Advance care planning
myriad of responses that advanced medical advanced care planning for
and End of Life
families, colleagues, workers, directives, as well as patients.
and other patients may have. watching movies on
the subject.
A need exists for therapeutic I enrolled in the To be capable of providing Virtual Empathy
care relationships, Virtual Empathy empathetic care by means of Museum
communication skills, and Museum by therapeutic relationships and
empathic care. engaging in a digital communication skills.
story, selecting three
Empathetic care
questions with a
word count of one
hundred each, and
providing answers to
those questions.

Self-care and Well being

Continuing Professional Development Record

Course Provider or CPD Description of topic(s)
Title/Summary Source and ) hour covered during activity and Reflection Evidence
of Activity Mode of s outcome
Evidence based NPS Standard 1hour Analysed a case study with a I gained a deeper grasp of evidence-based Certificate of
Practice: medicines Thinks doctor representing a patient practice medications for the management completion
short course wise Critically with a urinary tract infection, and treatment of urinary tract infections via
and with a focus on the unique this course or case study participation. My
analyses challenges that arise in long- self-assurance has grown as a result of my
nursing term care institutions for the having been able to compare my
practice elderly. I also established on theoretical understanding of treating
Cashin et al., how catheter contributes to urinary tract infections with my practical
(2017) most of the urinary tract experience through the use of a variety of
infections. In addition, the case case studies and an evaluation test that
provides on the best approach helped me confirm my familiarity with the
in managing UTI such as the appropriate antibiotics for treating UTIS.
staffs ensuring that catheter is However, I want to continue my education
handle aseptically to prevent in this area by discussing additional, more
UTI. real-world case studies with other
physicians in order to better prepare myself
to treat urinary tract infections in the
future. Several researchers (Gacci et al.,
2018). I have learned to handle UTIS cases
and treat them with medications based on
solid data.
Advance care End of life Standard 5: 1 Looked at advance life care I am now updated with the advance life completion
planning and essentials Develop a hour sessions in order to know how care certificate
2 End of Life Plan for to undertake advance care needs. By participating in the advance care
Nursing planning along with end of life. planning and quality of end-life care
Practice Through the assessment’s amongst
Cashin et al., questions on the the module I adults, I managed to get desired answer
(2017). believe am now competent in about

offering the best of my care to the persistent controversy on whether

the patients in the advanced advance
care and planning the end of care planning influences the end-of-life
life care. The outcome to this care
experience is that I have quality. I am now confident that advance
become competent in advance care
life care. planning indeed improves quality of care at
end-of-life including less in-hospital
alongside surged hospice use (Nguyen et
al.2017). I can now undertake effective
care planning by considering having
advanced directive, assigning a long-term
attorney power
and performing advance care planning
deliberations that remain significant
of advance care planning.
Evidence Based NPS Thinks 1 The main topic was to Due to this learning, I am now more Certificate of
Practice: medicines Critically hour recognize equipped to detect and treat UTIs. I have completion
3 Case study. wise and and manage UTI that has been acquired the skills necessary to identify
analyses attributed due to medications. high-risk patients for UTIs and treat them
nursing In this case I covered a case properly. At first, I was apprehensive to get
practice study of a woman who has been involved in the detection and care of UTI
(Cashin et having urinary incontinence since I had no idea how to identify the
al., 2017). and frequent urination at night. patients who were at high risk of
The case study has highlighted developing UTIs. With the knowledge I
on the danger of doing some gained from this UTI module, however, I
self-medications as they feel prepared to aid those who are more
contribute to the problems of vulnerable to UTIs, and I will do my best
the urinary tract infections and to provide my patients with the care they
cause the resistance to the drugs need (Rizvi et al., 2020). With the support,
that are appropriate in the I can drastically cut down on the number of

management of the UTI. urinary tract infections in my hospital. I

can now provide evidence-based practice-
clinical care by diagnosing and treating
asymptomatic bacteriuria and deciding
which preventative measures to take when
managing UTI.
Empathetic care Empathy Standard 2: 1 Have finished a digital story This training has help me know how to Written
Virtual Museum: Engage in hour and answered three questions build responses to
Completed a Therapeutic on domestic abuse from the trust and rapport with my patients and have the 3
digital story and Virtual Empathy Museum kept me up to date with the strategies to questions
Professional website. I was able to respond establish therapeutic relationship and selected
Relationships in writing to three questions, communications with my clients (Stargatt
Cashin et al., which improved my ability to et al.2021). The story has equipped me
(2017). empathize with patients and with knowledge on how to offer care to
their loved ones in domestic patients of domestic violence particularly
abuse situations so that I could the women who are the largest in receiving
provide the most helpful of the gender-based violence.
guidance and support possible.
4 Building such desired therapeutic
relationships and communication makes
me now confident that I will be able to
effectively get the right
information from my patients and their
and relatives regarding education on how
to approach gender-based violence when it
has been done onto them. This would
imply successful treatment and caring for
my patients as I would be able to build
rapport and trust with my patients and even
the multi-disciplinary team I will be work
for hence patient-centred care.

[Attach/insert/cut and paste your evidence for each for each CPD activity from here onwards]

[Ensure that they are in order as represented on your evidence record]




When it comes to assessing for and intervening in cases of domestic violence, health

care professionals (HCP) are in a prime position (Nancarrow.2019). Many different factors

contribute to the prevalence of domestic violence. The ELOISE case study demonstrates how

many women suffer greatly in abusive partnerships yet feel trapped there. Abusive

relationships affect people of all walks of life, but are more common among women

(Sawrikar,2019). These people require social services and psychological aid, as well as

access to emergency medical services (EMS). Training for HCP to not only recognize, but

also evaluate, treat, and reassure these patients is crucial (Sawrikar,2019). Many victims of

abusive relationships never seek treatment because they are too ashamed to admit they need

it. Helping these people regain their confidence in seeking medical attention requires friendly,

approachable doctors and nurses (Charlton et al.,2022).

How can we help a victim of domestic violence believe that she/he has done nothing


In my opinion, referring someone involved in domestic violence who is apathetic

about acting is the most effective approach to aid them. The victims must believe that they

have someone to confide in about their predicament. One option is to talk to a trusted

individual, who could be a friend, counsellor, or therapist. They need to be given a safe space

to express their emotions and talk about what happened to them in detail. Some victims are

reluctant to come out for fear of how their loved ones would react if they reveal such personal

details (Sawrikar,2019). Also, if you have a family member who has been abused in this way,

you should immediately assist that person in getting help from the police or invite her to stay

at your place. However, coercing victims into speaking about their traumatic experiences is

ineffective. She may have psychological issues as a result of the trauma she has experienced.

It's best not to push the person too hard while they're still trying to recover from any trauma

they may have experienced. Don't rush into a private dialogue; let the victims do that

(Charlton et al.,2022). It's also crucial that you keep this knowledge to yourself, as it would

only serve to inflame the situation further if it were made public.

Some people say, ‘If a woman is getting abused she should just leave’. How would you

respond if you heard this statement?

Leaving an abusive relationship leaves significant scars, including those caused by

domestic violence and abuse. If there is one piece of advice I could provide to a woman who

is getting out of a relationship, it would be to completely cut ties with a bad relationship.

Despite the fact that the traumatic experiences you've been through may continue to affect

you even after you've gotten away from the abusive situation. It's possible that you battle with

disturbing feelings, memories that scare you, or a nagging feeling that you're in danger all the

time that you just can't shake (Hulme et al., 2019). You might also experience feelings of

numbness, disconnection, and an inability to trust other people. You may work through what

you've been through and learn how to form new, healthy relationships with the help of

counselling, therapy, and support groups designed specifically for people who have survived

domestic abuse.

What might be some of the factors contributing to a woman remaining with an abusive


Leaving an abusive partner is not only a psychological challenge, but often poses a

direct threat to one's safety. When someone leaves an abusive relationship, they are most

vulnerable. There is a 70 times greater risk of a woman's death in the weeks after she leaves

an abusive boyfriend than there was at any other moment during the relationship (Boxall et

al., 2020). After an abusive incident, the abuser may try to make amends by doing something

kind or offering an apology and a promise not to repeat the behaviour. Partner then tends to

downplay the significance of the first abuse. As there is typically no physical manifestation of

emotional abuse, victims may be fooled into thinking their situation is normal

(Sawrikar,2019). Many people also fail to recognize the severity of emotional abuse because

they believe it is less serious than physical abuse. Once a spouse has made you feel

completely helpless and like there's nothing better out there for you, it's hard to leave them. In

abusive relationships, people often try to end things with their spouse multiple times before

finally succeeding. People in abusive relationships will try to leave an average of seven times

before they succeed (Sawrikar,2019). In abusive relationships, people often try to end things

with their spouse multiple times before finally succeeding. People in abusive relationships

will try to leave an average of seven times before they succeed.



Boxall, H., Morgan, A., & Brown, R. (2020). The prevalence of domestic violence among

women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Australasian Policing, 12(3), 38-46.

Charlton, C., Mani, R. R., Chinnappan, S., Balaraman, A. K., Muthusamy, T., Paranjothy, C.,

... & Jayaraj, R. (2022). Bibliometric and Density Visualisation Mapping Analysis of

Domestic Violence in Australia Research Output 1984–2019. International journal of

environmental research and public health, 19(8), 4837.

Cashin, A., Heartfield, M., Bryce, J., Devey, L., Buckley, T., Cox, D., ... & Fisher, M. (2017).

Standards for practice for registered nurses in Australia. Collegian, 24(3), 255-266.

Gacci, M., Sebastianelli, A., Spatafora, P., Corona, G., Serni, S., De Ridder, D., ... & Abrams,

P. (2018). Best practice in the management of storage symptoms in male lower

urinary tract symptoms: a review of the evidence base. Therapeutic advances in

urology, 10(2), 79-92.

Hulme, S., Morgan, A., & Boxall, H. (2019). Domestic violence offenders, prior offending

and reoffending in Australia. Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice, (580),


Nancarrow, H. (2019). Unintended consequences of domestic violence law: Gendered

aspirations and racialised realities. Springer Nature.

Nguyen, K. H., Sellars, M., Agar, M., Kurrle, S., Kelly, A., & Comans, T. (2017). An

economic model of advance care planning in Australia: a cost-effective way to respect

patient choice. BMC health services research, 17(1), 1-8.

Sawrikar, P. (2019). Child protection, domestic violence, and ethnic minorities: Narrative

results from a mixed methods study in Australia. PloS one, 14(12), e0226031.

Stargatt, J., Bhar, S., Petrovich, T., Bhowmik, J., Sykes, D., & Burns, K. (2021). The effects

of virtual reality-based education on empathy and understanding of the physical

environment for dementia care workers in Australia: A controlled study. Journal of

Alzheimer's Disease, 84(3), 1247-1257.


Rizvi, Z. A., Jamal, A. M., Malik, A. H., Zaidi, S. M. J., Rahim, N. U. A., & Arshad, D.

(2020). Exploring antimicrobial resistance in agents causing urinary tract infections at

a tertiary care hospital in a developing country. Cureus, 12(8).


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