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Republic of the Philippines


Language Department
Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Submitted by:
Karen V. Celzo

Submitted to:
Assoc. Prof. Tuesday De Leon
Title: The Peasant who became king (Folktale)

I. Elements of the story

A. Characters of the story

Main Characters
 Anubis/Anpu
- Elder brother of Bata
 Bata
- Protagonist of the story
- Younger brother of Anpu
- Divine heart

Minor character

 Wife of Anpu
- Who attempts to seduce Bata
 Pharaoh
- The King of Egypt who took Bata’s wife.
 Wife of Bata
 God Ra
- The God that help Bata
B. Setting
 in the house
 Field
 Near the river and valley of acacia
 Egypt

The Peasant who became king

There were once a two brother, the eldest named Anpu/Anubis and the younger one named Bata.
The younger Bata lived with eldest brother and his wife, were Bata lived with Anpu as he were his
own son. It was Bata who drove the oxen to the field, it was he who also ploughed the land and
harvested the grain. One day, Anpu was with his younger brother in the field he ordered him to
obtain more seeds into the storehouse while Bata ran towards the house he saw his eldest brother
wife and he ordered her to get him a seed in order him to comeback quickly, before Bata take his
leave she seduced Bata by doing romantic gesture and asked the younger one to lay with her I will
make beautiful clothes for you, in which Bata refused. Upon of Anpu’s return he found his wife in
the floor like she was beaten by intruder and asked what was wrong. Anpu’s wife made up a story
by accusing his younger brother attempting to hurt and lay with her.
Anpu/Anubis the eldest attempts to kill his younger brother. Bata who flees and Pray to Re-
Harahkti to save him from his brother. The God creates a crocodile-infested lake between the two
brothers, across which Bata finally able to explain to his brother and share his side of the events.
The truth finally unfolded then the younger brother said that he shall come seek for him, his soul
will put upon the top flower(blossom) of the acacia and when the tree is cut down the soul will fall
upon the ground then he must put it in a cup of water then Bata will live again.

Anpu went home and found his wife washing the paint off and killed his wife. On the other hand,
Bata reach the valley of acacia, he slew animals and build his own house under the sacred acacia
tree. The tree sacred to the gods, which bore his soul upon the topmost flower.
One day he walked out of his house and Bata saw the nine gods who knew his innocence and
goodness. The God Ra said to Khumu that he should bestow Bata a woman that he may not remain
alone. Bata’s wife was indeed beautiful and he loved her so much then the seven god came to see
her and said: “She will die a sharp death”.

Bata constantly saying that she shall not leave the house and wander around because he cannot
rescue her due to physical form of Bata and his soul was placed on head of flower of acacia. One
day, wife of Bata went to walk under the acacia and the sea saw her and cast its waves up after
her. She ran before it and entered the house. And the sea called unto the acacia that cause of acacia
lock her hair and sea carried it to the Egypt. The chief of washer was reprimand daily, by that he
was angry of him because of the quarrel. He went to the bank and he stood on the sand opposite
of the lock of her hair which was in the water and took it then they brought it to the king. The king
commanded his people to find her however, the messenger Pharaoh send were not returned because
Bata slayed them all. His majesty sent many men and soldiers, as well as horsemen to hold Bata,
and to bring her back. And there was a woman amongst them, and to her had been given in her
hand beautiful ornaments of a woman. And his majesty loved her exceedingly, and raised her to
high estate; and he spoke to her saying that she should tell him concerning her husband. And she
said, “Let the acacia be cut down, and let one chop it up.” And they sent men and soldiers with
their weapons to cut down the acacia; and they came to the acacia, and they cut the flower upon
which was the soul of Bata, and he fell dead suddenly.

And when the next day came, the acacia was cut down. And Anpu, the elder brother of Bata,
entered his house, and washed his hands; and a person gave him a cup of beer, and it became
troubled; and another one gave him another of wine, and the smell of it was evil. Then he took his
staff, and his sandals, and likewise his clothes, with his weapons of war; and he went forth to the
valley of the acacia. He entered the tower of his younger brother, and he found him lying upon his
mat; he was dead. And he wept when he saw his younger brother truly was lying dead. And he
went out to seek the soul of his younger brother under the acacia tree, under which his younger
brother lay in the evening, he spent three years of searching. One day Anpu found a seed contain
his younger brother soul, he carried it to his house and put it into a vessel filled with water then
the night came and the seed absorbed the water then Bata came back to life.
Bata decided to became a sacred bull and went to the royal dwelling. The king was rejoiced because
of him and the king made offerings, they presented him a silver and gold for his elder brother, who
went and stayed in his village. They gave to the bull many men and many things, and Pharaoh
loved him exceedingly above all that is in this land. After many days the bull entered in the purified
place where his wife was and begin to talk to her saying “I am alive, I am Bata” he was in form of
ox. The wife of Anpu trembled with fear when Bata spoke unto her with that manner.

When the feast came the wife requested to Pharaoh to eat the liver of sacred bull, she requested it
to his king. And the king reluctantly granted her desire and the king commanded that the bull
should be offered in sacrifice.
And when they sharply strike the bull in the neck it cast the blood drops toward the gate of the
palace, then the two pear sea tree grew after that. This miracle was celebrated by the people they
made offerings. Then the day came the girl was standing beneath the pear sea tree and it whispered
to her that Bata came back alive and he knew what she did in order to eradicate him. In so much
terror the wife of Anpu ask a favor again to cut the pear sea tree and Pharaoh allow her request.
She went out to watch the tree cutting by people and accidentally a small chip of wood entered her
mouth and swallowed it.

Many days went past she conceived a child and the son was born. The king love his son deeply
and eventually after the king fulfilled his duty he died and Bata became a new king of Egypt. The
king summoned his people and revealed the truth concerning his wife wrong doings. They brought
to him his elder brother; he made him hereditary prince in all his land. He was thirty years king of
Egypt, and he died, and his elder brother stood in his place on the day of burial.

C. Moral of the Story

“Truth will always prevail”
 Even if you continually harm other people the truth will unmasked on its own.

“Your good values are the foundation of your life”

 It will dictate the choices you make and determine the direction of your life.

“Think carefully before you do something you will regret”

 Remorse will haunt you for the rest of your life thus, think carefully before you do
something or take an action.

D. Conflict
Man vs Man
Reference: Tale of Two Brothers - Anpu and Bata [Ganino]

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