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--------- ENGLISH ---------

Part of Speech

1. Noun 名词
(a.) proper noun: John, Malaysia, January
(b.) common noun: cat, table, pencil, beg
(c.) abstract noun: friendship, joy, freedom

Side note: Simple sentence construction= S+V+O

2. Pronouns 代名词 : Words that replace nouns in a sentence, and are used to
avoid repeating the same nouns over and over again.

Subjective Objective Possessive Independent Reflexive

Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns Possessive Pronouns
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself,
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
They Them Their Theirs Themselves

(a.) Subjective pronouns are used as a substitute for the subject of a sentence.
(b.) Objective pronouns are used as a substitute for the object of a sentence.
(c.) Possessive pronouns show ownership or possession of a noun.
(d.) Independent possessive pronouns refer to a previously named or understood
noun. They stand alone and aren't followed by any other noun.
(e.) Reflexive Pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence
refer to the same person or thing.

Example: He (他, used as subject), him (他, used as object), his (他的), himself (他自
- He works as an architect.
- Serena always accompanies him to the hospital.
- This is his pillow.
- This pillow is his. That's his. (This is her pillow. This pillow is hers.)

- Joseph never believes in himself.

Exercise Time!
Construct 10 sentences using pronouns.

3. Adjectives 形容词 : Words that describe a noun

Example: The massive building is built of marble.
The brave policeman finally caught the immoral burglar!
I felt very exhausted after the party.
Massive (adj.) = big / huge
Burglar (n.) = someone who enters a building illegally to steal things

Illegal (adj.) = 非法

Legal (adj.) =合法

Immoral (adj.) = 不道德的

Exhausted (adj.) = 疲惫不堪

Exercise time!
Identify and circle the adjectives.

It was a lovely morning, and I was enjoying my daily walk along a leafy path in the
countryside. I was wearing a large straw hat to protect my head from the hot weather.
The pleasant sunshine was keeping my back warm and I felt very relaxed.
Suddenly, I heard the unpleasant noise from a fight nearby. It interrupted my
peaceful walk.
Then, I decided to head back home. Along the way, I met a furry spotted dog. It
was abandoned by its owner, so I brought it home. I bathed the dirty dog and named
it “Johnny”.

Pleasant (adj.) = 令人舒服的

Abandon (v.) = 抛弃

4. Adverb 副词 : a word that describes a verb (when, where, how) or an

Side note: Adverbs usually end with “-ly”
Example: Phillip sings loudly in the shower.
My cat waits impatiently for his food.
I will seriously consider your suggestion.
My mother usually goes shopping on Sunday.
Calvin left the meeting early.
Tom is very tall.
She ran too fast
Fortunately, Lucy recorded Tom’s win.

Exercise time!
Identify and circle the adverbs.
1. My grandpa snored loudly.
2. Chloe played on the beach yesterday.
3. I will visit my friend tomorrow.
4. George, will you come here?
5. My sheepdog sat lazily in the pool.
6. Neil slowly placed a card on the card house.
7. Neil stopped suddenly and listened.
8. Nathan stamped his feet angrily.
9. I carefully glued the last piece onto the model.
10. Sam accidentally slipped on the ice.

11. Yesterday, they played a game.
12. The truck grumbled loudly.
13. We will go to the concert soon.
14. Jen waited patiently for the computer to load.
15. Kayla finally arrived at the park.
16. My mother nicely reminded me to do my homework.
17. The astronaut easily fixed the problem.
18. I usually hug my mother when I get home.
19. My dog always barks.
20. Peter neatly wrote a shopping list.

Circle the adjective or the adverb to complete each sentence.

] 1. My classmate is a _____ person. [ nice / nicely ]
2. I can speak Spanish very _____. [ good / well ]
3. Katrina took a painting class, so she can paint _____ pictures. [ beautiful /
beautifully ]
4. Mr. Smith looked _____ at me when I arrived late. [ angry / angrily ]
5. Of course, I was _____ when I got an A+ on the exam. [ happy / happily ]
6. The music is too _____. Please turn it down! [ loud / loudly ]
7. My friends all tell me that I sing _____. [ bad / badly ]
8. The thief _____ took the money and walked out the door. [ quiet / quietly ]
9. The cat waited _____ for the mouse to come out of the hole. [ silent / silently ]
10. My cousin always walks very _____. [ quick / quickly ]
11. The work that my boss gave me was _____. [ easy / easily ]
12. Thomas is very _____. He always helps me. [ kind / kindly ]
13. The little boy _____ kept the cookie for himself. [ selfish / selfishly ]
14. The man _____ opened the door and looked inside. [ nervous / nervously ]
15. The fireman _____ rescued the people from the burning house. [ brave / bravely ]
16. I _____ offered to help my friend study for his exam. [ happy / happily ]
17. She is the most _____ person I know. [ polite / politely ]
18. It was midnight, and I heard a _____ noise outside. [ strange / strangely ]
19. My friend is a _____ driver. [ careful / carefully ]

5. Prepositions(介词) indicate direction, time, location, and spatial
relationships, as well as other abstract types of relationships.

- Direction: Look to the left and you’ll see our destination.

- Time: We’ve been working since this morning.

- Location: We saw a movie at the theatre.

- Space: The dog hid under the table.

- Abstract type of relationship: The screen of the computer is broken.

Smart Tips: Prepositions of Time - at, in, on

We use:
 at for a PRECISE TIME
 on for DAYS and DATES

at in on

at 3 o'clock in May on Sunday

at 10.30am in summer on Tuesdays

at noon in the summer on 6 March

at dinnertime in 1990 on 25 Dec. 2010

at bedtime in the 1990s on Christmas Day

at sunrise in the next century on Independence Day

at sunset in the Ice Age on my birthday

at the in the past/future on New Year's Eve


Exercise Time!
Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions from the box.

AT – BY - FOR – IN - OF – ON - OUT - TO - WITH

1. He felt nothing but hatred _____________ the person who attacked him.
2. There are many advantages _____________ speaking foreign languages.
3. I have a lot _____________ respect for the teachers I had _____________ school.
4. I’d like to do a course _____________ computer programming.
5. He was _____________ trial _____________ having murdered his wife.
6. A confident smile is an exhibition _____________ strength and friendliness.
7. I had an argument _____________ my boss yesterday.
8. He took away my bag _____________ force.
9. Her fear _____________ flying made travelling very difficult _____________ her.
10. My dad had difficulty _____________ making himself understood.
11.I’ve got a meeting _____________ John this afternoon.
12. _____________ the time I arrived, the train had already left.
13.If you’re _____________ doubt, please call the ambulance.
14.We had access _____________ the internet in all the hotels we stayed
15.We took part _____________ the activities that the school offered.
16.Suits will never be _____________ of fashion.
17.She’s _____________ leave until the end of the month.

18.The two countries were _____________ peace with each other.
19.You have absolutely no reason to talk _____________ me like that.
20.We’d like to have a room _____________ a view of the sea.
21.The fire was now _____________ of control.
22.She was able to describe the accident _____________ detail.
23.The trousers are _____________ sale at the moment.
24.It sounds great _____________ theory, but will your plan work?
25.I learned to drive _____________ the age of 18.

Conjunctions(连词) : words that link other words, phrases, or clauses

together. Without conjunctions, you’d be forced to express every complex idea in a
series of short, simplistic sentences:
Example: I like cooking. I like eating. I don’t like washing dishes afterwards.
I like cooking and eating, but I don’t like washing dishes afterwards.
We needed a place to concentrate, so we packed up our things and went
t to the library.

Exercise Time!
Combine the two sentences into one sentence by adding a coordinating conjunction
(for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) and a comma.
1. People love to cook. They don’t like to do the dishes after.
2. My mom loves flowers. We are going to get her some for her birthday.
3. My friend, Jim is great to be with. He is fun and kind.
4. We made a giant cake. It was delicious.
5. Either we can go to the park. We can visit the ice cream shop.
6. Scott is a diligent dancer. He does a fantastic job at his competitions.
7. My family wanted to buy a new car. We got a new dog instead.

8. I want to be a doctor. I don’t want to go to college.

Fill in the blanks using correlative conjunctions (neither – nor, whether – or, either
– or, both – and, as – as, not – but, not only - but also)
1. ______________ the museum ______________the school will be closed this
2. She needs to decide ____________ to cook dinner _____________ to eat at the
3. ______________ the dog ______________ the cat ate anything out of the dishes.
4. We can go ______________ to the market ______________ the library.
5. I can ______________hop on one foot ______________ do a cartwheel.
6. The waitress was not friendly but efficient.
7. He has to decide ______________ to go to college ______________ get a job.
8. ______________ my teacher ______________ my principal has met my mom.
9. We found ____________ shells ______________pebbles at the beach.
10. She has ______________talent ______________ a solid work ethic.
11. I have to ____________ clean my room ____________do the dishes.
12. She is ______________ upset ______________ not happy.
13. The teacher ______________ left the classroom, ______________ slammed the
14. ______________ my mom ______________ my dad graduated from college.
15. You have to keep the car ______________close to the curb ______________
16. We cannot decide ______________we should go to France ______________
17. It’s ______________ about how much money you have ______________ how
you spend it.
18. ______________ my cousin ______________my grandma love to eat shrimp
and grits.

Combine each pair of sentences using a subordinating conjunction from the

word bank.

after, before, although, whenever, while, even though, since, until, where, when, that,

1. The teacher let us listen to music. We worked on our papers.
2. I cannot find a good restaurant. I can eat for a good price.
3. She can visit her grandma. Her family travels to Florida this summer.
4. Michael wants to go to school. He can find a good job.
5. It is crazy. We have three tests on Friday.
6. We will eat dinner. We arrive at the restaurant.
7. He was carefully painting the room. We owned the house.
8. I love the house. I wish it were closer to my school.
9. She was singing a song. She was skipping to the park.
10. They will buy a new house. They win the big prize.
11. Ian plays pool. His brother prefers to play basketball.
12. I love to swim. We go to my uncle’s pool.
13. Angela will bring us a cake. Her oven is broken.
14. This is the market. We buy all of our apples.
15. I keep my boots in my closet. Winter is over.

Combine each pair of sentences by using a subordinating conjunction at the

start of the new sentence.
1. My dad has worked at his company. I was born.
2. The coach wants us there. The game starts.
3. The teacher grades our papers. We take the test.

4. My mom was watching her favourite show. She was cooking dinner.
5. My brother wants to go to the lake. He loves to swim.


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