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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 6, September-October 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Obesity in Children and Ayurveda

Dr. Sumit M. Nake1, Dr. V. S. Ingole2
M.D. Scholar, Department of Kaumarbhritya B.M. Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Professor & HOD, Department of Kaumarbhritya, B.M. Ayurved College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Sumit M.

During this modern and fast lifestyle era there is vast change in life Nake | Dr. V. S. Ingole "Obesity in
style as well as eating habits the childhood obesity is the leading Children and Ayurveda" Published in
problem in our society. As parents are busy in their work all time International
Journal of Trend in
they did not get enough time to made nutritious food to their
Scientific Research
childrens, many parents used to give readymade packet food for their
and Development
childrens to save their time. Which results in reduction of healthy (ijtsrd), ISSN:
nutritious diet and due to early exposure to electronic devices such as 2456-6470,
mobiles and laptops their physical activity gets reduced due to this Volume-6 | Issue-6, IJTSRD51932
child has become victim of many diseases and obesity (sthaulya) is October 2022,
one of them. Ayurveda classics give sufficient focus on obesity and pp.655-658, URL:
advise diet and drugs to control the disease. The basic principles of
treatment of sthaulya (obesity) as described in ayurvedic classics are
nidanaparivarjana, apatarpanchikitsa and shamana, & shodhana Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
chikitsa are used in management of obesity. International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
KEYWORDS: Ayurveda, stahulya, obesity, nidanaparivarjana, Journal. This is an
shodana Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Childrens are the main pillors of nation. parents play direct reference like hyperlipidaemia but Acharaya
important role in the physical and mental, emotional, Charaka has mentioned the knowledge of Sthaulya
spiritual development of their childrens. Healthy and Roga (Obesity) in the context of Ashtanindtiya
chubby child get attracted by many that makes their Purusha as well as prodormal features of Prameha
parents happy; This countinues for many years it Roga.[3]
could be the early sign of childhood obesity. [1]
How to know that your child IS OBESE?
Obesity can be defined as group of non- BMI uses height and weight measurements to
communicable diseases called “new economic estimate body fat. Kids ages 2-19 fall into 4
syndrome” creating an tremendous socio- economic catagories:
and public health burden in poor countries. Even in
Underweight: BMI below the 5th percentile.
India, malnutrition has attracted the focus of health
workers as childhood obesity was rarely observed, but Normal weight: BMI at the 5th and less than 85th
over the past few years childhood obesity is percentile.
increasing very rapidly day by day. In developed Overweight: BMI at the 85th and below 95th
countries, children with low socio-economic status percentile.
are more affected than their affluent counterparts. The
opposite is observed in developing countries i.e. Obese: BMI ator above 95th percentile.[4]
children of the higher socio-economic status are more BMI calculations are not used to estimate the body fat
likely to be obese than poor children.[2] in babies and younger toddlers. For kids younger than
Sthaulya has been described in Ancient texts which 2, we uses weight for length charts.
gives a strong clue about the existence of disease Main reason behind obesity
since Vedic period. The word Sthaulya itself indicate There are many factors that contribute for becoming
the nature of disease i.e. the disease with heaviness overweight. Genetics, lifestyle habits or both may be
and heaviness in the body. In Ayurveda, there is no

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51932 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 655
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
involved. Genes helps determine body type and how Obesity affects every organ system in a child's body,
body stores and burns fat. In some cases medications and it can do so in a much more profound way than in
and endocrine problems may be associated. now more adults because children are still in growing and
than ever life is sedentary childrens spend more time developing period. One can’t expect to enjoy and
playing with electronic devices like T.v., mobiles, maintain good health in a state of excessive obesity. It
computer etc. than actively playing outside. leads to sluggishness, heaviness in breathing and
Kaphavardhaka Ahara Vihara and Mansika Hetu lethargy, keeping us physical inactive and causing
leads to increase in Kapha and Meda in the body due serious malfunctioning of various organs. When such
to Samanya Vriddhikarma. This increased Kapha and stage is reached, obesity is considered a disease. That
Meda causes hypo functioning of Jatharagni and is why it is said, your waist line is your life line.
leads to production of Amarasa. If Nidana Sevana is
Effect of Obesity
still continued, this Amarasa is circulated in whole Obesity increases the risk for serious health issues
body by Vyanavayu. Amarasa, while circulating in like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high
the whole body, gets combined with Medodhatu due cholesterol. Childrens who are unhappy with their
to its affinity for Dhatus having similar Guna. This weight may be more prone to depression, be at risk
causes vitiation of Medodhatvagni and for substance abuse. Overweight and obese childrens
Apakvamedodhatu is formed which causes are at risk for developing medical problem that affect
obstruction of Medovahasrotas and obstruction of their present and future health and quality of life
Samanavayu. This obstruction again causes vitiation including; high BP, high cholesterol, abnormal blood
of Samanvayu and Jatharagnisandhukshan in Kostha lipid levels, type 2 diabetes, bone and joint problems,
which produces Kshudhatimatram making person shortness of breath and may aggravate the symptoms
voracious eater. or chances of developing asthma, disordered sleep
Sthaulya results due to the abnormal increase of one patterns like OSD, tendency to mature earlier,
particular Dhaatu viz. Medas and envisaged an overweight girls may have irregular menstrual cycle
obstruction in Srotas (metabolic pathways) resulting and fertility problem in adulthood, liver and gall
in an impairment of Agni Vyapara (metabolism) bladder disease, depression.[10]
which is concerned with intermediate metabolism.[5] Disease become chronic and complications occurs if
Acharya Sushruta mentioned that no treatment is given and still Nidana is continued.
Kaphavardhakaahara, Adhyasahana, lack of Sthula has been considered as Alpabala Purusha in
exercise, day sleep are main causative factors of whom every disease manifests in severe form.[11]
Sthaulya by vitiation of Meda.[6] Sthauyla has been
Due to Srotorodha, nourishment of all Dhatus is
considered as Rasa Nimittaja disorder.[7]
hampered leading to complications because of
So, Ayurveda explains the pathology of obesity as, decreased immunity. Upadrava like Jwara,
Increase of Agni - digestion strength, leading to Bhagandra, Visarapa, Atisara, Meha, Arsha,
increase of appetite and food intake hampered Shleepada, Apachi, Kamala, Prameha, Pidika,
conversion of Medodhatu to Asthidhatu, leading to Vataroga occurs in this stage.[12]
increased production of Medodhatu.[8]
Prevention of overweight and obesity
Classification of Obesity The key to keeping childrens of all ages at a healthy
Obesity can be classified into different types. The weight is taking a whole family approach. Make
commonest type is alimentary in origin. The person healthy eating and exercise a family affair, and avoid
eats too much and does not exercise regularly. With falling into these common foods/eating behavior
the same amount of food and more exercises, obesity traps. Avoid rewards kids for good behavior or try to
would not occur. Some peoples are more prone to stop bad behavior with sweets or treats. Don’t
accumulate the fat than others. Some can apparently maintain a clean plate policy.
eat excessively, with lack of exercise and yet show no
Don’t talk about bad food or completely eliminate all
tendency of putting on weight. This is due to Vata
sweets and favorite snacks from kid’s diets.
nature, Pitta nature or combination of both.
Obese must avoid preserved food.
Sign and Symptoms
Atisthula person is person who have excessive or Avoid sleeping in afternoon help to increase the
abnormal increase of Medadhatu and Mamsa Dhatu burning of calories.
which results in pendulous movement of buttocks, If you eat well, exercise regularly and incorporate
abdomen and breast and that increase in bulk is not healthy habit into your family’s daily life, you are
matched by corresponding increase in energy.[9] modeling a healthy lifestyle for your kid that will last.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51932 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 656
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Most of all let your kids know you love them, no Yoga for obesity prevention
matter what their weight and that you want to help The disease is supposed to be a gift of modern life
them be happy. style and it’s a breeding ground for so many diseases.
yoga poses like Asanas, Pranayama, meditation and
Principle of Therapy
In Modern system of medicine some anti obesity relaxation techniques are helpful for weight loss,
drugs are also suggested like anorectic drugs etc. but lessening of body fat and weight management.
their effectiveness for short time, weigh regain after shedding of excess fat and weight and attaining ideal
cessation of drugs and side effects limit their body can be achieved by practicing Yoga.
usefulness. Hence, there is need for proper evaluation Sarvangasana - improves the efficiency of the thyroid
of predisposing and causative factors of obesity and gland, which is responsible for correcting body
its management which is a critical health care issue. weight.
The principles of therapy are generally same as in Padahastasana - improves the metabolic process of
prevention; the body by acting on thyroid and pituitary gland and
Reduced calorie intake thus control it.
Increased activity levels
Dhanurasana - helps to burn excessive fat in the
Decreased sedentary behavior
Family involvement
Behavioral changes Paschimottanasana - helps to remove excess fat in
How can Ayurveda help in weight loss abdominal region.
In Ayurveda, general principal of the management is Bhujangasana - massages the abdominal organs,
as follows;[13] increase the flexibility of back and also regulates the
Nidana Parivarjana throid gland. It is good for childhood obesity.[18]
Shamana Samshodhana Chikitsa
Samshodhana The Samshodhana therapy act directly on the root
Nidana Parivarjana causes of Sthaulya and help to cure the disease. There
Nidana Parivarjana is first fundamental principle of is minimum chance of reoccurrence of disease and is
management of obesity.[14] Hence, all such factors helpful in restoration of normal strength and
which cause Brimhana should be avoided like complexion.[19]
sedentary lifestyle, Snigdhaahara and Madhurarasa It can be divided into two categories,
etc. because these are considered to be etiological Bahya Shodhana
factor of different diseases of Kapha and Meda.[15] Abhyantra Shodhana
Shamana Bahya Shodhana includes Udvartna, Avagaha,
Administration of Guru and Apatarpaka articles Parisheka. In Sthaulya, use of Ruksha Udvartana has
which possess additional Vataghna, Shleshmahara been mentioned as Bahya Shodhana[20] as it is
and Medohara properties is considered as an ideal for Kaphahara, Medasapravilayana, Sthirikaranam and
Samshamana therapy.[16] Also Guruguna is sufficient Twakprasadkara.[21]
to alleviate vitiated Agni and Atikhsudha.[17]
Abhyantra Shodhana include Vamana, Virechana,
Ayurveda believe that the body is controlled by three Nasya, Niruhabasti and Raktamokshana.
energies, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These energies
maintain the balance of body in a healthy individual, DISCUSSION
these energies are in natural harmony with each other, Like diet and exercise, the goal of medication
any disease or uneasiness can therefore be explained treatment has to be realistic. With allopathic
as an increase or decrease of any of these energies. medication treatment, one can expect an initial weight
Ayurvedic herbs help to bring these energies to loss. It is also important to remember that these
equilibrium. Ayurveda has ample number of herbs medications only work when they are taken. When
that help to increase and maintain the body they are discontinued, weight gain can occur. The
metabolism thereby reducing fat from the body also first class (category) of medication used for weight
the Ayurvedic herbs reduce the bad cholesterol and control cause symptoms that mimic the sympathetic
increase the good cholesterol level in the body and nervous system. They cause the body to feel "under
hence maintain the required weight. it is safe and stress" or "nervous" As a result, the major side effect
natural system of medicines some of the best of this class of medication is high blood pressure.
Ayurvedic herbs for obesity are; Guggulu, Mustaka, Sthaulya occurs mainly due to consumption of
Triphala, Arjuna, Zingiber officinalis. Kaphavardhka Ahara and Vihara. These factors are

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51932 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 657
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
responsible for impaired Jatharagni and formation of [10]
Ama, which causes impairment of Medodhatvagni [11] Kaviraj Ambikadutta Shastri, Sushruta Samhita
also. A drug should have properties like Deepana, commentary “Ayurveda Tattva Sandipika” part
Pachana, Kapha-vatashamaka, Srotoshodhana and 1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi,
Medonashaka for obesity. 1995; p. 175
Most people who are able to maintain their weight [12] Kaviraj Ambikadutta Shastri, Sushruta Samhita
loss for more than a year get regular exercise, even commentary “Ayurveda Tattva Sandipika” part
simple walking. 1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi,
CONCLUSION 1995; p. 81
Maintaining ideal body weight is a balancing act [13] Charaka, Charak Samhita, Vidyotini Hindi
between food consumption and calories needed by the commentary by Kashinath Shastri and Dr.
body for energy. The kinds and amounts of food we Gorkhnathmm Chaturvedi, Chaukhambha
eat affect ability to maintain ideal weight and to lose Bharti Prakashana, Varanasi, 2009; p. 734
weight. The goal of obesity treatment is to reach and
stay at a healthy weight. Increased physical activity or [14] Kaviraj Ambikadutta Shastri, Sushruta Samhita
exercise also is an essential part of obesity treatment. commentary “Ayurveda Tattva Sandipika” part
2, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi,
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51932 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 658

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