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College of business studies

Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping among Business Students

in a State University in Pampanga

A Research Submitted to the

College of Business Studies
Don Honorio Ventura State University

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for Business Research II


Submitted to:
Dr. Rowina M. Twano

January, 2022
Commission on Higher Education
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga



In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the course of Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration major in Marketing, in this study entitled:

Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping among Business Students

in a State University in Pampanga

has been prepared and submitted by:

Whose Grade for the paper is _____________

Dr. Rowina Twano

Adviser, Business Research II

Panel of Examiners

Dr. Yuri Walter Akiate Mr. Raymond Timog, MBA

Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration major in Marketing.


Chairman, Marketing Dean, College of Business Studies


Title Page ….………………………………………………….…………………………i

Recommendation and Approval Sheet……………….………………………………….ii

Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………iii

List of Figures and Tables ……..……………………………………………………….v

Acknowledgment ……………………………………………………...……………….vi

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………..…………vii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION …………….…………………..……..…...…….. 1

Background of the Study …………………………………………………………….4
Review of Related Literature and Studies …………………………………………. .5
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………………8
Hypothesis of the Study ……………………………………………………………..9
Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………………………. 10
Significance of the Study…….……………..……………………………………… 11
Scope and Delimitation...…………………………………………………………... 12
Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………....... 13
Acronyms …………………………………………………………………………...14

CHAPTER II: METHODS ………………………………………………...……….15

Research Design …………………………………………………………………….15
Population of the Study ……………………………………………………………..15
Sampling Size ……………………………………………………………………….15
Sampling Design …………………………………………………………………….17
Research Locale ……………………………………………………………………..17
Data Gathering Procedure …………………………………………………………...17
Research Instrument ………………………………………………………………....18
Validity and Reliability ……………………………………………………………...19
Data Processing and Statistical Treatment …………………………………………..20
Ethical Considerations …………………………………………………………….....22


Result and Discussion ……………………………………………………………… 23


Findings …………………………………………………………………………….. 37
Conclusions ………………………………………………………………….………38
Recommendation ………………………………………………………………...…. 39

References……………………….………………………………………..........….. 41
Appendices ………………………………………………………………………... 51
Survey Questionnaire ………………………….…………………………………... 51
Grammarian Certificate …………………………………………………………......55
Plagiarism Scan ……………………………………………………………………..56



1. Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………………10


1. Minimum No. of Samples and Actual Samples ……………………………………. 16

1. Respondents’ Demographic Profile ………………………………………………….23

2. Respondents’ Assessment in terms of Information Availability …………………….26
3. Respondents’ Assessment in terms of Pricing ……………………………………….28
4. Respondents’ Assessment in terms of Quality ………………………………………29
5. Respondents’ Assessment in terms of Shipping ……………………….…………….31
6. Respondents’ Assessment in terms of Customer Satisfaction ………………….……33
7. Correlation Analysis in the Respondents’ Assessment of the
Factors influencing Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping ………….…………35
8. Regression Analysis in the Respondents’ Assessment of the
Factors influencing Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping ………….…………36


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Rowina Twano,

as their loving adviser. Dr. Twano is always there for them whenever they need an advice,

even in the late nights and Dr. Ma. Antonnette M. Guinto who is very selfless, dedicated and

caring consultant to the researchers. They are always available to help them.

Also, the researchers would like to thank the business students of DHVSU (Main Campus) as

respondents, who were involved in the study for lending their free time. Without their

participation and input, the study could not have been successfully conducted.

Finally, the proponents express their gratitude to their parents for providing their needs in

doing this study; and to their beloved friends and colleagues who’s always there to give their

support and continuous encouragement throughout the whole semester and through the

process of research and writing this Business Research. It all made possible with the guidance

of our Almighty God. All praises and glory to Him!


The primary purpose of this study is to determine the factors influencing customer

satisfaction on online shopping among business students. This also aimed to determine if

there is a significant effect in the online shopping factors and customer satisfaction. There is a

continuous problem in the market related to the question which online shopping factors

influencing customer satisfaction. This issue is specifically essential for business students,

where they mostly buy products through online shopping at present. In order to boost the

online shopping support, it is needed to survey and examine the connection between customer

satisfaction and diverse determinants. The respondents of the study were 354 students from

College of Business Studies in the State University in Bacolor, Pampanga. A conceptual

framework is described, consisting of 15 items categorized into four variables: information

availability, pricing, quality, shipping and 5 items for customer satisfaction. This study

utilized quantitative research using descriptive-correlation research design. Adopted survey

questionnaire was used as the research instrument, with the help of proper Internet tools.

Using Pearson correlation coefficient test, result revealed that there is a significant effect on

factors of online shopping to customer satisfaction. Utilizing regression the result disclose

Shipping was the predominant factor that influence customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Online Shopping, Customer Satisfaction, Information Availability, Quality,

Pricing, Shipping.




Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world for

connecting people, information, ideas, resources and services. The modern technology such

internet become the main tools for any economy in the world for their progress. Through

internet companies can access for immediate business transaction all over the world. Through

internet every country build a modern buildings and innovate their industries. Through the

Internet the people are become more aggressive in participating in the latest information that

the internet can offer. Through this technology it makes people life easy and fast. Internet

indeed gives a massive impact to the modern world the importance of it is really visible. It is

used in all spheres of life now (Salac & Kim, 2016).

In the Philippines, its first ever online connection through Internet was established on

March 29, 1994. This is the moment that Filipino opened to what internet can offer. Through

internet, Filipino adopt the importance of the technology and become aggressive in exploring

the internet. Through this progress of technology the country was indeed become popular in

using the internet. Filipinos are well known for using txt message as frequent

communications among their family, friends and colleagues. Through this the country level in

consumer engagement with mobile and other technology become tremendous (Salac & Kim,


Online shopping has become a substitute source for having the essential necessities

we need in our daily life. Online platforms increase because of this virus, people are avoiding

going out, and they work, studies and buy at home, and keep social distance. According to a

survey, the Philippines ranked third among seven Asia Pacific countries surveyed, with a total

online spend of P92.5 billion in 2017. Even if the shipping and supply processes are currently

slow, customers are still purchasing because they have no other choice. Popular retailers such

as SM Supermarket and others in Pampanga have joined online platforms for the safety and

convenience of their customers (Bhatti, et al. 2020)

Online shopping is taking shape. The majority of online shoppers are youth/students

having a strong buying power. This is because young people believe that online shopping is

easy, that they can get more items and details 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The media

and social media, both electronic and broadcast, has a significant impact on their purchasing

habits. It is a well-known fact that youth/students are early adopters of most emerging

technologies and they enjoy exploring and experimenting, and they like to change their

surroundings frequently. Today's youth/students have evolved into savvy shoppers who use

common sense when shopping online and simply enjoy the experience. The happiness of

young customers is based on perceived success and meeting their expectations. According to

marketers, there are many factors that affect a youth's/student's purchase decisions and buying

behavior when it comes to online shopping. They are conscious on product they want to buy

through online and buying experience is one of the factors they also consider. Furthermore,

they are looking for the customer service from the online seller in terms of dealing with them.

Lastly, the danger might they can experience while buying online. (Dr. Kumar & Kanchan,


People have become increasingly reliant on the internet and as the world is adapting to

the coronavirus, consumers tend to rely on the digital world. In the last month of 2019, a

growing virus been reported that give rise to an unknown microorganism in the province of

Wuhan, China. In the same month 54 cases of these pneumonia infections emerged, the virus

that caused these diseases was identified as a new coronavirus from the Coronaviridae family.

WHO renamed the newly discovered coronavirus as COVID-19, since then the virus infection

rate has increased and has spread over 196 countries worldwide (Srivastava, et al. 2020).

Coronavirus are a group of viruses that cause mild illnesses and can invade the lower airway,

causing serious illnesses such as pneumonia and bronchitis. People who are infected with this

virus can become contagious in both serious and non-serious ways. (WHO, 2019)

Coronavirus has a major impact on global developments. Every industry has experienced

rapid change. It has affected human behavior, the essence of exchange and even life itself. It

spread fear among people causing them to avoid interacting with others.

Virtual Shopping or known as online shopping, is a type of e-commerce that helps

people to buy or order the products or service they need straight away from the seller by using

internet through their computer or smart phone browser. Some example of this virtual stores

are online store, online storefront, electronic shop, web- shop and virtual store. The term

"mobile commerce" refers to purchasing from an online retailer's mobile-friendly website.

The method is also known as business-to-consumer internet purchasing, and it

conjures the likeness of buying products or service at the company stall or any shopping

malls. The process of a company buying from another company is known as business-to-

business online shopping. Some of the massive online retailing company that are popular now

a days are, Alibaba and eBay.

Physical stores are no longer the only way to succeed in retail. It shows that number of

retailers come up with online store as connection to provide products to their customer. With

the popularity of online shopping now a days, retailers can grab the chance to meet the needs

of the offshore markets and give appropriate service. (Kavya, et al. 2014)

According to Rahman & Islam (2018), online shopping suggested that through

Internet the customer can buy products or service straight away from the seller via electronic

commerce. Jiradilok et al., (2014) stated that online shopping refers to the activities of

information searching, information sharing, purchasing or trading products and services

through the internet, as well as maintaining client relationships without the need for a face-to-

face encounter, as opposed to traditional transactions. Online shopping is frequently

misunderstood as a means of conducting business between web retailers and web end

customers, but it actually comprises a wide range of online commercial interactions.

According to Legaspi, et al. (2016) customer who buy product or services using web

browse using their computer or smart phone known as online shopping. The sellers' goal is to

persuade and attract potential customers to purchase products, as well as to ensure that they

are satisfied. The customer view on online shopping broaden through the way they buy

products. The customer at the presents days or what they called digital age been influenced by

the technology. Using their mastery of the Internet to find products or services that the need

and after they will but it.

The research study conducted by Vasic et al, (2018) “The Influence of Online

Shopping Determinants on Customer Satisfaction in the Serbian Market” tested the

interdependence between Customer Satisfaction and the following factors such as Quality,

Information Availability, Shipping and Price.

According to Vasic et al., (2018) Customers who are satisfied with a service provider

are more likely to buy from them again if their expectations were met. They have create a

four main factors for customer satisfaction this are the following: information availability,

shipping, quality and pricing.

According to Rabo & Ang, (2018) Customer Satisfaction is defined as the satisfaction

of subconscious and conscious wants through the use of particular factors of goods or

services. It may offer firms with information that can help them optimize their operations and

focus improvement programs on cost efficiency in order to increase performance. Customers

who were pleased with their purchase would return and promote favorable word of mouth.

As stated by Ratilla (2016), following the consumer's ability to perceive his or her

need, the following step is for him or her to seek product information (e.g. attributes or

features). Consumers rely on word-of-mouth, print, visual, and Internet media for

information. The ability of the information channel to deliver the correct information to

consumers, as well as the ability of consumers to pick up the proper information, determines

the quality of the information gathered. Furthermore, because purchasing a product is a

difficult process, buyers require assistance throughout the decision-making process. The

writer also stated that this can be delivered in the form of information that is routed in various

ways, and that the information gathered is then assessed in order to discover the highest

possible solution to the need that the actual consumer is seeking.

According to the study which Wang (2011) has conducted, customers who shop

online are frequently offered a better and lower price that they might purchase the same thing

when they buy in a store. Customers can also use a price search engine on the internet to

compare prices from different online shop than buying from local retailing store. According

to the study which Vasic, et al. (2018) has conducted, consumers always consider prices when

evaluating the value of a product or service, and pricing is a significant aspect in customer

satisfaction. Pricing is significantly related to customer satisfaction. Consumers’ satisfaction

can be influenced by factors such as providing them discounts every time they buy.

According to the study which Dela Fuente & Prasetyo (2020) has conducted, pricing

has a strong direct impact on purchasing decisions and an indirect impact on customer

satisfaction. It is clear that product price, delivery costs, and discounts plays different role

when they buy through online shop. It's also considered that Filipinos still prefer to choose

the right product based on personal preferences rather than the cheapest. Filipinos' needs and

desires continue to take importance above the effect of sales promotions. Customers are more

concerned with the price of a product while making an online purchase than potential

customers. Due to potential customer put a high value on trust towards online shopping than a

repeat customers.

Kotler, et al. (2011:254) confirmed that customer actually particular in the product

quality to compensate their needs in acquiring a product or service. According to the study

which Handoko (2016) has conducted, customers are more likely to purchase from an online

shop because they believe that the product seems to have great quality. If they reach the

customer's expectations in terms of product quality on their first purchase, they will definitely

continue to buy from the same shop. For customer, online store are indeed help them on

buying their needs.

According to Bringula, et al. (2016) wherein perceived quality increases value in

numerous ways: high quality brand attracts the customers to acquire the products and it

provides brand uniqueness among other products in the market. Current studies, it was

established that an online products or service that are substandard and way pricey compare to

the conventional stores, customer might not engage in online shopping. Fandialan, et al.

(2019) stated that search quality refers to the amount of time a consumer spent looking for

certain products before making a purchase. They believe that checking the quality of a

product through repeated searches is the best way to do it.

According to Handoko (2016) as the final process on online shopping or e commerce

shipping is very crucial stage and this is very important for customer view. Timely and

reliable shipping should be a top goal for any online store on the planet, and it is critical to

their success.. Ziaullah, Yi and Akhter (2014), observed that customers main objective when

they buy through online is receiving their order in a very secure and on time delivery.

Customers like to purchase things from their own homes, and they want safe, reliable, and

timely delivery of their chosen product to their specific locations. In an online context, quick

and reliable delivery are key to meeting and exceeding client expectations. Customers can

easily switch from one web page to another with just a single click or even customer moved

towards conventional click and mortar retailers due to the late, unsafe and undesirable

products delivery. To summarize, shipping is a service provided by an online store to protect

the customer's items.

According to Fandialan, et al (2019) customers are delighted when an online store

sends an email confirmation and information on how to monitor their orders, and it is better

for online retailers to show good communication with customers by showing shipping options

on their website. Through this kind of options customer who buy online always feel confident

that their purchase order will be dispatch in time they expected.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to find out the Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction

on Online Shopping among Business Students in a State University in Pampanga.

It is intended to find answers to the following questions.

1. How may the respondents' profile be described in terms of?

1.1. Sex

1.2. Courses

1.3. Time Browse

1.4. Amount Spent

1.5. Online Shopping Application

2. How may the following factors influencing respondents' customer satisfaction on

online shopping be described in terms of:

2.1. Information Availability

2.2. Pricing

2.3. Quality

2.4. Shipping

3. How may the customer satisfaction on online shopping be assess?

4. Is there significant effect between the different Factors of Online Shopping

(Information Availability, Pricing, Quality, and Shipping) and Customer Satisfaction?

5. Which of the different factors of online shopping (Information Availability, Pricing,

Quality, and Shipping) predominantly influences Customer Satisfaction?

Hypothesis of the Study

This study which is entitled “Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction on Online

Shopping among Business Students in a State University in Pampanga” has an expected

outcome among the following hypothesis:

H1. There is a significant effect between information availability and customer satisfaction.

H2. There is a significant effect between pricing and customer satisfaction.

H3. There is a significant effect between quality and customer satisfaction.

H4. There is a significant effect between shipping and customer satisfaction.

Conceptual Framework

The four independent variables used is to determine the factors that influence towards

online shopping that includes Information Availability, Quality, Pricing and Shipping in

relation with customer satisfaction.

Information H1

Pricing Customer




Fig.1. Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Study

This research will further understand the Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction on

Online shopping among Business Students in a State University in Pampanga. This study will

take significance to the following:

Student. With the help of this research they would know that they have to choose trusted

seller in online shop. They would be more skillful to dig more information about the product

before they buy.

Online Seller. This study could help them recognized what is the best strategy they can

acquire to attract more customers. To evaluate the most important factors they need to

consider like quality products, promotions and the readiness of the product that the customer


Readers. This study would let them know that being a consumer who purchase goods online

shop is not that literary easy.

Future Research. The study can help future students who want to explore deeper about

online shopping and customer satisfaction. They could use this as a reference. This study are

open for any possible ideas that can improve the research.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study conducted primarily for the purpose of identifying the Factors Influencing

Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping among Business Students in a State University in

Pampanga. The study focused on the following factors: Information Availability, Shipping,

Quality and Pricing.

The respondents of this study are within the State University in Bacolor, Pampanga.

Respondents in the Study are limited to College of Business Studies, which are the

Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Public Administration, Accountancy and

Accounting Information System who are buying online.

Limitation of the Study

 This study focused on the factors that influence the students of College of Business

Study in one of the University in Bacolor, Pampanga.

 Respondents given survey questionnaire through google form to answer.

 Due to the time given, the respondents in the study have been limited to six (6)

courses in College of Business Studies.

Definition of Terms

Consumer: A person who buys products and services for his or her own use (Oxford


Consumer Satisfaction: Defined as a metric for determining consumer satisfaction with a

company and its products, services, and competencies. (Quality Glossary).

Information Availability: According to Swati (2018) refers to the infrastructure's capacity to

perform as expected by the business during its designated time of operation.

Internet: is the network used now a days to access information and ideas faster and easier

worldwide. (Oxford Language).

Online shopping: According to Sunitha & Gnanadhas (2014) it is a method of buying goods,

services, and other items directly from a seller over the internet without the need of an

intermediary provider.

Pricing: is the process of giving the equivalent amount of money that the seller receive in

exchange of product or services that they offer. (Byjus).

Quality: According to Diaz (2014) it refers to a set of an object's underlying features that

allow it to satisfy expressed or suggested needs.

Respondent: A person who responds to something, particularly one who fills out a set of

questionnaire or responds to an advertisement (Oxford Language).

Shipping: is the other term for logistic that carrying products to one destination to other.

(Ecommerce Platforms).

Shopper: shopper who makes purchases in a store (Cambridge Dictionary).

Student: an individual who is formally involved in learning, such as in a school or college



COVID-19 is the current virus that spread around the world that affect the health of many

people that has been detected in the province of Wuhan, China last December 2019. The

letters CO, VI, and D stand for corona, virus, and disease, respectively.



Research Design

The researchers applied a correlational research design to determine the significant

effect between the factors and customer satisfaction towards online shopping (Seeram, 2019).

According to (Mascarenhas 2019), the descriptive design connected the research work's aims

to the findings. The researchers’ key topic for this study job is to relate the findings with the

conclusion based on the research objectives, hence descriptive research design was chosen.

Population of the Study

The population of the study were college students of State University in Pampanga

under College of Business Studies taking up Accountancy, Accounting Information System,

Economics, Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Public Administration since they buy online

through different online applications they considered as consumers that could exhibit

different factors through online shopping. The researchers chosen university students as

respondents that were familiar with some of the terms used in the instrument.

Sampling Size

In order to get the sample size researchers used an online application to get the minimum size

for the respondents who will participate on the study. The result will be not less than 354,

from a total of 4,498 population of enrolled students from College of Business Studies.

During distribution of the instrument, a total of 354 gathered among the six (6) courses in

College of Business Studies.

Table 1
Minimum No. of Samples and Actual Samples Collected from the 6 courses of
College of Business Studies

Major No. of Minimum

Students enrolled in College of Sample 
Business Studies

Accountancy 1,721 101

Accounting Information
System 342 42

Economics 150 30

Entrepreneurship 267 34

Marketing 1,866 124

Public Administration 177 23

TOTAL 4,498 354

Sampling Design

Researchers were able to apply the findings of the sample to a specific target

population by using probability sampling. It categorized into distinct sampling method,

stratified random sampling was utilized by the researchers. Ensure that all population areas

are represented in the study. Each layer's attributes can be estimated, and comparisons can be

conducted. (Acharya et al., 2013)

Research Locale

The study was conducted among the students of Colleges of Business Studies that are

taking up Major in Accountancy, Accounting Information System, Economics,

Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Public Administration from Don Honorio Ventura State


Data Gathering Procedure

Primary data collected thru the following steps. First, the researchers provided

instrument through Google forms that will be distributed to selected students of College of

Business Studies and explained for any possible concern. Second, the researchers collected all

the questionnaires and they tallied, computed, and organized the data. Lastly, the researchers

analyzed and interpreted the data.

The instrument was adapted from the study conducted by Vasic et al. (2018). “The

Influence of Online Shopping Determinants on Customer Satisfaction in the Serbian Market.”

Secondary data were gathered and used through a comprehensive review of the literature. The

researchers used related studies through reliable website.

Research Instrument

This study is quantitative research were the researchers used an adapted survey

questionnaire from the study conducted by Vasic, et al. (2018). It is entitled “The Influence of

Online Shopping Determinants on Customer Satisfaction in the Serbian Market”, with some

adaptations for the Philippine setting and respondents. Questions like: frequently used online

shopping websites.

In the first part of the survey, respondents were asked about their sex, frequency of

browsing the internet, maximum amount to purchase online, and most frequently used


In the second part of the survey, respondents was asked to rate their satisfaction with online

shopping factors such as information availability, price, quality, shipping and customer

satisfaction on a modified Likert Scale from 1 to 4.

Validation of Instrument

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to assess the validity of the model

measurement scale. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) method was applied using the SmartPLS

3 program. PLS was selected because it does not have strict requirements regarding the type

of data distribution or sample size. It is a soft modeling method that can be flexible when

performing various statistical modeling problems. The method began to be widely used at the

beginning of the 21st century in a number of areas such as strategic management,

management of information systems, e-commerce, marketing and consumer behavior. The

sample size was adequate for the component based PLS approach which required the sample

not to be less than the number obtained by multiplying the number of elements with the

largest block by 10.SmartPLS is independent software specialized for the PLS method and

independent of the operating system. Input data can be used in different data file formats. The

program is based on the nonparametric bootstrap procedure and does not assume that the data

is normally distributed. Raw data can be used provided the latent variable indicators are

continuous. This paper used data from the original 1-4 Likert scale. SmartPLS procedure

allowed the individual sign change, where the sign for each individual outer weight becomes

equal to the appropriate sign of the original sample. The estimate of convergent validity was

determined based on the mean variance extracted (AVE) test [37].The prerequisite for

convergent validity was that the AVE exceed the lower limit of acceptability of 0.50 (AVE ≥

0.50).AVE values for all model variables were over 0.50, with the lowest AVE value of 0.713

for quality, meaning that the prerequisite was fulfilled. This instrument was adapted from the

study of Vasić, N., Kilibarda, M., & Kaurin, T., (2018) in The Inluence of Online Shopping

Determinants on Customer Satisfaction in the Serbian Market.

Reliability Test

The loading of the composite factor and reliability has been examined to establish the

reliability of each element and construction in the model. Load factor determined ranged from

0.776 to 0.973, which was significantly greater than 0.7 as the lower acceptability limit. The

composite reliability (ρc) for all factors exceeded the necessary minimum of 0.80, with the

lowest value of 0.881 for quality. On the basis of the values obtained, it can be affirmed that

all the items and all the variables satisfy the conditions of convergent reliability and validity.

As this instrument used in the study had previously been used by various researchers

in similar studies, and it was adapted from the study of Vasić, N., Kilibarda, M., & Kaurin,

T., (2018) in The Inluence of Online Shopping Determinants on Customer Satisfaction in the

Serbian Market.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The underlying statistical tests and techniques were used to acquire, assess, and

analyzed the results.

Frequency Distribution

The study used a frequency distribution to characterize the respondents' sex profiles,

frequency of browsing the internet, maximum amount to purchase online, and most

frequently used websites. It used in the study to described the frequency with which

respondents answered to questions about their online shopping determinants of customer

satisfaction (Vasic, et al. 2018).

Arithmetic Mean

The mean is the most common and extensively used statistic for presenting all of the

data as a numerical result. This average number is used to identify the data’s nature and

assess its value. Measures of central value allow comparisons to be performed by reducing a

large amount of data into a single figure. (Radha, et al. 2013).

Scale Descriptive Rating Mean Range

4 Strongly Disagree 3.50 – 4.00

3 Disagree 2.50 – 3.49
2 Agree 1.50 – 2.49
1 Strongly Agree 1.00 - 1.40
Standard Deviation

The standard deviation is a statistical property that measures dispersion around a

descriptive statistic, which is usually the arithmetic mean in most circumstances. They are

descriptive statistics for continuous data that measured variability around a mean. (Allen,


Pearson Correlation Coefficient Test

The Pearson Correlation Coefficient is a technique for evaluating the quality of an

appropriate analysis. It also displays the relationship's orientations, strength, and significance

among all variables. It will show the results of all regression variables' correlation analyses.

The dependent variable in this research is Customer Satisfaction while there are four (4)

independent variables which are Information Availability, Pricing, Quality and Shipping

(Musa, et al. 2015)

Size of Correlation Descriptive Rating

.90 to 1.00 (-.90 to -1.00) Very high positive (negative) correlation

.70 to .90 (-.70to -.90) High positive (negative) correlation
.50 to .70 (-.50 to -.70) Moderate positive (negative) correlation
.30 to .50 (-.30 to -.50) Low positive (negative) correlation
.00 to .30 (-.00 to -.50) Neglible correlation

Regression Analysis

The regression analysis is used to examine the hypothesis relationship of factors

affecting Customer Satisfaction towards Online Shopping which is Information Availability,

Pricing, Quality and Shipping (Musa, et al. 2015).

Ethical Considerations

The following are the ethical consideration.

1. This research study was followed the ethical standards and principles strictly.

2. The borrowed studies were correctly cited in the research.

3. It is vital that respondents aren't forced to take part in the research.

4. The study participants' privacy and identity were respected.


Table 1 are the profile of the respondents. Considered by sex, the female dominated at

78% leaving the male group with 22%. Female are mostly tempting to shop online while male

are less about temptation in shopping weather in a mortar or online type of store. Based on

the study female indeed like to do online shopping (Vaidya & Vaidya, 2017). Segregated by

courses the Marketing major got the highest percentage of 33.3%, and Public Administration

got the lowest percentage of 4.2%. Considered by Internet Browsing respondents who spent

more than 4 hours got the highest percentage at 62.4%. As now a days most of the college

students own their smart phone that can browse the internet anytime. The student spent less

that 1 hour got the lowest percentage of 4.8%. It is been proved the millennial at the present

days generally spend more than 4 hours a day in browsing internet (Velasco, 2020).

Segregated in maximum spend on Online Purchase respondents spending less than 1000php

got the highest percentage at 80.2%. Lastly, respondents who spend more than 10,000phh got

the lowest percentage at .3%. Lastly, respondents considered by ranking the most online

application used, Shoppe got the highest total percentage at 96.6%, followed by FB-Market

with 78.8% as the lowest.

Table 1

Respondent’s Demographic Profile

Profile of the Respondents Frequency (f) Percent (%)

Male 78 22%
Female 276 78%
Total 354 100%

Accountancy 68 19.2%

Accounting Information
Technology 60 16.9 %
Economics 47 13.3%
Entrepreneurship 46 13.0 %
Marketing 118 33.3%
Public Administration 15 4.2%
Total 354 100%

Internet Browsing
Less than 1 hour 17 4.8%
1-2 hours 33 9.3%
2-3 hours 54 15.3%
3-4 hours 29 8.2%
More than 4 hours 221 62.4%
Total 354 100%

Maximum Spend on Online Purchase

Less than 1000 284 80.2%
From 1000 – 3000 52 14.7%
From 3000 – 5000 13 3.7%
From 5000 – 10 000 4 1.1%
More than 10 000 1 .3%
Total 354 100%

Ranking (Lazada)
1 82 23.2%
2 164 46.3%
3 14.1 16.9%
Total 296 83.6%
Missing System 58 16.4%
Total 354 100%

Ranking (Shopee)
1 148 41.8%
2 66 18.6%
3 128 36.2%
Total 342 96.6%
Missing System 12 3.4%
Total 354 100%

Ranking (FB-Market)

1 101 28.5%
2 57 16.1%
3 121 34.2%
Total 279 78.8%
Missing System 75 21.2%
Total 354 100%

Table 2 is the Availability Information. The results showed that the item number 3

which is, “Information on the product online is precise.” obtained the highest mean of 2.15

with a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. Chaudary et al., (2014) found out that information

availability includes facts on merchandise, stores, and sales efforts. Research and information

search intent are terms used to describe information about a product they are considering

purchasing. Consumers can make smarter and more efficient selections using the information

offered on a website.

The number 1, “Online product information is identical to in-store product

information.” Got the lowest rate of mean 1.99 with a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. Being

not able to see the products in person customer feel at risk on buying online. Consumers

clearly utilize product brand name, store name and giving them the sufficient information as

surrogates for product quality to decrease risk and simplify purchasing decisions, particularly

when buying online where many product qualities cannot be inspected directly (Simonian et

al., 2012).

With 2.07 overall mean and Agree as the verbal interpretation. In line with these

results, Pham and Adhammad (2017) stated that online retailers can help the customer to

make purchasing decisions by providing and giving access to up-to-date, relevant, sufficient,

and easy-to-understand information. It can also help to forecast the quality and utility of a

product based on detailed and thorough knowledge. Customers' perceptions of shopping

convenience were also found to be influenced by the depth of product information availability

on a website. They are more satisfied when e-retailers providing them the facts, and this is

stronger than when the information of products is limited. As a result of more customers,

customer satisfaction increases. The shopping website provides a wealth of information that is

both comprehensive and high-quality.

Table 2

According to Respondents Rating on Information Availability

Indicators Frequency (f) Mean Standard Verbal

Items 1 2 3 4 Deviation Interpretation

1. Information on
the product online 84 205 49 16 1.99 .747 Agree
is identical to the
information on the
product in a store.

2. Information on
the product online 63 195 77 19 2.15 .768 Agree
is precise.

3. Information on
the product online 82 181 70 21 2.08 .813 Agree
is up-to-date.

Overall Mean 2.07 Agree

Table 3 represents the respondents' thoughts on pricing. The result revealed that

“online shopping reduces expenses per transaction in comparison to traditional shopping”

obtained a highest mean of 2.11 with a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. According to Gupta

(2015), an online shop can give a customer a precise price and offer a lower price than a

traditional market. Even if every item has a shipping charge included, the price will not be

higher than price in-store it always better to shop online. The advantage of online shop is that

they do not have a store to rent and pay an electric bill monthly.

On the other hand, “online shopping saves money in comparison to traditional

shopping” got the lowest mean of 2.05 with a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. Online shops

sometimes provide a lower price than when customers buy a product in a store, which means

they can save money every time they shop online. Customers can look for a better price

online. they can search the internet for the price of a given product from various online stores.

They have the option of investing their hard-earned money in a worthwhile product at a lesser

price Wang (2011).

The result of respondents’ assessment in terms of pricing obtained an overall mean of

2.07 with a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. Pricing is one of the factors in customer

satisfaction that consumers usually consider when they evaluate a product. Giving discount to

the customer every time they buy can influenced customer satisfaction Vasic, et al. (2018).

According to the study which Fuente & Prasetyo (2020) has conducted, Pricing has a direct

and indirect impact on purchasing decisions as well as customer satisfaction. Price plays

different role in customer satisfaction when people buy from online store, Filipinos preferred

to buy product in a lower price.

Table 3

According to Respondents Rating on Pricing.

Indicators Frequency (f) Mean Standard Verbal

Items 1 2 3 4 Deviation Interpretation

1. Online shopping
saves money in
comparison to 91 173 70 20 2.05 .825 Agree
traditional shopping.

2. Online shopping is
cheaper than 96 156 86 16 2.06 .832 Agree
traditional shopping.

3. Online shopping
significantly 78 177 82 17 2.11 .796 Agree
reduces expenses
per transaction
in comparison to
traditional shopping.

Overall Mean 2.07 Agree

Table 4 illustrates the respondents' perceptions on quality. The data presented that e-

shopping provides same purchasing conditions as traditional shopping gained a highest mean

of 2.29 with a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. According to the study which Handoko

(2016) has conducted, customers believes that the product they buy from online shop seems

to have in good quality and conditions. If they sustain the customer's expectation of the first

purchase, they will surely buy again from the same shop online.

In item 2, the product ordered online is rarely incompatible with the product

purchased in a store, with a mean of 2.19 and a verbal interpretation of "Agree." Customers'

poor internet shopping experiences may influence their future purchasing decisions. In online

shopping sometimes they may get unwanted product or low quality. Product doesn't fit what

is being describe in the picture. The product may be broken, wrong, or not working. (Chayapa

& Cheng, 2011). Consumers will not buy online if they assume the products are low quality

and overpriced than those sold in traditional stores. (Bringula, et al., 2016).

The overall mean of the respondents' evaluations in terms of pricing was 2.23, with a

verbal interpretation of Agree. According to Kotler, et al. (2011) stated that the ability to meet

the customer expectation is about the features of product quality. Customers believe on

checking the quality of the product through repeated search in online shop before making a

purchase (Fandialan, et al., 2019).

Table 4

According to Respondents Rating on Quality.

Indicators Frequency (f) Mean Standard Verbal

Items 1 2 3 4 Deviation Interpretation

1. The product
ordered online is
the same quality 57 182 101 14 2.20 .751 Agree
as the product
purchased in a store.

2. E-shopping
provides same 37 192 111 14 2.29 .703 Agree
purchasing conditions
as traditional shopping.

3. The product
ordered online is
rarely incompatible 38 218 90 8 2.19 .645 Agree
with the product
purchased in a store.

Overall Mean 2.23 Agree

Based on respondents’ evaluation in terms of shipping in table 5. The data shows that

item 6, “Online shopping offers the shipping options on weekends as well” got the highest

mean of 2.00 with a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. Liang et al., (2017) stated that

customers can choose from a variety of shipping options at online businesses, allowing them

to make better use of shipping capacity. Alternative delivery schedules are used by service

providers to effectively segment the market.

And item 1, “The option free shipping in online shopping increases the number of

sales” got the lowest mean of 1.82 with a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. They revealed that

the most efficient way to acquire customers and boost order frequency is to give

unconditional free shipping. The point of the study is to look into the joint pricing choice for

products and shipping. Free delivery, on the other hand, leads in a large drop in profitability

when compared to paid shipping models (Chen & Ngwe, 2018).

The result of respondents’ assessment in terms of shipping obtained an overall mean

of 1.89 interpreted as “Agree”. Customers should expect higher quality of service from online

seller by guaranteeing timely delivery, order fulfilment, and beneficial delivery terms.

Customers that receive timely and reliable delivery are more likely to repurchase,

demonstrating that timely delivery promotes customer satisfaction (Mofokeng, 2021).

Table 5

According to Respondents Rating on Shipping.

Indicators Frequency (f) Mean Standard Verbal

Items 1 2 3 4 Deviation Interpretation

1. The option free

shipping in online 156 127 48 23 1.82 .899 Agree
shopping increases
the number of sales.

2. After the online

shopping, customers 127 153 53 21 1.91 .860 Agree
are concerned whether
the ordered product
will be delivered.

3. Online purchase
makes customers 132 159 38 25 1.88 .866 Agree
feel concerned about
delivering the wrong

4. After the online

shopping, consumers 145 147 37 25 1.84 .879 Agree
are anxious whether
the ordered product
(clothing) will be
of appropriate size.

5. After the online

purchase, consumers 128 152 55 19 1.90 .851 Agree
are troubled regarding
the quality or freshness
of the delivered product

6. Online shopping
offers the shipping 90 191 56 17 2.00 .779 Agree
options on weekends
as well.

Overall Mean 1.89 Agree

Table 6 is the result of Customer Satisfaction. The data shows that the highest mean

score obtained by the respondents in the indicators was 2.01 with a verbal interpretation of

“Agree” which are: “I would recommend online shopping to other customers” and “it is my

opinion online shopping is excellent.” Customer satisfaction is among the most studied areas

in marketing research. By its potential to maintain existing clients and introduce new

customers, this plays a critical role in a competitive economy. (Tandon et al., 2017).

According to Deyalage & Kulathunga (2019) it is self-evident that customer satisfaction is a

critical aspect in determining customer attractiveness to a brand and services.

With a verbal interpretation of "Agree," respondents received a mean score of 1.94. “I

enjoy online shopping, which is the lowest predictor for consumer satisfaction.” When

customers enjoy themselves when shopping online they will for sure repeat the purchase.

(Pappas, et al., 2013). Customers' desire to purchase online is enough to entice them to return

to an online business and make another purchase. Results revealed that the respondents’

customer satisfaction obtained a total mean score of 1.98 with a verbal interpretation of


Findings indicate that the factors of online shopping had increased the respondents’

customer satisfaction as supported by the obtained mean scores. The factors of online

shopping had therefore necessarily strengthened the respondents’ customer satisfaction that

websites offer online purchasing options; internet shopping makes the purchasing process

interesting; recommend online shopping to other customers; enjoy shopping online; and

online shopping in excellent.

As supported by Williams & Naumann (2011) study wherein it was found out that a

highly satisfied customer stays loyal to the brand for a longer amount of time. They tend to

spend more, willingness to recommend about the company and its products, give new ideas to

the company, pay less attention to competition brands, and are less price sensitive when the

company debuts new items. (Kotler & Keller, 2012). When a customer has a positive

experience with an online marketplace, he or she is more likely to return.

Table 6

According to Respondents Rating on Customer Satisfaction.

Indicators Frequency (f) Mean Standard Verbal

Items 1 2 3 4 Deviation Interpretation

1. I am satisfied
that websites offer 100 183 59 12 1.95 .764 Agree
online purchasing

2. Internet shopping
makes the purchasing 94 192 51 17 1.97 .776 Agree
process interesting.

3. I would
recommend online 90 186 62 16 2.01 .782 Agree
shopping to other

4. I enjoy online
shopping. 125 150 53 26 1.94 .892 Agree

5. It is my opinion
that online shopping 94 184 54 22 2.01 .818 Agree
is excellent.

Overall Mean 1.98 Agree

Table 7 shows that information available has a r value of .66 with descriptive rating of

moderate positive correlation with customer satisfaction. In line with this result, customers

can comprehend information more easily and fluently using online personalized capabilities,

which leads to increased purchasing enjoyment. By providing they detailed product

information and efficient customer service before, during, and after the online transaction

(Duarte et al., 2018).

Followed by pricing has a r value of .62 with descriptive rating of moderate positive

correlation with customer satisfaction. In the consumers' mind, price is what is given in order

to receive a product. As shown in a study, perceived price has an effect on buying intent.

With more transaction experience, it decreases. Perceived price is defined as the amount of

(monetary) pricing at a seller in proportion to the customer's pricing. (Chun-chun et al., 2011)

This result was supported by Vasic et al., (2018) Pricing has a direct impact on the perceived

value and usefulness of a transaction, as well as consumer satisfaction.

Next, quality has a r value of .59 with descriptive rating of moderate positive

correlation with customer satisfaction. Quality is one of the top most concern and looking

forward by the customer upon buying online. The downside of online buying is you are not

able to touch and inspect directly the quality of the product, but you can read all the

comments and feedback on the websites that describe the quality of the product (Xiaoying et

al., 2012).

Lastly, shipping has a r value of .76 with descriptive rating of high positive correlation

of customer satisfaction. "Satisfaction" means the result of the customer experienced upon

receiving the products that they ordered in terms of the delivery time, quality accuracy and

product quality. (Rita et al., 2019). The importance of the delivery service is underlined issue

of satisfying the e-expectations customer's and delight. The primary and essential goal for

online shoppers is dependable, safe, and quick delivery. (Vasic et al., 2018)

Table 7

Correlation Analysis in the Respondents’ Assessment of the Factors influencing Customer

Satisfaction on Online Shopping


Variables r p-value descriptive rating

Information .663** .000 Moderate positive Correlation


Pricing .620** .000 Moderate positive Correlation

Quality .594** .000 Moderate positive Correlation

Shipping .765** .000 High positive Correlation

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed).

Table 8 the result shows that shipping has an r value (sig.) .000 which less < .05

implies positive relationship whereas β=.402 indicating shipping is the greatest factor

influencing customer satisfaction. Meaning the shipping is the most influencing factors for

the customer when they buy products or services through online. It is also the top most

concern by the customer in terms of delivering their orders. As supported by Vasic et al.,

(2018), the shipping service has a significant impact on online consumer satisfaction,

according to the findings. The consumer wants to receive the specified product at the

specified time and in accordance with the specified promises. Shipping that arrives on time

and in good condition boosts customer satisfaction and encourages repurchases.

E-commerce platforms make shopping more convenient by removing the barriers of

distance and time. Consumers can make purchases at any time during their day, whether at

work, on campus, or at home. As a result, delivery service is crucial in online buying since it

ensures that things are delivered to customers' hands and that the convenience of online

purchasing is realized. Customers who shop online pay attention to this and consider product

delivery to be a critical consideration because they have already paid for it. It has been found

that in the online buying environment, reliable, safe, and timely delivery play a vital part in

fulfilling and exceeding customer expectations and make them satisfied. (Handoko, 2016)

Table 8

Regression Analysis in the Respondents’ Assessment of the Factors influencing Customer

Satisfaction on Online Shopping


Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -.769 .462 -1.665 .097
Information Availability .307 .076 .175 4.055 .000
Pricing .248 .066 .148 3.736 .000
Quality .397 .085 .184 4.654 .000
Shipping .402 .034 .485 11.780 .000

A. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction


Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

1. Profile of Respondents in terms of Demographic

1. 1 The researchers segregated by sex, the female dominated the male group.

1. 2 Considered by courses, the Marketing major got the highest percentage

followed by Accountancy, Accounting Information Technology, Economic,

Entrepreneurship and Public Administration got the lowest percentage.

1. 3 Considered by Internet Browsing respondents who spent more than 4 hours got

the highest percentage and respondents who spent less than 1 hours got the

lowest percentage.

1. 4 Sort out in maximum spend on Online Purchase respondents spending less than

1000php got the highest percentage and respondents who spend more than

10,000php got the lowest percentage.

1. 5 Lastly, respondents considered by ranking the most online application used,

Shopee got the highest total percentage, followed by Lazada and FB-Market.

2. The respondents’ rating in terms of Information Availability, the overall mean

obtained 2.07 with verbal interpretation of “Agree” in all statements.

3. According to given data, respondents under Pricing obtained 2.07 overall mean with

verbal interpretation of “Agree” in all statements.

4. As stated in the data, respondents’ assessment in terms of Quality got an overall mean

of 2.23 with verbal interpretation of “Agree” in all indicators.

5. Data reveals that the Shipping gained 1.89 overall mean with verbal interpretation of

“Agree” in all affirmations.

6. The respondents’ assessment of their satisfaction when buying online attained an

overall mean of 1.98 with verbal interpretation of “Agree” in all indicators.

7. The respondents’ collective evaluation of the factors of online shopping in terms of

Information Availability, Pricing, Quality and Shipping. The respondents are all

agreed in all the given statements and it also showed that all the factors has a relation

on Customer Satisfaction. In addition, depending on the outcome, among the 4

Factors, shipping got the highest result that has impact on customer satisfaction.


In view of the several analysis and interpretations made and derived from the result of the

findings, the researchers hereby drew the following conclusions:

1. The results shows that most of the Business Students in a State University in

Pampanga that shop online are female. The majority of respondents were from

marketing students. They browse the internet for more than 4 hours, spend less than

1,000 php when shopping online and the most used application is Shopee.

2. Majority of the respondents agree that Information Availability, Pricing, Quality and

Shipping are the factors influencing customer satisfaction on Online Shopping.

3. Respondent’s online shopping experience showed a satisfactory.

4. With the accurate result and findings, the variables has relationship.

5. With the accurate result and findings, shipping is the customer most concern on online



Buying through online can create a lot of doubt specially now a days. The researchers

create some possible suggestions that can be use:

1. Shoppers should pay more attention by online sellers’ information provided on the

websites and product promotion in order to raise customer awareness to improve the

customer's online buying experience to enhance acceptability, trust, and loyalty

among online shoppers. As a result, customers’ purchases of virtual stores and

products will be successful.

2. Online retailers should be cautious when providing things/product because some

products are damaged and does not match the customer's order, this is also a good

opportunity for online retailers to gain profit because customers can use word-of-

mouth to promote the products and the website to their friends and family.

3. Customer will encourage to buy thru online by giving discount and reducing the price

to save money compare in traditional shopping. Due to the time limit traditional

shopping will be disregarded.

4. For the future online seller they need to focus on shipping in order to gain more trust

from the customer. Free shipping with minimum amount to buy products can be fair

for both customer and seller for areas that quite far from the seller. And free shipping

for customer who are with in the area of the seller to gain more profit and satisfied


5. This study needs to give a greater understanding of the factors that influence customer

satisfaction, in order to the customer pursue on buying online. Also, this study might

give recommendation to the online seller or stores for preferable resolution of their

marketing plan.

6. The future researchers can add different ideas in order to explain further the factors

that can affect customer satisfaction. They can also change the methods used in the

study for further enhance the body of research.


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Appendix A (Questionnaire)

Dear Respondents,


We, 3rd year students of Don Honorio Ventura State University persuing a degree of

Bachelor of Science in the Business Administration major in Marketing Management and

currently enrolled in Business Research I as a part of our course requirements. We are doing



PAMPANGA”. We are in the process of gathering data for the completion of this project.

Rest assured that the information and data that you will be providing us will be used solely

for this study and will be kept confidential.

Thank you for your time and consideration!


1. What is your sex?

a) Male
b) Female

2. What is your course?

a) Accountancy
b) Accounting Information System
c) Economics
d) Entrepreneurships
e) Marketing
f) Public Administration

3. How often do you browse the Internet during the day?

a) Less than 1 hour

b) 1-2 hours
c) 2-3 hours
d) 3-4 hours
e) More than 4 hours

4. What is the approximate maximum amount you would spend on an online purchase?

a) Less than 1,000 pesos

b) From 1,000 to 3,000 pesos
c) From 3,000 to 5,000 pesos
d) From 5,000 to 10,000 pesos
e) More than 10,000 pesos
6. Rank from 1 to 3 the most frequently used online shopping websites.

Website: Rank

a) Lazada (

b) Shopee (

c) Facebook (Market place)

Part II: Online Shopping Factors

Rate the online shopping factors in the following statements as follows:

1 - Strongly agree, 2 - Agree, 3 - Disagree, 4 - Strongly disagree.

Statements: 1 2 3 4

Information Availability

1. Information on the product online is identical to the

information on the product in a store.

2. Information on the product online is precise.

3. Information on the product online is up-to-date.


4. Online shopping saves money in comparison to traditional


5. Online shopping is cheaper than traditional shopping.

6. Online shopping significantly reduces expenses per

transaction in comparison to traditional shopping.


7. The product ordered online is the same quality as the product

purchased in a store.

8. E-shopping provides same purchasing conditions as

traditional shopping.

9. The product ordered online is rarely incompatible with the

product purchased in a store.


10. The option free shipping in online shopping increases the
number of sales.

11. After the online shopping, customers are concerned whether

the ordered product will be delivered.

12. Online purchase makes customers feel concerned about

delivering the wrong product.

13. After the online shopping, consumers are anxious whether

the ordered product (clothing) will be of appropriate size.

14. After the online purchase, consumers are troubled regarding

the quality or freshness of the delivered product.

15. Online shopping offers the shipping options on weekends as


Customer Satisfaction

16. I am satisfied that websites offer online purchasing options.

17. Internet shopping makes the purchasing process interesting.

18. I would recommend online shopping to other consumers.

19. I enjoy online shopping.

20. It is my opinion that online shopping is excellent.

Appendix B


Commission on Higher Education
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga



This is to certify that the research entitled “FACTORS INFLUENCING



Krisette Joy Y. Dampil, Tracygleen B. Gamlanga, Rodel C. Lingad, Harold R. Magcalas

and Andrea Lynne P. Manalo was grammatically checked by the undersigned. It was

assured that this research was checked in the areas of grammar, coherence, unity, style and

mechanics of research writing.


Appendix C


Commission on Higher Education
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga



“Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping among Business

Students in a State University in Pampanga”
Caballero, Erika Ann S.
Dampil, Krisette Joy Y.
Gamlanga, Tracygleen B.
Lingad, Rodel C.
Magcalas, Harold R.
Manalo, Andrea Lynne P.


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