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The thing in the glowing egg made him surprised and it was trying to get outside of the

egg. Mr.Cave couldn't believe his eyes. The strange creature was bigger and bigger in
front of him. Its appearance looked like human being though it was with big green eyes.
Mr.Cave tried to hide at the back of a shelf but it was too late, that creature had already
seen and walked to him. When he faced with that strange one, it made him shock by
greeting "Hello, I'm ET". Mr.Cave became curious why ET existed in his house and how
it was in the crystal egg. So he replied "Hello" and asked "why are you here?" and he
took his pistol secretly. However, ET told him that he would not be harmful to Mr.Cave
and he was hiding in the crystal egg because of his enemies from Black Jade planet who
want to control the Universe. They invaded and wanted to get a CB weapon of his planet
'Crystal Bee'. As he was in charge of inventing the weapon and he wanted the weapons
control to be able to stop the wars. Therefore, he transformed himself into a small
creature and put into the egg himself not to being traced by BJ. Mr.Cave could not stop
short of surprising at the end of ET's story. And he asked what kind of weapons ET
invented and why BJ wanted to get them seriously. At that time Mrs.Cave went to the
downstairs because of some strange voice and she also got surprised while ET was
explaining about him. Mr.Cave was worried about ET's safety and the weapon which can
control all types of weapon so they took ET to a mysterious place connecting to
International Space Station which could not being traced by aliens. Mr and Mrs Cave
were scientists from space station who were trying to protect the Earth. They wanted to
cooperate with aliens from other planets to be able to get "Peace". In the end, their desire
fulfilled because Crystal Bee planet would cooperate with their Space Station and the
Earth would be safe and get peace they wanted.
Come Well Dressed
It is always recommended to be better appareled than your audience since it shows your respect.
Thus, if none of your audience wears a tie, then after few minutes you can take off your jacket and
roll up your sleeves to put your listeners at ease.

Never Be Late
If you make your audience wait for even 3 minutes, then it just clearly shows that you are not given
them due respect.  When they are capable enough showed up on time, then it’s your responsibility to
come ahead of time after all you are a presenter. It is recommended to test your projector, device
connection, lights, auditorium, speaker phones, as well as other devices before you start the

Be Prepared for an Uncertainty

In case, if you lose the zip drive your slideshow was saved on, then you must have a backup in the
form of hard copy that you can distribute among spectators. Thus, it’s better to prepare yourself in
advance for the uncertain circumstance.

Speak Clearly
If your audience won’t be able to listen to what you are trying to convey, they are sure to lose
interest and so this tip plays a vital role in making or breaking up your Presentation. Therefore,
speak slowly and not rapidly as it shows you have crammed a lot of stuff for your Presentation.

Eye Contact
If you sense that audience is not getting what you are saying, then do get feedback and make sure
you look at your spectators not at screen.  Only then, you would be able to do justice with your
Presentation. At the end of talk, thank them twice!
Beside of these advices, any presentation should have its own rules depending on the topic or
interest group. Normally, you won’t like to delay the presentation more than the agreed time in
advance, especially if you are presenting to a business group but there may exist other more relaxed
presentations. If you want to keep under control the time spent and available time during a
presentation, you can use the presentation time tracker tools (for Android, iPhone or Blackberry).
You can also download other light alerts and meeting time tracker software for presentations to be
installed in PowerPoint for PC that can be helpful to alert you when the presentation should be
Finally, by now you must have understood the meaning of presentation etiquette which
subsequently can take your presentation to the next level. Keep exploring the tips and add ‘Power’ to
your Presentations.

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