Pinocchio Chapter 3

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Review: Let us recap the previous chapter. Can you arrange
these events in the correct order?

3. The Fire 4. When the

1. Pinocchio 2. ‘Please don't show finished,
–Eater gave
met a fox with burn Harlequin,' he grabbed
five gold
a wooden leg Pinocchio said. Pinocchio and
coins to
and a cat who kidnapped him.
was blind.
4 2 3 1
Pinocchio chapter-3

• We can infer while reading and comprehending.

• We can recognise the synonyms from the extract.

The fox and the cat bowed and wished Pinocchio
good evening. The foolish puppet told them about
his adventure, and about the five gold coins.

The fox asked, 'Would you like to make your five

gold coins into five hundred or five thousand ?’

1. What did Pinocchio tell the fox and the cat?

A. He told them about his adventure and about the five gold coins.
2. Do you think the fox and the cat could
really turn Pinocchio’s five gold coins into
five thousand?

Yes No

3. What makes you think that?


Inferring is to figure out something

that is not explained in the story.
Use your brain
If someone is smiling we
can infer he/she is
Text clues happy.

If someone is crying we
can infer he/she is sad.
Pinocchio gasped. 'Of course!’ he said.
Sudden breath
The cat purred. The fox licked his lips.

'All you have to do,' said the cat, 'is go to the Field of

Let’s use our inferring skills. Read the highlighted

sentence and give your inference.
Pinocchio gasped. 'Of course!’ he said.
4. What can you infer?
a. He was excited.
b. He was sad.
c. He was scared.

Words that have the same meaning.

E.g. gift – present

huge - big
‘Is it very far?' asked Pinocchio.
'Because I should be getting home. My father will be fretting.'

‘It's just beyond the forest,' said the cat.

'But you must go at night, or the magic won't work.

Pinocchio shook his head. 'I shouldn't stay out that late.'
The fox and the cat shrugged and started to walk away.

5. Can you find the synonyms of underlined words?

vibrated tied resting worrying
'Wait!' called Pinocchio.
'How is it possible to turn five pieces of gold into five
hundred or five thousand?’
‘Simple,' said the cat. 'Plant them in the ground
in the Field of Miracles and they will grow into a bush
full of gold coins.
Imagine that!
Pinocchio sighed. Just imagine! he
Made a sound
I would never have to work or go to school.
'All right,' the foolish boy agreed. 'Show me the way.'

6. Why do you think Pinocchio wanted to have lots of gold ?

a) So that he doesn’t have to go to school or work.

b) To buy a new home.

The cat and the fox told Pinocchio the
way to the Field of Miracles and he set off
through the forest.
Deep inside, he sat down to wait until dark.
A shimmering shape appeared in front of

7. Can you guess who was that shimmering

The grasshopper.
Let’s see your prediction is correct or not.

‘I am the ghost of the grasshopper,’ glowing

insect said. ‘Go home now, Pinocchio.

Geppetto is weeping because he believes he has lost you.

Go home to him with your five gold coins. Go home and make him

8. What did the grasshopper tell Pinocchio to do?

A. To go home with five gold coins.

Pinocchio was frightened by the 9. Where was Pinocchio going
grasshopper's spooky little ghost. when the grasshopper met
‘Go away!' he shouted. him?
‘It's dark, Pinocchio.’ A. Pinocchio was going to the
‘I don't care.’ Field of miracles.
‘It's late, Pinocchio.’ scary
‘I don't care.’
‘It's dangerous, Pinocchio.’
‘I don't care. I'm going to
the Field of Miracles.’

‘You are foolish, Pinocchio. You are being as silly as a

donkey.’ And the grasshopper hopped away.
Recap and Review:

• We learnt to infer while reading and comprehending.

• We learnt to recognise the synonyms from the extract.

Show me your learning
1. Why did Pinocchio go to the Field of Miracles and not to school?
a) To plant five gold coins in the field.

b) To see the grasshopper.

2. Write true or false.

a) The fox asked, 'Would you like to make your five gold coins
into five hundred or five thousand ?'

b) The cat was frightened by the grasshopper's spooky little


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