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SECOND EDITION An Introduction to the World-System Perspective ® Thomas R. Shannon viewPress 28 World-System Structure “The specific ims of workdaytem theory can be separated (somewhat ‘lyin statements about sytem ture i tema 1 "The formar comprises the dtning characters of he 5st Components and the relaoncips among those components The later oncens the process change to snd ihn the stretre “hs cheper will examine the genera are of werkt stratre, ‘Tete cancer wl be to en smut general atures. As ave other ‘horas foe the those wor} within work-ystom theory se the Imodern ra as one in whic ew ip of sneer emerge. They Rivesought to spe isceta characteris and wha st apart om prt sal syste Phe sssnd concer il be to deerme the hate TResystem's ost nportantcornpenen pot a hove wook-ystem the ‘rst define them, The discussion wil conc wih an examination of the claim thee theorists make shout the proces ad rlllonships “mong hove componete—tat abot hoe he syste works General Features “The mos base ci made by workd-aystem theorist an Meni “bles pte eit that extends beyond the boundaries finda ‘Stes ations, These these age that a rastake to view he ‘Ror sa set of independent occ ha canbe analyze by foes “Sky om event to theam Rather thse theorists i that thes {Galstad sotes has ob understood within tec text rated by a langer system That sytem testo elatvely table “comomic ae pola glatonships tat has characterized a mae por tim the glbe since the sxe century. tally he system as in Hed to Europe and South Americ in the sikteent century. Since that time, thas ended to incorporate alo alist all areas the word (Ofopking oe Wallet oath; Chase Dunn, 198), Tie word system his several ay characteristics. “The economic organization ofthe worldaysem const of 2 singe, wordwide division of labor hat unis the lp cultural systems of 2+ World ystem Stctre explains what he folowe Pfam, umes at he xan "en rec dnote wat go peace ‘ns ya He sn as sae . tempted o spect what he mene by ney complet sail divisor of bor” Sch reeoewenne when 19784: 14) ene Which is substantially interdependent” (Wallersteit, EI an ch rendre i est es cme harcore wing rn eae onan tits they consider central to thei wel-bing without Suit cadnge Honoree eres SRR mae poe ens te er rs alte Ro an nomi yim tt ices 9 mambo fa ses scutes an Foi of ie tach pr or aah scutes ‘ares ttn chon ha ne Tas ginger eon Woe eS arate th existence of geographically extensive economies with Ne cies nelePendent division of labor not unique to the moder Aen gi hs Home Can ce Ss Meritt chicas sch spans Sena ee ‘iol ade eu eee he oes free Aton it Eade doesnot it Wallerstein dfntion ofa integrated aod fee ees hah SPM a aon gully wens alae ene Ses ang har heen ses nt Folie ates hey wer spartewori-mpre wk eran Fuk een cue titty ere conse ru, A wilt ded cps vo eo ‘eons tl sccepe Walortin's distinction, They angie hat wot ystems exist prior o 15 For example, Abr Lighod 985) de- (isha the apste of trade tetieen the pet ernples ae eit sats of Europe inthe thsteth entry se form f worst, However al severly agree that the particular nature ofthe polite oonamy a he ‘ove the modern er sets apr rom ts stor prdeces ls tea capa ecomomy ganized into a tert ye Capita Work!-system theorists sega capitalism a a global system or oganiz- Ing economic ates Overs ofthe meas of production Givi vole corporations, sate organization) sek to “obtain maxim rc nd prof for marie sles” hompon, RS: 2} asa means to a Exmolatlcver more capital (Wallerstein, 1084; 6), Following Mars, ‘wott-ysem cote rg that this copa acumlaton fs based on The ceil economic rationship in a expat mode of poacton: the “xpltatone labor by cps, Ovmersof he mans of psction ee trates mach ofthe ul of production from the workers as pose “This surplus value remain in te over hands, thereby adn te treme ecnomic inequity inthe worl-aconomy. “The existence ofthis econo explain hot uigus othe moder con athe the way in which expatation ocr ad who bene rom 1 ctnguih the modem wordt fom is predecessors In word ‘pie soumlation of curls ened hough the dec xpropri- {ot wealth rom the rural pony ig pla ecrin ane rb te statesanctoned stn of slavery) ab tate putin, Heesing “ni twain of eter tartan arasns and merchants) Meal was ace multe athe plea center by how anally aferdita ascray) ‘rn cont he state machinery. Ts poi oe sought to increase {veal by sing in the pli hierarchy and reas tate poe to tin contol vet more ln and peasant Tc ete ha ite erst in {improving the productivity of conan enterpses themselves) icons, ues catian coon: ewe rssh Ans of ‘nove who own the mae of proton. The sats role const of er {ovcng the sol satons of proc betwen owners and work I {Goes by potting property ighsand enforcing te terme exchange “mong parispants inthe econany The tate lo creates conditions fo oreo opsaton of prsuctiv enterprises. Success goes tothe who (re the surplus generated by labor exptation fr cpl accumtion, ‘which improves te competive postion of one owner a he means of Production ove others (Wallet 197: 1516 34-9. ‘Not that ts definition of epalist orL-ystm Is more genera cn les restive ni rguements tha the dition proposed by 2 + Wort Stace a Erope At the level ofthe werld-economy, al Wales; negli of th aren emmoeaes snot deed i pean Sonichacapataen nae tir peer eal cae a oe ent oct Seneca i tayo cer Saeeyeemeeres pire Sabierr ar aoy cnr oy aie ea Game a en a se rreicoe emcee ne Zeer it ie ere en, init tectonic Ship a ed ttre aera arg [aborisviewed by worklyser theorist a especial ec! he ey gat een ton cy ees ache merece SE Sera es Si cee Segre ci eae Seated rs murine ee Setanta ie ent terol thr cfeaicme tae penne ercr antenatal Ramen regret ngemm tara wre tisaton aren eee, Sey ear epemereersans pe seo ‘The teste System ‘he oer ase dating featur the mexern work aystem sit histor ‘aly unique system of politcal organization. No single pita ety Neha ever obtained exci authority ove the graph arse compas by the wrl-economy. athe the workin piel ‘onsization tha ofa ineratte system of Competing, soverigh WordSpotemSiracure + 27 “ato Although the sates wry cose thee elie parte noe of he snger ons he sg eng soy the Sion The estenc ofp ong ss har ab prevented ny one ‘ith rors conta the roy oa the weak states och an Attempt haw awaye teen lacked by the ote tong sttes (hase Dunn Fe, Mallat, Int Ts gerd poueal ngnation {posttest that preva prir tothe moder ex. Prevonsy Lopaphialy extensive economia ether siplydntrgrated or ended Upunder the contol of single state, teebyceting woop (hates 197985, sothcanan . ‘Worst hers ge hat the system of interstate compton and capitation infor one snoher Eas necessary ote of {he ote Capital could not ext there were singe world tte Sicha ste cold ure sisoxrsve pomes to datoy te ndepenenc the cpa class‘On fhe ther hind competion mong te coptlts ‘arts hs given mo one ses prance ae Santgeon which tone he congue ofthe thers Hence the esta Sytem a id hn, me el docs arene mor deen ape ‘Components ofthe System ‘he conic and pt ating win the wot ke nce among eral fey component: ores talons 5o- Ecler a tate groups Before we discuss those ratonships, ti ‘essnrytodline Bowe components eon ‘The proton process inthe wo dvs of aor cn be vied {nt fee general categorie: “are” “peripheral” and "sm-pripher. ach type as tended fo predominate parca gangrphi es tor cot of otras sympa mis ti ar empl, alone of he ste orn tert cons {Seay seta at fig eo ‘phony and sen perp "the conical ad pliclly dominant sates in the work-ystem are thos niece whch "amt hore in wsh he 0 ‘tara production the ect tin ed where the compost of ‘Teno Aivies a th ev of piel acometon the gree ‘Themon 80 3 win te word van far coe ses pe Eine the rodaton fhe mest advan gun chives 25 + WardSstem Stature SS eee tetas nen meet Snir tna SS yea nnn eect sem ser linge cami a raeeataescinge Re ey apc Sats Ce sre pr ti eee an te ae pete eres a Porte gt consisted of a limited number of states located in Western Europe. DuFiNg srt ate a i cn Poo ee fae eee em saee a ea mee spn te an ce Sires eee erie spotter urn han tin See menace crema, eee renee Seeretia ey mit oem eet oes home Seri ava es mere eta ane ee emer es ‘Workd-system theorists saree | X sans yes ga tains ‘deg sontnsou” vara znd to a8 Annet categories Clete, 184 1a const Besar {gues that the “core/periphery dimension is continous rariole {ween contlations of economic stv: which vary im terms thelr spn ep tneroon att pole or can en the pce Boundaries ofthe core and peripheral megan athe the terms “core and “periphery” bentiy rough approximations of wha i Sapp dincmnal conn a acs (hea 8 eee eee Worasytem stecute + 2 “ator” view ofthe imenson then he semipriher isan am wth 2 “Rout fi coe” ad hll"pepl ie aces. eal apes ths wae ers, 184 61 Thomo on. HH Hopkins, Wallersteln t aly: 47 eter “few at est some sem perp arcs ones ch eller id economic activ onc Such avis are iemediat” nh ew ‘sor technoogy an cpl est (Chase Dunn 189-207 a “Segontna oe examples of preset dy ser priperal countries “he erste Sytem Unie worenpns the mar rays opi no de pendent states mets with pendent close Noone tat Trl the work-ytem or even bas assed In dominating these forlong pores of time Ts sates ave dpe various forme fi ternal opaieaton over the pot ive centre eng monary. {stp ar tere type of oral desmray, One general ee ‘hes fly developed inthe cre, ha ee he ted toward the “rio Str with ts sytem fra democracy as at lest te profes ea Slate orm A ec dtning festa of sich pol nies tthe Site ne to gore a population group Caton” o peop) tat ‘Rive commen deny bead on Such acre Igunge ela precices common tsttons shared Hera experiences and shed Inesests in elaton other nts) Asi developed ding the ast ‘Sorry, themabonstle ‘teas kp ore te tho ror ate of ‘rept gy wie hate lp slr ruth cn oa cre ingen and coon aston yt, and coin gas ‘in dary ted sebastian Guns ant of ne et sr an mop wide ‘ens ey, 1981. A east inthe con, stat egitinacy came nceasingy to rest onthe no Aon he stew te penne hatin ater were tenon grater polis igs to ian in ers partcipation tests obtain rm tte operons Oarshal 1980, “This modern concep of the state site diferent frm that ofthe sneraiary rulers scent waridempe and he feudal nab tat foverned Europe prior t0 1500). They considered the state as thee 20 + Worse Stare (cfr by he gos rion ty plas rt ove nal ee a often disparate cult groups that ‘retained their identity, They viewed ¢h Seer ea ecm ws conquer ocbecw an oppeetacnes e World-eystem theorists also emphasize another ch recies tic of nation- sate They have tegen rr oi Scr sts sand pts Poli organization of feudal Europ, Witin he ontop co sats athe mos milan powertal and imi sce tasty an neni es ete loping 92x 12°13;Chise-Dunn we TI tho ae ses. Mio Manso na rondo eee Pec cnn don et ty undeatetbltntin seaoes e SEs5 gorse. ote fon arn Noe tw ay tc es cpa en ha ‘Setter nthe yy pas inl eves say The mel cea eae Pe ‘tice high lot oar pe es ani 9 wh in nextel opposition but tora los ht mean ithe theta of he leadership or the etent of bercatiaton ie lesan om het stcinton i seat anonyme in Cpr ii roe tat ee ar ine ec acne ng tae a let Rep domestic pers tare aut dow nt din xen Somme nae ce ey fenton fives tern ae inherently competitive and nequa Stats are ocd i an i {enve competition lo mesinize thir power in elation to one ante Eh state constantly strives t crease te tesources lary Power, ‘went and so relative tothe hers inode fo incase ato00m7 fom and/orintunce over the ther natin stats teeny ene the etary under scot, State suppt for he nationa ap tet las trther than the wor expt la 3 hak ipl prt ‘that state ‘cata aol inertia competition arch tt tain ie test posite conitions an epporunie ors national capt. A ocefl national opti cae contabutes state poe by providing the necesnry snoomic esouret for sat sets Wok ste thee its point out tat states which he stage or power reed ina po- Tiealy power captain ws wer the sates that succeeded best inthe “quest fr national power: The pli pov ofthe capt class ri Bio this tendency forthe tte to suppor the rational api ls ‘Asa consequence ofthis interstate competion the Wor yer hs tron characterized by repeated wars ad shifting itary alliances (Watertein, 9862 Hpk, 19823 23-28) Mecha, 985; Chase Dann 8 "i acondng to Chas Dun (198 159-16), plays theca “ste tur rosin the word-system Fast gneral wars betwen coe powers ‘ceur when one core power seeks ton dominance over the ete ner ‘Se syatem. As we losin Chapter, eventhough no powe shen Sbleto subjugate athe ther come states such "wold was” ten esa inthe ealgnment of the ltersate system ach Sal oe core power ten porary enpysprodominant power nthe sysom Second wars may be ‘sed by states fo obtain "uprard ety” in the work-yste Cand ‘Shure the "downward mobili of ther sa om ene general stato “Shather ro vr’ peiphery toc), The emling new uct of Interstate power reflect the changing strengths and weakness of =| inte weok-ystem. Third, wars maybe wo ort the power = lationship htween core states and the piper Was ove Uae tocships, colonial possession, an he precio or ction of lest ‘Snes inthe periph have ban common the pst ve centr: OX" all wars may thus be sen as attempts by states to redjus te posi inthe sytem, and the ul of war generally eet the hang tary power poteial Ge, the relative atength of economic prodi<= ties in the interstate yah, “Te expoaive economic reatonhip between the cove and he Pe per requires 2 particular plies! atioship betwen ther. The Pe phery has tobe forced © partpte in the word conor a tr ‘erable to coe cpl Core states ae abet dominate fe eriDhey ous thi gre omic mesons mone power a the roterstrenglh of thi government spores, ‘Core domination othe periphery Bas taken several asc forms Nis cay The mont avs form has Bem the onesie of sea in he Periphery by speticore pers which have turned those ess nt Fetly controled colo. nother prods oer pt of he pipe Sifernt core states have developed epheses of nace in which #0) Ihave crested int tts. These peripheral states have dane the Ox ft and maintained clove econo ie eth the “ptron® core power. 8 tte eases peripheral states havent be the cles of ny Pree oe power Under those creumctances neo morose powers Bae ted to make sure that tee tats opted plc ames with be ‘antenace of the bse pattern of peripheral exploitation, Competition "ingore powers fo uence andr eet contol over perpen “thet nthe ano li a mig ton and conic tought de sry othe work syste CHP Sono: Pak, 186. m Inthe reaonships withthe oneal the periphery emperpral states faction to prevent the pital parton ofthe worker iene they enjoy preter wealth eserdse merc ntationa pow a ‘ene rom expting ara dominating peripheral anes in eon SEmepripheral ates aro ily toy themes with te pesphery Spun the core ort sce th teste a sar o ton othe perp ‘Eitates Indeed, the san-perphery’s expan ofthe periphery iy tenet wg thm at The omy ‘i Saaer sto have a vest inet in cnting economic aang ‘ents betwen the cor and papery Because of fol a nal {nt Wai ntrmesarcs in thesysem of paper expleation, Coe {ites hae frequently found convent aly tems wi em World sytem Stature + a1 peripheral tats allowing them to function a onal powers enor Testing sytem of ecaomic nd pout reanships nth eon ‘Nevertheless the interests of semper tate are not ential to those of the cote. Ths sites temp fo msintin the (pertal ao ‘oy iom the core and eck to minimize coe explain, ech con- ‘Sly threatens fo fore them ito peripheral sats They lo may 2 tet core states. Tht quest rie hat they pose pies hat ll Protect and enlarge thei cor like acts and wate power at the ex pense of the interests of cone capitalists and tte. Th sem peripheral ‘tts have to engage fal balancing act. They ae fore ¥ a Inowrege the pene power theca ad ten eee bene tperting with Yet they slianonsy sok to mnitan te edo ‘Phetionto pursue polities tht oil strengthen thelr postion in the ‘oye Wallrstts, 1796, 8-02, 9-109, ‘Shia lass an Pala Reto. ‘Th cea class-based poli ‘alrelationship inthe workd-system is between the tate ad he expat {tha The ext natare hbratnahip remain fo te worked oat ‘ror-ysem toy. In general, word-ysem theists argo ta the Tine flows polices tat favor the ntersteothe ptt cas lang trth Mans worldystem theorists argue tat he resources that the cap Ins cas commands cause of cont over the means of putin ives tis claw te great pital slaence fn society. Neverthe, the {inte is mot a passive ol” or gent of prticulr cpl state ders ‘da purse ter own intrest Butt my hee titre to sport thelnteret of her atonal eptalst clss Rubicon, 17% Black, 7B, (Chae Dan 983,198. ‘What does the state do for is national capitalist ass? Wallerstein (098: 61-45) suggests the primary state acts hat serve Ue Ine ‘vo the opts clas. Fst the state retest eltonship Been {he capital lesan he working lee: Worker opposition fo the ex tan of bors toe contd and Ue propery ght ep [Estas protected The tte intervenes "msn mente he ‘omic demas of. national workforce) Second the Sate ‘ets powerto shpe world economic atop foes oft eaptaliss Mrincudessecking conomicaly advantageous rel ‘ship seithin he core and efor the ste of peripheral expla ton Wile emphasis ht the syst of internal cone re Iionhipe that hacer the woraconomy always ele the ‘tiveinterventon ofthe tats especially tho of cre the worl System, Thr core ates use tel power to bng new geographical aes {nto the world-ystrm a por ofthe perpery This asitance eps en Sle the capitalist clans fo incorporate new markets, new sources xpi anel news of mains. Th treo ore states inthe periphery has been the means by bic the capil srr conomy hs expanded during the meer ra. To he system view, the capitalist economic system has always relied heovil O° the mrventon fr te pean ad reset me a singe i etn seb 2 TO he wi nth a cp i pre ote ape vas nat lly develope a the apn of he meer es Rate over em fart fhe Sera process by wh aio ‘Erved nh sor The has alae mers age or ower Stele he cpa clas the woking ice ote = fen asc ps sors idles alrcin spies tuna tea ote ‘ctor nthe ann he penn tec, tas cs cae the play mance Yet the ae sehen in the me bacme ful pra sate er Tice mene many m meas rng mi oppor aed ‘toa wore pt ngs Tene one mode # Ee. woncn to open a make demands onthe se ao Spice nd co fe pc igh aed ach = Atrio herp s on’ at) ee meceamry ‘Monots workforce (ecure tering eth! ‘teCoe sete tein thn deans Aree co ‘ve ey De kn epeon thrrar ae ben fosionto nen pgm Hger wage Warton Be opkin, Waters tat 1B 08.7, Case Dann, 180 7:8 Inco he fmf one xpltton hat exis inte peri ropes high eo sms, enn perp ‘wouter he worden asst gest oe te Tots pt tod sera epson ot 9 tying nor tc se fied rs opie ‘lena vpn aera war, Te yest incu ndash 2 Spine depres acing soe egy nd SSihasio and ‘modernization’ of the crt. Hotere rave saitaraar can compre oe ear ee hp Te Soo nts Comin tne Sn sil em ane ee and ‘hrc pit econo mannin av oper sr bed Seppo of sncpreein be In son te sali “Ei Sd nmi perl pe nae a ane [Kina ercotn hedoponcnt oe ay oe ea Monasytem simcute + 6 andthe lee of ms egtimacy stil ow Sate pression consequently ‘eas econmon pol nthe conties (Chasen, 96 21-12 ‘Semrpsiperl tats ae sume song tan thse in the erp ry Toy have the resource fom the more oderized sor of he ‘Sonomy and hat sector rere intervention te tate osubsie Ian provide protein om sre competion, Sich tates general ‘atm te ers, though hy may silt between over athor arn’ ht edo mite, formal democracy (sin Latin ‘Aer. Plial confit between eps of te mae onl ex por sctr (eg lnge landowners and tee of the move moder sector (Cf, manufac, the inerssing polis! demands of he growing tn working aed idle ssey tes dining etn of pes Pro" ‘te gh dee optima eee ‘Sones hs bn ee rod for the formation of sca poli EMmovernents of fat the Right Cog eatene matenalls) ad the Let {Ggrvevolutonary secs In foc Ue sempre has proce ‘cl tars eps commited to ting to cre stat (eg mpera Jepan and anor sac tevin the former US {opi mn nthe ming sent ate teen moe I} to survive nthe semper thon in he periphery, eeu the esoures ores cone trenton ae eter (Chase Dunn ‘oat, 2120), Summary and Conclusion “The sic characteristics of work ystr ructar vee daring est charters have enratedper ofp aden ama at ae eo Sida the Lc famerork im which the Ms ve of he modem Sin he unfold ewan hse oa etre of een tows to makers of pec Nort pride, Tot tok SEE? steer mapas ofthe work of woe ers Steno ro chaps wilco ts cots

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