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s to r m a n i a

A D u n g e o n W o r l d ad v e n t u r e
s to r m a n i a
A D u n g e o n W o r l d ad v e n t u r e
How did you all help get the boat into
Read the following
berth? Describe your actions, then
to your players... roll+Whatever the GM tells you. On a
A battered fishing rig crests 7-9, something of yours was lost beneath
the waves, carrying you and it’s the waves. On a 6-, you went overboard -
tired crew to your destination. delay travel for a day while you recover
A pinprick of light wavers on from your cold, or head out straight away
the horizon - the first sign of and feel shaky (-1 DEX).
civilisation you’ve seen in a
The peasants here are suspicious, but
week. It’s another moonless,
basically harmless. If one or more of you
starless night. By your count, the
cares to Spout Lore, on a 7+ you recall
sun last set three days ago.
this island was named for Stormare, the
You dock, but your destination giant-lord who tried to cheat death. On
brings little comfort. The a 10+, you know this isle is notorious
dockmaster’s teeth are as rotten for attracting pirates, vampires, rogue
and uneven as the jetty you now wizards and any who would learn the
stand on. The distrust in his secrets of immortality.
voice is obvious as he tells you of
The boarding house charges 2 coin/
the island’s sole boarding-house.
night for a bed, breakfast and a tankard
Several hours later, your passage of ale. It also sells bundles of salted fish
has left and you’re peering (5 uses, 3 coins, 1 weight) spelunking gear
through the boarding houses’ (5 uses, 20 coins, 1 weight) and bandages
greasy windows. Witchlights (3 uses, 5 coins, 0 weight). Other common
on the horizon suggest a supplies can be found in town; rarer
honeycomb of caverns below the supplies might be found on one of the
island’s surface. You’ve heard boats.
rumours of what lies within
them and are eager to discover
the truth for yourselves.

Ready your supplies, choose your

path, and venture into the wilds of
Stormania - the Eclipsed Isle.

and geography, the island is
Welcome to prone to frequent and extended
Stormania eclipses, lasting weeks or
months at a time. The half-
light brings all kinds of strange
The heroes have travelled creatures out; wild nocturnal
north, to the frozen shores beasts, cursed adventurers
of Stormania, during one of linked to the darkness, and
it’s infamous extended solar travellers arriving to conduct
eclipses. During these twilight forbidden rituals. The locals
months, the party will discover have learned to keep their doors
what outcast wizards, forgotten bolted when the sun sets, and
covens, desperate pirates and with good reason.
strange beasts make this place
their home - and what they get Most of the island is made of
up to when the sun sets. ice-capped mountains, sloping
down to a windswept valley of
Eons ago, the giants of Jakabol frozen grass and a few scant
exiled one of their own to forests. Long ago, Stormane
Stormania for delving into the hollowed out the mountains into
mysteries of life after death. a series of catacombs. Many of
The outcast, Stormane, carved these have been demolished
himself a kingdom of winding and rebuilt over the years, but
catacombs within the frozen dozens more still exist deep
mountains. In time, his secluded below the earth, unexplored.
research bore fruit, though
many of the finer details have
been lost to the ages. Who lives there
Three factions claim ownership
The greatest part of his of the island, though their stakes
findings were inheirited by his are tenuous at best. Coldshore
apprentices, who became the is the island’s only harbour, and
vampiric court of Githrali. The the closest thing outsiders will
rest of the formula - the secrets find to civilisation for many
of true eternal life - is said to leagues around.
exist on carved stone tablets
hidden deep within Stormania. To the east, the Red Skerries
are the base of a roving bands
the Eclipsed Isle of corsairs, the Varyag - who
frequently strike out to raid
Stormania lies approximately nearby shores.
150 leagues north of Mirkasa,
close to the world’s north pole. The court of Githrali to the
Through some quirk of magic west consider themselves the
‘true heirs’ of the giant lord’s a ritual to raise every dead soul
work. Each of them have taken from here to Umberto? Sure,
Stormane’s incomplete ritual, no problem! So you’ve heard
becoming immortal at the cost of this island where a giant
of consuming the blood of the necromancer used to live...”
Alternatively, Stormania might
be a good place to kick off a
Using Stormania in new campaign. There’s a glut of
your own campaigns places and people to explore, and
Although Stormania is a host of potential fronts that
tangentially linked to my might help start your heroes off
previous adventure Jakabol, it’s with a bang!
really designed as a stand-alone Or, of course, take any of these
location. individual ingredients and mix
If one of your players has and match as you see fit. Go
access to the ritual move, it can nuts!
be useful to keep an isolated
magical location like Stormania
in reserve: “You want to conduct

Stakes Areas
■■ Will Stormane escape the ■■ Stormane’s rest, where
island? Stormane was last seen alive

■■ Who will control Stormania? ■■ Githrali, a renovated series

of catacombs and home to
■■ Will others learn the secrets the vampire court
to eternal life? What will
they do with this knowledge? ■■ Coldshore, the only harbour
and home to civilised(-ish)
Questions folk

■■ What happened to the last ■■ The Red Skerries, a series

adventurer that went to of tiny islands and home to
Stormane’s rest? corsairs

■■ What makes the route to ■■ The catacombs, halls of stone

Githrali so hazardous? and ice carved by a single
giant over centuries, now
■■ How does the court of home to ghouls and half-
Githrali choose new thralls? things
■■ How have Githrali and ■■ Frozen tundra and copses of
Coldshore reached a tenuous green-grey trees
■■ Omniprescent, chilling
■■ What kind of plants and winds
minerals can be found only
in the petrified forests of ■■ Glittering witchlights in the
Stormania? oppressive twilight

■■ What prize have the corsairs

stolen from the Githrali Rewards
court? ■■ Secrets of eternal life
■■ What kind of rituals can ■■ Relics from the time of
only be carried out during an giants
■■ Tools of vampire destruction
■■ What do the stories say
Stormane did to his giant ■■ Stolen plunder from years of
brethren to become cursed? pillaging

Factions The Varyag Corsairs
In times of old, the Varyag
were what the people of Jakabol
The Court of Githrali called pirates and outcasts.
By the time Stormane left These corsairs, mostly fleeing
the lands of the living, he had the Mirkasan authority, have
already gained a following of found a new home on Stormania.
smaller mortal folk. At some Although several attempts have
point after his departure, they been made to clear them out, the
completed an incomplete Red Skerries have proven too
version of their masters’ work. hazardous.
This granted them something
akin to immortality while also Varyag Corsairs
turning them into nocturnal, Group, Intelligent, Organised
blood-hungry creatures.
Frequently the court fills out Spear (d8 damage) 6 HP 1 Armor
their numbers with unwilling
‘recruits’ from Coldshore and Close, Reach
beyond. The Kraken
Githrali Thrall Solitary, Terrifying, Aquatic
Horde, Intelligent, Organized Tentacle (2d6 damage) 26 HP 1
Dagger (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor Armor

Close Close, Reach, Near

Lady Githrali

Solitary, Intelligent, Organised

Giant-sized sword (b[2d10]

damage) 12 HP 1 Armor


The Sinnertwin, Lady

Githrali’s nasty secret

Solitary, Terrifying

Bite (d10+1 damage) 16 HP 1


So who is
Here’s what we definitely know You could play Stormane a few
about Stormane: different ways:

He was a giant from a long time He might actually be dead - “living on”
ago (when giants ruled the north through the research passed down to his
from their homeland, Jakabol.) apprentices.

He was cursed and exiled to the He might be a vampire like his followers:
island of Eclipses by his kin for his skin faint, spectral and drawn tight
devling into forbidden lore. across his features, still searching for the
final piece of his puzzle.
He lived alone on the island
for a long time (by giant Perhaps what he thought to be true
standards). He renamed the immortality was incomplete, and he has
island Stormania and carved been forced out of hiding to seek a cure
out a home for himself from the to his failing body.
island with his bare hands.
Perhaps the ritual worked and he
By conducting rituals under the disappeared to find a means to break the
shadow of many eclipses, he curse and return home. He might appear
came close to discovering the as he truly did in life - twice the size of
means to eternal life. It’s quite a human, all wolf furs and grey beard
possible he succeeded. (think Odin from norse mythology.)

He disappeared under If still alive and active, Stormane has the

mysterious circumstances. following stats:
Most of his work was lost in the
catacombs of Stormania. Solitary, Large, Intelligent, Organised

His mortal agents were Staff (d10+3 damage) 26 HP 1 Armor

only partially successful at Close, Reach, Forceful
replicating his work, becoming
the vampires of Githrali.

Everything else is up to you!

The Wyson Lance
This trophy was claimed by
corsairs several generations
ago. As is often the case with the
corsairs’ trophies, the details
behind the lance’s original
owner are now a mystery.

The lance is two-handed, 2

weight and awkward. When you
hack and slash with the lance, on
a 10+, you gain +STR piercing.

A bioluminescent plant that
only blooms during eclipses.
It is found growing in the
wild throughout Stormania,
particularly in the plains.

If dug up carefully, glittergalls

can be replanted (in cold ground,
or a pot of Stormania earth) and
will continue to bloom for about
three weeks or until the sun

Stormane’s Rest is the tallest Getting to Stormane’s rest from
and northernmost mountain Coldshore directly is a five-day perilous
on the island, and the last place journey. It’s likely travellers will
it’s said anyone saw the giant encounter vampire hunting parties and
Stormane. The catacombs wild wolf-packs along the way.
below are the hardest to reach,
Note all the locations listed are giant-
but the most numerous and
sized; the shelves and tables should
make the PCs feel small.

LOcations Sound carries in the exhibition hall,

likely attracting the attention of
Pantries and kitchens from
anything in the pens below.
when the giant still needed to eat
Experiments look like a cross between a
The library, the largest area by
direwolf and an anglerfish (the lures on
far, with countless tomes and
their heads are frequently mistaken for
notes chiselled into rock from
glittergals.) They hunt in packs, do d8
damage each and have 6 HP / 1 Armour.
The exhibition hall, where
A coven of vampires once set up camp in
Stormane once held ‘court’ for
the half-finished halls. When the feasted
his apprentices.
on the blood of the experiments, all but
The pens, where the wild one of them became sick and died. The
creatures Stormane captured last one is delirious and feral from the
for his experiments have gotten blood-thirst, but learned great truths
loose and interbred in the long, before sucumbing.
dark years.
When you sit in the mad throne and
The half-finished halls, leading survey the stars above, roll+CHA. On
into and out of the natural a 10+, you may ask one question of the
structure of the mountains stars and they will answer honestly. On
a 7-9, they will still answer, but will leave
The seat, a crude throne built out something critical. On a miss, the
on the mountain’s peak in a stars are not aligned tonight, but you
moment of madness. gain an idea into when they might be.

A fishing village formed from Coldshore Militia
human settlers from Mirkasa.
Group, Intelligent, Organized
It’s people are isolated, but
determined to defend their land Spear (d8 damage) 6 HP 1 Armor
against any threat.
Close, Reach
By default, Coldshore is
Prosperity Poor, Population People of Coldshore
Steady, Defences Militia,
Klaus, Carl, Erik, Johan, Gustav, Vera,
Resources (fish, wood) and has
Anna, Ronja, Klara, Rebeka, Hrovat, Kralj,
an Oath to the nation of Mirkasa.
Turk, Fischer, Wyss
Choose one problem:
Common Goods
■■ Coldshore has an agreement
■■ Salted fish
with the court of Githrali,
(ration, 5 uses, 3 coin, 1 weight)
supplying ‘food’ when asked
in exchange for protection: ■■ Spelunking gear
-Population, +Prosperity, (5 uses, 20 coin, 1 weight)
Oath (Githrali)
■■ Bandages
■■ A corsair has a grudge (3 uses, slow, 5 coins)
against the people of
Coldshore, and raids are ■■ Pot of Glittergal bulbs
becoming more frequent: (50 coins, 1 weight)
Blight (raiders), Need If kept safe and tended, will bloom in
(Defenders), -Prosperity 2 or 3 days.

■■ The eclipse has brought an ■■ Archeology tools

influx of travellers passing (5 uses, 20 coins, 1 weight)
through: Personage (a While exploring the giants’ ruins, if
famous wizard or explorer), you closely examine a surface, expend
Lawless one use of the tools and take +1
forward to your next Spout Lore roll.

Quick-Start rules
Rolling Dice Making a character
When you attempt You have a name: perhaps Aventail,
something risky, Bascinet, Morion or Schynbald.
roll 2d6 and add an
attribute modifier. You have six attributes: STRength, DEXter-
(The GM will describe ity, CONstitution, INTelligence, WISdom
the risks before you and CHArisma. Each has a score and a
roll, and pick which modifier. Assign these scores to your stats,
attribute to use.) in whichever order you like: 16 (+2), 15 (+1),
13 (+1), 12 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1).
A 10+ means it
happens, without You start with hit points equal to your
complication. A 7-9 constitution +6 (usually, at least 14.)
means it happens, You deal D6 damage. You start with an old
but not quite as you blade and shortbow, a handful of arrows
would have hoped. A (3 ammo’s worth) and leather armour (+1
6- means you mark armour.) You also start with 5 rations, 5
experience and the adventuring gear and coin equal to your
GM describes what charisma +6.
happens next (you’re
probably not going to You have an alignment. If you fulfil your
like it.) alignment at least once per game, you get
bonus experience at the end. Pick one of
the following statements to describe your

■■ “I will defend those weaker than me.”

■■ “I will defeat a worthy opponent.”

■■ “I will spur others to significant, un-
planned decisive action.”

Finally, you have a homeland. Or if you

prefer, you don’t, and you get this move:
Dungeon World CC-BY SA, by Sage
At the start of a session, the GM will ask you
LaTorra & Adam Koebel. about your homeland: why you left, or what
you left behind. If you answer, mark XP.
A World in Conflict

The world is an ever-changing thing. Today’s monsters are tomorrow’s

trophies; nations rise and fall, and no king rules forever. But never forget the
actions of a single adventurer may one day change the fates of nations.

Several decades ago the mountain The sands of Umberto are brutal,
gnomes sought asylum in the mysterious and beautiful. It’s said
hinterlands of Mirkasa, home there are more ancient terrors
of backwards farmhands and beneath the sands than anywhere
devout templars. While gnomish else in the world, and it’s people are
technology and pious discipline constantly vigilant against suspicion
have made this nation greater, from without and demonic
threats from beyond and within incursions from within.
continue to harass it’s people.
If you grew up in Umberto, you
If you grew up in Mirkasa, then count as a “place of power” for the
when you are struck by lightning or purposes of the move Ritual. Be
magical force, hold 1. Spend hold, warned: taking full advantage of
one-for-one, to deal +hold damage. this may risk your physical, mental
or spiritual well-being.

When an army from Chalcedon

invaded the Green Scar, the entire Chalcedon was a green and
island nation rose up to drive them pleasant land, now in the midst
out. But despite their best efforts, of an industrial revolution. Fog-
the rainforests burned. Most of the shrouded factories sprawl across the
land’s former glory is lost; the land’s landscape, spewing raw etherium
magic has been all but exhausted into the atmosphere. Foppish nobles
and many of it’s gods are dead. bicker over politics and status,
while the downtrodden mutated
If you survived the burning of the workforce plot revolution.
Green Scar, you start with FAITH
equal to your wisdom. You may If you grew up in Chalcedon, then
spend 1 faith at any time to turn a choose an element: earth, wind,
6- result into a 7. Faith cannot be fire or water. You are resistant to
recovered; when it reaches 0, what the harmful effects of that element,
remains of your gods is lost with it. but weaker to it’s opposite.
My THanks
To my munificent patrons, who helped make this possible:

Acritarche, Alex Davis, Alex Norris, Alexander Grafe, Amy Stringer, Andrea
Parducci, Bay, Ben Rosenberg, Benjamin George, Bruce Curd, Charles Wotton,
Chris Patterson, Chris Sakkas, Christopher Giles, Christopher Weeks, Dane
Ralston-Bryce, Donna Almendrala, Eric Boerman, Felix, J.Walton, James Stuart,
Jeremy Riley, Jeremy Strandberg, John Bogart, Justus Goldstein-Shirley, Kenji
Ikiryo, Kevin Tompos, MapForge, Marco, Marcus Flores, Martin Deppe, matt
greenfelder, Matt Kay, Matteo Casali, Matthew Caulder, Matthew Klein, Max
Perman, Michael Prescott, Michael Raichelson, Mike Burnett, Oleg Krapilsky,
Olle Wilhelmsson, Rafael Rocha, Robert Rees, Roland, Ryven Cedrylle, Schubacca,
Sophia, Spenser, Stefan Dziewanowski, Stephanie Bryant, Tim Dennett, Tim Jensen,
Tim Reed, Tom Miller, Tom Sambles, Zane Dempsey, Zane Gunton

If you enjoy reading this adventure, you can help me make

more! Join in at to get first access to my
new adventures and public games. You can find previously-
released adventures on my website,

Writing, editing, publishing & layout by Joe Banner.

Public Domain Art:

Photos usually from, CC-0.
Dungeon World by Sage LaTorra & Adam Koebel, CC-BY 3.0.
Fonts are Arvo & Raleway, SIL OFL 1.1.

The text of this document is released under a Creative Commons

Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 international license: http://

The layout of this document is copyright © 2015 by Joe Banner.

For more info, freelance writing, editing & design,


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