Lesson 9 Things at Home

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Di rumah kita pasti memiliki beberapa ruangan diantaranya:

 Living room = Ruang keluarga

 Bedroom = Kamar tidur
 Kitchen = Dapur
 Dining room = Ruang Makan
 Bathroom = Kamar Mandi
 Garage = Garasi
 Garden = Taman
 Di rumah setiap benda pasti ada tempatnya, mari kita simak kosakata benda di
Things in The Living Room Things in the Kitchen
- Sofa = Sofa - Stove = Kompor
- Television = Televisi - Frying pan = wajan
- Vase = Vas bunga penggorengan
- Table lamp = Lampu meja - Rice cooker = Penanak nasi
- Frame = Bingkai foto - Knife = Pisau
- Clock = Jam - Oven = Oven
- Picture = Foto - Refrigerator = Kulkas
- Carpet = Karpet - Sink = Tempat cuci piring
- Door = Pintu - Teapot = Teko
- Newspaper = Koran - Trash can = Tempat cuci
Things in the Bedroom - Broom = Sapu
- Bed = Kasur
- Pillow = Bantal Things in the Bathroom
- Bolster = Bantal guling - Towel = Handuk
- Blanket = Selimut - Bath tub = Bak mandi
- Bed sheet = Sprei - Closet = Kloset
- Praying mat = Sajadah - Shower = Penyiram
- Table = meja - Toothbrush = Sikat gigi
- Chair = kursi - Tooth paste = Pasta gigi
- Cupboard = Lemari - Soap = Sabun
- Hanger = Gantungan baju - Pail = Ember
- Shampoo = Sampo
- Hair dryer = Pengering

Contoh kalimat atau pertanyaan yang digunakan:

a. Jika kita ingin menanyakan b. Jika kita ingin menanyakan

bagian rumah: nama ruangan dalam rumah:
What is this/that? Apakah ini? What room is this/that?
Ruangan apa ini?
What is this?
This is dining room. What room is this?
Ruangan apa ini?
This is living room.
c. Untuk menanyakan ada atau Ini ruang tamu.
tidak bagian rumah:
Is there a...in the...?
Is there a window in your house?
Apakah ada jendela di rumahmu?
Yes there is
Ya ada.

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