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2nd SPTA-BOD Meeting

Good afternoon parents, teachers, barangay officials and to our school head, it is my pleasure to be a
moderator for this Second SPTA-BOD Meeting of school year 2022-2023. I’m teacher Marjorie Antonio,
a volunteer teacher. I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of you. We appreciate you all on
taking time off your busy schedules to join us today.

Prayer & National Anthem

Before anything else, May I invite everyone to invoke the Almighty, Ladies and Gentlemen. May I
request all of you to stand for invocation and national anthem. We would like to start this program a
prayer to be led by Mrs. Mhayeth M. Ronquillo, our Grade 4 adviser and a BOD member and to be
followed by our national anthem to be conducted by our Grade 11 adviser and a BOD member, Mrs.
Mayleen V. Yanto. Please all rise.
Please be seated.
Checking of attendance: Now, I would like to invite our SPTA secretary, Mrs.Femie Ann P. Samaniego
for the checking of attendance.
Thank you,ma’am.
Welcome Remarks: To kick off this morning’s program, may we have here with us the very passionate,
Grade 4 adviser and BOD member, Mrs. Jovelyn D. Grospe to give us her welcome remarks.
Thank you very much ma’am for that warm welcome.
Statement of purpose: Now let us call upon our dedicated, Head teacher, Mr. Jester A. Tukling for the
statement of purpose.
Thank you sir.
Review of the previous meeting: To get some reviews from the previous meeting, may we have here our
competent SPTA secretary, Mrs. Femie Ann P. Samaniego.
Thank you, ma’am.
President’s Hour: At this juncture, let us lend our ears to our very supportive, SPTA President, let us all
welcome, Mr. Edgar A. Ranche.
Thank you, sir.
Message: Fellow teachers and parents, this program will not be complete without the message of our
beloved principal. Without further ado, let us all welcome, Sir Winston A. Tanglod.
Plenty of food for thought sir. Thank you so much.
Closing Remarks
Now, we are almost at the end of our program and to give the closing remarks, may have our energetic
Master Teacher, Mrs. Josielyn T. Ballesteros.
Thank you ma’am.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to its end. We hope you achieved what you came here to achieve.
Agyaman kami!

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