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BARANGAY ASSEMBLY DAY for the 2nd Semester CY 2022

I am requesting to please settle now, the program will begin in a minute.

Good afternoon, your excellencies! My name’s Marjorie Antonio and I’ll be your emcee for today’s
assembly, and it is my pleasure to welcome you all to this 2nd Semester’s Barangay Assembly Day,
themed: “ Barangayanihan: Barangay at Mamamayan Sama-sama sa Pagtaguyod ng Bayanihan Tungo sa
Mas Ligtas at Maunlad na Pamayanan.”
Part I
I. Invocation:
To formally commence the program, May I ask everybody to please rise for the invocation to be
led by Mr. Romulo Reyes.

II. National anthem

Remain so, for the singing of the national anthem to be conducted by Ms. Jenalyn Acuna, which
will shortly follow.
Thank you very much you may now be seated.
III. Opening Remarks
To give us his opening remarks, we are delighted to welcome to our ever supportive and devoted
Barangay Captain, Hon. Walter S. Miguel. A big hand for him please.
IV. Message
At this point, we will hear a message from an epitome of a good public servant, a Sangguniang
Bayan Member, none other than Hon. Jamina Anne Tolentino. A round of a applause please.
Thank you so much ma’am for those inspiring thoughts.
Following another stirring message, may we have here with us the very beautiful and diligent
representative from Maddela Police Station, Police Staff Sergeant Valen Joy Inhumang. A around
of applause please.
Thank you ma’am.
V. Reading of SILG’s Message to the Barangay
At this juncture may I we have here with us Sir Reynaldo Lazaro, a representative of MILGO for
the reading of SILG’s message to the barangay
Thank you sir.
Part II
1. State of Barangay Address
And now let us pin our ears back, as I call on our our ever supportive and devoted Barangay
Captain, Hon. Walter S. Miguel for the State of Barangay Address and following is the report on
Barangay Compliance to National Laws and Issuances or Related Information
2. Accomplishment Report per Committee
Following is the presentation of accomplishment report per committee. So may we have here the
chairman committee on Budget and Appropriation, Hon. Jerwin Antonio.
Thank you sir.

At this point, may I call on the chairman committee on agriculture, Hon. Joeffrey Lantano.
Thank you sir .
At this moment, may I call on the chairman committee on Womens, Hon. Junia Tindungan.
Thank you ma’am.

Moving on, may I call on the chairman committee on education, Hon, RolandoPajarillo.
Thank you, sir.

At this moment, may I call on the chairman committee on Infrastructure. Hon. Levie Ayap.
Thank you, sir.

At this point, may I call on the chairman committee on Health and Nutrition, Hon. Letty
Thank you, ma’am.

At this juncture, may I call on the chairman committee on Peace and Order, Hon. Richard
Thank you sir.
3. SK Accomplishment Report and other SK/Youth Related Information
At this point, may I call on our SK Chairperson, Hon. Allen Jude S. Mendoza for the SK
Accomplishment Report and other SK/Youth Related Information.
Thank you sir.
4. Open forum, issues and concerns
At this point may I call on _______________ for the suggestions and insights concerning the
aforementioned reports and updates.
5. Closing Remarks
Now, we are almost at the end of our program and to give the closing remarks, may I call on our
handsome and dedicated barangay kagawad, Hon. Jerwin Antonio.
Thank you very much, Sir.
And that concludes our program. "the achievements of an organization are the results of the combined
effort of each individual or member." So, we have to work together to achieve our shared purpose.
Thank you so much, everyone! 

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