Guide - How To Record My Practicum Hours

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How to record my practicum hours?

As part of the Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Social & Community Services) - Level 4, you are
required to complete 200 hours of placement. You must record your hours in the Practicum Hours
Logbook and get them approved/signed off by your supervisor/agency liaison.

Once you start practicum, make sure to download a copy of the Practicum Hours Logbook to your
device and save it in a secure place. The first thing to do is add your name, the placement organisation
and your supervisor’s name.

Student Name: e.g., Jonathan Morgan

Placement Agency
e.g., Enabling Good Lives
e.g., Taya Coe
Supervisor's Name

You are expected to record your hours every time you attend placement. Keep a live copy of the
logbook on your device and add as many rows as needed. All placement documentation to be
professionally presented i.e. typed.

Check below for instructions on how to fill each one of the fields.

Outcome What did you do well?
Date AM- Project/Experience Hours
What happened? What would you do
differently next time?


1. Date
Include only one date per row dd/mm/yyyy. e.g., 03/02/2022

2. Time
Include the actual shift timeframes e.g., 8:15 am – 4:15 pm

3. Project/Experience
Include a brief heading/title to identify the project/experience you completed in the
timeframe. e.g., Arts/Crafting support and assistance

4. Outcome – What happened?

Describe the tasks and activities performed during the shift. Be as detailed as possible. e.g., I
worked alongside Tangata whaiora to complete their ongoing crafting projects by
encouraging their creativity and participation embracing the choice of various mediums, such
as paint, chalk, and pastels to achieve their expression of themselves through art. This was
all done under the guidance of my supervisor.
5. Reflection
What did you do well?
What would you do differently next time?
Actively analyse your experiences and actions to help yourself improve and develop. e.g., I
successfully initiated the building of rapport between some of the clients I worked alongside.
I recognise I need more understanding of the person-centred approach to enable expression
through art, to truly enable Tangata whaiora creativity.

6. Hours
Include the number of hours you completed within the shift. e.g., 8

Once you have completed 80 hours for Practicum 1 remember to:
• Check your grammar and spelling.
• Make sure ALL required fields are not empty.
• Make sure no clients’ names have been added to the form.
• Add the total hours at the end of the form.
• Ask your supervisor to sign off your hours.

Industry supervisor’s signature: For your log to be valid, your supervisor must certify the
completion of your hours by signing off the form. This is the last step before uploading your log to
Moodle. Once your supervisor has entered the signature you won’t be able to make any further
changes to the form. There is no need to print the log, the form has a feature that allows adding a
digital signature. However, you can also add a signature by printing the form out once completed and
having your supervisor sign the hard copy, then scan and upload it to Moodle.

Industry Supervisor's
By signing this
document, you are X
confirming the student Add your signature by double clicking here.
has completed the
following hours and

Upload your Logbook to Moodle: Once your Logbook has been signed off by your supervisor
upload it to Moodle on your Practicum 1 site under the correct link before the assessment due date.

Start a new logbook and repeat this process for

Practicum 2 - 120 hours…

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