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of closer interest to the British, particularly when, in

Thus it was that in 1855 Kassa, under the name of the emperor

class, are found principally in the south. (3) The so-called

was interposed to the advance of France from the Congo to the

subjects. Winter classes for boys over sixteen years of

disbursements. Some notes on admiralty finance will be

senior naval officers. ``Admiral'' is also the name given to

Philadelphia. Pop. (1890) 25,228; (1900) 35,416, of whom

annual sum of L. 60 for the indigent widow of a painter.

assistance. Before the latter could come up, however, Rosecrans

time. It is encyclopaedic in scope, and contains an immense

oerennes,'' the same as that of the famous Florimentane Academy,

or a drug mixed with any matter or ingredient not injurious

castle of Habsburg, the old convent of Konigsfelden (with

hunting. There are half-a-dozen species of hair seals and

of statement and method in discussion are invited by the

recommendation from Saladin's vizier, he visited Egypt, where

AGNUS DEI, the figure of a lamb bearing a cross, symbolical

and should not be ornamented with gold, a rule which was soon

driving.'' The first year of office passed off successfully,

and Aetolians. He died about 260 (Polybius ii. 45, ix. 34;

Nile is the spacious bay of Aboukir, where on the 1st of

meditating a fresh attack on Carthage at the time of his

deceitfully or sell any musty or corrupted meal, which may

thickness; (8) to determine the rate and direction of different

and devoted the rest of his life to the revival of learning in

the triumph was short-lived. By the agreement of July 1890

by a great obstacle, the existence of serfage: and Alexander

government; but Johnston's instructions were not to proclaim

of butter-fat that may be contained in margarine, but at

remedies. But the most eager search of Arabian chemistry

just above the point of junction of the ileum and caecum, the

state statute as to a ship in her home port, it may be enforced

made by the witan in the preceding year, AEthelred collected

Great Britain two grievances, or sets of grievances. The first

support among the left-wing Hegelians in Germany, Moses Hess

the sixth anniversary of his accession, the emancipation law

and Antichrist (1623, 4to), that he had ``received all'' his

its efforts to secure a footing on the lower Niger until

designed by Dr P. J. H. Cuyper in the Dutch Renaissance style,

a piece of bark stripped from a tree and crimped at the

is next to be well ploughed and harrowed; and about 10 lb. of

and to help various deserving students during their college

there is active commerce in grain, but the port has little trade.

mechanical properties, such as hardness, toughness, rigidity,

sometimes been called the Albert of Westphalia. His numerous

division of Buckinghamshire, England, 24 m. W.N.W. of

Hermus, presents at a distance an imposing appearance. It is

modern husbandry; though he adds that in Scotland the best

de Poitiers in the Collection de documents inedits


Puffs, powders, patches, bibles, billet-doux.',

signed at Cairo on the 19th of January 1899, which, inter

N.Y., 1889), who were the first to show the importance of

Saragossa in 1508, it is highly probable that Amadis was

Peleus, king of the Myrmidones of Phthia in Thessaly, by

system) is, in general, even then not sharply reproduced, if

of Nadir's empire, with the style of Dur-i-Duran, ``Pearl

an addition of 10 or 15%. A bird's-eye view over the effect is

fifth district, occupying a considerable area south of the

EQ.M. Equitum magister.

Kabul, fled across the Oxus into Bokhara. Shere Ali threw

palaeolithic type have been discovered, notably at Tlemcen and

century and more after the Mongol invasion the whole of the

Thasos. In 422 B.C. Cleon led an unsuccessful expedition

Club, the University Club, the City Club of Albany, the

when, on the 20th of May 1381, the university decreed that

in the great india-rubber districts of the Mayutata and

Acetylene is readily decomposed by heat, polymerizing under

and last of his pitched battles in Asia, the one which put

nail manufactories, and trade in agricultural produce.

of the plan thereupon determined to form a separate society,

by the Spaniards in 1762. During the Peninsular War (q.v.),

recognized as belonging to the sultan a continuous strip of

is fertile, yielding wheat, barley, maize, flax, hemp and

of the trade of the whites. In some tribes this would bring

the store pigs accounting for less than one-tenth of the total

of his church and as an evangelist. In 1712 he lost his wife

being his history of the German wars of Gustavus Adolphus,

the Voyage of Bougainville, and so on. However, in all

the constructive study of Acts almost to a deadlock.

reached by the water for many days. Algae of more delicate

multifidum,'' Ber. d. deutschen bot. Gesellsc. Band

three. Jay and Adams distrusted thc good faith of the French

empire as covering over 700,000 sq. m. was not challenged.11

RO2. The oxides of type RO are soluble in water, the solution

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