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Community Program A&E

Learning Center
Learning Facilitator Literacy Level AE/LS/AS
LEARNING SYSTEM Month and Learning Strand LS4 Life and Career

A. Content Standards (Work-Habit) Looking for Job Opportunities
B. Performance Standards Apply working knowledge, attitudes, and work-related skills as an employed
person to earn a living and improve one’s economic status.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Knowledge:

Write the LC code for each.  Identify the main components of a bio-data
 Identify the main components of an application letter
 Experience filling-in a bio-data and writing an application
Skill: Perform the given tasks : small group discussion, large group discussion,
individual writing

Attitude: Show’s interest in getting tips filling-in a bio-data

II. CONTENT(Subject Matter) Looking for Job Opportunities (Preparing a Bio-Data & Application Letter)


A. References
1. Session Guides pages

2. Module pages Mindanao Youth for Development Project Life Skills Curriculum Facilitator’s Manual
Module 4 Session 1 Activity 2 page 9-17

B. Other Learning Resources

! Materials and Preparation:
 Handout 4.2: Sample Bio-data and Application Letter
 Handout 4.3: Bio-data Writing Tips
 Handout 4.4: Bio-data Format
 Handout 4.5: Application Letter Format

* ALS-K to 12 BEC Curriculum (LS 4 Life and Career Skills)Page 10

A. Springboard/Motivation (Establishing a purpose
for the lesson) Activity 1. (I Need Resources)

 Show pictures to the learners on different forms of application letter

or resources in applying a job.
 Ask them if they know what pictures is and let them elaborate
something about the picture.
B. Activity (Review of previous lesson/s or
Presenting the new lesson) Activity 2. (Enumerate All You Can)

 Learners will be grouped into four. They must choose a leader

and group reporter.

 The groups will be asked to enumerate the parts of a bio-data.

Let the learners write their answers on a cartolina.

 Group Presentation (5 minutes)

 Learners will then present their output to the class.

C. Analysis (Presenting examples/instances of the Class Participation

new lesson)

 What did you feel in doing the activity?

 Was the activity difficult? Why/Why not?
 What did you do in order to come up with the output?
 Did all members provide ideas?
 What are your realizations while doing the activity?
 Is a bio-data important when you apply for a job? Why?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Presenting the Lesson
skills (sub-activity #1)
 Explain that employers look for people who are
committed, positive, hardworking, respectful and
trustworthy. They want people who will show up on
time, work hard and take initiative. They like people to
be skilled and to have experience but often will hire
people who they think they can train. To gain some
experience, it is good to volunteer or do an unpaid
internship where you can learn by participating in the
work. Sometimes these can lead to paid opportunities.

 Tell participants that finding a job usually requires a bio-

data and an application letter. Ask if anyone has
experienced writing a bio-data or application letter. To
know if participants have prior knowledge on a bio-data
and the different parts of an application letter, the
facilitator may do a quick review:

• Bio-data: It is a brief history of your education,
work experience and activities, skills,
accomplishments and any other information
relevant to getting a job
• Application letter: It is a letter to an employer
expressing your interest in a particular job or
area of work and highlights why you are
qualified for the work

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Activity 3: (Group Discussion)

skills (sub-activity #2)
 In a large group, ask participants to go to Handout 4.2: Sample
Bio-data and Application Letter in their Participant’s
Handbook. Divide participants into small groups of 4 people
and ask them to discuss the following:

 What type of information do you find in a bio-data?

 What type of information do you find in the application letter?

 What are the differences between a bio-data and application


Debriefing Questions:

a. What type of information do you find in a bio-data and application

Bio-data: contact information, skills summary, work
experience, education, references Application letter:
contact information, purpose of letter, summary of skills
necessary for a particular job, closing statement

b. What are the differences between a bio-data and application

An application letter should not just re-state your bio-data, it
should emphasize those skills and experiences that are most
relevant to the particular job you are applying to.

 Ask Participants to refer to Handout 4.3: Bio-data Writing

Tips in their Handbook. Discuss with learners the tips for
preparing a bio-data.

F. Abstraction (Making generalizations about the Class Participation


 Ask participants to refer to Handout 4.4: Bio-data Format

Format in their Handbook. Have learners work individually
to develop their own bio-data, following that format and
using the writing tips discussed earlier (Handout 4.3).

Learners may fill-out the bio-data all together as the

facilitator is discussing its details. Explain that learners will
need to finish their bio-data at home and submit it to the
facilitator the following day.

G. Application (Developing mastery) Class Participation

 Ask learners to review the sample application letter

(Handout 4.2) in their Handbook and explain the
main parts of the letter (you can use Handout 4.5:
Application Letter Format as your guide in the
 Ask learners to develop their own letter, using the
writing space at the end of Session 1 of Module 4 in
their Handbook. Let them assume a scenario of a
job opening that they would like to apply based on
their experience.

H. Valuing (Finding practical application Ask:

of concepts and skills in daily living)
Why do you need to know how to fill up a bio-data?
How important is an application letter in applying a work?
I. Evaluation (Assessing learning) Direction: Write the appropriate information needed for each item from
the box.

Jo Petronilo Agumbay Brgy. Mahayahay, Pasig,City

Single June 21, 1994 Roman Catholic
Mahayahay South Central School

___________1. Date of Birth

___________2. Name

___________3. Provincial Address

___________4. Civil Status

___________5. Religion

J. Agreement (Additional activities for application or

remediation)  Learners submit their bio-data and letters of application the
next day, review them carefully and give them comments and
feedback to help improve them so they can have a solid bio-
data and application letter that they can use in the future.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did

I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Process Observers:
Education Program Specialist II

Education Program Supervisor

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