EXPBIOMED - Module 4 Finalnotes

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Cst's mac
learning Outcomes Reproduction Angiosperm style )

understanding of evolution ( underlying processes leading to diversity & complexity ↳ requires pollen meet/travel to ovules cegglt
• to


biology : evolving science -

observation / experiments / data analysis →

palmation essential

connections between major ctoncepts in biology Abiotic :
② Biotic :
① Evolution ② cells ③ Information ④ Regulation ⑤ Interconnectedness -

by wind water rain lte

, ,
pollenatovs delivers the
, pollen cvvaitractim )
sexual Reproduction
why ? species reproduce to ① pass on their genetic into ② continue the species External fertilization internal fertilization
both W v10 partner asexual rs sexual Reproduction where?
it can occur or
& aquatic
Aquatic only Terrestrial

↳ Asexual : Wb partner female produce identical offspring .

Why ?
sessile organisms selective over who fertilizes the egg
↳ sexual i W/ partner (fusion of two haploid gametes to produce zygote (2N)
how ? -

requires behavior / adaptations -

motile to find partner 4 mate
before sexual 13 bya) about

asexual occurred meiotic sex only 0AMred

to ensure fertilization -
Behaviors dy adaptations to choose
11.2 by a) →
offsprings similar but differentfrom Hardt * limited control
asexual reproduction is much efficient thine , energy wise )


possibly because sexual reproduction allows Oviparous ( eggs ) Vivaporous (young )

asexual didn't dominate →
fine of diversity consequently
more adaptive in variable environment form ? egg live young

Asexual available in all kngdoms :

dev where .
externally internally
Bacteria Archaea Protists Fungi Plantae Animalia nutrient ? yolk from mother

↳ available
types Fission Fragmentation Budding , vegetative propagation ,
, ,
protection / shell Lt impedes water loss ) 1 mother 's body protect embryo
spore Formation Parthenogenesis ,

sexual available in 4 kingdoms

protists Fung ; Plantae Animalia :
↳ varieties dioecious vs. monoecious / hermaphrodites
gas exchange between organism 4 environment to release energy from
→ male 4 → HE3111 both sex organs present in one their food to fuel cellular processes
① Anaerobic ② Fermentation ③ Aerobic

fertilization c. R c. R

internal vs .
°" " "" " " ^^ "
" → "" " " ° ""
" " """ " "" ^ "" "" • *

→ lay eggs or birth to young organism Cehbryo internally der ) .

faster release energy lactic acid or alcohol

19 times more ATP released

i. few H . many offspring Cru . K strategists ) -

mainly occur @ * technically not respiration ↳

possibly allountnbk for

environment w/o oxygen because it doesn't use ETC multicellularity 4

Asexual sexual
larger organism size
parent one parent two parents -

anaerobic CR evolve for first form of life Creliant on CO2 tch 4)

genetically identical genetic variation bacteria 13.4 v5
Genetics more atomic &

photosynthetic by a) → aerobic em merged ~ 2.819 by a

→ diseases easily passed on

↳ Mine oxygen production -9
→ harder to adapt could be more resistant to diseases → ocean accentuation → atmosphere overload

super efficient Time for mating * multicellular terrestrial organisms emerged later
Efficiency Tmredg
E Requires extra E and even

require mating much slower because it can only the cell

powerhouse of

→ doesn't -
mitochondria : where OR happens ;
raise half of what asexual Rprodnetwin
→ rapid population growth

endosymbiosis :
prokaryotic cell host engulfed .

could achieve with extra E- 4 Time → ① eukaryote @ aerobic prokaryote

anaerobic prokaryote ( 0kW - Wb 0)
FISSION (B A P F PI A) : more common in BAP →② prokaryote @ facultative

↳ mitochondria do lactic acid fermentation

parent elongates divide into equal parts
+ alga

4- Binary : two equal C B A) ↳ multiple :X cells produced ( p )


increased oxygen level → aerobic respiration → mass ATP production

→ larger organism → large trkhea to maintain cellular processes →
> more space for other E needed cont
organs → even more .

budding site

Imagine grape organism divide Itself into two unequal parts ( usually @

↳ breaks off to be a new daughter cell 4 organism

toxicity reversal
Bacterial 4 Archaea Respiration @ cytoplasm (absence of organelle )
Eukaryote ( multicellular) only ① Obligate aerobic bacteria
§ Fragment : of parent regenerate itself to be new
② obligate anaerobic bacteria →
hydrogen sulfide or methane
PI :
③ Facultative anaerobic bacteria 1%0-0-1112 8×0-0-104120121
: new Plant grow from parts of parent plant ex] roots ,
stem ,
bulbs etc ,

SPORE FORMATION ( P F PI ) : unicellular & multicellular Aerobic C. R in Fungi (most of

fungi with exception of indunater Fungi )

Imagine bubbles ( spores) units of life that is packaged which doesn't require ↳ Hyphae absorb
= : filament branches to oxygen in soil (airspace 5)

fertilization ( loos of units) → Oz 1- coz can transfer across thin outer wall
* for dispersal to new locations G- can be
sexually produced as well ) Fermentation E. food
[from glucose → pyruvate
PARTHENOGENESIS ( A ) : Multicellular → Diploid individual

fungi bread miso olives beer wine
, , ,

unfertilized egg develops into new organism ( individual ) parent must be female
↳ Saccharomyces → Ethanol . Ethanol -1 CO2 CO2
Lt can be reproduce sexually as well )

• bacteria Cheese, Olives soy sauce , yoghurt, kimchi Kornbluth

Haploid Cn) vs Diploid

(2n) ,


Aspergillus 4

↳ Lactic acid Lactobacillus → lactic acid

↳ Humans spend most lifetime as Diploid and is haploid only @ gamete stage
Respiration in plants ( oxygen diffusion )
↳ Plants spend most time haploid * (refer lower)

as diploid but also a little bitas

↳ Fungi spend most lifetime as haploid ↳ stomata ( leaves dy stems) centrals stems of woody
, plants 4 roots
alternation of generation between haploid & diploid ( both multicellular)
1- absorption via roots

↳ Found in all plants Ct protists 4 Fungi ) dork : c. R

only 1 dim : CR W PS 1 light : PS mainly
: diploid form sporophyte → give rise to spore ↳ CO2 intake Oz release
↳ 02 intake , coz release ,

haploid form
give rise to gametes (requires fertilization)

gametophyte Respiration

plant roots croot adaptation based on the environment )
↳ For Fungi : 3. key stages
aerial roots ( pneumatophore ) for anoxic / waterlogged soil Cet

① haploid Basidiospores →
plasmogamy Cattoplasm fused W 2 nuclei ) p nuclei fusion

aeroxcnyma : air pockets in plant tissue


② Dikoryotic mycelium lntn ) with basidium → Fertilization @ basidium ( karyogamy ) ↳ exchanges gas exposed → submerged ← Diploid

③ Diploid zygote undergo meiosis to form ① -

Stomata ( poms )
for gas exchange + inevitable water loss (sporophyte )
↳ process may my ↳ open
4 close depending on the turgor pressure of the plant

autotroph adaptation on land C Where water & nutrient lacks / is limited )


high turgor pressure stomata open / low pressure stomata closed : :

↳plants made adaptations to a quire
required resources .

vary in its apatite ( length ) and density bÉdns → Roots to extract water by

dissolved nutrients from soil

1- vascular tissue to transport the absorbed resources within organism
ex ) low coz environment to size { 9 density ↳ Cor ,
light, water level etc

→ cuticle to minimize water loss

* verse leaves for
Respiration in Animals 02+841206 → thot coz ATP → tissue for structural +

support [ size / types )
: Oz intake → Coz exhale four ( possible ) stages ( not an animal use )
leaves ① Roots ⇐ (root hair cells) Vascular Sys .

1. Breathing → 2- Gas exchange → 3. Circulation → 4. CR

Five different system :
photosytthetic apparatus -
earliest vascular land plants w/o -
phloem sugar transport

increased SA for PS4 gas true roots -
xylem : water + mineral ions
Direct Diffusion -
requires net surface for gas to dissolve { then diffuse exchange t good for metabolism)
: underground

vascular plant organ
↳ reinforced with lignin → endure
hydrostatic pressure
skin based
cadrawced )
② integumentary modified overlapping branches ↳ nutrient cnn.p.a.mg ,s , +

⑧⑨(M&⑧Ñh ☒ ⑧MYgg
- -

→ flatten → leaves n.ng.in +

www..pro .

water uptake from soil

③ TriChen insects -

drain → secondary growth

* most important organ for ↳ anchorage + support ( better growth
④ Gills -

fish vascular plants ! ↳ synthesize plant hormones allow increased plant size because
diversity and stricture varies
. .

⑤ Lungs mammals -1 birds ④ nutritional reserve innsport of sugar


u> stores

③ ⑤ ② by environment & niche

↳ can be modified

water to

larger areas
for purposes
① Direct Diffusion ( Obtain Oxygen through surface ) (ex flat norm /sponges ) -
ex ) aerial , clasping prop , , contractile ↳ xylem endure pressure better

climbing stpportt.fm

Lp only in small K 1mm diameter : flat , sea animals ( wet surface) 90, uptake in substrate

enough rely
small oxygen obtained through to on outer membrane of cells other ingenious whys to obtain food
→ into vascularsystem
② Integumentary (skin based surface gas exchange into parasitic ( mistletoe ) : take nutrients from host
directly ) by penetrating plant wall W roots

carnivorous ( venus flytrap)
4 environment Lex earthworm ,

amphibians etc)
↳ wet/ moist skin ; derive nutrients from captured insects ; trapping structure

Symbiotic legume C pea plants ) symbiotic N fixing bacteria in nuts nodules


③ Trachea in insects ( tubes inside the

body branched for diffusion) , ↳ helpful in nutrient poor son


↳ Spiracles : openings to trachea Can open and close as needed

symbiotic autotrophic algae 17=00xanthene ) provide organic

symbiosis w coral

↳ can be ventilated with muscle contraction ( influence of impermeable exoskeleton ) macromolecules → receive coz phosphates nitrogen compounds

→ not related to the circulatory Sys ( doesn't interact * leave when temp 9 (global warming issue

029 coz d) protests /

④ Gits ( aquatic Sys inside organism or outside of body as profusion )

feedings animal in

branched folded thin tissue filaments counter current Ms ←
4> :
Diffusion : nutrient absorbed then an membrane ( Bactria ) passive or active
, .

→ rapid diffusion of oxygen from Later to

circulatory Sys fcoelomicflnid ) Phagocytosis engulfing food / w structure to ( Amoeba )
prey sponges

⑤ Lungs
, -

(animal Kingdom ) → increase SA * engulf ,

Filterfeeding : eat everything then tilter the tater out onn consuming the prey
: air
sac like lung ; bronchial suction

↳ Reptiles : sac like ↳ straining organic matter (food) from mate ↳ requires filter structures
sometimes subdivided w aspirating pump Instead of mouth

diverse species
→ Cit blue whale 1 krill s)
↳ Mammals :

branching lung W alveoli ( small air pockets) W diaphragm /ribcage .

↳ Bird :
parallel tubes cpora bronchi ) w air sacs take up air -1 pump lungs krill 5 Blue whale
→ to fulfill high

oxygen need from flying

⑥ others .
. . → 70% oxygen needed description marine crustaceans largest manual filter feeder

anus breathing : sea cucumber /

Fitzroy river turtles cloacal gill respiration phytoplanktons b. Zooplankton

prey krill

diving bell spider w personally aunted air bubble for ihderwuto dive
comb like structure fillers
fringed plate (fingernail ) baleen
Sloth w
lung attached to ribcage so diaphragm is not squeezed when hanging NHS


400 million tonnes of them upper jaw

Fave energy 4 tonnes every day
staph food source for marine

evolution history is mystery

Feeding maybe largest microplastics ?


parasitism : feed from host species w/o killing them →

probably had teeth
: foods necessary for
livings to fuel their cellular processes (function replication reproduce)

, ,
no bereft give
→ producer ( autotrophs :
synthesizing own foods ) vs Consumer ( heterotrophs : eat ) ↳ no need energy in finding food ; but you have
to exert no control
↳ can be way to evolve sometimes to hold onto your host
classify organisms →

autotrophs heterotrophs tapeworm Jawless fish clamp reys / hogfish )
origin self + nutrition others 1- nutrition what? vertebrate gut parasite blood sucking parasite of fish
-4 use scolex to attach to intestinal
B A P F sucking head

Kingdoms B A P pl heterotrophs

how ? lining absorption then epidermis

used to have exoskeleton In skin
synthesize own food but need early forms

must consume thin up

organic carbon ↳ super

now ? source inorganic nutrients macromolecules ( glucose ) + other nutrients external digestion

↳N P S etc
, by consuming other forms of life ↳
Fungi : feed thru absorption using hyphae ,
which secretes digestive enzyme breaking down

chemo autotrophs : (bacteria) take inorganic

carnivores : meat eaters substrates , then nutrients absorbed

types ? compounds ci.e.kz hlzs , Chu Fest ) , herbivores vegans
liquid Lith sponge like month
, .

Oxidate and then form ORAMK molecules humans i eat everything ↳ Insect :
taste with feet , excrete enzymes , suck up the
highlighted ,

omnivores :

source of E phototrophs (green plants bacteria, algae ) detritivores decomposer (decaying matter ) → diverse mouthparts : chewing piercing / smelling carving siphoning sponging
: -
: -
, ,

take simple inorganic molecule use sunlight scavengers Kinky HE for

juvenile accumulating
↳ invertebrates spend most of its tclltime as resources

form required organic molecule -

insectivores : insects enter
reproduction when it becomes adult
in food web? / producer 1 Consumers ( primary secondary
- . .
) → mouthpart may change
growing ; some do not feed when it becomes adult

ancestral stateof heterotrophs (~ 4.517 my a) : earth full of
primo dial soup ( acid-base )
↳ earliest form :
something close to bacteria ; primitive heterotrophs fed by acid 1- base up early fishes jawless but gin arches evolved into jaw (teeth followed soon after)
→ form of
fermentation taking organic molecule and chemically → reason why marine invertebrates declined
down breaking
photo autotrophs photosynthetic bacteria
: Teeth

12.7-b49 cyanobacteria like evolved from jaws Homo darts Hetuodants

① an oxygenic photosynthesis ② Oxygenic photosynthesis ↳ : ,

Homo dents : an same teeth ; prevalent in sharks and reptiles

Endosymbiotic theory (sumbiogenesis) ( proven W electron microscopes ) -

→ Hetero darts : variety of teeth; mammals

↳ mitochondria da chloroplasts :
endosymbionts (organelle) ↳ incisors , carnies premolars , molars
phylogenetically related reduced genome [ own DNA)
# Of chloroplast ray ,
↳ tells whether
organism is a predator herbivore ,
or bark scraping
use inorganic compounds [Has S , Fest ) or organic source if -

unique boys of eating


" "" " " "" " "" """ " "" " """
"° ↳ donjon fish : pull out the lower jaw (space between brain case & vertebrate)→ eat larger prey
Chemo extremophiles (perfect for harsh environment i. e. deep sea not volcano )

↳ dragonfly :( larvae ) hinged mouthpart extend Cfoid )

and retract

Sulfolobus ( archaeal ; volcanic spring : 75~fo.cn 2-3 pH W Sulfur

↳ Lysogenic rims infect these for → don't kn the host cell protection BGEWRE 4 : Excretion
UH Hzs molecules for electrons [ bacteriachlorophyllS ]
or organic
low diversity Secretion Elimination

adapted to harsh conditions hot springs ; stagnant water → Excretion

adaptation South AndrosBlack hole
nutrient recycling {sulfur novel
photosynthesis )
removal Of waste product movement of materials -
removal of unabsorbed food

purple sulfur bacteria ( byproduct of

- :

something that has never been

↳ controls all / body water 14 that has a special task to
↳ release light E- to environment to heat itup → outcompete other organisms
concentration part of the body
↳ maintain solute accomplish after living the
↳ faces
oxygen from water → oxygen as byproduct
↳ excretion of metabolic waste / cell or organism
other unwanted substance
cyanobacteria Algae ( Eukaryote)
( oxygenic)
and eliminate
earliest photo autotrophs ↳ closest relative to terrestrial plants Can be liquid gas solid all species evolved to efficiently excrete
, ,

v01 )
additional nutrients through diffusion thin multicellular GSA

concentration) inefficient
cg, membrane (
photo f- inability to excrete eliminate may disrupt
or osmosis require water to obtain extra nutrients → or

structures that rely on water

↳ no metabolism → death
→ no desiccation
1- obtain food be reversed to excrete passive active

→ an 9 function can in principle

" "" " "" ^" " " """ " " Mh "" " "° """ ↳ the " "" " " Nd "" " *
* " Mb" "
the" °" " ""
Y" "
↳ bacteria ↳ solutes like protein environment
fungi some aquatic plants
, , amino acid etc
air, or in some cases hosts
energy expensive
transport :( mostly used > excretion h elimination that requires specific help


↳ meat balance between movement

control of where you are heading
develop reproduction

↳ this
organs / tells to do ↳ it allows efficiency → organism large and complex Akhtar mahntovncl and
↳ maybe you end up suboptimal location

plants : stomatal pores w guard cells @ outer surface of leaves and stem
q q
← guard cells in pairs controls the pore
opening by swelling /shrinking f( minimize

water loss)
← → inelastic
employ both
stomatal pore gas :
exchange ,
water loss hence water availability determine close /open -

Early adaptation for movement


animal : Flame cells ( excretory specialist) in freshwater invertebrates removing waste material Cilla pseudopod Flagella
↳ bundle proto nephritic ex ) hair covering outside of cells false feet long hair propelled around
flatworm / rotifers
: -

unicellular [ larger) -
unicellular amoeba push profusion from cell
specialized organs for excretion whip like and
animal 's

µ Nitrogen

- marine annelids / molluscs @

cytoplasm to produce pseudopods body of bacteria
↳ later organism came lids /
arthropods evolve complex nepnridia W associated gland larval House
↳ different directions or a
- locomotion inside Plane -

→ vertebrates : kidneys co-ordinated movement particular direction can serve sensory function for
+ liver -1 associated glands

→ need space !
chemical charges
↳ space for
organs : coelom (space in between gut da ectoderm filled w when food is Kate
fluid ) make
↳ sperms have these (critical ]
W/O Collom : Acoelom ate / single thieving
coelom : W/ coeio mate ↳ helicobacter for ulcers
separate from gut ↳ marine worms have parapodia
space for internal organ development

but then here nerve

→ enables increased body size ( here ! )
large animals can fit in all necessary organs -

Movement from water k transition

Protists Early Eukaryotes
( active reverse of phage)

: w lysosome , ↳ active propulsion cenidarians molluscs ) ,

majority were removed W passive diffusion & osmosis ↳ active removal W Channels i expand -1
contracting of body muscle to take hater and push outwards .

Fungi contractile vacuous ( exocytosis with food vacuoles ) ↳ energy efficient

; congregate to obtain good nutrients & prey

↳ some
passively removed [diffusion /osmosis) ↳ actively using membrane channels
↳ for molluscs ( mouth to
uptake water ) + tentacles like pseudo feet and sensor
up control direction
→ penicillin Cfungi ) killed staphyloc.ci → development of penicillin
↳ variations :
mantle Ghats ) , muscular foot ; some as adults don't move

Plants : ① Transpiration ②Storing ③ Diffusion

cephalopods propulsion / Slugs and snails → rhythmic hues of musclecontraction
↳ mucus to assist L especially on land movement
① : Gaseous waste + water excreted through stomata .
lettice is ,
outersurface Esltnlfmits) -

annelids → chaetae .

↳ 97 v99.5.1 hater lost through .

transpiration day ) -1 gultntion (@ night] ↳ marine worm :
free swing 1- sedentary + parapodia on body segments
↳ guttahim : xylem sap gather on the tip /edge of leaves ( or fungi ) at night ,
with → trochophore larvae : free swimming ciliated larva

closed stomata & build up root pressure ↳ Earthworms vibrations

live in soil super Coy


, react to ,

of haste muscle contrition C rhythmc)

+ leaves ( accumulation vacuoles of ageing cells)
② : stored in bark in
→ chaetae allows to anchor Wile

potentially toxic substances Vertebrates chordates CWHL notochord my omoes muscle )

↳ removes :
eventually fall off and die nerve chord

↳ , ,

humans are em maple syrup,


↳ early chordate fish W gill slits + post and I toil -

③ :(aauatic plants ) diffusion to water / muscle)


terrestrial into soil ↳ early fish : Carti logons (sharks , rays) moving Wfm / tails (active w
↳ reverse of diffusion and osmosis of gradient cart it agirls fish
root hair cells following the chemical -
bony fish
→ for aerudtic : leaves E. roots ; importantpafhwayr increase SA ↳ Kye liver with low
density oil for buoyancy
↳ swim bladder

consumption by heterotrophs }
metabolism &
Nitrogenous waste followed by high :
protein ↳ lighter then bore

evolve into lungs ?

pectoral tins for dynamic tiff
↳ MUM : Ammonia (Nts ) Urea . Uric acid , guanine


4- a
aÑatic fins to feet ?
bony fishes with long rays of bone some with substantial bored

terrestrial spiders ,

↳ support weight of the fish → evolved into tetrapods Ctktieaiks Konya

① [
Ammonia Urea Uric acid guanine → early amphibians gills by swim bladder lungs or rent lungs .

""" " M "" "" "" "" "" " "" " " " "
" " """ ↳ amphibian these require hater to reproduce ex] frog
" " : .

non-toxic non-toxic
requires lots of grater -
less water needed 91 Hint ?
no water

no water
Insects :
Elnseeta) Exoskeleton , six legs wings , moult ,
IN 9
per molecule 2 N per molecule 4 N per molecule 5N per molecule U> stiff membrane of exoskeleton straightened by veins → wings
no energy simple -4 ATP -1 -24 ATP + more E cost → from gills up early wings for locomotion in hotter surface reprodkl

synthesis more complex

complex synthesis -

archosaurs :
polyphyletic group reptiles and birds [both need eggsÑep%%%
Invertebrate ↳ birds from dromaeosanrs WI Hatters dy wings
excretory organs (annelids insects i coelom to exterior

→ to fly :
bone less dense ,
9 chest muscle, feathers , airsaes
↳ proton ephridia - nephridia 2 more
( simple ) :
marine worms
earthworms :( complex)

change from reptiles to mammals per breath

+ ↳ narrower
Malpighian tribute 54s :
insects -1 spiders → ( Bard & reptile as well ) hip , femur directly underneath hip hip , int change .

↳ involvement of hindgut in excretion 4 elimination LN waste w faces) → walk up right quicker locomotion Conger legs)

Animal excretory organs :

kidney du liver cook brats )

undulating motion of back half CLM R ) to back half (forward that
↳ Kidney primary organ ( w help from skin gills gut some
: , water regulation) ( bowl like )
↳ for dolphins as well
, ,

- :
↳ liver : breaks down
blood substances (toxin glucose RBC )
up reduction of big shortened pelvis , femur
toe in hard centered patella
, , ,

single opening) / mammals : anus and Uren

→ Bird and reptile : cloaca ( straight knees less robust upper arm , head up right
cacarateuy )
cautionary tale : leaf rolling caterpillar → free hand motion , better tool usages (manat ability to throw

↳ accumulated excretion attract parasitic wasp → shoot out faeces Wanat plate

DUY flies + Puny beetles : buns is nutritional → scent / polarized moonlight

↳ lay eggs in dung ↳ feed on duty (some locate others trait for deny providers ) ,
i. Presented remains of any preserved trace of once living organism
anoxic environment
ant -

aphid mutualism (secretions ↳ some hard structure, quickly courted woo being dissolved in

↳ dnt protect aphid , aphid secrete honeydew for them ,

ant milk them
, aphid respond can be dated thru fpevntire anting)
1 other fossil )
Movement :
stratigraphy ( rock lanes) . Index dating w/ known date

Movement for food mating . , habitat and escaping predators ; essential forsurvival absolute dating : Radiometric method treasure radioactive decay of easiest

land water air → tells us : dates , physiology ,

diet reproduction movement
, ,
, migration development ,

etc . . .

need to capture oxygen -
support hydrated , nutrient rich

gravity pulls down -

major evolutionary transition : gnome , eukaryote , multicellularity et .

find water to avoid dehydrate

environmentally buffered Ctenp strong wind current

↳ unit of reproduction cooperator complex Units fossils allow to uropod


Uv radiation new us
DNA damage extremely E- hunky from
, ,

strong currents

no structure
energy hungry

+Mint mill Allulrtty diversity in


, ,

complex / dynamic ecosystem buoyancy (need E- and structure → adoptive Adan

- -

first animal sponge Klee fossil -1 biomarkers

to maintain a .

Extinction ↳ ma,
water level flutate ( shallow) -
light height -
new species evolve from originator +
Cell halls lots ofseeds increase chance new lineage

extinction loss of duesing

① :

vascular tissue of fertilization mass emerged from


lignin du park
Cilla I flagella large SA for lift 47 local or broad both posable
niche + absence
- -

seeds 4 spores
felt like protection
Enlarged muscle for flight Ordovician , Devonian Permian , Triassic Cretaceous of competitors

Fins / flippers I ,

Legs 443mn a cooling → worming



200 ma volcanic activity [cost I

lost 50-661 marine 85% Be
47% genera ooo -1 species lost

Human driver extinction : Dodo ,
Tasmanian tiger Guinan greed )
d t
hurting hunting / habitatdestroyed
↳ gourd b4 heightened extinction rate heading toward mass extinction

: habitat loss , spells intro pollution

, ,
over exploitation climate change

→ loss of some species → cascade effect

ex) Hawai I habitat 1021 Otr birds ( unique bird species extinct/fingered)

increase atmospheric cos ( last mad extinction 2-3%9 . 3

my a) .

rise # careenhang ↳ 9 Hallie is

↳ rapid temp
→ rising above the avenge rehpidhy
↳ ocean alldeification
deathbed calcification
LECTURE 7 : Intro to Evolution

natural selection driver of evolution favoring certain
phenotypes for fitness
↳ cumulative change : evolution →

competition environment , selection , swim reproduce

ex) galapagos birds selected different beaks for their enrichment niche

Maaoeiohrtiri Micronation stabilizing directional disruptive

= changes in large taxonomic groups over µ .
: agents of change that shape selection selection selection
long periods of time the Gerome .

ex) birthheight of → industrial melanism h -

feeding of fish
→ natural Severin mutation , moth ""
Mr Paton
humans niche
Weinberg Theorem

Hardy drift
or ↳
is maintained if
sexual reproduction genetic .
number of times based on size?
: o.eu/ic frequency case you
selection selection acts on dominant allele but cannot be fixated because recessive is
mutation random mating migrations genetic drift masked

→ no ,
no . no , no


equal fitness ↳ Infinite pop size
- recessive allele shows delayed etteltdne to heterozygous genaotpe
=p -12 pq -1 92 I

→ + artificial selection : selection by human (domestication stocks]

BB Bb bb ← gerotpiv frequency prediction
Balancing selection Heterozygote advantage of sickle cell anaemia

↳ D= fp.gg + to fpyb and q ftbttz fpfb for allll " HMMM ↳ HBA / Hbs strong symptom be lethal defensive
← : not to , against malaria

(degree of freedom n # of alleles ) -

Fitness success of the organism at survive + reproduction storeadnrd Éed

squared test n l = :


- Chi -

↳ relative fitness w/ focus the

genotype that survives + reproduce Conto )
significant on

if f-Mwe loner than 0.05 Cdiffoerce is

2 →
✗ u> the most successful : 1.0 relative fitness
Observed / Expected y
ex) sg 0.155 0.155/1.12 =
population & Goll pool SA
1.12 1.0 = 10
" AA
diverse understanding of defining
population → pop .
allows .
- .
0.983 0.983/1.12 = 0.88
disease evolution , Pest onto ' LECTURE
↳ interact

4 share genetic into ↳ tract spread of , 10 :

Genetic drift
riesistontl trucking inbreeding Msk
by chance (directionless
Genetic drift : change of sampling error

→ place + time viable offspring gene flow


→ micro evolution understanding ↳ sampled pop .

needs to be breed within the random sample → allelic feather
sore pool : shared alleles present within a
population changes
↳ existing genetic variations dependent of site of

gene pool → hence no prediction possible ,
laehsucllsirl generation changes (Bari 1955
→ dynamic is the diversity is chunky
↳ the
smaller it is more susceptible to charges
↳ does not select / favor alllll
, → let chance chase allele
just limit the size freq .

pronounced in small pop ( quicker response , greater effect)

↳ much
faster fixation /genetic drift or selection )
If less khcnceof mutation frequency

small ,

Iggy pop can buffer the effect


. .

distribution also matters: gene fowl interaction)
in MATED .

Bottleneck 4 Founders
structure matters as well :
mating random o r not ,
isolation → may cause genetic structure
↳ event that drastically reduces pop sites d- genetic
of pop -7 diversity

Mutations are inevitable sway # of individuals of an species find new habitat to settle
not gelatin
rarely beneficial sometimes
↳ usually no effect at all , .

pen natural fire occur → few survives ; randomly genotypes

germ line somatic

→ increase homozygosity ,
fixation of alleles , less adaptive capacity
↳ especially deleterious alleles ↳ reduced variation

gametes heritable ,

somatic cells . not heritable

could create new allele IN Cheetah found Africa from america ( 1001000 yrs ago]
↳ unless plants

↳ last ice age [ 12 over yrs ago] new extinction ( bottleneck

Spontaneous v5
very Hall genetic density , 9 homozygosity (deleterious recessive allele

→ health
damage via chemicals & radiation fertility issue
: wthout reason . random mutation or due to /

↳ can
↳ harder to adapt to changing climate
occur anywhere , may have impact it may not have impact -

Chance of loosing alllll depends on diversity of initial sample pop

if happens expression if regulatory


pop .
Can recover quickly but
the genetic diversity not
→ functional change or no
change → no
in expression → can cause it to be significantydnftecrt from parentpopulation
abundance meal be influenced
changes present

conservation ? how this can become speciation w/ adequate gents of

→ present us absent -

girl flow : introduction of new gene or reintroduction thrushtransfer of genetic

small ( more common ) larger L less common)
information from one pop → another
point mutation -
inversion .
duplication ↳ disperse interbreed ,
. Viable C fertile) offspring
deletion insertion
, -
chromosomal fusion or
aneuploidy ^ >
substitution connected ) less
genome replication on → 4N) - migration [ movement contorted
homogenic hybridization

population Ntltopwlatim

ex ] down syndrome 21 connected :/

ex) sicklecell anaemia ↳ porous ↳ genetically gunna pop differentiation
crop domestication barrier
closely related species ↳ porous barrier

teosinte to com (domestication) ( polyploid plant spelled

→ Viable but maybe

Reproduction ( asexual n . sexual Cinching )

impact of gene flow determined by the level of flow Chow much ) cm ) and
✓ ↳ the genetic Astana between them
Random mating Non -
random mutiny DP
big and/or Cm) is
= M( x-p ) either the difference is

/ tominbfapnotp
equal probability all

m =
great → significant deterrence is present
abortive disassoritve f-(A) migrant = ✗

↳ like alikes ↳ like dislikes f- (A) resident =p

inbreeding lowered diversity increased diversity 4 reproductive
LECTURE 11 speciation of species due to
: : arise row
Increase in homozygosity heterozygosity isolation ; lineage split
d f tr
① pre mating time space behavior → Who "


Human Olivella Bi plicata chromodoris wolves , ,

i traits : size by location

zebra : fur coat
② Pre zygotic :Sproving pollination ( external

, feet ) sympatric
: size

③ post zygotic : Enviable / infertile

LECTURE 9 : Nature selection "

selection how do we define species ? fundamental unityof evolution


three principles : variation , heredity ,

bras ① Biological :
interbreeding natural populations reproductively isolated
ext Galapagos
variety of niche @ different Islands , different ② Phylogenic ancestor , shared distinctive characteristics
↳ different beaksize .
inherited , seeds
: common
resources same ecological niche
organism adopted particular
diverse beak size Cfixated) ③ Ecological sane set of ,
→ settle ,

IN 1977 drought , lack offered → large beak selected cichlid fish

Us similarly Nice coat color ( black brown) selected differently @ sandstone → sympatric speciation cphenotupil , taxonomic diversity
da specialization → mate preference (disruptive selection)

and volcanic rock habitat → macro habitat adaptation

→ adaptne radiation :
rapid evolution by adapting to underutilized niches
↳ moth selection favors traits that increases

as well →
chance at reproduction

incomplete reproduction isolation , crossed . Kidd

hybrid present: biological ✗

even very different characteristics cross ,

resource usage overlaps among them Cdrffoent

Why define species ?
→ conservation ,
food , safety , medical , recreational
other species
do occur and continued in

hybrids post speciation -


from related species

adoptive introgression keeping beneficial variation
↳ :

4N sunflower fiovehytmty butterflies mimicry dogs

camouflage 1
, -

Humans homo sapiens adapted neanderthals

LECTURE 12 : Genomic studies

a lot of traits are quantitative [ polygenic ) multiple gene impacting
us some genes more important influential ↳ influential genes will be subject

to selection

complex networking of large networks of proteins of such genes

molecular genetics; specific gene segments of DNA

sequencing , analyte ,

Genomic entire genome sequencing

↳ diseases distribution of phenotype , eroutlmmy relationships


① extract ② " "

library ③ sequence ④ assemble data -1 annotate
⑥ sample ② libraries ③ sequel ④ investigate genetics/genome ⑤variations

for big data ,
bioinformatics : quality scores → confidence censor rates
some genomes are Wye , need sufficient
samplesite for relationship investigation
Phylogenetics branching + similarity in

: DNA → no Kulu docks

↳ + phenotypes + fossil

phytogeography landscape Genetics :
(fossil -1 DNA evidences )
UX ) Covid-19 spread (small RNA, asexual mutation high )
genome , ,

↳ fingerprint mutations transmission → more mutation


↳ cladogram :
analysis of phylogenetic reuntoorxhip of mutations

Austrian people Cmitognome → maternal small mutations
, , , haploid
1- Vocational into 1-
temporal Cmoheulw clock ,
mutation rate

phylogenetic analysis + phy to geographic
what is life ? MODULE 3

maintaining orderliness of life in the world of entropy w/o

when bodies fall apart
the 2nd law of thermodynamics though consuming " orderliness " food

curve increase ( double


another orderly life ( Temperature response as

temp Ntriple reaction rate
negativeentropy ] straying information
and in
aperiodic crystal CDNA) for
↳ ants hdlkhig faster as twp Inc only up to certain pt
stability regularity,

Maxwell 's Demon : how to not violate 2nd law of thermodynamics optlhnl .

⇒ biologically demons :
protein channels creating gradient to create the → determines were * live → predictable
→ ↳ niche
not 100% I efficient ability to do work

equal distribution of F in the system → ability to do work will be lost

Entropy = with heterothermic = ectothermic rectal heat from
organism wants to be in homeostasis ; maintain its state to survive w/o losingto the poikilothermic
of I

temp .

system .

- death - → temperature tolerance

↳ thermoregulation : protein denaturing issue creed to be @ optimal range
cannot afford that to maintain normal cellular function
temperature kinetic 2- of molecules →
e. :
raise lizard , lizard puts in active work to -
ectoderm use behavioral thermoregulation
→ instead of
letting system temp of
↳ shade seekers brurowws et
9 entropy panting
against the heat conduction
entropy , moves to a cooler system , → ,

homeotherm:c endothermic
by storing
life : about processing into ; homeostasis to keep it orderly f) use both internal regulation Ctx Sweating )
gem heat

- from inside
and behavioral conduction etc
level ↳ organism level ; moving to shade
↳ molecular :
protein channels

lower the metabolic rate (since it produces heat but at certain
only goal hits the basal here increase ut metabolic rate to reduce heat
Building boats
point it
and thermo
q regulate .

organ organ system → organism

↳ torpor to
energy 1- water while thermoregulatory Chonaeostas'D
mounts → organelles → cells → → save

d -

generalist specialists
at climate increase 9 of specialist

→ population → community → ecosystem "

survive + reproduce

u, ↳ equator

Individual as a thermodynamic state homeostasis LECTURE 16 :
Relieving Into

reflection , scattered reflection etc -

constantly changing environment : abiotic / biotic & spatial / temporal

→ ividual

cues allow organisms to respond to variable environment

gym intake food radiation heat , hhtur


, -

cues for predator


sweat , pore dehydration excretion , respiration ↳ white sheet of eggs → throw the hell
away Cremoviy are )
, ,

↳ evaporation
conduction -
ale or signal is symbolic and not intrinsic ; conveys information
overall entropy 9 → needs to be detected by recognizable
↳ chemical [ transit ifnfo
TEMPERATURE signals and odours ) pheromone

meaning but
w sane
BREATHING ex ) note heap hurt sane pheromone
metabolism hldtl matter =
conserved live another
myyzn close to one
i. homeostasis maintained ↳ BUG"
FEEDING until reproduction 6
sensory modalities chemical [ pheromone) olfaction
u> receptor -1 ligand
chemical -

Mudtebolic Rate → heat output cweaoued though calorimetry) ekltrio'M mechanical [ conduction underwater

cloth 06 -1 602 →
602 -1
61120 02 -
light sound ↳ ex) shark
⇒ Energy heat (fire of life)
↳ direct : mean the heat ⇒ modern day : indie a-
calorimetry use gas visual modalities flight) Magnetic fled !
Mignetro receptor
baseline existence energy cost
nugatory (magnetic cult
↳ bird

↳ larger eye, better vision


activity energy cost for digesting muhfiry temp by onvironnnt muscle work ,
: can You see the spiderweb sound :
BMR ( Basal Metabolic Rate) Homeostatic endotherm @ thermo neutral zone (zone zoo ¢µz )

↳ doing nothing CX eating moving inactve reproducing , adult


mechanical : vibration ↳ Bat Ultra 8MW to locomotion
SMR ( standard Metabolic Rate ) Ectoderm @ known temp navigate itself
↳spiders feel vibration

on web

condition to locate prey ↳ Whack as well

U> same
→ sound >20kHz can disrupt then
human to Resting Metabolic Rate 1nA moving digesting , @ ttomoreutwe zone ,

field metabolic rate ( Baer step ✗ 2ns ) ( RMR ✗ C. 5) -

signal V1 . awl

↳ doing ever
deny action using heart water
tracking Ectoderm
↳ ex) signal for mating light d- fireflies
↳ ex ) haha be uses face odor to take a ace of predator 's presence
body time homeotherm ice

endothermic signal requires evolutionary purpose is cue incidental source of into

✓ though its not selected for it

↳ em
ant pheromone → are to butterflies
→ metabolic
& → we for spiders §predator * signals need to be
signa, for one any detected tobe eclectic
ambient tap -
distinguish Different

up disrupted by
signaling strategy

M= awb
b = ? I 73 ? ✗ =
3/4 waves on water surface $MkNm&^ ""
u> bright color → toxicity by aquatic unto boatmen
body weight A- :
SA =

3 : ✗
2 =
predicted % .

signaling efficacy
↳ sane info different
↳ not due to heat lost as it was measured in thermoneutral zone ,
" "
evolution favor signal efficacy (distinctiveness ) 1- greater reliever
Metabolic neb → work

feeding ontogeny / history may favor abilities few cues but not mtte call unless it disadvantageous


- assimilation (digestion) -

growth development from esg to source ofthe cue ) .

growth → Juvenile → adult
maintenance innate : born with it ; know how to reacton its first encounter

development ( maturation ,
hop" 'd / diploid modified result of experiences

learned :
. reproduction
size ,
clutch size , logevlety
Growth rates

E k ¥4 w
Declaring Info

eavesdropping [ unintended reliever ) extra energy especially grains amulet

multiple female :
↳ cost of 7- 6 3.8 / 3-8
signaling (
exploitation) +
physiological costs present
a move +
B male
female :
begging calls attracts predator / parasitic flies detecting courtship calls
3.7 3.0 bit tsttto
↳ social alarming pheromones cant spider) ✗

ant -

butterfly mutual ares → are for

a man +
B mate +
multiple female i polygynandry
spider c.predator
Cob our are] A mall 1-

Camouflaging and
mimicry 5.0 5.0
↳ retracts livelihood of being detected / recognized
parental core of reproduction

work → egg pattern to soil much harder to find

↳ nesting
yes camo flage → then hide
away to makeit even harder to notice I kwyamt pouch lmatenal) sea horse , mail
Turkey Cpaternal)


protection :
overmatching carrying offspring sitting
, ,
top of them
no count age ✗ → parent stay back for extra protection
↳ foraging

feed them teach ten

: or over a year
eggs provisioning :
wasp fill up mud W
rest weight specific spiders

Masquerade :
pretend it is imintoetiy object cleaves stem


↳ motion : shall wer wird blow to make it even more

seemingly Costly →
may compromise tune reproduction
benign mimic toxic species : mom die to

Batesian mimic :
conflicted '

agressive mimic : mimic to hurt not hide : mother eithe leave
because it
lplaltract then or get pass by their security
, swim

Mñtleian mimic two separate species develop similar traits features 1

: ,
of offspring
distastefulness , signal etc
↳ gain feed herself
' '
' ' weight and

arms race = coevolution →

of species one
charge the other reap - coal
to her offspring
change over evolutionary time
-ÉÉ cooperative parenting of community requires signaling communication

prey predator : evolve to favor faster hunter -

predator ↳ parents reproductive success 9

and faster runner

cooperate care of 90mg
-5 better detection

fast runner
✓ ② sterile caste Eusocial G.e. bees)
active defense - de
activate -

③ Overlapping generator
the defense

ex> Bat use sonar → moth have receptors to detect the sonar
+ foster
better detect egg or abandon the rest
cuckoo :
parasite eggs →

↳ high mimicry → higher rejection rate
↳ find new innocent host

autrutian Cuckoo :
super similar eggs
↳ auses host to be able to detect the hatched Young chick by right
→ predicted to mimic chick as well

Transferring Info
Genotype -1 Environment → phenotype t asexual much energyefficient
twice at foster but why

delivery of information reproduction =
sexual ?
asexual species common in agriculture because they are homogenous
↳ sexual allow better adaptation to
varying environment
gametes are dimorphic because communicator; avoid binding to its ounce ,

↳ erswiy dreadful fertilization

External is .
Internal fertilization i
can be exploited as are
↳ signals needed to be present (location , receptivity )
→ facultative parthenogenesis or hermaphroditism doesn't require such
difficulty .

sexual selection
competition to get reproductive opportunity

↳ mate choice
competition → both signalling
or mace -

L a
female choice fight between man
↳ colors, beauty etc .

" "

Darrin 's predictive on the organ of sense pheromone by receptors .

↳ less pheromone ↳
longer antennal

Reproductive paradox [ conflict of interest

↳ female wants to maximize reproductive success by mating a lot

↳ male wanna ensure /

prevent polyandry to
protect reproductive success

prevention of polyandry
↳ physical i stick themselves , mate guard , block the organ
up intently females
ignat :
destroy signaling pheromone areas or Edam late
substance that kill lower female receptivity

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