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Good Report. But a little error, that has been rectified. Pl.

use the corrected



;; Shree Ganesh Shree Krishna

;; Objectives : Delete Empty Ledgers ( Only Sundry Creditors and Sundry Debtors)
;; Date : 30 / 04 / 2013

[#Menu : Gateway of Tally]

Item : Delete Empty Ledgers : Display : EmptyLedgerReport

[Report : EmptyLedgerReport]

Title : "Ledger Master"

Use : MS Report

[Report : MS Report]

Form : MS Report

[Form : MS Report]
Height : 100% Page
Width : 100% Page
Part : MS Report, MS Report1
;;Bottom Part : MD Note

Button : Gr DeleteSelected ;;, Gr DeleteUnselected

Button : Gr Btn Select All,Gr DeleteAll ;;, Gr Btn Select None
Key : Gr Shift Down Select ;;,Demonstrates multi-action

[Part : MS Report]
line :MS Report Title , MS Report ;;, MS Report1
Repeat : MS Report : My mastercoll
;;Repeat : MS Report1 : My mastercoll1

Scroll : vertical
Common border : yes

[Line : MS Report Title]

Field : MS Report sl, MS Report

Border : thin Top Bottom

Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal bold

Local : Field : MS Report sl : Set as : "Sl No"
Local : Field : MS Report : Set as : "Name of Sundry Debtors Party"

[Line : MS Report]

Field : MS Report sl, MS Report

[Field : MS Report Sl]
set as : $$line
Width : 5
Border : Thin Left Right

[Field : MS Report]

set as : $Name
Width : 25

[Part : MS Report1]

line :MS Report Title1 , MS Report1

Repeat : MS Report1 : My mastercoll1

Scroll : vertical
Common border : yes

[Line : MS Report Title1]

Field : MS Report sl1, MS Report1

Border : thin Top Bottom

Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal bold

Local : Field : MS Report sl1 : Set as : "Sl No"
Local : Field : MS Report1 : Set as : "Name of Sundry Creditors Party"

[Line : MS Report1]

Field : MS Report sl1, MS Report1

[Field : MS Report Sl1]

set as : $$line
Width : 5
Border : Thin Left Right

[Field : MS Report1]

set as : $Name
Width : 25

[Collection : My mastercoll]

Type : Ledger
ChildOf : $$GroupSundryDebtors ;; $$GroupSundryCreditors
BelongsTo : Yes
Compute : IsEmptyObject : $$IsEmptyObject
Filter : ONlyempty

[Collection : My mastercoll1]

Type : Ledger
ChildOf : $$GroupSundryCreditors
BelongsTo : Yes
Compute : IsEmptyObject : $$IsEmptyObject
Filter : ONlyempty

[Button: gr DeleteSelected]
Title : "Delete Selected"
Key : Alt + D
Action : Delete Object
Mode : Display

;; Scope - Newly introduced which means that the Action Delete Object should be
carried on for
;; Selected lines
Scope : Selected Lines

[Button: Gr DeleteUnselected]

Title : "Delete All"

Key : Ctrl + E
Action : Delete Object
Mode : Display

;; Scope - Newly introduced which means that the Action Delete Object should be
carried on for
;; Unselected lines
Scope : Unselected Lines

[Button: Gr DeleteAll]
Title : "Delete All"

Key : Ctrl + D
Action : Delete Object
Mode : Display

;; Scope - Newly introduced which means that the Action Delete Object should be
carried on for
;; all the lines
Scope : All Lines

[Button: GR Btn Select All]

Title : "Select All"

Key : Ctrl+A

;; Newly introduced action wherein all the lines (Selected/Unselected) will be

Action : Select All
Mode : Display

[Button: Gr Btn Select None]

Title : "Select None"

Key : Ctrl + 8

;; Newly introduced action wherein all the lines (Selected/Unselected) will be

Action : Unselect All
Mode : Display
[Key: Gr Shift Down Select]
Title : "Select"
Key : Shift + Down

;; Newly introduced action to toggle the selection, i.e., Shift + Down pressed once
will select
;; the current line and pressed again will deselect the line
Action : Toggle Select
Mode : Display

[System : Formula]
ONlyempty : $$IsEmptyObject


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