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Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Profession

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a.) Distinguish between teacher quality teacher;
b.) Relate the Competency Framework for teacher in Southeast Asia(CFT SEA) to teacher
c.) Discuss the Philippine Professional Standard for Teacher(PPST) Career Stage 1. Beginning
Teachers competencies & how it can assure teacher quality in the Philippines.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Ensuring Teacher Quality Through Competency Framework & Standards
B. References: Fourth Edition(The Teaching Profession) OBE-& PPST – Based (page: 141-153)
C. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation/Recorded presentation
D. Values Integration: Understanding

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

1. Prayer

E. “Let us pray”.
(The teacher will play the video recorded prayer) Amen….

2. Greetings

F. “Good afternoon, Class!’’ “Good afternoon, Ma’am”

3. Checking of attendance

G. “Class monitor is everybody present for today?” “Yes Ma’am

4. Setting of Classroom Standards

 “Before we are going to proceed in our discussion for this
day, please always remember our virtual rules:
1.) Mute your microphone when the class is going on. Unmute
if you are acknowledged to speak/answer.
2.) Find a comfortable area/place where you can listen
3.) Raise the hand button if you want to answer.
4.) Be respectful, and
5.) Have fun.
“Yes Ma’am”
“Is that clear?”

5. Review

 "The previous lesson discussed the Changing Global

Landscape for the 21st Century Teacher".
 What are the new global landscape of the 21st century? “there are multiple ways of teaching"
"teachers are ICT equipped"
H. Very good!

B. Lesson proper

1. Drill
H. “I will show you a scrambled words coming from our topic 1. teacher
this afternoon. What you are going to do is to arranged 2. better
each word to make it correct. 3. subject
4. competency
1. Aecehter 5. ability
2. Tebret 6. knowledge
3. Ubscjet 7. quality teachers
4. Ycnetepmoc 8. standards
5. Altiyib 9. teacher
6. Knolewgde 10. domain
7. Ytlaiuq taeshcre
8. Dsarndts
9. Chaeert iylaqut
10. ndoiam

C. Developmental Activities

1. Activity
“I will show you a video watch & observe carefully about the
message of the video what to convey. “
- “Students will listen and watch
carefully to the video presented
by the teacher.”
“What was the video all about? What are message it wants
to convey?”
 Despite the teacher busy and
stressful day, she does her best
to do her teaching and teach the
students well, because nothing
makes a teacher happier than
seeing their students progress.

2. Analysis  PPST
 Used as a basis for all learning and development  Competency Framework
programs for teachers to ensure that teachers are  Knowledge
property equipped to effectively implement the K to 12
programs .
 Type of framework that combine the skills, knowledge,
behaviour and attributes of enable the effective or (Students will listen and ask some
superior job perfomance. question of necessary)
 What is the ultimate competency that a baccalaurate
degree holder including a teacher education graduate

3. Abstraction

 To bridge this lesson, there was a need to differentiate

between the quality teacher and the teacher quality. There
can never be teacher quality without quality teachers, for
quality teachers are defined by individual knowledge, skills
and values, on the other hand teacher quality is defined by
the teacher standards set for the teaching
profession.Beginning teacher is the focus of this lesson
because, the pre-service teacher education graduate
should master the competencies that are stated in the 32
strands of the 7 domains of the Standards for Filipino
Teachers. There are items that are similar between the
Southeast Asian Framework and the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers.

4. Application

1. When you become a professional teacher in the future,

how can you enhance the state of quality teacher in the
2. After studying the difference domains do you find EASY to (Students will answer the questions)
master? Why? Which domain seems to be difficult for you
to master? Why?

IV. Evaluation

Multiple Choice: Answer the following items, with the correct answer from the options given.

1. A teacher who has learned and practiced the 21th century skills can be described best as
A. Qualified teacher C. local teacher
B. Applicant teacher D. border-less teacher
2. In the Philippines, teacher quality is defined by ________?
A. NCBTS, 2006 C. PPST, 2017
B. CFT SEA, 2017 D. PQF, 2018
3. The PPST are teacher standards which have to be mastered only by Beginning Teacher. This
statement is __________.
A. True C. doubtful
B. False D. none of the options
4. What do the CFT SEA, PQF and PPST assure the stakeholders of?
A. Teacher quality C. quality teacher
B. Teacher disposition D. teacher decision
5. Which is the ultimate competency that a baccalaureate degree holder including a teacher
education graduate demonstrates?
A. Independence C. cooperation
B. Knowledge D. application

 Compare the Conpetency Framework for Teachers in Southeast Asia ( CFT SEA) and the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers ( PPST )?

Prepared by:



Members :

EDO, Jerelyn
DIWAN, Jolie Mae

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