IBONIA, Kendrix N. - GEC13 Activity 6.2

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GEC 13


Name: Ibonia, Kendrix N. Date: November 20, 2022

Course/year/section BSME – 2GM


Instructions: Discuss the conflict in the story Ang Baliw ng Bayan ng Sili.

The conflict in the narrative is Man s. Man and between Man and society.

Eman was drawn in Indong Kagit after seeing him. He observed Indong Kagit

being mistreated, but the man stayed silent. He simply let them act up their

desires. Eman then feels internal struggle. He was interested in him. Why is he

being labeled as crazy by everyone, he wants to know. You might infer that he is

possibly mad from the way he acts and the way he appears at first. But after seeing

him, you would wonder: What caused him to be that way? He was genuinely

curious about that. He was interested in his background, how he came to be

known as "Indong Kagit," and what his life was like even before to this. Eman had

a lot of things on his mind. He desires a information to Indong Kagit. After nearly

a month, he finally caught a glimpse of Indong Kagit taking part in a rally, where

he noticed the light in his eyes. He noticed a brilliant light in Indong Kagit's gloomy,

dying eyes. He felt an intense urge to get to know him based on this. It comes out

that Fredeswindo Manlangit was his name before to becoming Indong Kagit.

His nickname, Indo, was well known to the public. He's married, and he had a son.

He became this way since they passed away for some reason. He didn't have a

cause to live, yet he did. He plays the part of the town's crazy guy. He did this

because he wanted to live and to reduce the pain he suffered over those years.

Furthermore, Man vs. Society was the story's additional conflict. Eman

attended the huge protest at one point in the narrative. They said that the president

should retire due to the illegal practices that had been committed. Since he was

chosen by a CHED and Malacanang official, the president is extremely cruel and

arrogant. Due to his position of authority, he was able to impose some restrictions
Maria Gloria R. Beco-Nada,MA PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1
Southern Luzon State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Languages, Literature and Humanities Department
GEC 13

on people's right to free expression. He also wanted to be able to govern the rights

of the academic community and turn the school into a private institution run by

nuns and priests. Additionally, he opposes workers organizing into a union. In

other instances, it was claimed that he had allegedly molested students. He

believes that because of his authority, he was a supreme leader and that he will

always hold that position. He was fired from that position as a result of his thinking

that, therefore he lost. Indong Kagit had a disagreement with the people near the

end of the story, just before he passed away, since they judged him and wouldn't

let him give an explanation. Even though he was given the nickname "crazy," he

is still a person. He was only looking for food, but many were highly critical of him.

People just judge based on what they observe. People didn't consider the larger

perspective even if they were unaware of what had occurred. As a result, they only

consider what people think about them and not what they actually are. In our

society, where people criticize those about whose lives they know little or nothing,

Indong Kagit is a victim.

Criteria Excellent Good Fair

Poor Score
25-20 19-15 14-10
Clarity of The Some of the Few of the
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is somehow somehow is
comprehen comprehens comprehensiv unacceptabl
sive and ive but e and e.
complete. complete. incomplete.

Maria Gloria R. Beco-Nada,MA PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1

Southern Luzon State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Languages, Literature and Humanities Department

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