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Conjunctions (conj) Liên từ

Bước 1: Xét nhóm ĐI THEO CẶP (Correlative Conjunctions)

Both and (và) Either or (hoặc cái này hoặc cái kia)

and alike (và) Neither nor (cả 2 đều không)

Between and GIữa …. và …. Not nor ( cả 2 đều không)

Not only but also (không những, mà còn) Whether / if or (liệu rằng )

Not but (không phải cái này mà là cái kia)

Ø Both Mr. Davis and Ms. Price ______(have) joined the the training session

Ø Not only Mr. Davis but also his 2 assistants _______ (have) joined the the training session

Ø Mr. Davis as well as his 2 assistants _______ (have) joined the the training session

Đáp án: have (chia theo toàn bộ chủ ngữ)/ have (chia theo assistants) / has (chia theo Davis)

Bước 2: Xét Nhóm FANBOYS(Coordinating Conjunctions) không bao giờ đứng đầu câu.
for (bởi vì) I stay at home for it is raining outside.

and (và) The manager and his assistants are having a meeting.

nor (cũng không) I can't be at the meeting and nor can Andrew.

but (nhưng) She is smart but she is not confident.

or (hoặc) You can have pizza or fish and chips.

yet (nhưng) She is smart, yet she is not confident.

so (cho nên) It is raining outside so I stay at home.

Bước 3: Xét nhóm Cô Lập (Conjunctive Adverbs)
Thường phải có dấu câu ở cả phía trước và phía sau từ nối: It is raining, therefore, I stay at home.

Không cần dấu câu nếu đứng sau chủ ngữ: It is raining. I therefore stay at home.

(Mặc dù vậy) (Thêm vào đó)
(Do đó)

Bước 4: Xét nhóm Câu Cụm (Subordinating Conjunctions)

Ghi nhớ: Nếu từ nối có Giới từ thì thường đi với Cụm ( cụm danh từ , cụm V-ing) ở phía sau

Đi với câu Đi với cụm

Because As Since Now that Given that Due to Thanks to Owing to
(Bởi vì) As a result of On account of Because of
I stay at home because it is raining (Bởi vì)
I stay at home due to the rain
Although Even though Though (mặc dù) Despite In spite of In place of
While whereas (trong khi đó) (mặc dù)
Although it is raining, I still come to school Despite the rain, I still come to school
While my friends are playing, I have to study
If (nếu) Unless (trừ phi, nếu không) In case of In the event of
In case In the event (trong trường hợp) (trong trường hợp)
As long as Provided/Providing that (miễn là)
If it rains, I will not come to school
In the event it rains, I will not come to school In the event of rain, I will not come to school
When As soon as Once (Khi) During Throughout ( trong suốt )
Before After (trước khi/ sau khi ) Before/ prior to/by After
Until (cho đến khi )
Whereas ( trong lúc đó )
When I was on vacation, my colleagues work a lot During my vacation, my colleagues work a lot
So that In order that (Để mà) In order to So as to + VERB o (Để mà)
I learn English so that I can get a good job I learn English in order to get a good job
In a view to + VERB ing
I learn English in a view to getting a good job
As far as (theo như) According to (theo như) + N

Chú ý: Although she is recommended by the CEO, she does not receive the promotion
-> Although recommended, she does not receive the promotion (Câu rút gọn của từ nối)
Let’s practice

1. Everyone at the front desk has been exceptionally interested in the new incentive
program it offers various benefits to both new and long time staff.
A. because B. not only C. owning to D. however

2. Candidates interested in this position should mail your resume or fax it by

May 24th .
A. neither B. both C. either D. yet

3. Our supervisor just called in sick he will be able to come here after he visits the
A. because B. but C. due to D. despite

4. Over 2000 people showed up at the concert heavy rain.

A. due to B. because C. despite D. although

5. In order to board the plane, passengers are required to present their valid
passports and the boarding ticket.
A. either B. for C. both D. not only

6. Passing the mid-term examination is easy you focus on your study.

A. as B. as long as C. otherwise D. in case of

7. you sign any contract, you must read it carefully.

A. Before B. In the event of C. After D. However

8. The board of directors has just passed a new policy indicating that employees may
lose their job they increase their productivity.
A. as long as B. because C. although D. unless

9. they hired additional staff members, their service quality did not improve.
A. in case B. although C. in spite of D. provided that

10. Neither Lee Alex can attend the conference on behalf of the director.
A. or B. for C. and D. nor

11. He despites his current job, he continues to work there.

A. so B. and C. yet D. If

12. the computer but the internet connection was malfunctioning.

A. neither B. not only C. not after D. not

13. The seminar will begin everyone finishes their lunch.

A. as soon as B. as long as C. as far as D. as much as
14. The company has received numerous complaints on their website their
customers did not receive the product on time.
A. although B. because of C. nevertheless D. as

15. It has been rumored that Ms. Wight will resign and set up her own business
the board of directors does not approve her restructure plan.
A. so that B. even though C. if D. and

16. Please make sure that all customers are attended to with great care when
they are inside the premises but also when they communicate with us through email.
A. only if B. since C. not only D. provided that

17. Starting from next January, we will not receive any job application through mail
service its inconvenience and inefficiency.
A. due B. so C. owing to D. so as to

18. The new office can accommodate up to 1,000 people the advertisement
A. according to B. while C. although D. in order that

19. Experts predict that natural gas prices will go down. , the authority has not
made any adjustment yet.
A. since B. unless C. therefore D. Nevertheless

20. In the last 18 years, multinational corporations have become more and more
powerful; , their contribution toward the community remains unclear.
A. nonetheless B. in addition to C. now that D. except

21. The small business owner decided to 23 --------- the poor weather, very few
use a stock photo database -------- people turned up for the gallery's
hire a full-time photographer. auction supporting local painters
a. for example and sculptors.
b. with regard to a. As long as
c. in case b. Due to
d. rather than c. Given that
d. Even if
22. The airline representative
apologized for the cancellation but 24. Workers at Dalston Industries will
explained that it was due to factors - get a pay raise next month, --------
------- the company’s control. the firm’s sales targets are met.
a. between a. consequently
b. against b. on behalf of
c. throughout c. assuming that
d. Beyond d. afterwards
25 --------- the amount of money 30 --------- they haven't earned the
received during the fundraising required credits for graduation, they
dinner, the museum staff may reach need to meet their academic
out to corporate donors. supervisor.
a. As much as a. Meanwhile
b. Whether b. Shortly
c. Because c. Regarding
d. Depending on d. If

26. The finance analyst concluded that 31. Ms. Choi offers clients ---------tax
the business venture was a success - preparation services and financial
------- a well-planned budget. management consultations.
a. totally a. only if
b. thanks to b. either
c. even though c. both
d. as long as d. not only

27 --------- the rise of obese children, 32 --------- he was accepted for the
many public schools have position in Tokyo, Mr. Kim began
discontinued offering soft drinks. preparing to move overseas.
a. Ahead of a. As soon as
b. Due to b. If
c. Prior to c. Whereas
d. Along with d. Besides

28. Although she was hired at Jordan 33. The engineer put the engine in the
Corporation just six months ago, Ms. rear end of the car --------- make it
Bishop ---------got the promotion to more evenly balanced.
store manager. a. in addition to
a. whomever b. as a result of
b. nevertheless c. in order to
c. while d. on behalf of
d. additionally
34 --------- worries that the government
29. Access to River Road has been will be unable to control the budget
restricted -------- heavy rain and deficit, it is expected that national
flood warnings. spending will reach an all-time high.
a. though a. Nonetheless
b. wherever b. Despite
c. because of c. After
d. such as d. However
35. Mr. Asano was not offered the 40. Edmon Monclair has been proven
financial consultant position --------- guilty of insider trading and
his extensive experience in the field fraudulent documents, -------
and broad professional network. resulting in his immediate
a. in spite of termination.
b. not to mention a. throughout
c. as much as b. between
d. on behalf of c. thereby
d. such as
36 --------- Rochester Boulevard has
been expanded, traffic jams are 41. Bodine’s website announced this
rarely seen in the area. morning that --------shipping its
a. Whenever products domestically, it will begin
b. Only if shipping internationally.
c. Once a. in addition to
d. Now that b. as a result of
c. even though
37. Shoppers are encouraged to look d. not only
around our store's entire showroom
floor--------- they decide not to
purchase anything.
a. even if
b. in case
c. now that
d. such as

38. Many passengers choose to travel

solely with a carry-on bag --------
paying the required fee for checked
a. whenever
b. rather
c. instead of
d. regardless of

39 -------- encouraged by the mayor,

many small businesses decide not to
open their shops .
a. However
b. Although
c. Therefore
d. But

notwithstanding mặc dù Notwithstanding the heavy rain, the concert

given xét về / bởi vì Given the heavy rain, it is a good idea to cancel
+N the concert.
in light of bởi vì In the light of the weather forecast, we have
cancelled the concert.
in addition to ngoài N ra In addition to heavy rain, the forecast also
mentions strong wind.
except for ngoại trừ Except for Daniel, everyone came to the
regardless of bất kể The concert continued regardless of the
instead of thay vì Instead of going to the concert, they have dinner
whether liệu They are not sure whether they should go or
as soon as ngay khi As soon as the rain stops, they go to the
once một khi Once the rain stops, they go to the concert.
even if thậm chí nếu, Even if the rain is heavy, the concert will
mặc dù continue.
in the event that trong trường In the event that it rains, the concert will be
hợp, nếu cancelled.
insofar as về khía cạnh The concert was successful insofar as many
là people came.
inasmuch as về khía cạnh The concert was successful inasmuch as many
là people came.
furthermore hơn nữa It will rain, furthermore, there will be flood
consequently hậu quả là It will rain tomorrow, consequently, they cancel
the concert.
meanwhile trong khi đó Some people go to the concert; meanwhile,
others stay at home.
Thereby + VING Dẫn đến, do It is raining heavily, thereby preventing people
+SV đó from going to the concert .

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