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Geography Assignment – Class X

Manufacturing Industries
Chapter 6

1] Define manufacturing?
2] “Manufacturing sector is considered the backbone of development”? Discuss in detail?
[Pg. 65]

3] Explain the contribution of industry to India’s economy? [Pg. 66]

4] “Industrialization and urbanization go hand in hand” Discuss? [Pg.66]

5] Define Agglomeration economies?

6] When and where was the first textile mill set established? [Pg. 68]

7] How does the cotton textile industry generate large-scale employment? [Pg. 68]

8] Why did Mahatma Gandhi lay emphasis on spinning yarn and weaving khadi?

9] Why is it important for us to improve our weaving sector instead of exporting yarn in
large quantities?

10] Discuss the problems faced by the cotton industry/jute industry?

11] When and where was the first jute textiles mill set up?

12] Discuss the factors responsible for the location of jute/cotton textile industry in West
Bengal [Hugli Basin]/Maharashtra?

13] Differentiate between a mini steel plant and an integrated steel plant. [Pg. 73]

14] Chota Nagpur plateau region has the maximum concentration of iron and steel industries,
give reasons? [Pg. 73]

15] What are the problems faced by the iron and steel industry? [Pg.73 & 74]

16] List the qualities of aluminium as a metal? [Pg. 74]

17] Explain the process of manufacturing in aluminium industry? [Pg. 74- flow chart]

18] Explain the two types of chemical industries?

19] Organic chemical plants are located near oil refineries/ petrochemical plants. Give
reasons.[Pg. 75]

20] Write a note on the Indian fertilizer industry / automobile industry.

21] When & where was the first cement plant set up? [Pg. 75]

22] Discuss the four types of pollution caused by industries.

23] Give reasons for the recent boom in the cement industry.

24] The cement industry is strategically located in Gujarat. Explain. [Pg. 75]

25] Write a note on the role of the NTPC in the natural environment.

26] How can industrial pollution of fresh water be reduced? [Pg. 78]

27] Discuss the steps that should be taken to minimise environmental degradation caused by


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