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2018 – 2019 中學自行分配學位 入學面試題目

中學名稱 個人面試題目 小組面試題目

香港道教聯 英:Do you like e-books or paper books? 普:2人對話
合會鄧顯紀 普:Please read a paragraph. 普:2人對話,分別扮演不同角色,
念中學 英:There are 5 mistakes in this sentence, please find and correct them 一起閱讀一篇對話(一人一句)
英:Do you like PE classes?
中:Name one thing that is most memorable about your primary school, and explain why.
英:Do you have any questions about our school?
中:Read an article, and answer some follow up questions.
中:What is the object which represent your primary school, why?
英:Read an article, and answer some follow up questions.
英:Do you like PE lessons? Why? What is cyberbully?
英:Do you think when children can use internet?
中:What is your most treasured possession? What is the definition of beauty?
英:Do you usually do exercises? When?
中:What is your most memorable experience in your primary school?
中:What after school activities have you joined in?
中:What are you hobbies?
英:How do you encourage your friend to do exercise?
英:What are the advantages of using internet?
中:What object will you choose to represent your primary school?
英:What do you like to do?
英:Do you like playing video games?
普:Please read an article.
英:If your friend doesn’t like doing exercise, what will you tell her/him?
英:Can you ride the bicycle, why?
英:Please find out the mistakes in the article.
中:Read the article①Please use「刻苦勤勉」make a sentence(a phrase from the
article) ②Answer some questions③Ask some questions*9
中:What is your best memory in your primary school?
英:If your friend doesn’t do exercise, what will you say to him/her?
香海正覺蓮 英:What will you do to improve your English? 中:If you want to attract tourists all over the world, what will
社佛教馬錦 英:How can you be healthier? you introduce? ①Local food②museum③Amusement park
2018 – 2019 中學自行分配學位 入學面試題目
燦紀念英文 英:Read an article and answer some questions. 中:What can we introduce to let the world know more about
中學 英:Do you like going to school, why? HK?
英:Do you like doing exercises? With who and when?
英:Why do you come to this interview?
英:What do you do in your free time? What book do you like?
英:Do you like playing phone games? Do you like doing sport?
英:Why do you need to go to school?
英:What sport do you like? What’s your favourite subject? Do you like English?
英:What are you hobbies?
英:What will you do after the interview?
田家炳中學 英:Write an essay. 英:Name some indoor and outdoor activities.
英:Say something about an essay you have written. 中:If you have a foreign friend coming to visit you, where in
英:Read some words. the north side will you take him/her to?
英:Write an essay using the tittle 「Computer in our life」and then report to me. 中:What facilities in the north side do you think can be added
中:Why do you want to study in our school? or improved?
中:If you have a visitor from mainland, what will you show him/her about? 中:Please tell salt and sugar apart.
英:Which place in Hong Kong do you like best? Why? 中:(Do an experiment) Pour warm water, cold water and hot
中:Have you ever broken a school rule? If yes, please describe it; if not, which water into three containers. Bend three glow sticks and put
school rule do you hate the most? Why? them into each container, which glow stick will be the
英:Express your opinion in 1 minute(Life with computers or place I like) brightest? Why?
中:What do you think about homework in your school? How much time do you 英:Write and essay using the title -My favourite place in
spend on your homework? Hong Kong and then read it.
中:Tell apart salt and sugar. 中:Use water, PH paper, a spoon, measuring cup and
中:If you were the principal, which school rules would you abolish or set up? magnifying glass to observe sugar and salt.
中:How long is the tutorial lesson in your school? 英:Explain your most unhappy experience.
英:Please write an essay using the title「What is your favourite place in Hong Kong」 中:How do you think the government should solve the land
and then report it. problem?
中:Would you rather be a pig or cockroach? 中:What are your thoughts on demonstration in HongKong?
英:What is your favourite subject? If you grow up, what will you do? 中:What is the last video you watched on YouTube?
中:If you are going to promote a game, what will you promote? 中:What is the deepest memory about your school?
中:What other schools have you chosen besides our school? 英:Write an essay and read it.
中:What weakness have you overcome after you told someone? 中:What is the latest news?
2018 – 2019 中學自行分配學位 入學面試題目
中:What animal would you consider Hong Kong people as? 中:What would you do if you can cloak? 中:What is your
least favourite subject?
中:What birthday present do you want the most?
英:My favorite day of the week
中:If you were the chief executive, what problems would you
中:If you were the principal, would you let the students wear
casual clothes or school uniform?
中:What are the differences between our school and other
school you have chosen?
英:If you were a fish, what would you do?
英:What do you want to be when you grow up?
中:Do you agree with the opinion that learning is not about
中:Do you think books can be replace by internet or
英:Do you approve public exams?
中:What super power do you want to have?
英:What sports do you like?
英:What has Hong Kong impressed you the most?
中:Why do you think you are suitable for our school?
英:Should students bring cell phones to school?
英:What’s your favourite subject?
中:What will you do if someone give you nicknames?
中:What would you do if we don’t accept you?
東華三院甲 中:Who is your favourite historical figure? Why? What can you learn form him/her? 中:Study shows that HK students are lack of exercises. What
寅年總理學 英:What is your favourite game or toy? Why? Read a paragraph. will you do to improve that?
校 英:Introduce a show or an exhibition and tell how your feel about it. 英:Your school will hold some classes after school,
英:Read and article about a museum. what class would you want to hold?
中:Who is your favourite historical figure? Why? 中:PTA will hold a parent-child relations activity, what do
英:Which art gallery or museum have you visited? you suggest? Please list at least 2 ideas and explain why.
英:Read an article. 英:School will hold a historical activity, what do you
2018 – 2019 中學自行分配學位 入學面試題目
英:Read aloud the passage. suggest?
英:In the country park, what thing do you enjoy doing? 中:If you are going to suggest an activity for grade 4-6
英:What sports do you like when you go outing? students, what will you suggest? Why?
英:What’s your favourite TV programme? 中:How will you design a winner list?
英:What’s your favourite toy/game? 英:If you go to the country park, what activities would
you do ?
英:You and your family or friends go outing, what activities
will you suggest ?
中:If the school is going to open a after school class, what
will you suggest?
中:What animal do you think HK people were?
聖公會陳融 英:Self-introduction
中學 英:Look at some pictures and then answer questions.
中:Introduce a book.
中:What is your favourite country/city? Why?
中:Find mistakes in the article and then answer questions.
中:Where did you go and what did you do this summer
vocation? Tell how you feel.
香港紅十字 中:Self-introduction
會大埔卍慈 中:What do you usually do in your spare time? What sports do you do?
保良局馬錦 中:(Math or physics)1、2、0、0 How many numbers can these numbers form?
明中學 Factors that dissolve pills. What condition cannot be changed in this experiment.
中:Have you been to our school before the interview? Why do you choose us?
英:Do you like using the computer? What is your favourite channel?
中:What is upward mobility? Does the author think there is no opportunity for
upward mobility in Hong Kong? How do you know? How do you think you can
equip yourself? Why?
英:If you see a young girl who is crying, what would you do? If you catch your
friend who is shoplifting, what would you do?
中:0-0-1-2 How many numbers can these numbers form?
2018 – 2019 中學自行分配學位 入學面試題目
中:Read an article about priority seat. What is the purpose of priority seats?
中:The dissolving speed of pills in different water, which condition will not affect
the experiment? Temperature of water/Volume of water/size of the pill
英:Read an article about International friends day.
英:Introduce your best friend
英:What will you do when you spend spare time with your friends?
中:Comprehension Online shopping
數:1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=100,change one of the meth
symbols and make this equation =100
英:Have you visited our school Website? Have you found some interesting
things there?
中:What other schools have you chosen beside us?
英:What do you like to do at your weekend? Do you like using the
computer? What subject do you like best?
中:What is upward mobility?
中:Do you think there is upward mobility in Hong Kong?
英:What do you do in your free time?
英:Introduce our school and explain why you choose us.
中:Xiaoming heard a loud noise, and he told his mon it was an accident. What
thinking steps has he gone through?
英:What do you want to do when you grow up?
英:Introduce your family.
英:Read the article and answer questions.
英:Which school are you in?
中:What are the disadvantages of online shopping to the environment?
中:What do you think the most important thing is?
英:What English programme do you like to watch? How do you spend your spare
中:How can we protect our environment?
風采中學 中:Why do you choose our school?
英:Who is your best friend?
2018 – 2019 中學自行分配學位 入學面試題目
中:Name one of the after-school classes which you like, and why?
中:What’s your favourite subject? Why?
英:Tell one happy thing in your primary school.
中:If you see the chief executive, what do you want to say to him.
中:Do you agree with eating lunch at school?
英:Do you have friends? Please introduce one. How do you make friends?
英:Do you have pets?
英:Is it easy for you to make friends or difficult for you to make friends?
英:Read an article.
中:What do you know about STEM?
中:Briefly describe the homework you brought with you, why choose this one?
英:When is the friendship day?
中:What is your dream? Please introduce one experience.
英:Are friends important? Is it easy to make friends?
中:What do you know about our school?
英:Do you have sisters or brothers? Do you play with them?
中:Have you ever failed hand in homework?
中:What is Volunteer Youth Group?
英:If you friend coming to visit HK, where will you take him/her to?
普:What language is your family using?
英:What will you and your friends do at weekends?
東華三院李 英:Self-introduction 中:Please make a poster using items on the table.
嘉誠中學 英:Do you like to study with i-Pad in school? 中:Please make a hat or object using a newspaper.
中:If you are going to be sent away to an deserted island and you can choose three 中:Make a tower using glue, elastic band, newspaper and
things in the classroom, what will you choose and why? scissor.
英:How will you promote English reading? 中:Make a book or hat using glue, elastic band, newspaper
中:Name three uses of plastic bottles. and scissor.
英:Introduce an English book.
英:Do you think should we increase PE lessons? Why?
中:If you are given three plastic boxes, what will you do besides packing stuff?
2018 – 2019 中學自行分配學位 入學面試題目
英:If you were English teacher, how would you improve your students’English.
英:Do you approve of PE lessons in school?
中:Please name some creative uses for bookcases?
中:What three things would you bring if you were going to survive in the North pole
or wild? Why?
英:Do you like sport? What kinds of sport do you like best?
中:Name three uses of stones. What kind of stones do you like?
英:Introduce your family.
英:Do you use I-pad? Do you play games? What games do you play?
中:Name three uses of an umbrella.
粉嶺禮賢會 中:Do you attend any after-school courses? When?
中學 中:Do you attend any after-school activities? What are they?
中:Besides homework, what else do you do when you get home after school?
英:Read an article.
英:What will you do if you see a child crying?
中:What are you hobbies?
中:What have you been watching lately?
英:What will you do when you grow up?
英:What is your favourite subject?
中:Please name your strengths and weaknesses.
中:What is your dream? What news is on lately?
香港信義會 英:Read an article.
基督教心誠 中:Look at pictures and answer questions.
中學 中:What do you do in your spare time? How about weekends?
宣道會陳朱 中:A questionnaire, and then interview. Ask what rewards have you got, why do you
素華紀念中 choose this school.what do you do in spare time, who is your idol, have you
學 attend any STEM activities, have you learn any musical instrument, who will
help you before an exam, what kind of help?
中:Find the main idea of an article.
中:Why do you put vinegar in Wonton noodles? Why does an adult float on the
Dead Sea?
中:Why is your English bad? You won lots of prizes in math and science, how do
2018 – 2019 中學自行分配學位 入學面試題目
you prepare these competitions? Please share with us any interesting scientific
information you have recently found on the internet. How do you spend your spare
time? Do you like to hang out with a friend who likes video games or a friend who
likes science?
中:Question about human and cat
英:Answer some questions after reading an article.
中:Math, calculate the area
中:Some common sense question.
英:Do you like sports?
英:What after school course have you attended?
中:Why do you choose this school?
中:Math problems such as area, fractions
中:What are you hobbies? And tell me if you have won prizes. Have you attended
any church activities? Share a memorable experience in school.
中:Do you have any questions to ask us?
中:What books do you like?
中:What musical instrument have you learned?
中:What activities have you attended?
中:What strengths and weaknesses do you think you have?
中:What will you do in your spare time?
聖公會莫壽 英:Read and discuss with a partner.
增會督中學 英:Discussion:The school library is going to from a reading
club, what activities will you suggest them?
粉嶺救恩書 中:Self-introduction 中:What is Hong Kong Kids phenomenon?
院 中:The most impressed book. 英:Introduce yourself to your deskmate.
中:How do you spend spare time? 中:What will happen if someone is addicted to online games?
英:How do you spend spare time?
英:You favourite book.
中:Why do you choose this school?
中:What do you know about this school?
中:Introduce your family.
2018 – 2019 中學自行分配學位 入學面試題目
中:What strengths do you have?
中:What is your favourite or least favourite subject?
中:What do you usually do when you are home?
中:What after school activities have you attended?
中:How do you make friends?
粉嶺官立中 中:Why do you choose this school?
學 中:What subject do you like? Why?
中:Have you joined any after school courses in your school?
中:Have you ever been late for school?
中:Introduce your family.
中:Introduce yourself.
中:What career do you want when you grow up?
中:Look at a picture and tell a story.
中:What is your impression of this school?
羅定邦中學 英:(Math)Percentage 中:Share the most impressed movie you have watched.
英:Ask questions about your school positions based on the grades report you 中:If the school is having English Week, what activities do
provided you suggest?
英:Introduce yourself. 中:Share a book you read recently.
英:Read an article. 中:If we are going to organize a reading plan, where and
when do you suggest?
順德聯誼總 英:Introduce yourself. 中:If the government is going to build residential area in
會梁銶琚中 英:What will be your future job? Tuen Mun district, would you use the land of Tuen Mun park
學 英:Have you ever attend any after school activities? or Tuen Mun River Pier?
英:Do you like sports?
英:Do you watch movies? Which TV programme do you like?
王肇枝中學 英:Introduce your family. 中:What do you think of cleaning schools by ourselves?
英:Read a book and share the story with us. 中:How will you adapt to the first year in middle school?
中:How do you cope with study stress?
迦密栢雨中 中:Self-introduction, and answer questions based on it.
學 英:Reading comprehension.
聖公會基孝 中:What job do you want to do when you grow up, why? 中:Do you think a school with too much homework is a good
中學 school or nor?
2018 – 2019 中學自行分配學位 入學面試題目
中華基督教 中:What is on the news recently? What is your opinion on the recent international 中:Read a news and answer some questions.
會基新中學 affairs?
英:Self introduction
中:Read an article and answer questions.
聖芳濟各書 中:Fill in the phrases 中:You will be given a picture, and answer questions.
院 中:Do you have any memorable experience happened when you were in class?
英:Introduce yourself.
英:Read an article.
五育中學 中:Introduce yourself
中:Read an article
中:Why do you choose this school?
中:What do you usually do in your spare time?
東華三院邱 中:Introduce yourself. 中:If you school is having a camping activity but your parent
子田紀念中 英:What subject do you like? won’t let you go because they are worried about your safety,
學 中:Do you have any tips on doing homework? What is your hobby? what will you say to persuade them?
中:Why do you choose this school?
宣道中學 英:Read an article.
英:Introduce yourself.
中:Is the support of Hong Kong sport development various?
中:Tips on making discipline.
中:Why do you choose this school?
大埔慈航 中:How do you spend your spare time?
中:How much time do you spend on video games?
明愛粉嶺陳 中:Look at a picture and answer questions.
震夏中學 中:Introduce yourself.
英:Read an article and answer questions.
英:Introduce yourself.
中:Have you attended any after school activities?

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