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Leni Marlina, S.S., M.A

Dra. Aryuliva Adnan, M.Pd
Dr. Rusdi Noor Rosa, M.[Ium
M. Affandi Arianto, M.Pd
Carbiriena Solusia, M.Pd


J L :BAJtc Lrrrsntr,ra Ivl0 uL (t;

P: I Ltr.rt JI1ePL,rua, f.l. . w-A -_
J lmo
F/A ) AO8
JT )otg
2018 Dr R Nl l\'! si
NIP 960 i 104 198702 1 002


TOEIC Skills.....

Mini - Test for TOEIC Listening Comprehension 75

Mini Test for New TOEIC Listening Comprehension 86

TOEIC Model Test I (by Lougheed) 92

Answer Key

Answer Key

Steps for Analyzing Photos (Skill I TOEIC) ll8

Answer Key

Summary olTOEIC Skills 154

Extra Exercises: Essentials Words for The Listening TOEIC 163

TOEIC Model Test ....... .........313

Answer Key 322.1

Practice Test One (Plactice Test One by Lougheed) 323

Ansrver Key 33 5.8

Practice Test Two (Practice TesI One by Richardson and Peters) .......336 Key 352. r3

Practice Test Three (TOEIC Praclicc Exam I by Lougheed) 353

Ansu,er Key 362.t

Practicc Test Four (TOEIC Pracricc Eranr 2 by Lougheed) ...... .......363

Aruwer Key 372.t

Practice Test Five (New TOEIC Practice Exam A by Inuglee$ .,.,.,,,,,,.,....373

Answer key ,...... ...........382.1




Loughed, Lin. 2007. " Practice Test One". Longman

preporotion Series for the New TOEIC Test: More
Practice Test. 4th Edition. New York: Pearson
Education, lnc. pp. 3-15.
PnncrrcE Tusr ONe
You t'ill find the'er sheet fsr Practice Test onc on page 255. Detach it from the
book and .se it to record your ansrrers. Plar the audio for practice Tesl one when r.ou
art: readl to begin-

in the Lislerling lest, vor.: r"3ll be asked to ceftonstrete hol,r well you uadsistand spoken English. The
entire Listen:ng lasi will !asi approximalety 45 minules, There are four parts. and direciions are giver
foi eacll pai-i. Yau must matk your ansyceis on tha separate answer sheei. Do not wrii€ ycur answeis
in the rest bcoi,

PART i i

Directions: For each quesiion in this pa(. i,ou will hear four staiements abcui a piclurc in your
test book. wh€n vou hear las state,'rents, yoir must sgie:i the one siaternen. lhat best describes
whal you see in tne picture. Then tind the number oi th€ question on ycli ans$/er sheet and mark
ycur ansvger. The statements will noi be printeci in your tesl book and wili be spoken only one time

Sample Answer
:-J ,O {D O




-( -- :..:

l ll.:l :




if :!aTif:f. TiIST Oi.iil 5









:'l: a-l -a-'a raSI .,rlrl:


Directlons: You will hear a queslion or statement and three responses spoken in English. They
will not be printed in your tesl book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to
lhe queslion or stalement and mark lhe letler (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

Sample Answet
Yo,r will hear: Where is the meeling room?
You will also hear (A) To meel rre new ditector-
(B) lt's the lirst room on the righl
(C) Yes, at two o'clock.
-Where is the meeling room?'is choice (B), 'lt's the lirst room
Your best response to the question
on the right." so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheel.

il. Mark your anslver on ),our ansr{er sheet. 26. r\'Iark your answer on your ans\^'er sheet-

72. Mark your ansr,r,er on your answer she€t. ,1 Mark your answer on vour answer sheet.

73. Mark your answer on vour anslrer sheet- ,n Mark your arswer on your sheet.
14. Mark your ansn'er on vour ansrrcr sheet- N{ark your ansu'er on your ansr,l,er sheet-

15. lr4ark your answer on vour alslicr sh€€i- 30. Mark vour ansrver on your ansv\,-er sheet.

16. N4ark your answer on vour ansu:er sheet- 31. ilIark your answer on your ans\^rer sheet

77. Mark vour on vour anslrer sheet. 32. Mark ,-vour anslver on vour anslver sheet'

18. Mark your answer on your ansrter sheet. J,r- Mark 1.'our ansr-r,er on vour ansl'v-er sheet.

19. Mark your ansu,er on )''our ansvl'er sheet- 3{- L{ark vour answer on vour atb\t'er sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answ'er sheet. JJ. Ir'lark your ansvr'er on your ansr{er sheet.

2t. Mark your answer on your ans\+'er sheet- 36. lViark 1,our answer on your arnswer sheet-

,, Mark your answer on your anslver sheet. 37. Mark your answer on yout answer sh.eet.

23. Mark your ansrver on your ansr!'er sheet. 38. Mark your answer on vour answer sheet.

24. Mark your ansrver on )/our answer sheet. 39. lvlark !,our answer on your ansrver sheet-

25. Mark your ansrt'er on your sheet. 40. lr{ark 1,'or.rr .lnsrver on vour anslver sheet.

PAR] 3

Direclions: You will hear some ccnversalions between two people. You !ri!l be asked to answer
three queslions aboul what ihe speakers say in each conversalion- Select the besl respcnse to
each queslion and mark the leller iAi, {B). {C), or (D) on your answer sheel. the conversalions
will nol be printed in your t3st book and yvill be spoken cnly one time.

,11. i{h;,t rlocs the l]rall',1a!}t ti-.L' r!L1,l;n f!', 17. H(r\1'lr)anr,J.ii]/e:-1 Fens i-< ihc r'r.1.llr

do? or,i..rilir:?
) lr'1:e a lettar.
{.\ i .\ )
(B) Brrr hijn a sl'?ai!'t, Lir F.)ui

{C) llai'e lunrh !f itl him rC I Si.'i.

(1)) i.\'ork this r\ ening. (L); iir'el tr.
*2. I\ilra.t is tne *r'ontal tir-,!ns nov;? {6. i\ r.rr aoi,)rs 11,,.,{ h.- \\ rttl
(A) irs ting ltrnch ( A I Crr.n and
(B) I t':ving ior tire 3olf couis<. ,.-B i (irct'n irr,r! r--d -

I (Ci \Ia\il8 copies. (C: !icd. blacl. .:n,.1 blue .

(D) Sr'nding e-mail. (ll) Rcd, black, and purple.
43- !f lTere is the man going? 49. Hrxl ivill he pax for the psns?
(A) To a restaurant. (.{ t He ..r'ill pa_v bv cncck.
iB) To his office. (13) He rr.iil pe-r. !1rth ca5h.
{C) .lfo the post office. (C) Ihe rt-cman rgili sen,J him a-i.ili
{D) o the Photoc{tPJ' store, ('Dl Iht ',r.oman l.ill charge it io ilis
a C,:r)ut::.
.1,1. i\'ht:n itili the phorrt; be insialle,,i?
(,\) \londav befoLe aoon. 5ii l\' does ihis c,.r n r.':i. a i it,r: i,rle pl.rcc?
(ts) itlonda-v aiterlooo i j\r At th. ii?rn,rr tal.l:r.
1C-t llerlnesdav bcfc,te roon- illi ln a glro.lrY -<t{)ra-
tD'l \\'erJ nesdar a fternr-ro.. (Cl L]) a Lrr-xrkrtorc.
i i)l -l-t a bak:rr-r'-
45. \\ihi ilcrcn't tiie phrrne:i inst.,-rll..l l.rst
rleel l 51. l\:i'.d! (lrrcs thc mar] 11..lni lhr i\'r)rr.rr I()
iA) 1 he ertrripnr-n! lras cut of Lrrder.
(IJ) Thcv ccr,riin't.{ci .1n ilppointrnent. { ,\ ) Cook a lr:ai
{C) The orcier rvas pi;iced tor--r Iate. lBi Skrp.coughillg.
(D) Th+- didn't bring the right kind of (C) Eat some more.
plrLrne. (l-a i SinS .r ions
46. How lr'rrg havc thev beer .l\,aitinF for the 32. i!hat does the h.omail \!'a)rt t(: d(-'?
Ph o nt's ?
(A ) licad ir book.
{,{} L ndcr .r i.! ()ck iBi Liaie ..i c;,i L:..
,iJl C)rrr rr',',:k. {(, r DrinL cofitt'.
(( r i,),r...rrir: lir. (i.lI l;rcl Lrp irr:: nr;ii.
iL)' r'.r:. :ira:i.t rJ:ij:ltj,


53. 11h.r is ci..ilE .rdr.ict'l it). lt'l:ai is ih: wril;n lrr,rkllt kri?
(.tr.) .1 tra\:ci .rg.rrt- ii) Hr:: rnin{:arat.
iii) ,.\ pirr sici.::.r. (B) Her hoots and un:blella.
iCl A tecrher. {Cl Hel tirket.
(D) A goller. (D) I.1r:r q.algh.
54. i: tire rr.onat's prci]lerx? 50. 'liihat is the q:eather lile?
{:\l 5he li:.-qt her ioL.- lA) Hot,
illl 5ht roik5 ltrir niirih. iEt (-t.:Ll.
rl ' S:.1 ,tr'.,, i. !.--.,,.,ii !L; nainr-
(i'1 i;.( , ., iui.:,r1 ,,,r .)I i!1iii1..
1.;... :., il
c1. Illrrn r., iil th.-' i-.'-rs lea.. e I
:;. 1\ 1,. r , ;i. ,i.r ... : ,t-,r 1i,,. t--_-
I -i lr,lrnrliiLlie-
r j, I lI ,, ,1., I. ,r:rt r ii ., lil Irr 2il rrrrL{t,..s.
lBi Lti:li.r i',' liar tit?t. iCt 1n lil ntir-,utes.
(Ct l;kt a 1ar.:iiir:r. 'LJi 111 ',r:ntilirro<
'Il, F r'- .(,:r, (":. tL'i1r.ll,:, l

62. tljlierr: ria)e:i lite fian live,)

56. tr1ih;r i {:trx't iot -rpi:.rkcr: likei
i.:\ Bi' the school.
(A) Sprin,g. tR) Bv the prrlice st.'ition
iBi lirc hcat. {Ci Or.. a ,neulrtain.
iC) 1"he r;r i:r- (D) Near a pool.
(D) $tarrding.
63. llort .i()es the rr()miin g.t i(l worl: J
57. Hort i... the rl eilthr,t t!)day? (A) On foot.
[,1] Sun:rr. iii) Ilr trair.
iE,i Ctoi. iCi 8i, car.
(C) Humir.l. iDi Bv bus.
(Di lcr'. ,5{. \irh;:t timc wili th€: B.orran mcct ihr, lnan
5E- F,'hr,:r ciot.5 ifj- 1-qr1i...11y5atir:ir trk. rla. r::' ti)Ini)r:-O1., ]
lA) \Jav. (.{i 1r 7:00.
{ lJl Ser:i,-:r'rbe r. iilt At l:_3r,j.
(Cl N.\.i)rber. iC; r\t l1 :iXl.
iD-i L)r,r,:rrrLgr. iDi 1t i'l:3i).


irli.ic?!a:ij lts: ci.::j 33 i

65. Why didn't the rvoman read this 58. \{hat time Cid the rvoman go to l-"ed?
morning's paper? (.{) r\t 7:it0-
(A) She didn't haYe money to buy one. (B) After 7:00.
(3) She didn't har.e tirne to buy one. (C) At 11:00-
(C) It wasn't delivered on time. (D) After 11:00.
(D) She read Yesterday's instead.
69. How many hr:lurs oi sleep does the
65, What does the man suggest that the rr,oman usuallv get?
woman do? (A) Four.
iAi Buv a nevr.spaper at the nelvsstand- ilJ) Fir.e.
(B) Read the front pase. (C) L.ighi.
iC) Borrour his nertspaper. 1D) Ten.
(D) Ha!'e the newspaper delivered. 70. 1\ hv tiir'1 she get up earlr?
67- ?!'hat does the man s.ant to do?
iA) To do scme u-ork.
{A) Read the }!,oman a stonl {B) To rvork r>rit at the Evm.
{B) Tell the $'oman about the nervs- (C) To ilnish reading a book.
iC) Brlv a ner+'spapcr {or her. iD) fo gct readl for a trip.
(D) Copy a page from the nervspaper.


Birections: You wirr hear some talks giverr by a singre speaker. you wifi be asked to answer three
queslions about what the speaker says in each tark. setect the best respsnse
to each queslion
and mark rhe letter {A). (B), {cl, or (D) on your answer sheel. The tarks wi nor be prinled in your
lesl book and will be spoken only one time-

71. lvhat is being rold ? 77- 1!irat kind rli news iie..L is ihi-.?
tAi Oliice sp..:ce. iA) /\r'r anai1.:r:.
(B) OtT!re su1.plir,s. (B) ;\ rer-ie;t.
iC) Dorvn pilloir.s. iC) ;\ crirr::ction.
(D) 5ailhr.-ats. (D) .4 rtaminl_g.
72. Hcrr. iong cioes this salc Iast? 78. ll:hen n-'iehi ihis :n;r(lunccrir:n t h..: hea:-cl l
(A) One dar,. (.{) Spring
(B) Thrcc- davs. tB) Srrmrirer.
(C) One u'cek. (C) Fall.
(D) Eight da !s. (D) lVinter-
73. l\ihen does the sale end? 79. 'lYhat carrses porrer
(A) Thur_sc{a1.. (-{) Excessive dsr'.
(B) Fri<iay. (B) Lack oi demand.
(C) Sattrrdar.. (C) lncreased suppi1..
(D) Sunclar.. (D) Poor qualiry fans.

74. 1\hat }r'as the 11-eather vesterda\.? 80. lVho is probablv listening to this
(A) Ran-r-r.. announcement?
(B) Foggv. (A) Ticket agents-
(C) Sunll',,- (B) Telcphone lir.e tech;r i..;.rns.
(D) Clear. (C) Airlinerepresentatives.
75. lVlten misht ii snorv- l {D) Pt1tg6h31rr.rgelers.
(A) l his er'<,ning. 8i- Why is there .: ciclav?
{ B) Tcmorror.'' ll'rorning- (A) .{tl the agents are busl..
(C) Tontorrorr'.Jtedng. (B) All fli-ehis are tate.
(D) This rveekend. (C) The farss are qoing up.
76. I.lhat r,,'ril the u,cckcrrd temperature be?
(D) Repr€sentatiyes itre on strikc.
(A) Belorv freez ing. 82. When should travelers to other countries
(B) Right arou nt-l freezing. get to thc airp(rrt?
((i1 Around i d!-crr-es. (,{) Trto hours before' thcir flight leaves.
(D) ;lbc'ut li cl egrees. (B) Three hours be.ftrre their flight
(C) Forrr lrours beforr'thr'ir llight
iDl f:\-a iir)ir:s br.i..t.r iii.:ht l<,,rr.,.:s

): : r ,. S, ,- illt 33 i':
83. \{hat kind of people a re attending the 89. What kind t'f rvr:rrk is adlerti-red?
semilrar? (A) Full-time.
(A) Teachers. iB) Pa -time.
iE) tfanagers. (Cl O\.ertime.
(C) I{aiters. (D) Yolunteer-
(D) Gardeners. 90. What qualifications are required?
84. Which of the frrllorving ciescribes {A'; Larv degrec.
11r. ivlargalis? (E) Hedic;tl di pionra,
(.{t lne:p:'rit'ircerl. (C1 -A,Cr.ertisirre e:t -'.r
e'ti cn c'-'.
iB) Re: ir<d. iDi Ot,'ice skiils.
i'-- j SPeechicr.. 91. !{irai are ioL. seekeis i!.!lui.ea. ta di1?
(D] \i'rrns.
[-{) Take a t,,'st.
85. ithere is th': ann<ritnrlnrent tein!a lrcard? iB) Bg:vail.:l.l,r imr)reLJ ia i.'ii,
1n :..-1r.t,'r\ 1C) Fill ont an applicatitrn forn.
' "1',
IBi In privaie ofiice.
a if)) f-inde:rstand emplovment lal..
iCi Irr :i tiir'.ing h.:ll.
(D) On a trait), 92. \lhat iillre is thc repo.rt being presentedl
(;1i At 8:ttO.
86. lthat is needed to enter? (B) ..\r 10:00
(.{) .{ special pass. (C) .{t 12:00.
(B) An authorized signature. (D) At 2:C0-
(C) A secure vehiclc.
93. lVhat acivice is gJiven?
(D) A hunting license.
(;\) lfear a lra l-
87. l\ihere can passos be ohtain.:d?
(B) Co to br:d arlr'.e

(A) tliithin the secure area. (C) llar-e a nicc diir'.

(B) From authorized personnel- (D) Take vou r umbic'll.r.
(C) At the Securilv Office. 94. ll'hat is the i.. catlrr.r nor^.'?
I (D) At the l-icense Bureau-
(A) Rainv,
88. I4ftat should visitors dL. when leaving (B) Clear skies.
th.e arei:? (C) Dark clorrds-
(.4) Sign out. 1D) rA:inci;i
(B) Pav .rn exit feo.
(C) Cive the pass back.
(D) Keep tlre pass for future risits.


14 F:-ct,:': .: .) , :.-:.:

95- What kind oi placc is Familr Securitr- 98. -itl^'cr,: is this annorrnremr:nt made?
{Ai .A.t a schrml.
(A) .{ police sration. I[i) At an airport.
(8) A travel a6enc.. iC) .,\t a Srocerv store.
{C) An insurance companv. (D) At .r shopping mall.
(D) An alarm installation compilnl'.
99. lthat is todav's special?
96. For urgent problems, :rh.r t nuntier
should be presserl? i1-t Chicken.
r DJ Dter.
{A) Or:e. iCl SpaShctli.
iB) Four. {Di Vi'gei;bl.s.
(Ct F!\.e.
100. i.l. hit do kids Sr'i \vitb th!'ir rreal?
{D) Six.
97, Hou' can vou atJdrcs: rir.tngej
ia I .l kry,
iii; Frr:<. d..:-sii::.i.
iA) Pre:s.1. ii--r I.lrtrr lege t.rblcs.
{B) \risittht'websiie. tl]) :1 s.jat by the entrance.
rC) Speal to an ar..rlt.
(D; Se;rd it in bl- rnail,

This is the snd cf the Listening test. Turir t. par.i 5 :n

r'cirr test bcok.

, .-- ::. : l::l a,1ti'rl 335

PnacrrcE Tusr ONs
Penr I {pecss 3*8) e. (A) He's bu.ving an umtrrella.
(B) He's clearing the table.
Example: (c) Hc's sen ing the dir:ers.
(.{ } 'fht-..'rr icai'rir: ihe roonr. (D) He's rvaiting b.r, ihe restroom.
(B) The..' rt tr!:ning on the nrachine.
(c) Th' ..
10. (A) The traine: is setting lris tl atch.
r r, :ra,rriirrl the i,:l'lc. (B) The tourist is checkilg his bag.
(D) i itr'. re rradirr3 lfre nqrr-sp;pr.r.
(c) The pilot is ro.ashin6 his hands.
1. (.4 ) lhe luel truck is bv thc jct. (D) Thc lraveler is rvaiiing for a train.
(B) The,:r.rne is lorr:.
(c) lhe:lan i-q to buv fuel. Prnr 2 (prcr 9)
(D) The ;:! iield is u,et.
2. (A} The dri..,er is bchind thr. '.r'ireel,
Ithere is the meeting room?
(B) ihe alectriaian is arculd the coraer.
(A) To meet the nee, director.
ic) Ttrr' 'echnici.rn is at tht,crrrrrrols.
(D) TLe chef is near the siove. @) It's the first room on the right.
(C) Yes, at two o'clock.
3. (A) Itre autlience is listening to a coneert.
11. Where shall *'e sii?
(B) Tl-re speaker is addressin.e the group-
(c) Thc n'orkers arc returning to (A) How aboui the front row?
(B) Before the show starts.
their joi..s.
(D) The ;nusicians atc. rt atchiug the
(C) It's on the iable.
con<iuctor- 12. This is a great restauraftt.
(A) lt is. I eat here ofien.
4. (A) Thev're rubbi:rg their fingers.
(B) I need a rest. toe.
rB) Thcr're stretching their iegs.
(C) lt's not that late.
{c) The';'re leading a banri.
(D) l her'.re sh:king hands. 13. Hou, much does ihis suit cost?
(A) It costs a hunired thir!',. Colla.s.
s. {A} The coldr:clor is on thr: tr.ri;r. (B) The suit fits rvell.
(B) The cartain is on ccurse. "'ery
(c) Thc teacirer is t'ehind the ciesk. (C) There are trgo suiis in the closet.
(D) 'Ihe ilainer is in front of the gr,.:rup. 14- Who took the telephone message?
(A) I'll phone you torr,orrr>*-
6. (A) The closets are full oI clothes.
(B) I looked for the telephone.
(B) The drau.ers contain supplies,
(c) Ti..e stora;e trins a,.c 0p(,t.I. (C) My secretary-'tcok the message.
(D) The br:xtts are cm!rt1,- 15. tVhat time are uou eatrng dinner?
7. (A) The irrepl.rre I: tal] and narrnrr'.
(A) t'll have <linner about 6 p.r.t-
(B) -I'he s;rrrke iLrilas are ct li:ing frorc
(B) We dined earlv vesterda1r
(C) I *!'.vavs eat a i--i3 diIrner.
ti'.e ci:iir..rt-';.
(c) 't 16. Has tht: nrail arrir.ed yet?
he slr,s.-i are- r- qrrl iry3
ii]) it-.,. , 'r,,..-... : rl,r :.. i,, \(,r. i . : :!.L. (A) \i's, $'i (iii'i-.r: I-'!. !.i.
(B) No. it [r,rs ieileri.
6. i.1,, Tti'-, :l' :: ra"-i::. :,,i;r,,
(Cl Yes, it aane lr.,.,rr atio.
iB) 'f itn'. '13
i1;r:iirs.: ir:a,rs..,':r "::
(c) i l-,e., :-.: ...,,: .,:::r:- -t:1.i. aLr:. .

( l_'r ) l=iar' :'it:i{i!-r::.. i,: !'-ir] :i,,r

.i.. .' .'':,irl,, -, l. r:'.- . :

39t. t
17. Look at horl cloudv ahe skv is. 26- lats did votr change |our shirt?
il) \.es. it's r.erv cror';dcd here. iAi The -shirt cost ir')ri't -fire dollarJ.
t3i \o, t don't kno-'t rrho th.rt guf i.s. iBi l don't har.e arY change'
(C) lt'll probatlll* raiir st)on. (C) Becatrsc l spilled coifee on it-
18. 1{ho did you expe.t to (ome? 29. !!hat was the movie about?
a.{) t'll acccPt vour groposal {,{) It's irbout 5 e .

(Bi I hoped ntv a.lni rt ould conle- (B) He moted \ete last August-
,( ) ! .u{pCct ir tante carh. iC) It $ as.r rtesiern film.
19- 'tfhere is the accornt2itt's,rifire? 50. I lole mv rrcrt lobl
i-{! ii i ai tirc Ll-,d ul iht'hr.ll. iii l'rn :i' haPP.'' i1 1t"o' tnut'
, li! Thcre .:r'e ii'!'c f, iiountarlts. iE'i l'\'!' llrl er beeil in Irrve
ii-l ih! .racor:1tart is or ihe pl.tole, iai i PuL it rtP a-l'Q';c.
2t]. iic\.,ntanv stu(ll,r.lts are in !ht'Cla-(s? i1. lthen did th('d..tcr ir:aYe?
;.1i Tht class rrrteis e.-'-'.v dal'. iAi She left ai noci.
rllr Therc ric, ahi)ut iiitEerl. iB,j l he l',oa'i .i.!i:k.ii .ii 5 i'.)'1.
rCi 1{i''iilrd!'ilt:i ha'..e to le.rri: Eng}tsh tCr I heru rt a: na ',:re lrlt
11 . \\:iricl-. nas.rzil.:.i ril.e5 she read ? 3?- l'tlrv ha:r't't this leiiet iru('n t\ pei?
i{i The magazine is o.r the tabie. iA) Sl',e's noi mv
l.B) She::ead it 13it \teek. iBi llie tlidrr't hare time to type it.
rL r She onll re;ds husiness ntagazinr::.. iC) lt's too litile.
22. l'm sorrl:. \'lr. lfilii:ms isn't in the ofiite 33. 1\hc has a tlack ink pen?
t()dr.-e. (A) Here, use ntv pen-
i.A.1 Then l ll rall him back another time. iB) She oPcnec a book.
(B'r 'tes. lre rvorks irere. (C) Blacken the circles completelv.
{C i li's nol : L.i.s olT.icc. 3,1. i{:ere -\'(ril born .:i h.)i-,-rel
:3. \iiti the ri:i'.rrt b: iir.rishetl L-', eight .r'c1ock? {-{i No, I was'cont irl i hosf ital.
l.l j lt's ii\.e c'ciock. fB) Thc barn rs behind tire hcuse.
i3i \o, ii Non't Lre fiiished until 1ater. iC.l No, I'm ne.,.er t,olccl at irone,
iLi \e:, iirc rep{tte, rtill be late. 35. 1'\:hat's ior breakt:;t l
2-1. \th-v rit> r crir qet ui so earlr'? i.A.) lt's usu.rlh. ai 6;10.
tA) Eecausd I hare tc b: .tt n orli .rt 6 n-),!. iB) \,i, e're har in:{ ct:ld tt'rt'al atri iruit.
r $l i airtat s gei '.\,hat i rrant. iC-) I rr iruqgrr-
(C ) \6rr ha.l trr le.rl.t' tarlv. dicf n't vou? 36- Hou. manv pagcr are in thtr book?
15. lt cLrld vrru like soup:.-ith lour dirnerl {.\l Hp S Slr \, \ oi aqe.
iAl I'rn not Betting thilrncr. (B) .n'll the Pagcs iire tr'hile.
(B) I ate dinner at 7 l'-fi. (C) l'here are.lbout ihrcc
(C | -\o. I'd preler .r salad- hundred pages.
26. l\ilerr Cid r.,-.'u iearl hi.!\'to s\rir..r? jl. il,c re,rlrn(,:t ('ui ,Jl ,'rl\ eiopds.
1..\i I learnad t\.1.1€n I $.ii \r.oung. {.{) \tr.ite tlre address on tiie iroilt.
r IJt I s\ririr in thc (. eninq. (B) I{e'll lri out all dal'.
i'-,i I l rrntiertd hr:"r' r 6"t lt'.rrned. iCi l'll pick,soi11e uir at th: stoie this
ll. Hi:;' .i:ri r r--t L-:i :,',l this r;;l
t;rrr,' j,l
, -'i r lie.:.rri:r ii ,,. :: ii:t i. lS. ',1ji:,.r carne..i irt,,rr',<-. irr:t ii'.ril
1l:i i a-lt.i ;l.r,r:t il-,:,:t tir.'il..ll-,.i iirrl:.:r-. r-1; Ti:c utc:'i:i i: (',rii-,iii!. i:ti.rit:i
:. rr j.:,,.,1 .i.i,;':i,: i li : l-h,' trt:tt;;,.. 1, .i: i.,.', 1 iiii' i:t('i1i
i C r lhr. .; i,-rtir-r: rs i,'.: irt,.:,i F:r ti isr
l.r:i ..,._:i.

39- lt-her rvill dinner tre serr.ed? Questions 47 thrcugh 49 refer to ihie
{A) The guests v/-ere serr,-ed roast beef- follou'ing conversatitrn.
@) }!e ate in the diner. iTnn I need tq,elre dozenbailpoint
{C) It'll be sen'ed at 7:30. Pens.
40. Which bus should we take? Wotnsn Do you want any specifi.
{A) Take the number 14 bus. co.lnr?
{B) We took the fLst one. Man Oh, I hadn't thouglrt about
{C} He should talk to us. that. Well. allrighi, I'll t.1kc six
dczen recl pens, i-orrr,Jr:zcr
Pee: 3 {pecrs 10-i2} biack. and trr,o do:err r:urtlt:.
l\iotLli: I'il har.e t() clii:ck i'r-'r iie
Que:tion:,11 through.!3 refer tc the purple. . . . Hrrm:1, alil::din3 cr,'rt r crsaiiorr. rc orlr inl cnt(11.\. li:i 1... :rj]. a
Yi)r:?,?,i I'ct L.c hapF-y to t\:pe \.o,,u some in thc back l'li ira i'e
laitcr for yo1l, bui it ivait scmeone bring iira:4 axl \i.ui
until aiter iuncil l'm in the ir-tal ior 12 dozen pera atrines
nrid<ile oi scmething righ t io se\.ent\'-f i\,e dolL:r: ex;ctlt,
ilo11'- includirrg tax.
l.,iitit Oi course it can lvait- just aS Miut Lot mr- see rvh.rt i lr:'.g ir lir
long as it's mailed this h allet. Oh, ves, lrerc's a ore-
evening. hundrecl dollar bill.
iriotttrit Th.rt $'on't be any problem. I
have to finish copying this Questions 50 through 52 refer to the
follorving conr.crsation.
report, +&en I',ll grab a bite to
eat, thcn I'll do it. It'll be done l1lomntt The mcal was delicious. lt
bv eariv aitcrnoon. reall_\ hit the spot. \'cu're a
!-ioi; Tharks- I reallv aipreci3ta r:. great iook.
If you nr.ed me , l'll be in mv ltlo;r But vou hardlv totchtC .':
olfice- tling. )'ou should ai ieast harc
some rrore desscit. I liade it
Questions 4ll through 46 reter to the esr,eciallv for vou bt:raus,- I
tollar.:rn g conr.ersation.
kno.,! it's vour iar.oritt'.
?.,I{iit I jusi talked to the phone l\:llnrrtit Thalk vou, btrt I r-r::.ricin't
ccrnpan'.'. 'l he! prollise',1 ic realli.. l aireadv h;ri tr',.o pieces
har-e the rie'-,r. phones installeC c,f cal-c-. Niri ta! rneiriirlr lltt'
bv lVednesda-v before noon- three courses that precrded
.\tointit Lasi u.eck thev said tl.rey that. Rut I'd lov,- a cr:p of that
u r>uld hai'e it b_v delicious colfce vou :-oake.
Llondar afiernoon, but it *!ar t-'ll be happv to m";.. t, to.
rrasn't_ vou. I'll have it rcad! in,ust a
17oit lAtll, vou remenber there -, ie1,i n.linutes. \'bu iikrr.reao1
a nix-up r.ith the order. Thtrr. ald su"gar, ntl',t?
werc here on tim€, but thei. l^iortc,-,t suga[, thenks..,\:r!i t.lke
L.rorrghi the rvrong kincl of vour time, plt rse- !'nr h.ro1.r','
pho:rc. t. iri:t sit!: :al.\ i.,i a
i'^.,i:,i,ir )i's, ih.:t..r,.rs a big -,.,.h irr,

cl i.i.i r-1t,.itl.i t11iet-rt.,' nl

i..:gi:u-,ir,:: i'-, :!:ir:I il:r - l:i:"':,
a{r:n: ir.'::'tr. i:.:t-: r . r,. t.,Jii-:bjt_
lic- ..-s l':e,r i..,,,1:r.i,)..,.i..:
.,,,,! iii r,, :.. i :, .lr ..r.-,
;,-.1.i(:e. i i.r- r,..,r: tlr.:l ii:
i,'iirtl-:r: lr.l-,,;

(l.le\llon: r-1 ulICUgn >: i|1r., .,f irF Qresticns 59 thr*ugh 61 rr:fer to tire
ii jl"rui, ro .on. ioi lo-'r' ir.rg aarl.t \-e.-<ati !.111.
,1l:i:; You hare gaa tc learn i,--, relax. i, Ccme cnl-litil'i-i3it te-d',' t{)
Yoir:reed !o takc a !'a(iltion 0r g.r'!.eta I'\,e alre;dY gat
olav a little gt,lf or taie rrr iajrcont (']r), aiid i'Dr siandir.)g
tardenrng. ir..''.1-,c .laor. Let's gi: alrcad',-.,
Itrr::u:r 1'd llke ier iake i'3:;1 3dvjr'r:. i-! a:i:;:E I r:ai:'t lin'ii lr'.' ard
Do':tl1 bui I 1:ar e iir I ,.irbrL ll.:. C::n't llii iaki' a
ir:.''-' : irri oi r;:-<polisiiril i i ii. rri;lll€ :i, h.rl,_1 r,,e irrr:k icr
:'.1,t:; i'11r ;it::-- -.-ou d'.r. 'Je ail ic, l'ui ii',,:r;t I i ;''" .io:t i -"'..11a :-.
i l:'i,rr k.r.lp r:f ''r iiit thi-r liazr.' :ir- irl:i arl;i 'i,:i irl:i iili:
.'.. ."j 'l::\ i"1'.:",..'; ',rii'!'1()ilr :t:!il.':'i:u kilrrr'' irl"'
..-.t.'.'tr.i :i '.': ,,ll , ...-,i. !: -..r.
-.i,,. :..:.,:1,_, i i.. ;ir. ; t,.. ti 11t : (li'rrc l',t 1,:,u-.'1 1,,1 .,
:. :r-. irt i :iii . -. .:.. .l:. :ir ri ,.:..t. r. ... (.,.
i\-'aj:r{,?i i,i':!1. ,:la',.i,.r: i c,.,iriii trrk.: .,.r :t.t itir. rr:,r,t t| lnjs: i;i. rli:: ii
.r-r(iat:ni.. lelf., i-,:}a i],r-:i sntlr \r,: t:., :I.. r'
i'.'iih -,.'o, k. |'l'r,1;rr;r Relal 1ie ' r: ,i()i ;liitiri'.' 31
time. l]-,. 1''-:s .'.'r::r'i le;'. r ic'r
Qrrestio:rs 56 throu:ir. fB reier trl the
i-.r':.rii-rer 15 ninutes. arti i'rr
io! lcrlinq rolle:iaii*e-
n.t lt'ar,;13 i:1i hrL:se !i'ilbaut
itrl:,:;r S;ring is n:: Ja..,o;ite se:r-ci..;r. J
an umbrella.
iust !r-'r'e the cou-,1 rains.
Tircq're so refreshing- ,ind Quest;on5 62 th{osgh 64 r{:ier to tle
ttc.r'ihi;1g is so Frc{ 11 ilnd lclir.lx' i l g ccnvrrs: tior,.
nerr- li alr';e!s rnakts ile ieal ItL;r,i:;iti Don'i ','ou lir't- b' thc ir iite
:l ir ':;i"'; s{ati!;n:
l'te,: 1knr,t. i iove it, ioi lt::',::::il'; !&;it I usrri ir lric bl iirt: pi.licc
.l bei:uaiiri iin-Le. l ienlli. siaiicr,- Lui i ;!ilf i 1i'nll', 1;kr:
ihe ireiqhLa,.hi-'oil, -o i.l:i -rr:.::-
d!slike :h., sumlr!€r ciclriits-
ihr-ju g ir, i i1.r\.ei ir),1'i1irr-!r-riaiir !:;r.n
!'ir:r::;r;; 1rn,..-,r'. l a,rr't ltailci ti'..- haai >ii,' l,'.r ili . I'r ' . '.
e;:d itr. 1'rr', ur,-,!e.:
h u ;---,irJ 1-:iae ir.r-rr.!. :iqi:l i>r tllt s.!}i:.i-
t h.i ::,, ..,..rl {'l .,.'-l:! 11.i::r;,:ir {lh. }::ai': ::r:h l. \irui i-.r-'irsr' :.
ih;':i. Iir:t- '\'eLr Ln{''r'- i ti)ii!!:.1 ii-,.ai:1_,tlt i---1!r,_.... l:;l: <,:r il:e
surr.ir_r, Sel.l'iel..i:e r da.. !ikr' corn*:r i:t't !t: the cna !.. itx
ic(i.rr';s:1:ae , ilc- krr ih': sf.r':iatul.rr r:.iiilel- J i'a:;
fil''-'sanl' it evtr-t .iil1' {)n t-r.i Ciif i-- '!ar
!,10r Yes. lhis is aisrr a Ereat tine.rt tr'<rrk '
vear. fhe ternper.rtur es aie !,7tit )'ou drr? r':r't\.be ',,{)u .tar-,
e,iite comiL.rt3L.le, alrci ihr ,-ir. -.' . lr't:',:nclinr' ',.i' :l
rc.)ois:rrt s0 bright. the r'.'e.: lirt'r 's bati. \oii,r,rl i-' !
\';;|ii 1g r'.1rt'(,:rn.{. I real!r
crj0\'-qe:tinii li'te c:.':rri:e . ir:ii
l'J i-a;irt;' ii r,' ii':: :i
l'. ": , I :'.i - " ':.'rrr ,''.
i-,i,, tL'r: .,'r,:',, i !1 .-i.:. ,, :, .:.

t -i

Questions 55 through 67 refer to the Pear 4 (rxeus l3-15)
ilollowin g conversation-
Questions 71 lhrough 73 refer to the
Wo,i' I didn't read this morning's
f ollou'ing ad.;e*isement.
paper or ].esterday's, either- I
didn't have time to get to the Have you been looking for an affordable
newssta*d to buv one. way to stock y-our office supply closet li'ith
?,lan You should have it delivered. qualitv products? Then don't miss this xniqu€
Then it would be waiting for opportunitri You'r'e always relied on Otfice
tou in vour oifice everv Supplies Incorporated to pro.,'ide' lr.ith the
moming, anci vou rvould best products at the best prii:es- Nalln e are
alrr.ays be on top of the nerr-s. announcing our biggest sale of the year arjth
tic'nettr l,Vell, it x.culd tre in rrn' oftice fanhstic savings on all items big anC smail,
every moinirig, but I still irom pens to photocopli machines- Our doors
wouldrt't hrve timc tc read it. open at eight ,a..*. tomorrow, and ererything
77at I4rell, let me tell volr about the in the entire stor€ rvill be reduced bv 50
storv .l read on todalj's front percefit for '&ree big da-vs, Thursda-y ihrough
page. I think you'll find it Saturday. Sale ends S.rturdai at si\ nM., so
quite interesting. hurrl' on dot+'n. Don't miss out on this great
chance to sar.e, saye, save!
Questions 68 throuth 70 refer to the
{ conversation. Questions 74 through 76 refer to the
yv*entlitt ['m exhausted- I didn't get to follorving *'eaiher report.
bed last night until after Good morning and welcome to :nother
eleven. cold, gray day. That's right, folks, it looks like
lan Reall.v? That's not so late, not vesterday's lr.eather will be $'ith us again
unlers l-ou got up r.erv early, today. We'lI have more freczing rain all day
of cotrr-- -with a chance of snorr later on this evening.
Womau I dici get up earll'. I got up at This drear-. r,r'eather rvill likely be rvith us lor
four. I usuallv get eight hours a ferv more da9s. though the rreekend forecast
of sleep, trut last night I gct is looking up. The lovr-pressure si-siem should
only fi.:e- Thai's nol enollgh be moving out of our area bv late FriCav. 'l'hen
for me- lv-- can expect sunn-v skies all rt-eekend *,ith a
Man No, that x'ouldn't be enough high temperature of around 11 degrees
for me, eiiher. Whv did vou Cclsius. So rlon't despair. Better -..,, eather is
get up sr early? 1\ers vou iust arourd the corner. Tune in a!:ain at noon
getting readt for a trip or for an updated report on today's $,eather'-
'y\iomnn No, I ryanted t() get to tlre
office early because I had some
extra u/ork to finish. Even
though it means gettine uF in
the dark, I'd rather do that
than stay at lhe office irntil late
at nighr.

33S. t
Or:e;1iors 77 ihrairgh 79 reier to iire Questions 83 thrcugh 85 refer to the
i'-r1 lo-, ner..--c i ie;tr - f clloe'in g announcement.

Jiris urr-r.rt ile.m lusl rr. 1'he cieciriiitr Cood a{teracan, I *ant to rselcome you ?ll i^.::rns {ttiz€ns iirinE iir ihe iri,:taie io our rnanagement irnprDl.ement luncheon.
reaion that duc t.] rrnusuall-r high We have a delicious meal to look folwa(d to,
ia:raf ,-.!-aiure!, lhe leir,:rrr,l Ier electriciir. :nav The catering staff here at the club alwavs
;rcee.i iir: jirp,li,- :1i; C!": .i.dl ti oaers and ian: maker our noon e"ents special. lYe also hare
iia ]]i a Eiani 1]se,-iuri;r: ii;s iroi sl;t.nme;- a ,a.tnstic speiker irith us t.da].. Mr. Andrcls
i'largalis -'rarked as a :ranagement trainer fo::
: ir:: !r:rIii'r- : i:,:1ri..-. Iiri. li',i;ease i:: dai'ii:nd fL1i- tlt'enr! -teali beiore I1., r':tired. He has give;-r
.,titr I :-ici it rrr.. r r':.: i :- : :-,'r.,ri.l: iaillrls itr selrlirars all ihg corniry and ir. seyeral
:'. .i ..:,.: ::..'.'.: ...: i.,..;r,'-.. i't.,.,it-. places abroa<i- Nort he rt<lrks nnl.,- iri his
:,: jrr:!i: .:-,:,rii bl:r'kr,tri:, aiitze.! :i,: eakcc ti) garder, bua I am pieased that he has hoaored
it,.rl il,sir ;:r . . : .ri : i ! i-i l: rt , i sat .3i ia!-l''p":aiuies
ti : us by atr.eins to be here todal-. Ho qill share
r,-: ia.-"r'ti !l:.:;r ri!,--:.:i:t,t:-c Fthrcr,hett ali ilr his erpedences as a ;ralager and lead us
:ir:-, ilre:;r a,ul... :1r ia::i:l t: ia.1ii! rii:iii:g t1:i.- through sonr-e e-':ercises designed to help us
ir(-''.lt::- pa: i ,-ri i.-i.;r j.,,1 t,: aC<iiti,-rr. Jr.t-f lii1.- e!aluate our .rfiecti\.eress I,\.iih our strfi. And
.,-...i:i.ri 1rsr..i c:..i.:riral eppliantes .lroLrirl be roa.. without iurr-her ado. I give vo* Orada"t,
a!'.idr';i ii!ii!11 il:: .tjjrilr li the dar. Ii a Margalis.
po.: er i.riii:re oc.rii:iiig :]-l -iour itricllbol:ha\ad
,.ii(:ui<1 i.:,":se a f.iitr:liialle iile-tlrreaieiri:r.q
Queslions 85 through 88 refer to the
t'oliowins husiress repo.t.
cr"rr'igr'nc,t, caii thr .le.tri.iit companl"s
emergi:nrt irtr:lit.r ;1t jaa 97,15. Enerqencr. This area is for auihorized personnel onh'-
r;()rk€ st:iaiilq -:.,,'in i:our erca read!.tc Yoq must have a speaial pass to cnier the area.
rrs?ilr-lLj ..r;-r. i.. naiical. Passes may te obtained at the Securitv Office
uFon preseiltation of a valid's Iicense.
Q$estion-. E0 throueh 5? reiei to ihe
You rnust keep rour pass rvith vou ai all t;rirs
ii,llr'.r'i:-i: rrlr:iicil aiuLal-lncemenl-
driring riour yisit and be prepared to presert it
c!.,r ilri c, ie I Sirea.1..\irlin.-q.
,hank -!
to a uniformed secu;itv officer upon request.
Pieise e\trsc ihi::r!:lri <ielar,'. Due t,-- or]r l! should be hung around your neck or pinaeci
s}ert:ii i,' \., r.,.,:i:;: :: .,: r.:- : li .!lii a ga i i:, .'t i:€ to ihe frt,at of :.our clething ia o;der ta keeF ii
L:u:i ii::j!til!l .:h,:: ;,:Iier: Ali c.:lls 1-jil be pI:inl;: visible- tn aidition, you must obe! th.
a[s',tei?.j i.r ti!ii i)]"--,r>. itar.c ihr- lii-,e, anri safeiv rules posttd on signs throughout the
air ai.lin. iea'r:jitrri.l:: . jll L: f iih , ,..-u..-- aIea,,:':1d Stal.. alli.i! fri.,!: ;eSiriCteC are:s.
!iiortir'. Htr,:. a ii; ir.i !'.r-ri.trer.elers. l1her Relurn r,our pass ao Room 3 beiore exiting the
!ian;ri:t: .;l;rI trip iiirr'l iorget to allo.-r' area. A rie.,v pass r.r'ill be issued each time vou r:iv i,i ii!}':.:. :-r, .: r'i: . l, e. iitc .iii'p(r r
u.isli to entei ihis area.
I:rpt11,s.1 i:;.irri.i s..'i_uiiri, !re.:i-.: irtti$rr lirtes
!rh'lrl passraq thi-i)iigh :aa!iritv Control,
ll{}n'restia ii;r'ele.s ihorlld pian trl arriye t o
hr.rur-. 1,.-ir>: r' ii,.'i r ;r lrcri u lr.,.i dt.pii rt!r ra tiir.:.
:r'i.tilt- ili,.':':r.',ti,rr,i I ir.r'. cicis shcirld .-rrri.,.c
tirt re lrt-iril: airl.:i Lrj ir:,e.

;';,i : .: -.: .--.-.-: j;,_.,.-,ra-

7er, E
Qresaio*s 89 thrcsgh 91 reier io the Quesligrrs 95 thraagh 97 reJer to the
f oliorving ad r,erlisemert. lollowing message.
Atteation all job seekers! Are yon You ha:.e reac}ed the offices of Family
unemployed? Are rou looking for part-time Se{uriav Sr'stems. the coftpanl'' that tilkes care
work? Do y-ot lrave of{ire skil}s that tr.ordd be of all your insurarrce needs. l{e are cpen from
useful in a dortor's ofice, a lar. firm, or an 9:00 to 5:00 l{onda;, through frirlar.. If this is
aai!,ertis;ng agercy? lbur search is over. If vou an emergencl., please p.ess 1" Arr ageni is
har.e basic comFuter skills. kno',y horv tc available 1o assist l.ou izrmediateiy ?4 lrours a
anslver a telephone, an.l have a neat, dav. To spe.: k io sorllealne allilul an exisii!)E
prcfessiolal appearana, r.,,e har.e a pcsihon polit'.. press .l- to;ign up fr)r .) nel\ i'i,::. _!.
for vou, Call 'lenps Cor';pan'v arci tei our llress 5. tt] raSisiei a rhanEe in ylur mailiig
agents find vou a iob tha: maiches vour aCr.lress tsing ou. automated s!sieE.!, p.ess 6.
qualificaticas. All o'.rr ata;lable pcsitions are Ybu Irla'i aiso change rour acitiress anrl cir.:ck
r*-iii: r.;ell-established dorsnicr.;n businqss -,Diil pol;a.; on our compant's trel-)site. Pi€ase
firms. We nat-e job openings in la:; iiums. have vour pclic.,, numbsr and PIN availa1:le
doc!o.'s ofiices, rnarkeiing ;irns, and more. }vhen logging on to the ;Eebsiie. Thaak r-ou for
Aii iob appiicants rnust visit our r)fiice tc take ,'ailir,g icrrrir Set urrtr 5r'.t*mr.
a skills :esi. lhe resulas * iil be availabte
irnmeliateil'- Call us tod*v to makc an Questicrs 98 through 1$3 reier tr tlre
iollorr-ing announcemenl,
appointment- You cor-lld L,r r**orking at your
new job iomorror., Attent!on, shoppers- Don't forget tr: pav a
visit to the i!,lall Ga;den Restaur.rnt, !o.atcd
Qr:estiens 92 throu8h 94 refer to the lrear the fuort enkance. Take a lew minutes to
followiag -,+eather report-
relax irom r'our basy da.v of sh6ppir6 rvhile
Good mormng- Ii's eight o'elock on a vou enroy a drink, a snack, or a nreal, Tadav's
lreauiiful cool rncrning in the lt indr. Citr.. This special is chickea ri li king. Oulrvodd lamors
i* Dan Richarcis ivlth r.our earlv r.nrnng rr.rast heei, spa-qhetli aoma. ari.1 or.'cn rcasied
ii.e.ither reFort. Remernber to aake vour r-egel.rblcs are also availabL' ,or lorlr.iinitrq
umbreiia to wort with r:ou toda!', Dor..'t be pieasure. 'fhe selection of scrdmpiiL1ut
foo.led by ttre nice clear skies an<i sunshine x,e desserts and super-tall sodas arc surc to L,rinli
are havrrg right nox. Dark clouds r.:ill be out ihe kid in vorr, The special chil.lrc:r': rl later tfus moming, and rain penu includes a free to1, u'iih €!,erv meai. Orir
shct:ers are expected this afternoon. Thc rain ieraous ieatime speciai is ser\.!:d e!.e:v
ll'i1l continue through the elening rr'ith heavy aftern.ron betrreen t\+'o an.i four-lhirtv- S<t
r.iorvrperurs at times and possiblv thunder- stop bY ctiri .estaurant toda!,- Ia's a pla.? the
w'hole iamilv enloys. l-!}tile vorr'r* thcrc, ask
the hastess abcui havins vour rext birthciav
Farfv o! othea special er.cnt at the 1.{iili
I Carden Restaurant. 1t is fast becorr]ing ine
place t() entertain.

93s. 1

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