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2021-2022 Катышуучунун 

Код участника 

Кыргыз Республикасынын Министерство

Билим берүү жана илим образования и науки
министрлиги Кыргызской Республики

Республикалык олимпиаданын II (райондук) этабы

II (районный) этап Республиканской олимпиады

Англис тили
Английский язык
2-күн / 2 день

Фамилиясы/ Аты/Имя
Атасынын аты/
Мектеби/Школа Айылы/
Району/Район Шаары/



Нускама / Инструкция:
Экинчи тур (2-күн) төмөндөгүдөй тапшырмалардан турат:
1. Угуу жана түшүнүү:
Текстти угуу (2 жолу) жана ага карата берилген суроолорго жооп берүү (5 суроо)
Аткаруу мөөнөтү: 15 мүн.
Упайлардын максималдуу саны – 10
2. Лексика-грамматикалык тест (40 суроо)
Аткаруу мөөнөтү: 80 мүн.
Упайлардын максималдуу саны – 40
3. Окуу жана түшүнүү:
Сөздүктү колдонбой, белгисиз текстти окуу жана текстке берилген тапшырмаларды аткаруу (8
Аткаруу мөөнөтү: 30 мүн.
Упайлардын максималдуу саны – 10
Бардыгы: 2 саат 5 мүнөт.

Второй тур (2-й день) включает в себя:

1. Аудирование:
Прослушивание текста (2 раза) и выполнение заданий (5 заданий)
Время выполнения: 15 мин
Максимальное количество баллов – 10
2. Лексико-грамматический тест (40 заданий)
Время выполнения: 80 мин
Максимальное количество баллов – 40
3. Чтение
Чтение незнакомого текста без словаря и выполнение заданий к нему (10 заданий)
Время выполнения: 30 мин
Максимальное количество баллов – 10
Всего: 2 часа 5 минут.

Упайы  Катышуучунун коду 
Баллы  Код участника 

1. Listening.
Listening comprehension. For items 1-5 listen to a lecture and circle the correct option. You will
hear the text twice.

1. Choose the statement that expresses the main idea of the lecture.

A. Female self-image is heavily influenced by messages in the media.

B. Many fashion models today are ultra-thin.
C. 80% of women are dissatisfied with their appearance.
D. Everyone is on a diet nowadays.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?

A. Extremely thin women are currently in style.

B. Women should realize that they are being targeted as consumers.
C. Parents should help their daughters avoid a negative self-image.
D. Photos are often altered to make models and actresses look thinner than they are.

3. How many more dissatisfied with the way they look girls are there this year?

A. 29 percent
B. 31 percent
C. 60 percent
D. 80 percent

4. According to the text, majority of girls and women are highly critical to their bodies because

A. they are bombarded with a certain image of beauty by mass media.

B. they are self-conscious about their bodies.
C. they are obsessed with the idea of healthy life style.
D. their parents implanted a positive self-image in them.

5. How many teenaged girls and young women have eating disorders?

A. from 60% to 29%

B. between 5 and 10 million
C. 80%
D. 75%


2. Grammar and vocabulary
Part I Test
Read the following items and circle the correct option.
1. In which of the following sentences the situation described is true in general?

A. If people part, they often cry.

B. If you go away, there will be lonely tears to cry.
C. If you went away, there would be tears in the sky.
D. If you had gone away when we were young, the sun above would have never
shone again for me.

2.  The prices _____.

 They _____ them by 30 percent.
Which of the following variants must be used in the blanks in the sentences above?

A. are raising, raised

B. are raising, rose
C. are rising, raised
D. are rising, rose

3. I am right in explaining this phenomenon, _____?

I am not arrogant, _____?
Which of the following variants must be used to complete the sentences above?

A. am I not, am I not
B. am I, am I
C. am I not, aren’t I
D. aren’t I, am I

4. Which of the following sentences does NOT make sense?

A. A cat that often scratches people with its claws is aggressive.

B. A parrot that has fun holding a ball in its beak is distructive.
C. An animal that is easy to care for is low-maintenance.
D. A pet that is good with kids is good-natured.

5. Which of the people below is sure to spend the holiday in Spain?

A. Alan is likely to spend his holiday in Spain.

B. Alzira will probably spend her holiday in Spain.
C. Maria is certain to spend her holiday in Spain.
D. Alina is unlikely to spend her holiday in Spain.

6. When you arrive at the airport, an escort _____ for you. You _____ him very easily.
He _____ a dark green suit and a yellow tie.
Which of the following variants must be used in the blanks above?

A. will wait, recognize, wears

B. waits, will recognize, has been wearing
C. will be waiting, will recognize, will be wearing
D. waited, recognized, was wearing

7. I am annoyed at _____ to wait in line all day and evening just to get in.
Which of the following variants must be used to complete the sentence above?

A. forcing
B. being forced
C. forced
D. be forcing

8. I am energy and motion,

I can fly across the ocean,
I can hear and I can speak,
I can see and I can seek.
I eat neither bread nor gruel,
I eat energy and fuel.
Better say: I never eat
I am transformated heat.
Which of the following variants is the answer to the riddle above?

A. fire
B. sound
C. thunder
D. electricity

9. Just after Alan _____ university, he _____ an old friend who _____ him the
opportunity to join his company.
Which of the following variants must be used in the blanks in the sentence above?

A. has left, has met, has offered

B. left, met, offered
C. has left, met, offered
D. left, has met, offered

10.  I used to travel more

 _____.
Which of the following variants can’t be used to agree with the statement above?

A. I did, too.
B. So did I.
C. Me too.
D. Too did I.

11. I. If Almaz had taken a map with him, he wouldn’t have got lost.
II. Almaz doesn’t take a map with him and he often gets lost.
III. Almaz wished he had taken a map with him not to get lost.
IV. Almaz would get lost if he didn’t take a map with him.
Which of the sentences above express the same idea?

A. I and IV only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. II and IV only

12. When you admire someone or something very much you can say that you are _____.
Which of the following variants must be used in the blank in the sentence above?

A. impress
B. impressive
C. impressing
D. impressed

13. It is very important _____ our new flat.

Which of the following variants must be used in the blank in the sentence above?

A. to him to see
B. to him see
C. for him to see
D. for him see

14. I always _____ at the sight of blood.

This philosophy is so _____ that I can hardly read it.
Which of the following words makes sense in both of the sentences above?

A. scream
B. faint
C. small
D. light

15. Someone who is _____-eyed is very good at seeing or noticing things.

Which of the following words best completes the sentence above?

A. lion
B. owl
C. eagle
D. dog

16. The word Manhattan derived from the Indian word means “island of hills”.
Which of the following variants doesn’t mean the same as the underlined word in the
sentence above?

A. borrowed
B. got
C. originated
D. named

17.  I _____ a sharp pain in my stomach just now.

 _____ you _____ it before?
Which of the following variants must be used in the blanks in the sentence above?

A. felt, Did, feel

B. am feeling, Are, feeling
C. was feeling, Do, feel
D. have felt, Have, felt

18. Adilet spent _____ time on the English language project.
Which of the following variants musn’t be used in the blank above?

A. too much
B. plenty of
C. a large number of
D. a good deal of

19. Asel is going to help him with the typing.

Which of the following questions is the correct one to the underlined part in the
sentence above?

A. Who is going to help him with the typing?

B. What is Asel going to do?
C. What is Asel going to help him with?
D. Who is Asel going to help with the typing?

20. The next morning when Nodira came out, she saw that the streets _____ by rain.
Which of the following variants must be used in the blank in the sentence above?

A. washed out
B. were washed out
C. have been washed out
D. had been washed out

21. Imagine! This time tomorrow we _____ on the beach.

Which of the following variants must be used in the blank in the sentence above?

A. will lie
B. will be lying
C. will lay
D. will be laying

22. Ten pounds _____ enough to buy a car nowadays.

Which of the following variants must be used in the blank in the sentence above?

A. are not
B. is not
C. were not
D. hasn’t been

23. I. I’m going to see the doctor tomorrow.

II. He’ll be a good doctor.
III. I’m going to buy a new car next year.
IV. The airport will be crowded.
Which of the sentences above are about predictions?

A. II and IV only
B. I and II only
C. II, III and IV only
D. All of them

24. I ordered a new computer online, but I had no idea the monitor would be so big. It
_____ on my desk. I should have bought a laptop.
Which of the following variants must be used in the blank in the sentence above?

A. costs so much to maintain

B. takes up so much room
C. is so hard to operate
D. is so hard to put together


Part II Text “War of the Worlds” (word formation)
Read and complete the text. Choose the proper word or phrase that best completes the text.
War of the Worlds
On the evening of Sunday, October 30, 1938, people 1. _____ to their radios in the U.S. received
some terrifying news: CBS radio 2. _____ that explosions 3. _____ on the planet Mars, and that alien
spaceships had landed in New Jersey. The radio 4. _____ reported “live” from the 5. _____ site,
describing the 6. _____ creatures that emerged from the ships. Next, the radio reported that the Martians
were apparently advancing on New York City, killing anything that came in their path. 7. _____ the
radio reported that Martian ships had also landed in Chicago, Illinois, and St. Louis, Missouri.
In 1938, radio was a major source of news and 8. _____ with people listening to programs for
information, just as people often get information from their TV’s or computers today. 9. _____ are that
possibly a million people heard the broadcast and 10. _____, sure that the Earth was under Martian
attack. Highways became jammed with traffic as 11. _____ people attempted to escape the areas in
which the ships had landed.
In reality, the “reports” were all part of a radio adaptation of a science fiction novel by H.G. Wells
titled War of the Worlds. The program was performed live on the radio by the Mercury Theater
company, headed by actor and director Orson Welles. (Though the names are similar, the author and
actor were not related.)
At the beginning of the radio broadcast, Welles announced that the program was a performance of
the story, but many people had 12. _____ their radios after the program had already started and missed
that announcement. Welles and the other actors used state-of-the-art equipment for sound effects and
worked hard to make their program 13. _____ like a real radio news broadcast. They succeeded beyond
what anyone had expected. Welles was even forced to go back on the air to 14. _____ people that what
they had heard was actually 15. _____.
Welles said later that no one had ever intended to fool the public. In fact, according to some of the
actors involved, many people thought that listeners would be bored by the performance or would think it
was ridiculous. They couldn’t have known that people would think the broadcast was 16. _____. Welles
himself was afraid that it would be a complete failure. Instead, War of the World launched his career, and
he went on to be a much-celebrated movie director and actor.
1 A listening B to listen C listened D were listening
2 A reporting B reports C was reporting D had reported
3 A detected B had been detected C had detected D were detected
4 A announcer B announcing C announced D announce
5 A motherland B land C landed D landing
6 A fearsome B fearful C fearless D fearlessness
7 A Finally B On the other hand C As a result D Soon after
8 A entertain B entertainment C entertaining D entertained
9 A Estimating B Estimate C Estimated D Estimates
10 A panicking B panicked C panic D panicky
11 A terrified B terrific C terrible D terror
12 A turned on B turned off C turned down D turned up
13 A look B speak C sound D read
14 A reassure B assure C ensure D sure
15 A a fable B fiction C a fact D a tale
16 A hype B fake C real D a hoax


3. Reading
Read the text and do the tasks to it.
Holistic Medicine
Holistic medicine is the belief in treating the person as a whole – including their emotions and
general health – rather than just treating the symptoms of a disease. Preventative and therapeutic
forms of treatment range from reflexology and aromatherapy to gemstone and crystal therapy.
Reflexology is an ancient form of holistic treatment, with links to Arabic and Eastern cultures.
It is based on the principle that major glands and organs of the body correspond to areas on the feet
and hands. Therapy involves using pressure on a particular area of the foot, which in turn stimulates
the nerve connection. Reflexology, it is claimed, also helps improve the body’s blood circulation as
well as removing toxins.
Aromatherapy has been practised in one form or another since beginning of civilization. It involves the
use of pure oils from aromatic flowers, herbs and spices to enhance health and beauty. Apart from the
physical benefits to the face and body, the oils can also have a calming effect on the mind and emotions. The
oils are most effective when applied directly to the skin, but they can also be added to bathwater or inhaled.
Another alternative therapy for strengthening and energizing the body, as well as treating illnesses, is
the use of crystals and gemstones. Therapy involves wearing the stones around the neck or placing them on
particular parts of the body. The special healing powers of the stones is then passed on. Gemstones and
crystals are also believed to help the wearer feel more relaxed and mentally alert. This, in turn, allows the
body to heal itself more naturally.
Although holistic medicine is not a new idea, such alternative forms of therapy have been gaining
popularity in recent years. Increasing numbers of people avoid orthodox methods of treatment in favor of
more natural (and often more successful) processes. Holistic medicine may not be for everyone, but more
and more people are using these therapies to cure a wide range of medical problems.

1. According to the text, holistic medicine is aimed at

A. treating the symptoms of a disease.

B. dealing with patients having neurological and mental problems.
C. dealing with physical health of the patients.
D. treating people from every aspect concerning their health.

2. Which of the sentences below is not true according to the text.

Reflexology ______.

A. can only help if you have problems with your feet and hands
B. comes back to the ancient cultures of the world civilization
C. helps people get rid of harmful substances in their bodies
D. effects the body’s blood circulation

3. The word “inhaled” in line 12 is closest in meaning to

A. eaten
B. breathed in
C. taken with some water
D. used to make food

4. Wearing stones can _____.
Which of the variants below is not true according to the text?

A. give you mental strength

B. improve your skin
C. help the body feel relaxed
D. give you much energy

5. Holistic treatment _____.

Which of the variants below is true according to the text?

A. helps people become successful

B. has replaced orthodox treatment
C. is becoming popular
D. is as natural as orthodox treatment

6. Which of the following words doesn’t characterize Holistic medicine according to the

A. orthodox
B. alternative
C. more natural
D. ancient

7. According to the text, aroma therapy includes _____.

A. producing aromatic oils

B. using pleasant smelling oils
C. having flowers in the house
D. collecting herbs

8. According to the text, massaging the feet will ______.

A. relax the nerves

B. apply pressure to major glands and organs
C. increase blood pressure
D. improve body’s circulation

9. Using oils from flowers and plants _____.

According to the text, which of the variants below is not true?

A. is a new type of medicine

B. improves your appearance
C. works when rubbed into the skin
D. can be used when having a bath

10. People who undergo gemstone therapy _____.
Which is the best way to complete the sentence above?

A. need to stay mentally alert during the therapy

B. use crystals and gemstones to pass their healing powers to the generations to
C. might observe different curative effects
D. think that it is the only therapy that can cure them


In total /60


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