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Sample Paper 19
Class X Exam 2021-22 (TERM – II)
English - Language and Literature (184)
Time Allowed: 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING & GRAMMAR and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the passage given below. 1*5
1. Throughout the world animals are being exterminated because their furs have a high market value. Fashion bears a
heavy responsibility for the hunting of these wild creatures. Once lots of jaguars are slaughtered in South America;
cheetahs in Africa; leopards in Asia. All the large cats are in danger of extinction, although they are among the
world’s rarest and most beautiful animals. Would you wear a leopard-skin coat, if you knew that fourteen of these
animals had been killed to make the coat? And this is only the beginning. Whales are slaughtered and are in danger
of extermination because whale oil is used in cosmetics and in other preparations. Turtles are becoming rare partly
because people eat turtle soup; crocodiles and alligators are killed to make handbags and shoes. Expensive scent is
based on musk from civet cats.
2. Great damage to the animal world is also inflicted by wasteful and cruel methods of hunting animals for zoos, wild-life
parks, circuses, and the pet trade, although the first two of these have done great service in protecting rare species.
The whole subject of animals in captivity raises questions to which one may give different answers. Naturalists and
nature lovers are individuals. They do not all think alike. One would enjoy seeing elephants performing in the circus
rings; another would be sickened by the sight of animals trained to do tricks. One would keep wild animals as pets;
another would consider it wrong to take such creatures from their natural surroundings, and tame them, making
them into something different from what they are by nature.
3. Now-a-days, in the twentieth century, man often seems to be living in an artificial world of his own making, too far
removed from the rest of the natural world. Perhaps he needs to learn afresh that he cannot survive if he destroys
too much of nature’s network-the fabric of life in a living world.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.
i. What is the connection between fashion and animals’ fur?
ii. The author says whales are in danger. What reason does she give for this?
iii. Name nine animals which are becoming scarer because they are killed to provide man with luxuries.
iv. Which two types of captivity have actually helped to preserve some species?
v. “Man often seems to be living in an artificial world of his own making.” What does the author think man must
learn in order to survive?
vi. Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with a word that means the same from
para 1.
I should have voted for at least three presidential candidates at this point in my life, but that possibility where
I come from was completely destroyed like a deadly pandemic.

2. Read the case based factual passage given below. 1*5

1. Traditional TV and YouTube both play important roles in a changing viewing landscape, but some children feel that

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there is not enough content that reflects their lives.

2. Live viewing on the TV set remains an important part of children’s lives. The TV set is still used by more children
than any other device for watching content, and most of this viewing is made up of live TV, with early evening
family entertainment from the BBC and ITV dominating the top ten most-watched programmes among 4-15s. For
younger children, TV on the TV set makes up the largest proportion of their media time, and although there has
been a decline over the last decade in the number of hours children spend watching, 2017 has seen an increase in the
number of hours parents of younger children say their child spends watching TV on the TV set.
3. For older children the picture is more mixed. The 12-15s who watch TV on a TV set spend nearly 14 and a half
hours a week viewing, similar to younger children. However, this is part of their larger overall media consumption,
and they spend more hours online and using their mobiles in a typical week than watching on a TV set. This age
group are also most likely not to watch on a TV set at all : around one in ten 12-15s say that they don’t watch any
television on a TV set, higher than last year, while the number who say this is the device they mostly use to watch
TV has decreased since last year to around six in ten. This change in the habits of older children is part of wider
changes in the media landscape.
4. For example, more 3-11s are online than in 2016, with much of this growth coming from increased use of tablets.
Unsurprisingly, tablets and other portable, connected devices are also playing an important role in TV viewing, with
increases in the numbers of children who ever watch TV on a device other than a TV set, and nearly a quarter of
12-15s mostly watching on either a tablet or a mobile phone.
5. The other important factor in the changing content consumption landscape is YouTube. Double digit increases
this year 2017 mean that half of 3-4s and more than eight in ten 5-15s now use YouTube. It is the most recognized
content brand among 12-15s, and the one they are most likely to think includes their age group in its target
audience, saying either that it is aimed specifically at their age group or at everyone. It is the one they would turn
to first for all types of content they say is important to them, and the one they say they would miss the most if it
was taken away. More 8-11s and 12-15s also say they prefer watching content on YouTube than TV programmes on
the TV set. Some of what children are watching on YouTube includes whole programmes, but there is huge variety,
and younger children are most likely to be using it to watch cartoons, mini-movies or songs, while older children are
most likely to watch music videos and funny or prank videos.
6. Despite the wide range of available content and services, however, around a third of 8-11s say that there are
not enough programmes that show children that look like them, and four in ten 12-15s say there are not enough
programmes that show children living in the same part of the country as them.

• 1% have their own smartphone, • 39% have their own smartphone,

21% have their own table 52% have their own tablet.
• 96% watch TV on a TV set, for • 95% watch TV on a TV set, for
around 15h a week nearly 14h a week.
• 41% watch TV on other devices, • 55% watch TV on other devices,
mostly on a tablet mostly on a tablet
• 40% play games, for nearly 6h a • 81% play games, for around 10h a
week. week.
• 53% go online, for nearly 8h a week. • 94% go online, for nearly 13.5h a
• 71% of these mostly use a tablet to week.
go online. • 46% of these mostly use a tablet to
• 48% use YouTube, of which 52% go online,
of these say cartoons are their • 22% a mobile.
favourite thing to watch, 15% say • 81% use YouTube, of which 23%
unboxing videos. say funny videos or pranks are their
• 0% have a social media profile favourite thing to watch, 18% say
music videos.
• 23% have a social media profile.
• The TV set or tablet are the devices
they would miss the most.

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Page 168 Sample Paper 19 CBSE English Class 10

• 5% have their own smartphone, • 83% have their own smartphone,

35% have their own tablet. 55% have their own tablet.
• 95% watch TV on a TV set, for • 91% watch TV on a TV set, for
around 13.5h a week nearly 14.5h a week.
• 49% watch TV on other devices, • 68% watch TV on other devices,
mostly on a tablet mostly a tablet or mobile.
• 66% play games, for nearly 7.5h a • 77% play games, for around 12h
week. a week.
• 79% go online, for around 9h a • 99% go online, for nearly 21h a
week. week.
• 63% of these mostly use a tablet • 49% of these mostly use a tablet
to go online. to go online, 26% mostly use a
• 71% use You Tube, of which 30% mobile.
say cartoons are their favourite • 90% use YouTube, of which 26%
thing to watch, 18% say funny say music videos are their favourite
videos or pranks. thing to watch, 23% say funny
• 3% have a social media profile. videos or pranks.
• The TV set is the device they say • 74% have a social media profile.
they would miss the most. • Their mobile phone is the device
they would miss the most.

 Figure : Media Lives By Age: A Snapshot

On the basis of your understanding of the Passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.
i. Where do the 12 to 15 year olds spend more hours in a typical week?
ii. Which is the device used by 63% of 5 to 7 year olds to go online?
iii. Why do the 90% of 12 to 15 year olds use YouTube?
iv. Which content brand includes 12 to 15 years age group in its target audience and is the most recognized content
brand for the 12-15s?
v. What is the content watched by the younger children on YouTube?
vi. What do the three in ten of 8 to 11 year olds say about media?


3. Attempt ANY ONE from i and ii. 5
i. Read the following excerpt from an article that appeared in the magazine section of a local daily:
“The ban on single-use plastic is impractical. The purpose of articles like bags and packaging is ultimately to
make human life easier. Plastic articles do this well, so they shouldn’t be banned.”
Write a paragraph in not more than 120 words to analyse the given argument. You could think about what
alternative explanations might weaken the given conclusion and include rationale/evidence that would
strengthen/counter the given argument.
ii. You are Vaijanthi/Vijay from Prakasham Nagar, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Write a letter to Book Haven
Store, requesting home delivery of the books, stationery and art materials you had ordered telephonically. Share
the reason for being unable to pick up the goods in person. Confirm your address details and a convenient time

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4. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its
correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the correction. The first one has been done
for you. 1*3

Error Correction
At the age of seventeen, Galileo know that he had E.g. know knew
discovered an important law-a law of a pendulum. (a)
He see that if he could check the time of a swing of the pendulum (b)
by means of his pulse beats, he can just as well (c)
check his pulse by means of a pendulum.

5. Read the comic strip given below and complete the passage that follows : 1*2

One day Krishna found one of his friends crying. He asked (a) _____ and why he was crying. His friend was
inconsolable and wailed that all (b) _____ he informed that they had drank water from kaliya’s pool.


6. Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each. 2*6
i. What questions did the old woman ask Valli?
ii. How can you say that Natalya was not convinced that Oxen Meadows were owned by Lomov?
iii. What is the theme of the poem ‘Amanda’ ?
iv. What is the central idea of the poem ‘Animals’ ?
v. What did Custard do when he saw the pirate?
vi. What were the factors which contributed to making Ebright a scientist?
vii. What kind of a mother, do you think, Ramlal’s wife was?

7. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120 words each. 4*2
i. The author of ‘A Baker from Goa’ Lucio Rodrigues cherishes the traditional practices in Goa; making of ‘bol’
cakes and bolinhas, putting on Kadai by bakers etc. Do yoy think our traditions - heritage, values and practices
are the roots that nourish us? Why/Why not?
ii. Who was the real hero ? How did he save the other animals ? Was he proud of his bravery? Justify your answer
with instances from the poem “The Tale of Custard the Dragon”.
iii. How did the hack driver befool the lawyer? What impression do you form of the lawyer after this incident?

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