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Author1 Putri Suaidah Pulungan

Country Indonesia
correspondent Author: putrisuaidahpulungan@iaidu-asahan.ac.id


This study aims to find out: (1) the quality of teaching materials based on a metacognitive approach to improve the
mathematical reasoning abilities of Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School students, (2) Increasing students'
mathematical reasoning abilities by using teaching materials based on a metacognitive approach, this research is a
development research. using the 4-D development model, the teaching materials developed (Teacher's Book,
Student's Book) The first trial was carried out on students of class XI MIA 2 Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School
and trial II on students of class XI MIA 3 Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School, then the dissemination stage was in
class XI MIA 2 Al-Husnayain Islamic Boarding School. From the results of trial I and trial II obtained: 1) teaching
materials based on the metacognitive approach that were developed were effective, in terms of: a) student activities
within a predetermined tolerance, b) completeness of classical reasoning ability tests; 2) the improvement of
students' mathematical reasoning skills by using teaching materials based on a metacognitive approach seen based on
the distribution stage in the pre-test and post-test of 35.8% with N-gain = 0.718 high category.

Key words: Development, Instructional Materials, Metacognitive Approach, reasoning ability.


Education in this era of globalization is developing very rapidly, with the advancement of science and technology.
Education is a necessity for every human being because with education a person can gain various knowledge,
experience and skills. As expressed by Koray (2013:2746) “In modern educational point of view, student must be
heartened to go beyond the memorization of fact, to think critically and creatively, and to apply their knowledge to
problem solving in new and unfamiliar contexts”. And also delivered by Telaumbanua, Sinaga, Mukhtar, and Surya
(2017:73)“In formal education, mathematics is one of the areas studied by students. Mathematics is a language that
represents a series of meaningful statements that we want to convey. Basically mathematics is required by all
scientific disciplines to increase the predictability and control of the science”.

In formal education, mathematics is one of the fields of study that students learn, and they are required to
have the ability to think critically, systematic, logical, creative, reasoning, and cooperate effectively so that they can
develop. In line with Hasibuan, Surya and Syahputra (2017: 3222) “Relating with the teaching learning process
that’s emphasized in reasoning arrangement, critical attitude development, logic and the skill of applicating
mathematic thus the students must have the ability of understanding mathematic concept as a main requirement” .
Mathematics is one of the subjects in school that can be used to achieve this goal. "Mathematics is a universal
science that underlies the development of modern technology, has an important role in various disciplines and
develops the power of human thought" (Hasratuddin, 2015: 35). Mathematics is a means of scientific thinking
needed to develop logical, systematic, and critical thinking skills in students. As well as mathematics is needed by
everyone in everyday life. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) (Hasratuddin, 2015:35) states
that: School mathematics standards include content standards (mathematical content) and process standards
(mathematical processes). Process standards include problem solving, reasoning and proof, connections,
communication, and representation. Together these process standards are the basic skills and understanding that
students need in the 21st century.

These skills are high order mathematical thinking skills that are important for students to develop in the
mathematics learning process. In line with Napitupulu (2017:167) “On one side, schools should prepare students to
live in the twenty first century...To be survive, they should be smart, that is capable and competent in higher order
thinking such as reasoning, logical, critical, and creative in the frame of problem solving. On the other side, they
should have, to some extent, perseverance, self-regulated learning, self-efficacy, and positive attitude to doing
mathematics. Being smart and having good character, they become productive citizens”. In the 21st century,
schools must prepare students to have higher-order thinking such as reasoning, logical, critical, and creative problem
solving. On the other hand, students must also have positive affective so that students are not only smart but have
good character. The importance of mathematical reasoning abilities listed in the objectives of learning mathematics
in schools is "so that students have the ability to use reasoning on patterns and characteristics, perform mathematical
manipulations in making generalizations, compiling evidence or explain mathematical ideas and statements”
(Hasratuddin, 2015:55).

In detail and also important in developing mathematical ideas. The above is in line with what was conveyed
by Shivakumar (2014:1) Reasoning skills develop gradually though a person’s lifetime and at different rate for
different individuals … Reasoning skill are recognized as the key abilities for human being to crate, learn, and
exploit knowledge. These skills are also an important factor in the process of human civilization. Therefore, the
importance of reasoning skill has been of great concern in educational settings and the world of work . Reasoning
ability is something that must be developed and has different stages in the life of each individual and is
indispensable in knowledge, therefore, the importance of reasoning skills has become a major concern in educational
settings and the world of work. Koray (2013: 2746) states “Reasoning ability has also an important role in
meaningfully construction of science concepts”. Reasoning also supports a person to become a competitive human
being in social life. Ritonga, Surya, and Syahputra (2017: 3788) stated “Mathematics as one of the basic sciences,
both aspects of its implementation as well as aspects of reasoning, has an important role in the effort mastery of
science and technology”. Reasoning has an important role in technological progress. “Innovation are sxpected in
mathematic learning activities. It is not only purposes to mastery in understanding subject, reasoning, problem
solving, communicating but also to improve students mathematic disposition”. Innovation is reflected in learning
activities, which in mastering the subject requires reasoning. “Piagetian approach accept reasoning ability as
higher level cognitive ability and the most important indikator of cognitive development” (Koray, 2013:2746).
Reasoning if discussed further is an activity, process or activity of thinking to draw conclusions or make a new
statement that is true based on several statements whose truth has been proven previously.

Reasoning is divided into two, namely inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. Students can submit
conjectures and then compile evidence, manipulate mathematical problems (questions) and draw conclusions
correctly and precisely through reasoning. The ability to reason feels very important when dealing with unusual
problems, because of how he builds and looks for ideas to prove a truth or conclusion. “In addition, students
experience issues in problem solving due to poor reasoning. Poor reasoning involves unfounded and hasty
reasoning processes resulting from insufficient understanding of the subject in question” (Gunhan, 2014: 2). The
Ministry of National Education (in Shadiq, 2004:3) states that "mathematical material and mathematical reasoning
are two things that cannot be separated, namely mathematical material is understood through reasoning and
reasoning is understood and trained through learning mathematical material". Reasoning ability is not only needed
by students when learning mathematics or other subjects, but it is needed when students are required to reason and
make decisions in life's problems. Bruner (in Lohman, 2009:3) states that “Reasoning refers to the process of
drawing conclusions or inferences from information. Reasoning always requires going beyond the information that
is given”.
Reasoning with the process of drawing conclusions from information, usually reasoning provides more
information than is given. The reasoning aspect is an ability that must be possessed by students as a standard that
allows one to master concepts in general and specifically in depth. Based on the explanation above, increasing
reasoning ability needs to be the focus of attention in learning mathematics. Currently, the emphasis on learning is
student-centered learning where students are given the opportunity to reason about the problems they face until they
get the right solution or conclusion, and the teacher only acts as a facilitator. In line with Riyanto (in Sudarman
2016: 53) stated: "One of the causes of the lack of reasoning ability and student mathematics achievement is the
learning process carried out by the teacher in the classroom does not involve students in the learning process or
there is no discussion between students and students and students with teachers" .

Nurdalilah, Syahputra, and Armanto (2013:1) "Based on a preliminary study conducted at SMA N 1
Kualuh Selatan as many as 37 students obtained an average score of 11.87 for the experimental class" while from
the case examples the researchers found in class XI MIA2 Ponpes Darul Falah as many as 30 students who were
tested only 8 were correct and 22 other students were incorrect, if represented 73% of the total number of students
had difficulty in solving questions in the form of reasoning, the questions given were Figure 1.1

Figure 1.1 Sample Problems of Reasoning Skills

The indicators of reasoning ability of Hasratuddin (2015: 95) can be described as follows (1) capable of
presenting conjectures (2) giving reasons or evidence to the truth of a statement (3) drawing conclusions from a
statement (4) examining the validity of the argument (5) ) determines the pattern of a mathematical phenomenon (6)
provides an alternative to an argument.
Reality on the ground shows that the answers of learners

Tidak dapat membuktikan

kebenaran dari suatu

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan

d,e dan f yaitu berhubungan
dengan pertanyaan c jawaban
siswa salah disini terlihat
kurangnya penalaran siswa
Masih kurang mampu
dalam mengajukan

Masih kurang penguasaan

terhadap penyelesaian

Figure 1.2 Examples of Learners Work Results

Based on the above answers students have not been able to determine the allegations and write into the
mathematical model, still less mastery of solving problems, even students are only able to identify the problem
without any settlement. Worse there are some students are totally unable to identify and are not able to solve the
problem at all, therefore needed an effort to the problem. This requires that we as teachers choose the appropriate
strategy to improve the channel and reduce errors.
Based on observations and interviews conducted on teachers and students Ponpes Darul Falah on
September 19, 2016. The results shown are the teaching materials used are not yet effective to hone the students'
reasoning. Specifically again only use the teaching materials of the book, no LKS (Student Worksheet) that support
the ability of p commemorative .
The following is a textbook that has not been adapted to the real-life context. This can be seen in the
problem in the student textbook in Figure 1.3.

dengan konteks
kehidupan nyata.

Masih menggunakan
soal rutin

Figure 1.3 Examples of teaching materials (1)

It can be seen that the book uses routine questions and does not use the reasoning in working on the
problem, but also the teaching materials have not been arranged in context with the needs of the student
"Teaching materials are a set of materials that are arranged systematically, whether written or not, so as to
create an environment or atmosphere that allows students to learn". (Prastowo, 2014: 138)
One of the important problems that often faced by educators in learning activities is to choose or determine
the right teaching materials or learning materials in order to help students achieving competence. This is due to the
fact that in the curriculum or syllabus, teaching material material is only outlined in the form of the subject matter.
It is the teacher's job to describe the subject matter so that it becomes a complete teaching material. In
addition, how to use teaching materials is also a problem. The intended use is how the teacher teaches it and the way
the students learn it, Prastowo (2014: 141) states "instructional materials that fit the curriculum demands and
according to the needs of students".
Development of teaching materials is important for teachers to make learning more effective, efficient, and
not deviated from the competence to be achieved. Teaching materials that are developed must be teaching materials
that can construct knowledge in students and also associated with the real life context of students.

Tidak ada aktivitas

pembelajaran dalam buku.
Sehingga pembentukan
karakter (rasa ingin tahu,
kemandirian, & peduli
sosial) kecenderungan
tidak hadir.

Figure 1.4 Example of teaching material (2)

There is no learning activity in the book that gives students a chance both individually and in groups to take
an active role in constructing lessons. So the formation of character (curiosity, independence & social care) tendency
not present.
"Characters coherently radiate from the results of the mind. Sports, sports, as well as a person's work and a
group of people "(Solahudin, 2013: 42). Where character is a permanent behavior that is both good and bad.
Prayotno (in Manullang, 2013: 7) says that " The end of education is character ". Thus, all educational activities
should lead to character formation.
A preliminary study conducted by Pasaribu (2011 : 130 ) on the metacognitive approach of PQ4R there is
an improvement in the ability of grade V elementary school students in modeling mathematics stories on fractional
subjects. The result of the test of the test modeled the mathematics story in cycle I that is the average value = 51,36
and the classical completeness = 51,06% and the result of the test test modeling the math story in cycle II that is
average value = 77,23 and the classical completeness = 87.23%.

From the results of the research above, the metacognitive approach can improve students' reasoning
abilities because metacognitive is a learning approach that prioritizes self-reasoning of learning materials, whether
or not they understand the subject matter being studied, because metacognitive is self-reasoning that requires high
Based on the problems described above, this study aims to 1) develop teaching materials based on a valid,
practical, and effective metacognitive approach to improve students' mathematical reasoning abilities, 2) describe
improving students' reasoning abilities by developing teaching materials based on metacognitive approaches.

This research is a development research that uses the Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel device development model,
namely the 4-D model (define, design, develop, disseminate).

Figure 1.5 Modification of Thiagarajan's 4-D Model Teaching Material Development Chart (1974)

This research has been carried out at Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School which is in class XI MIA students in the
second semester of the 2016/2017 Academic Year. The time of the research was carried out in 2017. The subjects in
this study were students of class XI MIA 1 and XI MIA 2 Ponpes Darul Falah Asahan, while the objects in this
study were teaching materials developed using a metacognitive approach to geometry transformation material.


The development process to obtain teaching material products based on valid, practical and effective metacognitive
strategies. Valid teaching materials carried out validation activities. For practicality, it can be seen from the
responses of students and teachers to teaching materials and teacher activities in managing learning. Meanwhile,
effective teaching materials were carried out by pre-survey activities and field trials. Practical validity and
effectiveness are measured based on theoretical rationale and established consistency.

1. Validity, practicality and effectiveness of teaching materials using a metacognitive approach

2. Results of Validation of Teaching Materials Based on Metacognitive Approach

Table 1.2 The results of validation of teaching materials developed

no Objects rated The average Level of

value of validity
1 Master's Book 4.30 Valid
2 Student Book 4.38 valid
Based on Table 1.2, the average of the total validity of mathematics teaching materials is at interval 4 ≤ Va
<5. Based on the criteria of validity it can be said that the mathematics materials developed vali d. Zulfahmi, et al
(2017: 1083 ) mentioned that in development research one must show valid criteria based on expert judgment in the
field. Valid means the instrument can be used to measure what should be measured.

b. The Practicality of Instructional Materials Based on Metacognitive Approach

1)       Teacher response to teacher test book I and trial II
Questionnaire Teacher's response to teaching materials based on metacognitive approach that is aspect of
appraisal to teacher book format, material / content, language. Result of data analysis of teacher response
questionnaire to component of teaching materials based on metacognitive approach developed is presented as
4.25 4.23
4.05 4.03
uji coba I uJi coba II
Figure 1.6 Practical diagram of the book book
From the teacher's answer to the practicality of the teacher book, the total mean for the pilot test I obtained
4.03 with the criteria of "very good", and teacher's answer to the practicality of the average test teacher book II
obtained 4.23 with the criteria of "very good"
2)       Student responses to the students test book I and II trial
Questionnaire Student response to teaching materials based on metacognitive approach with character
education design used include positive response and negative response and response. Positive responses are
characterized by positive statements such as happy, new, interested, clear and interested in the components of
teaching materials that are developed. While negative statements are marked with statements such as being unhappy,
not new, uninterested, unclear and not interested in using the components of developed materials. The result of
questionnaire responses data analysis of student toward component of teaching materials based on metacognitive
approach developed is presented as follows.
3.385 3.38
uji coba I
uJi coba II

Figure 1.7 Practical diagram of the book

Of the total students 'answers for the total average I trials were 3.38 with the "good" criterion, and all the
students' answers for the total average for the second trial were 3.40 with "good" criteria.
3)       The ability of teachers to manage experimental learning I and trial II

The result of the analysis of the observation data of teachers' ability to manage the learning concluded that
the achievement of the level of ability of the teacher to manage the learning on trial I and the second trial is included
in the "good" category which means the teaching materials based on metacognitive approach is said to be practical
or applicable.

3.45 3.47
uji coba I uJi coba II

Figure 1.8 Diagram of teacher's ability to manage learning

From the teacher's ability to manage the lesson, the total mean for trial I was 3.20 with "good enough"
criteria, and teacher's ability to manage the learning, the total average for trial II was 3.47 with "good" criterion. Hia
points out (2017: 24) " Theachers manual and student handbook and learning implementing plan and student
activity worksheet stated practically if the ability of teachers to prepare the learning in minimally good" . From the
exposure that has been raised by Hia can be drawn the conclusion that the developed teaching materials at least on
good criteria.
It can be concluded that teaching materials based on metacognitive approach with is practically viewed
from teacher ability to manage learning.
c. The Effectiveness of Instructional Materials Based on Metacognitive Approach
1)       Student learning outcomes are classical experimental I and trial II
Descriptions of students' mathematical reasoning abilities on trial I and II will be described as follows:

85 86.67



uji coba I uJi coba II

Figure 1.9 Results of Student Mathematical reasoning test

Completeness of learning to students' mathematical reasoning ability classically on trial I 73.33%, and in
trial II that is 86.67%. This is in line with Noto (2015: 22) learning with an effective metacognitive approach to
students' mathematical reasoning , mathematical reasoning reaches the criteria of classical completeness 86.33%
greater than KKM of 75. Furthermore Telaumbanua, et al (2017: 78 ) which concluded " ... the application of
mathematics module based on metacognitive strategy is 0.19 with the average score of the test problem in test I
obtained is 2.99. While in trial II ob tained the average value of the test results of mathematical problem solving
ability is 3.18. ". It implies that students' mathematics learning outcomes through tests in the application of learning
with metacognitive strategies increase.
It can be concluded that in the second try, students' reasoning ability has been effective against teaching
materials based on metacognitive approach with character education design that has been developed.
2)       Student activity of trial I and trial II
The following will briefly describe the average percentage of student activity time

30 27.6
25.8 24.9 25.5
25 23.2 23.6
20 18.1
Representasi waktu

15 uji coba 1
uji coba 2
5 3.6

Jenis Aktivitas Siswa

Figure 1.10 Student Activity

From trial I there are 2 activities of students who do not meet the ideal time is on reading activities and
activities to solve problems contained in the LKS. While in the second experiment student activity has met the ideal
time. Metacognitive approach is supported by research conducted by Noto (2015: 22) states student activity on
learning with metacognitive approach have positive effect on student's mathematical reasoning equal to 39,60%.
Can be concluded in the second experiment student activity has been effective against teaching materials based on
metacognitive approach with character education design that has been developed.
2. Increased students' mathematical reasoning abilities
The increase of mathematical reasoning ability in disseminate is seen through N-gain from pre-test and
post-test results . The data of the results of mathematical reasoning ability on disseminate , can be presented in Table

Table 1.2 Results of Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Disseminate

No Description Value
1 Total Pretest Score 1585
2 Total Post-test Score 2721
3 Maximum Score 3168

By using gain = 0.71. Gain 0.71 can be interpreted with a high category increase, meaning that there is an
increase in the ability of mathematical reasoning by using teaching materials with the category "High".
Nurdalilah, et al (2013: 1) states the highest indicator is on the alleged filing 0.64% and the lowest
indicator is on checking 21% validity. In addition, the increase in mathematical reasoning abilities of each indicator
is strengthened through the research results according to Yenni, et al (2016: 79) states the percentage of the average
scores of students on the indicators put forward allegations of 0.57%, 0.67% checking statement, to determine the
pattern 0, 51%, providing an alternative to the conclusion 0.19% 0.37% 0.20% and check the validity.
Of the three results above the average yield is the lowest percentage indicator to provide an alternative, it
can be seen that the results of research higher on indicators provide alternative compared with the results of other
researchers. This is because the teaching materials developed based approach to the design of the character
education maetakognitif can develop thinking skills, and reasoning in solving problems.

Based on the analysis and discussion in this study, put forward some conclusions as follows: Development of
teaching materials based on a metacognitive approach with valid, practical and effective ones being used to improve
students' mathematical reasoning abilities. The improvement of students' mathematical reasoning skills by using the
development of teaching materials based on metacognitive approaches to the material of geometric transformation
increased at the disseminate stage by 35.8% with an average of 0.75 N-gain of 0.718

Based on the results of the research and the conclusions above, the following can be suggested: In the mathematical
reasoning ability test the teacher is advised to pay more attention to determining alternative solutions so that students
are accustomed to working on reasoning problems. Researchers suggest to teachers and readers that the teaching
materials that have been developed are expected to be continued at the disseminate stage of teaching materials, so
that they can be taken into consideration for teaching materials to be used in schools on a wider scale.

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