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High School Department

Subject: Research in Daily Life 1

Semester 1st Semester

Quarter 1st Quarter

Week 11

Activity Performance Task

Activity Block (LMS) Assignment




“The Perception on Executive Order No. 3 Also known as: Voluntary Use of Facemask in Public Places,
of the Grade 12-J Filipe SHS SY 2022-2023 of the PCCR


The ongoing COVID-19 disease significantly affects not only human health, it also affects the
wealth of country’ economy and everyday routine of human life. To control the spread of the virus,
face mask is used as primary personal protective equipment (PPE). Thus, the production and usage
of face masks significantly increase as the COVID-19 pandemic still escalating. Further, most of
these masks contain plastics or other derivatives of plastics. Therefore, this extensive usage of face
masks generates million tons of plastic wastes to the environments in a short span of time.



With the ongoing research and developments on the novel coronavirus, it is believed that COVID-
19 is spread through respiratory droplets of an infected person. The virus can be transmitted to
other people if they come in contact with the infectious droplets or inhale the aerosols. Therefore,
wearing face masks can be effective to prevent the spread. Although the use of face masks by
healthy individuals is widely debated, it is important to take preventive measures to stay safe and
healthy. Read on to learn more about the importance and benefits of wearing disposable face
masks for protection during the COVID-19 situation.



Masks are a vital measure to save lives and suppress the transmission of coronavirus. Masks act as
a barrier to block the virus-containing particles from escaping from an infected individual and
landing on a healthy person. A Research by Florida Atlantic University demonstrates the
effectiveness of covering the face stating that the number of droplets dispersed in the air can be
decreased and the distance they travel. Coronavirus droplets can travel more than 8 feet without a
mask. The study notes that a bandanna reduces the distance to 3 feet, 7 inches, and the distance
is further decreased to more than 1 foot 3 inches with a folded handkerchief placed over the nose

Philippine College of Criminology, 650 Sales St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, MM, Philippines 1003 • (632) 733-1607 • 1 of 6
High School Department
and mouth. As such it is indisputable that even a cloth face-covering
substantially reduces the speed at which coronavirus is spread from person to

THE STUDY AIMS to help people in public places to avoid COVID 19 and other decease and
according to recent studies voluntary use of face mask in public places had a
huge impact to the student’s health. In particular, a student’s daily activities
involve traveling, going to school, and visiting public places where wearing a
facemask has benefits but can potentially affect them. Through this qualitative
study, students should be able to comprehend the value of wearing a face mask
and the dangers of doing the contrary. In line with this, research is of great
importance because this will be beneficial for the school. It helps them determine
the student’s difficulties, and issues raised during the conduct of the study in
“Philippine College of Criminology”.

The study aims to answer the following questions:

Main question: Are student of M-Aquino of PCCR are using facemask in public places?

1. What are the advantage of using facemask?


The research aims to______________(suitable verb) the ___________(central phenomenon to

be studied) for ______________(unit of analysis or participants to be study, if applicable) at
__________(research site, if applicable).


1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________

5. Explain the concept or theory that will use in your study. Use the following questions as a
guide to construct your research framework. Then draw a schematic diagram illustrate the

(a) What theory will I use in my study?

(b) What concept or conceptual framework will I use in my study?
(c) How can I connect my study with the conceptual framework or theory used by other

The study uses the ________________(name of theory or concept) proposed

by_____________________(source/proponent/author of theory or concept used). This
theory/concept was used to study_____________________ (topics where the theory or concept
is applied).

The theory or concept posits that____________________ ( the proposition,assumption, or

definition of the theory or concept). As applied to my study, this theory or
concept explains

Philippine College of Criminology, 650 Sales St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, MM, Philippines 1003 • (632) 733-1607 • 2 of 6
High School Department

Below is a schematic diagram of the framework.

6. Formulate your research hypothesis.


7. State the contribution and relevance of your research. Write on the lines provided. Use the
following guide questions:

a. Does your research add new knowledge to the existing scholarly literature on the topic?
b. Does the study confirm, improve, or contradict an existing theory, concept, or
c. What sectors of society will benefit from the research? What will they gain from the study?

8. State the scope and limitations of your study.

For scope, identify the geographic location of the study, the unit of analysis or the
people/population to be studied, the time period of the research, and the specific questions that
will be answered by the study. For the limitation, state what you will not pursue or look into in the
study. Write on the lines below.


9. Provide a list of terms that will be used in your study and give appropriate definitions.

1. Term: ___________________________________________________
Definitions: ______________________________________________
2. Term: ___________________________________________________
Definitions: ______________________________________________
3. Term: ___________________________________________________
Definitions: ______________________________________________
4. Term: ___________________________________________________
Definitions: ______________________________________________

Philippine College of Criminology, 650 Sales St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, MM, Philippines 1003 • (632) 733-1607 • 3 of 6
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5. Term: ___________________________________________________
Definitions: ______________________________________________
6. Term: ___________________________________________________
Definitions: ______________________________________________
10. State your references in APA format.





Rubric for Writing a Research Introduction

Criteria Excellent Very Good (7) Good (4) Needs Improvement

(10) (1)

Background of the The background Background of the study The background of the The background of the study is
Study of the study is is fairly well developed. study is not well badly written.
well developed. constructed.

Statement of the The research The research problem is The research problem is The research problem is not
Problem problem is clearly fairly well stated, but it not clearly stated, and it properly stated, and there is no
stated and provides evidence that is lacks quality evidence for evidence that supports the
supported by high not as strong as it could support. problem.
quality (strong) be.

Research Objectives The research The research objectives The research objectives The introduction lacks research
objectives are are fairly well stated, are not clearly stated, and objectives.
very clearly and they connect well they do not connect well
stated, and they with the research with the research
connect very well problem. problem.
with the research

Philippine College of Criminology, 650 Sales St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, MM, Philippines 1003 • (632) 733-1607 • 4 of 6
High School Department

Significance of the The importance The importance and The importance and The introduction does not state
Study and relevance of relevance of the relevance of the research the significance of the study.
the research is research is fairly is not clearly explained.
clearly explained. explained.

Scope and Limitations Scope of the study The scope of the study The scope of the study The introduction does not
of the Study including the including the areas that including the areas that include the scope and
areas that will not will not be covered is will not be covered is not limitation of the study.
be covered is fairly defined. clearly defined.
clearly defined.

Research Hypotheses The research The hypothesis is fairly The hypothesis is unclear. The hypothesis does not
hypothesis is well well stated based on the The statement follows support the purpose of the
stated based on purpose of the study. less than 80% of the study. The statement fails to
the purpose of the The statement follows a guidelines for formulating follow the guidelines for
study. The greater 80% of the hypothesis. formulating hypothesis.
statement follows guidelines for
all guidelines for formulating hypotheses.

Theoretical/ The framework of The framework of the The framework of the The framework of the research
Conceptual the research is research is fairly research is not clearly is not established.
Framework clearly established. It fairly established. It does not
established. It explains the relationship clearly explain the
explains the of the variables with relationship of the
relationship of each other. It discusses research variables with
variables with fairly how it is relevant each other. It does not
each other. It to the research problem. discuss extensively how it
discusses is relevant to the research
extensively how it problem.
is relevant to the
research problem.

Definition of Terms The key terms used The key terms used in the The key terms used in the There is no definition of terms.
in the research are research are fairly defined. research are not clearly
clearly defined. The The operational and defined. The operational and
operational and conceptual definitions are conceptual definitions are not
conceptual fairly stated. clearly stated.
definitions are
clearly stated.

Philippine College of Criminology, 650 Sales St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, MM, Philippines 1003 • (632) 733-1607 • 5 of 6
High School Department

Overall Quality of the The introduction Although a research issue A relevant research issue is The statement of the problem,
Research Introduction articulates clear, is identified, the statement identified. Research significance, purpose, questions/
reasonable research of the problem is too broad, questions are succinctly hypotheses, or definitions of
questions given the or its description fails to stated, connected with the constructs and variables were
purpose, design, and establish its importance. research issue, and supported omitted or inappropriate.
methods of the The research purpose, by literature. Constructs and
proposed study. All questions, hypotheses, or variables have been
constructs and definitions of constructs identified and described.
variables have been and variables are poorly Connections are established
appropriately formed, ambiguous, or not with the literature.
defined. logically connected to the
Propositions are description.
clearly supported by
the literature. All
elements are
mutually supportive.

Note (if applicable):

Source: Arleigh Ross, D. C. D. (2018). Applications and Practices of Research for Senior High School:
Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion. Phoenix Publishing House.

Philippine College of Criminology, 650 Sales St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, MM, Philippines 1003 • (632) 733-1607 • 6 of 6

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