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( Long-Acting Reversible
Contraception )

What is long-acting reversible

Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), specifically intrauterine devices
and implants, offers an unprecedented opportunity to reduce unintended
pregnancies among adolescents because it is highly effective even with typical
use. However, adolescent LARC users may be less likely to use condoms for
preventing sexually transmitted infections compared with users of
moderately effective contraceptive methods (ie, oral, Depo-Provera injection,
patch, and ring contraceptives). The most efficient type of reversible birth
control is long-acting reversible contraception (LARC). The FDA has approved
several brands to prevent pregnancy.

IUDs and implants are two different kinds of
The doctor will put an IUD, a little plastic T-
shaped device, into your uterus. There are
hormonal IUDs that can provide long-term
birth control

Implants are placed in your arm, and IUDs

are placed in your uterus. and copper IUDs
can prevent pregnancy for ten years

How it is used and how

it works?
LARC procedures are practical because they
just require the patient to come in for insertion,
which is very helpful for new mothers.

For women in childbearing years, LARC

procedures are beneficial since they are simple
to use and economical, and fertility returns
right after removal.

LARC methods, which include intrauterine
devices (IUDs) and implants, are highly reliable
—research has shown LARC to be 20 times
more effective than birth control pills,
patches, or vaginal rings. One important
reason is that the LARC removes the “user
error” factor, which can make other methods
less effective.


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