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‘= ea Commercial Bonling . ‘ tem / Trion Bonking S¥s Q ‘Impact of digites Yevolution on j king Bu tines. (pves ond cons) Bon 5, > Boning Buginess - Taking deporits of money Prom the public For leaching ond investment . voitndraws oe by Couh, Cheque, ow ht Banking 1s highly Yeguicted buriness od ever the wWond ond there fr central agency to vegulate banking in each county cated of Contrals Bank . PoRH ves _ OE ee Resmi 1O High Rick in cose of poor Trplemewation ~ Dote cnenyption Saver bank yj _ ZL involves extremely large Ginancial From externesl a ee “Hheshr why leake of infeymetion Jo Pre tucks On OW levels |) 4 [ SS NG iot tranrRermotion tale | Ord competitors ~ ap increaresther IN thir over must be cove Raut | Sokedy 62 transactions Planned, Modeled, ond teched. I 0X, Detmoneticecbion | ® Faster operation ond lower | VsstrravHe8 mest eppean nec lead alting Hones - | > tems of tos, oe conPidenh'ad | Bigdaty Processing system |! KRamobion or chance of Unawtrenind | | With micerentce based axehtec, f Sees Fo bank account, conres Past ond sue trrsceron| © High vequirment aby ho PRcescing Proms © Beer Araiyns ond Ruri wrdware ang h 17 Bighe teeano} 2 logven Deeded Manogeroees | fey Banking opemtons) SPECT bo iomPlemenp them in { ~Muthlevel vauideton oR ity! the Mesh oflictive say i will eLinwinole. the possible onisdater © High Corts — woh such Nigh | oR yur customers and sta | ee Banting demands cubs, hat | edje technologies “Lohx . ® predictive ceysabsrsHes- / niyhew on Wie win have Knowing in advance hed prob, | ' _ and Pri, Baan Market usttl | @ Pinancied PAY / CUSto Mey Stone » Fate onl be uP, i " - "Scanned with CamScanner Tnternet of ca Cloud Comparing AyiRciel trteul c ond Machine Leawiny Brockchevy Technology ‘Technology developmeut in Frdlan Bunejng : Mechonisalion = —_, Putomeion —) Internet —4 Mobile ie. aia ° EMps + Bromerne * Stondowd Cheyves + Cleator Ras + Molt. Bont nel * NEeT os, Franke i " opr * omine ' + Compaterirn Banking | Digi tad Banking ~ Tt Tr Myton of Os trucbitoned kanting AH Vi ond Program Sewicer trode Weve, Niteweeuuy, OveTae { + customers When Phyricouly Inside of bunte brunet, i VPT ~ tardies Aigited Paymenr Revolution — Pig paymene HronsacHons on tne VPI plein yore 1 OL million be in Ob=te be Bion in Ten 2020 VPS i Yel tine Payment system Mowing Users te ‘FrnsPe Morey om rest He haus comes MuMiple banks whinout veveowting debuts. ver ir Cuveenty biggest among NPCI opermted NACH — National fParsromated, Ceamng House TAPS — Ewmediate Payment Service Reps - Ardhar chabled Payment evrtem BBPS - Bharat gin Payment fy shorn Rupay - Cand Payment SY ster system incthuclra Scanned with CamScanner — — ing Muth ple ee ee oe 2 4 Puncitons, Regulate ot creating Hnandel awemen 4 gn exchange, f Cente Bank issues & "eovey Ces Yegwlorres Cumenty rote, he + one a Secuming Monetuvy stubiiity © Ste 1 by Plays weg Tele inece, Bankes $> Bane — Bank. Supewitton , gH, R Govevnrnenty Bante. ) Moneta Puthowhy— RAT monitors Money supply, credit ond Invest Yates in the economy, ) Manger of Poreien exchenge - Exflereing FEMA 2) Cavrentp jesue— PMrHNG ond Mancgement of ony bone notes eLart domination of TNR. colar and Rel Note is aed fy 4 q Reqtetion of MR EC ond supernition of Financial on x Fisontioy Trauvion 9) Paving of dude on aye Moneary ond other orpedy, Monetayy policy Tools | ee ae eae These cove the Order te Yeguiuk the | THs Moneteny policy, | The Monekey poricy tosis ove divided Ond quanbtative tools and Mrecy in the Tastuments uted by centred bank ih Money Supply fy the fconomy under thts quetintive | which Yegulate — Hne Money Supply Indivechy ; Sconomy vespecHvery Scanned with CamScanner ae hs me of- mone Quonttative eels: Linked wlth quantity ond volu Sooeve eats « in economy, Ged to inPiyence the ornourt of credit ovallall © cRR- cash Reserve Rutio- Balance that bank ir veguved te Mainedn with RET os Fhare of TAs Pementege of NDT. © sir- Stehxary LQUictity weatio - pemtentage of NDTL Heed bank must Reep in safe ond liquid onset such of govt securities gad, ® Repo-vate- Fired intrest rete cab which ROT provides owrniyat Uquidity to banks Ty exchange Px the govt secunties as Collateral Undes liquidity adjustonent Pacitity , ee © Morgined stunting Fociuty- Fecitiy Hhvough whch banks can ay, ovr an udeliHone) arnount oh overnigut money Pom ROT by Mpping into SLR Puriiio Upto Certeuh timt at pened rete of intrert. © open mavket operations - “This includes the onbvyht purchase od Sake 0% government securitea fer the purpate of injeching-onel beosbing (ong deren Wyubedity, Quutktive tols! © change in morginal requivment ~ Movyin wefes te the povrentage oF toun nat is ofPeved by the bank. Archarge in loan tize Cun be cauted by chorge in Mosyincd yequirmert + ® Rationing oP cect - RBI Setr credit innit Pex commereret carl. Ne the quantity of Credit acterible to bank vr Wmited, @ Moray Sustion- Te veo to the Rers Yecommendabons ho | bang Yea aid in the vestreabt of crechit during infeionary Peed | © Direg Acion- RBI con Punish ond impose sanctions on banks Pes no Pellowing the guideline? Provided Undes +he Mowry Pov ly, Scanned with CamScanner bh SIO Sobpr Recent news - RBT hos vased the ze 7 Reasons: : an U Ukteadne Ones - inbtaion Sensitive. hems Yelevont to Toda Such as edible alls ave Pacing showteges due te conhict. 4 Infation- By Weing tre repo vate , ABT IF ateing to Keep Yatiabion (24) ak ihr desived level Uo The centred bunks in advanced economies tke Us Federal Yesewe ove Following pody of PElcy noymenication, 7 UY Volatity im Flnancied Mavket- prospect of volotiuity in Copitey Prows adding pyessure on exchange rede and heighte- on the vires of imparted infiabion have added to the } Yesron. 3 Economic Growin Recenk GOP Yeleases suggests the the global economic Yecovery is loting pace. ClassiGcatton of Ranks ao r * T T 1 Notioncaind Gani Scheduled Bank, Locey Srreus Finance vw ct & Ares, Bank, Pruate Bank Non Scheduled Bane Payment Bank Bane. SMoal Finance Bank : There bones will Prrenly Undertake baie banking acHwHe of acceptance of deposits ond Ve nching to Unserved and Undersewed Secbons intlucting Smo bu dinest units, Payeners, MSM Els. wrod trey com dof, * Take deposits ond dirburre loons & Bistibute mudd fande, insurance Products © Lend Fs}, ab thety total adjusted net bank creck} to Prony Seshoy Scanned with CamScanner Punds to Maxienuin loan size woud be lor & copied Virgie honowen ty 25 lakh. Minimum Som of loan Showd be yp? Whot ney cannot do? Paymenk Banks ~ the Lend te big Grperdhes opery branches Wwihouk pvov RBI approve) . cow net covespondent of any bank. cannot be bvtiness bank fs Spedal Sort vl bunk trot Solely pevfovins © i A payment limited banleing tasks thot banking veg wioHion ack, 1949, They ave alowed +o tuke deposits ot upto | laich per fron. they cay assist wlth Money truncfen. ond Insurance ond mudyol fund sates. They Can onty sue AAM/ debit cards and act credit conde They ave not permitted to engage in ony lercling activity Trey ate nok atowed +o ye loans and cannak crceeyot Neer deposits p They ove only atlowed to lnvest He Money Yecieved Prom Curtwners deposits Job qovernmenk sacuvitter . Prdyontoges! ® payrnenr banks hep unkanced — peopte join he Rermod-loaniung ® ® © euro speeding vp Hrardat inturon. System, while wilt ace aid in Ptranciad literacy she growth of bancing OP the psow and Pigs agence Poverty. payment banks yeah ouk +2 people invurd a 4 ste Porno) Financed Syeten is becorviy Mire devooped, Scanned with CamScanner Rsk Moragoment i Rankiog Bank Risks T T au Credit Ris, Marker Risk, operatono/ Rist ~ Coune ik = . , i party Riv Trvestrale Woe - Human Aine : au Ris be ~ Equity Birk . wy . PTL Sy stery Ruste County Rice Cuvrency Rist _ a Cornrnoebity RUSK, — lege! comnts Wepliance Riser o a i | thet oPPectone even OF WR Con have vom! heobions Pay Tonge of ctharaee Buse} Novms: The Baral commitce on banking Supenvition | has Sad Frat india fs Comprignt Yegarving Yegwotion on large exposure Havough in Some Gepects veguetions ave i] | Stricter than Based | lange - exposure framework , Buse ts ay Ih sutteolend which ie heodquavherys oft Buvery. of Snterncuroned Setttemenh CATS) which Posters Cer peration centro) bonks with qo af Rnavcial Fhabstlty and Common Sumderds af Banting tequtestion of this fe ensure: thee have enorzh Copitey on accoum 45 dsr Unexpeded losies, Pocusree| entirely on Cyedit wick, ib dePined of vise weights fos Banks, among common The = purpose accerd is Dy reacted Inst{hhons Meet © Wigotyons and Base-1 copied and SHvuchive rhe min. Copited Yequirrent war Pred at 81 of tine Weighted assets, ~ tt Scanned with CamScanner enn were publithed wirich _ Rusd a: ty reo BCBS guiderines ay wePermed Verne wore conndeed to be the vebined Rasel- aceosd. tA wos kased on three pillays. ® caper Adequacy Rolo — Benk Showd Maintain a Minimum Copitel adequacy rege of 81 of vik assets, : D Saperitoy Rewe- Under thir banks Were needed te develop ond Use better WSK Management — techwiquer Tn monitering and managing SM Hires Apes of visks —cvectit, thovker Ond operestional ® Marker Qiscipine- this need increased dicctourre -redments Banke need te Mandaterily Usctare theix CAR ¢ Whe exporre ah the cemtwal Bank, Rosel-IZ = EN Aol, Rasel“TE guideches were relearch fn vespome te 2u0¢ Pinancied cniciv LB need wor Pay to Rawtney Shrengen Hne System as banks in the developed economies were Undes copithsy over— leveraged ond had gree venance on short term Ranching Le The quantily and quatthy of comptied Undew Basel weve demed insufficient 4D Contain Purtnen wisk. AX Lehman brother, had CAR of Ini, ond PHN iF collapred G Basel- TE came up with Leverage aHD and which War Gy cte Ge meunteded by OAL the Insttattons, Levernge sain = THe -1 Coupited ‘TOK Accel, Hev-! captied- Tt TF banks core copited consid of Common Stcky and disctoted yeserves. Scanned with CamScanner 151 Agust 2022 Commercial Banting Components — ~ Players Fina neil Mayket: ce. j ~ Trteymedianes Money Mayet aca Bunking ~ Tr stamens ~ Comtat Market 3 ~ Requicors ~ Forex Marked, — Commoctidy Market « Mnowicl Semnces- Banking : Grotwot Rinanciol syriom ond evtulion of Banting , Currency ws Bonk which one come Pivst? Sorting -evarved — bacod en the concept of “Tyust", Tempes were Come of thust as wetl. ond in the process they evolved token system ond token became coin ond [alex on coin became ve Cuvrenty hich hos atceplance In the sodehy \ Emergence of Meschant Bants~ Middle oges by Halon grain 1654 Banke vl? Evgtancl, Wistory oP Bonting in Trctien- 4 Gonerol Bune & arctia - 1466 4 \g0e8- ETc Banks- Medias, Bombay, Benged -s { VMhegoluble Tustnimem AL 18gi ec heque, Byief , ‘promney } eachah: 4 ae ob es, ty20— “Three presidency Bonks \qas - RBT aigss!-) Tmpenel Bank uftaraicg cuoverted inte SBT : of Dy Bonks Awrough ovdinance Vay — Fitrd Metonarisalion a 2 \ggo — Second Rabionatirarion of 6 Bonks ane > lp { veoh fe | Lomaha t do Mean, => Scanned with CamScanner PSU Bonks — g8, in 1999. Lacretet Payst stovted Reb! Boning in Trdlo.~ 99s te ypes Rank te Times Bank got mesged with HDFC: Pu Ronks — ~ Lagmi Us Paw Ceopeyative Banks - Rar dinde, ervt Bonk ite New ard old Bankes. 4 oct % Beveropmenr Bonk of Sigopore jnconpovaded Lexeiusbon Bonk, Rre- Regionel Rural Bonte Une - Kevdl Aree Bank, DB ond bBU | OX Gite Digited Bamcing 1 FS. Bons have been costed | Banwang vast fe create bg0 | 1 Dwyporauk Jaws goverwang banks - CRR, )RerAct, IBY - CUNReNIN, Requtabon Deb, 1943 — SUR 2) Banking Jrpalan comenck het 4) NeqoHatnle incdvurnents Act 1881 : a in of exchenge, chess RID? and chutes oP Banker ' —prominionay dots, g Benters Bude evidence Ack 185). t 4) Uimitotton Pet 1503 eee. oP rates he) = ont 3) conmmes protection fet, 1986 ~ SeNCe ia ; Banks ombud Mer 4 1 Act 4,206 TrPeeation Pennolsty fet, 2000 to) prt of Monery teandeming M41 2002 , Scanned with CamScanner

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