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The Self in Eastern and Western Thought

Instruction: Answer the following questions on the Eastern and Western thought in understanding the
self in essay form.

1. What are the dominant characteristics of the Eastern culture and the Western culture?
2. Identify at least five (5) Filipino value systems that depict Eastern culture.

Culture is composed of a large group of individuals living with the same belief, language,
religion, food, tradition, law, and norms found in human societies. The characteristics of the culture
of one place to another are completely different. The Eastern world is comprised of nations in Asia
including the Middle East. Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism are some of the religions that exist in
the Eastern world. The youth respect the elders and obey what they say. Arranged marriage exists in
Eastern countries, this culture is where the parent is the one who chooses the person who will marry
their child as they believe in the concept that love comes after marriage. Most Eastern people when
they have a problem, are not expressing it publicly, instead, they hold it for tact and good manners
and they will just vent it out when they are in the right place or the private place. Additionally, the
people in the western country are more conservative and traditional. The Western world refers to
North and South America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. While in the Western country,
Christianity is one of the most common religions practiced in the western world. Individuals in
western countries are individualistic for the reason that for them self-expression and self-
actualization are important ways to establish oneself and be free to make decisions on their own.
Individuals in the western country express what they are feeling even if they are in a public place.
Additionally, they believe in love as the basis for marriage unlike in the Eastern country. We can
identify the difference between the cultural beliefs of Western and Eastern countries, but even
though there is a difference between the two sides, the most important is that both cultures respect
each other's values and norms.
Some of the Filipino value systems that depict Eastern culture are showing hospitality to
everyone or the way we welcome our guests, showing respect through saying “po” and “opo” and
performing an honoring gesture in elderlies, showing debt of gratitude, being religious, giving care
to their family member, and unity. This Filipino value system is a set of value systems that shows
the way how people live their life as an influence on one’s culture. We, Filipino, have our unique
assemblage of consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical principles, etiquette, and cultural and
personal values that are promoted by our society.
Grading Rubric
1. Completeness (5 points)
● Does your response directly answer each part of the given question(s)?
Excellent (5 Very Good Good Needs Improvement
points) (3-4 points) (2 points) (0-1 point)
2. Knowledge (5 points)
Does your response clearly show you have read and understand the lesson content by correctly defining
key terms, key persons and summarizing concept points? Have you made inferences based on this
knowledge to personal or modern-day applications?
Excellent (5 Very Good Good Needs Improvement
points) (3-4 points) (2 points) (0-1 point)

3. Analysis (5 points)
● Have you clearly state analysis and give examples to back them up?
● Does your response provide analysis to the larger concept points of the lesson?
Excellent (5 Very Good Good Needs Improvement
points) (3-4 points) (2 points) (0-1 point)

4. Writing Skills (5 points)

● Do you write clearly, in complete sentences, with minimal errors in grammar and spelling?
Excellent (5 Very Good Good Needs Improvement
points) (3-4 points) (2 points) (0-1 point)

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