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Exhoumwnt Todetermine resistance per ofa
of potential difference versus current.
wire by plotting em a graph

A voltmeter (0-5V), an ammeter (0-5A), A resistance wire, battery, rheostat, metre scale, one
way Key, connec ung
copper wires etc.

IfVis the potential difference across the ends of resistance wire and I is the curent passing through it, then according
to Ohm's law, we have
V «I
where R is the constant of proportionality and depends upon the nature of material of the resistance Wire, lemperature and
dimensions of the resistance wire.

1. Draw a neat diagram of the experimental arrangement as shown in Fig. 1
2. Connect the various components according to the circuit diagram.

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Fig. 1

3. Note the least count and zero errors in voltumeter and ammeter.
4. Insert the key K. Slide the rheostat to the extreme left such that very small current flows through the wire and
record the reading of the ammeter and the voltmeter.
Shift the rheostat contact to increase the curent by small amount and take the
reading again.
6. Remove the key K and allow the wire to cool and then again insert the key.
7. Repeat the step 6 for f+ve difterent settings of the rheostat. Record your observation in tabular form.
8. Take out the resistance wire and measure its longth () in cm.

Least count or tne ammeter = . .A

Lero error in the a n n e t e r = . .. A

Least count of the voltmeter . : A

Lero error in the

voitneter =..
Ammeter reading (1) Resistance
S. No. Voltmeter reading(V)
observed corrected observed

in ampere) (in ampere) R-ineohm)

(in volts) m volts)


Mean value of resistance R=

R,+R,+R3 * *ohm
Length of the wire =... . CIn

Resistance per cm= S2m

Plot a graph taking V along X-axis and I along Y-axis. The graph between V and I is
a straight ine an shown in Fig. 2

Fig. 2
difference across the given wire varies linearly with the current.
) The resistance per cm of the wire =. 2 cm,

1. The voltmeter should be connected in parallel and the ammeter in series with the circuit.
2. The connecting wires should be thick copper wires and the insulation of their ends should
be removed by
rubbing them with a sand paper.
3. The key should be inserted only while
taking observations, as excessive flow of current causes unnecessary
heating of the wire.
4. The zero error of ammeter and voltmeter must be taken into account.
Sources of error
1. The wire used may not be of uniform area of cross-section.
2. The rheostat may be high resistance.
3. Connections may not be ught.

Q.1. What is a cell ?
Ans. It is a device by which electric energy is
generated due to chemical action
taking place in it.
Q.2. What is an ammeter?
Ans. It is an instrument used to measure the
current in ampere.
low resistance joined to it in Essentially, it is a
moving coil
galvanometer having a
Q.3. Why do you always connect
ammeter in series in a circuit ?
Ans. Since, it has low
resistance and will not affect the current
Q.4. What is a voltmeter ? (practically) if it is put in series.
Ans. It is a high resistance
moving coil galvanometer. It is used for
points across a resistance in volts. measuring potential difference between two
Q.5. Why the voltmeter is connected in parallel in a circuit ?
Ans. Because it will not
current. Hence
draw any appreciable curentdue
to its high
resistance and thus will not affect
potenual difterence between the two
points remains the main
unchanged (practically).
Q.6. Distinguish between E.M.E. and P.D.
Ans. EM.F is the potential dificrence across the two ends of a batery whereas PD. is the diffcrence of potential
between the two ends of a conductor when current flows through it.
Q.7. How the resistance of a conductor varies with temperature
Ans. The resistance of a conductor increases with temperature according to the relation R, = R,(l + at) where R, and
R be the resistances of conductor at rrC and O'C respectively and a 1s a constant.
Q. 8. Why are connecting wires made thick and covered with silk or cotton ?
Ans. These are made thick so they offer negligible resistance to the flow of current and are covered with silk or cotton
to insulate them.
Q.9. Name the material of which the standard resistance wires are made of.
Ans Manganin or constantan.
Q.10. What is the composition of manganin and constantan ?
Ans. Manganin is made up of copper 84%, manganese 12% and nickel 4% whereas constantan consists of copper
60% and nickel 40%.
Q.11. What is a Rheostat ?
Ans. It is a device used to introduce a variable resistance in a circuit. It is used to control the electie current.
Q.12. What is ohm's law ?
Ans. It states that the curent flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its
ends provided the physical conditions of the conductor like temperature,. pressure, remain

xperiment Tofind resistance ofa given wire usingmetre bridge and hence determine
the specificresistance ofitsmaterial.

A meire bridge, Leclanche cell (primary cel). galvanometer, a resistance box, given wire. jockey. screw gauge.
connecting wires and a piece of sand paper.

Metre bridge is a
practicalform of wheatstone bridge. It consistsof
a constantan or manganin wire AC usualiy one metre long and of uniform
a wooden a scale. The A
crosssection stretched over board with ends
andare soldered two thick copper strips which carry two terminals at
their other end. Another thick copper strip is connected between these

terminals. central stnpthehaslength
Jockey is moved along
three ofterminals as
shown in Fig. 3. The
the wire lill a balance point is G

oblaincd, i.e. theB galvanometer gives nowire

deflection. The length of wire
B and C the
between Aand gives resistance Pand between gives
value of Q (when compared with Wheatstone bridge).
On applying the condition of Wheatstone bridge Fig. 3

or X=Rx
As the wire has uniform area of cross-section, the resistance of the wire is proportional to its length

XR 1= 100 -1,1
Specifie Resistance
Since the resistance X of a conductor is directly proportional to its length } and inversely proportional to its area of
cross-section a. Thus


WCrep is constant of proportionality and is called the specific resistance and its value depends upon the nature of
the material.
IfD is the diameter of the wire, then

a=- TD

So X = :


r p= TD X
D r a w a neat diagram of connections as shown in Fig. 3 and arrange the apparatus according to the circuit

2. Connect the unknown resistance X in the right gap and a resistance box R in the left gap with the help of
connecting wires. Connect the leclanche cell E hrough a key K across AC and a galvanometer between B
3. To check the connections, close the key K and take out Resistance of about 5 ohm from resistance box R. Press
thejockey on the wire first to one slide, then to the other end and see that the deflections in the galvanometer
at these two positions are in the opposite directions. If the deflection is in opposite directions, then the connections
are correct.

4. Adjust he value of R from the resistance box in such a way that the balance point is obtained near the middle
of the wire. The balance point should always lie in between 30 and 60 cm mark. Note the values of R and
length , of the experimental wire.
5. Repeat the observations for four times with he different values of R but taking care that each time balance
point keeps within 30 and 60 cm mark.
6. Measure the diameter of the given wire at 4 to 5 diferent points taking two reading at right angle to each other
at every point.


S. No. Resistance Length Length Unknown resistance

R (cm) = 100-, X= R

(ohm) (cm) (ohm)

**********..s2 *****.Cm * **.Cm

Mean A F
... On
Length of the wire, i=
.. .Cm
Measurement of the diameter of the wire
Least count of screw gauge .
Zero of the
error serew gauge =.
of the screw gauge = . . m
Table 2

e a n observed diameier = . mm
Mean corected diameter, D =. mm= Cm

Specific resistance

P 41 * ******* .

Standard value of p from tables S2m

Difference = . .. S2m

o error =- DifferenCx 100

Actual value

.The connections should be neat and tight.
2. Plugs of resistance box should be tight.
3. Jockey should be gentely pressed on the wire.
The balance point should always be obtained near the mid point of the wire.
5. While closing the circuit, battery key should be closed first, then jockey and while opening the circuit, reverse
order should be followed.
6. The diameter of the wire should be measured in mutually perpendicular directions at difterent places.

Sources of error
1. The metre bridge wire may not be of uniform area of cross-section.
2. The length measurement , and l, may have error if the metre bridge wire is not taul and along the scale in the
metre bridge.
3. The screw gauge may have backlash error.


Q.1. What is wheatstone bridge principle ?

Ans. If four resistances P,0. R and X are so joined that they form a closed network ABCD and ifa cell is connected
between A and C, a galvanometer between B and D and the values of P, Q. R and X are so adjusted that the
galvanometer shows no deflection, then

X R.
This relation is the principle of a wheatstone bridge.
Q.2. Why it is so called
Ans. Because, it was discovered by "Sir Charles Wheatstone" and it is unknown as a bridge because in the balance
(null) condition, galvanometer joints the two points B and D having the same potential.

Q. 3. What is meant by a metre bridge or slide wire bridge ?
Ans. It is an instrument for determining the value of unknown resistance making use of wneatstone bridge principle
Q.4. What is the metre bridge or slide wire bridge so called
Ans. It is called metre bridge because it makes the use of a one metre long wire having urirorm arta ot crOss-scction
and it is called slide wire bridge, because a jockey slides over it.

Q.5. What is the material of bridge wire ?

Ans. Constantan o manganin. Because these materials have low temperature coeficient of resistance and due to tha
there is a negligible change in the resistance with change in temperature.
Q.6. What do you mean by resistance of a conductor
Ans. It is the hindrance offered by the conductor to the flow of electrnie charges through it. It is measured as the ratio
of the potential difference across the ends of the conductor to the current flowing throughit.
Q.7. Define specifie resistance of the material.
Ans. It is the resistance of the conductor of that material of unit length and unit area ot cross-sectuon.
Q. 8. What is the unit of specific resistance ?
Ans. The unit of specific resistance is S2m.

xporument To verify the laws of combination (series/parallel) of resistances

using a meter bridge/slide wire bridge.
Metre bridge (also called as slidewire bridge), a cell, resistance box, key, galvanometer, jockey, two resistance coils,
connecting wires and sand paper.

The theory to find the unknown resistance is same as in Experiment A 2

.e. X= R

For series combination of and

R, R2
R,=R, +R
parallel combination of
R, and Ka
1. Proceed same way as in
previous experiment with unknown resistance A and find i.e. mean value
Fig. 4(a) R, oIA

()In series

ww (C)
In parallel

Fig. 4


2. Remove first resistance coil and put second coil in its place. Find R,.
3. Now put R, and R in series. Find R, Fig. 4(b).
Now put R, and R, in parallel. Find
4 Fig. 4(c). R,

Resistance S. No. R

(in S2) n cm)

100- =
(in cm)
x Mean

R, and R,
R, =
R, and R

in parallel

() Find R, +Rz. See that it is equal to
R, within
experimental error.
As R,= R, +
R, within experimental error, the law of resistances in series is verified.

(ii) Find
. See that it is equal to
R, within experimental error.
within experimental eror, the law of resistance in parallel is verified.

Precautions and Sources of error

Same as in experiment A-2

Q. 1. What is the principle of metre (or slide wire)
bridge ?
It is based on the principle of wheatstone
Q. 2. Is the
bridge method superior to ohm's law method ?
Ans. Yes, because it is a null method.
Q.3. What are the laws of resistances?
Ans. There are twO laws
() Law of resistance in series: The otal etfective
connencted in sernes. resistance is cqual to the sum of individual resistances
R,=R, + R,+ . *********

2oniment To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half deflees
method and to find its figure of merit. flection

Moving coil galvanometer, two resistance boxes, two one way Keys, connectng wires, sand
paper and a battern.
Connect the galvanomeler whose resistance is to be determined in series
with a high resistance R as shown in Fig. 8.
Close key K2. keeping key Kj open. If current pass
, through the
galvanomeler, G
If 0 is the deflection
produced in the galvanometer, then

R+G k ...0) Fig. 8
Now key K, is now closed and shunt S is so
adjusted that the deflection

is the current
ift flowing through the
galvanometer at this stage, then

At this
sage, total resistance in the circuit

R'= R+_GS
Total current in the circuit, I= E
So, the current through the

Using eq (ii), we get



Using eq (i)
R(G+S)+GS 2
Dividing () by (iv), we get

MODERN s abc OF ICs (XI)
RG + RS+ GS = 2RS+2GS


G R-S ..v)
Figure of merits (k) :
i s the current required to produce a defection of one division on the gatvanometer scale. It is also called current
sensitivity of the galvanometer
Note the deflection 0 in the
galvanometer the current I flowing through the circuit 1s given by


So k 0 (R+GG v)
1. Draw he diagram as shown in Fig. 8 and arrange the apparatus according to the circuit diagram.
2 Introducea high resistance R from the resistance box and insert key K,. Adjust the value of R to get almost full
scale deflection in the galvanometer. Note the value of R and 6.

3. Close key K, keeping R fixed, adjust the value of S so that the deflection is half (i.e ) of previous value.

Note the value of S.

4. Repeat the experiment three times for different values of the resistance from the resistance box R

Figure of merits

5. Measure the e.m.f. of the battery using an accurate voltmeter. Let it be E.

6. Put the plug in the key K, and introduce resistance R (key K is not closed). Note the deflection 0 in the
7. The figure of merrit, k =

E.M.F. of the battery E =
. vol
(a) Resistance of gaBvanometer (G) by Half deflection method

S.No. Resistance Deflection Shunt Half deflection RS


(in 2) in 2) (in 2)

Mean value of resistance of galvanometer, G ..

(6) Figure of merit (k)

Resistance Defection
S.No. E.M.F of
battery Rin 2)
(A div.
(in volt)

Mean value of k =
.. ampere/division
I. All connections must be neat and tight
2. Key K, should be closed after taking out a high resistance from the resistance box R.
3. Ammeter should always be connected in series.
4. The deflection of galvanometer should be large.
5. Positive terminal of the ammeter should be connected to the positive pole of the battery.

Sources of error
1. The e.m.f. of the battery may vary.
2. The galvanometer Scale may not be equally spaced.

Q.1. What is a galvanometer ?
Ans. It is a low resistance instrument used to detect the presence of an electric current in a circuit.
Q.2. What do you mean by shunt:
Ans. A shunt is small resistance connected in
parallel to an electrical instrument like galvanometer in the circuts
that only a very small portion of the total current passes through the galvanometer.
Q.3. Is the thickness of all the wires inside a resistance box the same ?
Ans. No, the thickness is not
Q.4. When the shunt is increased, will the deflection in the galvanometer increase or decrease ?
Ans. The deflection through the
galvanometer will increase because when the shunt is increased, the current
the shunt will decrease but
through the galvanometer it will increase.
Q.5. Define figure of merit
of a galvanometer.
It is defined
as the current required to produce a deflection of one
scale division in the galvanometer.
Q.6. What is the difference between a
galvanometer and an ammeter ?
Ans. An ammeter is a low resistance galvanometer which gives the value
of the cument to be measured direcuy
Q.7. Can we increase or decrease the range of an ammeter
Ans. Yes, the range of the ammeter can be increased or decreased by shunting it with a low or high resistance o
required magnitude.
Q.8. What is a Voltmeter?
Ans. A volumeter is a
galvanometer which measures the value of the potential differecne between two
points dire
Why is it necessary tor a voltmeter to have a high resistance
Ans. A voltmeter is connected in
parallel in the circuit. If it has a low resistance it will reduce the value ot
potential difference to be measured in the circuit. a
Q. 10. Can we increase the range of a voltmeter?
Ans. Yes, the range of a voltmeter can be increased
by adding extra resistance is series with the voltmeter.
Q.11. What is the resistance of an ideal
voltmeter ?
Ans. An ideal voltmeter has infinite
resistance so that it draws no current in the circuit.

Exporiment 0
To convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure
of merit) into an ammeter of desired range and to verify the same.


as given
high resistance box,wiresbattery
a (or accumulator),
a a voltmcter, one way key, an ammeter of the same

and a screw gauge.
galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by shunting it with a
resistance (Fig. 9). The main current I divides itself as

current through galvanometer i

=l-1,= current through shunt www
Potential difference at A and B is same, so

=1,S Ammeter

er Fig.

. Find the resistance of the galvanonmeter G and figure of merit k as per the procedure given in Experiment

i.e. G=R-Sandk= +G)6

2. Count the total number of divisions n on either side of zero of the galvanometer scale.

3. Now find T where I, nk.

4. Calculate the shunt resistance S by measuring the mean diameter using a screw
gauge taking at least S readinEs
at different places. Calculate its length I equivalent to the given resistance from the relation.

S =pA =p where p is the specific resistance.

If we find the gauge of the Wire, consult the tables given at the end of the
Cxpeiment find resistance per metre of the wire. From this
length corresponding to the resistance.
we can calculate the

Cut piece of wire slightly longer (say 2 cm.) than this calculated length and

mark two points one cm eguidistant from the ends to allow for connections. Connect
the wire across the terminals of the galvanometer so that the marked
points are just
outside the binding screws.
Verification :
Make the connections as shown in Fig. I0 where A is an ammeter www
ot nearly the same range as the converted galvanometer. Introduce a high resistance
in the box R.B. (or adjust the Rheostat if used). Press key K and take the
of reading Fig 10

and Change theofgalvanometer
between the readings the
readings into amperes and find
instruments two &
the difference
number andA. Ihus take of readings for different values of the current.
Observations and Calculations
(i) Resistance of gaBvanometer (G) as in Expt-A-6.
(ii) Figure of merit (k) as in Expt-A-6 Current for full scale deflection 1 = nk
(ii) Calculation of the shunt resistance

Maximum current in range for conversionI . . A

Note 1. This value of shuant is very small. A resistance box of this range is not available. Ihus select a wire of
material available (like copper, constantan, eureka, etc.) or suitable diameter and length giving the required esistanc suitab
as explained below:
Determination of the length of the wire
Least count of the Screw gauge . . m m .
Zero correction
Observed diameter =
Mean observed diameter =. .
Mean coTected diameter
Radius of the wire () =..nm. >...Cm.
Specific esistance, p =..0hm - cm.

Length, l of the wire = .Cl

Observations for vertification

Zero reading of the Ammeter =
Zero reading of the galvanometer
Total number of divisions on the
galvanometer scale (n) =

Range of he shunted
galvanometer I =.amp.

Each division of the shunted galvanometer =

No. Resistance Reading of Galv. Ammeter Dif.
of from the shunted galvanometer
reading reading
observations box
amperes) (in amperes
(A) A-B
Observed|Corrected Observed Corrected

1. The cell should have constant
2. Select a wire
carefully. Find its diameter at a number of places. The length
neither be too small nor too of the wire used
large. as shunt, shO
3. Cut the wire about two cm.
than necessary to allow for connections.
4. The connections should be very clean and tight.
5. The resistance box should be of
high resistance.
6. Zero readings for the instrument should be
noted and accounted for in
the calculations.

ofe. if the iengik of the wir cmes to r smaller, no wires in parallel u t ef d b l e ihe length oan Ae usei.
Resistance ot wires ot vanous ganges and matenal.

Resistane per metre in ohms

S.W.G. Diameter
No. in mm. Manganin Eureka
14 2.03 0.0054 0.131 0.146
1.63 0.0083 0.204 0.228
8 1.22 0.0148 0.361 0405
0.914 0.0260 0.645 0.722
0.711 0.0435 1.07 1.20
0.559 0.070 1.73 1.93
0.457 0.005 2.58 2.89
0.374 .1.155 3.82 4.27
0.315 0.222 5.45 6.08
0.274 0.293 7.18 S.02
4 0.234 0.404 9.90 11.10
.1 93 .590 14.50 16.20
1. The ammeter used for veritication should have same range as the of conversion.
2. The shunt wire should be 2
cut to 3 cm extra to the calculated
3. Same as in length of the wire.
Sources of Error
Same as in Expt. A-6.

To convert the
Experimend figure of merit) given
into agalvanometer
voltmeter of desired rangeresistance
the samne.
and to verify (of known and

A galvanometer. a
battery. a voltmeter read the e.m.f. of the
battery, key.
another voltmeter preferably ot the same range as given for conversion, a
resistance box, connecting wires and
Let be the current which
I, produces full scale deflection in the
Let V be potential difference across this
introduced in the circuit to
galvanometer and R is a proper resistance
cut down the excessive current.

Fig. 11

R -G

where G is the
galvanometer resistance.
V= PD. that has to be read with the converted galvanometer (ie. the required range).
current in the galvanometer to get a full scale deflec tion of the galvanometer.
hus so Find R, we should know G and I, ie. the current required to give full scale deflction in the galvanometer
V Is the
required range of the voltuneter.
Detemination of the resistance G. of the galvanometer: Determine
the resistance of the
galvanometer by half deflection method or Kelvins
i g u r e of merit (&) and I. : Proceed as in Experiment A-6,
. Calculating the series Putting V=5 volts (required range).
and knowing G
andI, from above. using equation (() calculate the
value X. This calculated value
when so desired.
of X can be taken froma resistance box wwwwwwww.
Verification: The result can be
verified by making the connections as LR
shown in Fig. 12. Rh is a rheostat whose fixed terminal_ are connected
to E. The galvanometer with resistance R in
series, and volumeter are
connected in
parallel with Rheostat as shown. By shifting the position
of the sliding contact of the rheostat, various readings in G and V are
taken. Convert the galvanometer readings into volts and find the difference
betrween the values
Observations and Calculations of G and
Resistance of Galvanometer As in expt. A-b.
b) Figure of meritk and As in
I experiment A-6.
(c) Calculations of the Series resistance.
Range for conversion V =.Volts

Then R =G ..ohms.
Verification. Tero reading of voltmeter . *****

Tero of
galvanometer .. =

Total number of the converted

galv. scale (n) =

Range of the converted
galv. (V) =
Each scale division of the
galvanometer *****

No. Galvanometer Galvanometer Voltmeterr

reading Diference
"eading reading in volts
observations A-B
Observed Corrected (A)
Observed Corrected

1. Same as in Expt. A-6.
2. A cell should have constant e.m.t.
2. The zero reading in the galvanometer and the volumeter should be carefully noted and accounted for in the
4. A large number of readings should be t en for verification.

Sources of error
Same as in Expt. A-6.


.1. How can a galvanometer be converted into an ammeter ?

Ans. A galvanometer of resistance G can be converted into an ammeter by using a resistance S in parallel cailed


= Current for max. deflection in the galvanometer.

I = Maximum current to be measured by the ammeter.

Q.2. How will you determine G ?
Ans. G can be determincd by either Kelvin's method or half deflection method.

Q.3. How will you find the required length of shunt wire ?
Ans. Resistance of shunt wire of length !, radius r and specific resistance p is given by



Knowing r.p and S,l can be calculated.

Q.4. Why is it very essential for the ammeter to have a very low resistance ?
Ans. Since an ammeter is placed in series the voltage drop (CR) and power loss (CK) should be neglegibe, this is
possible only if resistance of the ammeter is small.

Q.5. What is the order of resistance of weston type ammeter you are using ?
Ans. It is of the order of 0.01 ohm.

Q.6. What is the range of your ammeter ?

Ans. 0 3 amperes.

Q.7. Can you increase its range to 0- 15 amperes, how?

Ans. Yes, By placing a suitable shunt in parallel with the ammeter ?

Q.8. What is a milliammeter ?
Ans. It is an ammeter capable of reading one thousandth part of an ampere.
Q.9. What is a miero-ammeter ?
Ans. It is an ammeter capable of reading one millionth part of an ampere.

Q.10. How can you convert an ammeter into a millanmeter ?

Ans. By increasing the resistance of the shunt. OAMA NA


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