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Nama : Destriansyah Adiwijaya

Agus Hermawan

The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has a list of names of Indonesian heroes who fought for
independence and expelled invaders from their homeland. One of the heroes who is very meritorious is
the biography of Prince Diponegoro.

Background of Prince Diponegoro

Prince Diponegoro was born in Yogyakarta on Friday the eleventh of November one thousand nine
hundred and eighty five from a mother who was a concubine named R.A. Mangkarawati, and her father,
Gusti Raden Mas Surojo, who later ascended the throne, had the title Hamengkubuwono III.

At the time Prince Diponegoro was born, he was given the name Raden Mas Mustahar which in the end
he was given the title of prince with the name Prince Diponegoro in 1812 when his father ascended the
throne to become Hamengkubuwono III.

Prince Diponegoro had 12 sons and 5 daughters from the 9 women he married. Currently, all of Prince
Diponegoro's descendants live in Indonesia and even abroad, including Australia, Serbia, Germany, the
Netherlands and Saudi Arabia.

Prince Diponegoro Refuses to Be King

Prince Diponegoro realized that he was born from a concubine. He also refused his father's request,
Sultan Hamengkubuwono III, to be appointed king. The reason is, in the royal environment at that time,
only the son of the empress was usually crowned king.

Diponegoro War
Around one thousand eight hundred twenty-five to one thousand eight hundred thirty, Prince
Diponegoro led Central Java and parts of East Java in a massive war that nearly brought down Dutch
imperialist rule in Indonesia. This war began with the decisions and actions of the Dutch East Indies
which installed stakes on Diponegoro's land in the village of Tegalrejo. In addition, the Dutch East Indies
did not respect local customs and over-exploited people with high taxes.

The Dutch did various ways to catch Prince Diponegoro and his troops. The Dutch made a contest tactic,
whoever caught or killed Prince Diponegoro would be given a huge prize of twenty thousand guilders.
However, Prince Diponegoro's followers at that time did not waver at this offer.

The end of Prince Diponegoro's life

The Dutch succeeded in capturing Prince Diponegoro and his family and followers on April twenty one
thousand eight hundred and thirty, who were then taken by Pollux ship to Manado. Arriving in Manado,
Prince Diponegoro and his entourage were immediately taken prisoner at Amsterdam Fort.

Furthermore, he was again transferred to Makassar. Until finally on the eighth of January one thousand
eight hundred and fifty five, Prince Diponegoro died and was buried in the city.

This is a summary of the biography of Prince Diponegoro, a national hero who led the Java War.

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