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Red Star 12th Party Congress Special Issue September 2022

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Red Star 12th Party Congress Special Issue September 2022

Significance of the 12th Party Congress of CPI (ML) Red Star
the CC and revolutionary left intellectuals
are also organized to deepen the
discussion on these questions, and inner-
party debates are going on around them.
Similarly, while many of the revolutionary
left intellectuals who are actively co-
operating with us in theoretical
discussions and people’s movements
helped us by contributing papers as well
as participating in the online discussions
and physical seminars, some of them
could not do so due to other engagements.
Still we have received a good number of
The 12th Party Congress of CPI(ML) Red contributions on caste system, gender
Star has historic significance not only equality, impending ecological
because of the critical situation in which it catastrophe, on the question of
is taking place, but also due to the intensifying the cultural offensive for a
theoretical questions it has put forward in cultural revolution, etc. Articles on
continuation to the Resolution on intensification of
Theoretical Analysis of Challenges Faced corporatization/financialisation are also
by the ICM adopted by the 10th Party received. We hope these contributions in
Congress held at Lucknow. Some of the this Special Issue of Red Star will help to
issues like approach to caste question, carry forward the theoretical struggle in
gender equality, and ecological the communist movement when it is
catastrophe had its impact even within the facing increasing challenges as a result of
party as some comrades are apprehensive the increasing confusions created
whether uncompromising attack on the regarding, for example, correctly
Manuvadi Hindutua base of the RSS will analyzing Russia’s imperialist aggression
alienate the ‘Hindu’ masses from the on Ukraine, analyzing Gorbachov and his
party. This is an apprehension which is Glassnost/Perestroika, refusal by many
preventing other streams of the left forces streams of the left forces to recognize the
from taking up the caste annihilation as an growing danger from the RSS neo-
integral part of the class struggle. So, fascism, etc.
while putting forward an analysis of the We are publishing this Party Congress
historical materialist approach towards the Special Issue of Red Star with the hope
origin and stranglehold of this unique that it shall intensify the debate among
caste system in India, the CC decided to Marxists for developing the theory and
intensify the discussion on caste system practice of revolution in the present
and other basic questions by publishing a troubled times, Let us expect that these
special issue of Red Star inviting articles debates shall further develop the
from comrades from within the party as ideological-political struggle to overcome
well as from revolutionary left present setbacks paving the way forward
intellectuals. In addition to it, a series of to advance the revolutionary communist
interviews/talks by leading comrades of movement.

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Red Star 12th Party Congress Special Issue September 2022

Challenges Confronting the Communist Movement:

On Proletarian Internationalism, transcending bourgeois democracy,
building people’s political power from grass root level, advancing alternative
development paradigm and socialism, overthrowing the capitalist imperialist
system and defeating neo-fascism of RSS!
K N Ramachandran
people, the countrywide anti CAA
movement, the militant outbursts of
youth against unemployment, the historic
farmers’ struggle which broke down all
state-led terror tactics and obstacles to
reach Delhi borders laying siege around
the capital for more than a year etc. are
indications of the possibilities for a
mega- Sri Lankan style uprising in this
vast sub-continent. In the present
neoliberal phase of imperialism, when
Presently the socio-political-economic the corporate forces are intensifying
condition of our country, is in a critical exploitation of human labor and plunder
juncture. Under RSS led Modi rule, the of nature to unprecedented levels, the
Manuvadi Hindutva policies are ruling forces, the imperialists and their
saffronizing every walk of life ever more junior partners everywhere are imposing
fiercely. Under its cover the corporate neo-fascist terrorist rule to divide and
loot is intensified by leaps and bounds. It maim the masses using religious
is leading to unprecedented fundamentalisms or political-religion,
impoverishment of the vast masses. racism, national chauvinism, caste
Along with unemployment and rise in system like revanchist ideas as socio-
prices of all essential commodities, cultural-theoretical tools to curb people’s
housing, healthcare, education and all movements. In spite of these, the
other services are becoming beyond the people’s uprisings are bound to happen
reach of common people. As the masses with more frequency and ferocity in
react against this unprecedented larger number of countries in the coming
miserable condition, utilizing control of days.
the state apparatus, media, etc., the most
revanchist, chauvinist, sectarian ideas are In short, presently the objective
spread to divide the people by the RSS conditions for revolution are increasingly
neo-fascist forces to win the coming favorable. But, after the revolutionary
assembly elections and the 2024 upsurge in Vietnam and other Indo-
elections, to facilitate the transformation Chinese countries in 1975, in spite of so
of India in to Hindurashtra by 2025 when many massive people’s uprisings in large
the centenary of RSS is going to be number of countries, nowhere the
celebrated. In this situation, people’s imperialist forces and their junior
simmering discontent and anger are partners could be overthrown. What are
intensifying as reflected in the continuing the reasons for it? Why, even after Mao’s
resistance of the Kashmiri and Northeast persistent struggle till his last days

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Red Star 12th Party Congress Special Issue September 2022
through building people’s communes and Why the capitalist imperialist system
unleashing Cultural Revolution, the which was facing repeated crisis right
capitalist roaders could usurp power in from its very beginning continues to rule
China also? Why, even in the Indo-China over the world, while the ICM which had
region, soon after victory of the developed in to powerful socialist camp,
revolution after so much of sacrifices, with 13 countries with one-third of world
how the capitalist roaders could usurp population, and in many other countries
power so soon? Even an over view of leading powerful national liberation
these past experiences in building movements by 1950s, has weakened so
socialism shows that it is the result of the much and fractured, with all the socialist
communist parties becoming incapable countries degenerated to capitalist path,
of making concrete evaluation of the when the communist parties b
quick changes made by the imperialist everywhere has become incapable of
system to overcome the ever-mounting leading the powerful people’s upsurges
crises confronting it, in analyzing the to victory? Does it not calls for a serious
concrete situation in each country to introspection?
develop the Marxist theory and practice
according to present international and It is in this situation, the CPI (ML) Red
national situation. As a result, in spite of Star is convening its 12th Congress. It has
the objective situation remaining taken up the challenge to update its
favorable for revolution, the subjective program, path of revolution and political
force, the communist party, remains resolution according to the present
theoretically, politically, organizationally concrete conditions in continuation to its
incapable of overcoming the imperialist continuous efforts for the last four
challenges. If the international decades. An over-view of the hitherto
communist movement (ICM) had development of our party from the time
become a mighty force by the mid-1950s, of its formation in 1979 as part of the re-
with the East wind of socialism looking organization process of the CPI(ML)
like prevailing over the west wind of movement shows that it could achieve
imperialism (Mao), it is facing severe whatever progress it could make so far
setbacks, weakening everywhere, why? only because of its uncompromising
struggle against right opportunist and left
Take the case of our country, for adventurist deviations, trying to develop
example. In India Communist party its theory and practice according to
building started in the 1920s inspired by concrete analysis of the Indian social
the October Revolution. But what realities and the vast changes taking
happened to it after a century in spite of place at international level during the
numerous glorious struggles in the past? Second World War and later; especially
Why it has splintered to numerous after the US led imperialist camp
ideological, political streams and micro imposed neo-liberal policies of
groups, in the main, making them globalization-liberalization and
incapable of playing any important role privatization, and went on intensifying
in the mainstream political scene! Why them to present all-round corporatization
so, when the RSS formed in 1925 has and financialization leading to
captured power and is in the process of unprecedented accumulation of wealth in
consolidating its neo-fascist hegemony in few corporate hands, extreme miseries to
every field, arrogantly moving towards the toiling masses and to ever-increasing
declaring India a Hindurashtra on its plunder of nature by capital leading to
centenary year? ecological catastrophe, threatening the
very survival of the humanity on earth.
Even in such a perilous situation, instead
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Red Star 12th Party Congress Special Issue September 2022
of taking bold initiatives to overcome it, “’…The Communists disdain to conceal
how the communist movement became their views and aims. They openly
so weak? Without taking up a thorough declare that their ends can be attained
evaluation of the past experience, and only by the forcible overthrow of all
present stagnancy and theoretical existing social conditions. Let the ruling
weakness, answers cannot be found out classes tremble at a Communist
and rectifications could be made to revolution. The proletarians have nothing
enable the ICM to make a new upsurge. to lose but their chains. They have a
world to win. WORKING MEN OF ALL
The greatness of Marx’s analysis is that it COUNTRIES, UNITE!” (Extracts from
scientifically points out how capitalism is the concluding section of Communist
a world system, how it recreates the Manifesto)
whole world in its own image, how it
globalizes every aspect of international Inspired by the internationally
field. In the Communist Manifesto along coordinated workers’ movements, the
with Engels he emphatically declared Paris Commune broke out in 1971, which
that only by overthrowing the capitalist demonstrated that working class can
system and uncompromisingly building storm the citadels of the capitalists, can
the alternative, the communist society capture political power, and initiate the
developed through uninterrupted socialist building of working class alternative to
transition the humanity can be saved capitalism. Though it was suppressed by
from its barbarous hegemony, and nature the combined forces of the capitalist
can be saved from the plunder of capital. governments, Marx saluted the
Marx through his brilliant studies of revolutionary heroism of the
capitalism pointed out how the transition Communards, and called on them to get
from the class divided society to classless more firmly organized and to win
society can be achieved. As an integral support of the international proletariat so
part of these studies, he called for that the revolutionary center can advance
continuous transformation of the without the danger of getting overthrown
superstructure to deepen and strengthen (Civil War in France). The specter of
this transition to a new world. When the Paris uprising forced the capitalist
Communist Manifesto was drafted for powers to speed up the process of
the Communist League and the First monopolization of capitalism, which led
International of the working class was to the era of imperialism. Soon the
launched, it gave a boost to the whole world was divided among the
revolutionary movement. The Manifesto handful of imperialist countries.
explained: “…The Communists fight for
the attainment of the immediate aims, for But the export of finance capital and
the enforcement of the momentary colonial plunder did not end the recurring
interests of the working class; but in the crises faced the imperialist countries and
movement of the present, they also the increasing rivalry among them for re-
represent and take care of the future of division of the countries under colonial
that movement. …the Communists domination. The latter soon led to the
everywhere support every revolutionary First World War. The Basle Conference
movement against the existing social and of the Second International had called on
political order of things... In all these its constituent social democratic parties
movements they bring to the front, as the to mobilize the working class for turning
leading question in each, the property the inter-imperialist war, if it breaks out,
question, no matter what its degree of in to civil war against its own bourgeois
development at the time…. “ ruling class. But when the War broke out

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in 1914, in most of the countries the Utilizing these setbacks suffered by the
leaderships surrendered to the ICM, and to overcome their own crisis,
bourgeoisie of their own countries. It led when the US camp launched the neo-
to the liquidation of the Second liberal offensive in the 1970s, on the one
International. It was in this situation that hand the right opportunists degenerated
Lenin explained how the capitalist to social democracy announcing “there is
system had become more barbarous no alternative to neo-liberal policies”, the
during the imperialist era. He called for ‘left’ adventurist stream got further
its overthrow starting from its weakest alienated from the left masses by
link, the Tsarist Russia. The October pursuing sectarian policies, on the other.
Revolution led to the formation of Soviet
Union, launching of the socialist It was in this critical situation at
construction and to the building of the international level, which was reflected
Communist International. These in India in diverse forms, throwing the
revolutionary steps paved the way for the ML forces to disarray, that through
upsurge of the movement which created concrete analysis of Indian situation and
the possibilities for the world-wide defeat developing ML theory and practice
of capitalist imperialist system by the according to it, we had initiated our own
1950s. But, these great possibilities faced efforts to re-organize the CPI (ML)
grave challenges leading severe setbacks movement. Four decades of these efforts
in all fields when the ICM failed to started with the formation of the CRC
correctly evaluate the US led post- CPI (ML) in 1979 and the convening of
Second World War neo-colonial counter- the First All India Conference in 1982.
revolutionary offensive and to put This process has led to the convening of
forward the socialist alternative with the 12th Congress of the CPI (ML) Red
better clarity taking lessons from the Star. It will take up the task of further
experience of the socialist models updating the Party Program, Path of
hitherto practiced. It was this weakness Revolution, and Political Resolution.
of the soviet communist leadership, who These draft documents discussed and
became apologists of neo-colonialism, adopted by the party Congress shall
which became evident in 1950s that led make the party capable of confronting
to the severe setbacks to the ICM. the challenge posed by the RSS neo-
Combating these capitalist roaders, fascism. It will provide the basis for
though Mao led a great struggle making all out efforts to help the building
spearheading Cultural Revolution and of the broadest possible anti-fascist front.
launching People’s Communes throwing This will be done while taking care to
out capitalist roaders from power, the pursue independent left assertion
‘left’ sectarians with new era concept learning from past mistakes. The CPI
usurped power for few years and caused (ML) Red Star has grown from a small
severe setbacks from another angle by group confined to few pockets in two or
erroneous evaluation of the post-War three states in to its present ideological
moves of US led imperialist camp. Under clarity and organizational strength
their influence the newly emerging through this process. So it is the
Marxist-Leninist forces around the world responsibility of the whole party and all
soon suffered setbacks and disintegrated. its members to make the 12th Party
Congress a great success.

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Red Star 12th Party Congress Special Issue September 2022

Understanding RSS Neo-Fascism and Building up of the Anti-

Fascist Movement
P J James
The Background eliminating religious minorities,
especially Muslims.

As many historians and scholars have

pointed out, from the very beginning
RSS had its close association with
European fascism (classical fascism) that
originated during the biggest imperialist
political-economic crisis during the
interwar period in Europe, especially in
The BJP that wields state power in India Italy and Germany, and RSS leaders of
is the political tool of RSS, the longest- that time had established direct contacts
running and biggest fascist organization with fascist leaders like Mussolini and
in the world. The RSS with Manusmriti Hitler. For instance, Moonje, the mentor
as its ideological basis was founded in and political guru of Hedgewar, had
1925 with Hedgewar as the first visited the Italian fascist dictator
Sarsanghchalka almost at the same time Mussolini in 1931 and inspired by the
when fascism appeared in Europe. In the Fascist Academy of Physical Education
case of India, the decade of the 1920s that trained paramilitary lumpen goons
when RSS originated was a turbulent one like Black Shirts, started the Bhonsala
that challenged not only the colonial rule Military School in Nasik in 1937 for
but also the feudal order and Brahminical imparting paramilitary training to RSS
caste system. The Dalits, the cadres and Hindutva goons under the
untouchables inspired by Phule and then management of Central Hindu Military
led by Dr Ambedkar had started entering Education Society. Bhonsala School’s
into the political mainstream from links with terrorist actions by Hindutva
inaccessible social peripheries. Including extremist groups including the 2008
this, it was the challenges to the upper Malegaon blasts are much discussed.
caste elite domination that prompted the Golwalkar who had a high adulation of
Brahmin leadership to reassert its Hitler upheld the latter’s doctrine of
hegemony through the formation of RSS. racial purity. He praised the Nazi
Before the formation of RSS, Savarkar method of purging the Semitic races, the
had laid down Hindutva, or ‘political Jews by Hitler and even suggested the
Hinduism’ (which is different from same as a good lesson for India to
Hinduism) as its ideological background. resolve the Muslim question. According
In his manuscript, ‘Hindutva: Who is a to the core ideology of RSS or doctrine
Hindu?’, Savarkar had argued that of Hindu Rashtra, "Hindus and Hindus
Hindus were a nation unto themselves, alone, constitute the Indian Nation”,
excluding Muslims, Christians and all whereas for Golwalkar, casteism was
other minorities in India. After synonymous with ‘Hindu Nation’.
Hedgewar’s death in 1940, Golwalkar Historically India has been multi-
who became the second Sarsanghchalka religious, multilingual, multi-ethnic,
of RSS expanded it as a militant Hindutva multicultural and composed of many
organisation bent on subjugating the nationalities with the inhuman caste
untouchables and stigmatizing and system cutting across all these identities.
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However, as a fascist organisation, RSS for more than half-a-century began
from its very inception has been hoisting the National Flag only during
Islamophobic, anti-Christian, anti- the time of the Vajpayee government
communist, anti-woman and anti-Dalit, which also unveiled Savarkar’s portrait
and was in the habit of using violence to in the central hall of Parliament in 2003.
achieve its objectives.
Obviously, as in the case of European
Under colonial oppression, nationalism fascism during the interwar period, in the
and patriotism for the oppressed era of imperialism, it is the sharpening of
countries were invariably anti-colonial in the inherent contradictions of the ruling
essence. But the ‘cultural nationalism’ of system that creates the opportune
RSS was a camouflage for its servility to moment for the ascendance of fascists
British colonialists and betrayal of the who are the most reactionary sections of
anti-imperialist struggle. Along with its finance capitalists. In other words, when
genocidal hatred towards Muslims, the crisis cannot be resolved through
extreme loyalty to British imperialism normal methods of loot and exploitation
has been inherent in RSS from the very and when people’s struggles become
beginning, and on account of this, it uncontrollable, the political-economic
totally dissociated with the independence situation and social tension become
movement during the British period. Top favourable for the fascist forces to
RSS leadership even advised its cadres capture power. As far as India is
not to waste their energy fighting the concerned, it was the crisis of the 1970s
British but save it for fighting ‘internal and declaration of Emergency by the
enemies’ such as Muslims, Christians Indira Gandhi regime that enabled RSS
and Communists. As such the which till then remained outside the
organization continued to remain on the mainstream to come to the political
periphery of Indian politics. But when limelight. In the absence of a
Constituent Assembly was drafting the progressive-democratic alternative, RSS
Indian Constitution, RSS came forward effectively utilised the situation to come
vehemently opposing the adoption of that to the forefront of the anti-Emergency
Constitution and suggested ‘Manusmriti’ movement. Within no time, replacing the
(the sacred book of chaturvarnya or Jan Sangh, the RSS constituted BJP as its
varna system that identified women and political tool and the rest is part of
Dalits as subhuman) in its place on the contemporary history. Leading hundreds
ground that a Republican Constitution of secret and open, militant and terrorist
would give equality to all castes against outfits and widening and deepening its
the interest of the elite castes. In fact, clout across space and time and with its
much before its objection to the far-right economic philosophy and
Constitution that was drafted under the unwavering allegiance to the US-led
leadership of Ambedkar, the RSS’ imperialist camp, today RSS still
mouthpiece, Organiser in August 1947 claiming itself as a cultural organisation,
had opposed the tricolour National Flag has grown into the biggest fascist
also. Of course, following the organisation in the world with
assassination of the Father of the Nation innumerable overseas saffron extensions
in 1948, the RSS was banned for a few and affiliates backed by immense
months, and one of the conditions that corporate funding.
Sardar Patel put forward for lifting the
ban on RSS on July 11 1949 was “loyalty The seventies were also a turning point in
to the Constitution of India and the the postwar neocolonial order due to the
National Flag”. However, the RSS that advent of the first major global crisis
was not ready to follow this undertaking called ‘stagflation’. As a result, taking
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advantage of the ideological-political dimensional penetration into the entire
setbacks of the Left, imperialism civilian and military apparatuses of the
abandoned its welfare mask and resorted Indian state. And unlike classical fascism
to a change in the capital accumulation which had sharp contradictions with
process through what is called other imperialist forces, Hindutva fascists
neoliberalism. As noted above, the from the very beginning have been
political-economic crisis that confronted subservient to international finance
India in the 1970s leading to the capital during the colonial and postwar
proclamation of Emergency by Indira neocolonial period. However, in the
regime in 1975 was integrally linked up neoliberal period, this process starts with
with this imperialist crisis. Though the Ram Janmabhoomi movement since
Emergency was lifted in 1977, the post- the 1980s, demolition of Babri Masjid in
Emergency period saw Indian state’s 1992 in the context of India’s embrace of
abject surrender to neoliberal diktats and far-right neoliberal policies, the ‘second
intensified neocolonial plunder by generation of globalisation’ under
imperialist-corporate capital. It was Vajpayee government in the late 1990s
during this extremely crisis-ridden period and early 21st century, Gujarat Pogrom in
of India resulting in its further integration 2002, the ascendancy Modi regime in
with global corporate capital and 2014 and its reiteration as Modi.2 in
consequent abandoning of the Nehruvian 2019, which are some of the important
state-led model of ‘development’ and milestones towards this neo-fascist
embrace of neoliberal policies that RSS transformation.
designed its well-thought-out strategy of
eventually transforming India into a As is obvious, under Modi.2, in the
Hindurashtra, i.e., a Hindutva fascist background of all round private-
state by floating BJP as its political party. corporatisation of the economy and
And, effectively taking advantage of the saffronisation of both civilian--including
facilitating role of the soft-Hindutva constitutional and administrative and
pursued by the Congress and with institutional spheres—and military
immense corporate-backing, it has been structures (ranging from RSS initiative to
easy for fascist RSS to transform BJP as start Military Schools to the Agnipath
India’s biggest ruling class party within a scheme), RSS is now moving towards its
relatively short span of time, leading to ultimate goal of establishing the
fascist usurpation of state power with its Hindurashtra, which is an intolerant
multidimensional repercussions at micro theocratic state unequivocally defined by
and macro levels in the context of the Golwalkar in 1939 in his magnum opus,
ascendance of neofascism at a global ‘We, Our Nationhood Defined’ and in
level. conformity with the principles of
Manusmriti. All specificities of
It is not intended here to draw out the Hindutva such as anti-Muslimness
whole trajectory of the process since the (culminating in, for instance, depicting
last quarter of the 20th century that the Rohingyas whom the UN
enabled RSS to establish its fascist characterised as “the most persecuted”
tentacles in the entire political, economic minority on earth today as “infiltrators”),
and cultural spheres. Unlike Mussolini- pan-Indian homogenizing drive of
Hitler fascism that suddenly shot up from deconstruction and subjugation of the
the political-economic crisis of the oppressed caste organisations aimed at
1920s, Indian fascism led by RSS is integrating them into Hindutva, rejection
rooted in a systematic, steady and long of all values of modernity such as
drawn out process spanning almost a rational-scientific thinking, fostering the
century with deep-rooted and multi- cult of tradition and obscurantism,
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treating dissent and disagreement as colonial phase. On the other hand, today
treason, worship of heroism and elitism, imperialism is in its neocolonial phase,
anti-communism together with and on account of the crisis of capital
uncompromising integration with accumulation, abandoning its welfare
corporate finance capital are mask, finance capital has embraced
manifestations RSS neofascism. neoliberalism whose essence is
globalisation or internationalisation of
On the Approach to Neofascism capital as manifested in the limitless and
uncontrollable cross-border movement of
At this critical juncture, concrete corporate capital. With the aggravation in
understanding of neofascism – i.e., imperialist crisis since the dawn of the
fascism under neoliberalism where old 21st century, and especially since the
terms and practices connected with 2008 “sub-crime crisis’, using the
fascism have become irrelevant -- is advancements in frontier technologies
indispensable for building up the anti- such as digitisation, imperialism is
fascist movement and defeating fascism. engaged in further shifting of its burden
No doubt, fascism’s inseparable to the shoulders of world people. In this
integration with the hegemony of most context neofascism is intensified to
reactionary corporate-finance capital is enforce the tyranny of corporate capital
its universal character. However, at a global level effectively utilising
ascribing a static form or pattern to the reactionary, racial, chauvinistic,
emergence of fascism for all situations is revivalist, religious fundamentalist,
erroneous, and it will impede the xenophobic and obscurantist ideologies
building up of anti-fascist struggles too. as its political basis.
For instance, the 7th Congress of
Comintern (1935) that defined fascism in Thus, neoliberal fascism or neofascism
relation to its firm foundations in finance needs to be analysed with respect to the
capital, had also underlined different logic of corporate accumulation today.
course of development of fascism in On the one hand, globalisation has
colonial and semi-colonial countries, and enabled imperialism to restructure the
“in these countries”, according to erstwhile nation-centered production
Comintern, “there can be no question of process by superimposing a new
the kind of fascism that we are international division of labour and
accustomed to see in Germany, Italy and unleash a worldwide super-exploitation
other capitalist countries”. That is, of the working people, thereby
depending on the specific political, temporarily overcoming its crisis of
economic and historical conditions of accumulation. On the other, taking
countries, fascism may assume different advantage of the ideological setbacks of
forms. the Left and by utilising the
heterogeneity and diversity among
There is a macro dimension to this working and oppressed people of
crucial question today. No doubt, fascism different countries and through the
is the government of the most reactionary effective use of postmodern/post-Marxist
and terrorist elements of corporate- neoliberal ideologies such as “identity
finance capital directed against the entire politics”, “multiculturalism”, etc.,
progressive-democratic sections, working finance capital has also succeeded in
class, peasantry, oppressed peoples and creating division among anti-imperialist
intelligentsia of the country. However, forces by diverting people’s attention
when classical fascism emerged during from corporate plunder thereby
the interwar years of the 20th century, disorganising and fragmenting resistance
finance capital or imperialism was in its to capital. As such, the decadence and
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reactionary essence of corporate- finance everywhere is amenable to be used by
capital have become more widespread finance capital as the ideological basis of
and terribly destructive under neofascism (for instance, Evangelism in
neoliberalism. Unlike the period of the Americas, Political Islam in West
‘classical fascism’ which at that time was Asia, Hindutva in India, Buddhism in Sri
specific to capitalist-imperialist Lanka and Myanmar).
countries, neofascism, i.e., fascism under
neoliberalism has become transnational On Building up the Anti-Fascist
in character cutting across national Movement
borders. A best example, is the manner in
which the financial oligarchs of Europe Based on the foregoing brief sketch, the
have initiated a pan-European neofascist antifascist offensive is to be initiated
alliance against workers, migrants and based on the lessons from past
refugees. experiences but also on the basis of a
concrete evaluation of 21st century laws
Today, neofascists everywhere are of motion of finance capital in relation to
working overtime to take advantage of country specificities. Obviously,
the mass psychology of social and neofascism is the regime of the most
economic insecurity created by the loss reactionary sections of corporate-finance
of livelihood, employment, habitat and capital under neoliberalism. Therefore,
environment arising from corporate though ruling class/bourgeois parties are
plunder as well as people’s loss of faith basically neoliberal in orientation, all of
in mainstream traditional parties them are not fascistic and, of course,
including ‘social democrats’ who have there are sections who stand for rule of
no alternative to neoliberal policies. law, bourgeois-democratic rights,
Making use of the specificities of freedom of expression and press, free and
countries, neofascists in general pursue fair election, etc. However, their class
an exclusivist and majoritarian line by character with roots in neoliberalism and
propping up the so called ‘homogeneous’ links with corporate capital along with
part of the population pitting it against engagement with electoral politics as the
the ‘heterogeneous’ sections often only sphere of action, make these parties
composed of religious, ethnic/racial and incapable to take initiative in the struggle
linguistic minorities, migrants, refugees, against fascists who have usurped the
dalits, tribals and other marginalized and entire micro and macro spaces of social
oppressed sections of society. Including life. An electoral victory alone is not
this, the all-round depoliticising and sufficient as the threat of fascist come-
social engineering resorted by fascists back will be there until and unless fascist
provide a fertile ground for the tentacles are wiped out from already
flourishing of neofascism. And with its occupied strategic positions. Along with
own specificities, RSS fascism in India the control over the organs of the state,
(corporate-saffron fascism) is a typical the saffron fascists through their vast and
example of neofascism today. Basing unparalleled organisational structure also
itself in unbridled neoliberal- have established spectacular control over
corporatisation, the Indian regime today ‘street power’ through lumpen and
is engaged in establishing a Hindu paramilitary goons. Unlike the situation
theocratic state or Hindurashtra in under classical fascism, though electoral
accordance with the RSS ideology of option of challenging fascists through the
aggressive ‘Hindu nationalism’ or parliamentary route is theoretically there
Hindutva. A concrete evaluation of the today as long as elections exist, free and
international situation today amply fair elections are becoming difficult since
makes it clear that majoritarian religion the Hindutva fascists through their
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control over the entire administration edifice even as policy decisions are taken
coupled with the backing of immense in corporate-board rooms. In other
corporate funding and formidable street words, even under the veil of bourgeois
power are engaged in transforming India democracy, neofascism has become
into a full-fledged theocratic state based capable to use terrorist methods of ethnic
on the diktats of Manusmriti. Hence mere and racial cleansing, oppression and
preoccupation with parliamentary work, extermination of minorities, immigrants,
devoid of a nation-wide anti-fascist refugees, and women, elimination of
movement, cannot confront the fascists, hard-earned democratic rights, super-
an aspect that the non-fascist ruling class exploitation of the workers through new
parties often ignore. technologies, plunder of nature leading to
climate catastrophe and all round
Regarding the broad ‘left spectrum’, it militarisation. No doubt, with a
ranges from the ‘social democrats’ (e.g., mechanical approach to fascism and
CPM) to adventurists (e.g., Maoists). The being apologists of neoliberal-
latter section, does not make a distinction corporatisation, it is logical on the part of
between pro-fascist and non-fascist social democrats to wait for fascism that
sections of the ruling classes and on is yet to come, since they are also
account of this sectarian approach, implementing the same far-right
disregards the most reactionary and neoliberal policies wherever and
terrorist class essence of neofascism whenever they are in power.
which is a mere change of regime for
sectarians. For the CPM, on the other These varying perceptions on fascism,
hand, fascism is yet to come to India, and however, should not be a justification for
according to its ideologues, Modi regime refraining from the immediate and
is “on the verge of turning fascist” and indispensable task of building up the
only “symptoms of fascism” are there. anti-fascist movement for resisting and
Here it is to be stated that this evaluation defeating RSS neofascism. No doubt, an
arises from a stereotyped approach to ideologically equipped, politically and
fascism, a way of looking at neofascism organisationally strong communist
as a textbook copy of the ‘classical movement is the need of the hour. At the
fascism’ of the interwar period. This same time, we cannot wait till such an all
mechanical approach to neofascism is India movement is ready, since it will be
contrary to the dialectical-materialist suicidal as was the case with many
analysis that any social phenomenon communist parties in Europe when
when transform and develops further in a fascists were advancing there during the
new historical context and in a different twenties. And when the anti-fascist
social formation will inevitably adapt united front was formed in the 1930s,
itself to the particularities and much damage had already been done by
specificities of that concrete situation. To fascists. At the same time, failure to
be precise, the concrete manifestations of analyse and comprehend the
fascism will vary according to space and fundamentally different class interests of
time. Compared to the colonial period the diverse forces including imperialists
when classical fascism originated, today who joined the broad united front during
the parliamentary system has traversed the anti-fascist struggle and erroneous
almost a century, and corporate evaluations following the defeat of
billionaires have become adept in fascism led to many revisionist-
keeping the reins of state power with opportunist deviations both at the global
them and carrying on incessant neofascist and national levels. The dissolution of
assaults on working class and oppressed Comintern in 1943 more or less at the
peoples by keeping parliament as a mere same when US imperialism was
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preparing to launch its neocolonial struggles against both Hindutva fascism
offensive is a typical example of this and far-right neoliberal policies, i.e., that
international deviation, while the comprise elements of anti-fascist struggle
emergence of Browderism in the US that and class struggle. The Anti-CAA
called for transforming the tactical Movement, the people’s movement
alliance with sections of finance against denying citizenship to Muslims
capitalists in the anti-fascist struggle into and the historic Farmers’ Movement
a long-term strategic alliance between the against corporatisation of agriculture
working class and bourgeoisie was a were two examples where almost all the
domestic example of this deviation. anti-fascist forces ranging from
organisations and parties of rich farmers
Viewed in the context of such past to oppressed masses actively
experiences, even while acknowledging participated. Based on this experience,
the absence of a strong communist possibilities to develop sustained and
movement to lead the fight against uncompromising struggles against
neofascism, care is to be taken to avoid corporatisation and saffron-fascist forces
both sectarian and opportunist deviations. uniting with all anti-fascist sections
While allying with non-fascist sections of comprising secular, democratic and left
the ruling classes in fighting the most forces are emerging throughout the
reactionary corporate-bourgeoisie and the length and breadth of the country. In
neofascist state propped up by them, these struggles, if appropriate
communists and progressive forces must organisational interventions are made,
be aware of the overlapping, the working class, especially the vast
interpenetrating and complex class unorganised sections, peasantry,
interests among different sections of oppressed peoples including women,
bourgeoisie today. Coming to question of Dalits, adivasis, minorities, especially the
united front with social democrats, persecuted Muslims, youth and students
untiring ideological struggle should be will join against corporate onslaughts,
carried forward. And where the social displacement from habitat,
democrats are in power like the CPI (M) environmental destruction, caste
in Kerala serving corporate interests, this atrocities, communal oppression,
task becomes all the more significant. violation of democratic rights and so on.
Any laxity on the part of communist Along with such resistance struggles of
revolutionaries in this issue will lead to people, conscious efforts should be taken
surrender of the ideological-political line to initiate debates and discussions on a
of the communists in the interests of political alternative against neoliberal
“anti-fascist unity”, ultimately leading to policies and RSS neofascism. Such
sacrificing of proletarian independence initiatives leading to state-level
and altogether abandoning of class coordination joining with revolutionary
struggle. left, democratic and struggling forces can
create an atmosphere for the emergence
This does not mean that class struggle is of a national coordination against
to be counterpoised against anti-fascist corporate-Hindutva fascism based on a
struggle, or placing both in two common program, which can be
watertight compartments or to be put in a extended to electoral struggles for
one after the other manner; rather both isolating and defeating neofascists. Of
are inseparable and interlinked in the particular relevance here is the crucial
fascist context. Many struggles against significance of building up effective
the corporate-saffron fascist regime have resistance against Manuvad and growing
been there or are coming up in different inhuman Brahmanical caste practices
parts of the country that combine
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against Dalits under the patronage of struggles, if initiated properly, can also
RSS fascism. Hence appropriate explore the possibility of tactical
ideological and political interventions alliances with non-fascist sections of the
joining with all progressive intellectuals parliamentary parties in electoral
and like-minded people against struggles according to concrete
Manuvadi-Hindutva, the ideological conditions. It will enable the anti-fascist
basis of Indian fascism are inalienable movement to effectively utilise
components of the anti-fascist struggle. contradictions within the ruling classes
Such a movement comprising both so as to isolate the reactionary elements
parliamentary and non-parliamentary who are allying with fascists.

IT’S Now or Never:

Dismantle the Present Extractive-Industrial-Capitalist System
Before It Destabilises All Earth Systems and Create a Climate Catastrophe

Soumya Dutta
‘international community’. Large parts
of India faced an unprecedented Six (6)
heat waves during this (2022) March-
May, resulting in widespread crop losses
for the second most important cropping
season – Rabi. This caused a large drop
in expected wheat production, forcing the
Indian government to ban wheat exports,
which in turn caused food-distresses in
several countries dependent of Indian
Earth’s alarm bells are ringing loud and wheat imports. In the last four (4) years,
clear, but the worlds rich and powerful both of India’s coasts – of the Bay of
are trying hard to divert our attention Bengal and Arabian Sea, have been hit
from the root cause of the problems and by large and powerful cyclones every
create illusions of solutions within the year, again unprecedented in the last 100
problem-systems. Right at this moment, years of recorded history. Europe is still
there is an unprecedented heat wave not out of the severe impacts of a
going on in large parts of China, along widespread heat-wave, drought and
with a massive drought. The powerful massive wildfires, which forced even
and rich Chinese government, with large some highly ‘techno-industrial’ countries
hordes of dollar reserves and world’s like France to seek foreign assistance to
largest techno-industrial capacity, is douse the massive fires. The US west
struggling to assure water supply to faced a “1000 year drought” till last year,
cities, industries and water guzzling with temperature records broken in
thermal and nuclear power plants. At the dozens of recording stations. Places in
same time, Pakistan is facing a “Monster normally frozen Alaska reached 30 C
Monsoon” which has put nearly 30% of temperatures. The Greenland Ice-sheet is
the country under water, killed well over now melting away (excess melt over
a 1000 people and displaced or affected fresh snow deposition) at around Six
over 30 million. The already weakened times the rate it used to a few decades
Pakistan government is near collapse and ago, cooling off the extreme northern
is seeking desperate support for reaches of the North Atlantic. This in
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turn is raising sea levels worldwide, and the dreaded “Methane Bomb” scientists
has already disturbed the world’s largest were afraid off being triggered, as these
heat distributor, the great Ocean Permafrost or Permanently Frozen soil
Currents, or AMOC (Atlantic Meridional hold a vast quantity of carbon than
Overturning Circulation). This in turn is exceeds the total atmospheric carbon
letting the high Equatorial heat to build content, and if released, will result in fast
up in areas over equatorial countries, temperature rise across the globe. Severe
contributing to heat-waves and droughts cyclonic storms have increased in both
and fires. The world’s largest Ice store, numbers and strength in the Gulf of
the Antarctic is also melting away much Mexico, in the eastern Pacific and in
faster and is regularly “calving” (huge North Indian Ocean, devastating
islands of Ice breaking off and eventually hundreds of millions of people’s lives. In
melting away) huge Icebergs the size of 2019020, Australia faced a super-mega
large cities. Rising sea levels is forcing scale bush-fire the likes of which was
the Indonesian government to relocate its never seen before by humans, and which
capital Jakarta, with nearly 30 million put over 700 million tons of CO2 in the
people, to a higher inland place over a atmosphere, mocking all the economic
1000 Kms away. The world’s largest and technological capabilities of one of
forests, the northern Boreal Forests are the richest countries that failed to douse
dying out under a variety of climate the fires before Nature intervened with
derived attacks, including the pine borer rains. The global Coral reefs, which –
beetle, which is taking advantage of despite occupying only about 2% of the
warmer temperatures to reproduce much oceans, are home to nearly 25% of
more. As per some Brazilian studies, marine biodiversity, are facing
parts of the Amazon rain forests, often extinction, with nearly 40% of coral reefs
called the lungs of the Earth, has already already bleached and dead, with
become a net CO2 emitter, rather than devastating consequences for fish and
soaking in the greenhouse gas. The other marine life The scary event list can
World’s Oceans have been forced to go on and on and on. The global
absorb much higher amounts of Carbon Extractive-Industrial-Capitalist social-
Dioxide CO2, and have become almost economic system is threatening to break
30%more acidic than they were before the nine (9) Planetary Boundaries and
40 years. This is resulting in large scale there are ample hard scientific evidence
impacts on trillions and quadrillions of that the Earth’s natural control systems
shell forming life in the Oceans, are under tremendous pressure and some
disrupting the marine web of life. The are at breaking points.
IPBES report four (4) years ago brought
out the scary report that nearly One-
Million species are facing ‘imminent’ All of you might have noticed the recent
extinction around the world, with a large release of the three Working Group
part of them being insects. If one reports of the IPCC (Intergovernmental
realizes that insects are the primary Panel on Climate Change) sixth
pollinators of our fruits and vegetables, Assessment report cycle (AR-6), starting
an imminent food crisis can’t be wished August 2021 for the WG-I report (The
away. The vast permafrost areas and the Physical Science Basis – of Climate
shallow Arctic Sea beds have started Change), then the WG-II report (Impacts,
releasing vast quantities of Methane, a Adaptation and Vulnerability) in
Green House Gas nearly 87 times more February 2022, and finally the WG-3
powerful (for warming the Earth) than report (Mitigation of Climate Change).
Carbon Dioxide in the short term. This is After the release of the WG-I report, the

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UN secretary general again sounded the (combined with other causes), over 29%
alarm – like many climate scientists have of India’s total land mass is facing
been doing for some time, and called this desertification, as shown in the large
a “Code Red for Humanity”. After the scale studies by Indian Space Research
release of the 3rd of the series, WG-III Organisation ISRO. Many small rivers
report, global scientific community and have either dried up or in the process of
many others – including sensible media, drying up – affecting not only the
have told what the IPCC has indicated – hundreds of millions who get their
“IT’s NOW OR NEVER”. One has to drinking and irrigation water from these,
remember that the IPCC is no radical but also over 11-12 million inland
group of “communist-scientists”. It’s not fishers. People from many states are
even a free association of top scientists facing crippling water shortages, with
(though top climate scientists, about 200 districts becoming water
economists, social scientists (for the AR- scarce during summer months. Crops are
6) and other experts work for the being affected badly by either untimely
reports). It is an inter-governmental heat, or hail damages, or massive losses
body created by the UN, and is fairly from flooding. The Urban poor /
conservative. Only those scientific working class are badly suffering from
conclusions pass through its final editing, increasing impacts of Heat waves and
on which there are high degree of Heat Index (a combination of high
certainty and which withstand very temperature and high humidity), which is
rigorous checks. The high pitched alarms a killer impact, along with much more
and final warnings coming from such a frequent Urban flooding and ‘basti-fires’.
conservative body, indicate that the Earth Continuously rising sea levels are already
is very near a collapse of its life-support forcing million of people from their
systems. These have forced even the UN homes and farms, and by all studies,
secretary General to voice warnings like these numbers will rise even faster. The
“We are Sleep-walking in to a disaster”, list goes on and is increasing.
or “Climate change is running faster than
we are, and we are running out of time”. In the face of these loud warnings of
Earth-wide catastrophic changes, the
The large scale climate driven disasters governments, businesses and agenda-
(or Climate extreme events) have setting global financial institutions have
increased sharply, with India facing big only mouthed empty rhetoric to fool the
cyclones on both Bay of Bengal and people, while continuing to pursue their
Arabian Sea coast every year now – a fossil fuel based profit pursuit. In the
phenomenon not seen for at least the last highly hyped Paris Climate summit in
80-90 years. This has put – not only the 2015 November, almost every
12 million plus coastal fish-workers, but government and attending mega
also over 200 million coastal residents businesses agreed to drastically reduce
(who reside within 5 KMs of the their GHG emissions at a fast pace, and
coastline) in to grave dangers of loss of to transition to no-carbon economies by
lives, of property, of loss of livelihoods. 2050. Yet after the Agreement was
Normally dry areas in central and signed in November 2015, global total
western India have faced massive Green House Gas emissions have risen
rainfalls and widespread flooding. Kerala every year from 2016 to 2019, reaching a
is now facing devastating floods almost high of 37.6 Giga tons of CO2, only
every year. Exceptional hot periods are falling 5.8% in 2020, but Not due to any
draining the soil of moisture affecting directed action, but for the world-wide
crop yields drastically. As a result economic shutdown due to the COVID

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pandemic. And in 2021, the emissions Economic problem, and not just an
took a sharp upward turn again ! Almost environmental” problem, and needs to be
every government is pushing for tackled with global political-economic
increasing the production of some or the change. But the categorisation of the
other fossil fuels – Coal for “developing” problem and its root cause was still not
countries like China, India, Indonesia, clearly acknowledged to be the
Philippines, Bangladesh,……… And Oil extractive-industrial-capitalist political-
and Natural gas for the richer economy. Instead, “poverty” was
“developed” / highly industrialised identified as the “biggest polluter”,
(OECD+) economies. After the Russia- disregarding the scientific truth that the
Ukraine war disrupted the Russian gas poor causes the least amount of pollution
supply to Europe, many European through their minimal consumption, and
countries have started pushing up their it’s the wealth that created the maximum
coal production and restarted many pollution by consumption! Though the
moth-balled coal power plants, 1972 ‘Club of Rome’ report – “The
completely in conflict with the urgent Limits to Growth”, the 1987 ‘Brundtland
need and their promises to shut these commission’ report – “Our Common
down. The big global financial Future : Report of the World
institutions (IFIs, MDBs, BDBs,….) Commission on Environment and
have pumped in over US dollar Five Development”, and more had already
Trillion (well over 1.5 times India’s shown that the over exploitation of the
entire current GDP) in to fossil fuel earth’s limited resources and the over
businesses, in just five years from 2016- pollution of its ecosystems is the root
2020, after announcing their great cause, and the Extractive-Industrial-
intentions to “tackle climate change” ! Capitalist political Economy of never
The G20 economies (group of countries ending Economic Growth (to drive ever
with the world’s 20 biggest economies), increasing production and profits) is the
who account for over 80% of global driving factor of this destruction.
emissions and nearly 90% of global
trade, and also have the biggest financial It took all of 20 years from this
and technological capacities, have realisation to the “landmark Rio Earth
actually increased their collective Summit” in 1992, for the world’s
emissions significantly. governments to collectively agree on
some frameworks to act politically on the
To realise the present stagnation and interrelated emerging ecological crises of
impasse over Systemic Climate “Climate Change”, Biodiversity loss and
Governance Actions, one needs to look species extinction and fast spreading
back a little to the history of international desertification around the world. As a
climate governance. Though the clear result, the Rio Earth Summit gave birth
link between higher Green House Gases to the three Global Ecological Compacts
(GHGs) in the atmosphere – resulting – UNFCCC (United Nations Framework
primarily from the burning of fossil fuels Convention on Climate Change),
(Coal, Oil or Petroleum products and UNCBD (UN Convention of Biological
natural gas) – and higher average Diversity) and the UNCCD (UN
temperatures on Earth, were known for Convention for Combating
well over a century, the 1972 “UN Desertification) – all in 1992. One has
Conference on Human Environment” in also to take note of the political juncture
Stockholm was probably the first instant at which these events are taking place.
where global political leaders The collapse of the Soviet Union led to
collectively agreed that this is a Political- an euphoria in the capitalist world that

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the “alternative pathway” of socialist significantly to the global atmospheric
development has been “shown to be GHG load, though every country have
incapable of tackling human societal some responsibility. Along with that, the
challenges” (though the role of the RC part acknowledged that since it is the
western capitalist system in this collapse same high emitter countries who have
was not brought out). This is despite the amassed wealth, technology and
fact that even the “Soviet model” of infrastructure at a much higher level, by
development went on the same path of using the GHG emitting fossil fuels, they
indiscriminate extraction- have more capacity – financially and
industrialisation-waste-dumping from/on technologically, to respond and thus have
Nature, differing only in the ‘control of to do much more to tackle the climate
means of production’ and distributive crisis, not only in their own territories,
justice. The fall of the “socialist political but also to help other, poorer (less
alternative” gave rise to the narrative of capacity) countries, both financially and
“end of History”, and from now on, it’s technologically. These ‘obligations’ of
only the capitalist model that will show developed or industrialised rich countries
the world how and where to go! It’s in to the poorer developing countries have
this background of TINPA (there is no caused lots of debates in the following
political-economic alternative) that the UN Climate negotiations and also in
Rio Earth Summit was held, and it is then international discussions of obligations
no surprise that the “sustainable of rich countries for Climate Finance --
development” solutions will be in the Green Climate Fund GCF, in
visualised within the same political ODAs etc.
Second important policy was the
Right from the birth of UNFCCC in acceptance that the science will
1992, the recognition of the climate crisis determine how much mitigation
as a major global challenge was there, (reducing emissions of global warming
but policies and actions lagged far GHGs) is needed by which time, though
behind. Five years after this, in 1997, the the schedule of reduction was far from
country governments party to the what was dictated by science. This
UNFCCC, agreed on a very modest reduction was initially agreed upon in the
policy on actions to climate change, in First commitment period, from 2008---
what is called the ”Kyoto Protocol”. 2012, to be later extended to the second
Though modest in its ambitions to reduce commitment period with enhanced
the Greenhouse gas emissions from main reduction targets. The noteworthy point
industrialised countries (between 5 and is that the Kyoto protocol was, in a way,
8%, from their 1990 levels), it had few a legally binding agreement, though there
important global climate policy and was no provision of penalising any
governance principles. One was the key country in case of non-compliance
issue of acceptance of the “Common But (which were many). Also, the four
Differentiated Responsibilities and pillars of Climate Action were accepted
Respective Capacities or CBDR & RC”. to be the Mitigation (reducing GHG
This meant that all countries agreed that emissions), Adaptation (helping nations,
those who have historically emitted far communities to adapt to the climate
more greenhouse gases (which are change impacts), Technology Transfer
primarily responsible for the global (providing technology free of Intellectual
warming driving climate crisis), have Property Rights, to poorer nations, to
More Responsibilities than other tackle their low carbon development
countries who have not thus contributed needs) and Finance (rich and historically

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high emitter nations commitment to give minimum annual support needed to
money – mostly grants from public tackle CC).
sources, to poorer nations). Much later,
a fifth aspect, that of Loss and damage What transpired from 2009 in the
(the acceptance that in spite of adaptation Copenhagen climate summit (CoP-15 of
measures, massive climate triggered UNFCCC) and in the next year in
losses are happening and poorer Cancun (CoP-16), was a near complete
countries should be helped to manage negation of the accepted principles, that
these, as they have low capacity). science will dictate the mitigation targets
and CBDR & RC will be the guiding
Another important aspect, an aberration principle. From 2010 in Cancun, a new
in some views, was that under US threat “Pledge and Review” global climate
of not signing the KP, a “flexible governance was pushed for, meaning
mechanism” meaning mostly a each country will do (or reduce or take
(capitalist) Market based mechanism, climate action) as per their own
was introduced in the mitigation decisions, NOT as needed to avert a
mechanisms. This gave rise to the climate catastrophe based on science.
Emissions Trading Scheme, the Carbon Simultaneously, the rich countries started
Trading mechanism called the “Clean pushing for the so-called “emerging
Development Mechanism” etc. Thus, economies”, like China, India, Brazil,
the actual reduction of GHG emissions Mexico………. To take more
where it is being emitted, was replaced responsibilities, as they are now emitting
by the complex and hard to verify carbon more and also has better financial
emission trading (through Certified capacities. Thus, the two key aspects of
Emissions Reductions or CER), which Kyoto protocol, Science based
later became the dominant operational determination of mitigation targets and
method, leading to all kinds of problems, CBDR&RC, were effectively nullified,
and actual rise in emissions globally though still kept in the texts of the
(emissions post Kyoto rose both in UNFCCC negotiations. On the critical
developed and developing countries). Finance part, the concept that the rich
The KP ‘came into force’ in 2005, and countries will provide at least a $100
was supposed to be upgraded and billion each year in mostly grants to
replaced by a much stronger agreement poorer countries, has also changed
later. drastically. After the “Fast Start Climate
Finance” of about USD 30 billion from
As part of these policies, two tracks were 2010—2012, the GCF is struggling to
established under the UNFCCC – the raise money. The GEF (Global
Technology Mechanism and the Finance Environment Facility, another climate
Mechanism, for implementation. For the finance provider under UNFCCC) is a
Technology Mechanism, two bodies much smaller player. Even the GCF is
came into being – Technology Executive talking about part loans part grant, of
Committee (TEC) and Climate Private finance being leveraged, of
Technology Centre and Network complex mechanisms of accounting….
(CTCN), for carrying on the work. On Meaning that those basic commitments
the Finance front, Green Climate Fund are no longer sacrosanct!
was created to support developing / poor
countries with no interest/ low interest Coming to the ‘present’, the currently
climate finance, to the tune of US Dollar active global climate governance
100 billion per year (which, though principles and structure is determined by
sounds a lot, was less than one-sixth of the Paris Agreement, which again, is
the World Bank estimate at the time, on totally based on Pledge and review
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system (meaning Governments are three years of stagnation (stagnant from
working on the principle of - “we will do 2014-2016, but rose in 2018 at highest
as we like, but allow checking rate in 7 years), and GHG spewing fossil
compliance with that pledge”). Each fuels still provide about 80% of global
country was told to, and submitted their primary energy supply.
so-called Nationally Determined
Contributions (NDCs) as required under In 2021, the critical Glasgow climate
the Article 4 para 12 of the Paris summit was acknowledged to be the
Agreement (PA). The NDCs include (almost) last chance for a globally agreed
both mitigation and adaptation, though turn-around from massive extraction-
developed country NDCs are mostly production-growth-emissions, and
mitigation, and poorer (LDCs, island towards a low emission, ‘zero-carbon’
nations) country NDCs are largely global economy. The same-year
adaptation, with middle economies accepted (in September 2015)
planning both. Almost all of these NDCs Sustainable Development Goals accepted
are way below the bare minimum the principles of “Leaving No One
required for preventing climate Behind”, and a zero-hunger, No-Poverty,
catastrophe, and some analysis shows Water & education for all, decent jobs /
that even if all pledges in NDCs are income for everyone, restoring Oceans
fulfilled, the global average annual and land to health, ……and it was
temperature will rise from 3.2 to 3.5 C universally accepted that without
above pre-industrial temperatures by the stopping the catastrophic turn to Climate
year 2100, and the Redlines of 1.5C and Chaos, none of this can be achieved.
2.0C will likely be breached by 2030- Yet, just before coming to attend the
2040 and 2050-2060. Already, the Glasgow CoP-26 (the 26th Conference of
global annual average have increased Parties), US president Joe Biden was
over 1 C, and the average over northern negotiating hard with OPEC
hemispheric landmass (where a large (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting
majority of humanity lives) has almost Countries) to increase their oil and gas
touched 1.4 C (average) over pre- productions, so that US drivers of big
industrial. These are scary scenarios, but SUVs can enjoy low cost Gas (petrol) to
the earliest review of the PA pledges is merrily drive around to destruction of the
scheduled in 2020, before and during the Earths life support systems. The Prime
UNFCCC CoP-25 in Chile, and every minister of the CoP-26 host country,
passing year is proving that the Climate Boris Johnson, was pushing hard to open
Crisis is spreading faster than predicted. a massive new oil drilling operation in
Though the UN Secretary General has Combo. The head of government of the
invited all government leaders to the one- most populated country in the world,
day Climate summit in UN HQ in New China (the biggest emitter / polluter by
York on Sept.23, 2019, and asked them far) increased their coal based power,
to “come with concrete plans” to do though taking some action to control the
much more, not with speeches, there are severe air pollution. India (third largest
hardly any sign that governments are emitter behind China and USA, but much
preparing to drastically shift away from a lower down the rank in per capita
fossil-fuel driven, continuous GDP emission), is opening up multiple new
growth oriented economy. Despite the large coal mines, privatised coal mining
significant progress a few countries made for profit and pushing ahead for new coal
in installing solar and wind power and based power plants, despite over capacity
some coal power plant shutdowns, GHG and critical levels of air pollution all over
emissions have started rising again, after the country, killing over 12 lakh Indians
each year. The president of the largest
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economy of Latin America, Brazil, is C or 1.7 C or something round that (no
merrily burning millions of acres of certainty about what temperature rise will
Amazon forests each year, to increase finally trigger the Tipping Points, but
grazing grounds for beef exports, and approximate figures are around 2 C),
open fields for soybean etc. Other large there is a danger that the “Feedback
economies like Indonesia, Mexico, South Mechanisms” will take us in to a
Africa…..all followed in the same Runaway Climate Change situation, and
mould. we will race towards a “Hot-house
Earth” scenario, may be for centuries to
Thus it is very clear now that the global come. Human civilization as we know it,
Extractive-industrial-capitalist systems will likely cease to exist, with only the
WILL NOT abandon their pursuit of elite creating highly protected safe
more extraction—more production-more havens for themselves. Hundreds of
profits—more waste dumping, as that is millions might die and billions will suffer
at the core of its very survival. Even badly. It's also clear that governments,
though there are a large no of indications businesses and industry have consistently
and catastrophic events that shows that refused to take necessary climate actions,
the Earth-systems are about to collapse. that they used only rhetoric to deceive
The massive impacts on the Earth- the people at large, and that they are
systems are only intended to be pursuing a largely fossil fuel driven
‘softened’ a little with palliatives like "COVID recovery" of the economies.
Efficiency Increase, the “Circular
Economy”, the “Fourth Industrial In these circumstances, it's only large
Revolution” etc. With this perspective, scale people's uprisings that can hope to
and keeping in mind the dire warnings of force a change of course, but that is far
the IPCC, IPBES, WMO, reports, the easier said than done. The “ordinary
urgency called for by the WG-1 report, people” are kept in darkness about the
which paints a grim picture of the grim situation all of us are facing. They
physical state of the climate systems, and are also faced with multiple challenges in
the WG-2 report that show an equally their daily lives, of earning enough to
dangerous scenario of impacts, feed their families, of escaping death and
vulnerabilities etc., the WG-3 report on severe diseases due to non-availability of
mitigation sounds another clear and loud basic health care, of struggles to get the
alarm -- that global aggregate emissions basic water and energy supplies. It is a
of GHGs must peak by 2025 (less than a challenge that we must accept, to make
mere 4 years’ time) and then rapidly these connections clear to people on the
decline by 50% in the next 5 years (the ground, to mobilize them for acting as
“NOW” part of “now or never”), if there organised collectives, for better scientific
has to be some possibilities of avoiding and political understanding and action.
1.5°C temperature rise (from pre-
industrial average) and catastrophic It’s a matter of encouragement that over
climate change. It's another matter that the past few years, an increasing number
some of the IPCC forecasts have been of youth and children’s collectives in
overshot by actual changes in the Earth many countries are becoming more
Systems, and some scientific assessments militant in demanding climate action and
show that we are now committed to climate justice. In climate marches
crossing 1.5°C rise in the next called by numerous small groups, over 3-
decade. This is Not Like other localised 5 lakh people are turning up – in
or short term problems. Once the Earth countries like USA, and those of
passes a critical temperature rise – be it 2 European Union. In UK, the Extinction

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Rebellion is taking non-violent militant that when the push become shove, and if
actions to both demand action from the enlightened political guidance is present,
government and stop the economic people have risen up to the challenges
wheels of this extractive-exploitative and changed the course history. And as
economies. In Europe and Latin it becomes clearer that we have No Other
America, the de-growth movement is Option but to Dismantle this currently
gaining grounds. During the CoP-26 in global Extractive-Industrial-Capitalist
Glasgow, the people’s Climate March system and replace it with a Nature-
attracted the spontaneous participation of determined and respecting, equitable (in
over 120,000 protesting people, despite the sense of all humans, in the sense of
that being a cold, rainy and windy day. all future generations and in the sense of
The challenges are greater in the all species of life on Earth), just Political-
countries of the south, where people are Economic-Social system, across the
kept debilitating occupied for the basic world. It’s the final call to action for all
survival needs, leaving little energy for of us. That is the challenge we have to
deeper engagements. But history shows rise up to.

Divisive Politics of RSS and Struggle for Plural Society

Ram Puniyani
one hand and increase in the electoral
power of BJP is on the rise parallel to
each other.

RSS pursues the politics of Hindutva,

which is based on Savarkar’s elaboration
of this concept. As per Savarkar,
Hindutva is not just a religion, it is whole
HInduness based on Aryan Race, culture
India has been a country of plural diverse (Brahmanical) and the land from Sindhu
traditions. Here people of different to seas. (1) In his concept of citizenship
religions have been living for centuries. Hindus have a primacy as this is their
From last few decades the discords Pitrubhumi (fatherland) and Punyabhumi
between different communities have (Holyland) both. Christians and Muslims
been on the rise. The minorities become secondary as their Punyabhumi
particularly Muslims have been targeted is in Mecca and Jerusalem. His concept
in severe ways. Even the Christian of Nationalism is based on this is Hindu
minority is also under the attack. These Rashtra. This is the ideological basis of
divides between different religious RSS politics. (2)
communities have been on the increase
due to the communal agenda Colonial Period: Indian Nationalism
aggressively unleashed during last few and Sectarian Nationalism
decades. Around the time of Shah Bano
During colonial period the rising classes
fiasco, the communal forces launched the
of industrialists, businessmen, workers
Ram Temple campaign, which became
and educated classes came together and
more heightened after the Mandal
formed different organizations, Madras
Commission implementation in 1990.
Mahajan Sabha, Pune Sarvajanik Sabha,
Since then the communal violence on
and Bombay Association etc. These
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organizations felt for the need for an enviable situation for British as such
overarching political organization so groups would weaken the rising national
went in to form Indian National Congress movement. On one side they quietly
in 1885. (3) The declining sections of supported the Muslim League and
society, Muslim and Hindu landlords and parallel to this they handled Hindu
kings also decided to come together to Mahasabha with velvet gloves.
oppose the all-inclusive politics of
Congress, which in due course became Genesis of RSS
the major vehicle of the values of
freedom movement. These declining Taking a cue from the ideology of
sections were feeling threatened due to Hindutva, RSS came up in 1925, with the
the social changes. To hide their social path of Hindu Nationalism and goal of
decline they projected as if their religion Hindu Nation. The values of rising
is in danger. They also did not like the classes embodied in the persona of
standing up to the colonial masters by Bhagat Singh, Ambedkar, Gandhi,
Congress, which had started putting Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and many
forward the demands for different rising others mainly revolved around Indian
social groups and thereby for India. Nationalism, built around the principles
Congress saw this country as ‘India is a of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and
Nation in the making’, while Muslim Social Justice. The ideology of Muslim
League and Hindu Mahasabha saw it as League selectively drew from elite
Muslim and Hindu nation respectively Muslim traditions to assert the caste and
(4). gender hierarchy of feudal society. While
Hindu Mahasabha and RSS had tomes
As per declining sections of landlords like Manusmriti to talk about graded
and kings; standing up to, not bowing in hierarchies of caste and gender. Muslim
front of the ruler is against the teachings and Hindu communalists were not part of
of ‘our’ religion so what is needed freedom movement as freedom
according to them is to promote the movement was all inclusive and aimed at
loyalty to the British. They, Hindu and secular democratic values. Muslim and
Muslim feudal elements, came together Hindu communalists drew from glories
and formed United India Patriotic of respective Kings of the past and kept
Association in 1888. The lead was taken aloof from anti British struggle, some
by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan; it included exceptions are always there to show the
Muslim and Hindu feudal elements like evidence of their participation in the
Nawab of Dhaka and Raja of Kashi (5). freedom struggle.
Later due to British machinations the
Muslim elite from this association Gandhi’s attempt to draw the masses in
separated and formed Muslim league in to anti British struggle was the major
1906, while in parallel to this the Hindu point due to which the Constitutionalists
elite first formed Punjab Hindu Sabha in like Jinnah; traditionalists of Muslim
1909 and then Hindu Mahasabha in League and Hindu Mahasabha further
1915. drifted away and consolidated
themselves after 1920s. The trajectory of
These communal formations argued for Hindu Nationalism from the decade of
Muslim Nationalism and Hindu 1920 becomes very clear, to be on the
nationalism. Hindu nationalists also side of British to oppose the Muslim
developed the political ideology of Nationalists. Same applies to Muslim
Hindutva, articulated particularly by League, as it regarded Congress as a
Savarkar in 1923 in his book ‘Hindutva Hindu party. (6) The Freedom of the
or Who is a Hindu?’ This was an country and tragic partition led to
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Muslim Leaguers going to Pakistan while The increasing communal violence from
leaving sufficient backlog to sustain the decade of 1990s led to polarization of
Muslim communalism here. society and increasing electoral power of
BJP. It also led to ghettoization of
RSS Setting up Shakhas Muslim minority and intimidation of
Christian minority.
Shakha are branches and are the key
basic unit of RSS. Here boys between the Anti Muslim violence has been the major
ages of 5 to 15 years are trained in anti- hallmark of communal politics. Starting
Muslim ideology and glorification of from Jabalpur riots of 1961, to incidents
ancient values which can in brief be of violence in Gujarat (1969) Meerut,
called Brahmanism or Manuvad. The Hashimpura, (1987) Bhagalpur, (In
stories of brave Hindu kings (Shivaji, decade of 1980s) to Mumbai-Surat
Maharana Pratap, Prithviraj Chauhan) (1992-93), Gujarat 2002, Muzzafarnagar
versus evil Muslim kings (Afzal Khan, UP 2013, Delhi 2020 the community
Mohammad Ghori, Babar, Allauddin suffered a severe jolt. The latest of this
Khilji, Aurangzeb etc.) is highlighted. was seen in On Ram Navami (2022), the
Islam and Christianity are presented as major incidents which shook the country
alien religions. Islam’s spread by Muslim were in Khambata and Himmat Nagar,
kings through sword, and Muslim kings Gujarat; in Khargone, Madhya Pradesh;
destroying Hindu temples is drilled in to in Gulbarga, Raichur and Kolar,
heads of young recruits. Many other half Karnataka; in Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh; and
truths and lies related to terrorism, large in Islampura, Goa. These are few among
families are also propagated through the nationwide spread of the incidents.
many training camps. (7)
The Khargone incident stands out for the
Hindu Nationalists in the form of Hindu shocking step taken by the state
Mahasabha and RSS gradually started government in demolishing nearly 51
asserting themselves, beginning with structures (shops and residences) of the
murder of Mahatma Gandhi. Hindu minority community. The charge leveled
Nationalists formed first Jan Sangh and was that the stones were thrown from
later the present BJP. The major issue these places; so as per the state home
taken up by these nationalists was minister, these structures had to be turned
opposition to cooperative farming, public into stones. (9) Meanwhile, the new
sector and undertook a program called pretext of breaking the backbone of the
‘Indianization of Muslims’, in the Muslim community has been propped up
beginning. as Muslim traders will not be permitted
near Hindu temples and at Hindu 'melas'
The identity related issues have been the (fairs).
staple diet for religious nationalist
tendencies. ‘Cow as our mother’, ‘Ram Just a couple of days later, Hanuman
Temple’ ‘Ram Setu’, ‘Abolition of Jayanti was celebrated. The processions
article 370’ and ‘Uniform civil code’ has were playing loud music, were dancing
been the foundation around which and shouting anti-Muslim slogans and
emotive hysterical movements have been were armed with weapons. The
built. (8) This is also called Hindutva processions had a common destination,
agenda and it has deepened the the nearby mosques, particularly in
communal divides in the country and lot Muslim-majority areas. Provocative
of hatred is generated around these. slogans, stone-throwing was followed by
violence. Jahangirpuri, in Delhi’s
Modi in Power incident, particularly stands out. Here
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after the stone-throwing Muslims were the police that these Christians are
arrested. converting the people to Christ.
Hundreds of Christians are being
All around loud hysteria is raging in the imprisoned on false charges of
streets. This is what prompted the converting Hindus to Christianity.” (12)
eminent historian Ramchandra Guha to
state that we are living in the worst era of The ‘Freedom House’ report mentions
independent India. This is what prompted the attacks on Muslims prominently as
leaders of 13 opposition parties, the attacks on Muslims are very glaring
including the Congress, NCP, TMC, while those on Christians are generally
DMK and many others to issue a sub-radar and reported less often. The
statement saying: “We are extremely very nature of anti-Christian violence in
anguished at the manner in which issues India beginning in the decades of 1990s
related to food, dress. Food, festivals and has been a bit different. The first major
language are being deliberately used by act of anti-Christian violence was the
ruling establishment, to polarize our brutal burning of Pastor Graham Stuart
society. We are extremely concerned Stains on January 23, 1999. Bajrang
with the growing incidents of hate in the Dal’s Dara Singh (Rajendra Pal) who is
country by the people who appear to currently in jail was the one who
have official patronage and against mobilized people on the pretext that
whom no meaningful and strong action is Pastor Stains is a threat to Hinduism as
taken.” (10) he is converting the people on the pretext
of treating Leprosy patients.
The hate is being spewed by the religious
processions, the hate speech of most That time it was NDA government led by
derogatory nature from the Dharam Atal Bihari Vajpayee with Lal Krishna
Sansad’s (Yati Narsinghanand, Bajrang Advani as Home minister. Initially
Muni and company) and from those Advani stated that it can’t be a work of
eager to impose a Hindu Rashtra (nation) Bajrang Dal worker. The incident was so
on a secular democratic India. In horrific that the then President of India
response to the letter by 13 parties, K.R. Narayanan lamented that the
Sambit Patra, BJP national spokesperson, ‘Killings belong to World’s inventory of
blamed the widening circle of violence Black deeds.” At the same time Advani
on politics of appeasement of the appointed Wadhwa Commission to
opposition Congress party. Incidentally, investigate the incident.
it was the same appeasement argument
used by Nathuram Godse while The Wadhwa Commission concluded
assassinating Mahatma Gandhi. that Bajrang Dal Activist Dara Sing, who
was also participating in other Vanavasi
Anti-Christian Violence
Kalyan Ashram, Vishwa Hindu Parishad
‘Persecution Relief’ report (2019) points type activities, was the culprit and that
out “The frequency of attacks on there is no statistical increase in the
Christian’s gatherings is escalating to number of Christians in the area where
heights especially during Sunday Pastor Stains was working. (13)
morning Worship service and house
prayer meetings. Pastors and We have witnessed the regular
congregation members are beaten, occurrence of anti-Christian violence in
sometimes so badly that they break their the Adivasi areas of Dangs (Gujarat
legs, vandalize the churches and the April-August, 1998), Jhabua (Madhya
Hindu fundamentalists make reports to Pradesh September 23, 1998) and Orissa

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(2007 and 2008). Every year around The movement of farmers and movement
Christmas time the anti-Christian against CAA had been two landmark
violence used to take place and the peak movements, which show us the way. At
of this was the August 2008 Kandhamal one level we need to build a political
Violence in which nearly hundred platform of different parties to take on
Christian lost their lives, hundreds of communal politics. The division within
churches were damaged or burnt and the opposition parties needs to be
thousands of Christians were displaced. overcome by developing a minimum
common program based on democratic
Divisive Issues and secular values. We all need to
introspect as to what roles we can play in
The major issues brought to fore by RSS- bringing together various parties at
BJP have been related to Ram Temple, electoral level.
which led to demolition of Babri Mosque
(Now Construction of Ram Temple is in The need for common platform for
full swing). The issue of Gyanvapi movements of workers, farmers, un-
Mosque has been floated and Mathura employeds, adivasis among others is the
Krishna Janmbhumi issue will be next on need of the hour. The common
line. Meanwhile the social common underlying theme of such a platform will
sense is so doctored that Muslims were be their worsening plight due to the
blamed for Corona (Corona Jihad), alliance of communal and corporate
UPSC jihad, Land Jihad, narcotics jihad forces.
and even in the wake of Assam floods of
2022, flood Jihad has also been floated. At community level we urgently need to
(14) The call for boycott of Muslim work against the prevalent Hate. For this
traders is not only circulating on social we need to start activities in community
media but many a local bodies are spaces, sort of chain of community
passing such resolutions. centers, which undertake the programs to
overcome Hate.
The patriarchy boosting ‘Love Jihad’
issue, the Holy cow-beef issue and search The society is in the grip of multiple
for such identity issues is on. Along with pressing issues. People want to have
this the authoritarianism is increasing dialogue on their problems and also
exponentially. The various wings of understand the deeper dynamics of
democracy are under severe stain due to different political streams and their
the pressure of communal politics. impact on social lives. The rising Hate is
Executive, Judiciary, legislature and a matter of great concern for us all.
media, the pillars of democracy are under
severe strain and no are more acting as a We need to promote the dialogue and
check on the growing authoritarianism of also reach to the community with proper
the executive head. (15) Growing understanding of different issues. The
Islamophobia is supplemented by rise of campaigns related to their issues need to
rabid extremist elements within Muslim be broadened. We also need to combat
community. Christianophobia is also the hate which is dividing the society.
rising strongly. There is a need for platforms/ addas to
have dialogue and reach to them the
Promoting Pluralism: Democracy values of amity and peace, while giving
expression to their deeper social concerns
There is a need for multilayered struggle of livelihood. The campaigns for social
against the prevalent autocracy, which issues need to be properly channelized
many have labeled as elected autocracy. and associated with other such
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endeavors-movements. The grass-root number, their efforts are fragmented
level work needs to be strengthened and and not reaching the nook and corner
awareness levels need to be built up. of society. Brilliant analysis of the
While lot of good material is produced situation is there, but mostly we are
by activists/scholars/film-video makers, talking amongst ourselves. The crucial
its reach seems to be limited. We need to link of reaching the community needs
put our heads together to promote weekly to be taken up seriously.
(fortnightly) community meetings in 3. The local cultural programs
localities, where we celebrate cultural promoting amity are most needed; we
programs, have a library, view the can also organize Amity Film Festivals
videos-films, sing songs of communal and Nukkad Nataks in each city.
amity and participate in community 4. We also need to work for
celebrations while we also communicate community centers, addas, where
the values of amity through diverse weekly or fortnightly programs need to
mechanisms. These weekly meetings; be started. These programs have
call them as per local appeal; will also be multiple dimensions-cultural,
the platforms of hearing the educational and political in particular.
problems/travails of the people and These also need to be linked with the
reflect upon them to give a shape to our national campaigns and protests. We
social interventions through campaigns have to take up this task to run these
for people’s rights. Each of these aspects mini centers in a consistent fashion.
can be developed by discussion in 5. We need to discuss and thwart
localities with the aim of communicating the communal violence by promoting
the deeper message of harmony and Mohall committees with people from
peace. These ideas can give a direction to different religions in collaboration with
our social movements. The cultural police. This committee can meet
mechanisms for amity have to be regularly and at sensitive times urge
backbone of such community level upon police authorities to take suitable
regular meetings. Films and videos can steps to prevent and likelihood of
play a central part in this. violence. Regular meetings of this
committee will also create a positive
Many of us feel that we are preaching to atmosphere in the communities.
converts; we need to break this shackle. 6. We should aim to raise Amity
Some random thoughts are here in this platforms, which give space to diverse
direction. groups working for amity. The area,
city, state and national level platforms
1. The hate against religious can meet occasionally and chart out the
minorities is rising in dangerous programs for increasing the work of
proportions. We have been seeing the harmony in the local areas and in the
Dharam Sansad speeches and Sully country as a whole.
Deals and Bullibai Apps are just the tip
of the iceberg. Our efforts to Types of programs
understand the deeper problem, the
Hate manufactured and propagated a. National Festivals- 15th August,
from Shakhas and spread through 26 January, Constitution Day
schools, Godi media, Social media and b. Social aspects of festivals-
IT cell is well known. Now the seeds Divali, Id, Christmas, Onam, Lohri etc.
of hatred sown by these mechanisms c. Special Days: Social Justice
are assuming cancerous proportions. Day, Women’s Day
2. While those believing in
harmony and peace are more in
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d. Anniversaries: Gandhi,
Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh, Maulana 7. Urgent need to make the social
Azad media network; starting whatsapp
e. Regular discussion on social groups to spread good material to
issues: unemployment, workers- friends activists, community leaders, to
farmers plight, social justice,gender associate with similar efforts by other
justice concerned individuals/groups
f. Inviting social activists for 8. There are excellent feature films
interaction as and when possible and videos which can be screened
g. Video screenings; Every session
can have video selected for the


Shamsul Islam
Army website "India is ranked, as the
third largest troop contributor to the
UN"ii contributing 2,00,000 Indian



However, it is sad that when India

continues to witness a devastation and
Presently, the Indian defence mayhem only comparable to the 1947
paraphernalia is ranked as the fourth Partition; the 4th mightiest army in the
mightiest army in the world after USA, world has rendered help which cannot
Russia and China with Japan at the fifth be described even as cosmetic.
place. It has approximately 3,544,000 Approximately, last two months of the
on roll, 1,444,000 being on active duty abrupt lock-down have proved
with 2,100,000 as reserve personnel.i It decisively that the Indian State
is credited with innumerable military completely betrayed the working class
operations of glory like Bangladesh and poor Indians. In absence of jobs,
War 1971, Kargil War 1999, surgical food, shelter, transport and health care
strikes in Pakistan occupied Kashmir millions of them were left to suffer
2019 etc. Indian Army rendered direct horrible times and tragedies. The
help to the Sri Lankan State in stories are so horrendous that the term
suppressing the LTTE; the Tamilian gut-wrenching would be highly under-
rebels (1987-90) and has been statement to describe the prevalent
immensely contributing to the UN hunger, maiming and killings of
peace-keeping military operations in migratory workers (it is a kind of
different parts of the world numbering racism that workers belonging to India
more than 43. According to the Indian if go to work in different parts of the

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country are described as migratory the Covid-19 patients (despite warning
workers. This term is not used for those from the medical fraternity that this
who join high-profile jobs or shower of flowers may be a serious
politicians) in almost all parts of the cause of spreading the dreaded virus
country. The three wings of the Indian and a law that hospital areas are 'no
armed forces; the army, air force and noise' areas). It was ostensibly done
navy have finest medical, transport and with a noble objective to honour the
communication paraphernalia. 'warriors' against the Covid-19. Even a
cosmetic intervention should have
It is puzzling that all these were kept meant deputing a small number of
locked-down in face of the rampaging medical and Para-medical staff in at
Covid- 19 pandemic when India was in least Red Zones. In fact, many
dire need of doctors, hospitals, countries of the world including
vehicles, airplanes and high quality African countries armed forces were
professional communication facilities. deployed to fight the pandemic which
All major cities of India have the most continue to play great pro-active role in
modern military hospitals which if this fight.iv
opened for Covid-19 patients would
have greatly lessened the unbearable INDIAN ARMY MAKES PUBLIC
pressure on the civil health services. If PLAN OF 3-YEAR MILITARY
a small number of military doctors and TRAINING DURING COVID-19
nursing staff were deputed in critical PANDEMIC TIMES
areas, the sufferings and fatalities
would have been lessened. It is puzzling that the Indian armed
forces remaining insulated during the
The lock-down showed how migratory
times of Covid-19 came out with a plan
workers suffered and are suffering
of employing Indians for a 3-year
while trying to reach to their native
voluntary "tour of duty".v According to
places; road, rail services almost
a release from the Indian Army, “The
incapable of help. The mighty transport
proposal is a shift from the concept of
capacity available with the army would
permanent service/job in the Armed
have made a real difference. Likewise,
Forces, towards „internship‟/temporary
with a centralized and most modern
experience for three years. It is for
surveillance system of the armed forces
youth who “do not want to make
and its own satellites in the space
defence services their permanent
(using which India was able to identify
vocation, but still want to experience
terrorist centres in Pakistan and
the thrill and adventure of military
destroyed the same celebrated as
'surgical strikes') the devastated
multitudes in millions which included Explaining the rationale behind this
pregnant women, children, old and innovative scheme the note read that it
disabled persons, walking on roads and was to tap the "resurgence of
rail tracks (many of them getting killed nationalism and patriotism” amongst
while undertaking these risky journeys) Indian youth and help reduce the
would have been identified and picked unemployment in India. The proposal
up in army vehicles or airplanes. also envisages that the earnings of these
three years could be made tax-free and
It intervened only to shower flower all those who would be part of 'tour of
petals on the hospitals and duty' could be given preference in
army/navy/air force bands playing public sector jobs as well as post-
outside hospitals which were treating graduate courses. The note also stressed
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Red Star 12th Party Congress Special Issue September 2022
the fact that it would help to channelize patriotism” and “rigorous military
the youth energy into positive training and habits inculcated will lead
utilization of their potential and that to healthy citizenry”. Thus nationalism,
“rigorous military training and habits patriotism and healthy citizenry are
inculcated will lead to healthy being equated with the Army training.
citizenry”.vi Such slogans world generally heard
during the World War II and presently
This announcement proposing a policy hears in totalitarian states like North
decision, unheard and never debated in Korea and Zionist Israel.
Parliament or at the ministry of defence HINDU NATIONALIST ICONS
level, about new mode and tenure of BORROWED THE IDEA OF
recruitment in the Indian Army was not MILITARIZATION OF HINDUS
made public by the defence minister, FROM MUSSOLINI & HITLER
Rajnath Singh or Chief of Defence
The fact is that such a scheme has
Staff of India, General Bipin Rawat but
been part of the old Hindutva project
through a press-note of the Army.
namely 'Militarize Hindu Society'
Army spokesperson Colonel Aman
zealously promoted by leaders of
Anand confirmed that such a proposal
Hindu Mahasabha and RSS. The well-
was being discussed. The opposition
known Italian researcher of Indian
political parties and media did not
politics, Marzia Casolari has done
bother to react to this proposal which
pioneering work in tracing the
may prove to be a defining moment for
fraternal links between the Hindu
future of democratic-secular India.
Mahasabha and RSS founders on the
one hand and on the other hand, how
The above note during Covid-19 times
the latter borrowed the idea of
raises many important questions, the
militarization of Aryans from Fascism
answers to which have to be found to
and Nazism. According to her pioneer
determine the future course of
work relying on the primary sources
democratic- secular Indian polity. The
of the documents of the prominent
loud mouthed claim that 3-year
Hindu nationalists, one of the aspects
voluntary „tour of duty‟ would help
of Fascism which appealed most to
reducing unemployment is laughable.
the Hindu nationalists was
The claim gives the impression that out
militarization of society. Balakrishna
of millions and millions of unemployed
Shivram Moonje, a mentor of the RSS
Indian youth few millions are going to
founder, Keshav Baliram Hedgewar
be absorbed under this scheme. How
on his return from the Round Table
Indian Army is helping to reduce
Conference, Moonje regarded as the
unemployment can be known by the
Dharmveer (Brave of the religion)
fact that it plans to reduce force
made a tour of Italy (February-March
strength by cutting 1.5 lakh jobs. In
1931). There he visited some
some sections the reduction is going to
important military schools (Military
be as high as 20%.vii
College, the Central Military School
of Physical Education, the Fascist
3-YEAR MILITARY TRAING FOR Academy of Physical Education),
NATIONALISM, PATRIOTISM & highlight of the visit being a meeting
Justifying the scheme Army note said Moonje praised the militarization project
that it was in response to the of Mussolini and planned to put into
"resurgence of nationalism and practice in India. He wrote: "India and

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particularly Hindu India needs some we have to sit with folded hands until
such institution for the military (sic) some such dictator arises in India.
regeneration of the Hindus: so that the We should formulate a scientific
artificial distinction so much emphasized scheme and carry on propaganda for
by the British, of martial and non-martial it…"
classes amongst the Hindus, may According to Marzia, Moonje
disappear…Our institution of the publicly admitted that his idea of
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh of militarily reorganizing Hindu society
Nagpur under Hedgewar is of this kind, was inspired by the “military
though quite independently conceived. I training schools of England, France,
will spend the rest of my life in Germany and Italy.” Moonje's
developing and extending this Institution "Preface to the Scheme of the
of Hedgewar all throughout Maharashtra Central Hindu Military Society and
and other provinces."viii its Military School" which he
As soon as he reached Pune, he gave an circulated among influential
interview to „The Mahratta‟. Regarding personalities, out rightly said: "This
the military reorganization of the Hindu training is meant for qualifying and
community, he stressed the necessity fitting our boys for the game of
to „Indianise‟ the army and killing masses of men with the
expressed the hope that conscription ambition of winning victory with the
would become compulsory and an best possible causalities (sic) of dead
Indian would be put in-charge of the and wounded while causing the
defence ministry. He finally made a utmost possible to the adversary."
clear reference to the Italian and German It is not to be missed here that what
examples in his diary: "In fact, leaders Moonje meant by 'adversary' was not
should imitate the youth movements of the external enemy, the British, but
Germany and the Balilla and Fascist "historical" internal enemy, the
organisations of Italy. I think they are Muslims. In fact, this School was
eminently suited for introduction in inaugurated by then Governor of
India, adapting them to suit the special Bombay State, Sir Roger Lumley.
conditions. I have been very much Moreover, this School helped the
impressed by these movements and I British in supplying Hindu youth for
have seen their activities with my own the World War II. This military school
eyes in all details." was financed by two old stooges of the
According to Moonje's diary on British; the Bhonsles and Scindias.
March 31, 1934, he himself, Hedgewar Moonje gave a call to 'militarize the
and Laloo Gokhale had a meeting, the Hindu society'.
subject of which was again the military
organisation of the Hindus, along the CONTRIBUTION OF SAVARKAR
Italian and German lines. Moonje told Vinayak Damodar Savarkar went to the
the gathering, "I have thought out a extent of organizing more than 100
scheme based on the Hindu Dharm recruitment camps for Hindus in the
Shashtra which provides for the British Army when Netaji Subhash
standardization of Hinduism throughout Chander Bose was trying to liberate
India... But the point is that this ideal India militarily from abroad. This was
cannot be brought to effect unless we part of Savarkar's strategy to militarize
have our own swaraj with a Hindu as a Hindus of India. Savarkar called upon
dictator like Shivaji of old or Mussolini Hindus “toflood the [British] army, the
or Hitler of the present day Italy or navy and the aerial forces with millions
Germany... But this does not mean that
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of Hindu warriors with Hindu ideologue of the RSS, has a long chapter
Sanghatanist hearts” and assured them titled, "Internal Threats" in which the
that if Hindus recruited in the British Muslims and Christians are described as
armed forces, "our Hindu nation is threats number one and two respectively.
bound to emerge far more powerful, The Communists get the honour of being
consolidated and situated in an "Internal Threat" number three.xi
incomparably more advantageous
position to face issues after the war— With Modi's coming to power in 2014
whether it be an internal anti-Hindu the Hindutva juggernaut started running
Civil War or a constitutional crisis or amok and the RSS leaders brazenly
an armed revolution."ix declared that by 2021 India would be
cleansed of Muslims and Christians.xii
RSS PLAN OF CLEANSING OF An aggressive campaign in the name of
MUSLIMS & CHRISTIANS 'love-jihad', 'ghar-wapsi' and cow
started in which Muslims and
RSS since its inception (1925) has been Christians were lynched. Perturbed by
working for one main agenda; this Hindutva frenzy in less than a year
cleansing of Muslims and Christians of Modi's rule that one of the most
from India. Hedgewar, the founder of decorated cops of India, Julio Ribeiro,
RSS left Congress because freedom former ambassador to Romania and
struggle under the leadership of recipient of the Padma Bhushan, a
Congress stood for an-all inclusive prominent national award wrote on
India in which Muslims would be part March 17, 2015: "Today, in my 86th
of nation. Hedgewar's successor , year, I feel threatened, not wanted,
Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar in his reduced to a stranger in my own
book, We or Our Nationhood Defined country...I am not an Indian anymore, at
(1939) eulogizing the cleansing of Jews least in the eyes of the proponents of the
by Hitler made it clear that RSS would Hindu Rashtra. Is it coincidence or a
like to emulate it: "German Race pride well-thought-out plan that the systematic
has now become the topic of the day. targeting of a small and peaceful
To keep up the purity of the Race and community should begin only after the
its culture, Germany shocked the world BJP government of Narendra Modi came
by her purging the country of the to power last May? It is tragic that these
Semitic Races—the Jews. Race pride at extremists [Hindutva zealots] have been
its highest has been manifested here. emboldened beyond permissible limits
Germany has also shown how well- by an atmosphere of hate and distrust.
nigh impossible it is for Races and The Christian population, a mere 2 per
cultures, having differences going to cent of the total populace, has been
the root, to be assimilated into one subjected to a series of well-directed
united whole, a good lesson for us in body blows. If these extremists later turn
Hindusthan to learn and profit by." x their attention to Muslims, which seems
to be their goal, they will invite
There was no respite in hatred towards consequences that this writer dreads to
Muslims and Christians even after the imagine." xiii
birth of independent India. Golwalkar, a
Guru of Hate penned a chapter titled DID RSS KNOW THAT 'TOUR OF
'Internal Threats' to India. It appeared in DUTY' MILITARY
the holy book for the RSS cadres, Bunch RECRUITMENT WAS COMING?
of Thoughts, the compilation of the
writings of MS Golwalkar. , the

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According to a leading English daily Tathagata Roy. On June 18, 2017, this
report dated July 29, 2019 the RSS, a RSS icon quoting another icon of RSS,
cultural organization was going to Syama Prasad wrote: "Syama Prasad
establish its own military school which Mookerjee wrote in his diary on
would start in April 2020 with 160 10/1/1946: 'The Hindu-Muslim
students in the first batch. This military problem won't b solved without a Civil
school would be run by the RSS' War'. So much like Lincoln!"
education wing Vidya Bharti, being first
Mind it; it was not some street ruffian
such initiative and would be named
who was baying for civil war against
'Rajju Bhaiya Sainik Vidya Mandir' Muslims of India but one of the
(RBSVM) after the former RSS boss, occupiers of the highest constitutional
Rajendra Singh. According to Ajay Goyal, office. When criticized for this take of
regional convener of West UP and his he refused to withdraw the
Uttarakhand for the 'Vidya Bharti Uchha comment saying that he was only
Shiksha Sansthan' the military school quoting SP Mookerjee. Incidentally,
was under construction in an area of Mookerjee continues to be a great icon
20,000 square meters in Shikarpur in for RSS. Moreover, Modi government
Bulandshahar district of UP. Goyal also continued patronizing him as no
made a stunning disclosure that “a explanation was sought from him.xv
number of Army officers across the
country are in touch with RSS and RSS BUILDING A NETWORK
affiliate organisations”. It is a serious AGAINST MUSLIMS &
matter and needs investigation from CHRISTIANS IN THE
intelligence agencies how a non-state NEIGHBOURHOOD
organization is maintaining contacts
According to international media
with the military officers if they are in
reports RSS has been building a
service. Interestingly, this military school militant alliance with fascist Buddhist
would run under a trust named 'Rajpal organization in the South Asia against
Singh Jankalyan Sewa Samiti'. By now Muslims and Christians. The New York
the RSS military school must be Times in an editorial titled 'Deadly
functional to prepare cadres for Alliances Against Muslims' dated
recruitment in the Indian Army.xiv October 15, 2014 disclosed sensational
facts in this regard.xvi
According to the RBSVM website
( accessed on May BABA RAMDEV STARTS A
26, 2020) the school has already SECURITY AGENCY TO
selected 75 students for the first batch. PROTECT COUNTRY'S ASSETTS
A perusal of the list shows that it carries
It was no coincidence that controversial
name from one community only.
renowned yoga guru, a Hindutva saint,
one of the richest men in India and
GOVERNOR OF A STATE WANTS darling of the RSS-BJP rulers, Baba
CIVIL WAR BETWEEN HINDUS Ramdev decided to start a private
AND MUSLIMS security agency under his Patanjali
Julio Ribeiro was right when he wrote Yogpeeth Trust. It announced enlisting,
that cleansing of Muslims was the goal "Guards from its 11 lakh yoga centres
of RSS cadres. This was corroborated across India. Called Parakram Suraksha
by none other but a very senior RSS Private Ltd., the company will provide
ideologue and Governor of Tripura employment to the young and protect
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the country's assets, SK Tijarawala, all kinds of arms. Unfortunately, there
spokesperson of Patanjali Yogpeeth… has been no state or non-state scrutiny
There is a need for 50 lakh guards in of such Hindutva ventures.
India, he said".xvii
Why Ramdev ventured into security It would be a sad day for democratic-
business is not difficult to understand. secular Indian polity if the Indian army
He has been brand ambassador of RSS actually joins this project of
preached masculine Hindu nationalism. militarization of the majority
In March 2016 he gave the war-cry for community, facilitating directly or
beheading all those who refused to indirectly the Hindutva organizations'
chant 'Bharat Mata ki Jai'.xviii long hanging project of civil war
against the largest minority of India. It
It is no ordinary security agency. is crucial to know that Hindutva love
Ramdev started it to "provide for religious strife suits the
employment to the young and protect international enemies of India too. It
the country's assets". It is alleged to be represents another serious threat to the
a Hindu nationalist venture. With such existing democratic polity of India. In
outlets RSS and other Hindutva case, RSS-BJP regime loses power
organizations did not need to organize such cadres trained in sophisticated
surreptitious arms training camps. arms may be used not to let the
Enroll from any of the 11 lakh yoga democratic process continue.
centres of Ramdev and get training in

Caste System, Ambedkarite Movement and the Task of the

(We are reproducing the Central Party School Paper for the year 2019)

different sources and modern researches

it may be safe to assume that the period
of Manusmriti is between 200 BCE to
200 CE. The socio-economic fabric of
our country reveals that how much
powerful an ancient system, like caste
division can be in even present times that
the practical politics of a revolutionary
party cannot ignore its dynamics.
However, a systematic study of this
The caste system in India is a unique system from Marxist point of view was
system which was developed almost never done with due importance.
three thousand years back as per the Rig Therefore, it has become a herculean task
Vedic evidences. However, the system today to enter into a comprehensive
became rigid and institutional at the time study of the system. This paper,
of Manu who composed Manusmriti. therefore, did not try to do that. Instead,
Ascribing an exact date of composing the the paper concentrated on the key issues
Manusmriti is difficult but according to related to the subject in order to

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understand the very nature of our social sight of mere possession of wealth
struggles which may facilitate to develop by a Shudra injures the Brahmin.
the correct strategy and tactics of our 5. If a man <of the Shudra caste>
revolution. In this paper it may be makes love to a girl of the highest
fruitless to search answers. On the caste he deserves corporal
contrary, the paper has strove to punishment.
formulate the questions. A collective 6. A woman alone <is> a wife for a
effort based on the combination of theory Shudra; both she and a woman of
and practice may find the answers of his own caste <are> legally
those. <wives> of a Vaishya; they two and
also a woman of his own caste <are
Origination of Varna and Caste wives> of a Kshatriya, both they
Division and a woman of his own caste <are
wives> of a Brahmin.
Manusmriti is the most ill famous source
of the ugly form of caste division against We need to discuss Manu’s system more
which all the democratic forces vow to elaborately, however, before that we
fight. Manu divided the society into four must understand the actual difference
varnas, i.e., Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya between the varna system and caste
and Shudra <Chaturvarna system> system. According to the varna system
where Brahmin is in the top of social the Indo-Aryan people were divided into
hierarchical ladder and followed by other four groups. However, according to the
three varnas respectively. Shudra is the caste system which arose from the varna
lowest varna and deprived from all the system in later period divided the people
rights and whose duty is only to serve in numerous subdivisions and all the
other three varnas. Some of the dicta of divisions were placed hierarchically.
Manu are as follow: These sub-divisions are rigid and are
determined by birth. In the beginning the
1. In whom among the three varna division was not very much rigid
<higher> castes the most and the because it was said that the division did
best of <those> five may be he is not take place by birth, but by the action
here worthy of respect; a Shudra <karma>. Therefore, at the time of great
<is not worthy of respect on the epics or even after that we can see many
ground of his wealth or Shudra kings ruled different parts of the
knowledge no matter how high country. However, after the fall of
they are>…… Mauryan Empire no major Shudra
2. A Kshatriya who reviles a empire came into being.
Brahmin ought to be fined one
hundred <Panas>; a Vaishya one But it does not mean that the varna
hundred and fifty or two system was mere a theoretical one while
hundred, but a Shudra ought to the caste system is practical and very
receive corporal punishment. much a matter of day-to-day life. Many
3. A Brahmin may take possession of anti-caste scholars propagate this idea
the goods of a Shudra with perfect which we consider not only as wrong but
peace of mind, for, since nothing at an attempt to give concession to the
all belongs to this Shudra as his ‘sacred’ scriptures. Therefore, they put
own, he is one whose property may overemphasis on the difference between
be taken away by his master. varna system and caste system. It is true
4. Indeed, an accumulation of wealth that in the beginning the varna system
should not be made by a Shudra was not rigid and social mobility was
even if he is able to do so, for the there unlike the caste system and this is
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an important difference between these toiling people and division of labourers
two systems. However, as time passed too originated.” <Class Caste Relations:
by, the system became rigid, oppressive Marxist Approach>. Comrade Santosh
and a matter of day-to-day life and as the Rana also had similar understanding. He
division of work spread all over the wrote, “In short, the position of an
society and more and more new individual in social division of labour, his
professions came into existence the caste role in controlling the means of
system originated as a finer and all- production, his social prestige in relation
embraced form of varna system in later of the law, his portion of social surplus
period. However, It should be noted that and the means of achieving this surplus,
whole of the Manu’s system is based on etc., are determined by his varna. The
varna division, not on the caste division. task of the Shudras was to produce
If the varna system was mere a surplus and the three upper varnas used
theoretical one then all the hatred of the to extract that. It only means, the class
dalits against Manusmriti become division in India at first expressed itself
unexplainable. through the varna system.” <Samaj
Shreni Rajniti, A collection of Essays by
But what was the inspiration behind the Santosh Rana in Bengali/ Translation is
origination of a system like varna mine>.
system? Let us hear Manu:
Once upon a time the West Bengal state
Shaktena api hi shudrena na karyah, committee of CPIM undertook the task to
Dhanasanchayah shudrah hi study the social history of our country
dhanamasadya Brahmanan eba Badhate! under the leadership of Anil Biswas
around the year of 2OOO and a brief
i.e., even if able, the Shudras should not outline of the study was published as a
accumulate wealth. Accumulation of booklet in the year of 2OO3. They also
wealth by the Shudras make the reached in the same conclusion and
Brahmins suffer. Many passages can be admitted that the class struggle in ancient
quoted form Manusmriti and other and mediaeval India took the form of
Smrities <scriptures of codified laws> to caste struggle, however, they considered
show that the main inspiration behind the it as a barrier for the development of a
varna division was highly economic in classical class struggle.
nature, that is, to extract the surplus
production and to deprive a large section Among the early communists of our
of the people from social production country Comrade S. A. Dange first
other than the means of subsistence only. engaged in a systematic study of the
JANASHAKTI, the central organ of history of ancient India form a Marxist
presently non-existent CPIML— point of view. Although he was
JANASHAKTI once took an attempt to influenced by a mechanical Marxist
study the caste question from Marxist approach and tried to impose the western
point of view. The paper was published pattern of social development on the
by a social organization later as a history of India <especially in the case of
booklet. According to their slave system>, still he has left behind
understanding: “Thus the varna system some important observations for us. He
which first started social making based also admitted that although the varna
on a primitive social division of labour system emerged in the primitive
and political subordination of one group communist society of the Aryans,
by another, took the concrete shape of however, with the advent of private
social division based on social division property the varna division took the
of labour to extract surplus from the shape of class division. He wrote, “Once
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that stage has been reached, private interpretations are possible of this
property and classes are born. The symbolic presentation of the division.
Varnas metamorphoses into The question arises that how far it is
contradictory classes and take the path of correct to assume that the Rig Veda
civil war, class war. The primitive determined the hierarchical places of four
commune dies, never to return.” varnas and their duties or role in the
<INDIA: FROM PRIMITIVE society! Manu had his particular
COMMUNISM TO SLAVERY/ PPH/ interpretation. He was convinced that the
Page:1O1>. Purusha Shukta place the Brahmin at the
top of the social hierarchical ladder, by
Professor Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya saying that they were born from the
had an elaborated study on the Vedic mouth of the Purusha. For him it was
society in ancient India. He also quite sufficient indication that the
convincingly proved that in early Vedic Brahmins should own all the knowledge
period the Aryan society was a primitive and wisdom in order to appear as the sole
form of communistic society without the representatives of the divinity in this
class division, although, a simple form of material world. Similarly the Rajanyas
division of work was present there. had the duty to protect the people since
However, for the first time the Indo- they were born from the arms. The
Aryan society became divided into four Vaishyas and the Shudras were duty-
varnas when the ill-famous Purusha bound to produce the wealth and the
Shukata was composed. It was nothing Shudras had a role only to serve the
but the reflection of the emerging class upper three varnas. Since they were born
division within the Indo-Aryan society. from the feet of the Purusha they had no
The Rig Veda is an important source to
understand the transition from classless This interpretation of Manu was not
society to the class society in India. The acceptable to many admirers and
experts have an opinion that the Rig followers of the Rig Veda and so called
Veda was composed through a long time, Vedic religion. According to them, by
nearly seven hundred to eight hundred the system of Chaturvarna the Vedas
years. Within this time frame the Vedic only proposed a job division only,
society passed through this transition. nothing more than that. Therefore, a
That is why we see a concept of equality person can be a Brahmin, or Kshatriya,
of all human being <obviously within the or Shudra not by his or her birth but by
clan> and gods too were considered as work or karma. Ambedkar called these
the friends of all human being <Jananam people as the most dangerous enemy of
Jamih>. However, in the later portion of the dalit movement.
the Rig Veda we see a work division
came into being where the Brahmins had However, we must understand why
the prerogatives to maintain the Manu interpreted the Purusha Shukta in
connection with the gods, that is, in the such a manner from the historical
ritualistic matters. The Purusha Shukta materialist point of view. Manu
proposed a division among the Indo- composed a literature which was called
Aryan people, however, it did not set up Smriti, that means, the law. But the laws
the hierarchy. It gave some indications are creations of the human being. The
only. The Brahmins were formed from strong presence of the memory of old
the mouth of the Purusha. The Rajanyas days of communistic society never
were born from his arms. The Vaishyas allowed the people to accept any
came from his thighs and the Shudras discrimination when it was created by the
from his feet. Many different human itself. This is an important
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peculiarity of Indian society. Therefore, well-known that there is a non-Brahmin
it must have been supported by the movement in this country which is
divinity. The Smrities must have been political movement of the Shudras. It is
supported by the Shruti <the Vedas>. also well-known that I have been
Why? Because ‘the Vedas are not created connected with it.” Thus under the
by the human being, it was composed by leadership of Ambedkar the political
the God’. The fatal Shruti-Smriti movement of the Shudras was born.
combine now became eligible to dictate When the Shudras of our country who
the discrimination. Had there been no were actually the Indian version of
Purusha Shukta in the Rig Veda it would proletariat having nothing to lose except
be difficult for Manu to justify the class their chains waged a political struggle
division within the Indo-Aryan society against their oppressors, it should have
which in return would make the class been a welcome development for the
struggle much sharper. Therefore, today communists. However, the matter did not
at least it can be said that the Purusha develop in this line. Instead, a bitter
Shukta gives an important service to the relation was developed between the
ruling classes from the ancient time till Communists and the Ambedkarites and
today. <The whole hymn of Purusha an unwanted rift was emerged between
Shukta made of sixteen verses along with these two camps which helped Congress
annotation and notes by Wendy Doniger to manipulate the complicated situation
are given in Appendix for the advanced prevailed at that time of nineteen thirties
readers>. and nineteen forties successfully to
capture the leadership of anti-British
Now let us enter the political struggle in India in order to give birth a
consequences of this development as laid neo-colonial India after nineteen forty
down by Manu. From above discussion seven. We need to understand the failure
one thing is very clear. The varna of both the camps, the Communists and
division and subsequent caste division in the Ambedkarites, in this regard in order
Indian society is nothing but the class to determine today’s task in the concrete
division in a different form. Therefore, social condition of Indian revolution. At
when Ambedkar gave a call for first we will discuss the mental make-up
annihilation of castes and the Communist of B.R. Ambedkar. The above-mentioned
Party gave a call to fight for a classless preface of “Who were the Shudras”
society, there was no essential difference written by him can be an eye opener in
between these two calls. this case.
The Political Struggle of the Shudras In that preface Ambedkar divided the
‘Hindus’ in five distinct categories. He
However, the early communists of our said, “There is a class of Hindus, who are
movement failed to see the matter from known as Orthodox and who will not
this angel. This is not true, as some of the admit that there is anything wrong with
critics of the communist movement the Hindu social system. To talk of
always try to propagate, that the reforming it is to them rank blasphemy.”
Communist Party did not take care of the Regarding the second category he said,
Caste Annihilation movement led by “There is a class of Hindus who are
Ambedkar at all. However, all the efforts known as Arya Samajists. They believe
of the Party were based on some half in the Vedas and only in Vedas. They
hearted understanding of the social differ from the Orthodox inasmuch as
struggles in our country. In the preface of they discard anything which is not in the
“Who were the Shudras?” written in Vedas. Their gospel is that of return to
nineteen forty six Ambedkar said, “It is the Vedas.” On the third category
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Ambedkar said, “There is a class of Madras. The letters were full of filthy
Hindus who will admit that the Hindu abuses, unmentionable and unprintable,
social system is all wrong, but who hold and full of dire threats to my life……I
that there is no necessity to attack it. don’t know what they will do this
Their argument is that since law does not time……..For I know very well that they
recognize it, it is dying, if not a dead are a base crew who, professing to
system.” He remarked on the fourth defend their religion, have made religion
category, “There is a class of Hindus, a matter of trade. They are more selfish
who are politically minded. They are than any other set of beings in the world,
indifferent to such questions. To them and are prostituting their intelligence to
Swaraj is more important than social support the vested interests of their
reform.” Ambedkar found his ally in the class……….What I would like to tell
fifth category, so he said, “The fifth class these amiable gentlemen is that they will
of Hindus are those who are rationalists, not be able to stop me by their
and who regard reforms as of primary imprecations.”
importance, even more important than
Swaraj.” On the other hand Ambedkar admitted
that he had no expectation to be able to
Ambedkar admitted that there was a change the minds of third and fourth
fierce battle was going on between him categories of the ‘Hindus’. While he
and the first two categories of the furnished some arguments against the
‘Hindus’. On the probable impact of his third category he just simply ignored the
book, ‘Who Were the Shudras’ on the fourth category of the “Hindus” whom he
Arya Samajists he said, “The book treads called “politically minded”. On them he
heavily on the toes of the Arya only employed two or three remarks, “As
Samajists…….Both these conclusions to the politically-minded Hindu, he need
are bound to act like atomic bombs on not be taken seriously. His line of
the dogmas of the Arya Samajists.” He approach is generally governed by a
said further, “I am not sorry for this clash short-term view more than by long-range
with Arya Samajist. The Arya Samajists considerations. He is willing to follow
have done great mischief in making the the line of least resistance and postpone a
Hindu society a stationary matter, however urgent, if it is likely to
society………I am convinced that the make him unpopular. It is therefore quite
Hindu society will not accept the natural if the politically-minded Hindu
necessity of reforming itself unless and regards this book as nuisance.” On the
until this Arya Samajists’s ideology is ‘Hindus’ of fifth category Ambedkar
completely destroyed. This book does said, “The only class of Hindus, who are
render this service, if no other.” likely to welcome the book are those who
believe in the necessity and urgency of
On the Orthodox ‘Hindus’ he remarked, social reform. The fact that it is a
“What the Orthodox Hindus will say problem which will certainly take a long
about this book I can well imagine for I time to solve and will call the efforts of
have battling with him all these years. many generations to come, is in their
The only thing I did not know was how opinion, no justification for postponing
the meek and non-violent looking Hindu the study of the problem. Even an ardent
can be violent when anybody attacks his Hindu politician, if he is honest, will
Sacred Books. I became aware of it as admit that the problems arising out of the
never before when last year I received a malignant form of communalism which
shower of letters from angry Hindus, is inherent in the Hindu social
who became quite unbalanced by my organization and which the politically
speech on the subject delivered in minded Hindus desire to ignore or
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postpone, invariably return to plague, the struggle for Independence in general.
those very politicians at every turn. Therefore, while the party was
These problems are not the difficulties of sympathetic with the condition of the
the moment. They are our permanent dalits and agreed upon the justification of
difficulties, that is to say, difficulties of dalit movement and criticized heavily the
every moment. I am glad to know that Congress leadership for not paying
such a class of Hindus exists. Small attention to their cause, the Communist
though they be, they are my mainstay Party did not believe the leaders of the
and it is to them that I have addressed my dalit movement including Ambedkar.
arguments.” <See the documents of B.T. Randive on
dalit movement, nineteen forty six> Thus,
From above quotations we can have a a space of political dialogue between the
sketch of mental make-up of B.R. Communists and the Ambedkarites could
Ambedkar and his general political not come into being and the warning
understanding. For him the Independence from the CP to Ambedkar went in vain as
of the country was not that much the later saw no friendly advice in it.
important if the rule of the newly Therefore, the Communist Party failed to
independent country would go in the perform its historical duty.
hands of the caste-Hindu leadership. A
Hindu India was no way better for him Today a large number of the Communists
than the colonial India. Therefore, he will accept this fact, however, it is not
wanted to launch a decisive battle against enough. We must analyze why the
caste discrimination and for the Communist Party failed to build unity
annihilation of the caste system at that with the dalit movement. We must
point of time when the struggle for identify the shortcomings in the
independence of our country from the theoretical understanding of the
British rule reached at its peak. This communist practice in this question in
became the point of difference between order to understand today’s task.
the Ambedkarite movement and the Otherwise again the movement will be
Communist movement. It is also very directed by the pragmatic political
clear from the discussion put forward by understanding and we will repeat the
Ambedkar in that preface that he meant same mistake, may be from an opposite
the leadership of the Communist Party direction.
and the non-Orthodox leaders of
Congress as “politically-minded It is a well accepted fact that the original
Hindus”. Here, one can easily notice the Shudras of the Rig Veda were gradually
weakness in Ambedkar’s politics which marginalized more and more by the three
lost credibility to represent the nation as upper Varnas and at one point of time
a whole and remained merely as dalit started to be mixed up with the so called
politics. The Communist Party warned fifth Varna or the Avarnas who were
Ambedkar continuously about this lacuna actually the vanquished non-Aryans and
and urged him to be united with the formed a large section of the Indian
mainstream of the struggle for people who are generally called as the
Independence. However, the Communist dalits. According to a recent survey
Party was always apprehensive about the conducted by NSS nearly three fourth of
actual political aim of Ambedkar and the Indian population are entitled to some
thought that his politics would create kind of reservation as they belong to SC,
disunity among the ranks of the working ST or OBC categories. The
class and the toiling masses which in overwhelming majority of the dalit
return might create harm to the people in our country are landless,
communist movement in particular and property-less, marginalized, socially and
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economically oppressed. The largest the different countries, they point out and
section of nearly fifty crore strong bring to the front the common interests of
unorganized workers in India is made of the entire proletariat, independently of all
by these people. However, it must be nationality. 2. In the various stages of
taken into account that we are not living development which the struggle of the
in English or West European condition. working class against the bourgeoisie has
In Indian context this huge section of the to pass through, they always and
working class is not only economically everywhere represent the interests of the
exploited but at the same time socially movement as a whole.” <The Communist
deprived since in our country the class Manifesto/ Edited by Frederic L. Bender/
division was introduced in the form of Norton Critical Edition/ pp 67>
caste or varna division in order to take Therefore, the Communist Party cannot
religious sanctity. The positive side of oppose other working-class parties
Ambedkar’s politics lies in the fact that because they don’t have any separate
he understood that without snatching the sectarian principles. Keeping a
political power from the caste-Hindus, cooperative and friendly relation with
dalits could never achieve a country or those parties the CP must lead them to
society of its own. The annihilation of move forward by pointing out the
the caste division cannot be achieved by general and long-term political interest
changing the minds of the caste-Hindus of the working class. Now the question is
or through some patch work to reform did the early Communists of our country
Hindu social structure. So he declared his apply this teaching of the Communist
movement as the political movement of Manifesto or were they were led by
the Shudras. From a Marxist point of sectarian principles?
view the political struggle of the Shudras
is nothing but the political struggle of the Instead of becoming glad to see the
working class. Therefore, the political political upsurge of the dalits under the
formation which led this struggle must leadership of Ambedkar, the Communist
have been a party of the working class. Party became apprehensive and scared.
However, Ambedkar was not a Marxist. Comrade BTR repeatedly pressurized
It is not necessary for a working class SCF <Scheduled Caste Federation> to
party to be a Marxist party all the time. dismantle the dalit mass organizations
The Marxist party does not necessarily under its umbrella and to work within
lead through its majority or same mass organizations led by the
organizational strength but through its Communist Party.<See the above
clear and profound theoretical-political mentioned documents of BTR and also
understanding. The Communist the Introduction by Anand Teltumbde of
Manifesto says: “In what relation does ‘India and Communism’ written by
the Communists stand to the proletarians Ambedkar/ Left Word/2O17> Sometimes
as a whole? The Communists do not the organs of the party openly advocated
form a separate party opposed to other the necessity to bring out the dalit masses
working-class parties. They have no from the dalit organizations in order to
interests separate and apart from those of organize them under the fold of the
the proletariat as a whole. They do not Communist Party. All this activities of
set up any sectarian principles of their the party and the mentality behind those
own, by which to shape and mould the helped to develop mistrust, fear and
proletarian movement. The Communists distance among the ranks of the dalit
are distinguished from the other working- movement. Undoubtedly it was nothing
class parties by this only: 1. In the but the sectarian policy of the
national struggles of the proletarians of Communist Party. Instead of performing
the labourious task to find out the general
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and long-term political interests of the BTR admitted in those documents that in
working class and by pointing out those the Indian Railways thousands of the
to the leaders of the dalit movement the dalit workers received only nine rupees
party took a shortcut road of putting the as DA while the workers in the garment
organizational interest in command and factories of Mumbai were paid one
did the same mistake which The hundred rupees for the same. The party
Communist Manifesto warned against, admitted that since the time immemorial
i.e., to develop sectarian principles the dalits were deprived from all the
against other working class parties. rights which were absolutely essential to
lead a decent life and if these people
What was the general interest of the were not given equal status then an
working class in India at the decisive Independent India was not possible.
moment of the struggle for Practically there was actually no demand
Independence? Undoubtedly it was of Ambedkar left which was not accepted
Swaraj----- the Independence from the by the Communist Party. However, when
British rule which Ambedkar failed to the dalits formed their own political
see. It was quite expected from a man organization in order to launch a political
like Ambedkar as he was not a Marxist struggle, the Communist Party became
and from a political formation like SCF scared and apprehensive. Actually half-
as it was a non-Marxist working class hearted understanding on the Indian
party. The Communist Manifesto clearly history and reality led the Party to
said that it was the distinguishing feature commit this political blunder.
of the Communists to see and uphold the
general interest of the working class. We will see how this blunder took more
However, while the Communist Party complicated and irreversible turn when
correctly pointed out the general interest the question of the long-term interests of
of the working class to the dalit leaders the working class was confronted by the
but at the same time showing left- Communist Party. What was the long-
anarchist political mentality they accused term interest of the working class in the
and opposed and very often described freedom struggle? Undoubtedly it was to
Ambedkar and other dalit leaders as the build up a New Democratic India as a
stooge of imperialism. But what was the result of anti-colonial struggle. Now, the
reason behind this kind of behavior of the question is, was it possible under the
Communist leaders towards the dalit leadership of Congress? The answer is
leadership? No. Then why the Communist Party
accepted the leadership of Congress in
The answer probably lies in the fact that the freedom movement and never tried
the leaders of the Communist Party never snatching the leadership? Ambedkar and
recognized the dalit movement as the other leaders of SCF were not against the
integral part of the Indian working class freedom movement or freedom from the
movement. They never recognized the British as such. However, Ambedkars
dalit leaders as the representatives of a was in total disagreement of the
large section of the Indian working leadership of Congress as he knew that
masses. Therefore, they never recognized since the Congress party used to
SCF as another working class party. So represent the interest of the bourgeois
they never tried to find out the way to and zaminder class of our country who
develop a proper relation with them. It were at the same time from so called
does not mean that the Communist higher castes then it was quite imperative
leaders did not know the actual condition that the ‘free’ India would be a prison for
of the dalits in our country or they had no the dalits. Ambedkar called those
sympathy towards the dalit movement. freedom fighters as ‘politically minded
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Hindus’ and advised his fellow comrades the movement for Independence. Again,
‘not to take them seriously’ who did not many articles wrote by Ambedkar can be
bother that outcome of the freedom cited to negate this thought but for the
movement. Unfortunately, the time being we can be restricted in the
Communist Party placed itself in this above mentioned documents of comrade
position. Had the party been directed by BTR in this regard. He wrote: “However,
the long-term interest of the working it is true that SCF never commit a crime
class then it became absolutely natural to go against the demand of freedom. As
for it to develop a rock-solid alliance a matter of fact Rao Bahadur Shibraj, the
with the Ambedkarite movement in order President of their Kanpur session clearly
to emerge as a potential claimant of the stated, ‘We are not against the freedom
leadership of the freedom struggle. In of India but we want assurance that what
that case the course of the history might we demanded in Nagpur that will be
change into a new direction. accepted’.”<English translation is mine
form Bengali document>
Some comrades do not accept the fact
that the Communist Party accepted the In spite of knowing all these things the
leadership of Congress in the freedom Communist Party never paid deeper
movement. Many documents can be cited attention to the fact that if it was true that
to negate this thought. If this is done the the SCF leadership were not actually
size of the present article might be longer against the freedom movement then why
than it was intended. However, one can apparently they used to take such
remember that as early as in nineteen political position which might be
thirty two there were four communist depicted as against anti-colonial struggle!
parties of the Third Communist The party never tried to realize with
International to write an open letter to the enough seriousness that why the severe
Indian Communists warning about the bitterness emerged in the relation
danger of accepting the leadership of between the dalit movement and the
Congress in the freedom struggle which Congress party! The party never learned
they thought that the Communist in India from the history of our country to
did not care. In nineteen forty four, understand the serious nature of the
Comrade P.C. Joshi wrote a few letters to contradiction between the dalits and the
M.K. Gandhi and MK replied those, too. caste Hindus. On the contrary Comrade
The correspondence between PC and MK BTR tried repeatedly to convince
is one of the important documents of the Ambedkar and his fellow comrades about
Communist Party. Replying one letter the importance and necessity of the
from Gandhi Comrade Joshi wrote to leadership of Congress in general over
him, “If my own father wrote such a the freedom movement and the
letter I would not respond and never leadership of MK Gandhi in particular
would see his face. However, I am whom the party already recognized as the
replying you because you are the father father of the nation! It is true that the
of our nation. As a patriot it goes against Communist party criticized the Congress
my duty to be angry with you even when for not accepting the demands of SCF,
you insult and harass us.” <English but it is also true that in the contradiction
translation is mine from Bengali between SCF and the Congress the party
document> associated itself with the later which
meant that in the contradiction between
Some comrades think that Ambedkar and the dalits and the caste Hindus the party
other dalit leaders were against the associated itself with the later. This
freedom struggle as a whole, therefore an strategic blunder of the party negated the
alliance with them was not possible in merit of its criticism against Congress for
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not accepting the demands of the dalits. The communist movement also has
It is true that the Communist Party passed through many changes and within
honestly and earnestly wanted the unity this movement, too, repeated division
among Congress, Communist, Muslim and re-division have taken place. Initial
League and SCF including all the lacuna in theoretical understanding has
nationalist forces against the British but aggravated, however, from the same
they failed to realize that it could not be pragmatist outlook many left and
possible if the Congress would remain as revolutionary left organizations now are
the leader of the freedom movement. The raising Joy Bhim Lal Salam slogan
party needed Congress as they used it as landing in the opposite pole in the case of
a cover and continued to work inside it. relation with the dalit movement and
This tactical blunder negated the merit of started to preach red-blue unity.
its honest aspiration to unite all the However, how far this change of position
nationalist forces against the British rule. is coming from the improvement of
theoretical understanding on Indian
Today’s Task reality or comes as a result of practical-
political need at the time of severe crisis
After seventy two years of so called throughout international communist
Independence a serious evaluation is movement, is a difficult question to
required regarding the relation between answer. However, it is interesting to see
the dalit movement and the communist that while the party like CPIM is raising
movement. By this span of time many Joy Bhim Lal Salam slogan in different
changes took place in the Indian political parts of the country, at the same time
scenario. Congress ruled the country for they support the cunning step of the BJP
more than 6O years within these seventy government of introducing economic
two years of ‘Independence’. No condition based reservation. This self
significant improvement in the general contradiction only raises serious doubts
condition of the dalit masses can be seen that they have not learned anything from
by this time. In spite of the capitalist the past experiences. For them the talk of
development in India the ugly form of red-blue unity is nothing but a short-term
caste discrimination, caste oppression, tactical game. Their tacit support to BJP
and the domination of Brahmanical in the political battle against TMC in
ideology and practices continue with Bengal again shows how easily these
same vigour. Ambedkar’s apprehensions ‘communists’ can ally with the
have come true. The “free” India is Brahminvadi, Manuvadi forces. In this
actually a neo-colonial India which has scenario we, the revolutionary lefts, must
become the prison of the dalits. accomplish the long-pending task to
Receiving an insignificant share of the bridge the ‘unholy rift between the dalit
state power by a handful of the dalit movement and the communist
leaders does not indicate any kind of movement’ <as coined by Anand
change in the condition of the dalit Teltumbde> in our country. We need to
masses. The dalit movement has recognize the dalit parties as different
undergone many changes. Repeated kind of working class parties. It is true
division and re-division within dalit that today many dalit organizations under
movement has weakened the movement the leadership of Mayavati like leaders
which only helped the Brahmanical actually left the revolutionary slogan of
Manuvadi ruling class to use one section Ambedkar, the annihilation of the castes.
of the movement against another in order Instead of that they are busy to find
to retain its domination over the country. privileges for a handful of dalit
aristocrats within this caste-divided

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society. However, it does not mean that relevance as the revolutionary movement
the whole dalit movement has lost its in the society. We can say it emphatically
relevance or deteriorated in a reformist that if we can build the real red-blue
opportunist movement. We cannot forget unity based on proper understanding of
that the same scenario is also evolved in the Indian condition and history, the
the communist movement itself. struggle against the ruling classes of our
However, it does not mean that the country will have a better chance to win.
communist movement has lost its

Marxism and Women’s Question

Sharmistha Choudhury
(We are reproducing the Central Party School Paper for the year 2020 presented by our
beloved Comrade Sharmistha)

systematic oppression by one group or

another, and to whom concepts such as
property and wealth would have had no

Humans had not yet learned how to

cultivate plants or rear animals. These
hunter-gatherer societies could sustain
only a relatively small population which
had to move on when resources became
scarce. Sharing and communal living were
the best way to ensure the survival of the
group. There would have been a division
MARX and Engels located the origin of of labour between men and women, but
women’s oppression in the rise of class this did not mean the domination of one
society. Engels wrote The Origin of group by the other - each person would
Family, Private Property and State in 1884 make the decisions about the activities
- a year after Marx’s death. He used they were involved in.
Marx’s Ethnological Notebooks as well as
his own notes as the basis of the text. The Rather than living in family units of two
notebooks contained Marx’s notes on parents and their children, or an extended
Ancient Society by Lewis Henry Morgan. patriarchal family centring round the male
The Origin is a short book which dwells elder, people lived in communal systems
on Morgan’s findings and puts forward an of kinship - children would be the
argument about the nature of “primitive” responsibility of everyone.
society, the rise of commodity production
and, with it, the emergence of classes and The old kinship systems were centered on
the state. Engels contended that, for the mothers because it was only possible to
vast majority of human existence, some identify the line of descent through the
2,000,000 years (or 2 million years if we mother. In such a setup only mothers
include other human-like species), people would know with certainty who their
lived in small communities that were children were and thus build up a network
relatively egalitarian, did not contain
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of blood relationships around that “world historic defeat of the female sex”
knowledge, giving every member of the that Engels wrote about:
group a line of descent and a role. The
“household” was communal, and the fruits “The man took command in the home
of women’s and men’s labour were shared also; the woman was degraded and
among families. There was no separation reduced to servitude; she became a slave
between what we would now know as of his lust and a mere instrument for the
‘housework’ and all other work - there production of children. This degraded
was no public/private divide. position of women...has gradually been
palliated and glossed over, and sometimes
The new male-dominated family broke up clothed in milder form, in no sense has it
this intricate, communal system by been abolished.”
placing the family as the key economic
unit of society, the means through which As Marx noted, “The modern family
wealth would be owned and passed on. contains in germ not only slavery but also
Rather than the woman being an equally serfdom, since from the beginning it is
important economic actor in society, she related to agricultural services. It contains
and her children became dependent upon in miniature all the contradictions which
the individual man in the family. later extend throughout society and its
This change took place with development
of production relations and growing This defeat of mother right was a
people’s ability to produce more than they profound change in human relations
immediately needed to consume. The caused, not by some latent desire in men
development of agriculture and the to dominate women, but by the needs of
domestication of animals meant goods commodity production and the way it
could be produced for trade - commodities developed. The monogamous family was
could be exchanged for other things or, “the first form of the family to be
eventually, money. More specialised tools based...on economic conditions - on the
became crucial to production, and thus victory of private property
very valuable property. Men tended to be over...communal property”. Along with
the ones responsible for animal rearing domestic slavery came slave labour and
and increasingly for agriculture - so they the beginning of systematic exploitation.
owned the tools and made the economic Once communal property was undermined
decisions, gradually increasing their this was inevitable - private property for
importance in relation to women. some always means no property for
others. Engels writes that this process
For the first time women’s ability to give “opens the period that has lasted until
birth became a burden. This was partly today in which every step forward is also
because settled communities with greater a step backward, in which prosperity and
productive capacity could sustain larger development for some is won through the
populations - in fact needed more misery and frustration of others.”
labourers to work in the fields - and so
women would tend to spend more time Engels built upon Morgan’s theory in The
pregnant or with young children. But the Origin to develop, as the title implies, a
main source of women’s oppression was theory of how the rise of class society led
the separation of the family from the to both the rise of the state, which
communal clan. Women’s labour in the represents the interests of the ruling class
home became a private service under in the day-to-day class struggle, and the
conditions of subjugation. This was the rise of the family, as the means by which
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the first ruling classes possessed and women because long ago women formed a
passed on private wealth. He developed a powerful matriarchy which was
historical analysis which located the overthrown–or because men have always
source of women’s oppression. In so been a tyrannical patriarchy. Gerda Lerner
doing, he provided a strategy for ending argues in her book, The Creation of
that oppression. It is no exaggeration to Patriarchy, “Feminists, beginning with
say that Engels’ work has defined the Simone de Beauvoir… [have explained
terms of debate around ‘the origin’ of women’s oppression] as caused by either
women’s oppression for the last 100 years. male biology or male psychology.” She
Most writers on the subject of women’s goes on to describe a sampling of feminist
oppression have set out either to support theories, all of which border on the
or reject Marxist theory as laid out by outlandish: Thus, Susan Brownmiller sees
Engels in The Origin of the Family, man’s ability to rape women leading to
Private Property and the State. their propensity to rape women and shows
how this has led to male dominance over
Until the women’s movement of the late women and to male supremacy. Elizabeth
1960s began to challenge male Fisher ingeniously argued that the
chauvinism, sexist assumptions provided domestication of animals…led men to the
the basis for broad generalizations. Claude idea of raping women. She claimed that
Levi-Strauss, a leading anthropologist the brutalization and violence connected
within the structuralist school, went so far with animal domestication led to men’s
as to argue that “human sexual dominance and institutionalized
primarily a masculine society.” He argued aggression. More recently, Mary O’Brien
that the “exchange of women” is a built an elaborate explanation of the
“practically universal” feature of human ‘origin’ of male dominance on men’s
society, in which men obtain women from psychological need to compensate for
other men – from fathers, brothers and their inability to bear children through the
other male relatives. Moreover, he construction of institutions of dominance
asserted that “the deep polygamous and, like Fisher, dated this “discovery” in
tendency, which exists among all men, the period of the discovery of animal
always makes the number of available domestication.
women seem insufficient.” Therefore, “the
most desirable women must form a In his introduction to the first edition of
minority.” Because of this, “the demand The Origin, Engels explains materialism
for women is an actual fact, or to all as follows: “According to the materialist
intents and purposes, always in a state of conception, the determining factor in
disequilibrium and tension.” According to history is, in the final instance, the
Levi-Strauss, then, women have been the production and reproduction of immediate
passive victims of men’s sexual life. This, again, is of a twofold character:
aggression since the beginning of human on the one side, the production of the
society. means of existence, of food, clothing and
shelter and the tools necessary for that
On the other hand, in its purest form, production; on the other side, the
much of feminist theory rests upon more production of human beings themselves,
imaginations than facts. There is wide the propagation of the species.”
ranging supposition like men dominate
women because they hold women in Before class society, the idea of a strictly
contempt for their ability to bear children– monogamous pairing of males and
or because they are jealous of women’s females with their offspring – the modern,
ability to bear children. Men oppress ‘monogamous’ family – was unknown to
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human society. Inequality was also we now meet the first iron plough share
unknown. For more than 2 million years, drawn by cattle, which made large-scale
humans lived in groups made up of people agriculture, the cultivation of fields,
who were mostly related by blood, in possible and thus created a practically
conditions of relative equality. This unrestricted food supply in comparison
understanding is an important part of with previous conditions.” This was a
Marxist theory. turning point for human society, for it
meant that, over time, production for use
Human evolution has taken place over a could be replaced by production for
very long time–a period of millions of exchange and eventually for profit,
years. The earliest human ancestors leading to the rise of the first class
(Homo habilus) probably appeared some 2 societies some 6,000 years
million or more years ago, while
anatomically modern humans (Homo The crux of Engels’ theory of women’s
sapiens) did not appear until 200,000 to oppression rests on the relationship
100,000 years ago. The earliest forms of between the sexual division of labour and
agriculture did not begin until 10,000 the mode of production, which underwent
years ago, and it is only over the last a fundamental transformation with the
thousand years that human society has onset of class society. In hunter-gatherer
experienced much more rapid and horticultural societies, there was a
technological development. For most of sexual division of labour–rigidly defined
human history, it would have been sets of responsibilities for women and
impossible to accumulate wealth – nor men. But both sexes were allowed a high
was there much motivation to do so. For degree of autonomy in performing those
one thing, there would have been no place tasks. Moreover–and this is an element
to store it. People lived first in nomadic which has been learned since Engels’
bands – hunter-gatherer societies – time–women not only provided much of
sustaining themselves by some the food for the band in hunter-gatherer
combination of gathering berries, roots societies, but also, in many cases, they
and other vegetable growth, and hunting provided most of the food. So women in
or fishing. In most such societies, there pre-class societies were able to combine
would have been no point in working motherhood and productive labour–in fact,
more than the several hours per day it there was no strict demarcation between
takes to produce what is necessary for the reproductive and productive spheres.
subsistence. But even among the first Women, in many cases, could carry small
societies to advance to horticulture, it children with them while they gathered or
wasn’t really possible to produce much planted, or leave the children behind with
more than what was to be immediately other adults for a few hours at a time.
consumed by members of the band. Likewise, many goods could be produced
in the household. Because women were
With the onset of more advanced central to production in these pre-class
agricultural production–through the use of societies, systematic inequality between
the plough and/or advanced methods of the sexes was non-existent, and elder
irrigation –and the beginnings of settled women in particular enjoyed relatively
communities. In some societies, human high status.
beings were able to extract more than the
means of subsistence from the All of that changed with the development
environment. This led to the first of private property. According to the
accumulation of surplus, or wealth. As sexual division of labour, men tended to
Engels stated in The Origin: “Above all, take charge of heavier agricultural jobs,
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like ploughing, since it was more difficult production. These changes took place first
for pregnant or nursing women and might among the property-owning families, the
endanger small children to be carried first ruling class. But eventually, the
along. Moreover, since men traditionally monogamous family became an economic
took care of big-game hunting (though not unit of society as a whole.
exclusively), again, it made sense for them
to oversee the domestication of cattle. It is important to understand that these
Engels argued that the domestication of changes did not take place overnight, but
cattle preceded the use of the plough in over a period of thousands of years.
agriculture, although it is now accepted Moreover, greed was not responsible, in
that these two processes developed at the the first instance, for the unequal
same time. But this does not diminish the distribution of wealth. Nor was male
validity of his explanation as to why chauvinism the reason why power fell into
control over cattle fell to men. the hands of (some) men, while the status
of women fell dramatically. There is no
As production shifted away from the evidence (nor any reason to assume) that
household, the role of reproduction women were coerced into this role by
changed substantially. The shift toward men. For property-owning families, a
agricultural production sharply increased larger surplus would have been in the
the productivity of labour. This, in turn, interest of all household members. Engels
increased the demand for labour–the said of the first male “property owners” of
greater the number of field workers, the domesticated cattle, “What is certain is
higher the surplus. Thus, unlike hunter- that we must not think of him as a
gatherer societies, which sought to limit property owner in the modern sense of the
the number of offspring, agricultural word.” He owned his cattle in the same
societies sought to maximize women’s sense that he owned the other tools
reproductive potential, so the family required to obtain food and other
would have more children to help out in necessities. But “the family did not
the fields. Therefore, at the same time that multiply so rapidly as the cattle.”
men were playing an increasingly Agricultural output also increased
exclusive role in production, women were sharply–some of which needed to be
required to play a much more central role stored to feed the community in case of a
in reproduction. poor harvest, and some of which could be
traded for other goods.
The rigid sexual division of labour
remained the same, but production shifted Obviously, every society across the globe
away from the household. The family no did not experience an identical succession
longer served anything but a reproductive of changes in the mode of production.
function – as such, it became an economic Chris Harman writes, “[T]he exact route
unit of consumption. In the family, men as from hunter-gathering through horticulture
owners of the means of production and and agriculture to civilization did vary
controlling the major share of production, considerably from one society to another.”
came to be owners of the produce too, and But, “[t]he divergent forms under which
the woman and children of the family class society emerged must not make us
became dependent on the man for their forget the enormous similarities from
share of the produce. This also enabled the society to society.” Everywhere there was,
men to hold the woman in relative in the beginning, primitive communism.
subjugation. Women became trapped Everywhere, once settled agricultural
within their individual families, as the societies were formed, some lineages,
reproducers of society–cut off from lineage elders or “big men” could begin to
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gain prestige through their role in number of men rose above the rest of the
undertaking the redistribution of the little population in wealth and power.
surplus that existed in the interests of the
group as a whole. Everywhere, as the Engels didn’t claim that there was a
surplus grew, this small section of society straightforward, one-way relationship
came to control a greater share of the between the development of the
social wealth, putting it in a position productive forces and the social relations -
where it could begin to crystallize out into there is always a battle. But everything
a social class. doesn’t influence everything equally: “It is
not that the economic situation is cause,
What is indisputable is that the onset of solely active, while everything else
class society brought with it a universal [political, philosophical, religious, etc,
shift toward patri-lineage–and, more development] is only passive effect. There
importantly, the role of men as “heads” of is rather interaction on the basis of
their households. Engels was undoubtedly economic necessity, which ultimately
correct–with more supporting evidence always asserts itself.”
today than when he was writing–that the
rise of the modern family brought with it a Engels’ analysis is straightforward–it may
degradation of women which was need further development, but its essence
unknown in pre-class societies. Engels is there, plain to see. The sexual division
argued, “The overthrow of mother right of labour which existed in pre-class
was the world historic defeat of the female societies, when production for use was the
sex. The man took command in the home dominant mode of production, carried no
also; the woman was degraded and implication of gender inequality. Women
reduced to servitude; she became the slave were able to combine their reproductive
of his lust and a mere instrument for the and productive roles, so both sexes were
production of children. . . . In order to able to perform productive labour. But
make certain of the wife’s fidelity and with the rise of class society, when
therefore the paternity of his children, she production for exchange began to
is delivered over unconditionally into the dominate, the sexual division of labour
power of the husband; if he kills her, he is helped to erode equality between the
only exercising his rights.” sexes. Production and trade increasingly
occurred away from the household, so that
That the rise of the family was a the household became a sphere primarily
consequence–and not a cause, as some for reproduction. As Coontz and
argue–of the rise of classes is central to Henderson argue, The increasing need for
Engels’ argument. redistribution (both within local groups
and between them) and the political tasks
Engels argued that the rise of class society this creates have consequences for sex
brought with it rising inequality – between roles in that these political roles are often
the rulers and the ruled, and between men filled by males, even in
and women. At first the surplus was matrilineal/matrilocal societies.
shared with the entire clan – so wealth Presumably this flows from the division of
was not accumulated by any one labor that associates males with long-
individual or groups of individuals. But distance activities, external affairs, and
gradually, as settled communities grew in products requiring group-wide
size and became more complex social distribution, while females are more
organizations, and, most importantly, as occupied with daily productive tasks from
the surplus grew, the distribution of which they cannot be absented.
wealth became unequal – and a small
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Hence, the beginnings of a “public” versus monogamous family’s attribute of being
a “private” sphere, with women the economic unit of society”. The family
increasingly trapped in the household in as an institution and women’s role within
property-owning families. The rise of the it, have clearly undergone significant
family itself explains women’s changes since Engels wrote The Origin of
subordinate role within it. For the first the Family, Private Property and the State.
time in human history, women’s ability to Nevertheless, it retains an economic and
give birth kept them from playing a ideological relevance for 21st century
significant part in production. capitalism which is suffering from a
systemic crisis and is riven with
For Engels, there was a “historic defeat” contradictions: a system which exploits
because something fundamental changed women as low-cost labour in the
in the economic base of society. We workplace while defining their existence
developed ways to produce a surplus, not by their role in the monogamous family.
by nature’s bounty but by our own labour.
If, as Engels argues, oppression arose Capitalist ideology concerning women’s
alongside class society then is he saying role and status in society has also evolved
that, once we get rid of class society, since the late 19th century, but the ideas
oppression will automatically disappear? and values of a system based on
commodity production for profit and
A fair reading of The Origin with an open inequalities of wealth and power rest on,
mind makes it clear that the treatise combine with, and perpetuate the residue
contains no such assumption. No of outmoded ideas of male authority and
oppression can ever automatically supremacy which have their roots in
disappear. On the contrary, an earlier class societies. As a consequence,
uncompromising fight against all forms of women continue to experience violence,
gender oppression serves to erode the base sexual abuse and restrictions on their
on which such oppression stands and sexuality and reproductive rights, while
paves the way for the uprooting of the facing sexism, discrimination, gender
base. For instance, the struggles against stereotyping and double standards.
various aspects of women’s oppression
like domestic violence and sexual violence For Engels the basis for resolving the
sharpen and intensify the struggle against problems which women face in society
class. “The first condition for the entails “the transfer of the means of
liberation of women”, argued Engels, “is production into common ownership”. In
to bring the whole of the female sex back this way, “the monogamous family ceases
into public industry”. We have seen over to be the economic unit of society. Private
the past few decades how structural housekeeping is transformed into social
changes in capitalism have led to a industry. The care and education of
significant increase in the participation of children becomes a public affair; society
women in the workforce in many looks after all children alike…” In a
countries worldwide. While this has socialist society, personal relations will be
undoubtedly had a positive effect on the freed from the economic and social
ideas and aspirations of women constraints which continue to limit them
themselves, as well as influencing social even today. The basis for true liberation
attitudes more broadly, women’s will be laid. Close to 150 years after they
economic, social and personal autonomy were first written, Engels’s words
are limited by the needs of capitalism. regarding the ending of women’s
Engels went on to explain that “this in oppression maintain all their force.
turn demands the abolition of the
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PART – 2 the Party. Thus the independent assertion
of women through their own organization
IN the present day the women’s remains a far cry.
organization needs to be broad-based,
encompassing the aspirations of all The relationship between the Communist
struggling women and gender rights Party and women’s organization should
movements, and attempting to bring necessarily be dialectical, independent of
together all resistances to patriarchy under each other and yet each hammering away
one umbrella. However, since patriarchy at class-divided society with a view to
today is nurtured and sustained by replace it with a new order. As struggling
imperialism, and in every challenge to trade unions set their own agendas of
patriarchy the world order of imperialism struggle, but the Party remains a bulwark
is also challenged to some extent or the of support all throughout and helps the
other, the general nature of the women’s trade union to view the long-term goals
organization will be anti-imperialist. without positing itself as a Grand
Patriarch in relationship to the union, so
In our country, with the fascistic onslaught also the women’s organization should at
intensifying, there is need for the women’s all times set its own agenda of propaganda
organization to be particularly strong in and struggle, aided by the Party but never
order to combat state-sponsored dictated by it or constrained by it.
patriarchal challenges. For that the
women’s organization needs to break out The Communist Party has a great role to
of the stereotypical mould of being an play in the educating and organizing of
appendage to a Party and develop women. The exclusion of women from all
independent organizing and agitating important spaces has become a habit that
abilities. In our country it is the custom of must be consciously fought. Very often it
political parties, ranging from right, centre is convenient not to have a woman or two
to left, to have women’s wings as in a meeting or gathering of a couple of
women’s organizations. The CPIM has dozen men, especially because including
one, the Congress has another and so does women would necessitate making separate
the BJP. Even struggling left logistical arrangements for them. But we
organizations like the Liberation and are so used to viewing all space as ‘male
others have their women’s wings which space’ that the very idea of organizing a
go by the name of women’s organizations. space for women appears downright
However, just as it is uncommon for these troublesome. Very often women’s voices
‘women’s organisations’ to ever go are ignored simply because the total
against any position adopted by the Party unfamiliarity with the female voice makes
they are associated with, so also it is rare it difficult for the Party to understand what
for them to take up independent positions is being tried to be conveyed. This is also
and struggles. obvious from the total invisibilisation of
women not just in formal academia but
The primary objective of a women’s also the history of the communist
organization is women’s liberation, and movement, both in India as well as
this can be neither achieved nor struggled abroad. History text books in Indian
for by women who aren’t independent schools teach a wide range of modern,
themselves. But it is most often seen that international historical events ranging
far from being an independent from the French Revolution to the Paris
organization with distinctive positions on Commune and the American War of
all questions pertaining to the unceasing Independence, the Emancipation of Slaves
attacks on women, the tendency is to tail in the US, Emancipation of Serfs in
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Russia to the Boer War, and of course the women leaders are inexplicably missing.
Russian Revolution and the Chinese Not that they weren’t there. Not that the
Revolution and the two World Wars and ICM was largely a male-only movement.
chunks of the post World War scenario, But tomes on the ICM will give you a
the United Nations, Israel-Palestine, Cold different idea.
War, et al. However, one chapter of
history that is summarily and deliberately This invisibilisation of women has
glossed over in all history books – left, acquired such a degree of normalcy that it
right and centre – without exception, is the isn’t generally considered a part of what is
history of the International Women’s broadly termed as oppression of women.
Suffrage Movement and its somewhat This picture of violent inequality – where
less-than-triumphant victory. Although women are intruding ‘others’ in a world of
this movement, dealing as it did with the men, for men and by men – however,
question of citizenship rights for half the remains a constant, be it in history or the
population of the globe, had a prolonged, living present. So the visibilisation of
fierce and chequered history, pitting women’s struggles and their role in
citizens against citizens even as women history remains an important duty of the
and men united against governments on a Communist Party.
fairest possible demand, and had an
international character, it is one movement The most important challenges before the
about which most of us know very little. women’s movement today are the
Neither academic textbooks, nor tendency to shy away from forming
progressive history books which tell us broad-based women’s organizations and
about the uninterrupted fight of the people the inclination to limit the organization by
of the world for democracy and rights, the position of the Party. AIRWO is an
usually have chapters dedicated to the exception to this general rule. It is not an
International Women’s Suffrage appendage of CPI(ML) Red Star, or any
Movement, and while Abraham Lincoln other Party for that matter. It calls itself
remains a greatly famous name not merely revolutionary because it believes in the
for his leadership role in the Civil War but revolutionary reorganization of society for
more so as the champion of the the achievement of the complete
emancipation of the African Americans emancipation of women. But that is not to
from slavery, the leaders of the women’s say that it is an organization for only
suffrage movement are forgotten names women revolutionaries. It is an
relegated to the pages of something that organization which aims at bringing
goes by the dubious distinction of together the ranks of women, all struggles
‘feminist literature’. Now take a look at of, by and for women, and all the
the history of the International Communist liberatory aspirations of women into one
Movement. Except for Rosa Luxembourg united, yet diverse, platform committed to
and Clara Zetkin and a handful others, the the uprooting of patriarchy. 

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Struggle for Revolutionary People's Culture

struggles against the existing ideas that
dominated the society, as the classes and
sections of people who have to make the
revolutionary change are also imbued
with, and dominated by the ruling,
dominant culture of the society. So, the
struggle to evaluate the hitherto
experience of the cultural movement, and
to re-organize and to re-launch it with
creative new approaches demanded by
As Marxism teaches ruling ideas in the present concrete conditions, with all the
society at any time are the ruling class importance it deserves, should be taken
ideas. Since the imperialist system is in up with all the seriousness it demands. It
hegemony all over the world, the culture is a vital task to create conditions for a
and the superstructure as a whole which new revolutionary leap. The significance
serve the ruling imperialist system and of the activating of the Revolutionary
their lackeys are in command and are Cultural Movement (RCM), in
relentlessly promoted to serve it. This continuation to the contributions of the
was so when the society was under slave, organized cultural movement in the
feudal systems, and it is more so under country starting with the formation of the
present fascist capitalist-imperialist Progressive Writers Association (PWA)
system, in spite of the challenges thrown in 1936 should be viewed in this context.
up against this by the socialist forces for
a long time. As culture in its real sense is Significance of launching of PWA
not merely confined to art and literature,
but includes all aspects and spheres of Mulk Raj Anand, with whose article on
human thinking, traditions, habits; the the PWA the first volume of the three
superstructure as a whole, including volume history of the PWA opens, takes
religion, caste system, ideology, politics the readers back to " those dark fogy
etc. The relation between the economic November days of the year 1935 in
base and the superstructure is dialectical, London when after the disillusionment
one continuously reacting and counter- and disintegration of years of suffering in
reacting on the other. India and conscious of the destruction of
most of our values through the capitalist
When it is said “being determines crisis of 1931,a few of us emerged from
consciousness", it cannot mean that just the Slough of despondency of the cafes
by being a worker, the working class and garrets of Bloomsbury and formed
consciousness will automatically come. the nucleus of the Progressive Writers
Somas Lenin taught the working class, Associations. For since the historic
including all the individuals and classes meeting in the Nanking restaurant in
who have to make the revolution, should Denmark Street where the original
be transformed from" a class in itself" to manifesto was read, through the eager,
a" class for itself”, through continuous well attended fortnightly meetings of the
ideological, political and cultural London branch where essays, stories and
poems were read and lectures delivered
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(and through less eager, I’ll attended PWA Conference in 9,10 April 1936
meetings) through the first All India declared that it is the responsibility of the
Progressive Writers Conference held in writers to oppose hunger, poverty,
Lucknow in April 1936, and the opening backwardness and slavery, and to
of branches or committees in the various struggle for independence. In the year of
linguistic zones through the provincial 1943 Indian People's Theatre Association
conference and the opening of more was also formed in Mumbai. It was a
branches ,our organization has, today great beginning. I.P.T.A. had been
gathered in to it or around it, the most formed by the initiative of undivided CPI
significant writers in India and in the wake of Nazi Germany's attack on
commands membership so large that it the Soviet Union. Part of the programme
forms, quantitatively, one of the largest was to spread its influence among the
blocks for the defense of culture in the intelligentsia. It did so by forming
World."(PP.1-2,Vol 1).Munshi various anti-fascist organisations like
Premchand presided over the first IPTA. They played a significant role in
conference of the PWA. Munshi the regeneration of the theatre and other
Premchand's presidential address and the arts. IPTA's production of Nabanna
manifesto adopted at the session made it directed by Bijon Bhattacharya in
clear that the founders of the organisation October 1944 signaled the emergence of
dissociated themselves from the the minority theatre which before long
prominent theory than the creative became the dominant voice of Bengali
writers or other artists should be above theatre. The pioneers of IPTA were Bijon
politics. Every sensitive writer and artist Bhattacharya, Khwaja Ahmad
was concerned with what happened Abbas,Ritwik Ghatak, Bheeshma Sahni,
around him or her. In India, the Utpal Dutt,Shambhu Mitra, Tripti Mitra,
aspiration for freedom from foreign rule, Balraj Sahni, Habib Tanwir, Anna Bhau
putting an end to out-moded centuries- Sathe, Omar Shekh, Homi Jahangir
old feudal culture in Indian society, rapid Bhabha.
transformation of India's life and culture
along the line of creating a new society Contributions of the Renaissance
without exploitation through a process of Movement
socialist transformation -all these could
not be separated from the aesthetic tastes The first conference of the PWA and
and talents of the writers and artists. soon the International Conference of
Writers were held when the progressive
The early history of the progressive forces were getting United against the
cultural movement at International level fascist forces and there was unity that the
itself had received a new impetus when working class should not become part of
in 1919 prominent thinkers and writers the inter-imperialist war which broke out
like Maxim Gorky, Romain Roland, in 1939.This clarity in approach and in
Apton Sinclair, Rabindranath Tagore, the context of socialist Soviet Union
Bertrand Russell, Stephen Sung leading the socialist forces, the
published the declaration of Freedom of progressive writers movement moved
Thinking. Along with the freedom of ahead. While evaluating, why the PWA
writers it called for basic human rights and IPTA and the progressive cultural
for all. The first International Conference movement in general could not go
of Writers was held in Paris on 21st to forward later in spite of this great
26th April,1935 in which Sajjad Zahir beginning, it should be seen directly
and Mulkraj Anand represented India. linked to the failure of communist
The resolution adopted by the Lucknow movement to develop and pursue the

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revolutionary path both during the it as a support base to colonial rule. To
colonial period and after the transfer of safeguard colonial rule the 'divide and
power. rule' policy was also promoted by
fomenting communal strife (by
Any study of history from ancient times encouraging the formation of Hindu
show that during all phases of human Mahasabha, Muslim League and RSS).
development struggles to transform and In spite of all its limitations second phase
develop the surroundings have taken of the renaissance movement in India led
place continuously. It is the case with to movements against old rituals,habits,
Indian sub-continent also. After the traditions and superstitions .It started
hegemony of Brahminism and feudal caste based atrocities, in some areas
fiefdoms were established the first revolt leading to anti-caste movements and to
against them came up from the period of demands for the caste annihilation. It
Buddhist revolt against caste system and fought communalism and communal
for universal brotherhood. It was decisions, and influenced by materialist
followed by the rebellions of the thinking ,called for secular values and
Charvaka period, when the materialist even to rationalist movements by Jyotiba
and atheist philosophy had waged serious Phule, Savitri Bai Phule, Sree Narayana
struggles against the idealist Brahminist Guru,Ayankali, Periyar, Shahid Bhagat
ideologies. This period witnessed brutal Singh ,Dr B.R.Ambedkar and many more
attacks on the new thoughts by the .
Brahminist dynasties. These early
renaissance movements extends to Challenges confronted by the
intellectual upsurges and to the anti- revolutionary cultural movement
religious movements of the 18th century.
It started from the time of Budha and The revolutionary movement confronted
went on intensifying in many forms both political and cultural challenges to
during different phases and had reached a overcome the limitations created by
high stage in the Sufi-Bhakti colonial domination which had violently
movements(Nanak, Kabir, Raidas etc.). intervened and stunted the unleashing of
the anti-feudal, anti-imperialist
It was through more than a century long democratic revolution. The history of the
ruthless colonization process, formally communist movement in India during the
starting with the battle of Plassey of colonial period shows that, in spite of
1757, British Imperialism ultimately great strides made in building working
succeeded in formally transforming India class and peasant movements and leading
in to its colony after defeating the First many anti-feudal struggles, in spite of
War of Independence of 1857.From the building the youth, student and women
very beginning the British colonialist movements, and in launching the PWA
started transforming the agrarian and IPTA with broad based approach, on
relations through the introduction of the central question of establishing its
Zamindari and Ryotwari systems. leadership in the working class in the
Through these steps feudal, semi-feudal anti-imperialist movement it failed, or it
relations were consolidated to serve as had no such vision. When a caste
the social base of colonial domination. annihilation movement came up under
Along with this, while the colonial the leadership of Dr. Ambedkar, it failed
policies contributed to erosion of the to forge United fronts with them and to
stringent character of the inhuman caste lead the independence movement
system in some fields in at least a forward, away from the clutches of the
superficial ways, it promoted it to utilize Congress and Muslim League. Due to

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failure of CPI leadership on these class. Almost half of the people still
questions, leading it as a result to both subsist on agriculture and allied sectors
right and left deviations and ultimately to .Since the ascendance of the RSS led
revisionist positions in line with the neo-fascist Modi government in 2014,
revisionist line which usurped power in neoliberal-corporatisation pursued since
Soviet Union in 1950's.It was naturally the 1990s took a more far right turn.
reflected in the cultural front also. Soon Under the leadership of fascist sangh
both PWA and IPTA lost its class stand pariwar, all round corporatisation and
and degenerated to petti-bourgeois, superimposed capitalist relations, instead
opportunist organizations. Following the of eliminating feudal remnants and
split in 1964, though the Democratic values, have merged with the latter, have
Writers Association (DWA) was formed led to a strengthen of reaction in more
under the CPI (M)'s initiative, reflecting barbaric forms. The corporate-saffron
the degeneration of it to neo-revisionist fascist regime is propping up all
positions, the DWA also could not move obscurantist, feudal, casteist and
forward. The Naxalbari Uprising in 1967 patriarchal offensives in new and
gave a new impetus to the cultural intensified manner. Consequently Dalits,
movement. Fighting against the Adivasis, Women and Minorities become
opportunist and reformist degenerations, still more oppressed.In particular,
the communist revolutionaries started integrating with corporatisation, casteism
challenging the well-entrenched and untouchability reinforced by
reactionary cultural values, and along Brahminical ideology and culture have
with the revolutionary upsurge, many become omnipresent including even in
parts of the country witnessed a cultural institutions of higher education and
upsurge also. Though it had succeeded to scientific research. As it's manifestation,
attack the reformist trends and inspired all the constitutional, institutional and
new cultural initiatives, it soon came administrative structures are being
under sectarian influence and saffronised to suit this fascist
disintegrated. The task before the transformation. Forcible integration of
revolutionary cultural movement is to Kashmir into Indian Union through
seriously evaluate these experiences, take abrogation of article 370 of the
lessons and advance the cultural constitution, construction of Ram Temple
movement according to present at the very site of Babri Masjid, making
conditions. Muslims as second class citizens by
amending the Citizenship Act and
What is to be done through a series of steps directed at
saffronization of education and culture,
The three decades of neoliberalism in and undermining all federal provisions of
India since 1990s,in conformity with its the Indian constitution. RSS is now
inherent logic of maximum corporate moving towards its ultimate goal of
wealth accumulation within the shortest establishing a majoritarian Hindurashtra.
possible time, has led to a ballooning of
the speculative financial sphere and a Superimposing a pan-Indian
relative stagnation of the productive homogenising drive over multinational,
economy including de-industrialisation multilingual, multicultural, multi-ethnic
.Vast majority of the working poor and and multi-religious essence of India and
partially employed are forced to depend rejecting all values of modernity
on the expanding informal and including rational-rational scientific
unorganised sectors devoid of all thinking, fostering the cult of tradition
erstwhile hard earned rights by working and obscurantism, treating dissent and

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disagreement as treason , and targeting by all progressive cultural forces. As the
communists and progressive -democratic caste system and religions strengthen
forces, and above all uncompromisingly gender inequalities, the struggle for
integrating itself with corporate finance women's liberation should be linked to
capital, the RSS led BJP regime has the anti-caste, secular movement.
become a typical neo-fascist one.
Imperialist neocolonial culture has
Here at least there are some similarities reduced each and everything including
between the Hitlerite fascism and today's the human beings, to a mere commodity
neo-fascism. First they will come for to be marketed. Market is the god and
Muslims, like in Germany were they first everything is subordinated to it.
went for Jews. Yes RSS has identified Consumerism and lust for money and
Muslims as the first Target. In order to "pleasure" are promoted using the
terrorize others from defending the corporate media in a blatant manner. We
victims, RSS Pariwar shouts, any one must oppose the post-modernist thoughts
talking for the victims are pseudo- and identity politics existing in art and
secularists, they also will be targeted.The literature.
main strategy of RSS is to create hatred
and division among people. RSS is At a critical juncture, when without open
working overtime to communalise and ,massive mobilization and
distort the history and culture of India.All uncompromising assault on the neo-
have to stand with the Muslim minority fascist and imperialist culture by the
in our country , irrespective of whatever progressive forces, the survival of the
harms we may have to face. All the human race itself is going to be in peril,
progressive cultural organisations should there is need of a powerful revolutionary
have to declare unequivocally, we are for cultural movement .In the name of
a casteless, genuinely secular country 'development' what is created is a most
where there is gender equality, social unequal, reactionary, market fetishist,
justice, scientific temper and egalitarian ecologically disastrous and absolutely
approach. As we uncompromisingly fight self-centered and selfish society which is
against the Manuvadi Hindutva leading the human race to devastation in
ideological base of RSS ,we oppose all all spheres. So, the revolutionary cultural
those forces spread terror in the name of movement should become a flag bearer
minority religions, whose activities are to liberate the society from this
only helping the real enemy. dangerous situation and to create a new
society with a humane, democratic and
So along with the strengthening the caste socialist approach and culture. For this as
annihilation movement, expose a starting point, to build a revolutionary
Manusmriti and Gita like discriminatory cultural movement, we should organise
religious texts, country wide cultural all progressive cultural organisations
movement to militantly propagate secular countrywide to launch joint cultural
values and to openly criticize campaign against neo fascist cultural
interference of religion in public life is onslaught, against the communalisation
needed. The question of struggling for and distortion of history and culture,
gender equality is not a question to be against the game plan of RSS's hatred
taken up merely by the women's and division. It is the need of hour.
movement, it is a question to be taken up

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Red Star 12th Party Congress Special Issue September 2022

Fading Gulf Dream

Rejimon Kuttappan
15,000. Uday Kumar had returned from
Qatar in July 2020 giving up some Rs
150,000, the pending salary, and end of
service benefits he was supposed to get.
Returning empty-handed, he could not
think of setting up a self-employment
initiative as Ajeesh tried. So, he joined a
cashew factory. But due to Covid-19
induced lockdowns and restrictions, the
factory does not open regularly. And
A fresh report on remittances from eventually, he is not getting his salary
Reserve Bank of India's (RBI)'s Fifth too. According to Ajeesh and Uday
Round of Survey reveals that, Kerala has Kumar, many of their friends who
lost its pole position in remittances returned in 2020 from foreign countries
losing jobs are in the same condition.
Ajeesh PP, a 36-year-old Indian, returned
home from Oman in September 2020 Wage Theft
after losing his job. His Arab employer
had to shut down the upholstery And many had returned without getting
workshop due in Oman to Covid-19 their wages. Or in other words, they were
induced lockdowns and fund crunch, victims of wage theft.
which eventually resulted in job loss for Wage theft is the non-payment for
Ajeesh and a couple of his colleagues. overtime; denying workers their last
Ajeesh was paid Rs 49,000 as a monthly paycheck after they leave a job; not
salary, and he had worked for 14 years paying for all the hours worked; not
continuously. However, while returning, paying minimum wages; not paying a
he was paid only Rs99,000 as end-of- worker at all, and not adhering to the
service benefits, including his September terms of the contract. Wage theft is an
salary. He was supposed to get some important issue because it is a human
Rs300,000. But he did not get anything. rights violation, and it has an impact on a
Upon returning, life is still stuck for country’s economy, especially one which
Ajeesh in Kerala. has great remittance inflows like India.
Workers in countries such as the United
Ajeesh first worked to set up an States and Australia are protected from
upholstery workshop in his village. But it wage theft, but in West Asian countries
did not happen because he could not raise — where some 23 million migrant
the investment required for the same. workers, including 10 million from India,
Then he decided to start a small mobile are working — wage theft is not seen as
tea shop and took a small food truck on a grave labour rights violation. Even
rent for Rs 5,000 per month. But due to a migrant-sending countries, like India,
lockdown, he could not start it. However, have failed to recognise wage theft as a
he had to pay the rent. Now, he works as crime.
a painter in his local town. If Ajeesh tried
to set up a small business and failed, The returning workers were not asked
Uday Kumar Vasudevan, a 36-year-old whether there was any wages or end of
returnee migrant, joined a cashew factory service pending to be cleared.
as a supervisor for a monthly salary of Rs
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Interestingly, the missions of some Asian exacerbated during the Covid-19
countries, such as Nepal, recorded pandemic.”
instances of wage theft, and are now in
the process of reclaiming workers' stolen 12 lakhs jobless
wages. William Gois, the Regional
Advisor of Migrant Forum in Asia A data from the Department of Non-
(MFA), a civil society organisation Resident Keralite's Affairs (NORKA), a
advocating for migrant worker rights, government body set up for the welfare
told this author that the MFA and its of Keralite migrants, say that between
partners collected hundreds of cases to June 2020 and June 2021, some 15 lakhs
show that wage theft occurs at every Keralite returned from foreign countries
level, systemically, organisationally, and following the Covid-19 outbreak and out
interpersonally. The MFA has been of that some 12-lakh returned jobless.
fighting to deliver justice for wage theft There are 37 lakh job seekers in Kerala,
victims since June 2020. A recent MFA according to government data. And to
report reveals about 3,106 cases of this, some 12 returnees have also joined.
workers' wage theft cases from five Unfortunately, even if the returnees want
countries, and found that the workers lost to return to Arab Gulf looking for a job,
about $25.2 million in wages alone. This the opportunities are less as the Arab
would be about one worker losing an countries are still struggling due to the
average wage of $7,217 for a period of Covid-19-induced economic crisis. The
14 months. Interestingly, in 2021, the World Bank's August report says that the
MFA and its partners were successful in COVID-19 pandemic and the decline in
reclaiming the stolen wages of hundreds global oil demand and prices dealt the
of migrant workers from a multi-national GCC countries a health crisis and a
company in Qatar. commodity market shock causing a GDP
contraction of 4.8% in 2020.
Like the MFA, the Centre for Indian
Migration Studies conducted a survey Fiscal deficits are projected to persist for
among 3,345 migrant workers in Kerala most over the forecast period, however.
who returned mainly from West Asia, The three countries with the largest
and estimate that in wage theft alone the deficits in 2020 – Kuwait, Bahrain, and
damage is about Rs 1,200 crore. In most Oman – are projected to remain in deficit
cases employees got a raw deal citing throughout 2021-23, but at narrower
COVID-19-induced economic woes. ratios to GDP in 2023 than during the
economic downturn in 2020.
Luckily, wage theft was discussed among
other labour issues at the United Nations' Meanwhile, a fresh report on remittances
first International Migration Review from Reserve Bank of India's (RBI)'s
Forum Progress Declaration in July. The Fifth Round of Survey reveals that,
Progress Declaration discussed at UN Kerala has lost its pole position in
General Assembly in May reads that remittances. Yes, Kerala has been pushed
“many migrant workers, especially down to the second position in the
women migrant workers, continued to volume of inward remittances. Of the
face precarious working conditions, wage total, Maharashtra has secured the top
theft, labour exploitation, reduced wages position with a share of 35.2 percent.
salaries, discriminatory dismissals, Meanwhile, Kerala could garner only
withholding of benefits, forced unpaid 10.2 percent of the total inward
leave and protracted separation from remittances. Additionally, the United
their families, which have been States (US) grew as the largest remitter

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to India with a share of 23.4 percent. The
United Arab Emirates (UAE) followed A history of remittances
with 18 percent and the United Kingdom
with 6.8 percent. In the previous survey Since the 1960s, Keralites have been
which analysed the inward remittances migrating to different parts of the world,
for 2016-17, Kerala was in first position especially to West Asia.
with a 19 percent share followed by The 2018 Kerala Migration Survey by S.
Maharashtra with 16.7 percent. The UAE Irudaya Rajan and KC Zachariah reveals
was the largest remitter with a 26.9 that one in every fifth household in
percent share then, followed by the US Kerala has a migrant citizen. And a study
(22.9 percent) and Saudi Arabia (11.6 by KP Kannan, a leading economist in
percent). The fresh survey also reveals Kerala, also reveals that remittances
that the share of remittances from West received annually in Kerala are some
Asia to India has declined from more 13.33 percent of the Net State Domestic
than 50 percent in 2016-17 to about 30 Product (NSDP). However, following the
percent in 2020-21. Covid-19 outbreak, remittances to the
state, especially from West Asia have
Why the changes? been hit badly. A World Bank study on
Covid-19 and migrants from Kerala in
These changes were expected. "The West 2021 had revealed that "around 49
Asian economies were badly hit during percent of households stated that the
the Covid-19 outbreak because they amount received had declined after
mainly depend on construction, tourism, January 2020. On average, overseas
hospitality, and aviation sectors. All remittances fell by $267 monthly among
these sectors were locked down, and households that reported receiving
thousands of low-paid workers were remittances."
terminated from their jobs," said Rafeek
Ravuther, a migrant rights activist. "More What the dip means?
than 1.7 million Keralites had returned to
the state, mainly from West Asia, due to M Suresh Babu, an IIT-Chennai
job loss between 2020 and 21. With this professor, and a development economist,
situation, how can the remittances said, "Kerala relies heavily on remittance
grow?" he asked. A World Bank outlook and any dip in that will affect the state
released in April 2021 said that "heavy economy because it is already under
GDP losses were observed in all MENA financial stress."
(Middle East and North African) country
groups, which includes West Asia." And "There are two types of multipliers in any
while talking about how and why economy. One is the investment
Maharashtra has toppled Kerala from the multiplier, and the other one is the
pole position in inward remittances, and consumption multiplier. The remittances
the US has become the largest remitting go to the consumption multiplier. Or in
country, Mini Mohan, a migrant rights other words, inward remittances to
expert, said “dynamic changes" are Kerala are used to purchase things, to
happening in migration. "While Keralites pay school or medical bills, repay loans
still prefer West Asia, skilled migrants etc," Suresh Babu said. "So, when
from other parts of the country, like remittances are low, less money is
Maharashtra and Delhi, are migrating to circulated in the market. Less money in
the US and Europe, which brings in more the market means the government tax
money to the remittance kitty," Mohan collection share also goes down," he said.
said. Babu added that the state economy is

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unofficially called LLR (Liquor, Lottery comprises spending on salaries (31.3
and Remittance) economy and if there is percent of revenue receipts), pension (20
imbalance in any one of them, then it is percent), and interest payments (19.4
going to be a serious issue. Kerala's percent).
public debt is around 2.8 lakh crore and
is among the top 10 states with the Further, Babu said, “Kerala has reached
highest debt burden. An RBI note called the third phase of migration where
Kerala “highly stressed.” Kerala's skilled migrants are required.
committed expenditure rises every year Unfortunately, the current Kerala higher
limiting the state’s flexibility to decide education sector is not capable of
on other spending priorities such as delivering job-market oriented talented
developmental schemes and capital migrants. “Eventually, Keralites will be
outlay. rejected, and skilled workers from states
like Maharashtra and others will benefit
Committed expenditure of a state and they will remit more to their states,”
typically includes expenditure on the he concluded.
payment of salaries, pensions, and
interest. In 2022-23, Kerala has budgeted
to spend Rs 94,781 crore on committed Rejimon Kuttappan is a freelance
expenditure items, which is 71 percent of journalist and author of Undocumented:
expected revenue receipts. This Stories of Indian Migrants in the Arab
Gulf (Penguin 2021)

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Papers Presnted at International Seminar on Imperialism, Neo-Fascism & War

We are publishing here some of the Papers to be presented by various ICOR parties at
the International Seminar to be conducted at Com Sivaram – Sharmistha Hall (SKP
Hall, Kozhikode, Kerala) on 27th September 2022. The Seminar is being held as a part
of 12th Party Congress of CPI (ML) Red Star from 24th to 29th September 2022

Imperialism, Neofascism and War

(Presented by Com P J James on behalf of CPI (ML) Red Star, India)
accumulation, the most important of
which was granting unfettered freedom
over financial speculation leading to
uncontrolled cross-border or international
mobility of imperialist capital. New
developments in transportation,
communication, information and
processing technologies were used by
corporate MNCs to devise a new
international division of labour called
‘flexible specialisation’ facilitating
super-exploitation of labour and
intensified surplus value extraction at a
global level together with renewed
avenues of financial speculation. With
the dawn of the 21st century,
breakthroughs in a whole set of “frontier
technologies” including digitisation
Transformation to Neoliberal added further dimension to this
Imperialism neoliberal accumulation process whose
terribly destructive speculation has led to
It was the first postwar major crisis
the emergence of the global bubble
called “stagflation” of the seventies that
economy. Thus the essential
prompted finance capital to embrace
characteristics of finance capital or
neoliberalism altogether abandoning the
imperialism such as speculation, decay
state-led welfare capitalism and
and parasitism as identified by Lenin
removing the state controls over capital
have started bouncing back with
that prevailed in the immediate postwar
intensified vigour through neoliberal
neocolonial phase of imperialism for
financial globalization.
almost a quarter century. In view of the
ideological-political setbacks of the A corollary of the consequent hitherto
International Communist Movement in unknown levels of wealth concentration
the context of capitalist restoration in with a tiny financial elite has been the
erstwhile socialist countries, it was lagging of the productive sphere resulting
relatively easy for imperialist think-tanks in stagnation and deindustrialization
to formulate the essential pre-requisites leading to unprecedented joblessness,
for what is called neoliberal inequality, poverty, corruption and
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cultural degradation and deprivation and Marxism and thus propping up
intensifying oppression on the reactionary, racial, chauvinistic,
marginalised. Along with the super- revivalist, religious fundamentalist,
exploitation of labour, neoliberal xenophobic and other obscurantist
accumulation has also witnessed a mad ideologies, imperialist think-tanks have
rush for the plunder of nature at succeeded in their depoliticising mission
threatening levels which, if not halted, is by creating divisions among anti-
moving towards a global ecological imperialist forces and diverting people’s
catastrophe, the manifestations of which attention from corporate plunder thereby
are frequent natural disasters such as disorganising and fragmenting resistance
floods and massive displacement of to the ruling system.
people from their habitat and consequent
refugee crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic, More precisely, the decadence and
for instance, which is a turning point in reactionary essence of corporate-finance
human history is also recognised as the capital that cuts across both base and
outcome of corporate intrusion in to superstructure, have become more
nature giving rise to the emergence of destructive and still more reactionary
newer zoonotic viruses that due to its under neoliberalism. As such, if
unmanageable social dimensions has led ‘classical fascism’ during the colonial
the entire political-economic foundations phase of imperialism was specific to
of imperialism to a frozen state for capitalist-imperialist countries, today
months. neofascism has become transnational in
character cutting across national borders
Emergence of Neofascism irrespective of imperialist and
neocolonially dependent countries. And
Reminiscent of the unprecedented the ideological basis of the fascist
economic crisis of the interwar period regimes propped by the most corrupt
including the Great Depression that led corporate class from Asia to the
to the rise of classical fascism in Europe, Americas also vary according to the
under neoliberalism, especially since the historical, and socio-cultural contexts of
2008 world economic crisis, today the these countries. Hindutva or ‘political
world is witnessing the emergence of Hinduism’ in India, Buddhism in
neofascism according to the concrete Myanmar and Sri Lanka, political Islam
conditions of different countries. in West Asia, Zionism in Israel, neo-
Neofascism needs to be analysed in tribalism in Africa, Evangelism in the
conformity with the logic of corporate Americas, etc. are examples. The pan-
accumulation today. On the one hand, as European neofascist alliance initiated by
already noted, neoliberal globalisation the financial oligarchs of Europe against
has enabled imperialism to restructure workers, migrants and refugees is
the erstwhile nation-centred production another instance.
process by superimposing a new
international division of labour and On the Approach to War
unleash a worldwide super-exploitation
of the working people. On the other, This neoliberal-neofascist offensive by
taking advantage of the ideological decadent and reactionary imperialism has
setbacks of the International Left, by intensified all the major contradictions of
effectively utilising the heterogeneity and imperialist world system such as: the
diversity among working and oppressed contradiction between imperialism and
people of different countries and through the oppressed nations and peoples, the
the effective use of the neoliberal contradiction between capital and labour,
ideologies of postmodernism and post- the contradiction among imperialist
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countries and monopoly groups, the exemplified in the 1962 Cuban missile
contradiction between imperialist system crisis and Soviet computer malfunction
and socialist forces and the contradiction in 1983 that erroneously suggested a US
between capital and nature, the last one attack when a world conflict was a real
being adopted by CPI (ML) Red Star. possibility, leading imperialist powers
Among these five major contradictions, have a common interest to avoid an open
the contradiction between imperialism on war among themselves lest it may
the one hand, and oppressed peoples and escalate into a nuclear war resulting in
nations on the other continues as the total annihilation. Hence, wars between
principal contradiction at the imperialist powers have become “proxy
international level. Obviously, the mad wars”, and conflicts are confined to
rush for maximum plunder at the shortest ‘local’ and regional levels between or
possible time has led to cut-throat within nations. And these local wars and
competition among MNCs for export of escalation in tensions in different parts of
capital and for global markets leading to the world are sufficient enough to
contradictions among various imperialist maintain a flourishing market for
powers. In this context, though US still military-industrial complexes and for
remains as world’s biggest military arms sales even in the absence of a
machine, being ahead in many spheres of global war. Thus, in spite of the absence
fast advancing frontier technologies of a world war, there is no let-up in
including digitisation, imperialist China, weapons manufacturing, growing
especially through its BRI-Belt and Road weapons sale and ever-expanding
Initiative-has emerged as effective military expenditure during the post-war
challenger to US imperialism, and in the period.
process is carving out its own spheres of
influence not only in Asia but also in That is, the absence of a war of global
Africa and even in remote Latin dimensions in the post-war neo-colonial
America. The intensifying contradiction phase of imperialism is inseparably
between US and China is acutely linked up with the interests of globalised
manifested in the Asia-Pacific and West capital. Unlike the world situation during
Asia, Africa and even in Latin America first and second world wars when
where overtaking the US, China has production was relatively nation-centred,
become the biggest trading partner there. in the post-war situation, along with
AUKUS, the recent nuclear-based internationalisation of production,
Anglo-Saxon military pact composed of corporate capital has expanded to its
Australia, UK and US and projection of farthest limits resulting in an
Taiwan as a geopolitical hotspot has internationalisation in the operations of
further sharpened the Sino-US inter- finance capital. The consequent
imperialist contradiction. intertwined, interconnected and
globalised interests of corporate capital
In spite of the sharpening contradictions under neoliberal imperialism act as a
among imperialist powers, the latest disincentive to launching a total war as it
manifestation of which is Russian attack leads to its total annihilation. However,
on Ukraine, the latter being backed by so long as the essence of finance capital
US-led NATO, a perceptible reluctance (imperialism) is reaction and war, all
towards direct military confrontations kinds of wars, both “cold” and “hot” will
that may lead to a third global war continue and it would also be erroneous
among major imperialist powers has been to preclude the possibility of a world
there throughout the post-war period. war. Still, the absence of a world war in
Though war is inherent to and the post-war context is to be situated in
inseparable from imperialism, as was the wider context of the transformation in
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the global capital accumulation process between imperialism on the one hand and
during the neo-colonial phase of oppressed peoples and nations on the
imperialism. other. Moreover, contrary to MLPD’s
evaluation on the character of revolution
Conclusion: On Evaluating as “proletarian” for both imperialist and
Imperialism Today neocolonially dependent countries, Party
Today, the world situation is marked by Program of CPI (ML) Red Star upholds
horrific levels of wealth appropriation same for India as “people’s democratic”.
with a few corporate billionaires on the
one hand, and extreme levels of poverty We reiterated this position on “new
and threatening levels of ecological imperialism” in 2018 at the time of the
destruction on the other. In the midst of 11th Congress of CPI (ML) Red Star,
this, through intensifying far-right through the book entitled “Polemics on
neoliberal policies, crisis-ridden finance New Imperialism” and rejected the
capital or imperialism is shifting the categorisation of India as “new
burden of crisis to the shoulders of imperialist” and in ranging it along with
world’s toiling and oppressed people, China and Russia, as, unlike the latter
vast majority of whom are living in Afro- two countries, India does not at all play
Asian-Latin American countries. Against any leading role at the global level. And
this, working class and oppressed people unlike India and other neocolonially
are rising up in different forms in many dependent countries, both Russia and
parts of the world against the ruling China, being erstwhile socialist
system. However, in the absence of countries, were successful in delinking
powerful communist parties capable to themselves from the laws of motion of
ideologically and politically lead these finance capital and that of world imperial
struggles and movements, neoliberal- chain. Later, it was capitalist restoration
neofascist regimes are suppressing them that placed both Russia and China in
or diverting them to safe channels. In this world imperialist hierarchy. Therefore, it
context, a worldwide anti-imperialist, is the character of the state and class
anti-fascist movement that can relations, both international and
effectively challenge neoliberal domestic, and not the size or military
imperialism is the urgent need today. might that defines a country as
This is possible only through imperialist. Of course, imperialist world
internationally coordinated action among system is not static and is changing and
communist parties and revolutionary the option of a country becoming
organisations for which ideological imperialist cannot be ruled out from a
clarity on neoliberal imperialism is Marxist perspective. However, a
indispensable. In this context, the recent country’s transformation to an imperialist
hypothesis on “new imperialism” put position is contingent on ending the
forward by MLPD that categorises large constraints towards such a development
number of neocolonially that are imposed by the class character of
dependent/oppressed countries in Asia, its state and ruling classes. To conclude
Africa and Latin America as “new therefore, along with other issues,
imperialist” needs thorough evaluation. ideological clarity on this fundamental
In 2015 when this prognosis was put question on situating imperialism by
forward, the CPI (ML) Red Star had revolutionary parties and organisations is
unequivocally pointed out that this essential for taking up the immediate task
formulation is not in conformity the of building up an international united
concrete international situation based on front against imperialism and neofascism
which our Party evaluates principal today.
contradiction at the international level as
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“Imperialism, War, and Fascism”

(Presented by Com Peter on behalf of MLPD, Germany)

Dear comrades, sovereign statehood of the neocolonially

exploited and oppressed countries, by
military action to secure dominance,
including even a possible world war for
the redivision of the world.” (p. 265)

With the Ukraine war, an open political,

economic, ecological and military world
crisis broke out, and today a Third
World War is being actively prepared
by almost all imperialist powers. It is an
acute threat and can break out at any
time. This danger is partly
underestimated in the international
Marxist-Leninist, revolutionary and
working-class movement, and the
Ukraine war, an unjust war on both
Thanks to the comrades of CPI ML sides, is dismissed by some as a purely
(Red Star) for organizing this seminar European problem. Yet for the first time
with international participation and for since the end of the Second World War
inviting us to attend. a military confrontation between
imperialist powers and power blocs is
The tendency to war and reaction is directly escalating. History shows that
rooted in the present-day basic situations where a great power is
economic law of imperialism. Stefan threatened with being ousted from its
Engel’s book, Twilight of the Gods – place by a rising power have regularly
Götterdämmerung over the “New World led to war.
Order”, states as this law: “Conquest
and defense of a position of domination Today we have to do with a large
in the world market by the international number of rising powers that call in
monopolies; securing of maximum question the existing power spheres of
profit by building international the “old” imperialist countries. The new
production systems, by constantly brochure by Stefan Engel, Gabi
increasing the exploitation of the Fechtner, and Monika Gärtner-Engel,
international working class, by ruining The Ukraine War and the Open Crisis of
or destroying the foundations of life of the Imperialist World System, states:
entire peoples in all countries of the “The collapse of the social-imperialist
globe without exception, by plundering superpower Soviet Union and the
entire states to the point of bankruptcy, Council for Mutual Economic
by redistribution of social wealth on a Assistance (CMEA) in 1990/1991 led to
gigantic scale in favor of the a unified world market. It entailed the
monopolies and to the detriment of all reorganization of international capitalist
other strata of society, by abrogating the production. This process of the
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economic and political reordering of the the import and resale of Russian oil.
world radically changed the entire India is a member of the military
previous imperialist world system. All Shanghai alliance together with new-
imperialist countries and the leading imperialist China and Russia, but at the
international monopolies of the world same time also of the “Quad” alliance
engaged in bitter rivalry for supremacy together with the USA, Australia, and
in the newly emerged world market. In Japan. This shows that it acts based on
the meantime, in China and several its own imperialist interests and is
populous, formerly neocolonially neither vassal nor “junior partner” of US
dependent countries, domestic imperialism, as is sometimes still
monopolies and state-monopoly maintained today. India’s joining of
structures had evolved. They led to the different inter-imperialist alliances
emergence of a number of new- implies an independent imperialist
imperialist countries. By 2017 at least interest of India. These are temporary
14 new-imperialist countries already and contradictory alliances for mutual
were in existence. More than half of the benefit. The formerly one-sided
world population was living in them. dependence of India on the social-
They increasingly competed with the imperialist USSR and the imperialist
USA, Japan, and the EU countries for superpower USA increasingly is giving
sales markets and spheres of influence. way to a mutual interpenetration, though
Some of these countries established a India does not yet play a leading role in
regional imperialist hegemony. They the global imperialist alliances.
include India, Turkey, Russia, South
Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil. They Of course, economically, politically,
pursue visions of their own imperialist and in power-political respect, India is
supremacy, are developing rapidly still far behind the currently only fully
growing military power structures, and developed superpower, the USA, and
are forming ideological-political power also behind China. Exactly that shows
centers worldwide to manipulate public the complexity of the present
opinion.” (pp. 6 f.) developments, where alongside
superpowers and great powers there are
China meanwhile has become an also medium-sized and small imperialist
economic superpower and is striving to countries. Characteristic here is that
become a superpower also politically between them, despite all bitter rivalry,
and militarily. The aforementioned a mutual dependence exists, finding
brochure writes about this: “The rivalry expression, for example, in a multitude
between the USA and China meanwhile of new alliances. In the present situation
is generally dominant among the inter- the importance of discussion and
imperialist contradictions, the agreement in the international Marxist-
development of which at the same time Leninist, revolutionary and working-
is multipolar in character.” (pp. 7 f.) class movement grows concerning the
assessment of the emergence of new-
The world economic war in imperialist countries. For example, the
consequence of the Ukraine war drives open revisionists strictly deny the
the building of blocs, and an open crisis imperialist character of Russia and
of the reorganization of international obsequiously and willingly support the
production already has set in. However, fascist Putin regime. Stefan Engel’s
new-imperialist India, just like Turkey book, The Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology
or Brazil, is reluctant to join any bloc and of Opportunism, points out: “In
hastily. India refuses to fall in with the crises, when their costs and burdens are
Western sanctions and even profits from passed on to the masses, when the
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bourgeoisie fights revolutionary also created the basis for growing Indian
developments or is on course for war – monopolies, which in turn could benefit
in short, when the contradictions from the fact that foreign international
intensify, as a law of development finance capital was looking in countries
opportunism turns into social- like China or India for a way out of the
chauvinism.” (p. 226) over-accumulation of capital.

We cannot analyze the global situation In part, with reference to foreign

accurately and will even draw wrong participation in some of these
conclusions for strategy and tactics if corporations their character as Indian
we deny or question the fact of the supermonopolies is questioned. In
emergence of new-imperialist countries. reality, however, the majority of these
Of course, it is up to the Indian supermonopolies are owned by Indian
revolutionary parties to determine their multibillionaires or their families (such
ideological-political line, where we do as the Ambani family at Reliance, the
not interfere. However, we would like to Tata family at Tata – through their
contribute our findings and reflections foundations or directly through the top
to the discussion, while also addressing management or the Board of Directors –
various counter-arguments to them. or the Mittal family at Arcelor-Mittal),
or they are state-owned (such as Indian
As is well known, starting from Lenin, Oil or Bahrat Petroleum, in which the
there are three main characteristics of state holds 51% of the shares). The
imperialist development, in economic, decisive factor is a majority
political and foreign policy terms. shareholding or a controlling
Economically, according to Lenin, the shareholding where there is a large free
formation of monopolies and the fact float. In the world economy today, it is
that they occupy a dominant position in typical for monopolies to have high
economic life indicate the imperialist foreign ownership. A large part of the
character of a country. India has 9 world’s capital export is aimed at such
supermonopolies among the 500 largest shareholdings, with which monopolies
in the world,1 2 more than in 2021: of various countries participate in the
Reliance Industries, Indian Oil, Oil & predatory profits of other monopolies.
Natural Gas, State Bank of India, Bharat In Germany, already in 2019 foreign
Petroleum, Tata Motors, Tata Steel, investors held at least 50% of the shares
Rajesh Exports, Life Insurance of 23 of the 30 DAX (German stock
Corporation. They had a turnover of index) corporations. In the case of
US$444.3 billion in the last reporting Mercedes-Benz, the Chinese BAIC
year, 2021. In comparison, India’s GDP Group is the largest single shareholder
in 2021 was US$3,042 billion. India has with 10% of the voting rights, the
a total of 55 monopolies (2022) listed Chinese investor Li Shufu holds a share
on the Forbes 2000 list.2 This is already of 9.7%, and the Kuwaiti sovereign
more than imperialist Germany with 52 wealth fund 6.8%. Only 34.4% of the
monopolies. A large part of the Mercedes-Benz shares are in German
monopolies developed precisely as a hands. Production long since takes place
result of neoliberal policies with the mainly abroad. Nevertheless, it would
privatization of the public sector. Of obviously be nonsense not to
course, Singh willingly opened India to characterize it as a German monopoly.
foreign international monopolies. But he The group was founded in Germany; is
still headquartered here, and the German
state is even a particular service
provider for Mercedes-Benz. It is
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typical of the Indian monopolies that showed. Mahindra is also an
they have become international international supermonopoly. In India, it
supermonopolies that exploit even commands about 38% of the tractor
workers in various neocolonially market, far ahead of John Deere, which
dependent and imperialist countries and operates four plants in India.
appropriate the natural resources there.
It is proving to be a myth that India’s largest bank, State Bank of
multinationals exist only in the West India, has been state-owned since 1955.
and dominate Indian ones. In fact, Tata, However, it is an international bank
with its 30 companies, operates in more with branches in all major imperialist
than 100 countries on all 6 continents. states. India has also become an
Tata Sons is the controlling holding important exporter of capital, according
company of the Tata Group and is 66% to Lenin a major criterion of imperialist
family-owned via foundation models development: “Typical of the old
that are also widespread in Germany. capitalism, when free competition held
The Tata Group now includes more than undivided sway, was the export of
98 companies, ranging from the metals goods. Typical of the latest stage of
sector to telecommunications and the capitalism, when monopolies rule, is the
automotive industry. Tata has 935,000 export of capital.” (Lenin, Collected
employees. No private company Works, Vol. 22, p. 240) The stock of
employs more blue- and white-collar Indian foreign direct investment in 2020
workers in India than Tata. The stock was US$191 billion (compared to a
market capitalization of Tata’s listed stock of US$480.3 billion in direct
companies is US$311 billion. The investment from abroad in India). In
incomplete combined revenue of the 2021, India’s direct foreign investment
largest Tata companies is at least came to US$15.522 billion,4 a threefold
US$128 billion.3 increase since 2016, after a decline
during the world economic and financial
Arcelor Mittal is the world’s largest crisis of 2008–2014. Indian corporations
steel company by tons of pig iron are now also in the top group for land
produced. 39% of the voting rights are grabs, especially in Africa. Another
held by the trust company HSBC objection to India’s new-imperialist
Trustee (C.I.) Limited on behalf of the character is that India does not have an
Indian Lakshmi Mittal family. The all-round developed industry and
family also provides the Group’s top production base. But an all-round
management. The fact that the Group is production base is no longer a decisive
based in Luxembourg for tax reasons criterion for judging the imperialist
does not change the fact that it is a character of a country because of the
supermonopoly with its main roots in present stage of the international
India. The headquarters of Arcelor division of labor. The imperialist
Mittal in Luxembourg, or formerly countries and their international
Mittal Steel in Rotterdam, was monopolies concentrate on those areas
important above all in order to conquer where they can achieve world market
the European market and achieve the leadership, dictate monopoly prices, and
hostile takeover of Arcelor by Mittal. make other countries – including
As a monopoly not based in the EU, this imperialist ones – dependent on them.
would hardly have been possible, as the Germany, for example, has completely
failed takeover of thyssenkrupp by Tata abandoned coal mining, while the UK

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has concentrated on its role as an Under the Modi government, an
international financial center. The aggressive environment destroying
division of labor in internationalized policy is carried out. For example, Modi
production results in multiple mutual is pursuing a plan to open 55 new coal
dependencies. Indian monopolies are mines, expand 193 existing mines, and
also world market leaders in important produce 1 billion tons of coal annually.
areas, based on highly developed Underground mines are closed and
technology. Tata (TCS), for example, is surface mining is expanded. 80% of the
considered the world market leader in new mines are located on the land of the
IT services. Mahindra sells the most Adivas; here a gigantic destruction of
tractors worldwide; Wipro in IT, the land and the livelihood of tens of
Crompton Greaves in transformers. thousands is underway. Peasant
Arcelor Mittal is the biggest steel expropriation is also pushed and a
company in the world. India has course set for increased capitalist
decisively increased its economic industrialization and monopolization of
weight in the world since the agriculture, against which violent
reorganization of international peasant unrest has unfolded.
production. Before colonization began,
India had an estimated 25% share of All this also leads to important changes
world GDP, which fell back to 2.78% in India’s class structure. According to
by 1980. Today, according to the World the figures known to us, for example,
Bank, it is already back above 7%, about 42% of the workforce is still
making India the sixth largest economy employed in agriculture today. This
in the world. proportion has even risen again in recent
years in connection with the Corona and
Of course, there is a glaring world economic and financial crises.
contradiction in India between highly But about a quarter of those employed
productive international in agriculture are farm workers,
supermonopolies, unimaginable hunger according to the figures we have,5 and
and misery, backward to semi-feudal their total number is reported to exceed
sectors in agriculture. But this is not an 36 million. After increasing for a long
argument against the imperialist time, the share of industrial workers has
character of the country. Lenin said in decreased some in the past five years as
1917 in a comparable situation about the a result of the recent crises, but is
imperialist character of Russia: growing again. In the manufacturing
“Furthermore, in the case of Russia it industry, mining and construction, there
would be wrong to present imperialism are said to be about 81.88 million
as a coherent whole (imperialism in employees all together.6 According to
general is an incoherent whole), since in the World Bank, the total industrial
Russia there are no few fields and employment even accounts for 26.2% of
branches of labour that are still in a state all employment. The manufacturing
of transition from natural or semi- industry in India alone is reported to
natural economy to capitalism.” (Lenin, have around 21.4 million permanent or
Collected Works, Vol. 24, p. 465). The contract industrial workers;7 to that we
Modi regime is a service provider for have to add the portion of day laborers
India’s supermonopolies. With its who also work in industry. Around 40
“Make in India” policy, it specifically million construction workers also
promotes the expansion of Indian
monopolies, especially privately run
“champions” in the energy and
telecommunications markets.
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should be included in the working class intensity with the Ukraine war. In India
in the narrower sense. A larger part of the Modi regime consolidated its
those employed in the so-called service position, has restricted democratic rights
sectors, which account for about 32.3% and liberties with increasing severity
of all employed persons, must be and pursues an aggressive fascistization
counted as part of the working class in of the state apparatus. Modi is a fascist
the broader sense.8 Therefore, in our and, in terms of world outlook, espouses
opinion, one should raise the question the extremely reactionary to fascist
what follows from this concerning the Hindutva ideology, according to which
main force of the revolution. In any India is not a diverse, secular state, but
case, especially in the export zones an exclusively a state of the Hindus, who
international industrial proletariat has as preeminent people are elevated above
formed, which must be in the forefront others. Hindu nationalism is a form of
of the struggle of the working class and racism and extreme anticommunism.
all the oppressed. This shows that in
India, too, the character of the Thirdly, imperialism means striving for
revolution is already objectively world domination in foreign policy.
proletarian. India is a center of Lenin summed it up this way: “‘World
worldwide protests and peasant domination’ is, to put it briefly, the
uprisings and of a large women’s substance of imperialist policy, of which
movement; here especially large general imperialist war is the continuation.”
strikes of the working-class movement (Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 23, p. 35)
stand out clearly. As many as 180 Modi envisages an “Indian century”.
million took part in such strikes on 2 After all, India has a population of 1.39
September 2016; about 200 million on 9 billion and in a few years will be more
January 2019; and 250 million workers populous than China. India is expanding
along with millions of peasants in its dominating regional position, for
November 2020 against the fascist Modi example at the expense of Nepal. At
regime. Certainly there are still present, the striving for world
important tasks of agrarian revolution, domination finds expression in Indian
overcoming backwardness and politics in the striving for regional
imbalance in the economy, and supremacy. The role as regional power
overcoming feudal remnants. Subjective cannot be used to object to the
factors, in our estimation, may make it assessment as an imperialist power.
necessary to establish an anti-imperialist Other imperialist powers, too, like
new-democratic order as an Turkey, are mainly regional powers
intermediate stage. today. Some smaller imperialists do not
even have the potential today to act as
The second characteristic of imperialism regional powers, for example
in contrast to capitalism of free Luxemburg or Liechtenstein. They rely
competition is that it means political on their affiliation with the EU and
reaction all along the line. Lenin participate through this connection in
explained: “Political reaction all along exploiting other countries.
the line is a characteristic feature of
imperialism.” (Lenin, Collected Works, India pursues an aggressive foreign
Vol. 23, p. 106) Since 2016 a general policy. The first aircraft carrier built in
rightward development has spread in the India has just been christened and
imperialist countries, increasing in launched, so that India now has two
carriers. India has the second largest
army in the world and 1.45 million
soldiers under arms. Add to this 1.15
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million reservists and 87,000 imperialists, or because of the
paramilitaries as well as 1.4 million capitulation of one or the other warring
police under the control of the interior party. … But as long as this phase lasts,
ministry. India is now also beginning to the general strategy and tactics of the
participate in the arms race in space and international socialist revolution must
the digital arms race. Since November be directed against the acute danger of a
2018 India has recourse to a nuclear Third World War…. The active
triad; that is, can launch nuclear preparation of the world war by the
weapons by missiles, aircraft, or imperialist governments, the accelerated
submarines. India today is still one of destruction of the environment, and the
the world’s biggest arms importers, but shifting of the burdens of crisis and war
in the medium to long term wants to onto the backs of the masses will
build up an internationally competitive increasingly bring the masses into open
arms export industry as a central pillar contradiction to the imperialist world
of the “Make in India” program of system and provoke their struggles.
Modi. Marxist-Leninists in the entire world
must do everything in their power to
India pursues a policy of cultural make use of the open crisis of the
imperialism as well with the worldwide imperialist world system to
marketing of the Bollywood culture. revolutionize the international industrial
India also uses television and internet to proletariat and the broad masses. (pp. 59
influence Indian minorities abroad. + 60)
Modi specifically influences the
members of the Indian diaspora, The principal direction of movement
estimated to number at least 20 million. currently is the strengthening of the
So in our opinion the Indian revolution international tendency to general
today no longer can be aimed only societal crises, and it is has not yet
directly at the foreign international reached its climax by any means. On the
finance capital operating in the country, other hand: “Consciousness,
but must also be aimed directly at the organization, and fighting experience of
national monopoly bourgeoisie and the the working class and the broad masses
remnants of feudal and semi-feudal big today doubtless do not yet keep abreast
landholdings. On the other hand, of the accelerated destabilization of the
wouldn’t a call to free India from imperialist world system. … Active
imperialism that disregards India’s new- resistance against imperialist powers
imperialist character – thought through and blocs must be developed and
to the end – objectively amount to organized with the prospect of
support for Indian imperialism? achieving a force superior to
imperialism. The order of the day is the
Dear comrades, further building and strengthening of a
worldwide antifascist and anti-
In the brochure on the Ukraine war we imperialist united front, as conceived by
arrive at the synthesis: “There are in the joint call of ICOR and ILPS.”
principle only two options in this phase Necessary is the “strengthening of the
of accelerated destabilization of the ICOR organization and the higher
imperialist world system: the outbreak development of practical cooperation
of a Third World War or the and coordination in connection with the
international socialist revolution. … It is building and considerable strengthening
also possible that this phase will be of revolutionary parties in more and and
stopped by the resistance of the masses, more countries.” (ibid., pp. 60, 68, 69)
because of contradictions among the
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War and Imperialism: The Tasks of Revolutionaries

(Presented by Sant Bahadur Nepali on Behalf of NCP (Mashal), Nepal)

Introduction should be supported is determined by

class outlook. When Japan invaded
China, Communist Parties of all over the
world opposed Japan but in the Second
World War when the USA attacked over
Japan with atom bomb, Communists
opposed the USA and supported Japan.

Mao says , " War is the highest form of

struggle for resolving contradictions,
when they have developed to a certain
stage, between classes, nations, states, or
political groups, and it has existed ever
since the emergence of private property
and of classes. Unless you understand the
In the popular sense, war is a conflict actual circumstances of war, its nature and
between political groups involving its relations to other things, you will not
hostilities of considerable duration and know the laws of war, or know how to
magnitude. (Encyclopedia) direct war, or be able to win victory."
During the First World War (1914 - 1918) CHINA'S REVOLUTIONARY WAR,
more than 1, 74, 00000 soldiers were December 1936) That's why the war was,
killed along with millions of civilian in the preliminary phase, started when the
casualties. During the Second World War private property began in human society.
(1939 - 1945) more than 60 million There were undergoing wars because of
soldiers and civilians were killed. The war private property among the tribal groups.
has not been occurred after the second Later, between opposite classes like slaves
world war as extended as the first and and slave - owners in slave age, between
second world war though the wars feudal lords and peasants in feudal age,
between two countries or among countries the wars came out. The wars enlarged
and the wars against the rulers within towards nations, states and political
countries are being launched. The latest groups. Up to long time cold war was
example is the war between Russia and remained between two groups WARSAW
Ukraine. and NATO. The cold war ended after
dissolution of USSR.
No war happens suddenly and
unexpectedly and it does have a very long State of World Politics and Communist
background behind it. There were many Movement on 24 February 2022, the
wars in the history. The belligerent Russia-Ukraine War began .The war is
factions are not absolutely right and between Russia and Ukraine in form but
absolutely wrong, though we take side for in content it is between Russia and
one and stands against others. War America. Invasion over less powerful
becomes just and unjust. Which side country by powerful country is unjust. All

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Countries are equal; they are neither small programme was clearly related with
nor big by sovereignty. We should strategic alliance of Armies. The people of
consider on the historical relation between Nepal and even their own cadres opposed
Russia and Ukraine. In the past long time the Government’s move. But the ministry
Ukraine was a part of The USSR (Russia). for foreign affairs has not sent letter to
The USSR was dissolved in 1991 and America till now about writing that Nepal
Ukraine was separated from that. Ukraine is not in favour of SPP, it may adjourn to
was gradually going in favour of America. upcoming general election. MCC project
It started to demand the membership of is not only related with electricity and
NATO. Russia felt threatened from the road building but in reality it is an
activities of Ukraine. Ukraine is rich in important part of the Indo-Pacific Strategy
Petroleum, so America wants to take of America. America is trying to put
control of Ukraine. China is imperialism Nepal under its strategic Security
oriented country. But it has not retained Umbrella. It is against the theory of non-
the level of imperialism. Russia does not alignment which has being followed by
like the American arrival to Ukraine. Mao Nepal since many years. This policy may
had said that politics is a bloodless war weaken or may break relation with other
whereas war is bloodshed politics. (Ibid) countries. It will compel Nepal to stand in
There is politics behind the Russia - favour of American interest. In view of all
Ukraine war, the politics of imperialist those things, patriots of Nepal have been
interest. opposing the SPP. In terms of Russia -
Ukraine war the five parties alliance
American imperialism is the number one Government, Sher Bahadur Deuba led
enemy of the oppressed nations and Government has supported America and
working people of the world, today. It has opposed Russia. It spoils Nepal's relation
become the singular polar superpower in with Russia. In the past social - imperialist
the world. It has extended its military USSR had deployed military to
power in all continents Asia, Africa, and Afghanistan and established its puppet
Latin America. It has to return back Government. At that time India's relation
recently from Afghanistan. However, it is with USSR was well and sound. India and
exploiting the people of this region. it is the United States committed agreement
trying to use the Uighur people against based on the Basic Exchange and
the Chinese government. America is Cooperation Agreement for Geo-Spatial
inciting Dalai Lama to make unstable Cooperation (BECA) in October, 2020
Tibet. Taiwan is also a part of China from when Doklam dispute was undergoing
the history. America is trying to make it between China and India. As per this
against China by assisting with arms. In agreement America can assist India by
Japan, South Korea and in other countries ammunitions and nuclear weapons. That is
after Second World War America has why America is endeavouring to use India
been camping its armies. American and Nepal against China. America wants
project MCC is passed from the to push the whole world into the war. All
parliament of Nepal. Having passed the people of the world are frightening that
MCC the five parties Nepali Congress, might happen third world war. New
Maoist Centre, Unified Socialist, People's imperialist countries came into the world
Socialist and Rastrya Janamorcha (Legal politics .Of some imperialist countries
front of Mashal) alliance government has among them are limited within their state
opened the door to enter to Nepal for boundaries. American imperialism rose
American Armies. Later, at once, the after Second World War and it remains as
government tabled the SPP (State superpower at present. Now China is
Partnership Programme) bill. The rising as powerful country. China is

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imperialism - oriented capitalist country lands of neighboiring countries so it is
but it is not as imperialist. Some years ago said expansionist.
German Communist Party (MLPD) had
declared 14 Countries as imperialist It is reality that Indian capitalist monopoly
countries including China and India. is exploiting the neighbouring countries
According to MLPD other neo- imperialist but it does not have global influence.
countries are Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Narendra Modi had spoken that they
Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, would take their country towards
Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and developed country. We mean that
Iran. To know which country has developing country cannot be imperialist
remained at a level of imperialism is the country. The MLPD's analysis is not
Lenin's book” dependent on the reality. Mohan Bikram
“Imperialism is the highest stage of Singh led NCP (Mashal) declared India as
capitalism". Lenin summarised an imperialist country from its eighth
imperialism as follows: “Imperialism is national congress. The political report
capitalism at that stage of development at holds ," Even our fraternal party CPI
which the dominance of monopolies and (M.L.) has come at conclusion that India
finance capital is established; in which the is now a neo-colonialist country instead of
export of capital has acquired pronounced a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country.
importance; in which the division of the We had long ago come at the conclusion
world among the international trusts has that monopoly had developed there."
begun, in which the division of all (Political Report and Organizational
territories of the globe among the biggest proposal, page - 52) The above lines of
capitalist powers has been completed” the political report deteriorated the
(Lenin, collected works, Hindi section, fraternal party's line also. MLPD’s view
page 41) can divert from the struggle against main
According to above saying of Lenin, an
imperialist country needs 5 features. Lenin's view on imperialism is still
Without these basics, if we analyse a fundamentally correct. Along with the
country as imperialism, we will go to a development of science and technology
wrong path. For instance, India there have been many changes in the
encroaches its neighbour's geographical imperialist policy of taking over the world
boundary and comes to demographic since the time of Russian revolution. But
encroachment, cultural encroachment and an inherent character of imperialism is the
political encroachment. India is an policy of “Partitioning entire territories".
expansionist country. The people of India For example a country exports a plenty of
are our ally and our friend. But the goods and capital. Only this factor is not
government of India could never have the base of being imperialism .The
become Nepali people’s ally. India is in political and strategic influences over
itself being from long time oppressed other countries are the fundamental things
under the neo- colonialism. The fact is to be the imperialist country .Otherwise
that 21 percent people are below poverty we will bring the oppressed and
line. More than 50 million people are developing countries also to the level of
compelled to defecate and urinate in open enemy.
places. India is in a huge foreign debt.
Because of not being capable in the sector New forms of Imperialism
of technology India had destroyed twin
tower of Noida with the help of South The European and American imperialists
African Company. India encroaches the are not at as past forms .They do not go

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now to exploit and control the markets just war with all their strength. This inter-
like America threw the bomb in Japan in imperialist war has led to a world war and
the past, no need the army attack. They huge human losses.
make continuation their exploitation Oppressed countries are having to
through their comprador government sacrifice millions of citizens to return their
.After the second world war imperialist lost sovereignty.
countries have changed the mode of
exploitation .They have been retaining The responsibilities of Communist
the neo - colonialist policy. America did Revolutionaries
not directly impose MCC in Nepal. The
USA used Nepali Congress, Maoist Now the communist movement is in set-
Centre, Unified Centre and made them back around the world. The world
passing MCC .They deceived people and communist movement is weak and
passed MCC from parliament at the defensive. Especially after the Twentieth
midnight. The patriotic Nepalese people Congress of Communist Party of Soviet
have been opposing the anti-national Union in 1956, it abandoned the socialist
citizenship bill but the government at the path, the crisis began in world communist
diktat of Indian expansionism passed the movement. After the death of Comrade
bill from the parliament. Mao in 1976, right-wing revisionist Deng
Xiaoping's faction took power. The event
Instead of deploying the armies, now was a counter - revolution in China. In
imperialists are exploiting the poor these two events, the Chinese and Russian
countries and people of poor countries. revolutionaries appeared very weak. In
For that they use economic, social, practice they could not understand that the
political, cultural, religious educational capitalist elements could be born within
sectors to fulfill their interests. socialism. Not only Russia and China,
Establishing and using the World Bank, after the collapse of socialism there, the
International Monetary Fund, World communists of the world were divided
Health Organization, World Trade into two camps.
Organization, Asian Development Bank
and other international institutions they The parties which are supporters of China
exploit the poor countries and poor people now consider that the socialism is retained
.Due to this new colonization policy, in China, North Korea but the genuine
countries like Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Marxists and Leninists have declared
Pakistan are suffering from excessive nowhere socialism in the world. We have
exploitation. Despite the withdrawal of the bitter history that not only by outside
American troops from Afghanistan, enemies but also the capitalist enemies
imperialist exploitation has not ended. which are sneaked into the Party take the
Imperialists have developed highly communist party towards the capitalist
destructive killers to protect their market way, so the revolutionaries are rebelling
areas from other imperialist countries. against the revisionism in the parties. The
rebelling in NCP (Mashal) is also the
Even if it means killing millions of same case. The revolutionaries within
people, they are going to tighten their Mashal built a co- ordination committee at
belts to protect their market area. Lenin 2021 November 24-25 and now the co -
rightly said about the basis of imperialism, ordination committee is transformed into
"the state in which the division of all the the Special Congress Organizing
regions of the earth among the greatest Committee. Comrade Mohan Bikram
capitalist powers is completed." In that Singh took the revisionist line and the
situation, when they are weak, they go to revolutionary forces of the party have to

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do so as to secure the revolutionary Conclusion
thought. The individuals who carry the
revolutionary thinking are within Maoist The situations in different countries are
Centre and within UML and within other different. The communist parties should
"Communist groups". They must rebel, carry out Marxism, Leninism, Mao
later and fast. The scattered revolutionary Thought creatively according to their
forces should polarize and unite at one situations. In India, Nepal, Bangladesh,
place. In that way some positive works are Pakistan, the strategy and the tactics
going on. Even in India the endeavor to should be implemented according to their
reorganize makes us happy. The Parties own situation. It is necessary to struggle
split and reorganize but the revolutionary against two things to forward the
forces regularly go ahead. The Aim of revolution - one, against world
Communist movement of India and the imperialism including America and two,
Communist Movement of Nepal is same against domestic feudal and comprador
that is, the struggle against domestic and bureaucratic capitalist class. In the
feudalism, comprador and bureaucratic context of Nepal, Indian expansionism is
capitalism, the struggle against neo- an obstacle force of the revolution. In the
colonization, for the establishment of the international sphere American imperialism
proletarian state and the People's is standing being the main obstacles for
emancipation. It will be better to exchange oppressed nations and the people. The
our experiences and assistances and to American imperialism is assassinating the
enhance reciprocal trust. Those things people all over the world. We need a
should be dependent on proletarian forum of trustworthy, capable, reliable and
internationalism .It will take us nearer. genuine revolutionaries.
But in the course of doing so, we should
aware/ surveillent to be secured from ultra Domestic reactionaries will become as
“Leftist " , rightist revisionism, anarchism, weak as the world imperialism becomes
sectarianism and dogmatism . Both weak. It is today's necessity that the
Rightist opportunist and ultra ' Leftist ' organization and the class struggle
opportunist are obstacles for genuine dependent on the workers and peasants
Communist Movement. It is necessary to should be advanced by strengthening the
form a forum of revolutionary forces at a party of proletariat theoretically,
level of South Asian Countries. ideologically, organizationally and

The imperialist war in Ukraine and the world class struggle

(Presented by Abdesselam Adib, Morocco)
population of 150 million, and on the
Human right and syndicalist militant other hand Ukraine, the second largest
European country with a number of Its
population is 45 million people,
1 - For the first time since the end of supported by all Western nuclear
World War II, direct military imperialist powers, led by the United
confrontations between the imperialist States of America and NATO. In the
powers erupt on European soil starting early 1990s, war between small states
on February 24, 2022. On the one hand, and militias in the former Yugoslavia
nuclear Russian imperialism, with a
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was devastated, and 140,000 people died value chains. In order to allow the
in mass massacres of civilians, in the production of products in the poor
name of "ethnic cleansing" as in countries of the South at low prices and
Srebrenica, in July 1995, 8,000 men to resell them in the countries of the
were killed. And if the great powers did North at exorbitant prices. But the global
indeed participate in the confrontations market, in turn, has produced crises and
in the former Yugoslavia, this was done contradictions that outweigh the crises
indirectly or through participation in produced by local markets. For the first
"intervention forces", under the auspices time in the history of capitalism,
of the United Nations. Therefore, the negative interest rates on credits were
war in Ukraine today expresses the recorded in 2018. This is a phenomenon
greatest degree of danger and threat of a in which several factors have come
third world war. together, first and foremost the excessive
accumulation of products on a global
2 - The problem of the causes of war scale, and the concomitant collapse of
collides between the immediate apparent the rate of profit. Also, the size of the
causes and the hidden causes rooted in huge global debt and the declining
the crisis of the new global imperialist confidence in the dollar, which no
capitalist mode of production that was longer stores abstract value as an
established at the beginning of the intermediary between commodities. The
nineties. As for the direct causes that process of this crisis has begun to
Vladimir Putin’s speech on the eve of threaten the capitalist mode of
his invasion of Ukraine discloses, which production as a whole. The Covid-19
is to carry out rapid operations to crisis was therefore a first opportunity to
exterminate the fascist elements of the destroy surplus production and stop the
Azov Organization, which have been deterioration of profit rates, but the scale
working since the 2014 coup to of the debt and the increasing printing of
exterminate Russian-speaking in the securities further aggravated the crisis.
Donbas region, and also to prevent The United States of America has also
Ukraine from joining NATO and the begun to lose its global economic
European Union. While the countries of hegemony to new imperialisms, such as
NATO and the European Union defend the BRICS and MIST countries, and is
Ukraine's sovereignty to defend itself looking with concern at the Euro-
and its right to join NATO and the Russian rapprochement, which could
European Union. Since Ukraine has not lead to economic integration between
yet joined NATO, the latter does not the main sources of Russia and the
want to be directly involved in the war. economic and technological superiority
of the European Union. Therefore, the
3- As for the hidden causes rooted in the United States has been pushing Russia
crisis of the new world imperialist since 2014 to invade Ukraine to push
capitalist mode of production which was NATO as far as possible towards
established at the beginning of the 90s Russian borders and encircle it in the
and which launched the passage from media and military bases, waiting for the
international trade to the creation of a zero hour to destroy the Russian regime.
world market, based on the penetration
between countries, and where its 4. The development of the war in
effective power rests on the dominance Ukraine can only be understood by
of large global multinationals which understanding it as a direct product of
Labor is exploited on a global scale, two dominant tendencies that
within the framework of so-called global characterize imperialist relations in the

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Red Star 12th Party Congress Special Issue September 2022
light of the crisis of the new imperialist ecological parties, became accepting of
world mode of production: on the one polluting alternatives such as coal and
hand, the struggle of the United States schist gas and the reworking of nuclear
against the irreparable decline of its plants... Note the year 2022 will witness
global imperialist hegemony, which led the highest degree of warming that made
to Stimulating the development of fires break out in most European
anarchy in the world and, on the other countries.
hand, exacerbating the imperialist
ambitions of the new imperialist 7. All NATO countries armed
countries, which in particular revived the themselves on a large scale after the start
aggressiveness of Russia. Which aspires of the war, significantly increased their
to reclaim an important place in the military spending and sent additional
imperial scene with a persistent spirit of troops to Eastern Europe on the Russian
revenge. border. NATO countries provided over
€34 billion in arms and military aid to
5. Thus, the war that was launched has Ukraine and as financial and
become a tragic event of paramount humanitarian aid to Ukraine in the war,
importance, primarily for Europe, but and at least another €33 billion was
also for the world as a whole. It has so transferred by the United States, Great
far claimed the lives of thousands of Britain, the European Union, the United
soldiers on both sides, and among Nations and the World Bank. The
hundreds of civilians. It has also thrown manipulation of public opinion has also
hundreds of thousands of refugees onto taken on the nature of ideological
the roads and into neighboring countries. warfare and public propaganda for war.
It has led directly or through speculative
greed to continuous increases in the 8 - The dangerous situation of the war in
prices of energy and grains in particular, Ukraine, which, due to the accumulation
which are synonymous with cold and of contradictions, may suddenly slip into
hunger, while in most countries of the a third world war destructive to man and
world, especially the poor and exploited nature, raises the question of what to do
peoples of the world, they are already as proletarian and human rights activists
watching their living conditions collapse in the framework of the united front
in the face of inflation. As always, it is against fascism and imperialism, and to
the class that produces the most social which ICOR is credited with
wealth, the working class that pays the maintaining its momentum. ? In order to
most for the machinations of the stand up to the outbreak of world war. It
imperialist masters of the world. requires a global proletariat awareness
of the seriousness of the raging war and
6- In light of the imperialist plans and that the mobilization must also be
the will of the United States to separate globally active, with clear demands, to
the Russian primary resources from wage a class struggle against right-wing
Europe, the various environmental governments and policies of military
schemes that were abounding in alliances, against the continuation of the
European policies were completely aggressive NATO, and for peace.
ignored. All parties, including the

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