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It seems possible to build a machine with an aspect of human intelligence, even a high 1.

A comparison
IQ, but surely it will never have true emotional intelligence? between human
judgement and that of a
A. You may shout at your computer – but how would you feel if it yelled back, or even robot
burst into tears? Some experts believe that it is only a matter of time before truly
intelligent computers and robots are created. But could a machine really think like a 2.This passage has
seven paragraphs
labelled A-G. Which
paragraph contains the
B. The traditional approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves programming a computer following information?
with ever-increasing sophistication. In fact, there are already thousands of computers
seeming to show more aspect of intelligence. Internet search engines, voice-recognition 3.Examples of different
software, “intelligence” clothing with built-in sensors that record bodily functions, expert types of intelligent
systems that control manufacturing processes – all do important jobs as well as we could technology
do them ourselves, and in many cases much faster.
4.This passage has
C. But the field of robotics shows how hard it really is to simulate intelligent human seven paragraphs
behaviour. The first domestic robot, the Aqua Queen – which cleans swimming pools, was labelled A-G. Which
launched in 1966 and there hasn’t been much progress since then. The problem is paragraph contains the
navigation – a robot can’t cope with a complex or changing environment; it gets lost very following information?
easily. A bigger challenge, however, is to get robots to do more than one task. Even the
most intellectually-challenged human can do thousands of different things; a robot is 5.Details of work on
usually dedicated to just one activity – vacuuming, lawn-mowing and so on. A multi-skilled designing a robot with
lifelike features
robot would require a much higher level of intelligence, and that’s not likely to happen for a
long time.
6.This passage has
seven paragraphs
D. Perhaps the real hurdle in making computers and robots truly intelligent is to enable labelled A-G. Which
them to recognise and express emotion. In his book Descartes’ Error, Antonio Damasio of paragraph contains the
the University of Iowa argues that emotion is essential for logical thought. For too long, he following information?
says, we have assumed that emotion clouds rationality, when in fact, the parts of the brain
involved in both functions are linked in vital neuronal circuits. 7.The name of a robot
designed for home use
E. The emotional robot has long been a dream of science fiction. Over the last few years,
computer scientists have been creating a range of animated agent faces – programs that 8.This passage has
generate images of human-like faces on a computer VDU. Researchers at the seven paragraphs
Massachusetts Institute of Technology have now constructed a robot called Kismet, labelled A-G. Which
which has a three-dimensional synthetic head with moveable eyelids, eyes and lips. When paragraph contains the
left alone, Kismet will look sad, but if a human enters the room, it smiles. If you are rough following information?
with it, an expression of fear develops, Kismet’s inventors are now planning to provide the
9.What is needed in
robot with a voice that can express emotion.
order for robots to
develop both emotion
F. Nevertheless, an “emotional” robot – or computer – will also have to recognise and intelligence
emotions (this will simulate the key feature of emotional intelligence). Ifran Essa and Alex
Pentland, two US computer scientists, have developed a program that enables a computer 10.This passage has
to recognise facial expression corresponding to six basic emotions. When volunteers seven paragraphs
pretended to feel one of these emotions, the computer got it right 98 per cent of the time labelled A-G. Which
(better than most humans). paragraph contains the
following information?
G. However, AI pioneer Herbert Simon warns that robots must develop real emotions if
they are to simulate human intelligence, because emotion is essential for survival and 11.The reason why
decision-making. So far, “emotional” robots merely exhibit emotional behaviour. For real robots are generally
emotion – and real intelligence – they may have to involve consciousness and self- used in one place
12.This passage has
seven paragraphs
labelled A-G. Which
paragraph contains the
following information?

13.The rejection of a
well established

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