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GE 2: Reading in Philippine History

ID No._______________ Course: ____________

Instructions: Read the following questions. Use yellow paper to
write your answers.
I. Answer the questions in paragraph form

1. Differentiate primary source and secondary source of historical

records and identify possible repositories of primary source.
2. What is Historical Criticism?
a. External Criticism?
b. Internal Criticism?
List down Tests of Authenticity - historical sources And Tests of Credibility -
historical sources?
INSTRUCTION: The diagram below shows the definition of
terms related to sources. Rewrite each of them in your own
words on your paper.
II. Based on the definition from the previous activity,
enumerate examples of primary sources. Write your
answers on the web diagram below

III. Write PS is the item is a PRIMARY SOURCE, SS if it a a

SECONDARY SOURCE, and N if it is neither of the two

_________1. Memoirs
_________2. Annual reports of the governor general
_________3. Philippine History Books
_________4. Newspaper clipping
_________5. Online journal article about the role of the
collaborators in WW II
_________6. Artifacts and relics
_________7. Documentary reports
__________9. Editorial cartoons
__________10. Paintings


Choose among the following historical events:
a. Marcos’ Declaration of Martial Law
b. EDSA People Power I
c. President Joseph Estrada’s Impeachment

Enumerate 5 sources that you do not have access to but could

have been useful in understanding your chosen historical





Analyzing Primary Sources
Instructions: Read the full transcript of the undelivered arrival
Speech of Senator Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. and answer the
following questions. The speech can be accessed at
I. First impression
A.What are your 1st impressions about the undelivered
B.What kind of document is it (letter, ad, newspaper, etc.)?

II. Looking more Closely

A.Make a list of unusual or unfamiliar words or phrase you
encountered while reading the speech. (1-15)
B.Is there a specific date on the speech? If so, when is it? If
there is none, are there clues that might indicate when it
was written?

C. Is there an indicated location? Where is it?


D. Who authored the document? Why did you say so?

E.To whom was the writer document addressed? How did you

F. What is the purpose of the document? What made you think

III. Thinking Further
A.What do you think is the most important information that the
author of the document was conveying? Why?
B.Does the document convey a certain tone? What is it?
C. What does it imply?
D. What is the point of view of the author? Is it objective?

E.What is the relationship between the writer and the audience

? Explain

IV. Drawing Conclusions

Integrate your background knowledge of the context of the
speech with the content of the speech. What conclusions
can you draw about the historical period when the speech
was written?

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