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Free Fall

As I browsed through the endless amount of videos on my phone, the

warm rays of the sun battled against the frosty wind that’s came from
my room’s air conditioner, I heard a loud knock on the door which was
followed by my mom shouting, “Muhanad are you ready yet?” I quickly
bounced of my bed and sprinted to my closet and sorted through the
pile of folded shirts and pants, I took out my swimming shorts and my
favorite navy shirt and rushed into the bathroom, I responded and said
“Just a minute!” In a flash I removed my pajamas and changed into my
shorts and shirt in excitement as I knew what the day holds for me.
When I left my room and was going downstairs to the dining room the
smell I of my mom’s cooking had struck me. When I reached the dining
room, I saw my mom’s traditional breakfast which was eggs potato with
tomato sauce, it’s so simple but sometimes simple things are best. My
two cousins, my aunt, sister and my mom were seated around the
table, I greeted them all with quick hugs and sat down, we all devoured
our way through the flavorsome breakfast.
We all took our bags filled with towels, extra clothes and snacks, as
soon as we were about to leave, my little sister and my little cousin
started to argue about who should have the middle seat and it was
chaotic, so my older cousin took it, and made both of them sit in the
corners. There wasn’t a lot of traffic as it was a week day, during the
ride my mom would put on her wide range of music as my cousins, my
sister and I would talk and play some games, my sister asked me “
Muhanad which one will you go one first?”
I responded with “I want to go on the Manta, or maybe the Free Fall.”
When we arrived to the massive waterpark, we were all stimulated in
excitement. The queue was long but fortunately me and my mom had
thought before hand and bought the tickets online, we showed the
security guard the virtual ticket and he led us to the locker room, but
we needed more then one locker as we had a countless amount of
baggage. I saw terrifying waterslides, rivers with waves, huge souvenir
shops, and small kiosks with refreshing drinks and snacks all around me.
As we got closer the stairs that seemed to never end, we saw all the
colorful slides, we went up the stairs till we got to a sign that explained
all the slides, my sister was freaked out by this and went to the river.
My cousins and I decided to go to the Manta while my mom and my
aunt went on the Constrictor. A few minutes later, it was our turn. We
put the tube down and sat on it. At the count of three, our tube started
to move down the slide! Me and my cousins we all yelled
“Woooooooooo!” As we went down the dark tunnel with high speed,
we did a few turns. After a few moments, we had dropped down a
ramp, we all started screaming as we slid down the ramp and reached
the top of the other, and then we came to a drop and fell into the pool.
We all laughed as we went up the stairs, we had decided to go on a
Constrictor. As we reached up my cousins have decided to go alone, so I
convinced my sister to go with me, we took a tube and I went in the
back while my sister was in front of me. We started to push ourselves
into the slide, as we started speeding up, we took ninety degree turns
left and right. As we saw a light while sliding across the tunnel, we
thought it was the end, but it wasn’t, my sister and I started went into
the Superbowl which was a series of turns. As we reached the end, we
were both dizzy and everything was spinning. We would do this over
and over. My older cousin and I would get bored eventually and
decided to intensify our experience by going to the highest floor which
has both of the most frightening rides in the whole waterpark, and the
one we will go on will be their fastest slide. We went up the stairs till
the top floor, there was a long queue ahead of us and at that point, I
started to get butterflies in my stomach. “It’s our turn.” My cousin
exclaimed with excitement, I told my cousin that I was scared and I
would be closing my eyes during the whole ride. She simply answered
by saying, “Don’t close your eyes or it’ll be even scarier.” My cousin
decided to go first and I can hear her scream, as she goes down, I
started to think about all the possibilities of everything going wrong.
The light turns yellow, and I get on the slide the instructor tells me to
get in a position where my hand holds the opposite shoulder and my
feet are on each other, and then green. Once we hit the green light, I
was pushed down, while I descended and screamed my lungs out. I
could not believe how fast the slide was going, it lifted my stomach. I
remembered what my cousin had said, and I followed her instructions.
After the ride reached its fastest speed, it suddenly slowed down at the
end and I was dunked into the pool.

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