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Please read the attached script for Bingo Night.

Complete a scene
analysis for the first scene ONLY. Write a log line for the entire script.
Due by next week’s class – please submit on Blackboard. 50 points.


 Who is (are) the main character(s) in this scene?

 Who are the supporting characters (if any), and how do they
affect the main ones?

 What is the plot?

o What happens in the scene?

 Is there any subtext to the plot?

o Is there something outside of the main story points that we
are trying to get across? (i.e. a character’s hatred for
someone mentioned in dialogue)
o How will you do this? (i.e. by inserting a look from that
character that shows hatred/disgust, or bringing in a music
cue or SFX when this person is mentioned in dialogue).

 What is the arc of the scene?

o Where does it start, where does it end?
o What changes?
o Was there a transformation of a character? (i.e. from rich to
poor, from weak to strong)
o Was there a global change? (i.e. a city is brought from ruins
to grandeur; a group of people on an island discover they
are all dead)

 Do any characters have a significant change?

o Realization, insight, cure, an epiphany, a change for better
or worse.
o If there is a change, where is it and how are you going to
show it? (i.e. editing choices… punch in on a close-up; fall
back to a wider shot; pacing choices… fast or slow; sound;
music; camera movement, special effects.
 What is the tone of the scene?
o Comedy, action, horror, tragedy, romantic…

 Should a specific style be used, or not?

o Cutty, dark, light, formal, experimental…

 What kind of music are you going to use?

o Where and how do you plan to use it to further the story?

 What kind of sound effects (SFX) do you need?

o Where and how do you plan to use them to further the story
(i.e. background ambience, cars passing by)?


 A log line is a short (usually one-sentence) summary of a movie

or TV episode/series that states the central conflict of the story.
The log line often provides both a synopsis of the story’s plot,
and an emotional “hook” to generate interest.

 Example: Amelie tells the story of a young woman who decides

to bestow goodwill upon strangers, neighbors, and family
members, all while searching for a man she believes to be her
soul mate.

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