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Received: 8 October 2020 Revised: 8 February 2021 Accepted: 16 March 2021

DOI: 10.1002/hed.26688


Short and long-term outcomes of three-dimensional printed

surgical guides and virtual surgical planning versus
conventional methods for fibula free flap reconstruction of
the mandible: Decreased nonunion and complication rates

Matthew M. May MD1 | Benjamin M. Howe MD2 | Thomas J. O'Byrne MAS3 |

Amy E. Alexander MS4 | Jonathon M. Morris MD2,4 | Eric J. Moore MD1 |
1 5 1
Jan L. Kasperbauer MD | Jeffrey R. Janus MD | Kathryn M. Van Abel MD |
Hunter J. Dickens BS4 | Daniel L. Price MD1

Department of Otolaryngology-Head and
Neck Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Minnesota, USA Background: To determine whether virtual surgical planning and three-
Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, dimensional printed cutting guides (3D/VSP) improved radiographic bone
Rochester, Minnesota, USA
union compared to conventional methods (CM) in fibula free flap (FFF) recon-
Department of Health Sciences Research,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
struction of the mandibles.
Anatomical Modeling Lab, Mayo Clinic,
Methods: Retrospective study from the years 2000–2018 at a tertiary hospital.
Rochester, Minnesota, USA Osseous union was evaluated by a radiologist blinded to each patient's
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and treatment.
Neck Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville,
Results: Two hundred sixty patients who underwent FFF tissue transfer,
Florida, USA
28 with VSP and 3D cutting guides. Bony union was not achieved in 46 (20%)
Correspondence patients who underwent CM compared to 1 (4%) of patients with VSP and
Daniel L. Price, Department of
Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck
guides (p = 0.036). FFF complication was significantly higher in CM with
Surgery, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. SW, 87 patients (38%) compared to three patients (11%) in 3D/VSP (p = 0.005).
Rochester, MN 55905. Median time to bony union for patients who underwent CM was 1.4 years
compared to 0.8 years in 3D/VSP.
Funding information Conclusions: 3D/VSP reduced the rate of radiographic nonunion and flap-
Internal departmental funding
related complications in FFF reconstruction for mandibular defects.
Section Editor: Eben Rosenthal
3D printing, fibula free flap, head and neck cancer, mandible reconstruction, virtual surgical


The surgical management of mandibular pathology often

results in large defects and complex wounds that may
The currently submitted manuscript represents original research that
has not been previously submitted and is not under consideration
require advanced microvascular free tissue transfer. The
elsewhere. We performed this research with approval from the Mayo purpose of free tissue transfer is to restore both form and
Clinic Institutional Review Board (IRB 18-008878). function, and this complex procedure may result in

2342 © 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC. Head & Neck. 2021;43:2342–2352.
MAY ET AL. 2343

longer operative times and higher complication rates.1 Patients were de-identified to a musculoskeletal
Fibula osteocutaneous free flaps (FFFs) are commonly radiologist blinded to each individual patient's treat-
used for reconstruction in the head and neck, and these ment paradigm. Radiographic imaging was used to
flaps have the advantage of a long vascular pedicle, versa- determine bony union, mandibular fracture, and plate
tility of function, and long length of sufficient bone with fracture. Bony union was evaluated between proximal
reliable blood supply.2,3 Conventional methods (CM) of neomandible and fibula, fibular segments, and distal
FFF reconstruction rely on free hand contouring of the neomandible and fibula. Bony union was evaluated using
fibula with estimates of the appropriate angles and length a scoring system where bone-to-bone contact is given a
to match the native mandible, and this technique has score of 1 (callus absent, lucent graft interface visible),
been described as consistently imprecise.4-6 Using thinly 2 (callus present, lucent graft interface visible), or 3 (callus
sliced computed tomography (CT), three-dimensional present, no lucent interface visible), (Table 1). Patients
printed stereolithic models and virtual surgical planning with a score of 3 indicated bone-to-bone contact with
(3D/VSP) allows preoperative design of osteotomy cutting maximum healing and union. We defined radiographic
guides for the mandible and fibula, providing precise and nonunion, in the opinion of the treating physicians, as
expedient mandibular reconstruction. Multiple studies continued lucent graft interface visibility on follow-up
have shown decreased operative and ischemic times with imaging.
3D/VSP compared to CMs.4-9 Osteosynthesis of the FFF Imaging was preferentially selected for thin-sliced CT
and native mandible is not well discussed in the litera- scan of the head neck, thin sliced PET/CT of the head
ture and long-term benefits have not been established. and neck, followed by Panorex imaging. Each patient
Our hypothesis is that 3D/VSP enhances bone-to-bone had a minimum of one scan within 2 years of FFF. At
contact, improves bony union and reduces plate and our institution, patients who had mandibular reconstruc-
mandibular fracture rates in patients' undergoing FFF tion for malignancies routinely received a PET/CT at
reconstruction for mandibular defects. 1 and 2 years of follow-up. Patients undergoing mandibu-
lar reconstruction for benign pathology routinely
received a CT maxilla/face or Panorex within 2 years of
2 | METHODS follow-up. If patients received multiple imaging scans
within 2 years, scans were selected based on the closest
After obtaining institutional review board approval (IRB# date to the 1 and 2 year follow-up time point from their
18-008878), a total of 264 patients who underwent FFF surgical date. The median duration of follow-up was
reconstructive surgery for mandibular defects between the 21.5 months (range: 7.4–51. 8). Study data were collected
years 2000–2018 were identified for study at a large single and managed using a secure web-based software plat-
tertiary care center. Two hundred thirty-two patients form, REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture)
underwent CM of FFF mandibular reconstruction and hosted at Mayo Clinic.10
32 patients underwent 3D/VSP. We excluded patients Comparisons of discrete data were made using chi-
under the age of 18 and patients who did not have ade- square tests or Fisher's exact as appropriate, while contin-
quate postoperative imaging (CT maxilla/face, positron uous variables were compared using Kruskal-Wallis tests.
emission tomography (PET/CT), or Panorex) within This cohort included sufficient numbers for comparison
2 years of follow-up (n = 4). Patient demographics, com- between subgroups in outcomes related to donor site
orbidities, pathology, neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapy, complications, free flap complications, major complica-
total operative times, and reconstruction times were evalu- tions, complications resulting from salvage procedure,
ated. Primary outcome included bony union between and successful bony union. Kaplan-Meier analyses were
neomandible and FFF of CM compared to 3D/VSP within used to estimate the number of patients that experienced
2 years of treatment. Secondary outcomes included man- each of these events at 1, 2, 5, and 10 years after surgery
dibular fracture, mandibular plate fracture, mandibular and to estimate median survival times in each subgroup,
plate removal, total operative time, flap take back and total where possible. Cox proportional hazard models allowed
flap loss, reconstruction time, donor site complications
(skin necrosis, hematoma, infection, wound dehiscence),
TABLE 1 Radiographic union of the mandible scale
major postoperative complications (death, myocardial
infarction, pneumonia, deep venous thrombosis/pulmo- Grade Callus Lucent graft interface visibility
nary embolism (DVT/PE), stroke), and free flap complica- 1 Absent Present
tion (hematoma, wound dehiscence, infection, abscess, 2 Present Present
vessel thrombosis, pedicle compression, fistula, partial flap
3 Present Absent
2344 MAY ET AL.

estimation of differences between subgroups in the out- present. The FFF would then be harvested and contoured
comes listed above. the mandibular defect using hand measurements and/or
popsicle sticks as sizing guides. The prebent plate would
be refixed to the native mandible using the previously
2.1 | 3D printing and virtual surgical drilled holes. The FFF segments were then secured to the
planning plate and the vessels draped into the neck.
For patients undergoing FFF with 3D/VSP, a 3D
Craniofacial anatomy was obtained preoperatively using printed cutting guide was routinely secured to the mandi-
a thin cut CT scan, which was used for 3D modeling. The ble with monocortical screws. Using VSP planned cutting
vascular supply to the lower leg was evaluated preopera- guides, osteotomies were made and margins cleared via
tively using intravenous contrast enhanced CT scans with frozen pathology for malignancies. A titanium 2.0 mm
three-vessel runoff of the lower extremity. These scans titanium reconstruction plate was contoured to the 3D
were used to create the FFF reconstruction plan based on printed anatomic model of the mandible with the defect
the proposed mandibular osteotomies. ProPlan CMF size mirroring that planned using the 3D cutting guides.
(Materialise, Leuven, Belgium) was used to digitally plan If additional margins were required from the patient,
resections and FFF reconstructions. All cutting guides these could then be replicated in the model, allowing for
and models were 3D printed in Dental SG resin on Form intraoperative flexibility. Fibular osteotomies were made
2 vat photopolymerization printers (Formlabs, Boston, using 3D printed cutting guides. The fibula segment(s)
MA, USA) and sterilized prior to use in the operating were then fixed to the plate to ensure bone-on-bone con-
room. By leveraging the surgical expertise and input tact. Once complete, the titanium plate with the FFF
alongside the radiological foundation and with techno- secured in position was brought to the patient table and
logical assistance from the engineers, precision models inset and plated to the native mandible and the vessels
and guides are created at the point of care within minutes were draped into the neck. Following plating and skin
from the operating room. The on-site location and prox- paddle inset, microvascular anastomosis was performed.
imity of the Anatomic Modeling Lab to the surgical suites A Cook-Swartz Implantable Doppler (Cook Vascular
is paramount to this collaboration and helps the care Incorporated, Vandergrift, PA) was placed distal to the
team plan and schedule surgeries quickly. arterial anastomosis for all patients after 2005. Total
reconstructive time was defined from the deflation of the
lower extremity tourniquet to the end of the operation.
2.2 | Surgical technique Figures 1 and 2 provide examples of VSP and the applica-
tion of 3D printed models in surgery.
A two-team surgical approach for concurrent tumor abla-
tion and reconstruction was utilized. The FFF was then
harvested as previously described.11 Tourniquet pressure 3 | RESULTS
was routinely inflated to 350 mm Hg. The skin paddle
location varied depending on the perforating vessels but Among the 260 patients studied, 232 patients underwent
was predominantly centered between the lower and mid- CM FFF reconstruction whereas 28 patients underwent
dle third of the leg. A split thickness skin graft from the FFF with 3D/VSP. A detailed summary of demographic,
ipsilateral thigh was used for donor sites that were unable comorbidity, radiation and/or chemotherapy, and pathol-
to be closed primarily. A wound vacuum (V.A.C.) was ogy comparisons between subgroups is shown in Table 2.
placed on the split thickness skin grafted donor site. Age at diagnosis, sex, marital status, ethnicity, body mass
For patients undergoing CM FFF reconstruction, a index, and comorbidities were not significantly different
2.0 mm titanium mandibular reconstruction plate was among cohorts (Table 2).
contoured to the native mandible when possible prior to Comparisons of outcomes and surgical characteristics
creating any osteotomies and adjustments were made are shown in Table 3. Bony union was significantly
based upon individual patient anatomy and occlusion higher with 3D/VSP compared to CM (p = 0.036). We
considerations to ensure maintenance of the shape of the found a 20% (46/232) nonunion rate in the CM compared
neomandible. If adaptation of the plate to the mandible to 3.6% (1/ 28) nonunion rate in the 3D/VSP. After
was impossible, secondary to a large exophytic tumor for adjusting for age, sex, and adjuvant therapy (radiation,
example, the plate was contoured after mandibular resec- chemotherapy), the significant difference in bony union
tion. The plate was then removed and tagged to ensure persisted with patients undergoing 3D/ VSP twice as
correct orientation for refixation, osteotomies performed likely (HR = 1.95, 95% CI = 1.29–2.94, p = 0.005) to
free hand, and margins cleared if malignancy was achieve bony union than the CM group. Median time to
MAY ET AL. 2345

TABLE 2 Patient demographics

CM (N = 232) 3D printing and VSP (N = 28) Total (N = 260) p value

Age at diagnosis 0.2229a
Mean (SD) 56.3 (14.61) 57.3 (19.78) 56.4 (15.21)
Median (IQR) 59.0 (49.0–66.0) 65.0 (48.0–71.0) 59.0 (49.0–67.0)
Sex, n (%) 0.1795b
Male 154 (66.4%) 15 (53.6%) 169 (65.0%)
Female 78 (33.6%) 13 (46.4%) 91 (35.0%)
Marital status, n (%) 0.1856c
Married 154 (66.4%) 16 (57.1%) 170 (65.4%)
Divorced 20 (8.6%) 2 (7.1%) 22 (8.5%)
Widowed 16 (6.9%) 2 (7.1%) 18 (6.9%)
Single 40 (17.2%) 6 (21.4%) 46 (17.7%)
Ethnicity, n (%) 0.4455c
White 210 (90.5%) 25 (89.3%) 235 (90.4%)
Black 3 (1.3%) 2 (7.1%) 5 (1.9%)
Hispanic 3 (1.3%) 0 (0.0%) 3 (1.2%)
Asian 4 (1.7%) 0 (0.0%) 4 (1.5%)
Native American 2 (0.9%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (0.8%)
Other 4 (1.7%) 0 (0.0%) 4 (1.5%)
Body mass index 0.8184a
Mean (SD) 26.6 (5.53) 26.3 (5.54) 26.6 (5.52)
Median (IQR) 25.7 (22.5–29.7) 25.9 (22.0–30.2) 25.8 (22.5–29.7)
Comorbidities, n (%)
Diabetes 15 (6.5%) 3 (10.7%) 18 (6.9%) 0.4229c
Chronic renal disease 5 (2.2%) 0 (0.0%) 5 (1.9%) 1.0000c
Peripheral vascular disease 6 (2.6%) 3 (10.7%) 9 (3.5%) 0.0605c
Autoimmune disease 11 (4.7%) 1 (3.6%) 12 (4.6%) 1.0000c
Obstructive sleep apnea 9 (3.9%) 0 (0.0%) 9 (3.5%) 0.6034c
Hypertension 84 (36.2%) 10 (35.7%) 94 (36.2%) 1.0000c
Hypercholesterolemia 52 (22.4%) 5 (17.9%) 57 (21.9%) 0.8090c
Pathology, n (%) 0.7576c
Squamous cell carcinoma 133 (59.6%) 16 (57.1%) 149 (59.4%)
Osteoradionecrosis 35 (15.1%) 4 (14.3%) 35 (13.9%)
Osteomyelitis 28 (12.6%) 4 (14.3%) 32 (12.7%)
Salivary tumor 10 (4.5%) 0 (0.0%) 10 (4.0%)
Osteosarcoma 10 (4.3%) 2 (7.1%) 8 (3.2%)
Cutaneous basal cell 2 (0.9%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (0.8%)
Cutaneous melanoma 1 (0.4%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.4%)
Other tumord 12 (5.4%) 2 (7.1%) 14 (5.6%)
Radiotherapy, n (%) 82 (35.5%) 15 (55.6%) 97 (37.6%) 0.0417b
Chemotherapy, n (%) 50 (21.6%) 6 (23.1%) 56 (21.8%) 0.8668b

Abbreviations: CM, conventional methods; IQR, interquartile range; VSP, virtual surgical planning.
Kruskal-Wallis p value.
Chi-square p value.
Fisher exact p value.
Ameloblastoma, fibrosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, odontogenic keratocyst, spindle cell sarcoma, myxofibrosarcoma, renal cell carcinoma, osteoblastoma,
anaplastic meningioma.
2346 MAY ET AL.

TABLE 3 Comparisons of outcomes

3D printing and
CM (N = 232) VSP (N = 28) Total (N = 260) p value
Bony union, n (%) 0.036a
No 46 (19.8%) 1 (3.6%) 47 (18.1%)
Yes 186 (80.2%) 27 (96.4%) 213 (81.9%)
Mandible fracture, n (%) 0.606a
No 222 (95.7%) 28 (100.0%) 250 (96.2%)
Yes 10 (4.3%) 0 (0.0%) 10 (3.8%)
Mandibular plate fracture, n (%) 0.487a
No 209 (90.1%) 27 (96.4%) 236 (90.8%)
Yes 23 (9.9%) 1 (3.6%) 24 (9.2%)
Mandibular plate removed, n (%) 0.101a
No 173 (74.6%) 25 (89.3%) 198 (76.2%)
Yes 59 (25.4%) 3 (10.7%) 62 (23.8%)
Donor site complication, n (%) 0.547a
No 203 (87.5%) 26 (92.9%) 229 (88.1%)
Yes 29 (12.5%) 2 (7.1%) 31 (11.9%)
Free-flap complication, n (%) 0.005a
No 145 (62.5%) 25 (89.3%) 170 (65.4%)
Yes 87 (37.5%) 3 (10.7%) 90 (34.6%)
Infection 25 1
Partial flap necrosis 19
Fistula 18
Pedicle compression 2
Hemorrhage 15 1
Vessel thrombosis 6
Wound dehiscence 16 1
Major medical postoperative complication, 0.777a
n (%)
No 199 (85.8%) 25 (89.3%) 224 (86.2%)
Yes 33 (14.2%) 3 (10.7%) 36 (13.8%)
Flap take back operation, n (%) 0.274a
No 195 (84.1%) 26 (92.9%) 221 (85.0%)
Yes 37 (15.9%) 2 (7.1%) 39 (15.0%)
Total flap loss
Yes 9 (3.87%) 1 (3.57%) 10 (3.84%)
Total operating room time (min) 0.004b
Mean (SD) 561.5 (123.93) 490.7 (117.88) 553.9 (125.00)
Median (IQR) 548.0 (465.0–650.0) 483.0 (391.0–562.0) 546.0 (463.0–643.0)
Total reconstructive time (min) 0.004b
Mean (SD) 293.5 (89.94) 250.2 (70.40) 288.9 (88.95)
Median (IQR) 285.5 (243.0–342.0) 233.0 (216.0–284.0) 281.0 (231.0–339.0)
Composite outcome, n (%) 0.023a
No 87 (37.5%) 17 (60.7%) 104 (40.0%)
Yes 145 (62.5%) 11 (39.3%) 156 (60.0%)

Abbreviations: CM, conventional methods; IQR, interquartile range; VSP, virtual surgical planning.
Chi-square p value.
Kruskal-Wallis p value; significant at p < 0.05.
MAY ET AL. 2347

F I G U R E 1 VSP with computer aid design of 3D printed cutting guides. CT imaging is segmented to anatomically outline soft tissue,
bone, and tumor. Precise osteotomy sites are planned for a customized treatment plan (A). Angulation and length of fibular segments is
optimized for form and function of FFF inset (B). Customized cutting guides are designed for both mandible and fibula segments (C, D). CT,
computed tomography; FFF, fibula free flap; VSP, virtual surgical planning [Color figure can be viewed at]

bony union for patients who underwent CM was cumulative incidence at 1, 2, 5, and 10 years for both FFF
1.4 years (range: 0.2–17.5). Median time to bony union in complications and bony union. The time of the imaging
patients undergoing 3D/ VSP was 0.8 years (range: 0.01– scan at which bony union was evaluated for each group
2.6). Although both surgical procedures often resulted in including mean, SD, median, minimum and maximum
bony union, the group that underwent 3D/ VSP took sig- of imaging scan is included in Table 4. Surgical time
nificantly less time. including both total operative time (incision to closure)
FFF complication rates were significantly higher in and total reconstructive time for patients in the 3D/VSP
the CM group at 38% (87/232) compared to 11% (3/28) in group were significantly faster compared to the CM
the 3D/VSP group (p = 0.005). After adjusting for age, group, p = 0.004 and p = 0.004. Total operative time for
indication for surgery, sex, and (neo)adjuvant therapy, 3D/VSP was 491 min (8.2 h) versus CM at 562 min
the estimated risk of FFF complication for patients with (9.4 h), with lower variability (118 vs. 124 min). Total
3D and VSP were approximately 73% less than for those reconstructive time was 250 min versus 294 min, again
undergoing CM (HR = 0.3, 95% CI = 0.09–0.95, with lower variability (70 vs. 90 min).
p = 0.04). There was no significant difference in mandib- The number of fibular segments was analyzed as a
ular fracture rate, plate fracture, hardware removal, or surrogate for reconstruction complexity. Fibular seg-
donor site complication. The composite likelihood of ments used for reconstruction were classified as a single
mandibular fracture, plate fracture, hardware removal, bone segment or multiple bone segments of two or more.
nonunion, major medical complication, free flap compli- There was similar proportions of single segment and mul-
cation, donor site complication, and flap take back opera- tisegments between the VSP/3D (n = 10 single segment,
tion was significantly reduced in 3D/VSP patients (39% n = 18 multisegment) and the CM group (n = 64 single
vs. 63%, 11/28 vs. /232, p = 0.023). Table 4 illustrates a segment, n = 154 multisegment). No significant
2348 MAY ET AL.

F I G U R E 2 Intraoperative utilization of 3D printed cutting guides and FFF reconstruction. Customized cutting guides are inserted onto
the mandible for precise osteotomy sites for resection (A, B). After harvest of the FFF, planned angles for optimal FFF inset are created using
the cutting guides. 3D printed modeling is used for accuracy of reconstruction and optimal hardware placement. FFF, fibula free flap [Color
figure can be viewed at]

T A B L E 4 Cumulative incidence for

Cumulative incidence, % (95% CI)
free flap complication, bony union, and
Event CM 3D/VSP time to imaging
Free flap complication (N = 232, Events = 87) (N = 28, Events = 3)
1 year 37% (30%–43%) 4% (0%–7%)
2 years 39% (32%–46%) 5% (1%–9%)
5 years 41% (34%–48%) 10% (3%–16%)
10 years 43% (35%–50%)
Bony union (N = 232, Events = 186) (N = 28, Events = 27)
1 year 40% (34%–46%) 66% (43%–80%)
2 years 70% (62%–75%) 89% (67%–96%)
5 years 95% (89%–97%)
10 years 97% (87%–99%)
Bony union, n (%)
No 46 (19.8%) 1 (3.6%)
Yes 186 (80.2%) 27 (96.4%)
Time to bony union (years)
Mean (SD) 1.4 (1.43) 0.9 (0.58)
Median (IQR) 1.2 (0.6–2.0) 0.8 (0.6–1.2)
Time to imaging (years)
Mean (SD) 1.5 (0.89) 1.0 (0.57)
Median (IQR) 1.4 (0.8–2.0) 0.8 (0.6–1.2)

Abbreviations: 3D/VSP, three-dimensional printed stereolithic models and virtual surgical planning; CI,
confidence interval; CM, conventional methods; IQR, interquartile range.
MAY ET AL. 2349

relationship was found (chi-square p value = 0.4899), incapacitating effects on patients' quality of life including
indicating that the number of segments were not signifi- pain, discomfort, physical appearance, mental health,
cantly associated with the subgroups. Further subgroup deterioration of physical function, malocclusion, bone
analysis failed to demonstrate any significant difference atrophy, and weakening.12-14 Therefore, techniques to
in the number of segments and outcomes of complica- optimize bony union such as 3D/VSP could significantly
tions and bony union. improve patients' quality of life.
Sensitivity analyses were conducted examining the In our study, 20% of patients in the FFF CM group
potential for era effects. Year effects were found in donor had nonunion which is consistent with prior studies
site complication (HR = 0.91, 95% CI = 0.85–0.98, investigating bony union in FFF reconstruction.15,16
p = 0.02) and free flap complication (HR = 0.95, 95% Chang et al investigated outcomes of prebent plates on a
CI = 0.91–0.99, p = 0.03) indicating decreasing hazard stereolithic model compared to VSP and prefabricated
for these complications over time. No year effects were cutting guides.17 In this study, there was no significant
found for major complications, flap take back operation, difference in complication rates between the two groups;
or bony union. However, when controlling for year in however, VSP led to less burring, fewer osteotomy revi-
comparison of CM versus 3D/VSP, FFF complications sions, and less bone grafting compared to stereolithic
remained marginally significant (HR = 0.34, 95% models with a prebent plate. The authors found a signifi-
CI = 0.10–1.13, p = 0.08, significance p < 0.1) and bony cant difference in rate of nonunion at 18.6% in patients
union remained highly significant (HR = 1.92, 95% who had mandibular reconstruction by using a prebent
CI = 1.22–3.03, p = 0.005, significance p < 0.05). These plate compared to VSP with cutting guides at 4.1%. Our
results indicate that rates of FFF complications were an study differs in that we compared CM to 3D/VSP instead
estimated 66% lower, and bony union was an estimated of prebending mandibular plates between treatment
92% higher, in the 3D/VSP cohort after controlling for methods. Moreover, the authors defined bone nonunion
differences across the study timeframe. However, there as a gap in bony segments greater than 2 mm via CT at
was limited information that allowed a direct comparison 1 year, which is different from our definition in our
between these procedures in the same timeframe. study.
Bony union remains a subjective topic. There is sig-
nificant disagreement among clinicians regarding when a
4 | DISCUSSION fracture has healed. Ultimately, we chose a relatively
arbitrary time point for uniformity and to capture follow-
3D model printing and VSP (3D/VSP) reduces the rate of up imaging in as many patients as possible. Tumor recur-
radiographic nonunion and flap-related complications in rence, death, lack of late follow-up cross-sectional imag-
patients undergoing FFF reconstruction for mandibular ing all limit the ability to uniformly compare patients at
defects when compared to CM of free hand contouring. later time points. The lack of standardized definition of
Total operative time and reconstructive time was signifi- union can lead to questionable or controversial results.18
cantly less in 3D/VSP patients. Moreover, the time to The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines a
bony union improved from 1.4 years with CM to 0.8 years nonunion as a fracture that is at least 9 months old and
with the 3D/VSP, which was statistically significant. Pre- has not shown any signs of healing for three consecutive
cision osteotomies with the stereolithic cutting guides months.19 There is no standardized definition of union of
allow for more bone-to-bone contact between fibular the mandible and to the best of our knowledge, there are
bone segments and mandible, and this increased contact no validated clinical or radiographic studies of mandibu-
likely contributes to enhanced bony union. lar nonunion. Hypertrophic nonunion is described as a
In most cases, mandibular union occurs in 4–8 weeks callus formation around a fracture site.20 This is thought
depending on the age of the patient.12 In brief, inflamma- to be due to micromotions at the fracture site. Atrophic
tory cells and new capillaries invade the fracture, and nonunion is defined as minimal or absent callus forma-
osteogenic cells form an interwoven pattern of bony tra- tion at the fracture site.20 Both of these nonunions may
beculae extending from the bone segments toward one have the fracture line lucency on radiographic imaging.
another to form a callus. Calcium is deposited into the Previous research in the orthopedic literature has
callus and woven bone is replaced by lamellar bone to attempted to define nonunion by using radiographic
form bony union. If there is disruption at any one of instruments. Radiographic union score for hip (RUSH) is
these stages of wound healing, fibroblasts will form an a previous validated outcome instrument designed to
investing layer across bone segments and prevent osteo- improve intra- and interobserver reliability of radio-
genic bony union.12 Previous studies in craniofacial graphic femoral neck fracture by using a checklist based
trauma have illustrated that nonunion could lead to scoring approach.19-23 The purpose of this scoring based
2350 MAY ET AL.

system is to improve femoral neck fracture nonunion reconstruction plates have the potential for improving
agreement between radiologist and orthopedic surgeons. accuracy of and biomechanical properties of the recon-
The radiographic union score for the hip evaluates for struction plate.30 This may be useful in patients with com-
each cortex of the femur in the setting of fracture with a plex anatomy or pathology. A limitation of custom
score of 1 (callus absent, fracture line visible), 2 (callus reconstruction plate is the potential change of the extent
present, fracture line visible), or 3 (callus present, frac- of resection. This may alter the osteotomy site and there-
ture line invisible) to determine nonunion. Patients with fore render a custom fit plate non-functional. Blanc et al
a score of 3 for each cortex indicate maximum healing compared cephalometric measurements and 3D analysis
and complete union. RUSH scores have been shown to of patients who underwent VSP to postoperative facial
have 100% positive predictive value for defining radio- bone scans at 6 months. The study found no significant
graphic nonunion at 6 months postinjury.20 This is difference in preoperative VSP compared to postoperative
important because RUSH has the potential for predicting facial scans.25 Moreover; a pool quantitative analysis dem-
reoperation for nonunion. In our study, a similar 1–3 onstrated significant improvement in orthognathic mea-
classification system was used, but given the small size of sures of accuracy using 3D/VSP.24
the bone evaluated and the fact Panorex does not allow The number of osteotomy sites or fibular segments
for visualization lingual and buccal cortices, a single could suggest an increase in reconstruction complexity.26
score was given for the graft/graft and graft/native bone Toto et al compared the number of fibular free flap neo-
interfaces. The limitation to using a radiographic union mandibular osteotomy sites between stereolithic models,
score of the mandible is that this scoring system has not in situ osteotomies, and preoperative planning with oste-
been validated as there may be a discrepancy between otomy guides, and the authors did not find a significant
surgeons' assessment and radiographic assessment. We difference in outcomes or complications among the three
recognize that a radiographic finding of nonunion may groups.26 Our study compared the number segments as a
not ultimately translate into a clinical problem. However, complexity of reconstruction, which did not show any
we also recognize that patients will develop plate frac- significant difference outcomes of bony union across
tures years after surgery, and that once this occurs it treatment groups. Our prediction that there would be
likely places the patient at higher risk for developing greater complexity in the 3D/VSP group, as we are more
pain, plate infection, osteoradionecrosis, and other likely to add a segment to improve mandibular aesthetics,
sequelae. This is likely a consequence of micromotion at was not reflected in our analysis.
nonunion, and plate fatigue. These secondary and ter- We found a significant difference in free flap compli-
tiary events are significant and morbid to the patients cations between the two methods of reconstruction with
that experience them, but would be difficult in this popu- the most common complication being infection, followed
lation to demonstrate a correlation. by partial flap necrosis and fistula formation. Several
Many studies have shown a significant reduction in patients had more than one free flap complication
operative and ischemia time using stereolithic models and in the CM group. The significant difference in complica-
VSP.4,6-8,23-28 Similar to those studies, we found a signifi- tion rates between methods of reconstruction may dem-
cant reduction in operative and reconstruction time in onstrate the complex methodological heterogeneity of
patients undergoing 3D/VSP. The use of 3D models allows reporting free flap complications. In a recent meta-
the surgeon to better plan the resection, anticipate and analysis and systemic review, flap loss, fistula, and infec-
visualize the defect, and contour soft tissue and bony com- tion were not significantly different between reconstruc-
ponents of the flap to the defect on the model prior to flap tion methods.24 In our study, we performed a subgroup
inset in the patient.29 This decreased operative and recon- analysis of complication outcomes based upon complica-
structive time could lead to less anesthetic time, surgeon tion site. Plate fracture was low in both groups; however,
fatigue, and fewer complications. At our institution, a pre- plate removal trended toward significance. The difference
vious survey of 10 head and neck surgeons illustrated that in mandibular plate removal between CM and 3D/VSP is
3D/VSP improved inoperative efficiency, accuracy, and likely multifactorial with improvements in surgical tech-
precision.29 The accuracy of 3D printed cutting guides, nique, plate screw placement, and improvement in qual-
stereolithic models, and customizable mandibular plates ity and design of titanium hardware that may have
allows a complex procedure to be less surgeon dependent occurred over the years. Although we did not find signifi-
and allows advanced computer software to help determine cant differences in mandible fracture, plate fracture, or
appropriate cutting angles in the fibula bone to improve donor site complications, the composite outcome event in
bone-to-bone contact which can potentially lower compli- Table 3 reached significance between CM and 3D/VSP.
cations and increase bony union. Our study did not use This composite outcome event may be due to low compli-
custom plates for reconstruction, but custom cation rates in these respectively categories but a
MAY ET AL. 2351

compilation of events may have provided power for sig- on site with an ease of team interaction between surgeons,
nificance. In addition, we did not find a difference in radiologists, and engineers.
indications for surgery between the two treatment groups
but indications for surgery such as osteoradionecrosis or
primary tumor followed by radiation could lead to a 5 | CONCLUSION
selection bias and contribute to free flap complications.
Since we are comparing two different eras, era effects In summary, 3D anatomic model printing and VSP
may provide a limitation to the complication differences reduces the rate of nonunion, operative time, and flap-
seen between the two treatment groups. Improvements over related complications in patients undergoing FFF recon-
time in surgical techniques may unfairly benefit procedures struction for mandibular defects when compared to free
implemented later in the study timeframe, in this case the hand contouring. When conglomerated, there was a major
3D/VSP. Surgeon experience may contribute to a modifica- improvement in postoperative complications and long-
tion of techniques that may not be readily apparent in a ret- term mandible-related outcomes. This demonstrates that
rospective review. In the early adaptation of 3D/VSP, 3D modeling and VSP not only improves intraoperative
selection bias may have occurred by choosing patients who management, but also has long-term benefits.
might have more favorable anatomy and pathology to be a
candidate for 3D/VSP. In our era analysis, we included the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
timeframe from the years 2000–2018, as there was no period We would like to thank the entire Department of
of a strong overlap of the two procedures to allow a direct Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, anatomi-
comparison. Ultimately, considering the year effect as a cal modeling lab, Department of Radiology for their con-
proxy for experience and refinement of technique, we pre- tinued support for this project and dedication to patient
dict that experience would also help 3D/VSP as well as care. This study was supported by Internal departmental
CM. When we control for the year, the effects are still recog- funding for statistical analysis.
nizably different between the two groups. Surgical tech-
niques and improvements over time do not seem to be CONFLICT OF INTEREST
strong enough to outweigh the differences between bony The authors declare no potential conflict of interest.
union and complications in the two groups.
Our study has several limitations. This is a retrospec- DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
tive review of two separate cohorts of patients in two sepa- The data that support the findings of this study are avail-
rate time periods, where the use of 3D/VSP was adapted able from the corresponding author upon reasonable
in our practice starting in 2016. The 3D/VSP cohort sam- request.
ple size of 28 is much smaller than the 232 sample size of
the conventional method cohort. This small sample size is ORCID
a limitation of this study and has the potential for a reduc- Matthew M. May
tion in power of the study and increased margin of error. 6991
The comparison of a historical control group, conventional Eric J. Moore
methods, subjects the study for the potential of era effects. Kathryn M. Van Abel
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