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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
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Leader: Ian Gabriel Catapia Date: Nov. 18, 2022

Members: John Railey Bentero Section: ME-1101
: Joan Marfa
: Mark Danielle Manimtim
: Luis Fernan Vicente

Read and Analyze the “Act of Proclamation of Independence of the Filipino People”
authored by Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista. Have a research about the document and the
author, and look for the following (Five points each):

1. Background of the Author

 Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista was born in Biñan, Laguna on December 7, 1830. He
was a lawyer and confidante of General Emilio Aguinaldo. He went to preparatory
school in Bian and pursued a legal education at the University Of Santo Tomas
(UST), graduating in 1865. Later, he worked as a lawyer in Manila, where he gave
low-income clients free legal representation. On his trip to Malolos, Bulacan, lawyer
Bautista was apprehended by several bandits who later discovered that he had saved
many of their friends by standing out for the underprivileged in legal battles with
wealthy Filipinos and Spaniards. Following an apology to Bautista, the thieves
released him. In order to fund a campaign for reforms in the Philippines, Bautista
raised money. He later joined La Liga Filipina, Cuerpo de Compromisarios, and La
Propaganda. He was detained by the Spaniards at Fort Santiago in 1896 on suspicion
of taking part in the Philippine Revolution; Bautista chose to defend himself and was
later let go. The "Act of Declaration of Philippine Independence" was written by
Bautista, who was detained and imprisoned at the start of the Revolution.
Additionally, he was the one who proclaimed independence during General
Aguinaldo's proclamation of it on June 12, 1898 in Kawit, Cavite. Contrary to popular
opinion, it was Bautista who raised the Philippine flag in front of the cheering crowd
on June 12, 1898, during the Philippines Proclamation of Independence in Cavite, not
Aguinaldo. The Tarlac Revolutionary Congress elected Bautista as its president on
July 14, 1899. He was subsequently chosen to serve as a judge on the Pangasinan
Court of First Instance.The American Declaration of Independence, which was signed
by 98 people, including an American army officer who was there when it was made,
served as inspiration for Bautista's act. At the age of 72, Bautista passed away on
December 4, 1903 while serving as the revolutionary government's solicitor general.
2. Background of the Document

 The "Act of the Filipino People's Proclamation of Independence" was read on June 12,
1898, at General Emilio Aguinaldo's ancestral home in Kawit, Cavite. During the
celebration of Independence Day, Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was the one to fly and wave it
first. Later, President Diosdado Macapagal declared June 12 to be National
Independence Day with Proclamation No. 28. In a museum in Baguio City, the original
Philippine flag flown by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo is on display. Ambrosio Rianzares
Bautista prepared, wrote, and recited the Act of the Declaration of Independence during
the ceremony. 98 persons signed the Declaration, including a US Army commander who
was there when it was made. The Philippine National Library is where it is currently
kept. It is not on exhibit, but it is accessible as follows: every other National Library
document with permission During the Philippine-American War, the American
administration seized and sent about 400,000 historical documents to the United States.
Two sets of microfilm from the whole collection, along with the documents, were
transferred to the Philippine government in 1958 by the United States. Federal
authorities hold onto one collection. The Declaration was stolen from the National
Library sometime in the 1980s or 1990s. The Proclamation was returned to the National
Library in 1994 by historian and University of the Philippines professor Milagros
Guerrero, who mediated the return of the documents, as part of a larger investigation
into the widespread theft of historical documents and a subsequent public appeal for the
return of stolen documents. This declaration was created to declare the Philippines'
independence and sovereignty from the Spanish Empire's colonial rule. Contrary to
popular belief, Rianzares-Bautista was the one who waved the flag, not Gen. Emilio
Aguinaldo, who was inside his home at the time. This is quite logical given that he was
the revolution's commander. For the first time, the national flag of the Philippines was
proudly flown as a symbol of independence. The original national anthem of the
Philippines, "Marcha Nacional Filipina," written by Julian Felipe, was also played at this
event to the joy of the crowd present for the historic occasion. We can only speculate as
to how our forefathers felt as they heard the declaration, first saw the flag, and possibly
marched to the tune of our national anthem. Witnessing the founding of our country
must have been a beautiful experience.

3. Content Analysis of the Important Historical Information in the Document

 The document contains how Filipinos fought to take back their freedom from Spaniards
and the proclamation of Independence by General Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy. Ferdinand
Magellan started to bribe the Philippines and was continued by Miguel López de
Legazpi that led to a total domination of Spaniards and completely colonizing the
country and was named under King Philip II of Spain. Under 333 years of colonization,
Filipinos experience abuse, slavery and injustice from the Spaniards and other fellow
Filipinos who became traitors to our own motherland.

Because of what Filipinos experienced throughout the reign of Spaniards like the
execution of Dr Jose Rizal in Bagumbayan (Dec. 30 1898) because of his works such as
the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo and the garrote of three Filipino priests:
Doctor Don Jose Burgos, Don Mariano Gomez, and Don Jacinto Zamora in
Bagumbayan (February 17, 1872) which were accused of subversion that arises during
the Cavite Mutiny (January 20, 1872). The Philippine Revolution started to happen.
Although they were not successful at first, General Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy started a
revolution again and eventually followed by other provinces upon hearing it that helped
the Philippines achieve its freedom against the Spaniards. From this series of events,
Filipinos couldn’t bear the struggle that they have been experiencing and finally decided
to fight back, making everyone pay a hefty price for the unforgivable sin that they made.

After the Philippine Revolutionary Army beat Spanish forces in the Battle at Alapan,
Imus, Cavite, on May 28, 1898, the Philippine flag was first raised. On the day of that
conflict, the country's flag had not yet received official notification. The public received
it formally on June 12, 1898. In addition to the Masonic influence on the Katipunan, the
Philippine flag's design has its origins in the flag family to which it belongs—that of the
final group of colonies that sought independence from the Spanish Empire at the end of
the 19th century, a group to which the Philippines belongs. The stars and stripes, the red,
white, and blue, the masonic triangle, and the sun are among the design elements of the
Philippine flag that have been in use since they were first created by General Emilio
Aguinaldo, according to the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic
Planning Office. Results showed that this country, which was already free and
independent as of today, must fly the same flag that has been used up to now, utilized,
whose designs and colors are depicted in the figure attached, the white triangle denoting
the famed Society of the "Katipunan," whose blood contract spurred the masses to rise
in revolt. The three main islands represented by the tree stars. Luzon, Mindanao, and
Panay, the archipelago where the revolutionary movement began; the sun, representing
the enormous step made by the country's son toward progress and civilization; the eight
rays, representing the eight provinces, Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija,
Bataan, Laguna, and Batangas, which declared themselves in a state of war as soon as
the first uprising was launched; and the colors blue keeps lending to us.

4. Contribution of the Document in Understanding the Grand Narrative of History

 Aside being a tangible evidence of what had happened in those years, the Act of
Proclamation of Independence of the Filipino People authored by Ambrosio Rianzares
Bautista plays a huge role of understanding the grand narrative of our history since it
present us the summarized content of what have happened to the Philippines and its
people under the colonization of the Spaniards for 333 years. Giving Filipino’s insights
and even realizations of the happenings that occurred and even the sacrifices of fellow
countrymen, just for the Filipino people to acquire freedom.
Starting from the arrival of Ferdinand Magellan, the abuses Filipino went through to the
hands of the Spanish colonization, the reason behind the revolution against Spain, the
government under the hands of Emilio Aguinaldo, as well as the unjust execution of
today’s well known people, Dr. Jose Rizal and GOMBURZA. The document is the
physical evidence of the blood, sweat, and tears that the beloved countrymen shed while
fighting for the freedom that had been denied to Filipinos for centuries and would have
been more if it weren't for their ferocious rage against the colonizers who had forced
their will upon the nation.

The country's rough but triumphant journey to freedom is one thing Filipinos should
never forget. This commemoration encourages Filipinos to cultivate a hunger for
knowledge about the country's rich history, including its struggle for independence.
Even though that the proclamation of independence was not recognized of both America
and Spain due to the Treaty of Paris, it is still a big milestone for the Filipino people and
a huge part of history, allowing it to be a part of every Filipinos’ lives, proving that
something like that actually occurs and not just a mere gossip that were passed as time
goes by. History is a subject that has been part of every students’ curriculum, feeding
them information about what had happened and allowing them to debunk and correct
false information of the past.

The act of proclamation of independence contributes in allowing the Filipinos to

understand and realize how their ancestors fought for the freedom they enjoyed today,
inspiring the people of the Philippines to appreciate and love their country and its rich
history in any possible way.

5. Relevance of the Document (all members must indicate his/her own significance)

Ian Gabriel Catapia The declaration of Philippine Independence, which has had a huge
impact on Philippine history, is the reason our country attained its
freedom. In the document, the historical progress of the Filipino has
significant relevance to the history of the Philippines, to the Filipino
people itself—those who have lived in the past up until today—and
also to those who have sacrificed their lives to achieve our greatest
heights. The document does not only want to imply the journey of the
Philippines and how it acquired its independence from the colonizing
countries, especially the Spaniards at that time, but also rather to
commemorate the nationalism and patriotism of our national heroes,
most especially Dr. Jose Rizal.
John Railey Bentero One of the significant things found in the document is that it contains
the historical progress Filipinos made and being recognized as an
independent country and not as another part of the country that we are
celebrating up to this day. Independence Day serves as an important
holiday because every June 12 on our calendar, we always remember
the Filipinos who fought for our motherland like Emilio Aguinaldo and
who died for our country like Dr. Jose Rizal. Without them, we may be
still under Spain today and we wouldn’t celebrate Independence Day
that we do and there would be no Philippine government right now
without their help. Independence Day will always give comfort for
every Filipino and it was all worth it because the Philippines could
stand on its own without assistance from other countries.

Joan Marfa The document was the stepping stone of achieving freedom from the
333 years of terror of colonization of Spaniards, allowing Filipino’s to
be themselves and stand alone as a nation. It is the reason why we
celebrate Independence Day, not just giving us a holiday, but allowing
us to remember and appreciate the journey of how the Philippines
achieved freedom, how many lives were sacrificed and it will always
be part of every Filipinos’ lives. The declaration of independence is one
of the most important milestones in the history of the Philippines. For
so many years, the country has been colonized by many nations, many
lives were sacrificed, many Filipinos’ were abused, it was a total shed
of blood, sweat and tears and finally achieving freedom after all the
deprivation, it was all worth it and invaluable.

Mark Danielle  It’s mainly because it commemorates the Filipinos declaration of their
inherent and inalienable right to freedom and independence (freedom
from Spanish colonization or other foreign colonization). Additionally,
Emilio Aguinaldo believed that a declaration of independence would
inspire people to fight against the Spaniards and at the same time lead
other nations to recognize the independence of the Philippines. Also,
June 12 had been also observed as the "Flag Day" in the Philippines
since it was the first time the Philippine flag was officially unfurled. It
brings honour and love for those who spent their lives (heroes) seeking
to end the abuses of Spain such as mutilation, gruesome death
punishment, raped Filipino women, maltreatment, etc. Lastly, it gave
way to the Philippines for self-government, learning to be more
educated and civilized.

Luis Fernan Vicente The achievement of Philippine independence was remarkable. On the
nation's independence day, the sacrifices made by its national heroes
are commemorated, the sovereignty of the nation is honored,
nationalism is instilled in the populace, and the culture and traditions of
the nation's people are celebrated. May we not lose sight of the
holiday's significance in the history of our nation as we celebrate it.
Before they helped us gain our independence, our heroes risked their
lives while contributing their skills and wit. As Filipino citizens, may
we learn from them.

References: (2012). About Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista: Author of the Declaration of

Philippine Independence (1830 - 1903) | Biography, Facts, Information, Career, Wiki,


Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista was born in Biñan, Laguna December 7, 1830. (2011, December

7). The Kahimyang Project.



‌Brief History of Cavite | Cavite. (2021).

Content AND Contextual Analysis OF THE ACT OF Proclamation OF Independence OF THE

Filipino People BY Abrosio Rianzares Bautista. (2020). StuDocu; StuDocu.



Jos� Rizal - The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War (Hispanic Division, Library of

Congress). (2022).



The Philippine flag | GOVPH. (2022). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.

Pedrosa, C. N. (2019, February 16). Who is Philip II of Spain for whom our country was



Felina Alcabaza. (2019, June 11). Remembering significance of PH Independence Day. Manila

Standard; Manila Standard.


Ambrosio. (2021, March 9). Podkas: Conversations on Philippine History, Politics, and Society.

Podkas: Conversations on Philippine History, Politics, and Society.



N.B. For the first four parts of the analysis, please limit the answers in eight (8) to fifteen (15)
sentences only. For the last part (Relevance of the Document), each member of the group must
specify his/her own significance found in the text, and please limit the answers in only three (3) to
five (5) sentences per member. Deduction will be given to those who failed to follow the directions.
Please also enumerate the references used in the research

Rubrics for Grading/Scoring

5 The answer completely explains the questions and the needed information to enumerate was given.

4 The answer explains the questions well but few of the needed information was not enumerated.

3 The answer explains the questions but many of the information needed was not enumerated.

2 The answer poorly explains the question and most of the needed information was not enumerated.

1 The answer needs more depth since it really lacks the needed information to be enumerated.

0 No answer was given.

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