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a) Mean=3 Median=9 Mode=9

b) Range=10-(-5) =15 variance 𝑺^𝟐=76.5 standard deviation S=8.7

Sample Z scores
-5 -0.9
-8 -1.26
9 0.7
9 0.7
10 0.8
Since there is no value of more than +3 and less than -3. So, there is no outlier.
d) Since the Median is greater than the Mean, the data shape is right skewed.

a) Mean=23.6 Median=23.5 Mode=26
b) Range = 26- 21= 5 variance S^2=3.38 Standard deviation S=1.8

Population Z score
21 -1.4
22 -0.8
22 -.0.8
22 -0.8
23 -0.3
24 0.2
25 0.7
25 0.7
26 1.3
26 1.3

There is no outlier because no value is more than +3 and less than -3.
c)Yes, the data are skewed to the left because the Mean is greater than the Median.
a) Mean=126.81
Variance, S^2=3.38
Standard deviation, S=1.84

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