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Point of Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories

A Capstone Project

Presented to the Faculty of the

School of Engineering and Technology,

J.H. Cerilles State College

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology








August 2022
Chapter III

Design and Methodology

This chapter assisted the proponents by leading them through the process of completing the specific
work step by step until it is completed. To assist the Gonzaga motor parts and accessories in their business
transactions, the proponent proposed a point-of-sale system with profit monitoring. This system is designed to
assist in making the best option in the process of managing record, performing sales transactions, and
monitoring profit. The proponents used the SDLC model that would guide the proponents in creating best system
and would help in identifying what method to do sequentially and how to do the specific task to produce a good
output in the business.


The proponents decided to use agile since it is iterative, and it is more advanced in terms of making
good software output. It is more flexible and could find problems and create solutions quickly and efficiently. The
Agile method is suitable for the proponents’ proposed study. As a team works together and understands each
phase and its process, applying it to the proposed study, it will be more confident that the final output is of high
quality since testing is performed throughout development, providing the opportunity to make changes as needed
and alert teams to any potential issues. The proponents believe that agile methodology will make the proposed
projects done faster, cheaper, and most importantly the developed software will make the clients satisfy and it
will help them.

Figure 1. Software Development Life Cycle

Modified Agile Development Process Model

The above figure illustrates the system's development process. It refers to the steps that researchers
followed while working on the project. This illustrates the phases and processes that researchers will used to
construct the system. Before delivering a functional product to the client, a team must complete each phase of
the chosen methodology, which is the agile method, which includes requirements, design, development, test,
deployment, and review.


The proponents first identified the problems existing within the client shop, as it is the first thing to do to
figure out what is the system need to develop. Upon sighting the problem, the proponents conduct an interview to
the manager, and he is also the owner as well and a customer. First, need to identify the process on the shop in
performing their day-to-day transaction and we find out that they only used manual transaction. According to the
Manager Mr. Erwin Gonzaga He mentioned that he was having problems keeping track of profits, particularly the
monthly profit for the business and the profits from discounted items. Additionally, he struggles with organizing
and producing reports because it is challenging to operate manually, which results in occasionally lost records.
The owner also works as a cashier, and he believes that by performing manual sales transactions with
customers, recording sold items, and recording sales, make records an inaccurate and it will consume a lot of
time. He argues that the manual method was hard and impacted their daily sales and earnings. Additional
interview from the customer Mr. Remark Pulmano, He claims that it takes a lot of time to pay bills and make
purchases from this motor parts and accessories store. He noticed that the cashier manually records the data on
a paper, then uses a calculator to calculate the cost of his purchased item. With this, there might be a tendency
that the calculation is inaccurate. Now with the problem stated above proponents figure out what the system
needs to develop a system that will computerize record keeping, monitoring of profits, perform sale transaction,
and recording of sales.


In this phase it is important also that the design is consistent with the function of the module in the
system with the help of the use case diagram and use case specification the proponents understand and identify
the system's flow and use it as a guide for developing the design of the system. It is very important also that the
user interface must be simple to use and engage with. To avoid any potential user misunderstanding, the
researchers must at the very least arrange all of the buttons, text, symbols, and even labels in the proper order.
At the very least, the researchers have designed a user interface that is tolerable and can be navigated by simply
looking at it once. The user interface design must be simple to comprehend.


In this phase, after designing, the proponents will create and input the code for each design module to
make it functional. The system output will be based on the algorithm proposed during the system design phase.
The production of each module will be carefully examined. At this stage, all issues and mistakes must be
resolved. Software testing has an important role in achieving correct and good system output since it is a series
of tests and test cases that are run to ensure that the module is free of mistakes, malfunctions, and other
difficulties. It plays a significant part in this phase. Incorrect codes are fixed and tested until the desired output is


In this phase now the system is fully developed and ready for debugging, this phase aims to test and
see the errors that might occur. In this step, user satisfaction will also be tested; if the user is satisfied, the
system will be implemented; if it is not, another iteration will be done. To create a high-quality and useful system,
the proponents make sure that both functional and non-functional needs are meet.


In this phase now the development of the system is completed, and it is now ready for deployment and
implemented at the client shop. This means that the system is now ready to use. The proponent’s team
completes the documentation and procedure to provide a good system to a client. Then it presents it to the client
to get feedback on the system and determine whether it or the design needs to be changed or enhanced. It is
time to deploy the system to the client who will use it when the proponents have confirmed there are no issues
with the system, and everything is completed. When a system is found to be more complicated and difficult to
understand, more effort is put into guiding and educating the client on how to utilize it.


It is the last phase of the iteration when the client gives his feedback on the system performance. If
meets the objective and the client requirements then it will be continued to be used and perform yearly
maintenance as part of the legal between the developer and the client, but if there is for improvements, bugs or
issues will be fixed. As required by the agile methodology, the proponents will then proceed to the first to last

Functional Requirements

Add User Account

The add user account is a module where the manager manage account to be used to log in into the
system, it consists of three different kinds of accounts for Manager, Product in Charge, and for Cashier. If the
created account needs to be update it will perform by manager into extend function of add user account which is
the Update User Account.

 Its Function is to manage the creation of account to the system and only the manager can perform that.
 The manager can update the accounts information if it is needed at the extend feature which is the
Update User Account.


The report is a module where the manager can view and print the report from the important information
and data in the system and generate this data as a report to view. The importance of this feature is to make sure
to save all the important information and transactions in the system and generate them as a report. It helps to
monitor their profit and decide to have an effective sales strategy.

 Its function is to allow users to view and print the list of sold products discounted and not discounted as
well as the calculation of their profit daily and monthly.

Add Product

The add product is a module where the product in charge cater the addition and the registration of the
products that can be used in the sale transaction module. With all the products added to the system, it must
consist of a barcode so that it can easily identify each product uniquely.

 Its function is to allow the user to add product and register it to the system by inputting important
information of this product such as product barcode, name, and description.
 The user can also update the information on the added product.

Set stock level

The set stock level is a module where the product in charge can set the stock level of the product to
avoid any mistake with the transaction such as the customer ask to the cashier if how many available with some
product the set stock level has an important role to solve this issue, The set stock level will make all product has
its availability.

 Allowing the user to set the product stock availability is important so that the cashier knows how much
stock the product has.
 The user can also update this discount on a product.

Set Selling Price

The set selling price is a module where the product in charge set the selling price of the product
and he can also update the price information if it is needed. It is very important to have a price for each
product since it plays an important role in the system upon calculation of a sale transaction for a purchased
product and to determine the price of each product.
 Allowing the user to specify the price of the product being added to the system, including the original
and selling price. 

Set Product Discount

The set product discount is a module where the product in charge can set a discount to the product and
also he can update this information if it is needed. The Product did not intend to sell may sit in your store for
months. Discounting them increases the chance that they will sell, making room for new products.

 Its function is to allow users to make and set a discount on a specific product he can also update this.
By making a discounted product it will boost the chance that it will sold fast.

Sale Transaction

The sale transaction is a module where the casher will perform the sale transaction, the customer is
making a transaction to the cashier, and the cashier will use this module to perform a sale transaction. He will
search for the product using its barcode, set the quantity, the user is able to search product using barcode and
receive payment for product sold.

 The system will allow the cashier to perform sales transactions, search for products using barcodes,
and settle the payment for the customer.

Non-Functional Requirements

3.4.1. Usability

The Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring is user-friendly for manager, product in charge, and
cashier, allowing them to perform their tasks easily, accurately, and effectively which is avoiding making any

3.4.2. Reliability

The Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring must be accurate in performing all its module function
and dependable in handling all information.

3.4.3. Performance
The Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring performance is concerned with the system's speed of
operation, where the system should be responsive and stable under a workload, which could validate and verify
other system attributes such as reliability and resource usage.

3.4.4. Supportability

The Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring is concerned with the ease of making changes to the
system after deployment, which includes the system's adaptability, maintainability, internationalization, and

3.4.5. Implementation

The Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring is designed to be used on offline platform. Visual Studio
is used in system interface.

3.4.6. Interface

The Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring is offering an easy to understand and has simple
interface consist of consistent color visual studio is used to create this interface.

3.4.7. Packaging

The packaging must be packaged with a documentation that explains how to use it as well as
instructions on how to utilize it.

3.5. System Models

3.5.1. Business Model Use Case Diagram
Figure 2: Use case Diagram for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring
Use Case Narrative

Table 1
Use Case Narrative for Add User Account

Use Case Name Add User Account

Actor(s) Manager
Description This use case allows the user to add user account in the
Main Sequence Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The Actor clicks
“Manage user” Button.
Step 2: The system displays
the “Manage User” Form.
Step 3: The system displays
all the records of accounts.

Step 4: The Actor clicks the

“add new account” button. Step 5: The system displays
the “Add Account” Form.

Step 6: The Actor inputs

details for the creation of
new user account.
Step 7: The Actor clicks the Step 8: The system
“save” button. validates the account entry.
Step 9: Append Account
Record to the Database.
Step 10: The System
display message dialog
account created

Step 11: The Actor clicks

the “OK” button from the Step 12: The system
message dialog. redirects to step 3.

Alternative Sequence Step 4: The Actor close the

““Manage user” Form. Step 5: The system
redirects to main form.

Step 7: The Actor clicks the

“Cancel” Button.
Step 8: The System
redirects to step 3.
Step 9: [validation process
Step 10: The Actor Close failed] Display Error Dialog.
the error dialog.
Step 11: The System
redirects to step 6.
Precondition User is logged in; No empty Registration fields and input
valid details.
Postcondition Created a New Account successfully

Table 2
Use Case Narrative for Update User Account

Use Case Name Update User Account

Actor(s) Manager
Description This use case allows the user to update user account
Main Sequence Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The Actor clicks
“Manage user” Button.
Step 2: The system displays
the “Manage User” Form.
Step 3: The system displays
all the records of accounts.
Step 4: The Actor search
and selects the account
want to update.
Step 5: The Actor clicks Step 6: The system display
“update account” Button. “update user account” form
for selected account.

Step 7: The Actor edit on an

existing data.
Step 8: The Actor click Step 9: The system
“save” button. validates the entry.
Step 10: The system saves
the data to databased.
Step 11: The System
display message dialog
account updated

Step 12: Actor closed

Step 13: System redirects to
message dialog. step 3.
Alternative Sequence Step 4: The Actor closed
manage user from. Step 5: The system
redirects to main form.

Step 8: The Actor click

““cancel” button. Step 9: The system
redirects to step 3.

Step 10: [validation process

failed] Display Error Dialog.
Step 11: The Actor Close
the error dialog.
Step 12: The System
redirects to step 7.
Precondition User is logged in; No empty fields.
Postcondition The account updated successfully.
Table 3
Use Case Narrative for View Report
Use Case Name View Report
Actor(s) Manager
Description This use case allows the user to View Report
Main Sequence Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The Actor Initiates
“View Report” Module.
Step 2: The system displays
the “View Report” Form.
Step 3: The Actor click
“Daily Profit” Button.
Step 4: The system displays
Daily Profit form.
Step 5: The system loads
and display Daily Profit data.
Step 6: The Actor click
“Print” Button.
Step 7: The system
redirects the actor to the
“Excel Sheet”.
Step 8: The actor click print
Step 9: The system
successfully prints the
Alternative Sequence Step 8: The actor closes the
“Excel Sheet”.
Step 9: The system
redirects the Actor to step 5.
Precondition User is logged in to the system.
Postcondition The Report Viewed successfully and Print Successfully.
Table 4
Use Case Narrative for Add Product

Use Case Name Add Product

Actor(s) Product In Charge
Description This use case allows the user to add products
Main Sequence Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The actor clicks
“Product” Button.
Step 2: The system displays
the “Product” Form.
Step 3: The system loads
and display products
Step 4: The actor clicks the Record.
“add new” button.

Step 5: The system displays

Step 6: The actor inputs the “add product” Form.
details for the creation of
Step 7: The actor clicks the
“save” button.

Step 8: The system

validates the entry.
Step 9: The system Append
data to the Database.
Step 10: The System
display message dialog
Alternative Sequence Step 4: The actor closes the
““Product” Form.
Step 5: The system
redirects to main form.
Step 7: The actor clicks
““cancel” Button.
Step 8: The system
redirects to step 3.
Step 9: [validation process
failed] Display Error Dialog.
Step 10: The actor close
error dialog.

Step 11: The system

redirects to step 6.
Precondition The actor must login to the system, no empty fields and
input unique barcode to the product.
Postcondition Product created successfully

Table 5
Use Case Narrative for Update Product
Use Case Name Update Product
Actor(s) Product In Charge
Description This use case allows the user to update the products
Main Sequence Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The actor clicks
“Product” Button.
Step 2: The system displays
the “Product” Form.
Step 3: The system loads
and display products data.
Step 4: The actor selects
product record and click
“update “button.

Step 5: The system displays

the “update product” Form.

Step 6: The actors edit on

an existing data.
Step 7: The actors click
“save” button.

Step 8: The system

validates the edited
Step 9: The system saves
updated records.
Step 10: The System
display message dialog
update successfully.
Alternative Sequence Step 4: The actor closes the
““Product” Form.
Step 5: The system
redirects to main form.
Step 7: The actor clicks
““cancel” Button.
Step 8: The system
redirects to step 3.
Step 9: [validation process
failed] Display Error Dialog.
Step 10: The actor close
error dialog.

Step 11: The system

redirects to step 6.
Precondition The actor must login to the system.
Postcondition Product updated successfully.
Table 6
Use Case Narrative for Set stock level
Use Case Name Set stock level
Actor(s) Product In Charge
Description This use case allows the user to set the stock level of
Main Sequence Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The actor clicks “Set
stock” Button.
Step 2: The system displays
the “set stock” Form.
Step 3: The system loads
and display products.
Step 4: The actor search
and selects product record
and click “set stocks
Step 5: The system displays
the “set stocks” Form.

Step 6: The Actor inputs

stock information.
Step 7: The actors click
“save” button.
Step 8: The system saves
the information.
Step 9: The System display
message dialog set stocks
level successfully.
Alternative Sequence Step 4: The actor closes the
““set stock” Form.
Step 5: The system
redirects to main form.
Step 7: The actor clicks
““cancel” Button.
Step 8: The system
redirects to step 3.
Precondition The actor must login to the system.
Postcondition The stock level set successfully.

Table 7
Use Case Narrative for Set selling price
Use Case Name Set selling price
Actor(s) Product In Charge
Description This use case allows the user to set the selling price of
Main Sequence Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The actor clicks “Set
price” Button.
Step 2: The system displays
the “set price” Form.
Step 3: The system loads
and display products.
Step 4: The actor search
and selects product record
and click “set price “button.

Step 5: The system displays

the “set price” Form.

Step 6: The actor inputs

price information.
Step 7: The actors click
“save” button.

Step 8: The system saves

the information.
Step 9: The System display
message dialog price set
Alternative Sequence Step 4: The actor closes the
““set price” Form.
Step 5: The system
redirects to main form.
Step 7: The actor clicks
““cancel” Button.
Step 8: The system
redirects to step 3.
Precondition The actor must login to the system.
Postcondition The selling price of the product is set successfully.

Table 8
Use Case Narrative for Set Product Discount
Use Case Name Set Product Discount
Actor(s) Product In Charge
Description This use case allows the user to set or make a discount on
the product.
Main Sequence Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The actor initiates
“Set Product Discount”
Button. Step 2: The system displays
the “Set Product Discount”
Step 3: The system loads
and display products Data.
Step 4: The actor search
and selects product record
and click “set Discounts
Step 5: The system displays
the “Set Discounts” Form.

Step 6: The actors inputs

Discounts information.
Step 7: The actors click
“save” button.
Step 8: The system saves
the information.
Step 9: The System display
Success Dialog.
Alternative Sequence Step 4: The actor closes the
““set Product Discount”
Form. Step 5: The system
redirects to main form.

Step 7: The actor clicks

““cancel” Button.
Step 8: The system
redirects to step 3.
Precondition The actor must login to the system.
Postcondition The discounted Product is set successfully.

Table 9
Use Case Narrative for Update Product Discount
Use Case Name Update Product Discount
Actor(s) Product In Charge
Description This use case allows the user to update the products
Discounts information.
Main Sequence Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The actor clicks “Set
Product Discount” Button.
Step 2: The system displays
the “Set Product Discount”
Step 3: The system loads
Step 4: The actor selects and display record data.
record and click “update
Step 5: The system displays
the “Update Product
Discount” Form.
Step 6: The actors edit on
an existing data.
Step 7: The actors click
“save” button.

Step 8: The system saves

and updated the records.
Step 9: The System display
message dialog updated
Alternative Sequence Step 7: The actor clicks
““cancel” Button.
Step 8: The system
redirects to step 3.
Precondition The actor must login to the system.
Postcondition Product Discounts updated successfully.

Table 10
Use Case Narrative for Perform Sale Transaction
Use Case Name Perform Sale Transaction
Actor(s) Cashier
Description This use case allows the user to perform sale transaction.
Main Sequence Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The actor is Login to
the system.
Step 2: The system displays
the sale transaction module.
Step 3: The actor input
product barcode and click
“search”. Step 4: The system displays
the product that searched.

Step 5: The actor clicks the

product and set the quantity
the “click” add to cart.
Step 6: The system displays
the product information to
the billing form.

Step 7: The actor clicks

settle payment button. Step 8: The system displays
the payment form.
Step 9: The Actor inputs
amount tendered and click
“save “button.
Step 10: The system saves
the sale transaction.
Step 11: The system
Display Dialog Want to print
Step 12: The Actor Click Receipt.
Step 13: The system Print
the Receipt.
Step 14: The system clears
the transaction.
Alternative Sequence Step 4: [search not found]
Display Error Dialog.
Step 5: The actor closes the

error message dialog.

Step 6: The system
redirects the actor to step 3.
Step 12: The Actor Click
No. Step 13: The system clears
the transaction.

Precondition System is initiated, Actor have a valid login credentials.

Postcondition The Actor successfully perform sale transaction.
Process Models
Activity Diagram
Figure 3. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Activity Diagram of Add User Account

Figure 4. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Activity Diagram of Update User Account

Figure 5. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Activity Diagram of View Report

Figure 6. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:
Activity Diagram of Add Product

Figure 7. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:
Activity Diagram of Update Product

Figure 8. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:
Activity Diagram of Set Stock Level

Figure 9. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:
Activity Diagram of Set Selling Price

Figure 10. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:
Activity Diagram of Set Product Discount

Figure 11. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:
Activity Diagram of Update Product Discount

Figure 12. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:
Activity Diagram of Perform Sale Transaction
Sequence Diagram
Figure 13. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Sequence Diagram for Add User Account

Figure 14. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:
Sequence Diagram for Update User Account
Figure 15. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Sequence Diagram for View Report

Figure 16. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Sequence Diagram for Add Product

Figure 17. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Sequence Diagram for Update Product

Figure 18. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Sequence Diagram for Set Stock Level

Figure 19. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Sequence Diagram for Set Selling Price

Figure 20. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Sequence Diagram for Set Product Discount

Figure 21. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Sequence Diagram for Update Product Discount

Figure 22. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Sequence Diagram for Perform Sale Transaction

Communication Diagram
Figure 23. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Communication Diagram for Add User Account

Add User Account Scenario 1

Add User Account Scenario 2

Add User Account Scenario 3

Add User Account Scenario 4

Figure 24. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Communication Diagram for Update User Account

Update User Account Scenario 1

Update User Account Scenario 2

Update User Account Scenario 3

Update User Account Scenario 4

Figure 25. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Communication Diagram for View Report

View Report Scenario 1

View Report Scenario 2

Figure 26. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Communication Diagram for Add Product

Add Product Scenario 1

Add Product Scenario 2

Add Product Scenario 3

Add Product Scenario 4

Figure 27. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Communication Diagram for Update Product

Update Product Scenario 1

Update Product Scenario 2

Update Product Scenario 3

Update Product Scenario 4

Figure 28. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Communication Diagram for Set Stock Level

Set Stock Level Scenario 1

Set Stock Level Scenario 2

Set Stock Level Scenario 3

Figure 29. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories

Communication Diagram for Set Selling Price

Set Selling Price Scenario 1

Set Selling Price Scenario 2

Set Selling Price Scenario 3

Figure 30. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Communication Diagram for Set Product Discount

Set Product Discount Scenario 1

Set Product Discount Scenario 2

Set Product Discount Scenario 3

Figure 31. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Communication Diagram for Update Product Discount

Update Product Discount Scenario 1

Update Product Discount Scenario 2

Figure 32. Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories:

Communication Diagram for Perform Sale Transaction

Perform Sale Transaction Scenario 1

Perform Sale Transaction Scenario 2

Perform Sale Transaction Scenario 3

Object Model

Class Diagram

Figure 33. Class Diagram for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories.
Package Diagram

Figure 34. Package Diagram for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts &
User Interfaces

Figure 35. User Interface for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories: User


Start ()

Load User Account Form

Display User Account Record

If User Search User Account Record

Display result

End If

If User Click Edit Button

Display Account Form

User Edit Record

Click Update Button

Save Record

End If

If User Click Delete Button

Delete Record

End If

End ()

Figure 36. User Interface for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories: Add User


Start ()

Load User Account Form

Display User Account Record

If User Click Add Button

Display Add User Account Form

Add New Record

Click Save Button

Save Record

End ()

Figure 37. User Interface for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories: Product


Start ()

Load Product Form

Display Product Record

If User Search Product Record

Display result

End If

If User Click Edit Button

Display Product Form

User Edit Record

Click Update Button

Save Record

End If

If User Click Delete Button

Delete Record

End If

End ()

Figure 38. User Interface for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories: Add

Start ()

Load Product Form

Display Product Record

If User Click Add Button

Display Add Product Form

Add New Record

Click Save Button

Save Record

End ()

Figure 39. User Interface for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories: Set
Selling Price

Start ()

Load Selling Price Form

Add Selling Price Details

Click Save Button

Save Record

End if

If User Click Cancel Button

Set Selling Price Cancelled

End if

End ()

Figure 40. User Interface for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories: Print
Daily Profit

Start ()

Load Report Form

Display Product Record

User Set Filters

If User Search User Account Record

Display result

End If

If User Click Print Button

Display Printing Form

Click Print Button

Print Record

End If

End ()
Figure 41. User Interface for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories: Set
Stock Level


Start ()

Load Stock Level Form

Add Stock Quantity Details

Click Save Button

Save Record

End if

If User Click Cancel Button

Set Stock Level Cancelled

End if

End ()
Figure 42. User Interface for Point-of-Sale System with Profit Monitoring for Motor Parts & Accessories: Set
Product Discount.


Start ()

Load Set Product Discount Form

Inputs Product Discount Details

Click Save Button

Save Record

End if

If User Click Cancel Button

Set Product Discount Cancelled

End if
If User Click Update Button

Product Discount Information Updated

End if

End ()

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