Asil Odchigue Pahilan Tutas - deliverable3.-Case-Study-Report

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Alfie Care Incorporated

Submitted by:

Asil, Stephanie Elaine C.

Odchigue, Jessa M.
Pahilan, Christine J.
Tutas, Marielle N.

Submitted to:

EnP Kenneth Babe U. Cabig, MBA

BA 16 Instructor

March 2022
Table of Contents


Cover Page 1

Table of Contents 2

Introduction/Background of the Case 3

Point of View 3

Statement of the Problem 4

Statement of the Objectives 4

Areas of Consideration (SWOT Analysis) 5

Alternative Courses of Action 6

Action Plan/Recommendations 7

Conclusion 9

References 10

Appendices 10

I. Introduction/Background of the Case

Alfie Care Incorporated is a company that provides services for finding rental
equipment for supplies and equipment at affordable rates. On May 31, 2011, the Securities
and Exchange Commission gave this business its license. In furthermore, the company's
headquarters are located at Room 211, CDT-KAI Bldg., Hayes Extension, Camaman-an,
Cagayan de Oro City.
Alfie Lungcare and Medical Supplies Incorporated was the company's first official
name. Its primary goal was to trade medical equipment and supplies, as well as to rent out
medical equipment. The company was renamed to Alfie Care Incorporated on January 10,
2019, with the added goal of operating in full sale and retail of general items and
pharmaceutical products.
Additionally, Alfie's rental equipment, including as their mechanical ventilator and
oxygen concentrator, grew popular and became the main rental out-source company in
most private hospitals and public hospitals particularly Northern Mindanao Medical Center
(NMMC), a government hospital in Cagayan de Oro City.
Despite the company's development, it has management concerns such as
communication issues, how the organization resolves existing conflicts, being
understaffed, and implementing policies equally and consistently. With the difficulties that
have been presented, the performance has become unmanageable.

II. Point of View

The case study revolves around the organizational management problem

encountered by the general manager. Ms. Aileen, the general manager notices the poor
management performance of the organization because of ineffective communication
between the management authority and the employees. It is an evident fact that lack of
communication in a service industry is bound to have a negative impact on the quality of
service provided to the consumers and it also affects the productivity and employee morale.
Through the manager's personal observation, the management's performance evaluation
between employers and employees, and between colleagues, it has been notice that the

goals set lead to disruptions in achieving them, which are influenced by work disruptions,
project risk failures, absences, turnovers, and termination, and most likely affects
emotional stress and may create issues on trust and loyalty. It should be noted that the
problem of lack of communication is directly interfering with the productivity level of the
company. It is evident that small problems in the company can result in another problem.
That is why companies should always resolve even small issues to minimize the huge ones
to arise.

III. Statement of the Problem

This study intended to answer the following:

1. How will the company establish a better work environment?
2. How will the company strengthen its management-employee relationship?
3. In light of all current issues, how will the company improve its performance?

IV. Statement of the Objectives

● To examine misunderstandings about the company's issues and to take action to

improve the work environment, management-employee relationships, and overall
performance of the company.
● To identify concrete and effective activities and actions that will prevent the
recurrence of the problem and to protect the company from future risk.

V. Areas of Consideration (SWOT Analysis)

Strengths Weaknesses

● The business's emphasis on ● Communication in the workplace

continuous product development, ● Lacks the capacity to meet the
making it possible for business to needs because of being
maintain a strong market position understaffed
and to enhance its consumer ● Issues with performance
satisfaction. management leads to financial loss
● The company had been quite in business
effective due to pandemic
supplying medical supplies and
● Large customer base

Opportunities Threats

● Businesses can take advantage of ● Medical Equipment Company

this opportunity by establishing an deals with severe competition from
interactive digital platform for domestic competitors in addition to
marketing its services. quickly changing patterns of
● New products and equipment consumer choices.
innovation ● Increase of competition in the
● Potential increase of the company’s market.
target market
● Expansion of the company; a more
convenient and accessible location

Alfie Care Incorporated provides products and services that help the company
achieve its aims of providing the market with reasonable prices. As a response, the
company has grown and become well-known among various medical facilities in the city
throughout the years. They've had a number of experiences that have strengthened the
foundation of their company and allowed them to grow beyond what they accomplish. We
may learn about and comprehend the company's weaknesses, which may develop into
strengths in the future, by using the (S.W.O.T) Method. The company may reinforce their
foundation by innovating, developing, and performing effectively by delivering equipment
and providing satisfactory services, which can increase consumer contentment, resulting
in a great performance in the market. Although some of the company's weaknesses may
present severe challenges, such as internal management problems that can reduce the
company's productivity performance, the company could still use these weaknesses to
motivate and seek to achieve their set goals, which will benefit both the company and the
Alfie Care Incorporated is also considered to be under threat, particularly from
other companies in the industry. Nonetheless, they are doing a great job of preserving the
company's performance in order to keep its market position. If a company encounters risks,
it also has opportunities. One of the most significant opportunities that the company has is
the ability to innovate and provide new products that may be beneficial to the market. This
can possibly grow the company's market, resulting in a high level of consumer satisfaction.
As a result, Alfie Care Incorporated will likely expand, necessitating the creation of a new
branch for accessibility.

VI. Alternative Courses of Action

● Controlling operations and ensuring the effective execution of management

● Implement team building to help build trust, mitigates conflict, encourages
communication, and increases collaboration.

● Open communication which involves counseling and evaluation that allows
employees to be more engaged and understand that what they do matters in the
success of the business.
● Must balance in meeting goals, managing workloads and motivating employees to
perform well.
● Hiring temporary or on-call employees to fill in employees that are on vacation,
new projects crop up, or the busy season hits to help prevent understaffing.

VII. Action Plan/Recommendations


Effective execution of To prevent the recurrence of Day-to-day

management policies the problem and to protect
the company from future

Implement team building To improve the work Once a year

environment, management-
employee relationships, and
overall performance of the

Open communication - To improve the work Once or twice a month

Counseling & evaluation environment, management-
employee relationships, and
overall performance of the

Management balance To improve the work Day-to-day

environment, management-

employee relationships, and
overall performance of the
company and prevent the
recurrence of the problem
and to protect the company
from future risk.

Hiring temporary or on-call To improve the work Every busy season

employees environment, management- especially now that we are
employee relationships, and in pandemic
overall performance of the

To address or at the very least mitigate management concerns at Alfie Care

Incorporated, the researchers recommend that they immediately implement open
communication by conducting counseling and evaluations once or twice a month and team
building at least once a year in order to increase employee engagement and understanding
that their work matters to the success of the business, as well as to build trust, mitigate
conflict, encourage communication, and increase collaboration, which is extremely vital in
service industry. These acts can also help create a more favorable work atmosphere and
build employees' relationships with their managers, which can drive them to work more
efficiently and effectively that can benefit the company's overall success.
Assuming that the company already builds effective communication and a positive
work environment, the management can strike a balance between reaching goals, managing
workloads, and motivating employees to do well since it will be much easier to approach
the employees and they will have faith in you as their manager. Additionally, it will be
effortless for them to oversee and control the company's operations and assure the proper
execution of management policies, which is crucial for achieving the company's goals and
objectives. Therefore, eliminating communication issues initially can make a significant
difference, as it also resolves other management challenges because the employees will be
more motivated.

A happy employee is a productive employee; they are more energetic and creative,
which enables them to respond more effectively to the company's potential and minimize
its weaknesses and threats. And, given the company's strengths in terms of market position,
effectiveness in supplying medical supplies and equipment during a pandemic, and a large
customer base, the company should be prepared to hire temporary or on-call employees to
cover for employees who are on vacation, new projects arise, or the busy season hits, in
order to avoid understaffing and customer disappointment. All of these actions can solve
the company’s management issues and make a huge difference in the company since it
improves the work environment, management-employee relationships, and overall
performance of the company, as well as preventing the problem from recurring and
protecting the business from future risk.

VIII. Conclusion

As Alfie Care Incorporated holds a significant market portion and has a large
customer base that trusts the company's products and services, consumers' expectations and
requests are consistently met by the company's product innovation and manufacturing,
resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. But behind the company's success
are management issues that obstruct the achievement of the company's goals and

As the researchers gathered information from the manager, the researchers came to
the conclusion that the company should properly manage its various areas, and one of the
areas that needs to be properly assessed is the administration of policies in a fair and
consistent manner by both management and employees. Proper communication will fall
into place as a result of holding and carefully enforcing the company's policies, which
directly include organizing activities that may increase the connection and communication
between management and employees, as well as employees with each other.

Furthermore, the lack of communication among management may be alleviated by

open communications and a series of activities that allow management and employees to
understand one another and establish confidence and commitment. It is possible to boost

the productivity level of employees in the organization by having trust in one another and
having a great working environment. If the company creates a positive atmosphere for its
employees, they will be able to consistently raise their working productivity, which will
most likely lead to the achievement of their goals and objectives. Additionally, if the
company is correctly managed, it may result in a prosperous and outstanding performance.
Management must guarantee that there will be control and contingency plans in place to
help the company succeed and grow.

IX. References

X. Appendices

● Permission Letter

● Guide Questions

● Documentation


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