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' ELEMENTARY (A142) Now complete the sentences: brother cousins daughter father grandfather grandmother husband mother sister son wife Rosie is Pierre's wie . Pierre is Rosie's Debbie is Rosie's Rosie is Debbie's Pierre is Debbie's Maria is Debbie's Bernard is Maria's Charles is Bernard's SPN OMAR Charles and Sarah are 10. Rosie is Sarah’ 11. Pierre is Sarah's ‘Work in pairs. Student A, choose two family members from the family tree on Page 1. Student B, say the relationship. EE] vourfamity ‘Write the names of five members of your family below. 213 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES A- COMPLETE THE TABLE. PERSONAL PRONOUNS | POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES 1 YOU You THEY COMPLETE WITH THE POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE. He is my friend. name is Brian. Susan hasa new car. car is very nice. They don’t like fish. favourite food is steak. This is my brother. name is Nick. It’s birthday today. I’m 14. That is my cousin. name is Maggie. Manuel has two daughters. They are _ daughters. Kate and Gerry have a new house. It’s house. This is my bike. bike is new. They are my parents. names are Kay and Steven. My dog is black. name is Viky. Margaret, where is sister? We have two children. __ children are in London. Lisbon is a big city. buildings are high. She is my mother. name is Maria. SaLIVEWORKSHEETS

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