Dambii Lak. 96-1999

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Waggaa 12ffaa Lak……………...96/1999 ……….……...….…….

12ኛ ዓመት ቁጥር………………96/1999 ፊንፊኔ…….……………
12th Year No……………...….….96/2007 Finfine……………………...….…..2007

SÑK} *a
Gatii Tokkoo_____________ To’annoo Caffee Mootummaa Naannoo Lakk S. Poostaa__________
ያንዱ ዋጋ_____________ Oromiyaatiin kan Bahe __________
ፖ.ሣ. ቁጥር__________
Unit Price________________ በኦሮሚያ ብሔራዊ ክልላዊ መንግሥት P.O. Box__________
በጨፌ ኦሮሚያ ጠባቂነት የወጣ

Qabiyyee ማውጫ Content

Dambii Lak.96/1999
Regulation No.96/1999
Dambii Geejjiba Daandii
ደንብ ቁጥር 96/1999
Oromia Regional Government
Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa የኦሮሚያ ክልላዊ መንግሥት
Road Transport Regulation
የመንገድ ትራንስፖርት ደንብ
Dambii Lak. 96/1999 ደንብ ቁጥር 96/1999 Regulation No.96/1999
Dambii Geejjiba Daandii Oromia Regional Government
የኦሮሚያ ክልላዊ መንግሥት
Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa Road Transport Regulation
Babal’insa daandiwwanii fi የመንገድ ትራንስፖርት ደንብ Whereas,, demand of road
guddina diinagdee naannichaa የክልሉ መንገድ መስፋፋትና transport and number of vehicle
duuka fedhiin geejjiba daandii fi የኢኮኖሚ እድገት ጋር has increased with the
lakkoofsi konkolaatoota dabalaa increment of road expansion
የመንገድትራንስፖርት ፍላጎትና
waan dhufeef, and Regional economic
Fedhiin geejjiba daandii dabalaa የተሽከርካሪዎች ብዛት development;
dhufe haala quubsaan እየጨመረ በመሄዱ፤ Whereas, it is important to
keessumsiisuuf hirmaannaa strength participation of private
የመንገድትራንስፖርት ፍላጎት
abbootii qabeenyaa cimsuu fi sirna owner and change system of
kennaa tajaajilaa jijjiiruun service delivery in order to host
እየጨመረ የመጣውን በአጥገቢ

barbaachisa ta’ee waan argameef; ሁኔታ ለማስተናገድ የባለ- in adequate manner the road
Baay’in konkolaatootaa dabalaa transport
ሀብቶችን ተስትፎ ለማጠናከሪና
dhufe duukaa balaa tiraafika Whereas, correcting working
lubbuu fi qaama namaa የአገልግሎት አሰጣጥ ስርዓትን procedures, creating
akkasumas qabenya naannichaa መለወጥ አስፈላጎ ሆኖ cooperation and strengthen
irratti hubaatii qaqqabsiisaa jiru በመገኘቱ፤ supervision is believed
xiqqeessuuf hojiimaata sirreesuun, determinant issues in order to
እየጨመረ የመጣውን
qindoomina uumuu fi too’anoo reduce traffic accident which
cimsuun dhimma murteessaa የተሽከርካሪዎች ብዛት ጋር resulted in loose of life and
ta’uun isaa waan itti amanameef; በህይወትና የሰው አካል property damage as well as
Akkaataa labsii lakk. 87/97 body injury of individual with
እንዲሁም በክልሉ ንብረት ላይ
keewwata 49/1 tiin danbiin kanati the increment of number of
aanu baheera. vehicles;
ጥቃት እያደረሰ ያለውን

Kutaa Tokko የትራፍክ አደጋ ለመቀነስ Now, therefore, in accordance

Tumaalee Waliigalaa አሰራርን ማስተካከል፤ ቅንጅት with Article 49(1) of the
1. Mataduree Gabaabaa proclamation No. 87/97, this
መፍጠር እና ቁጥጥር ማጠናከር
Danbii kun Danbii Geejjiba regulation is issued.
daandii Mootummaa Naannoo ወሳኝ ጉዳይ መሆኑ Part One
Oromiyaa Lakk 96/1999 ስለታመነበት፤ General Provisions
jedhamee caqasamuu danda’a በአዋጅ ቁጥር 87/97 አንቀዕ 49 1. Short Title
2. Hiika This Proclamation may be
መሠረት የሚከተለው ደንብ
Akkaataan seensi jechichaa cited as the “Oromia
hiika biraa kan kennisiisuuf ወጥ ል፡፡ Regional Government Roads
yoo ta’e malee, dambii kana ክፍል አንድ Transport Regulation No.
keessatti 96/1999.”
ጠቅላላ ድንጋጌዎች
1) “Biiroo” jechuun Biiroo 2. Definitions
Daldala Industirii fi In this Regulation, unless the
1. አጭር ርዕስ

Geejjibaa Oromiyaa ti, ይህ ደንብ "የኦሮሚያ ክልላዊ context requires otherwise:

2) “Komishinii” jedhuun መንግሥት የመንገድ 1) “Bureau” means Oromia
Komishinii Poolisii Trade, Industry and
ትራንስፖርት ደንብ ቁጥር፤
Oromiyaati. Transport Bureau.
3) “Boordii” jechuun Boordii 96/1999" ተብሎ ሊጠቀስ 2) “Commission” means
dhimma nageenya ይችላል፡፡ Oromia Police
tiraafikaa gaggeessuuf Commission.

akkaataa danbii kanaatiin 2. ትርጓሜ 3) “Board” means the
hundeeffame dha. board established to
የቃሉ አገባብ ሌላ ትርጉም
4) “Dhaabbata” jechuun engage traffic security as
nama dhuunfaan ykn bifa የሚያሰጠው ከሆነ በስተቀር per to this Regulation.
jaarmiyaa daldalaatiin በዚህደምብ ውስጥ፤ 4) “Institution” means an
gurmaa’ee namoonni 1) “ቢሮ” ማለት የኦሮሚያ individual person or that
ogummaa organized in form of
ንግድ እንዱስትሪ እና
konkolaachisummaa akka trade association which
argatan barnootaa fi leenjii ትራንስፖርት ቢሮ ማለት provide education and
keennu jechuu dha. ነው፡፡ training of driving
5) “Barnoota” jechuun profession to the people
2) “ኮሚሽን” ማለት የኦሮሚያ
barnoota sirna daandii, 5) “Education” means class
naamusaa fi teeknikaa of Education which
ፖሊስ ኮሚሽን ማለት

ogummaa ነው፡፡ enables road system,

konkolaachisummaa 3) “ቦርድ” ማለት የትራፊክ discipline and profession
gonfachiisan kutaa keessati of driving technic.
ዴንነት ጉዳይ ለማካሄድ
kennaman jedhuudha. 6) “Training”
6) “Leenjii” jechuun shaakala በዚህደንብ መሠረት meansPractice carry out
konkolaataa irraatti የተ መ ቦርድ ማለት on the vehicle.
godhamu jechuudha. ነው፡፡ 7) “Competence License”
7) “Heyyama Ga’umsaa” means driving license
4) “ድርጅት” ማለት በግለሰብ
jechuun heyyama enables to get one well
konkolaachisummmaa ወይም በንግድ ድርጅት known stage and enables
sadarkaa beekamaa ta’e መልክ ተደራጅቶ ሰዎች to provide education and
tokko argachuu kan training that examined
የአሽከርካሪነት ሙያ
dandeessisu barnootaa fi by the bureau and given
leenjii kennuuf kan to the institution.
እንድያገኙ ትምህርት እና

dandeessisu heyyama ስልጠና የምሰጥ ማለት 8) “First level license”

Biiroon qoratamee ነው፡፡ means profession license
dhaabbatichaaf kennamu given to the institution
5) “ትምህርት” ማለት ክፍል
jechuudha. for the first time.
8) “Heyyama Ga’umsaa ውስጥ የምሰጡ የመንገድ 9) Complete Competence
Duraa” jechuun heyyama ስርዓት፤ ሥነ ምግባር፤ License” means a
ogummaa yeroo professional license

jalqabaatiif dhaabbataaf የአሽከርካሪነት ቴክኒክ which given to the
kennamu jechuudha. institution if bureau
ሙያ የምያጎናጽፉ
9) “Heyyama Ga’umsaa believes, formers
Guutuu” jechuun heyyama ትምህርት ማለት ነው፡፡ evaluation pass over first
ogummaa dhaabbata 6) “ስልጠና” ማለት level license
madaalliin isaa heyyama በተሽከርካሪ ላይ የምደረግ 10) “Municipal stage”
ga’umsa-dura bira darbuu means the boundary of
ልምምድ ማለት ነው፡፡
isaa Biiroon itti-amanameef drive training
kennamudha. 7) “የብቃት ፊቃድ” ማለት permission that set by
10) “Sadarkaa Magaalaa” በአንድ የታወቀ ደረጃ bureau based on the
jechuun haalli sochii condition of traffic
መንጃ ፈቃድ ለማገኘት
tiraafikaa, mallattoo movement, traffic sign
tiraafikaa fi daandiwwanii and roads.
የምያስችል ትምህርት እና

irrati hundaa’uudhaan ስልጠና ለመስጠት 11) “Driving License” is a

daangaa heyyama leenjii የምያስችል በቢሮ ተጠንቶ license that has
konkolaachisummaa competence criteria
ለድርጅቱ የምሰጥ ማለት
Biiroodhaan taa’e which given by legally
jechuudha. ነው፡፡ authorized body that
11) “Heeyyama 8) “የመጀመሪያ ብቃት enables to driving motor
Konkolaachisaa” jechuun ፊቃድ” ማለት ለመጀመሪያ or cart and evidence
konkolaatoota abbaa which competency
ጊዜ ለድርጅቱ የምሰጥ
motoraas ta’ee gaarii approved by it.
konkolaachisuuf kan የሙያ ፊቃድ ማለት 12) “Plate” means a Special
dandeessisu qaamota ነው፡፡ number that covered
seeraan aangoon Special Alphabet and
9) “ሙሉ ብቃት ፊቃድ”
kennameefiin gahumsa sign, and given while
ulaagaa godhatee kan vehicle registered by
ማለት የሙያ ፊቃድ

kennamu raga dandeetiin ድርጅት ምዘነው transport authority or

ittiin mirkanaa’uu dha. ከመጀመሪያ ብቃት ፊቃድ Bureau or by the
12) “Gabatee” jechuun authorized body to
ማለፉን ቢሮው ላመነበት
lakkoofsa addaa qubee fi follow-up work of
mallattoo addaa hammatee የምሰጥ ነው፡፡ transport in other
fi yemmuu konkolaataan 10)“የከተማ ደረጃ” ማለት regions and which is
galmaa’u Abbaa Taayitaa affixed to the vehicle.

Geejjibaa ykn Biiroo ykn የትራፊክ፤ የትራፊክ 13) “Road” means a
qaamota hojii geejjibaa highway or other road
ምልክት እና መንገዶች
hordofuuf Naannolee biraa available for movement
keessatti aangoon እንቅስቃሴ ሁኔታ ላይ in municipality and
kennameefiin kan በመመስረት በቢሮው rural areas that
kennamuu fi konkolaataa የተቀመጠ የአሽከርካሪነት customarily used by
irratti hidhamudha. vehicles, animals and
ሥልጠና ፊቃድ ወሰን
13) “Daandii” jechuun pedestrian;
konkolaatootni, ማለት ነው፡፡ 14) “Traffic” any road
beeyladootni fi millaan 11)“የአሽከርካሪ ፊቃድ” which shows movement
deemtotni barsiifataan kan of pedestrians, animals
ማለት የባለ-ሞተር
itti fayyadaman karaa and vehicles either in a
guddaa ykn magaalaas ta’e single or together.
ተሽከርካሪም ሆነ ጋሪን

baadiyyaatti kan argamu ለማሽከርከር የምያስችል 15) “Traffic Controller”

daandii ittiin socho’amuu ችሎታ የምረጋገጥበት means traffic police
dha. member that wears
በሕግ ሥልጣን
14) “Tiraafika” jechuun Uniform and deploys to
daandii kamiyyuu irratti የተሰጣቸው አካላት control transport travel
kophaa ykn walii wajjin ብቃትን መስፈርት and causes to respect
kan socho’an millaan በማድረግ የምሰጥ ነው፡፡ traffic flow.
deemtota, beeyiladootaa fi 16) “Transport Controller”
12)“ታርጋ” ማለት ልዩ
konkolaatoota agarsiisa. means an employee of
15) “Poolisii too’ataa ቁጥር ፊደል እና ልዩ Bureau’s that deploys to
tiraafikaa” jechuun ቁጥርን ያቀፈ እና supervise Road
miseensa poolisii Transport and control
ተሽከርካሪ ስመዘገብ
yuniformii uffatee sochii traffic flow.
geejjibaa to’achuu fi 17) “Vehicle” means motor
የትራንስፖርት ባለ-ስልጣን

nageenya tiraafikaa ወይም ቢሮ ወይም vehicles or motor less

kabachiisuuf bobba’e dha. የትራንስፖርት ባለ-ስልጣን that travel on the road
16) “Too’ataa geejjibaa” which are transport
ለመከታተል ከሌሎች
jechuun hojjetaa Biiroo vehicles, trailers semi-
danbii geejjibaa fi ክልሎች ውስጥ ስልጣን trailers, likewise include
nageenya tiraafikaa በተሰጣቸው የምሰጥ እና that of towing animals
too’achuuf bobba’e whereas shall not

jechuudha. ተሽከርካሪ ላይ የምታሰር include the vehicles of
17) “Konkolaataa” jechuun national army and a
motoraanis ta’e motora machine that cannot
malee daandiirra kan 13)“መንገድ” ማለት exceed 20 km per hour.
deeman konkolaattota ተሽከርካሪዎች፤ 3. Scope of Application
geejjibaa, harkifamaa fi እንሲሳት፤ እግረኞች This regulation shall be
harkifamaa gar-tokkee applicable to all institutions
በተላምዶ የምተቀሙበት
akkasumas gaarii of vehicle’s Education and
beeyiladaan harkifamu kan ዋና መንገድ ወይም training found in Oromia
hammatu ta’ee በከተማም ሆነ በገጠር region; vehicles and drivers
konkolaatoota human ittisa moving or crossing in the
የምገኝ መንቀሳቀሻ
biyyaa fi maashinoota region; Drivers, vehicles
sa’atittii ka.m, 20-1 owners, and transport
መንገድ ማለት ነው፡፡

deemuu hin dandeenye hin 14)“ትራፊክ” ማለት associations registered in the

dabalatu. ማንኛውንም መንገድ ላይ region and that get provided
3. Daangaa Raawwatiinsaa service in the region.
ለብቻ ወይም በጋራ
Danbii kun Dhaabbilee 4. Power
Barnootaa fi Leenjii የምንቀሳቀሱ እገረኞች፤ 1) In addition to power
Konkolaachistootaa Naannoo እንሲሳት እና given to bureau by other
Oromiyaa keessatti argaman; ተሽከርካሪዎችን ያሳያል፡፡ Laws, it has the power to
konkolaatootaa fi take administrative and
15)“ትራፊክ ተቆጣጣሪ
konkolaachistoota aannicha disciplinary measures on
keessa sosocho’an ykn ፖሊስ” ማለት የፖሊስ the transport controller
qaxxaamura; አባል ደንብ ልብስ ለብሶ that perform their work
konkolaachistootaa, Abbootii illegally, on the
የትራንስፖርት እንቅስቃሴ
qabeenya konkolaataa, fi institutions and
waldoolee qeejjibaa individual person that
ለመቆጣጠር እና የትራፊክ

Naannichatti galmaa’anii ዴንነት ለማስከበር breach this regulation or

tajaajiloota ibsaman የተሰማራ ነው፡፡ found not to fulfils
Naannichatti argatan required criteria as per
hundarratti raawwataiinsa articles of this
qaba. ተቆጣጣሪ” ማለት regulation.
4. Aangoo የትራንስፖርት እና 2) Concerning the issues
1) Biiroon aangoo seerota explained in the third

biraatiin kennameef የትራፊክ ዴንነት ደንብ section, when drivers
dabalatee, dhaabbilee fi breach the regulation,
ለመቆጣጠር የተሰማራ
namoota dhuunfaa danbii police commission may
kana cabsan ykn ulaagaa የቢሮ ሰራተኛ ማለት temporarily suspend
barbaadamu hanqisanii ነው፡፡ their license or plate or
argaman, too’atoota 17)“ተሽከርካሪ” ማለት annual affix sign and
geejiibaa hojii isaanii causes to take
ባለሞተር ተሽከርካሪ ሆነ
seeran ala raawwatan disciplinary measures
irratti akkaataa ያለሞተር መንገድ ላይ on them and in
keewwattoota danbii የም ዙ የትራንስፖርት addition, as it deemed
kanaatiin tarkaanfii necessary it has the
ተሽከርካሪ፤ ተጎታች እና
bulchiinsaa fi naamusaa power to charge them
fudhachuuf angoo qaba. criminally.
በግማሽ ተጎታች

Akkasumas poolisii እንድሁም በእንሲሳት Section Two

Tiraafikaa hojii isaa የምጎተት ጋሪ Driving License, Competence of
seeraan ala rawwatee the Institution of the Education
የምያጠቃልል ሆኖ የሀገር
irratti tarkanfiin naamusaa and Driver Training
akka fudhatamuu ni መከላከያ ሀይል ተሽከርካሪ Sub-Section One
taasisa. እና በሰአት ከ20 ኪ.ሜ About Driving License
2) Komishiniin poolisii በላይ መሄድ የማይችሉ 5. Giving of Driving License
dhimmoota kutaa sadaffaa Without prejudice to the
ማሽኖችን አይጨምርም፡፡
keessatti ibsaman provision of Article 6 of
ilaalchisee 3. የተፈፃሚነት ወሰን regulation No. 362/1961,
konkolaachistoota danbii ይህ ደንብ የትምህርት any person that his age and
cabsan heyyama isaanii healthy enables him to take
ተ ማት እና በኦሮሚያ
ykn gabatee ykn boolloo driving license:
isaanii yeroof qabuun 1) shall have completed
ክልል ውስጥ የምገኙ

tarkaanfiin naamusaa akka የአሽከርካሪዎች ማሰልጠኛ፤ At least eighth grade

irratti fudhatamu gochuu fi በክልሉ ውስጥ የምንቀሳቀሱ education;
akkuma barbaachisummaa 2) Shall have get certificate
ወይም የምያ ሪጡ
isaatti dabalataanis ykkan which indicate his
himachuuf angoo qaba ተሽከርካሪዎች እና taking and complete
አሽከርካሪዎች፤ education and training
Kutaa 2
prepared for license

Heyyama Konkolaachisummaa, የተሽከርካሪዎች ባለ-ቤት እና category that he asked
Ga’umsa for.
በክልሉ ውስጥ ተመዝግቦ
Dhaabbilee Barnootaa Fi Leenjii 6. Renewal of Driving License
Konkolaachistootaa የተጠቀሱ አገልግሎቶችን Without prejudice to the
Kuaa Xiqqaa 1 በክልሉ የምያገኙ ሁሉም Article 10(2) of regulation
Waa’ee Heyyama ማህበራት ላይ No. 362/1961, any person
Konkolaachisummaa who renews his driving
5. Kenna Heyyama License in the region while
Konkolaachisummaa 4. ሥልጣን renewing his license:
1) ቢሮ በሌሎች ሕጎች 1) Shall assure he has not
Danbii Lakk. 362/1961
caused damage to
keewwata 6 jalatti kan tumame የተሰጡትን ሥልጣን
property or human life
akkuma jirutti ta’ee Naannicha
within one year.
ጨምሮ፤ ይህንን ደንብ
keessasdtti namni umrii fi
የምጥሱ ወይም However, unless driver
fayyummaan isaa heyyama
prohibited by law due to
የምፈለገውን መሥፈርት
committed offense, his
fudhachuu dandeessisuun አሳንሶ የምገኙ፤
license may renew if he
kamiyyu ሥራቸውን በሕገ-ወጥ re-entered to training
1) Yoo xiqqaate barnoota
ፈጽመው የምገኙ and education and could
hanga kutaa 8 (saddeet)
submit certificate for it.
kan barate ta’uu qaban. ግለሰቦች፤ተቌማትና
2) Within each intervals
2) Barnooaa fi leenjii sadarkaa የትራንስፖርት
period of four years,
heyyama ittigaafatu sanaaf ተቆጣጣሪዎች shall submit health
qophaa’e fudhatee
የትራንስፖርት certificate which
xumuruu isaatiif waraqaa
indicate about his health
raga kan argate ta’uu qaba. ተቆጣጣሪዎች ላይ
examination from well
6. Haaromsa Heeyyama
recognized health
በዚህደንብ አንቀጾች
የአስተዳደር እና የስነ- institution.
Dambii Lakk. 362/1961
3) Enter in to education and
keewwata 10(2) jalati kan ምገባር እርምጃ
training of renewal in
tumame akkuma jirutti ta’ee ለመውሰድ ሥልጣን
Naannicha keessatti namni intervals period of six
heyyama konkolaachisummaa
አለው፡፡ እንዲሁም years and shall submit
haaromsiifatu kamiyyu heyyamni ሥራውን በሕገ-ወጥ certificate from well
isaa yemmuu haareffamuuf:- recognized institution.

1) Waggaa tokko keessatti የፈጸመ ትራፊክ ፖሊስ 4) Without prejudice to
balaa qaqqabsiisuun sub-articles 1-3 of this
ላይ የስነ-ምገባር እርምጃ
qabeenya irratti ykn qaama article, if driver not
namaa irratti kan miidhaa እንድወሰድ ይደረጋል፡፡ renew his driving license
hin qaqqabsiisin ykn 2) ፖሊስ ኮሚሽን በክፍል within four years bureau
lubbuu nama kan hin ሶስት ውስጥ የተገለጹ shall makes him to enter
dabarsin ta’uun isaa in to test.
ጉዳዮችን አስመልክቶ
mirkanaa’uu qaba. Haa Sub-Section Two
ta’uu malee ደንብን የምጥሱ About giving
konkolaachisaan badii ተሽከርካሪዎች competence license by
raawwateef yoo seeraan driving education and
ፊቃዳቸውን ወይም ሰሌዳ
dhoorkame malee, training institution
barnootaa fi leenjii 7. Necessity of Competence
ወይም ቦሎዋቸውን ለጊዜ

haaromsaa galee waraqaa በመያዝ የስነ-ምገባር License

raga yoo dhiyeeffate እርምጃ እንድወሰድበት Without having competence
heyyamni isaa license of driving education
ማድረግ እና
haareffamufii ni danda’a and training professional
2) Waggaa afur-afuriin እንደአስፈላግነቱ any individual person,
waraqaa raga qormaata በተጨማሪም በወንጀል association or institutions
fayyummaa isaa argisiisuu ለመክሰስ ሥልጣን cannot provide education
dhaabbata fayyaa and training of driving.
beekamaa Irraa dhiyeessuu 8. Power of giving and cancel
qaba. ከፍል ሁለት competence License
3) Waggaa jaha-jahaan የአሽከርካሪነት፤ የትምህርት 1) A body that gives and
barnootaa fi leenjii cancels competence
ተቋማት ብቃት እና
haaromsaa galee waraqaa License of driving
raga dhaabbata beekamaa education and training
የአሽከርካሪዎች ስልጠና

Irraa dhiyeeffachuu qaba. ንዑስክፍል 1 in Oromia region is

4) Kan keewwaata kana ስለ አሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ only Oromia Trade,
keewata xiqqaa 1-3 Industry and Transport
5. የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ
akkuma jirutti ta’ee Bureau;
konkolaachisaan heyyama አሰጣጥ 2) Without prejudice to
konkolaachisummaa isaa ደንብ ቁጥር 362/1961 sub-article 1 of this
waggaa afuriif osoo hin Article, as deemed

haaromsin yoo turee አንቀፅ 6 ሥርየተደነገገው necessary for the sake
biiroon akka inni qormaata of comfortability of the
እንዳለ ሆኖ በክልሉ ውስጥ
galu godha. work, bureau may
Kutaa Xiqqaa 2 እድሜ እና ጤንነቱ accept competence
Waa’ee Kenna Heyyama የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ license which given by
Ga’umsaa Dhaabbata መውሰድ የምያስችል Federal Transport
Barnootaa fi Leenjii Authority and other
Konkolaachistoota Regional Transport
7. Barbaachisummaa Heyyama 1) ብያንስ እስከ 8ኛ ክፍል Authority as if it is
Ga’umsaa ትምህርት የተማረ licensed by itself.
9. Types of competence License
Namni dhuunfaa, waldaan ykn መሆን አለበት፤
1) Though any institution
jaarmiyaan kamiyuu heyyama
fulfils those criteria
2) ትምህርት እና ስልጠና
ga’umsa barnootaa fi leenjii
ፈቃድ የምጠይቅበት specified under article
ogummaa konkolaachistoota
10, until its
osoo hin qabaatin barnootaa fi
ለተዘጋጀው ወስዶ
competency is
leenjii konkolaacisummaa ስለመጨረሱ የምስክር
approved as per to
kennuu hin danda’u. ወረቀት ያገኘ መሆን provide under art.11,
8. Angoo Heyyama Ga’umsaa
አለበት፡፡ it exercise by first level
kennuu fi haquu
competence for the
1) Naannoo Oromiyaatti 6. የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ
time not more than
qaamni heyyama ga’umsa እድሳት
one year;
barnootaa fi leenjii ደንብ ቁጥር 362/1961 2) Institution which
konkolaachistoota kennu fi
አንቀፅ 10 (2) passes evaluation
haqu Biiroo Daldala
carried out a year may
Industirii fi Geejjibaa ሥርየተደነገገው እንዳለ ሆኖ
perform its work by
complete competence
በክልሉ ውስጥ
2) Kan kewwaata kana
የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ license.
keewwata xiqqaa (1) jalatti
የምያሳድስ ማንኛውም ሰው 10. Basic Criteria for giving of
tumame jiraatus akkuma
first level competence
barbaachisummaa isaatti ፍቃዱ ስታደስለት፤
mijaa’ina hojiif jecha 1) በአንድ አመት ውስጥ 1) Its particular shall be
Biiroon heyyama ga’umsaa
አደጋን በማድረስ ንብረት specified in the
A bbaa Taayitaa Geejjibaa
directive to be issued

Mootummaa Federaalaatiin ላይ ወይም የሰው አካል by the bureau whereas
ykn Biiroolee Geejjibaa one institution of
ላይ ጉዳት ያላደረሰ
naannolee biraatiin kename education and
akka heyyama ga’umsaa ወይም የሰውን ይህወት Training’s driving shall
Biiroon kenneetti ያላጠፋ መሆኑ መረጋገጥ have fulfils the
fudhachuu ni danda’a አለበት፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ following basic
9. Akakuu Heyyama Ga’umsaa criteria;
አሽከርካሪ ለፈጸመው
1) Dhaabbatni kamiyyuu (a) Teacher and
ulaagalee keewwaa 10 ጥፋት በሕግ ከተከለከለ Trainer determined
jalatti tarreefaman kan እንጂ የታድሶ ትምህርት by the directive, to
guute ta’us akkaataa the level of license
እና ስልጠና ገብቶ
keewwata 11 jalatti required for.
ibsameen ga’umsi isaa (b) Vehicle’s Training
የምስክር ወረቀት ካቀረበ

hanga mirkanaa’utti yeroo ፍቃዱ ልታደስለት and examination

waggaa tokko hin caalleef ይችላል፤ which could serve
heyyama ga’umsa- for the license level
2) በየአራት አመት ጤንነቱን
duraatiin hojjeta. that asked for
2) Dhaabbatni madaallii የምያሳይ ፈተና ከታወቀ (c) Books, Training
ga’umsaa waggaa tokkoof የጤና ተቋም የምስክር literatures, signs
gaggeeffamu darbe ወረቀት ማቅረብ አለበት፡፡ and materials need
heyyama ga’umsa- for class room
3) በየስድስት አመቱ የታድሶ
guutuutiin hojiisaa education
hojjetaa. ትምህርት እና ስልጠና (d) Rooms for
10. Ulaagaalee Bu’uuraa kenna ገብቶ የምስክር ወረቀት administrative
Heyyama Ga’umsa-dura work and
ከታወቀ ተቋም ማቅረብ
1) Tarreeffamni isaa educational class
qajeelfama Biiroon baasu Training field and

keessatti kan ibsamu ta’ee, 4) በዚህአንቀፅ ንዑስአንቀፅ (e) Files and other
dhaabbatni barnootaa fi 1-3 እንዳለ ሆኖ materials apply for
leenjii konkolaachistootaa office service ;
አሽከርካሪ የአሽከርካሪነት
tokko ulaagalee bu’uuraa 2) Without prejudice to
armaan-gadii guutee ፍቃዱን ለአራት አመት the sub-article 1 of this
argamuu qaba: ሳያሳድስ ከቀረ ቢሮ Article:
(a) Barsiisaa fi leenjisaa (a) No any institution

sadarkaa heyyamni itti ፈተና እንድገባ can provide
gaafatame sanaaf competence license
qajeelfamaan murtaa’e. beyond
(b) Konkolaataa leenjii fi ንዑስክፍል 2 establishment level
qormaataa kan ስለ አሽከርካሪዎች ትምህርት of its municipal
sadarkaa heyyamni እና ስልጠና ተቋምአሰጣጥ unless it has
ittigaafatamee sanaaf simulator
7. የብቃት ፈቃድ አስፈላጊነት
tajaajiluu danda’u, (b) Municipal Stage to
(c) Kitaabolee, barreeffama ማንኛውም ግለ-ሰብ፤ ማህበር be decided by the
leenjii mallattoowwan fi ወይም ተቋም የአሽከርካሪዎች directive issued by
meeshalee barnoota ሙያ ትምህርት እና ስልጠና the Bureau
dareef arbaachisan, ብቃት ፈቃድ ሳይኖረው (c) When bureau has
(d) Kutaa hojii bulchiinsaa training field and if
የአሽከርካሪነት ትምህርት እና
fi dareewwan barnooa it believed that
(e) Dirree leenjii fi comfortable
ስልጠና መስጠት አይችልም፡፡

(f) Harshameewwan fi 8. የብቃት ፈቃድ መስጠት እና condition is

meeshalee tajaajila መሰረዝ available to do in
waajjiraatiif oolan kan agreement with
1) በኦሮሚያ ክልል ውስጥ
biraa, bureau, institution
2) Keewwatakana keewwata is not obliged to ask
xiqqaa (1) jalatti kan ትምህርት እና ስልጠና training field.
tumaman jiraatanis:- ብቃት ፈቃድ የምሰጥ Sub-Section Three
(a) Dhaabbata “Simulator” About evaluation and approval
እና የምሰርዝ የንግድ
qabu yoo ta’e malee system of complete competency
dhaabbatni kamiyyuu እንዳሰትሪ እና of Driver’s institution of
sadarkaa magaalaa ትራንስፖርት ቢሮ ብቻ Education and Training
keessatti ነው፡፡ 11. Continuously Evaluation;
hundeeffameetti-olitti 1) Implemented only on the
2) በዚህአንቀፅ ንዑስአንቀፅ
heyyamni ga’umsaa institution exercise first
kennamuufii (1) ሥርየተደነገገው level competency
hidhanda’u. ብኖርም እንደአስፈላግነቱ license, bureau evaluates
(b) Sadarkaan magaalotaa any person who
ለሥራ ምቾት ስባል ቢሮ
qajeelfama Biiroon acquired certificate from
baasuun mutaa’a, this kind of institution
የብቃት ፈቃድ በፌዴራል

(c) Iddoo Biiroon dirree መንግሥት ትራንስፖርት by providing
leenjii qabutti Biiroo examination.
ባለ-ስልጣን ወይም
wajjiin waliigalteen 2) The examination result
hojjechuuf haalli በሌሎች ክልሎች of the Continuous
mijaa’aan jiraachuu yoo ትራንስፖርት ቢሮ Evaluation expressed
itti amaname የተሰጠው ቢሮ under sub-1 of this
dhaabbatni dirree article, is basic evidence
እንደሰጠው ብቃት ፈቃድ
leenjii gaafatamuuf to get complete
hindirqisiifamu. መውሰድ ይችላል፡፡ competency License
9. የብቃት ፈቃድ አይነት 3) The system of ensuring
Kutaa Xiqqaa 3
institution’s complete
Waa’ee Madaallii fi Sira 1) ማንኛውም ተቋም አንቀፅ
competency is
Mirkaneessa Ga’umsa-guutuu
determined by the
10 ሥር የተዘረዘሩትን
Dhaabbata Barnootaa fi Leenjii
መሥፈርት ያሟላ directive to be issued by
the bureau.
11. Madaallii Walirraa hincinne
ብሆንም በአንቀፅ 11
12. Inspection take place in
1) Dhaabata heyyama ሥር እንደተደነገገው
ga’umsaa duratin hojjetu ብቃት እስክረጋገጥ አንድ
qofaratti kan raawwatamu 1) Bureau shall carry out
አመት ለማይበልጥ ጊዜ
ta’ee Biiroon nama inspection at least twice
dhaabbata akkanaarraa በመጀመሪያ ብቃት in a year on any
waraqaa raga argate ፈቃድ ይሰራል፤ institution which it gave
kamiyyuu qormaata 2) ለአንድ አመት የምካሄድ complete competency
galchuudhaan madaala. license,
የብቃት ምዘና ያለፈ
2) Bu’aan qormaataa 2) Riley inspection will be
madaallii walirraa hin ተቋም በሙሉ ብቃት based on giving the
cinnee keewwata kana ፈቃድ ይሰራል፡፡ examination,
keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti determining weakness
10. የመጀመሪያ ብቃት ፈቃድ
ibsame heyyama ga’umsa- and strength through
guutuu argachuuf raga physical observation and

bu’uuraati, መሠረታዊመሥፈርቶች gathering information

3) Sirni ittiin ga’umsi-guutuu 1) ዝርዝሩ ቢሮ በምያወጣው from the people.
dhaabbataa mirkanaa’u 3) To implement those
መመሪያ ውስጥ የምገለጽ
qajeelfama Biiroon baasuu matters that expressed

murtaa’a. ሆኖ፤ አንድ under sub Article 2 of
12. Qorannoo Giddu-gidduun this article, bureau will
Gaggeeffamu issues directive
1) Biiroon dhaabbata ትምህርት እና ስልጠና regarding inspection
heyyama ga’umsa-guutuu ተቋም የምከተሉትን points and taking
kenneef kamiyyuurratti yoo መሠረታዊ መሥፈርቶች measures.
xiqqaate waggatti al-lama
አሟልቶ መገኘት Sub-Section Four
madaallii ni gaggeessa.
The Right and Obligation
2) Qorannoo darbee-darbee አለበት፡-
gaggeeffamu qormaata (ሀ) ማምህር እና አሰልጣኝ of Drivers Education and
kennuudhaan, ciminaa fi Training Institution’s
ፈቃዱ ለተጠየቀበት
dadhabina dhaabbatichaa 13. Obligation of Drivers
ደረጃ በመመሪያ
qaamaan ilaaluudhaan fi Education and Training
odeeffannoo hawaasarraa Institution’s
sassaabuun ta’a. (ለ) የስልጠና እና የፈተና
Any Institution
3) Dhimmoota keewwata ፈቃዱ ለተጠየቀበት
established according to
kana keewwata xiqqaa 2 ደረጃ ማገልገል this regulation shall
jalati tumame የምችል፤ have the following
raawwachuuf qabxii
(ሐ) መጽሐፍች፤ የስልጠና obligations:-
qorannoo fi tarkaanfiwwan
1) Immediately after
fudhataman ilaalcisee
ጽሑፎች፤ ምልክቶች
taking first level
Biiroon qajeelfama ni baasa እና ለክፍል ትምህርት
የሚያስፈል ቁሳቁሶች፤ competence license,
Kutaa Xiqqaa 4: like any commercial
Mirgaa fi Dirqama Dhaabbata
(መ) ለአስተዳደር ሥራ
activity, It shall
Barnootaa fi Leenjii ክፍል እና የትምህርት
implement as per
Konkolaachistootaa ክፍሎች፤
proclamation and
13. Dirqama Dhaabbata Barnootaa
Regulation of
(ሠ) የስልጠና ሜዳ እና
fi leenjii Konkolaachistoota
commercial License
(ረ) ሰነዶች እና ለጽሕፈት
Dhaabbatn bu’uura danbii
kanaatiin hundeeffame
ቤት አገልጊሎት የምውሉ
and registration;
kamiyyu dirqamoota armaan-
ሌሎች ቁሳቁሶች፡፡ 2) The competence
gadii ni qabaata. 2) በዚህአንቀፅ ንዑስአንቀፅ (1) license and
1) Akkuma heyyama ga’umsa- ሥርየተደነገጉት ብኖሩም፡- commercial work

duraa fudhateen, akkuma (ሀ) ሲሙለተር ያለው license shall be
hojii daldalaa kamiyyu, ተቋም ከሆነ እንጂ renewed annually
akkaata labsii fi danbii after required
ማንኛውም ተቋም
galmeessaa fi heyyama hojii payment is paid.
daldalaatiin raawwachuu.
ከተቋቋመበት ከተማ
3) Based on the choice
2) Kaffaltii Irraa barbaadamu ደረጃ በላይ የብቃት
of students, it shall
raawwachuudhaan ፈቃድ ልሰጠው
provide Education
heyyama ga’umsaa fi
and Training either
heyyama hojii daldalaa
by Afan Oromo or
(ለ) የከተሞች ደረጃ ቢሮ
በሚያወጣ መመሪያ Amharic language.
3) Barnootaa fi leenjii Afaan
ይወሰናል፤ 4) Respect and work as
Oromoo fi Afaan Amaaraa (ሐ) ቢሮ የስልጠና ሜዳ per to issued criteria
keessaa Afaan barataan እስካለው ከቢሮ ጋር and level
filateen barsiisuu, በስምምነት ለመስራት 5) Holding the evidence
4) Ulaagaa fi sadarkaa bahan in full manner and
ምቹ ሁኔታ መኖሩን
kabajee hojjechuu when bureau ask for
ካመነበት፤ ተቋም
5) Ragaa haala guutuu ta’een
it, to submit in time
qabuu fi yemmuu Biiroon የስልጠና ሜዳ
and quality
gaafatu qulqullinaan fi ለመጠየቅ አይገደድም፡፡
6) It shall notify to the
yeroodhaan dhiyeessuu, ንዑስክፍል 3
bureau while it open
6) Yemmuu dame dabalataan
additional branch or
የአሽከርካሪዎች ትምህርት እና
banatuu ykn teessoo idilee
move from its
ስልጠና ተቋምስለ ምዘና እና
Irraa socho’ee barnooaa fi
leenjii kennu biirotti
ሙሉ ብቃት መረጋገጫ normal address in
beeksisuu, ስርዓት order to provide
7) Barattootaa fi leenjitoota 11. የማይቋረጥ ምዘና education and
isaatiif tajaajila ga’umsa 1) በመጀመሪያ ብቃት ፈቃድ training;
qabu kennuu, የምሰራ ተቋም ብቻ ላይ 7) It shall give
14. Mirga dhaabbata leenjii fi competent service to
የምፈጸም ሆኖ ቢሮ
barnoota konkolaachistoota
its students and
Dhaabbatni akkaataa danbii
ከእንደዝህ አይነት ተቋም
kanaatiin hundaa’u kamiyyuu: ላይ የምስክር ወረቀት
14. Right of institution of
1) Barnootaa fi leenjii

kennuuf barattootaa fi ያገኘውን ማንኛውንም ሰው driving education and
leenjitoota isaa Irraa ፈተና በማስገባት Training
kaffaltii sassaaburraa galii Any institution
argate. established as per to this
2) Haata’u malee akkaataa
2) በዚህአንቀፅ ንዑስአንቀፅ (1)
keewwata kana keewwata ሥርየተገለጸው የማይቋረጥ
1) Collect and obtain
xiqqaa /1/ Tumameen የምዘና ፈተና ውጤት
income from its
kaffaltiin sassaabamu;
student and trainers
ሙሉ የብቃት ፈቃድ
(a) Kan dura-bu’ee
payments for
ለማገኘት መሠረታዊ
murtaa’ee fi hanga
barataan kan leenji’aan
ማስረጃ ነው፤ providing Education
tokko barnootaa fi
3) የተቋም ሙሉ ብቃት and Training.
leenjii isaa xumuruti የምረጋገጥበት ስርዓት ቢሮ 2) However, the income
kan hin jijjiiramne ta’u በምያወጣ መመሪያ collection according
qaba. ይወሰናል፡፡ to sub article 1 of
(b) Bifa humna giddu- this article:-
12. በመሃል የምካሄደው ምርምር
galeessa barattootaa fi (a) pre-determined
1) ቢሮ ሙሉ የብቃት ፈቃድ
leenjitootaa yaada
payment shall not
keessa galcheen ta’uu የሰጠው ማንኛውም ተቋም
be changed until
qaba ላይ ብያንስ በአመት 2 ጊዜ
a student and
3) Kan keewwata kana ምዘና ያካሄዳል፤
keewwata xiqqaa 2(a)
2) አልፎ አልፎ ለምካሄደው
jalatti tumame jiraatus
his/her education
ምርምር ፈተና በመስጠት
barataan ykn leenji’aan
sababa ykn balleessaa
የተቋሙን ጥንካሬ እና and training;
dhuunfaa isaatiin yeroon ድክመት በአካል በማየት (b) It should be in a
barnootaa fi leenjii isaa yoo እና መረጃን ከሕብረተሰቡ manner in which
dheerate dhaabbatichi gatii በመሰብሰብ ይሆናል፤ the capacity of
haaraa yeroo san keessatti 3) በዚህ አንቀፅ ንዑስአንቀፅ student and
murteessuun kaffalchiisuu trainee put at the
(2) ሥርየተደነገገውን
ni danda’a
15. Too’annoo
ለመፈጸም የግምገማ
15. Inspection
Biiroon dhaabbilee barnootaa fi ውጤት እና የተወሰዱት
leenjii konkolaachisootaa
Bureau has the power to

too’achuu fi tarkaanfii sirreessaa እርምጃዎችን አስመልክቶ inspect institution of
bulchiinsaa fi naamusaa miiltoo driving education and
ቢሮ መመሪያ ያወጣል፡፡
“A” keessatti mul’atan
Training and take
fudhachuuf angoo qaba. ንዑስክፍል 4
corrective administrative
የአሽከርካሪዎች ትምህርት እና
Kutaa 3 measures and disciplinary
ስልጠና ተቋም መብት እና
which set in Annex A.
Section Three
Kutaa Xiqqaa 1
Traffic Security and transport
13. የአሽከርካሪዎች ትምህርት እና
Waa’ee Naamusa Daandii ስልጠና ተቋም ግዴታ inspection
16. Dhimmoota dhorkaman Sub-Section One
በዚህደንብ መሠረት የተቋቋመ About Roads Discipline
Kan danbiiwwan Lak. ማንኛውም ተቋም የምከተሉት 16. Prohibited Act
261/1955 (akka fooyya’etti), ግዴታዎች ይኖሩታል፡- Without prejudice to the
279/1956, 360/1961 (akka provisions of regulations
1) የመጀመሪያ ብቃት ፈቃድ
irradeebiin fooyya’etti), No.(( 261/1961(as
እንደወሰደ እንደማንኛውም
361/1961, 362/1961 (akka amended), 279/1956,
fooyya’eti) fi 50/1969 keessatti
የንግድ ሥራ እንደ ንግድ
360/1961(as amended),
tumaman akkuma jiranitti ta’ee ሥራ ፈቃድ እና ምዝገባ
361/1961, 362/1962(as
Konkolaacisaan kamiyyu
amended) and 50/1969,
አዋጅ እና ደንብ ማከናወን፤
kanneen armaan-gadii 2) የምጠበቅበትን ክፍያ any driver is prohibited to
raawwachuun dhoorkaadha.
በመፈጸም የብቃት ፈቃድ commit the following act;
1) alkonii dhuganii fi jimaa
እና የንግድ ሥራ ፈቃድ
qama’aa konkolaachisuu, 1) Driving after drinking
2) Bilbilaa mobaayilii በየአመቱ ማሳደስ፤
alcohol and chewing
dubbisaa konkolaachisuu,
3) ትምህርት እና ስልጠና
3) “Ear Phone” gurrarratti
2) Driving while talking
ከአፋን ኦሮሞ እና
fannifatee mobaailiis ta’e ከአማርኛ ተማሪ በመረጠው through cell phone;
raadiyoo fi muuziqaa
ቋንቋ ማስተማር፤ 3) Driving while hearing
mobile or radio and
4) የምወጡ መስፈርት እና

4) Qabattoo teessoo (seat belt) ደረጃን አክብሮ መስራት፤ music by holding

osoo hin hidhatin 5) ማስረጃን ሙሉ በሆነ earphone on the ear;
konkolaachisu, መንገድ እና ቢሮ ስጠይቅ 4) Driving a vehicle
5) Konkolaataan sakatta’a without fastening

waggaa hinraawwatin በጥራት እና በጊዜ safety belt;
konkolaachisuu, ማቅረብ፤ 5) Driving a vehicle
6) Konkolaataa hanqina which annual
6) ቅርንጫፍ በተጨማሪ
teeknikaa qabu inspection has not
ስክፍት ወይም ከዋና
been made;
7) Kan kewwata kana አድራሻ ተንቀሳቅሶ
6) Driving technically
keewwata kana keewwata የምሰጠውን ትምርት እና
unqualified vehicle;
xiqaa (1) jalatti tumame
7) Without Prejudice to
ስልጠና ለቢሮ ማሳወቅ
jiraatus konkolaachisaan
the sub article 1 of this
telefoona mobaayilii
dubbisuu yoo barbaade
7) ለተማርዎቹ እና article, when driver
karaa daangaa mirga isaa
ለሰልጣኞቹ ብቃት ያለው need to talk through
qabatee kokolaataa አገልግሎት ይሰጣል፡፡ mobile phone he shall
dhaabuudhaan dubbisuu ni 14. የአሽከርካሪዎች ትምህርት እና stop a vehicle on the
danda’a, ስልጠና ተቋም መብት right edge of the road
8) Konkolaataan miidhamuu and makes
በዚህደንብ መሠረት የምቋቋም
isaatiin bu’uura danbii communication.
ማንኛውም ተቋም፡-
279/1956 keewwata 13(1)
8) While vehicle stand on
tiin karaarra yemmuu 1) ትምህርት እና ስልጠና
the road due to
dhaabbatu ለመስጠት ከተማርዎቹ እና
damage as per
konkolaachisaan duraa fi ከሰልጣኞቹ ከምሰበስበው
Article13 (1) of the
duuba konkolaatichaa
regulation No.
ከፍያ ገቢ ያገኛል፤
meetira 12 (kudha lama)
279/1956, driver shall
2) ይሁን እንጂ በዚህአንቀፅ
Irraa mallattoo calaqqisaa
kaa’uu qaba. Bakka
ንዑስአንቀፅ (1) put reflector sign
mallattoo calaqqisaa ሥርእንደተደነገገው within 12m at back
dhakaa, mukaa fi waan የምሰበሰበው ክፍያ፡- and in front of the
garabiraa kaa’uun (ሀ) ቀድሞ የተወሰነ እና vehicle.
17. Obligation of vehicle’s
አንድ ተማሪ ወይም
17. Dirqama Abbaa Qabeenyaa
ሰልጣኝ ትምህርት እና Owners

Abbaan qabeenya konkolaataa

ስልጠናውን Vehicle’s Owners shall have
yeroo hunda oolmaa fi ga’umsa always obligation to follow-
up technical competency
teeknika konkolaataa isaa

hordofuu fi too’achuu dirqama የማይለወጥ መሆን and trip of his vehicle.
qaba. Sub-Section Two
Kudtaa Xiqqaa 2 (ለ) የተማርዎች እና
Special Matters Concerning
Dhimmoota Addaa Geejjiba Commercial Transport
ሰልጣኞችን መካከለኛ
Daldalaa Ilaallatan 18. About Public Transport
አቅም ሐሳብ ውሰጥ
18. Waa’ee Waldaa Geejjiba Association
Notwithstanding the
ባስገባ መልክ መሆን
provisions of regulation
Kan danbii 19/1993 3) በዚህአንቀፅ ንዑስአንቀፅ 2 No.19/1993;
keessatti tumame akkuma (ሀ) ሥርየተደነገገው 1) Public Transport
jirutti ta’ee, ብኖርም ተማሪ ወይም Association shall work
1) Waldaan geejjiba ሰልጣኝ በራሱ መክንያት with the bureau to re-
uumataa haala gabaa organizes its
ወይም ጥፋት የትምህርት
walabaa fi fedhii Association based on
እና ስልጠና ጊዜው
tajaajilamtootaa free market condition
ከተራዘመ ተቋሙ አድስ
gidugaleefachuun and passenger’s interest
waldaa isaa Irraa
ዋጋ በዝያ ጊዜ ውስጥ
deebi’ee gurmeessuuf
በመወሰን ማስከፈል
2) An Association shall not
Biiroo waliin hojjachuu ይችላል፡፡
submit a vehicle that
qaba. 15. ቁጥጥር
does not have technical
2) Waldaan konkolaataa ቢሮ የአሽከርካሪዎች ትምህርት
competence for trip;
gahumsa teeknikaa hin እና ስልጠና ተቋም መቆጣጠር 3) Public Transport
qabne bobiif dhiyeesuu እና አባሪ “ሀ” ሥርየምገኙትን Association shall affix
hin qabu. ሥነ ምግባር እና አስተዳደር different notice inside
3) Waldaan geejjiba ማሳተካከያ እርምጃ ለመውሰድ of the vehicle in order
uummataa Imaltootni to enables passenger to
ስልጣን አለው፡፡
odeefannoo barbaachisaa get necessary
ክፍል ሶስት
ta’e argachuu akka information.
የትራፍክ ዴንነት እና
danda’an barreefamoota 4) Public transport
adda addaa konkolaata
የትራንስፖርት ቁጥጥር
association which
keessatti maxansuuf
ንዑስክፍል 1
organized in the other

dirqama qaba, ስለ መንገድ ስነ-ምግባር region can open its
4) Waldaan geejjiba karaa 16. የተከለከሉ ጉዳዮች branch in the Oromia
kan ummataa በደንብ ቁጥር 261/1955 region and work in the
Naannoobiraatti region if confirmed by
(እንደተሻሻለው)፤ 279/1956፤
gurmaa’e Biiroon yoo itti the bureau;
360/1961 (እነደገና
amaname Oromiyaa 5) Association shall be
እንደተሻሻለው)፤ 361/1961፤
keessatti dame registered in the bureau
banachuudhaan before opening its
362/1962 (እንደተሻሻለው) እና

naannicha keessatti branch in the region

50/1969 ውስጥ የተደነገጉ

hojjechuu danda’a እንደተጠበቁ ሆኖ፤ and starting the

5) Waldaan Naannicha ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ movement.
keessatti dame banatee የምከተሉትን ጉዳዮች መፈጸም 6) Any institution which
sochii jalqabuun dura ክልል ነው፡- registered in the region
Biirooti galmaa’uu qaba. 1) የአልኮል መጠጥ ጠጥቶ shall have duty to work
6) Waldaan Naannichati እና ጫት እየቃሙ with bureau regarding
galmaa’e kamiyyu ማሽከርከር፤ the traffic security and
dhimma nageenya conservation of the
2) በሞባይል ስልክ እየተናገሩ
tiraafikaa fi kunuunsa passengers. Its
imaltootaa irratti Biiroo particulars shall be
3) የጆሮ ማዳመጫ ጆሮ ላይ
wajjiin hojjechuuf determined by the
dirqama qaba, directive to be issued by
አንጠልጥሎ ሞባይልም ሆነ

Tarreeffamni isaa the Bureau.

ሬድዮ እና ሙዚቃ

qajeelfama Biiroon እያዳመጠ ማሽከርከር፤ 7) Any associations may

baasuun kan murtaa’u 4) የመቀመጫ ቀበቶ ሳያስሩ create awareness on
ta’a ማሽከርከር፤ traffic security and
7) Waldaan kamiyyu 5) የአመት ፍተሻ ያላደረገውን conservation of the
konkolaachiftootaf, ተሽከርካሪ ማሽከርከር፤ passengers for driver,
gargaartota 6) የቴክኒክ ችግር ያለውን driver’s assistant and
konkolaachiftootaa fi ተሽከርካሪ ማሽከርከር፤ for their other workers.
hojjettoota isaanii kan 8) Any public transport
7) በዚህአንቀፅ ንዑስአንቀፅ 1
biraatiif nageenya driver and assistant:-

tiraafikaa fi kunuunsa ሥርየተደነገገው ብኖርም፤ (a) Unless in
imaltootaa irratti አሽከርካሪ የሞባይል ስልክ exceptional case
hubannoo ni uuma. ማናገር ከፈለገ የቀኝ ድንበር allowed by the
8) Konkolaachisaan fi concerned body,
መንገዱን ይዞ ተሽከርካሪን
gargaaran geejjiba kan it is impossible to
በማቆም ማናገር ይችላል፤
ummataa kamiyyu:- get onto
8) ተሽከርካሪ በመጎዳቱ
(a) Yoo qaama dhimmi passenger
ilaaluun bifa without station;
ምክንያት በደንብ

addaatiin heyyamame (b) Compel the

279/1956 አንቀጽ 13(1)

malee buufataan- መሠረት መንገድ ላይ passenger,

alatti imalaa ስቆም አሽከርካሪው pushing and
yaabbisuu hin ከተሽከርካሪው በፊት እና receiving in the
danda’an, በኋላ 12ሜ ላይ manner that
(b) Imalaa dirqisiisuu, የምያንጸባርቅ ምልክት diminish his
daddarbachuu fi bifa ማስቀመጥ አለበት፡፡ dignity; likewise
namummaa isaa በምያንጸባርቅ ምልክት ቦታ prohibited to
xiqqeessuun alight from
ድንጋይ፤ እንጨት እና
keessumsiisuu outside at right
ሌሎች ነገሮችን ማስቀመጥ
akkasumas osoo place;
ክልክል ነው፡፡
iddoon hin ga’in (c) Shall have duty to
buusuu hin danda’an, load and
17. የተሽከርካሪ ባለ-ቤት ግዴታ

(c) Meeshaa imalaa transport

የተሽከርካሪ ባለ-ቤት ሁል ጊዜ

of’eeggannoodhaan passenger’s goods

የተሽከርካሪውን ውሎ እና የቴክኒክ

fe’anii geessuu fi in due care and

ብቃት ለመከታተል እና

maallaqa kaffalameef give receipt

ለመቆጣጠር ግዴታ አለበት፡፡

naga’ee kennuuf invoice for paid

ንዑስክፍል 2

dirqama qabu. የንግድ ትራንስፖርትን payment.

(d) Yoo bifa addaatiin የምመለከቱ ልዩ ጉዳዮች (d) Unless allowed in
qaama dhimmi 18. ስለ ህዝብ ትራንስፖርት exceptional
ilaalurraa manner by
heyyamameef malee concerned body,

sarara konkolaatichi በደንብ 19/1993 ውስጥ without vehicle’s
itti ramadameen-alatti የተደነገገው እንደተጠበቀ Route of
konkolaataa qabatanii Operation it is
bobba’uu hin impossible to hold
danda’an, and deploy the
1) የህዝብ ትራንስፖርት

(e) Konkolaataan osoo ማህበር የነፃ ገበያ ሁኔታ vehicle;

hinmiidhamin sarara እና የተገልጋዮችን (e) In order to
bobbii baqachuuf ፍላጎት መካከል escape from
jecha konkolaataa Route of
በማድረግ ማህበሩን
dhoksanii Operation, it is
አንደገና ለማደራጀት
dhaabbachuu hin impossible to
danda’an. stops and hidden
ከቢሮ ጋር መስራት

19. Waliigaltee Konkolaachisaa, አለበት፤ the vehicle

Gargaraa fi Abbaa Qabeenyaa 2) ማህበር የቴክኒክ ብቃት without it
Gidduutti Raawwatamu damaged.
የለለው ተሽከርካሪ
Kan keewwata 18 (3, 4, 5) 19. Making of contract
jalatti tumame ለስምሪት ማቅረብ
among driver, Assistant
raawwachiisuufis ta’ee የለበትም፤
and owner
mirgaafi dirqama 3) የህዝብ ትራንስፖርት In order to implement
konkolaachiftootta fi
ማህበር ተገልጋዮች those provided under
gargaatootaa ifa gochuuf
walitti-dhufeenyi አስፈላጊውን መረጃ Article 18 (3, 4 and 5) as
konkolaachisaa, gargaaraa fi ማግኘት እንድችሉ well as to make clear
abbaa-qabeenya konkolaataa about right and duty of
የተለያዩ ጽሕፉችን
walii galtee seera- driver and assistants, a
qabeessarratti kahundaa’e akka legal based relation
ተሽከርካሪ ውስጥ

ta’u danbii kanaan tumameera. ለመለጠፍ ግዴታ among driver, assistant

Kutaa Xiqqaa 3 አለበት፤ and owner of vehicle is
Hojii fi 4) በሌላ ክልል የተደራጀ proclaimed by this
Ittigaafatamummaa regulation.
የህዝብ መንገድ
Qaamota Hojii Sub-Section Three
To’annoorratti Hirmaatan
ትራንስፖርት ማህበር
Job and accountability

20. Hojii fi Itti gaafatamummaa ቢሮ ካመነበት ኦሮሚያ of organ participate in
Biiroo ውስጥ ቅርንጫፍ supervision Work
1) Heyyamni 20. Job and Accountability of
በመክፈት በክልሉ ውስጥ
konkolaachisummaa fi Bureau
ga’umsi teeknika 1) It will work to make
መስራት ይችላል፤

konkoaataa sadarkaan 5) በክልሉ ውስጥ ቅርንጫፍ driving license and

qulqullina isaanii የከፈተ ማህበር vehicle technical
amansiisaa akka ta’u ni እንቅስቃሴ ከመጀመሩ competency’s level to
hojjeta. become quality and
በፊት በቢሮ መመዝገብ
2) Bornootaa fi leenjii credible;
haaromsaa 2) Prepares renewal of
konkolaachistoota hojirra education and
6) በክልሉ የተመዘገበ

jiraniif ni qopheessa. ማንኛውም ማህበር training for on job

3) Ummataa bifa adda- የትራፍክ ዴንነት ጉዳይ drivers.
addaatiin hubannoo ni እና ተሳፋሪዎች 3) Create public
uuma. awareness in
እንክብካቤ ላይ ከቢሮ ጋር
4) Akkaataa keewwata 4 miscellaneous
ለመስራት ግዴታ
danbii kanaa keessatti manner
tumameen adabbii አለበት፡፡ ዝርዝሩ ቢሮ 4) As provided in
naamusaa ni raawwata. በምያወጣ መመሪያ Article 4 of this
5) Kanneen keewwata 16 ይወሰናል፡፡ regulation executes
(6), 18 (4) fi 19 tti 7) ማንኛውም ማህበር disciplinary penalty
tarreeffaman ni too’ata 5) Supervise those
6) Too’ataan geejjibaa kan provided under
keewwata kana kewwata Article 16(6), 18(4)
ለአሽከርካሪዎች ረዳቶች

xiqqaa 5 jalatti ibsame እና ለሌሎች and 19

yemmuu too’atu ሰራተኞቻቸው የትራፍክ 6) While supervising,
konkolaachisaa ዴንነት ጉዳይ እና transport controller
baalleessaa raawwate ተሳፋሪዎች እንክብካቤ can based on sub-
heyyama article 5 of this
ላይ ግንዛቤ ይፈጥራል፤
konkolaachisummaa isaa article, takes driving

ykn gabatee ykn boolloo 8) ማንኛውም የህዝብ license of driver who
konkolaatichaa ትራንስፖርት አሽከርካሪ commits offense or
harkaafuudhee adabbiin plate or annual affix
እና ረዳት፤
naamusaa akka irratti sign of vehicle and
raawwatamuu gochuu cause to execute
(ሀ) ከምመለከተው አካል

danda’a disciplinary
በተለየ መልክ

7) Sochii waliigala ከተፈቀደ እንጂ measures.

nageenya tiraafikaa ከመናኸሪያ ውጪ 7) Analysis general
xiinxaluudhaan gabaasa ተጓዦችን ማሳፈር movement of traffic
cuunfee dhimmoota አይችልም፤ security , summarize
furmaata barbaadan (ለ) ተጓዥን ማስገድድ፤ the report with the
wajjiin Boordiif ni ሰውን መገፋፋት እና issues that need
dhiyeessa. የሰውነት መልኩን solution and Submit
21. Hojii fi Itti gaafatamummaa to the board
በማሳነስ ማስተናገድ
Komishini Poolisii 21. Job and Accountability of
እንድሁም በቦታ
1) Akkuma danbii kana the police commission:
keewwata 4(2) jalatti
ሳያደርሱ ማውረድ
1) As provided under
tumame, komishiniin Article 4 (2) of this

poolisii kanneen armaan- regulation, police

(ሐ) የተጓዥን ዕቃ በጥንቃቄ

ol keewwata 20(5) tiin ጭኖ ማድረስ እና commission other

Biiroof kennaman malee, ለተከፈለው ገንዘብ ደረሰኝ than powers given to
dhimmoota kutaa kana ለመስጠት ግዴታ the bureau under
keessatti tumaman hunda አለበት፤ Article 20 (5) of
too’achuu fi tarkaanfiin (መ) ከምመለከተው አካል above, shall have
naamusaa fi yakkaa akka በተለየ መልክ power to supervise
itti fudhatamu gochuuf ከተፈቀደለት እንጂ and causes to be
qaba. taken disciplinary
ተሽከርካሪ ከተመደበበት
2) Komishinichii too’annoo measures and
መስመር ውጪ
yemmuu gaggeessu criminal penalty.
akkaataa armaan gaditti 2) The commission,
ተሽከርካሪን ይዞ

tarreeffameen raawwata; while carrying out

መሰማራት አይቻልም፤

(a) Pooliisiin to’ataa (ሠ) ተሽከርካሪ ሳይጎዳ supervision, it will
traafikaa የስምሪት መስመር perform in the
konkolaachisaa ለመሸሽል ስባል following manner;
badiiwwaan miiltoo (a) Traffic police
ተሽከርካሪን ደብቆ ማቆም
“B” danbii kanaan shall, when driver
walqabate keessatti execute offense
19. በአሽከርካሪ፤ ረዳት እና
ibsaman provided under
qeenxeedhaanis ta’e ባለቤት መካከል የምፈጸም annex “B”
qabuuf gosa ስምምነት በአንቀፅ 18 whether in single
balleessaa (3፣4፣5) ሥር የተደነገገውን or double, or
foormiirratti guutee ለማስፈጸምም ሆነ while vehicle
mallatteessuudhaan possess clear
የአሽከርካሪዎች እና ረዳቶችን
heyyama defect and fill
kokolaachisummaa types of offense in
መብት እና ግዴታ ግልጽ

isaa ykn gabatee ለማድረግ የአሽከርካሪ፤ the format and

konkolaataa ykn የረዳት እና የተሽከርካሪ sign, Catch his
boolloo konkolaataa ባለንብረት ግንኙነት በሕጋዊ driving license or
bara sanaa ስምምነት ላይ የተመሰረተ plate of vehicle or
qabuudhaan hanga annual affix sign
እንድሆን በዚህደንብ
adabbii isaa kaffalutti of this year and
tursiisa. make to stay until

(b) To’ataan tiraafikaa ንዑስ ክፍል 3 penalty is paid.

nama machiidhaan, በቁጥጥር ሥራ ላይ (b) Traffic controller,
baala samuu namaa የተሳተፉ አካላት ተግባር እና when found a
hadoochu ykn jimaa person takes
qama’aa narcotic drug or
20. የቢሮ ተግባር እና
konkolaachisu yoo isa chewing the chat
qunname foormiin and driving, after

adabbii erga itti 1) መንጃ ፈቃድ እና giving penalty

kennameen booda የተሽከርካሪ ቴክኒክ formats get freeze
konkolaataa ብቃት የጥራት ደረጃቸው the vehicle and

qabuudhaan አስተማማኝ እንድሆን makes it to stay
magaalaa dhiyeenyatti ይሰራል፤ for 24 hours in
argamutti sa’atii 24f the nearest city.
2) ሥራ ላይ ላሉት
ni tursiisa. Haa ta’u However, by the
malee, abbaan- written request if
አሽከርካሪዎች የተሃድሶ

qabeenyaa gaaffii ትምህርት እና ሥልጠና owner of vehicle

barreeffamaatiin ያዘጋጃል፤ could bring other
konkolaachisaa biraa 3) ለህዝብ በተለያየ መልክ competent driver
gahumsa qabu yoo vehicle can
ግንዛቤ ይፈጥራል፤
dhiyeeffachuu released
4) በዚህደንብ አንቀፅ 4
danda’e konkolaatichi forthwith.
battalumatti gad 3) Driver or vehicle
ውስጥ በተደነገገው

lakkifamuu ni መሠረት ሥነ ምግባር owner who his

danda’a. ቅጣት ይፈጽማል፤ license or plate or
3) Konkolaachisaan ykn 5) በአንቀፅ 16(6)፤ 18(4) annual affix sign
abban-qabeenya taken away as per to
እና 19 ውስጥ
konkolaataa bu’uura sub-art.2 of this
keewwata kana article, shall within
keewwasta xiqqa 2 tiin ይቆጣጠራል፤ five days submit to
heyyamni ykn gabateen 6) የትራንስፖርት ተቆጣጣሪ nearest Trade,
ykn boolloon isaa harkaa በዚህ አንቀፅ ንዑስ Industry and
qabame waajjira Daldala አንቀፅ 5 ሥር Transportation office
Industirii fi Geejjiba and pay penalty and
የተገለጸውን ስቆጣጠር
dhiyoo isaa jirutti take his license or
dhiyaachuudhaan bultii annual affix sign or
ጥፋት የፈጸመውን

5(shan) keessatti adabbii አሽከርካሪ መንጃ ፈቃድ plate from police

isaa kafalee heyyama ykn ወይም ሠሌዳ ወይም station of district that
booloo ykn gabatee isaa የተሽከርካሪውን ቦሎ offense committed
waajjira poolisii aanaa ተቀብሎ ሥነ ምግባር around.
baleessaan keessatti 4) Except supervision
ቅጣት እንድፈጸምበት
raawwatamerraa work, to execute the

fudhachuu qaba. ማድረግ ይችላል፤ following,
4) Komishinichi hojii 7) የትራፊክ ዴንነት commission shall
too’annoo malees have responsibility to
አጠቃላይ እንቅስቃሴን
kanneen armaan-gadii protect human body
raawwachuudhaan and life as well as
በማጥናት ሪፖርትን

qaamaa fi lubbuu namaa አቀናጅቶ መፍትሄ property from traffic

akkasumas qabeenya ከምፈልጉት ጉዳዮች ጋር accident.
balaa tiraafika Irraa ለቦርድ ያቀርባል፡፡ (a) Provide necessary
eeguu itti advice to
21. የፖሊስ ኮሚሽን ተግባር እና
gaafatamummaa qaba. pedestrian , to
(a) Miilaandeemtotni, those who riding
biskileeta kana offanii the bicycle and
1) በዚህ ደንብ አንቀፅ 4(2)

fi loon kan oofan ሥርእንደተደነገገው cows to hold and

karaa sirrii isaanii የፖሊስ ኮሚሽን ከዝህ go on their
qabatanii akka ባለይ በአንቀፅ 20(5) proper road;
deeman gorsa make supervision;
መሠረት ለቢሮ
barbaachisu ni kenna; (b) It investigate and
የተሰጡትን በቀር
hordoffiis ni godha. submit
(b) Iddoowwanii fi haala በዚህክፍል ውስጥ recommendation
daandiiwwanii የተደነገጉትን በሙሉ on places and
rakkinnisochii መቆጣጠር እና ሥነ condition of road,
geejjibaa itti mullatuu ምግባር እና ወንጀል problem being
fi balaadhaaf sababa seen in transport
እርምጃ እንድወሰድበት
ta’u qorachuudhaan movement, and
yaada furmaataa ni reason for
ማድረግ አለበት፤

dhiyeessa. 2) ኮሚሺኑ ቁጥጥር accident;

(c) Yaadaa fi eeruu ስያካሄድ ከዚህ በታች (c) It takes measures
ummata በተዘረዘረው መሠረት by making
tajaajilamaarraa ያከናውናል፡- comment and
dhiyaatu ka’umsa report which
(ሀ) የትራፊክ ተቆጣጣሪ
gochuudhaan submit from

tarkaanfii fudhata. ፖሊስ አባሪ፤ client people as
5) Komishinichi sochii (ለ) የትራፊክ ተቆጣጣሪ initial point.
Nageenya Tiraafikaa በስካር፤ በአደንዛዥ ዕፅ 5) Commission shall,
ilaalchisee yeroo yeroon submit work report
ወይም ጫት እየቃመ
gabaasa hojii Biiroof to the bureau
የሚያሽከረክር ሰው
dhiheesuu qaba. concerning the
ካጋጠመው የቅጣት ቅጽ
traffic security
Kutaa Xiqqaa 4
ከተሰጠው በኋላ
Adabbii Naamusaa fi Qabiinsa
Sub-Section Four
ተሽከርካሪውን በመያዝ
Ragaa Balleessaa በአቅራቢያው በምገኝ Disciplinary penalty and
22. Trakaanfii Naamusaa
ከተማ ለ24 ሰአት Holding Offense evidence
Seera-darbaan kamiyyuju
ያቆያል፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ 22. Disciplinary Measures
akkaataa Miiltoo “B”
ባለንብረቱ በጽሑፍ Any offender, as level of
jalatti tarreeffameen
offense committed
sadarkaa balleessaa
ጥያቄ ብቃት ያለው ሌላ
according to annex “B”,
raawwateen tarkaanfiin
አሽከርካሪ ማቅረብ ከቻለ
disciplinary measures
naamusaa akkaataa ተሽከርካሪው በአስቸኳይ
shall take upon as per to
Miiltoo “C” keessatti ልለቀቅ ይችላል፡፡
provide under annex “C”
tarreeffameen irratti 3) በዚህ አንቀፅ ንዑስ አንቀፅ
23. Execution condition of
fudhatama. 2 መሠረት አሽከርካሪ
disciplinary measures
23. Haala Raawwii Adabbii
ወይም የተሽከርካሪ ባለቤት
1) One driver or vehicle
ፊቃድ ወይም ሠሌዳ
1) Konkolaachisaan ykn ወይም ቦሎ የተያዘበት owner in light of
abbaan qabeenyaa
በአቅራቢያው በምገኝ indict offense, shall
konkolaataa tokko
እንዳስትሪ ንግድ እና pay deserve payment
bu’uura balleessaa ittiin
within the given
himatameen maallaqa
ትራንፖርት ጽሕፈት ቤት
period of time and
kanfaluu qabu daangaa
በማቅረብ በ5 ቀን ውስጥ
take receipt. Only in
yeoo kennameef
ቅጣቱን በመክፈል ፍቀዱን
this time, that can use
keessatti kanfalee raga ወይም ቦሎውን ወይም
filled formats as
qabame fudhachuu ሠሌዳውን ጥፋት

qaba. Yeroo kana ከተሰራበት ወረዳ ፖሊስ 2) From Commencement
keessatti qofa foormii ጽሕፈት ቤት መውሰድ of format is fulfills, If
guutame akka ragaatti ይችላል፤ not execute the
itti fayyadamuu ni payment and take
4) ኮሚሽኑ ከቁጥጥር ስር
danda’a within 15 days, start
በስተቀር የሚከተሉትን
2) Yeroo foormiin from 16th day amount
በመፈፀም የሰው አካልና
guutamee kaasee guyyaa of penalty increase by
15 keessatti kanfaltii 50%.
ሂወት እንደዚሁም ንብረትን

raawwatee yoo hin 3) After one month initial

ከትራፊክ አደጋ የመጠበቅ

fudhanne guyyaa 16ffaa ኃላፊነት ነው፡፡ penalty increase by

kaasee hangi adabbii 5) ሀ) እግረኞች ብስክሌት 100%. When seized
%50n ni dabala. የማነዱ እና ከብቶችን evidence is license,
3) Ji’a tokkoon booda የማነዱ ትክክለኛ after six month in that
adabbiin jalqabaa መንገዳቸውን ይዞ እንዲሄዱ level, take roads
%100n adabala . Ragaan የሚያስፈልገውን ምክር disciplinary system
qabame heyyama ይሰጣል ክትትልም and disciplinary
konkolaachisaa yoo ta’e examination and after
ji’a jahaan booda his passes is approved
(ለ) የመኪና (የትራፊክ)
sadarkaa sanatti sirna execute penalty
እንቅስቃሴ ችግር
naamusa daandii fi payment and take his
የሚታዩባቸው ለአደጋ
qormaata naamusaa evidence;
ምክንያታዊ ቦታዎችና
fudhatee darbuun isaa 24. Recidivism
የመንገድ ሁኔታዎች
erga mirkanaa’een Bureau shall, holding as a
በማጥናት የመፍትሄ
booda kanfaltii adabbii record on the vehicle and
ሐሣብ ያቀርባል፡፡
raawwatee raga isaa ni driver that execute offense
fudhata. (ሐ) ከተጠቃሚው ህዝብ and causes to aggravate
24. Balleessaa Irra Dedeebi’ee penalty on the recidivism.
Raawwatee This execute in the
የሚቀርበውን ሃሣብና

Biiroon konkolaataa fi ጥቆማ መነሻ በማድረግ

following manner:
konkolaachisaa balleessaa 1) In period of one year,
raawwatee raaa (rikadii) እርምጃ ይወስዳል፣ penalty record of any

qabachuudhaan kan irra- driver added
deddeebi’ee balleessurratti together and if it is
ንዑስ ክፍል 4

adabbiin akka cimu taasisuu 22. የዲሲፒሊን እርምጃ three and less than
danda’a. Kunis haala ማንኛውም ሕግን የተላለፈ በአባሪ
three all record catch
armaan-gadiitiin raawwata “ለ” ስር የተዘረዘረውን በፈፀመው
upon him in that
1) Konkolaachisaan ጥፋት ደረጃ በአባሪ “ሐ” ስር
particular year will
kamiyyuu yeroo waggaa የተዘረዘረው የዲሲፒሊን እርምጃ
be canceled.
tokkoo keessatti riardiin ይወሰድበታል፡፡
However, when it is
adabbii qabu hundi more than that; it
23. የዲሲፒሊን ቅጣት አፈፃፀም
ida’amee sadii fi sanaa ሁኔታ
Seen up to two years
gadi yoo ta’e rikardiin as per to each
1) አሽከርካሪው ወይም አንድ
waggaa sanatti irratti additional executed
የተሽከርካሪ ባለቤት
qabame hundi Irraa guilty plus to already
በተከሰሰበት ጥፋት መክፈል
haqama. Haa ta’u malee, existed penalty,
ያለበትን ገንዘብ በተሰጠው
sanaa ol yoo ta’e hanga penalized 20%
የጊዜ ገደብ ውስጥ ከፍሎ
waggaa lamaatti additional penalty.
የተያዘበትን ማስረጃ መውሰድ
ilaalamee akkaataa After offense is
አለበት፡፡ በዚህ ጊዜ ውስጥ
tokkoo-tokkoo balleessaa committed, all record
ብቻ የተሞላውን ፎርም እንደ
dabalataan raawwatuuf ማስረጃ መጠቀም ይችላል፡፡
which passed two
adabbii taa’erratti years will be
2) ፎርሙ ከተሞላበት ጊዜ
adabbii dabalataa %20 cancelled.
አንስቶ የቅጣቱ መጠን በ50%
adabama Balleessaan 2) Notwithstanding to
erga raawwatame the Offense seen at
3) ከንድ ወር በኋላ
waggaa lama kan darbe first instances and
የመጀመሪያው ቅጣት 100%
hundi rikardiirraa ni follows money
ይጨምራል፡፡ የተያዘው
haqama. penalty, record is not
ማስረጃ የመንጃ ፈቃድ ከሆነ
2) Balleessaawwan sadarkaa hold upon it.
ከስድስት ወር በኋላ በዚያ
jalqabaarratti ilaalaman 3) without prejudice
ደረጃ የመንገድ ሥነ ሥርዓት
adabbii maallaqaa art.23, due to
እና የስነ ስርዓት ፈተና ወስዶ
hordofsiisan akka occurrence of traffic
ማለፉ ከተረጋገጠ በኋላ
eegametti ta’ee accident:
የቅጣት ክፍያን በመፈፀም

rikardiidhaan ማስረጃውን ይወስዳል፡፡ (a) When human life
hinqabamani. pass away;
3) Kan keewwataa 23 irratti (b) When body
24. በድጋሚ የተፈፀመ ጥፋት

ibsame jiraatus balaan ቢሮው ጥፋት የፈፀመን injury occurred;

tiraafikaa qaqqabuu መኪናና አሽከርካሪ (c) For damage
isaatiin ማስረጃ(ሪከርድ) በመያዝ occurred on the
(a) Laubbuun namaa yoo በድጋሚ በሚያጠፋው ላይ property when
darbe ykn ቅጣት እንዲጠነክርበት ማድረግ alleged driver
(b) Miidhamni qaamaa ይቻላል፡፡ ይህም ከታች execute guilty in
yoo ga’e ykn በተዘረዘረው መሠረት two side and
(c) Qabeenyarraa while agreement
miidhamni ga’uu unable to reach
isaatiin 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ በአንድ on happen
konkolaachisaan አመት ጊዜ ውስጥ ያለው damage, or
gama lamaan የቅጣት ሪከርድ በሙሉ (d) Matter shall be
balleessaa ተደምሮ ሦስትና ከዚየ በታች submitted to the
raawwateera ከሆነ በዚያ አመት የተያዘበት court when
jedhamuu fi miidhaa ሪከርድ በሙሉ agreement is
gahe irratti ይሰረዝለታል፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ unable to reach
waliigalteen yoo ከዚየ በላይ ከሆነ እስከ ሁለት by any means, on
dhibe ykn ዓመት ታይቶ ለእያንዳንዱ the arise accident.
(d) Bifuma kamiinuu ተጨማሪ ጥፋት የተቀመጠ Sub-Section Five
balaa qaqqaberratti ጥፋት ላይ ተጨማሪ ቅጣት Establishment of Board
waliigalteen yoo 20% ይቀጣል፤ ጥፋት and Traffic Security
dhibe dhimichi gara ተፈጽሞ ሁለት አመት Committee
mana murtii ያለፈው በሙሉ ከሪከርድ 25. To approve regional
dhiyaachuu qaba. ይሰረዛል፡፡ traffic security in
2) የገንዘብ ቅጣት የሚያስከትሉ organized manner, Traffic
Kutaa Xiqqaa 5
በመጀመያ ደረጃ ላይ የታዩ Security Board is
Hundeeffama Boordii fi Koree
ጥፋቶች እንደተጠበቁ ሆነው established by this
Nageenya Tiraafikaa.
በሪከርድ አይያዙም፡፡ regulation.

25. Nageenya tiraafika 3) በዚህ ደንብ በአንቀጽ 23 26. Members of Board
naannichaa bifa qindoomina የተጠቀሰው ቢኖርም 1) Head of Trade,
qabuun mirkaneessuuf የትራፊክ አደጋ በመድረሱ Industry and
boordiin nageenya tiraafikaa (ሀ) የሰው ህይወት ከጠፋ Transport
daandii kanaan ወይም Bureau........................
hundeeffameera. ............. Chair person
26. Miseensota Boordii 2) At Trade, Industry
(ለ)የአካል ጉዳት ከደረሰ

1) Hoogganaa Biiroo ወይም and Transport

Daldala Industirii fi (ሐ)የንብረት ላይ ጉዳት Bureau the head of
Geejjibaa ………waliiti በመድረሱ አሽከርካሪው Trade, Industry and
qabaa በሁለት በኩል ጥፋት Transport
2) Biiroo Daldalaa, ፈጽሟል በመባሉና Branch……………...
Industrii fi Geejjibatti በደረሰው ጉዳት ላይ ...................................S
I/G Damee Geejjibaa fi መግባባት ካልተቻለ ecretary
Daldalaa 3) Police Commission
……………………….. Commissioner............
(መ)በማንኛውም መልክ
Barreessaa .......Member
በደረሰ አደጋ መግባባት
3) Komishinara Komishinii 4) Head of Education
Poolisii………………… Bureau........................
ካልተቻለ ጉዳዩ ወደ

……….Miseensa ........Member
ፍርድ ቤት መቅረብ

4) Hogganaa Biiroo አለበት፡፡ 5) Head of Health

Barnootaa ንዑስ ክፍል 5 Bureau
………………………… ...............................Me
የቦርድ መቋቋምና የትራፊት
……Miseensa mber
5) Hoogganaa Biiroo 6) Head of Work and
ደህንነት ኮሚቴ

Eegumsa 25. የክልሉን የትራፊክ ደህንንትን Urban Development

Fayyaa………………… በተቀናጀ መልኩ ለማረጋገጥ Bureau........................
……. Miseensa የትራፊክ ደህንነት ቦርድ በዚህ ............ Member
6) Hoogganaa Biiroo Hojii ደንብ ተቋቁሟል፡፡ 7) Manager of Rural
fi Misooma 26. የቦርድ አባላት Road
Magaalaa……………Mi Authority...................
1) የንግድና ኢንዱስትሪ

seensa ትራንስፖርት ቢሮ ኃላፊ---- Member
7) Hojii gaggeessaa Abbaa አባል፤ 8) Head of Public
Taayitaa daandii 2) ቤንግድና ኢንዱስትሪ Relation and
Baadiyaa ትራንስፖርት ቢሮ የንግድና Communication
……….Miseensa ትራንስፖርት ዘርፍ ኃላፊ----- Bureau
8) Hogganaa Biiroo ------------------ ፀሐፊ፤ ..............................Me
Beeksisaa fi Qunnamtii 3) የፖሊስ ኮሚሽን ኮሚሽነር----- mber
Ummataa ---------------------አባል፤ 9) From Public
……….Miseensa 4) የትምህርት ቢሮ ኃላፊ-------- Transport
9) Waldaa Geejjiiba አባል፤ Association three
uumataa 3/sadii/ 5) የጤና ቢሮ ኃላፊ---------------- person
……………………….. ------------------አባል፤ …........................Me
Miseensoota 6) የየሥራና ከተማ ልማት ቢሮ mbers
27. Aangoo fi Hojii Boordichaa ኃላፊ------------------------------ 27. Power and Duty of the
Hojiin nageenya tiraafikaa
------------------ ”
In order to make
bifa qindoomina qabuun 7) የገጠር መንገድ ባለሥልጣን
planned and executable
karoorfamee akka ሥራ አስኪያጅ------------------
traffic security works in
raawwatamu Boordichi --------------------- ”
organized manner,
1) Karoora nageenya 8) የማስታወቂያና የህዝብ
tiraafika Naannichaa ni ግኑኝነት ቢሮ ኃላፊ------------
1) Ensure regional plan
mirkaneessa, -------------------------- ”
of traffic security;
2) Raawwii isaatiif 9) የህዝብ ትራንስፖርት ማህበር
2) Ensure whether the
qaamotiin 3 (ሦስት) ኃላፊ----------------
executive organs of
raawwachiiftuun --------------------- ”
the region are acting
Naannichaa 27. የቦርዱ ሥልጣንና ተግባርዥ
in organized manner
xiyyeeffannaa kennanii የትራፊክ ደህንነት ሥራ በተቀናጀ
by giving attention
qindoominaan socho’uu መልኩ ታቅዶ እንዲፈፀም ቦርድ
for its
ni mirkaneeffata, 1) የክልሉን የትራፊክ ደህንነት
3) Haala balaan tiraafikaa ዕቅድ ያፀድቃል፣
3) Facilitate the
naannichaa ittiin hir’atu 2) ለአፈፃፀሙ የክልሉ ሥራ
manner that regional
አስፈፃሚዎች ትኩረት

ni mijeessa. ሰጥተው በቅንጅት traffic accident is
28. Sirna Walga’ii Boordichaa መንቀሳቀሳቸውን minimized.
Boordichi yoo xiqqaate ji’a ያረጋግጣል፣ 28. Meeting Procedure of the
saditti al-tokko walga’ii 3) የክልሉ የትራፊክ አደጋ Board
idilee gaggeessak kan የሚቀንስበትን ሁኔታ 1) The Board shall make
keewwata kana xiqaa (1) ያመቻቻል፣ regular meeting at
jalatti walga’ii ariifachiisaa 28. የቦርዱ የስብሰባ ሥነ ሥርዓት least once within
gaggeessuu danda’a, Murtiin 1) ቦርዱ ቢያንስ በሦስት ወር three month.
boordichaa sagalee አንድ ጊዜ መደበኛ ስብሰባ 2) Notwithstanding to
caalmaatiin kandarbu ta’ee ያካሂዳል፣ the provision of sub
sagaleen walqixa yoo ta’e 2) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዑስ አንቀጽ 1 article (1) of this
yaadni walitti-qabaan ሥር የተደነገገው ቢኖርም article, where
deeggerame murtii አስቸኳይ ጉዳይ ከአጋጠመ emergency situation
Boordichaa ta’a. ቦርዱ አስቸኳይ ስብሰባ occurred the Board
29. Hundeeffama Koree ሊያካሂድ ይችላል፣ የቦርዱ may undertake
Naggeenya Tiraafikaa ውሣኔ በአብላጫ ድምጽ emergency meeting.
Sadarkaa Godinaa fi የሚወሰን ሆኖ ድምጽ እኩል 3) The Board shall take
Magaalaatti koreen ከሆነ በስብሰባው የተደገፈው a decision by a
nageenya Tiraafikaa ሐሣብ የቦርዱ ውሣኔ majority vote, in case
miseensota arman-gadii ይሆናል፡፡ of a tie the
qabu hundeeffameera. 29. የትራፊክ ደህንነት ኮሚቴ chairperson shall
1) Koree Nageenya መቋቋም have a casting vote.
Tiraafikaa Godinaa በዞንና በከተማ ደረጃ የትራፊክ 29. Establishment of Traffic
(a) Bulchaa ደህንነት ኮሚቴ በሚከተሉት Security Committee
Godinaa…………… አባላት ተቋቁሟል The Traffic Security
……………………. 1) የዞን የትራፊክ ደህንነት Committee which has the
Walittiqabaa following members is
(b) I/G/Waajjira Daldala (ሀ) የዞን አስተዳዳሪ---------- established at Zonal and
Industirii fi ሰብሳቢ፤ Urban level:
Geejjiba………Barree (ለ) የንግድ ኢንድስትሪና 1) Zonal Traffic
ssaa ትራንስፖርት ጽሕፈት Security Committee

(c) Ajajaa W/ra poolisii ቤት (a) Zone
……………………… ኃላፊ------ሰብሳቢ Administrator
……..Miseensa (ሐ) የፖሊስ ጽሕፈት ቤት ...............................
(d) I/G/Waajjira .....................
Fayyaa……………… Chair person
……………….Mosee (b) Head of Trade,
(መ) የጤና ጽሕፈት ቤት
msa Industry and
(e) I/G Waajjira Transport

Barnootaa…………… Office.................

……………...Miseens (ሠ) የትምህርት ጽሕፈት Secretary

a ቤት (c) Commander of
(f) Waldaa Geejjiiba ኃላፊ --------------------- Police
uummataa አባል Station...................
2/lama/…………… (ረ) የህዝብ ትራንስፖርት ....... Member
Miseensoota ማህበር 2(ሁለት)-------- (d) Head of Health
2) Koree Nageenya ----------- አባል Office....................
Tiraafikaa Magaalaa ........ Member
(a) Kantiibaa 2) የከተማ የትራፊክ ደህንነት (e) Head of
……………………… Education
….Walittiqabaa Office....................
(ሀ) ከንቲባ -------------------

(b) I/G/ Waajjira ..............................


Daldala Industirii fi (ለ) የንግድ ኢንድስትሪና

Geejjiba…….Barreess ትራንስፖርት ጽሕፈት (f) Public Transport
aa ቤት ኃላፊ------ፀሐፊ Association two
(c) Hojigaggeessaa Mana (ሐ) የመዘጋጀ ቤት ሥራ (2)
Qopheessaa………… አስኪያጅ-------------------- person...................
………….Miseensa --------አባል Members
(d) Ajajaa poolisii (መ) የከተማ ፖሊስ 2) Urban Traffic
Magaalichaa……… ጽሕፈት ቤት አዛዥ--
Security Committee
………………Miseen (a) Mayer....................
sa ...........................

(e) I/G/ Waajjira Chair person
Fayyaa……………… (b) Head of Trade,
(መ) የጤና ጽሕፈት ቤት

……………….Miseen Industry and

sa Transport
(f) I/G/ Waajjira Office....................
Barnootaa…………… (ሠ) የትምህርት ጽሕፈት . Secretary
………………Miseen (c) Manager of
sa ቤት ኃላፊ -------------- municipal………
(g) Ajajaa poolisii አባል …….……….Me
Tiraafikaa mber
(ረ) የከተማው የትራፊክ
Magaalichaa……… (d) City Police
………..Miseensa ፖሊስ አዛዥ-------------- Commander.........
(h) Waldaa Geejjiba ................
uummataa 2/lama/ አባል Member
………..Miseensoota (e) Head of Health
(ሠ) የህዝብትራንስፖርት
30. Itti Gaafatamummaa koree Office....................
nageenya Tiraafikaa ማህበር 2(ሁለት)-------- ...............................
Godinaa fi Magaalaa .......... Member
Koreen Nageenya Tiraafika አባል (f) Head of
godinaa ykn Magaalaa 30. የዞንና የከተማ የትራፊክ Education
ittigaafatamummaa armaan- ደህንነት ኮሚቴ ኃላፊነት Office......
gadiii qabaatu የዞን ወየም የከተማ Member
1) Karoora hojii nageenya (g) City Traffic
የትራፊክ ለደህንነት ኮሚቴ
tiraafikaa godhikchaa Police
ykn magaalaa Commander ……
የማከተሉት ኃላፊነት

qindoominaan akka ይኖርባቸዋል፡፡ …Member

qophaa’u taasisuun ni 1) የዞን ወይም የከተማ (h) Public Transport
mirkaneessa, የትራፊክ ደህነት የሥራ Association two
2) Maeeshaa hojichaaf (2)...............
እቅድ በቅንጅት
barbaachisu Members
እንዲዘጋጅ በማድረግ
xiinxaluudhaan akka 30. Accountability of Zonal

heyyamamu karaa ያፀድቃል፣ and City Traffic Security
Biirootiin Boordiif ni 2) ለሥራው የማያስፈልግ Committee
dhiyeessa. Zonal and City Traffic
መሣሪያ በማጥናት
3) Raawwii hojichaa yeroo- Security Committee have
yeroodhaan ni the following
እንዲፈቀድ በቢሮ በኩለ

gamaaggama, tarkaanfii ለቦርድ ይቀርል፡፡ responsibility:

sirreessni fudhata, 3) የሥራ አፈፃፀምን 1) Causes and approves
4) Haala ittiin rakkinooiin በየጊዜው work plan of Traffic
madda balaa tiraafikaa Security Committee
ta’an furamuu danda’an of the Zone or City to
እርምጃ ይወስዳል፣
qorachuudhaan yaada ni be prepared in
dhiyeessa, organized manner.
4) ለትራፊክ አደጋ መንስኤ

5) Murtii Boordichaa የሆኑ ችግሮች ሊቀረፉ 2) Analyzing the

fudhachuun hojiirra ni የሚችሉበትን ሁኔታ material need for the
oolcha. በማጥና ሃሣብ ያቀርባለ፣ work and make it to
5) የቦርዱ ውሣኔ በመውሰድ be permitted submits
Kutaa 4
to the Board through
Tumaalee adda addaa
ሥራ ላይ ያውላል፡፡
the Bureau.
Kutaa Xiqqaa 1
ክፍል 4
3) Examine work
31. Kaffaltii TajaajilaaF ልዩ ልዩ ድንጋጌዎች
performance from time
1) Namni ykn dhaabbatni ንዑስ ክፍል 1
to time; take corrective
ykn waldaan kamiyyuu measure.
31. የአገልግሎት ክፍያ
tajaajila Biiroo Irraa 4) Investing the way that
argatuuf akkaataa 1) ማንኛውም ሰው ወይም source of problem of
miiltoo “D” danbichaa traffic accident able to
ድርጅት ወይም ማህበር
irratti mul’ateen kaffaltii resolve and submit
ከቢሮው ለሚያገኘው
raawwachuu qaba.
አገልግሎት በደንቡ አባሪ 5) Accept decision of the
2) Bu’uura keewwata kanaa
“መ” በተወሰነው ክፍያ Board and makes it to
tiin kaffaltiin tajaajilaa
raawwatamu gatii
መፈፀም አለበት፤
Section Four
teembiraa hin dabalatu,
2) በዚህ ለአንቀጽ መሠረት
Miscellaneous Provisions:
የሚፈፀም የአገልግሎት

3) Kanneen armaan gaditti ክፍያ የቴምብር ዋጋን Sub Section One
tarreeffaman yoo ta’an አይጨምርም፣ 31. Service Fee
malee uunkaalee fi 1) Any person or
3) ከዚህ በታች የተዘረዘሩት
kaardiwwan gara-biraa organization or
association shall
ካለሆኑ በስተቀር ሌሎች
gatiin itti hinkaffalamu,
ፎርሞችና ካርዶች ዋጋ perform payment for
(a) Dabtara heyyama
አይከፈልባቸውም፣ the service it obtains
from the bureau
(b) Dhabtara abbaa-
(ሀ) የአሽከርካሪነት የፈቃድ
according to the annex
“D” of this regulation;
konkolaataa (libree) (ለ) የባሌቤትነት ደብተር
2) The service fee
(c) Boolloo (ሊብሬ)
performed as per to this
(d) Kitaabbiin leenjii (ሐ) ቦሎ article shall not include
konkolaachisummaa (መ) የአሽከርካሪነት stamp duty price.
(e) Gabatee konkolaataa የሥልጠና ደብተር 3) Except those listed
32. Aangoo Qajeelfama Baasuu hereunder, price shall
(ሠ) የመኪና ታርጋ
Danbii kanaa hojirra not be paid for other
formats and cards;
oolchuuf Biiroon qajeelfama 32. መመሪያ የማውጣት ሥልጣን
(a) Driving license
baasuu ni danda’a ይህንን ደንብ ሥራ ላይ
33. Adabbii ለማዋል ቢሮው መመሪያ
(b) Vehicle ownership
1) Namni ykn dhaabbatni ማውጣት ይችላል፤ book (libre).
kamiyyu tumaalee danbii 33. ቅጣት (c) Annual Affix Sign
kanaa fi danbiiwwan (d) Driving training
biro hojiirra jiran cabse, 1) ማንኛውም ሰው ወይም writing.
tarkaanfiwwan ድርጅት የዚህን ደንብ (e) Vehicle's plate.
naamusaa fi bulchiinsaa ድንጋጌዎችና ሌሎች ሥራ 32. Power to Issue Regulation
dabalatee, seera ላይ ያሉ ደንቦችን ከተላላፊ The Bureau may issue
yakkkaatiin gaafatama, directive to implement this
የዲሲፒሊን እርምጃና
2) Namni kamiyyu akkaataa regulation.
33. Penalty
የአስተዳደር እርምጃ
danbii kanaatiin galii
ጨምሮ በወንጀ 1) Any person or
ል ሕግ ይጠየቃል፡፡ organization that
sassaabamuu qabu
violates the provisions of

hanbise ykn hanbisuuf 2) ማንኛውም ሰው በዚህ this regulation and other
yaalii godhe ykn seera ደንብ መሠረት መንግስት regulations on work
ala itti fayadame shall be held criminal
መሰብሰብ የሚገባውን ገቢ
akkaataa Labsii liability including
disciplinary and
ያስቀረ ወይም ለማስቀረት
Bulchiinsa Faaynaansii
ያሰበ ወይም ከህግ ውጪ administrative measures.
Mootummaa Naannoo
የተጠቀመ በኦሮሚያ ክልል 2) Any person who absence
Oromiyaa baaseen
or try to absence or
መንግስት በወጣው
utilized illegally the
34. Dhaabiilee Kanaan dura
የፋይናንስ አስተዳደር አዋጅ
income that should
heyyama fudhatan መሠረት ይቀጣል፡፡
collected to the
Dhaabbileen barnoota government as per to
34. ከዚህ በፊት ፈቃድ የወሰዱ
konkolaachisummaa fi hojiin this regulation shall be
shaakalchiisummaa osoo penalized according to
danbiin kun hin ba’in-dura Financial Administration
የአሽከርካሪነት የትምህርት

heyyama Biiroo Irraa

ሥልጠና እና አለማማጅ Proclamation issued by

fudhaatan gaafa danbiin kun ድርጅተች ይህ ደንብ the Oromia Regional

ba’ee kaasee ji’oota jaha ከመውጣቱ በፊት ከቢሮ ላይ
34. Institution Obtained License
keessatti bifa dambii ፈቃድ የወሰዱ ይህ ደንብ
kanaatiin deebi’anii ከወጣበት ቀን አንስቶ በስድስት
Institution of driving
gurmaa’uu qabu. ወር ውስጥ በዚህ ደንብ education and practicing
35. Seerota Raawwataiinsa Hin መሠረት እንደገና መደራጀት work which obtained license
qabaanne አለባቸው፡፡ from the Bureau before
Dambiiwwan, issuance of this regulation
35. ተፈፃሚነት የሌላቸው ህጐች
qajeelfamootnii fi commence from issuance
ማንኛውም ከዚህ ደንብ ጋር
barmaatilee hojii danbii date of this regulation, shall
be re-organized within six
kanaatiin walfaallessan
kamiyyuu raawwatiinsa hin
ደንቦች፣መመሪያዎችና የሥራ months as per to this

ልምዶች ተፈፃሚነት regulation.
35. Non-Applicable Laws
36. Yeroo Dambii Kun Itti አይኖራቸውም፡፡
Any regulation, directives
ragga’u 36. ይህ ደንብ የሚፀናበት ቀን
and customary practices
Dambiin kun ይህ ደንብ ከቀን 1999
inconsistent with work of

guyyaa____________Bara ዓመተ ምህረት ጀምሮ የሚፀና this directive shall not be
1999 irra kaasee kan raga’u ይሆናል፡፡ applicable.
ta’a. 36. Effective Date

Abbaa Duulaa አባዱላ ገመዳ This regulation shall enter

into force as of the________
Gammadaa የኦሮሚያ ክልል
day of 1999.
Pireezdaantii Bulchiinsa መስተዳደድር ፕሬዝዳንት
Aba DulaGamada
President of the Oromia
ፊንፊኔ 1999
Naannoo Oromiyaa
Regional Government

Miiltoo “A” Tarkaanfii Naamusaa fi Adabbii Dhaabbata
Barnootaa fi Leenjii Konkolaachistootaa Irratti
Dhabbatni kamiyyuu dhimmota armaan gadii yoo raawwaate akka
ballessatti lakkaawamee tarkanfiin jalatti ibsamee sadarkan kan irratti
fudhatamu ta’u.
1. Seeraan heyyama ga’umsaa osoo hin qabaatiin kan barsiisuu ykn
Dhaabbatichi cufamee, akkata labsii Galmeessaa fi Heyyama Daldalaa
lakk.67/1989 gaafatama.
2. Ulaagalee oggaa heyyama ga’umsaa ittin fudhate ture Irraa hanqisee
kan argame
 Akkeekkachiisni barreefaman hanga ji’a tokkotti akka sirreessuuf
 Ji’a tokko keessatti yoo sirra’u baate, cufamee ykn dhorkamee
hanga sirra’utti akka turu godhama,
 Cufamee yoo ji’a sadii ol ture heyyaminni ga’umsii isaa ni
3. Yeroo fi karikuuleemii Barnootaa fi Leenjiidhaaf kennameef irraa
hanqisee osoo hojjetuu kan argame,
 Yeroo jalqabaaf akkeekkachisni barreeffaman kennameefii
baratootni ykn leenjitootni yeroo hanqinichi baramee
dhaabbaticha keessatti barumsaa fi leenjiirra jiran qormaata galu,.
Akeekkachiisni dhaabbatichaaf kennames iddoo baratootaa fi
leenjitootni arganitti ji’a tokkof ifatti maxxanfama.
 Yeroo lammaffaaf hanga ji’a lamaa akka hin hojjenne dhorkama
 Yeroo sadaffaatti heyyamni ga’umsaa ni haaqama

4. Biirootti osoo hinbeeksisin iddoo dhaabbatichi ittiin beekamuu alatti
barnootaa fi leenjii kan kenne
 Akeekkachiisni kennameefii Qr.500 adabama
 Yeroo lammaffaf yoo balleesse heyyamni isaa ji’a tokkoof ni
 Sadaffaaf yoo balleesse heyyamni isaa ni haqama
5. Ulaagalee bu’uuraa namoota hin gunne simatee kan barsiisee ykn
 Yeroo lammaffaaf Qarshii 500 adabamee gochaa isaa akka addan
kutu godhama.
 Yeroo sadaffaaf Hanga ji’a sadii akka hin hojjenne dhorkama
 Heyyaminni ga’umisa isaa ni haqama

Miitoo “B” Balleessawwan Tiraafika Keessatti Adabbii Naamusaa

1. Balleessaa Sadarkaa Salphaatti Ilaalaman
1.1. To’atoota Geejjibaatiin Hordoffiin kan Iti Godhamu

Koodii Gosa Balleessaa

101 Heyyama bobbii osoo hin qabaatin socho’uu;
102 Waraqaa eenyummaa fi Baajii konkolaachisaa fi gargaaraa
godhachuu dhiisuu
103 Bifa naamusa gaarii faallessuun konkolaachisaan qulqullina
dhunfaa eeguu dhabuu, urgooftuu fi dibata imaltootarratti
dhiibbaa qaban fayyadamuu, uffata sirrii hin taane uffachuu
(yoo himatni irratti dhiyaate)
1.2. Poolisii To’annoo Tiraafikaatiin Hordoffiin kan Itti Godhamu

Koodii Gosa Balleessa

104 Heyyama konkolaachisaa yeroodhaan haaromsuu
105 Konkolaataa daldalaa magaalaa buufata itti fe’anii fi buusan
qabu keessatti imaltoota iddoo heyyamameen ala fe’uu;
106 Fe’iisa akka Dhakaa Cirrachaa fi kan biro karaarratti
urgufamu ykn awwaara kaasuu danda’an sharaa uffisuu
107 Konkolaataa hammattuu fe’iisaa uuuu/ Ispoondaa/ kan hin
qabne konkolaachisuu;
108 Haala imaltootaa fi naannoo jeequu danda’uun sagalee
muuziqaa olaanaa dhageessisuu;
109 Barreeffamoota, haguuggii fi fakkiiwwan adda addaa argaa
irratti dhiibbaa qaban konkolaachisaa fuuldurati maxxansuu;
110 Konkolaataa haala sirrii hintaaneen harkisuu;
111 Kokolaataa aara garmaalee baasu konkolaachisuu;
112 Mallatto “Learner”jedhu osoo hin maxxansin
konkolaachisummaa shaakalsiisuu;
113 Iddoo fi yeroo hin heyyamamneti konkolaachisummaa

2. Balleessaa Sadarkaa Gidduu-galeessaan Ilaalaman

2.1. To’attoota Geejjibaatiin Hordoffiin kan Itti Go dhamu

Koodii Gosa Balleessaa

201 Balaa tasa biyyarra ga’uuf ajaja bifa addaatiin Biiroon ykn
waajjira Daldala Industrii fi Geejjibaatiin kennamuuf sababa
gahaa malee fudhachuu diduu;
202 Bokkaa, awwaarsa ta’e aduurraa ittisuuf kan gargaaru sharaa
ykn pilaastikii sadarkaa gaariirra jiru meeshaa ittiin maruuf
gargaaru funyoo barbaachisu wajjiin qabaachuu dhiisuu;
203 Kiriikii, hiiktuu gommaa fi gommaa jijjiirraaf ta’u osoo hin
qabaatin tajaajila kennuu;
2.2. Poolisii To’annoo Tiraafikaatiin Hordoffiin kan Itti Godhamu

Koodii Gosa Balleessa

204 Kokolaataa miidhamees ta’e osoo hin miidhamin bifa sochii
tirafikaarratti dhiibbaa geesissun sa’atii danbiin heyyamamee-
ol dhaabuu
205 Poolisii biraa heyyama osoo hin’argatin meeshaalee sochii
tiraafikaa gufachiisaan kan akka biyyoo, cirracha, dhakaa,
axanaa fi kkf daandii konkolaataarratti buusuu ykn kuusuu;
206 Dheerina konkolaataa bira darbee gara fuulduraas ta’e gara
duubaatti fe’iisa mullatuuf mallattoo calaqqisaa ykn carqii
hidhuu dhiisuu;
207 Helmeetii ittisa mataa osoo hin godhatin motorsaaykilii offuu;
208 Mallattoo mirkaneessa sakatta’a waggaa konkolaata (boolloo)
osoo hin maxxansin konkolaachisuu;
209 Osoo konkolaachisuu bilbila Mobaailii ykn “ear phone”
210 Qabattoo teessoo (safety belt) osoo hin hidhatiin
3. Balleessaa Sadarkaa Ol’aanaatti Ilaalaman
3.1. Too’ataa Geejjibaatiin kan hordoffiin ittigodhamu

Koodii Gosa Balleessaa

301 Konkolaataa ibsaan hin guutamnes ta’e kan hin qabne
3.2. Poosiisii To’annoo Tiraafikaatiin Hordoffiin kan Itti Godhamu

Koodii Gosa Balleessaa

302 Konkolaataa tajaajila ittiin hin galmoofneef oolchuu;

303 Gabatee osoo hin maxxansin ykn gabatee seera qabeessa osoo
hin maxxansin tajaajila kennuu ykn sochoosuu;
304 Konkolaataa karaarra dhaabbate duraa fi duuba isaa mallato
calaqqisaa kaa’uu dhiisuu
305 Mallattoo calaqqisaa malee konkolaataa tajaajila daldalaatiif
306 Heyyama konkolaachisaa osoo qabuu fudhaatanii socho’uu
307 Heyyama malee konkolaachisummaa shaakalsiisuu;
308 Daawwitii seeraan konkolaataaf hinheyyamamne(“safety
glass” hin taane), balbalaa fi barcumaa mijaahaa hin taaneti
4. Balleessaa Sadakaa Daran ol’aanaatiin Ilaalaman
4.1. To’aattoota Geejjibaa fi poolisii To’ataa Tiraafikiitiin Hordoffiin
kan Itti Godhamuu

Koodii Gosaa Balleessaa

402 Konkolaachistootni biro gocha seeraan alaa raawwataniif
deeggersa ykn raga kennuu;
403 daandiirratti qaamota to’ataniif dhaabuu dhiisuu ykn hojii
to’annoof deeggersa kennuu dhiisuu;
404 Iddoo kamiyyuu fi hojjettoota to’annoo, imaltootas ta’e
qaamota biiroo arrabsuu;
405 Ragaa to’attootni gaafatan kennuu dhiisuu ykn raga
dogoggoraa kennuu;
4.2. Poolisii To’annoo Tiraafikaatiin Hordoffiin kan itti Godhamu

Koodii Gosa Balleessaa

406 daandeettii konkolaataatiin ol fe’uu;
407 qaama konkolaataa alaarratti nama fe’uu;

408 Fiigicha seeraan daangeffamee ol konkolaachisuu;
409 Haala ittifayyadamtoota daandii kanbiraa irrati dhiibbaa
geessuun ibsaa konkolaataatti fayyadamuu (ibsa osoo hin’ibsin
dukkana keessa demuu ykn ibsaa dheeraa iddoo maleti
fayyadamuu, ibsaa tokko qofaan dukkana keessa deemuu fi
410 Jimaa fi baala sammuu hadoochuu fayyadamanii ykn
dhugaatii alkoolii fudhatanii konkolaachisuu;
411 Konkolataan osoo socho’aa jiru imaltoota fe’uu fi buusuu;
412 Konkolaataa sochoosuuf sadarkaa heyyamaa barbaachisuu
gadiin konkolaachisuu;
413 Konkolaataa qabate gargaaraa ykn nama kan biraa heyyama
hinqabneef dabarsanii kennuu;
414 Haala sirrii hinttaneen konkolaataa fuuldura jiru duruu;
415 Ibsaa fireechaa osoo hin agarsiisin ykn fireechaa toora hin
taane agarsiisanii gara faallaatti maquu;
416 Konkolaataa gidduu fageenya gahaa osoo hin eegin
417 Mallattoowwan tiraafikaa kan dhoowwanis ta’e kan
dirqisiisan cabsuu;
418 Geengoo tiraafikaa (“traffic circe”) toora biaatin qaxxamuruu;
419 Toora mirgaa osoo hin eeggatin karaa walakkaatti, maqa
(juncture) irratti dhaabuu, imaltoota fe’uu fi buusuu
420 Balaa tiraafika geessee iddo sanatti dhaabbachuu dhiisuu, ykn
haalli sodaachisaan yammuu uumamu buufata poolisii
dhiyeenyatti argamuuf ykn qaamni bulchinsa gandaa akka
beekan kan hin oone;
421 Bakka dursa kennuu qabutti konkolaataafis ta’e nama dursiin
kennamuu qabuuf dursa kennuu dhiisuu’

422 Balballi konkolaataa banaa ta’ee osoo hincufamin
423 Konkolaattota tajaajila balaatiif dursa kennuu dhiisuu
424 karaa dhiphoo irratti dhaabbachuu;
425 Balbala konkolaataan ittin bahuu fi galurratti dhaabbachuu;
426 Iddoowwan ibsaa tiraafikaa fi karaa maqu irratti meetira 12
keessatti dhaabbachuu;
Miiltoo “C” Adabbii Naamusaa Seera-darbaa sochii Daandii Irratti
Sadarkaa Adabbiitiin kanfaltiin maallaqaa fi tarkaanfii fudhatamu
Balleess Balleessa Balleessa Badiiwwan sadarkaa Daan ol’aanaa
aa a a
Adabb Sadarkaa Heyyama Heeyama Heeyyama
sadarka Sadarka sadarkaa
ii heyyama konk/sad konk/sadark konk/sada
a a Giddu- Ol’aanaa
Konkolaachis arkaa aa rkaa
jalqabaa galeessa
ummaa sadaffaa Afraffaa Shanaffaa
tokkooffaa fi
1 80 120 160 285 365 445 525

2 200 240 365 445 525 605

3 280 320 445 525 605 685

4 360 400 525 605 685 765

5 440 480 605 685 765 845

Heyyamni konkolaachisaa qabamee barumsa haaromsaa galee qormaata darbuu

6 barbaachisa

7 Heyyamni konkolaachisaa qabamee ji’a jahaaf erga ittifameen booda sadarkaa sanatti

qormaata gosa hundaa fudhatee darbuu qaba.

Heyamni konkolaachisaa kufaa ta’ee waggaa tokko booda sadarkaa jirurratti akka
haaraatti heyyama konkolaachisaa baafachuu danda’a. yeroo kana keessatti iddoo
8 biraatti naanneffacuu yoo barbaade kan dabarsuu danda’u sadarkaa tokko gadi
buusee ta’a.

Miiltoo “D” Kaffaltii Tajaajila Damee Geejjibaa

Lakk Gosa Tajaajila

1 Dhimmoota Heyyama Konkolaachisaa

1.1 Barnootaa fi Qormaata Konkolaachisummaa

A. Barumsa Konkolaachisummaa/Barumsa Kutaa/ 100.00

B. Qormaata Heyyama konkolaachisaa /Barreeffaama1-6/ 25.00

C. 3 “ “ “ /Gufuu 1- 20.00

D. Magaalaa 1-5 “ /kan 25.00

E. /oofichaa kan 6ffaa “ “ 30.00

F. /Dorgommii Hojiif 1-6 “ 50.00

1.2 Haaromsa Heyyama Konkolaachisummaa

A. Haaromsa heyyama konkolaachisummaa sad 1ffaa (wagga-waggaan) 10.00

B. “ “ “ “ 2 ffaa “ “ 25.00

C. “ “ “ “ 3ffaa “ “ 30.00

D. “ “ “ “ 4 ffaa “ “ 30.00

E. “ “ “ “ 5ffaa “ “ 35.00

F. “ “ “ “ 6 ffaa “ “ 35.00

1.3 Dabatara Heyyama Konkolaacisummaatiif 50.00

1.4 Kaardii (Dabtara)heyyama Addaa 40.00

Konkolaataa Mootummaatiif
1.5 Barnootaa fi Leenjii Haaromsaa

A. Barumsa haaromsaa Konkolaachisummaa/kutaa keessa 60.00

B. Leenjii Haaromsaa konkolaachisummaa/kan Oofichaa 100.00

1.6 Jijjiirraa kuusaa Heyyama Konkolaachisaa 25.00

1.7 Ragaa Dhimmaa Konkolaachisaa Faayila/kuusaa keessaa kennuuf 15.00

1.8 Garagalcha Heyyama Konkolaachisaa kennuu (Dabtara dabalatee) 60.00

1.9 “Heeyyamni Konkolaachisummaa na jalaa bade” jedhamee iyyatni 20.00

yemmuu dhiyaatu
Hanga qulqullaa’ut Ragaa Heyyama konkolaacisummaa Yeroof Yoo
1.10 Heyyama Bade Jedhamee gaafii dhiyaatu qulqulleessuuf 200.00

1.11 Kenna heyyama Addaa konkolaachisaa Taaksii 5.00

2 Dhaabbata Barnootaa fi Leenjii

Lakk Gosa Tajaajila


2.1 Xiinxala Gahumsa Dhaabbata Barnootaa fi Leenjii
Konkolaachistootaa Haaraa Hundeeffamu ykn sadarkaa 200.00
2.2 Heyyama Ga’umsaa Duraa Dhaabbata Barnootaa fi Leenii 500.00
2.3 Heyyama Ga’umsaa Guutuu Dhaabbata Barnootaa fi 1000.00
Leenjii Konkoaachistoota
2.4 Konkolaachistoota 500.00

3. Dhimma Konkolaattotaa

A. Shallaga bu’uura kaffaltii Tajaajila Dhimma Konkolaataa

Motor saaykilii/Gosa kamiyyuu 20.00

Awutomobilii Hanga Teessoo shanii 45+(3xTeessoo)

Awuobusii Teessoo 6-44 60+(4xTeessoo)

Awutobusii Teessoo 45-64 65+(4xTeessoo)

Awutobusii Teessoo 64 ol 70+(4xTeessoo)

Konkolaataa Fe’iisaa kuntaala 5-70 kan fe’u 50+(4xKuntaala)

Konkolaataa Fe’iisaa kuntaala 71-120 kanfe’u 125+(3xKuntaala)

Konkolaataa Fe’iisaa kuntaala 120 ol kan fe’u 200+(2xKuntaala)

Harkifamaa Goosa kamiyyuu 50+(0.25xkuntaala )

Socho’aa Addaa 250.00

Konkolaataa Tajaajila Dachaaf 138.00

3.1 Sakatta’a teeknika Waggaa Konkolaataa 0.25xkan “A”jalatti


3.2 Galmeessa Waggaa konkolaataa (boolloo dabalagtee, Kan”A”jalatti taa’e

sakatta’a osoo hindabalatin) akkuma jirutti

Sakatta’a Mirkaneessa Gahumsa Teknikaa konkolaataa 0.30xkan “A”jalatti

3.3 haara ta’e

Tilmaama konkolaataa 0.70x kan”A”jalatti

3.4 taa’e

Jijjiirraan maqaa abbaa qabeenyummaa yemmuu 0.30xkan “A”jalatti

3.5 jijjiiramu taa’e

Dabtarri Abbaa Qabeenyummaa kokoataa (Libree) 50.00

Kennaa Gabateen konkolaataatiif
A Gabatee daddarbii Torbaniif 40.00

Lakk Gosa Tajaajila ?

B. Gabatee Daddarbii ji’aaf ?

C. Gabatee Daddarbii ji’aa jahaaf ?

D. Gabatee Daddarbii waggaaf ?

E. Gabatee Daddarbii yoo Hin Deebine Guyyaatti 10.00

F. Gabatee Yeroo Bultii 15f 20.oo

G. Gabatee Hin Deebine Guyyaatti 10.00

H. Gabatee Idilee 200.00

3.8 Mallattoo Maxxansa Sakatta’a Waggaa /Boolloo 10.00

3.9 Garagalcha mallattoo Maxxansa Sakatta’a Waggaa/Boolloo 25.00

3.10 Heyyama Hojii Tajaajila Modifikaa 100.00

3.11 Heyyama Hojjii Konkolaattotaa kan motor Saaykilii 25.00

3.12 Heyyama Hojii Konkolaataa Daldala Deddeebisa Sabaa, 60.00

Fe’umsaa ykn Taaksii
3.13 Heey.Hojii Konkolaataa Mootummaa fi Qaamota Biraa 25.00

4 Dhaabbilee Sakatta’a Konkolaataa, Gaaraajii fi Suphaa

4.1 Heyyama Bakka-bu’iinsa Sakatta’a Konkolaataa Waggaa

A. Kena heyyama Bakka Bu’insa Sakatta’a Waggaa konkolaataa 1000.00

B. Haaromsa Heyyama Bakka Bu’insa Sakatta’a Waggaa 500.00

4.3 Xiinxala Mirkaneessa Gahumsa Gaaraajii

A. Heeyyama Gaaraajii Waliigalaa Sadarkaa 1ffaa 500.00

B. “ “ “ “ 2 ffaa 400.00

C. “ “ “ “ 3 ffaa 300.00

D. “ “ “ “ 4 ffaa 200.00

E. “ “ “ “ 5 ffaa 100.00

4.4 Heeyama Goommistaa

A. Heyyama Gommistaa/taappiserii fi Dhiqaa Adaamaa, Jimma, 150.00

B. Heyyama Gommisitaa/Taappiserii fi Dhiqaa naqamtee, 100.00
C. Heyyama Gommistaa/Taappiserii fi Dhiqaa Magaalota Biroo 75.00

5 Tajaajila Waldoolee Geejjibaa fi Bulchiinsa Buufata

Kennaa fi Haaromsa Heyyamaa Waldaa
A. Kennaa ykn Haaromsa Heyyama waldaa Geejjibaa Hanga 1000.00

kokolaataa 50

Lakk Gosa Tajaajila

B Kennaa ykn Haaromsa Heyyama waldaa Geejjibaa 2000.00

Konkolaataa 51-100
C Kennaa ykn Haaromsa Heyyama waldaa Geejjibaa 3000.00
konkolaataa 100 ol
5.2 Sagantaa Bobbii Waldaa Mirkaneessuuf 20.00

5.3 Dogoggora abbaa Konkolaataatiin Xalayaan waldaaf 20.00

Barreeffamu yoo jijiiramu
5.4 Kiraa fi Tajaajila buufata Konkolaataa

A. Kiraa yoo konkolaataan Buufata keessa bule/Guyyaatti 5.00

B. Kiraa yoo konkolaataan Buufata keessa Bule/Guyyaatti 8.00
C. Kiraa yoo konkolaataan buufata keessa Bule/Guyyaatti 10.00
D Kanfaltii Tajaajila buufataa Deemsaan/konkolaataa 1.00

E Kanfaltii Tajaajila Buufataa Deemsaan/konkolaataa 2.00
F Kanfaltii Tajaajila Buufataa Deemsaan/konkolaataa 5.00
G Kiraa kutaalee Buufaatichaa Tajaajila Waajjira Waldooleef Caalbaasiidhaan
6. Tajaajiloota Adda-addaa

6.1 Ragaa Garagalchaa Footoo Kooppii Fuulaan /Dabalata/ 10.00

6.2 Ragaalee/Harshammeewwan Adda Adda kuusaarraa Ilaaluu 15.00

6.3 Garagalchiin Libree Yeroo kennamu 70.00

6.4 Sirreeffamni Ragaa Libireerratti/Heyyama 10.00

Konkolaachisaarratti Yoo Godhamu
6.5 Kuusaa/ Harshammee Konkolaataa Iddoo Biraatti jijiiruu 50.00

6.6 Xalayaa baankii (Idaa galmeessuuf) 50.00

6.7 Xalayaa gabatee bade ykn manca’ee bakka buusuuf 30.00

6.8 Xalayaan qopha’ee dogoggora abbaa dhimmaan oggaa 10.00

አባሪ “ሐ” መንገድ እቅስቃሴ ላይ በደንብ መተላለፍ ላይ የሚፈፀም የሥነ ምግባር

የቅጣት በቅጣት ደረጃ የገንዘብ ክፍያና የሚወሰድ እርምት
የመጀመሪያ መካከ ከፍተ በጣም ከፍተኛ ደረጃ ይፋቶች

ደረጃ ጥፋት ለኛ ኛ አንደኛና ሦስተኛ አራተኛ አምስተኛ
ደረጃ ደረጃ ሁለተኛ ደረጃ ደረጃ ደረጃ
ጥፋት ጥፋት የአሽከርካሪ የአሽከርካሪ የአሽከርካሪነ የአሽከርካሪ
ነት ፈቃድ ነት ፈቃድ ት ፈቃድ ነት ፈቃድ
1 80 120 160 285 365 445 515
2 200 240 365 445 525 605
3 280 320 445 525 605 685
4 360 400 525 605 685 765
440 480 665 685 765 845

6 የተያዙ የአሽከርኻሪ ፈቃድ የታሃድሶ ትምህርት ገብቶ ፈተና ማለፍ ያስፈልጋል

7 የተያዘ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ ለስድስት ወር ከተከለከለ በኋላ በዚያ ደረጀ ሁሉንም

ፈተና አይነት ወስዶ ማለፍ አለበት፡፡

8 ውድቅ የሆነ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ ከአንድ አመት በኋላ ባለበት ደረጃ እንደ አዲስ
የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ ማውጣት ይችላል፡፡ በዚህ ጊዜ ውስጥ ወደሌላ ቦታ ማዞር
ከፈለገ ማስተላለፍ የሚችለው አንድ ደረጃ ዝቅ አድርጐ በማውረድ ይሆናል፡፡

ቁጥር የአገልግሎት ዓይነት ክፍያ

1 አሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ ጉዳይ
1.1 የአሽከርካሪነት ትመህርትና ፈተና
ሀ የአሽከርካሪነት ትምህርት/የክፍል ትምህርት/ 100.00
ለ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ ፈተና/ከ1-6 ጽሁፍ/ 25.00
ሐ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ ፈተና/ከ1-3 ጽሁፍ/ 20.00

ሀ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ ፈተና/የከተማከ1ሀ5/ 25.00
ለ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ ፈተና/6ኛ መንጃ/ 30.00
ሐ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ ፈተና/ለስራ ውድድር 1-6/ 50.00
1.2 የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ እድሳት 2ዐ.00
ሀ የአንደኛ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ እድሳት/በየአመቱ/ 10.00
ሀ የሁለተኛ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ እድሳት/በየአመቱ/ 25.00
ለ የሦስተኛ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ እድሳት/በየአመቱ/ 20.00
ለ የአራተኛ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ እድሳት/በየአመቱ/ 30.00
ሐ የአምተኛ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ እድሳት/በየአመቱ/ 35.00
መ የስድስተኛ የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ እድሳት/በየአመቱ/ 35.00
1.3 የአሽከርካሪነት ፈቃድ ደብተር 50.00
1.4 ለመንግስት መኪና ካርድ(ደብተር) ልዩ ፈቃድ 40.00
1.5 ለትምህርትና ሥልጠና እድሳት
ሀ ለአሽከርካሪነት እድሳት ትምህርት(ክፍል ውስጥ) 60.00
ለ ለአሽከርካሪነት እድሳት ትምህርት(የመንዳት) 100.00
1.6 የአሽከርካሪ ፈቃድ ዶክመንት ዝውውር 25.00
1.7 ለዶክመንት ውል ለመስጠት 15.00
1.8 የአሽከርካሪ ፈቃድ ግልባጭ ለመስጠት 60.00
1.9 የአሽከርከሪነት ፈቃድ ጠፋብኝ ተብሎ ማመልከቻ ለቀረበ 20.00
እስኪጣራ ጊዜያዊ የአሽከርካሪነት ማስረጃ
1.10 ለጊዜው መስጠት ተብሎ ለቀረበ ጥያቄ ለማጣራት 200.00
1.11 ለታክሲ አሽከርካሪ የሚሰጥ ልዩ ፈቃድ 50.00
2 ለትምህርትና ሥልጠና ድርጅት

ቁጥር የአገልግሎት ዓይነት ክፍያ
2.1 አሽከርካሪዎች አዲስ የሚከፍቱ ወይም ደረጃ ለማሻሻል 200
የአሽከርካሪዎች ትምህርትና ሥልጠና ድርጅት
2.2 የመጀመሪያ የየትምህርት ስልጠና ድርጅት የአሽከርካሪዎች 200
የብቃት ፈቃድ
2.3 የትምህርትና ስልጠና ድርጅት የአሽከርካሪዎች ሙሉ ፈቃድ 1000
2.4 አሽከርካሪዎች 500
3 የተሽከርካሪ ጉዳይ
ሀ መሠረታዊ የአሽከርካሪ አገልግሎት ጉዳይ የመኪና ግመታ
ሞተር ሳይክል/ማንኛውም አይነት/ 20
እስከ አምስት መቀመጫ አውቶሞቢል 45+(3xመቀመ

ከ6-44 መቀመጫ በላይ 604
ከ64 መቀመጫ በላይ 70+(4xመቀመ

የጭነት መኪና 5-70 ኩንታል የሚጭን 50+(4xኩንታል
የጭነት መኪና 71-120 ኩንታል የሚጭን 125+(3xኩንታል
የጭነት መኪና ከ120 ኩንታል በላይ የሚጭን 200+(2xኩንታል
ማንኛውም ዓይነት ተሣቢ 50+(0.25xኩን
ልዩ ተንቀሳቃሽ 250
ለእጥፍ አገልግሎት መኪና 138
3.1 የመኪና አመታዊ የቲክኒክ ምርመራ 0.25 x የ”ሀ”

ስር የተቀመጠ
3.2 አመታዊ የመኪና ምዝገባ(ቦሎን ጨምሮ ምርመራን ሳይጨም) 0.30 x የ”ሀ”
ስር የተቀመጠ
3.3 የአዲስ መኪና የቴክኒክ ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ምርመራ ”ሀ” ስር
3.4 የመኪና ግመታ 0.70 x የ”ሀ”
ስር የተቀመጠ
3.5 የባለቤትነት ስም ቅየራ ሲቀየር 0.30 x የ”ሀ”
ስር የተቀመጠ
3.6 የመኪና የባለቤትነት ደብተር(ሊብሬ) 50
3.7 የመኪና ታርገ ለመስጠት
4 ለስምንት መተላለፊ ታርጋ 40
ለ ስድስተኛ መተላለፊያ ታርጋ
ሐ የስድስት ወርመተላለፊያ ታርጋ
መ የአመት መተላለፊያ ታርጋ
ሠ የመተላለፊያ ታርጋ ካልተመለሰ በቀን 10.00
ረ የ15 ቀን መተላለፊያ ታርጋ 20.00
ሰ ጊዜያዊ ታርጋ ካልተመለሰ 10.00
ረ መደበኛ ታርጋ 200.00
3.8 የአመታዊ ምርመራ ምልክት መለጠፍ(ቦሎ) 10.00
3.9 የአመታዊ ምርመራ ምልክት ግልባጭ 25.00
3.10 የሞዲፊክ ሥራ አገልግሎት ፈቃድ 100.00
3.11 የሞተር ሳይክል መኪና የሥራ ፈቃድ 25.00
3.12 የንግድ የጭነት፣ የሰው ማመላለሻ ወይም ታክሲ 60.00

3.13 ሌሎች አካሎች 25.00
4 የመኪና ምርመራ ድርጅት፣ጋራዥና ጥገና 50+(0.25xኩን
4..1 የአመት መኪና የውክልና ምርመራ 250
4 የአመት የመኪና የውክልና ምርመራ ፈቃድ አሰጣጥ 1000.00
4.2 የአመት የመኪና የውክልና ምርመራ ፈቃድ እድስታ 500.00
4.3 የጋራዥ ብቃት ጥናት ማረጋገጫ 0.30 x የ”ሀ”
ስር የተቀመጠ
ሀ አጠቃላይ 1ኛ ደረጃ የጋራዥ ፈቃድ 500.00
ለ አጠቃላይ 2ኛ ደረጃ የጋራዥ ፈቃድ 400.00
ሐ አጠቃላይ 3ኛ ደረጃ የጋራዥ ፈቃድ 300.00
መ አጠቃላይ 4ኛ ደረጃ የጋራዥ ፈቃድ 200.00
ሠ አጠቃላይ 5ኛ ደረጃ የጋራዥ ፈቃድ 100.00
4.4 የጐሚስታ ፈቃድ
ሀ የጐሚስታ ፈቃድ /ታፒሲር እና እጥበት አዳማ፣ጅማና ሻሸመኔ 150
ለ የጐሚስታ ፈቃድ/ታፒሲር እና እጥበት ነቀምት እና አሰላ 100.00
ሐ የጐሚስታ ፈቃድ/ታፒሲር እና እጥበት ሌሎች ከተሞች 75.00
5 የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት ማህበራትና የመነሐሪያ አስተዳደር
5.1 የማህበራት ፈቃድ አሰጣጥና እድሳት
ሀ የትራንስፖርት ማህበራት የፈቃድ አሰጣጥ ወይም እድሳት እስከ 1000
50 መኪና
ለ የትራንስፖርት ማህበራት የፈቃድ አሰጣጥ ወይም እድሳት እስከ 1000.00
5ዐ መኪና
ሐ የትራንስፖርት ማህበራት የፈቃድ አሰጣጥ ወይም እድሳት ከ100 3000.00

በላይ መኪና
5.2 የስምሪት ፕሮግራምን ለማረጋገጥ 20.00
5.3 በባለመኪናው ስህተት ለማህበሩ የተፃፈ ደብደቤ ሲቀየር 20.00
5.4 የመናኸሪያ ኪራይና አገልግሎት
ሀ መኪና መናኸሪያ ውስጥ ካደረገ(በቀን ለትንሽ መኪና) 5.00
ለ መኪናው መናኸሪያ ውስጥ ካደረ ኪራዩ(በቀን ለመካከለኛ መኪና) 8.00
ሐ መኪናው መናኸሪያ ውስጥ ካደረ (ለትልቅ መኪና) 10.00
መ የአገልግሎት ክፍያ መኪናው መናኸሪያ ውስጥ ከሄደ(ለትንሽ 2.00
ሠ የአገልግሎት ክፍያ መኪናው መናኸሪያ ውስጥ ከሄደ(ለመካከለኛ 2.00
ረ የአገልግሎት ክፍያ መኪናው መናኸሪያ ውስጥ ከሄደ(ለትልቅ 5.00
ሰ ለጽሕፈት ቤትአገልግሎት ለማህበራት የመናኸሪያ ክፍሎች በጨረታ
6 ልዩ ልዩ አገልግሎት
6.1 የማስረጃ ግልባጭ ፎቶ ኮፒ በገጽ/ተጨማሪ 10.00
6.2 የተለያዩ ማስረጃዎችንና ሰነዶተን ከመዝገብ ለማየት 15.00
6.3 የባለንብረትነት ደብተር (ሊብሬ) ሲሰጥ 70.00
6.4 በሊብሬ ላይ ማስተካከያ ወይም በአሽከርካሪ ፈቃድ ላይ 10.00
መስተካከያ ሲደረግ
6.5 የመኪና ዶክመንት ወደ ሌላ ቦታ ለማዛወረ 60.00
6.6 ለባንክ ደብዳቤ ለማፃፍ(ዕዳ ለማስመዝገብ) 50.00
6.7 የጠፋ ወይም የተበላሸ ታርጋን ለመተካት ደብዳቤ ለመፃፍ 30.00
6.8 በባለ ጉዳዩ ስህተት የተዘጋጀ ደብዳቤ ሲለመጥ 10.00

Annex ''A'' Disciplinary measures and Penalty taken on the Driver Education and
Training Institutions
Where any Institution commit the following things, it regarded as offense and the
measure mentioned here in under shall be taken on it as of level.
1. Teaching and Training without having legal competence license, the institution
shall be closed, and responsible as per to Commercial Registration and Licensing
Proclamation No. 67/1989
2. If Found to diminish the existed criterion at the time when the competence
license is taken;
 Warning shall be given in writing to correct within a month;
 Where not corrected within a month, it shall be closed or
prohibited until corrected;
 The competence license shall be cancelled where institution
closed and stayed more than three months.
3. who found to work by diminishing time and curriculum provided to the
education and training;
 For the first time written warning is given, and students and
trainees on process of learning while offense is known shall enter
in to exam. The warning given for the institution shall be clearly
affixed for one month at a place where students and trainees can
 For the second time, it shall be prohibited not to function until
two month;
 Competence license shall be cancelled at third time.
4. Without notifying to Bureau, who gives education and training outside the
place where the institution is known;
 warning shall be given and punished with 500 birr;

 Where he commit offense for the second time, his license shall be
suspended for one month;
 Where he commits offense for the third time, his license shall be
5. Who receive and teach or train individuals who do not fulfill the basic
 For the second time punished with 500 birr and made to refrain from
his action.
 For the third time suspended from work up to three months.
 His competence license shall be cancelled.
Annex ‘’B’’ Traffic Offense that Entails Disciplinary Penalty
1. Offense Regarded as Slight level
1.1. Follow up by Traffic Controllers
CodeFault Type
101 Travel without having trip license;
102 Left to hold Id. card and drivers and assistant’s Badge;
103. With an intent contrary to decency(good discipline) when
driver left to keep personal hygiene, using deodorant and lubricant
that has impact on passengers and wearing inappropriate clothes;( if
1.2. Follow up by Traffic Police
Code Offense Type

104. If not renewing driving license on time;

105. Boarding passengers of commercial vehicle at prohibited place in
town which has alight and board station;
106. Shakes on the road, loads such as stone, sands and others or uncover
loads that enable to rise up the dust;

107 Driving vehicle that completely has no side bar

108 Causes to be heard excessive music sound in a manner that
could disturb passengers and the area;
109 Affix various written, cover and pictures in front of the vehicle
that obscure the vision of the driver;
110. Towing the vehicle inappropriate manner.
111. Driving a vehicle emitting excessive Smoke
112. Makes to drive practicing without affixing the “learner” sign;
113. Makes drive practicing in prohibited time and place;
2. Offense regarded as middle level
2.1. Follow Up by Transport Controllers
Code Offense Type
201. Refusing to accept without good cause a command given by
Bureau in special manner or Industry and Transport Office for
unfortunate accident that may occurs on a country.
202. Not holdingwrapper or plastic at good level that help to protect
rain, dust and sun with the necessary rope that help to fasten
203. Giving the service without having crick, tire unfetters and tires
to be change;
2.2. Follow Up by Traffic Police
Code Offense Type
204. Stopping damaged or undamaged vehicle on the road, beyond the
time allowed by this regulation, in the manner that imposes
pressure in traffic motion;
205. Without getting permission from a police, accumulate or drop
materials that can hinder traffic movement such as soil, sand,
stone, and alike on the vehicle road;
206. No tying reflector sign or cover up a load exceed and seen
beyond the length of the vehicle at the back or in front side;

207. Ride a motor cycle without wearing head protection helmet;
208. Driving without affixing vehicle’s annual Affix Sign
209. while drives communicating through mobile telephone or using
“ear phone”;
210. Drive a vehicle without fastening seat belt (safety belt);
3. Offences Categorized as Aggravated
3.1 Follow Up by Transport Controllers fulfill

Code Offence Type

301. Drive vehicle which light unfulfilled or lightless vehicle
3.2Follow Up by Traffic Police
Code Offence Type
302. Use the vehicle for out of registered service
303. Provide service or moves without affixing plate or legal plate
304. Left without affixing a reflector sign at the back and front of the
vehicle that stopped on the road.
305. Without reflector sign implement the vehicle for commercial
306. Driving without holding driving license
307. Practicing drives without having license
308. Uses unsafely glass which is not permitted by the Law for vehicle,
door and seats

4. Offense regarded as extremely Aggravated

4.1. Follow Up by Transport Controllers and Traffic Police
Code Offense Type
402. Gives assistances or evidence to other drivers that carry out illegal act
403. Refuse to stop for controller organ or to give support for the supervision
404. Insult supervision worker, passengers and other body at any place.
405. Refuse to give evidence, upon request by the controller or give error

4.2. Follow up by Traffic Police

Code Offense Type

406. Load above capacity of the vehicle

407. Get onto the person outside the body of the vehicle
408. Driving beyond legally limited speed
409. Using vehicle light in the manner affecting other road user (Travel in dark
without lighting or using long light inappropriate place, travel by single light in
the dark and alike)
410. Using chat and narcotic drug or driving after taking alcohol
411. Boarding and alighting the passengers while vehicle is on motion
412. Moves and driving the vehicle below required license level
413. Hand over vehicle to the assistant or other person who has no license
414. Overtake priority from front vehicle inappropriate condition.
415. without indicating light in misplace and go to opposite
416. Drives without keeps enough space between vehicle
417. Disrespect prohibited and obligatory Traffic sign
418. Crossing traffic circle in left side
419. Without keeping right edge stops in road center, on the juncture, board
and alight from passengers
420. Refuse to stop at the place where causes traffic accident, or while fear
condition is created, for police station which found nearest, or not to make to
known by kebele administration organ
421. Refuse to give priority to the vehicle or person at the place where it needed
to do it.
422. Drives while door of the vehicle is open and unclosed
423. Refuse to give priority to the emergency vehicle
424. Stops in narrow road
425. Stops on vehicle’s entrance and exit gate
426. Stop on the curve road and traffic sign site within the 12 metre
Annex “C” Disciplinary penalty for breach of Law which carried out on road
penalty Stage of penalty payment and measures to be taken

First Middle Higher Highest level offenses

category level level
First 3rd 4th level 5th level
offense offense offense
and level vehicle vehicle
second vehicle license license
driving license
1 80 120 160 285 365 445 525

2 200 240 365 445 525 605

3 280 320 445 525 605 685

4 360 400 525 605 685 765

5 440 480 605 685 765 845

6 Driver whom his license is taken from must be joining to renewal

education and have to pass examination.

7 After driving license suspended for six months, he shall takes all kind
of examination and passed at this level.

8 Driver license become reject and after a year at his level he can
issues new driving license. Within this time, if he need to transfer to
other place, can transfer by reducing one level

Annex “D” Transport branch payment service

Lakk. Type of service

1 About Driver License

Driving Education and Test

A Driving Education (class Education) 100

B Driving license Test (1-6 written) 25

C Driving license Test (obstacle 1-3) 20

D Driving license Test (that of town 1-5) 25

E Driving license Test (6th driving) 30

F Driving license Test (competition for work 1-6) 50

1.2 Renewal of driving license

A 1st level renewal of driving license (yearly) 10

B 2nd level renewal of driving license (yearly) 25

C 3rd level renewal of driving license (yearly) 30

D 4th level renewal of driving license (yearly) 30

E 5th level renewal of driving license (yearly) 35

F 6th level renewal of driving license (yearly) 35

1.3 Book for Driving license 50

1.4 Special License card for Government vehicle 40

1.5 Renewal of Education and Training

A Renewal of Education for Driving (in class room) 60

B Renewal of Training for Driving (in practice) 100

1.6 Transfer of driver’s license document 25

1.7 To Give driver’s evidence matter from files or 15

1.8 Give copy of driver’s license include book 60

1.9 When application, “my driving license is lost” is 20

submitted, Until proved temporary driving license is
1.10 To approve submitted question about alleged lost 200

1.11 Give special license of tax vehicle 50

2 Education and Training Institution


2.1 Analysis of competency of New drivers Education and 200

Training to be establishes or modify level
2.2 Drivers Education and Training institution’s 1st level 500
license of competency

2.3 Drivers Education and Training institution’s complete 1000
competency license
2.4 Drivers Education and Training institution’s renewal of 500
complete competency license
3 Vehicle’s Matter

A Estimation as per to payment service of vehicle matters

Motor cycle/any type 20.00

Automobile up to five seats 45+(3* seats)

Automobile from 6 to 44 seats 60+(4* seats)

Automobile from 45 to 64 seats 65+(4* seats

Automobile above 64 seats 70+(4* seats)

Track that carry from 5 to 70 quintals 50+(4*quintals)

Track that carry from 71 to 120 quintals 125+(3*quintals)

Track carry above 120 quintals 200+(2*quintals)

Any trailer 50+(0.25*quintals)

Special movable 250.00

Double vehicle service 138.00

3.1 Annual vehicle’s technical Inspection 0.25* that provided

under “A”

3.2 Annual registration of vehicles (including annual affix that Provided

sign without inspection) under “A”

3.3 Inspection of the new technical competency 0.30*that provided

under “A”

3.4 Vehicle Estimation 0.70*that provided

under A

3.5 While owner’s name is transfer 0.30*that provided

under “A”

3.6 Libre 50

3.7 Providing plate for a vehicle

A Weekly transfer plate

B Monthly transfer plate

C Six month transfer plate

D Yearly transfer plate

E When transfer plate is not return daily 10.00

F Temporary Plate for 15 days 20.00

G When Temporary Plate is not return in daily 10.00

H Normal plate 200.00

3.8 Annual affix sign 10.00

3.9 Copy of annual affix sign 25.00

3.10 Work license of modific service 100.00

3.11 Motorcycles driving work license 25.00

3.12 Work license of Public Service Vehicle 60.00

3.13 Work license of Government Vehicle 25.00

4 Vehicle Inspection Institution, garage and maintenance

4.1 Representative license of annual affix sign

A Giving Representative license of annual affix sign 1000.00

B Renewal of Representative license of annual affix sign 500.00

4.3 Analysis of approval of garage competency

A First level license of general garages 500.00

B 2nd level license of general garages 400.00

C 3rd level license of general garages 300.00

D 4th level license of general garages 200.00

E 5th level license of general garages 100.00

4.4 Gomista tire air pour License

A Gomista License/Tapiser and wash of Adama. Jima and 150.00

B Gomista License/Tapiser and wash of Naqamte and 100.00
C Gomista License/Tapiser and wash of other town 75.00

5 Transport associations service and Administration of

vehicle station
5.1 Providing and renewal of association license

A Providing or renewal of association license up to 50 1000.00


B Providing or renewal of association license from 51 to 2000.00
100 vehicles
C Providing or renewal of association license above 100 3000.00
5.2 To approve associations trip program 20.00

5.3 when due to mistake of vehicle’s owner, letter written 20.00

to association is change
5.4 Rent and other service of vehicle station

A Vehicle station daily Rent for a small vehicle per one 5.00

B Vehicle station daily rent for medium vehicle per one 8.00
C Vehicle station daily rent for big vehicle per one night 10.0

D Payment for station service for small vehicle in voyage 1.00

E Payment for station service for medium vehicle in 2.00

F Payment for station service for big vehicle in voyage 5.00

G By bid
Station class’s Rent implement for association service

6 Different services

6.1 Copy of evidence include by page /additional/ 10.00

6.2 Look different evidence / files on the accumulation 15.00

6.3 While copy of Libre is given 70.00

6.4 when improvement made on the Libre or on driving 10.00

6.5 Transfer files or document of the vehicle to other place 50.00

6.6 Bank letter ( to register debt) 50.00

6.7 Letter to be written to replace lost or damaged plate 30.00

6.8 While prepared letter changed due to mistake of 10.00



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