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Lesson 3

How do you classify animals?
A dichotomous key lists traits of
organisms. It gives directions that lead
you to an organism’s identity.
Create a dichotomous key to identify the
animals shown.

Christmas tree worm Observe Look at the animals shown. What
features do they have? How can you use these
features to classify them?
Make a key. The key should include a series of
yes or no questions that can help you identify the
Start your key with a general question. Make
each additional question eliminate at least one
animal. For example, you might start by asking “Is
this animal able to move by itself from place to
place?” If the animal is a worm, you would answer
“Yes,” and move on. If the animal is a sponge, you
would answer “No.”
Keep writing questions until you can single out
one animal in your key.
Communicate Exchange keys with a partner.
Use their key to identify an animal.

Draw Conclusions
Infer Could you use your key
to identify other animals? Explain.

Explore More
How would you change your key to make it
more useful? Which questions would you
These strange-looking organisms are actually change? Which questions would you keep
the same?
animals. What characteristics do all animals
have? How do you determine whether an
organism is an animal?

Building block lesson for LS-3. Trace the organization of simple food chains and SWK-1. Summarize how conclusions and ideas change as new knowledge is gained.
50 51
food webs ...
What are simple invertebrates? flatworm

You learned that invertebrates are animals that

do not have a backbone. They can live on land or in
Main Idea LS-3 the water. Most lower invertebrates live in aquatic
Form, structure, and environments, which are filled with water or are segmented
behavior can all be used moist. The lower invertebrates include sponges,
to divide animals into cnidarians (nye•DAYR•ee•uhnz), and worms.
classification groups.

Vocabulary Sponges
asymmetrical, p. 52 Sponges are animals that have no true roundworm
radial symmetry, p. 52 organization. Sponges are the only animals without
bilateral symmetry, p. 53 real tissues or organs. They are also asymmetrical
monotreme, p. 58 (ay•si•MET•ri cuhl). An asymmetrical body plan
marsupial, p. 58 cannot be divided into mirror images.
placental mammal, p. 58
The sponge body structure is arranged around
a single tunnel-like canal. The tissue surrounding
-Glossary the canal is filled with lots of tiny pores, or holes. Cnidarians have a mouth, tentacles,
The word pore gives sponges their phylum name— muscle tissues, and stinger cells. When
Reading Skill Porifera (paw•RIF•uhr•uh). All members of the phylum they hunt, their stingers shoot out like
Main Idea and Details Porifera live in water. tiny harpoons. The poison inside these
cells helps them capture other animals.
Roundworms, or nematodes
Main Idea Details
Cnidarians Once stung, the dart-like stinger cells
(NEM•uh•tohdz), have simple digestive
Jellyfish, sea anemones, corals, and hydras are hold the victim while tentacles move it
and nervous systems. Roundworms are
all cnidarians. Cnidarians are soft-bodied, aquatic toward the animal’s mouth.
some of the most abundant animals on
creatures. Unlike sponges, they have radial symmetry Earth. Like flatworms, they often live
(RAY•dee•uhl SIM•uh•tree). Radial symmetry is a Worms inside the bodies of other animals.
body plan in which all body parts of an organism are There are three main worm
Segmented worms, or annelids
arranged around a central point. An organism with groups: flatworms, roundworms, and
(AN•uh•lidz), have a body plan that
radial symmetry has more than one line segmented worms. All worms have
is divided into sections, or segments.
sponge that divides the organism bilateral symmetry (bye•LAT•uhr•uhl).
They have a two-way digestive system
into two mirror images. Bilateral symmetry is a body plan in
and organs, including a stomach, heart,
which an organism can be divided
and brain.
along only one plane of their body to
produce two mirror images. Quick Check
Flatworms, or platyhelminthes Main Idea and Details What are
(plat•uh•HEL•minths), have a flat body
some lower invertebrates?
and a head with simple eyes and a
mouth. With only one body opening, Critical Thinking Which
undigested food must leave the characteristics do scientists use to
sea anemone flatworm’s body through its mouth. classify cnidarians?

52 53
What are complex Arthropods

invertebrates? blue sea star

Invertebrates include a very diverse

group of animals that live in many
different environments. Some of these
animals have specialized organs and
complex body structures. Mollusks,
echinoderms, and arthropods are phyla
with very different characteristics.
Read a Photo

Mollusks Arthropods What do arthropods have in common?

All mollusks share the same body Clue: Look at the basic body plan of
Arthropods are the most numerous both arthropods. What features do
plan. They have a muscular foot or animal group on Earth. More than they share?
tentacles, a fold of tissue called the half of the world’s animal species
mantle, and a mass of internal are arthropods, including spiders,
organs. They all have bilateral crabs, and insects. Arthropods have
symmetry. Mollusks include a very efficient body plan. They are
snails, clams, and squids. Almost small and light with a hard skeleton
all mollusks have a shell, which is on the outside of the body called an
secreted by the mantle. exoskeleton (ek•so•SKEH•luh•tun). It
Mollusks have several specialized provides strength and protection. All Observe Insects
organs, including a heart, gills for arthropods have bilateral symmetry. Observe Look at each insect with
breathing, and a well-developed Arthropods have a segmented body, a hand lens. Draw what you see.
nervous system. The squid and octopus with paired limbs on either side of Compare the structures of each
have extremely good eyesight and a their body. In some cases, these limbs insect. Create a
very large brain. located inside the body called an table to record your
are used as wings or claws. In other
endoskeleton (en•doh•SKEH•luh•tun). observations.
cases, their many legs help arthropods
Echinoderms Spines from the endoskeleton often move quickly. Arthropods have simple Infer Choose any
two structures
poke through their thin, bumpy skin. but very efficient nervous systems and
Echinoderms include sea stars, that you observed.
Echinoderms usually have radial good sensory systems. If you have ever
sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. What is special
symmetry. tried to swat a fly, you know just how
Echinoderms have a hardened skeleton about these structures? How does
Echinoderms use a water pressure quickly an arthropod can move! the design of these structures help
system that helps them feed, breathe, the insect survive?
and move. Seawater enters the system Quick Check
and moves to different parts of the Main Idea and Details What
animal’s body under pressure. The body part do arthropods have that
system ends in the echinoderm’s many echinoderms do not have?
tube feet, which cling to surfaces like
small suction cups. Critical Thinking Is the statement
“the smaller the animal, the simpler
garden snail
Starfish are called the animal” generally true? Explain.
54 sea stars. 55
What are vertebrates? allow them to easily go lungs, so they need to stay moist at all Birds
up or down in water. times. They also return to the water to Birds have several features that
Recall that vertebrates are animals
Bony fish also have lay their eggs. make them different from other
that have a backbone. They all have
moving flaps that push vertebrates. Rather than four legs,
bilateral symmetry and endoskeletons.
water into their gills. Reptiles birds have two legs and two wings.
This allows them to Birds have hollow bones to reduce
Fish There are about 7,000 different
get oxygen while not their weight.
kinds of reptiles. A reptile is a true land
There are three classes of fish: moving in the water.
animal with one lung or two. They Feathers are a unique characteristic
jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, and
have thick, scaly, waterproof skin. of birds. They are strong and incredibly
bony fish. Lamprey and hagfish Amphibians tree frog
Reptiles include lizards, snakes, turtles, light. Feathers help keep heat inside
are jawless fish. Instead of a true
Frogs, salamanders, and other alligators, and crocodiles. the bodies of birds. Birds are warm-
backbone, they have a flexible nerve
amphibians bridge the gap between Reptiles do not generate much blood animals that can keep their
cord. Without jaws, they are forced to
land and water vertebrates. An body heat. Instead, reptiles stay body temperatures constant. Their
suck in their food.
amphibian is an animal that spends warm by sunning themselves and feathers are sturdy enough to hold up
Sharks, skates, and rays are part of its life in the water and part of to the stresses and strains of flight.
taking advantage of heat in their
cartilaginous fish. They have skeletons its life on land. The world’s fastest bird, the peregrine
environments. They are cold-blooded
made of cartilage rather than bone. falcon, can fly at speeds of more than
A frog begins its life in the water as animals. This means they cannot
Cartilage is the material that gives your 322 kilometers per hour (200 miles
a tadpole with gills. As it matures, the automatically keep their body
ear its stiffness. They have paired fins per hour).
frog develops four legs and lungs for temperature steady.
and jaws.
breathing air. Most adult amphibians
Bony fish have a nerve cord covered do not leave the water for too long.
by bone, not cartilage. Like sharks, Many frogs, for example, breathe Quick Check
they have jaws and paired fins. They through their skin as well as their
Main Idea and Details What are
have balloonlike swim bladders that
Birds and Reptiles
characteristics of vertebrates?
Critical Thinking Why do many
reptiles hide at night and stay
completely inactive?


gila monster

Read a Photo
white-tip reef shark How are birds and reptiles different?
Clue: Observe each animal’s outer covering.

56 57
What are mammals?
Milk, hair, and large brains are
the key characteristics of mammals. Visual Summary Think, Talk, and Write
Mammals are unique because they
Main Idea What is the main difference
produce milk to feed their young. Invertebrates do not
between vertebrates and invertebrates?
Most mammals have hair or fur. have a backbone.
Koala bears
Porifera, cnidaria, and
Some mammals, like humans and are marsupials. Vocabulary Snails, squid, and clams are
worms are simple
whales, have little body hair. Like invertebrates. all .
birds, mammals are warm-blooded.
They generate their own body heat by Main Idea and Details What
Mollusks, echinoderms, characteristics identify birds?
burning food. and arthropods are
Mammals are divided into complex invertebrates. Main Idea Details
three subclasses: monotremes
A spiny anteater is a monotreme.
(MON•uh•treemz), marsupials
(mahr•SEW•pee•uhlz), and placental
mammals (pluh•SEN•tuhl). A All vertebrates have
backbones. Fish, Critical Thinking Some scientists think
monotreme is a mammal that lays dinosaurs were warm-blooded. How
amphibians, reptiles,
eggs. After the young hatch, they are birds, and mammals would this make dinosaurs more likely to
fed milk from their mothers. The duck- are vertebrates. be related to birds?
billed platypus and the spiny anteater
are members of this group. Test Prep Which animal group has the
least organized body plan?
A marsupial is a pouched mammal. Make a A flatworms
These mammals give birth to partially What do humans have in common
Study Guide B mollusks
developed offspring. They carry their with dogs, tigers, elephants, and C porifera
Make a Three-Tab Book.
developing young in a pouch on the whales? All are placental mammals. D reptiles
Use the titles shown. Tell
front of their bodies. Kangaroos and The young of a placental mammal what you learned about Test Prep Which of the following does
koala bears are marsupials. Most develops within its mother. Placental each topic on the tabs. not have bilateral symmetry?
monotremes and marsupials are found mammals are born more mature than
A worms
in Australia. the offspring of marsupials.
B fish
C mammals
A tiger is a D sponges
placental mammal. Quick Check
Main Idea and Details What Math Link Social Studies Link
characteristics are shared by Number of Beetles Australian Mammals
all mammals? Suppose about 350,000 different Research marsupials and monotremes.
Critical Thinking Why do beetles were identified. If 1,900,000 Find out why these animals are found
mammals need to consume total animals were identified, what mostly in Australia.
percent are beetles?
more food than reptiles?

58 -Review Summaries and quizzes online at 59


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