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Name: Romelia B. Cabello Score: ___________

Section Code: E100 Schedule: MW- 1:00-2:30


Preliminary Examination
Career Plan (Part I)

I. Career Interests
• I am just a simple young lady with an interest to become an Educator
one day. As far as I remember, no one could ever change my mind to
take other courses except this one. All I wanted is to teach as well as to
learn someday with my own students. I owe standing in front with well-lit
uniform—someone’s child will look after me, I am their role model with
the perseverance to go beyond limits and already achieved the life she
always dreamed of, I am really excited at times that waking up in the
morning and preparing things that is related to school is one thing that I
can do, and above all my career interest would focus by the way I can
foster and be an inspiration to every student.

II. Top Skills and Competencies

• Self-Confidence
- I have built my confidence long time ago it wasn’t easy as it can be
yet I know now that no one could ever take that away from me.
Apparently, I make mistakes but every time it occurs I make a way to
learn something from those shortcomings.
• Personal Motivation
- I make attainable yet challenging goals—with passion, patience, and
determination, explores these. I’ve always wanted to recognize my
small accomplishments and occasionally treat myself.
• Independence
- Without needing to be shown too often, I was able to work things out.
I always ensure to take control of my time and productivity and to be
vigilant to unexpected opportunities to participate appropriately.
• Creativeness
- Being creative, I embrace new opportunities. I appreciate what I do,
and I embrace who I am for it.
• Work well in a Team
- In order for my team to function as efficiently as possible, I can offer
a helping hand. I am able to share my ideas for the betterment of our
hard work and for me, it really makes the team work.

III. Type of Industry I Want to Work in

• The simpler the better. An Industry of course that is related to

IV. My Ideal Work Environment

• I always wanted to be part in an environment that can lead me to better
opportunities and can help me to strive harder to the goal I am aiming
for. An environment that surrounds beautiful people who can genuinely
inspires me to do well in work—people I can clearly rely on during tiring
days, people that turns out to be my co-worker and mentor at the same
time, and also a place I wanted to be part of my everyday living—an
environment surrounded to nature which I can embrace during stressful
weeks teaching diverse students. Moreover, I have the plan to go back
to my province which is in Ilocos Sur after I get my degree and work
there is what I wanted.

I. Career Option 1

a. Description:
• Police Officer

b. Pros:
i. How I wish I can also wear their uniform with firm and dignity.
ii. It can help me to overcome my fears.
c. Cons:
i. Die young or it is too risky.
ii. High expectation form others.

II. Career Option 2

a. Description:
• Flight Attendant

b. Pros:
i. No problem for my health insurance.
ii. Explores and discover beautiful places around the globe together
with my friends and family.
c. Cons:
i. Works away from my family.
ii. Afraid of heights.

III. Career Option 3

a. Description:
• Architect
b. Pros:
i. Well-respected Profession.
ii. Challenge your capabilities.
c. Cons:
i. Long hours to work.
ii. Stressful.


I. Chosen Career
• There are a lot of chances for me not to choose teaching as my
profession but literally I ended up taking this yet I am happy and
determined to pursue this one. Waking up early in the morning to fix
things and be ready for school all over again in my entire life is not a
kind of regret. I know I am in line with this one and I can make it this way
better. I know I can do it!

II. Short-term Goal (What is my short-term career goal and what do I need to do
to achieve this?)
• For now, that I am in a new environment and all of the things that I am
doing right now is a challenge for someone who has the goal to achieve.
My short-term goal in my life is to be vigilant at all times as I take the
path of somewhat making me independent.

III. Mid-term Goal / 2-3 yrs (What is my mid-term career goal and what do I need
to do to achieve this?)
• 2-3 years? I ‘ve already graduated and preparing myself to some stuff
that will enable me to be prepared for the licensure exam, I passed by
God’s permit. I have the License now and preparing my life to teach
diverse students and give them the knowledge they deserve.

IV. Long-term Goal / 5 yrs (What is my long-term career goal and what do I need
to do to achieve this?)
• I am working as a Public High School Teacher in my province and as a
stable in my position, getting ready to be promoted and waiting for my
doctorate degree to be as possible as it can be. And if God’s permit I will
be the next Principal in that school.


I. Area 1: Communication Skills

a. Activities Planned (2)

• Practice Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
• Joining groups and organizations that is aiming for speaking with
confidence in front of the crowd.
b. Start and Completion Date
c. Barriers (2)
II. Area 2: Knowledge

a. Activities Planned (2)

b. Start and Completion Date
c. Barriers (2)
III. Area 3: Accepting Feedback (Positive/ Negative)

a. Activities Planned (2)

• Practicing how to be calm at times that difficulties may occur.
b. Start and Completion Date
c. Barriers (2)

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