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Central Philippine University

College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education


Module 2 – The Learning Environment

NAME OF STUDENT: ______________________________ SCORE: ________________

COURSE & YEAR: ________________ SIGNATURE: __________________

1. Refer to the topic to understand the content of the different learning activity sheet for
Module 2.
2. Observe the class of your cooperating teacher.
3. Answer the content of this learning activity sheet.
4. Attach a picture for your weekly documentation of your class observation.
5. Convert your word file to PDF file for easy uploading and checking.
6. Refer to the Scoring Guide in answering this Learning Activity Sheet.

Topic 1: Fair Learning Environment

I. Observation Guide. Check the box that corresponds to your class observation and
answer the succeeding questions.

The teacher provides students opportunities to make
The teacher knows the students well.
The teacher provides a wide range of options from
which students can choose from in order to engage
in an activity.
The students are allowed to engage in a variety of
experiences to learn a new concept or skill.
The students are encouraged to express themselves.
The teacher extends the lesson so that all students
benefit from it.
The teacher utilizes various ways of determining how
students learn.
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education


1. What can you say about the learning environment?

2. How can the teacher further promote a fair learning environment?

Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

II. Processing. Answer the following questions:

1. What could have contributed to the presences or absence of a fair learning environment?

2. How does a fair learning environment affect the way children learn?
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

Topic 2. Management of Classroom Structure and Activities

I. Observation Guide. Interview your cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. What can you say about the online structure of your classroom?

2. What were the things that you have considered when you designed your online classroom?
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of set-up?
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

II. Processing. Based on what you have observed in class and the teacher’s
responses on the interview. Answer the following questions:

1.Do you think that the classroom structure is consistent with the teacher’s objectives? Why?
Why not?

2. How does the classroom set-up affect the student’s performance and learning?

3. If you were the teacher, what kind of classroom structure would you adopts to maximize
the students’ learning?
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

Topic 3. Strategies for Promoting Literacy and Numeracy

I. Observation Guide. Check the box that corresponds to what you have observed
in class.


1. The teacher tells the students of his or her

expectations after every activity.

2. The teacher recognizes the effort made by the

students who participate.

3. The virtual classroom is arranged in a way that the

students can see and communicate will with each

4. The teacher makes use of other materials as he or

she discusses the lesson.

5. The teacher makes use of various teaching strategies

to elicit the students’ participation.

6. The students are given the opportunity to discuss

their thoughts, ideas, and opinions with the whole
class or some classmates.
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

II. Processing. Answer the following questions:

1. How does the teacher encourage the students to participate actively in class?

2. What do you think is the best virtual classroom set-up to encourage the students to
engage in the activity?

3. What strategies should the teacher use to make the students participate in class?
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

Topic 4. Management of Learner Behavior

I. Observation Guide. Observe the teacher. Check the item that best describes the
learning environment.

1. Does the teacher expect the students to respond
according to how the lesson was taught?

2. Does the teacher provide the students with

opportunities to engage in activities of their choice?

3. Does the teacher provide immediate feedback like

praises or grades?

4. Is the virtual classroom environment arranged so

that the students can freely explore their interests?

5. Is the virtual classroom environment arranged so

that the students can easily collaborate?

6. Does the teacher provide students with

opportunities to succeed?

7. Does the teacher immediately correct the mistakes

make by the students?

8. Does the teacher guide the students to discover

their own mistakes?

9. Does the teacher allow the students to commit

mistakes until they are able to correct these errors
on their own?

10. Is the student-teacher relationship cordial?

11. Can the students freely express their thoughts and

ideas in class?

12. Does the teacher listen to the students’ ideas?

Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

II. Processing. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of classroom management does the teacher practice? Why?

2. Do you think that the management style that the teacher is using in class contributes to
the students’ learning? Why? Why not?

3. If your were the teacher, what management style would best maximize students’
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education


Please attach a screenshot/photo of you and your cooperating teacher in class with design
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

Reflection Questions for Module 2

After week 4 and 5 of classroom observation and completing the learning activity sheets for
Module 2, complete the following:

1. I realized that

2. I believe that

3. I feel that

4. When I become a teacher I will

Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

Scoring Guide per Topic (Learning Activity Sheet)

Score Description

30 points Answered correctly ALL the questions in the Learning Activity Sheet.

50 points Answered with correct grammar, organization of thoughts and coherence

of ideas.

10 points Indicated a documentation picture of the student with the cooperating

teacher observing the class with design

10 points Submitted the Learning Activity Sheet on time

Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education
Central Philippine University
College of Education
ACSCU-ACI Accredited, Level IV
Center of Development for Teacher Education

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